Breastfeeding how much should eat. How much should a newborn eat: feeding norms. Counting a single serving

A little colostrum is released after childbirth, but you should not worry. The little one won't be hungry because:

  • The stomach of a newborn is so small that it can hold only 10 ml. This is the amount of milk that a newborn should eat at one time, that is, in one feeding;
  • the first day the baby receives colostrum from the mother's breast - the most valuable product, the properties and benefits of which are irreplaceable, about 10 times;
  • how much milk a newborn needs, he regulates himself. An infant is able to eat 7-10 ml of colostrum at one time. Therefore, its daily norm is approximately 100 ml of milk;
  • the norm of one feeding for a newborn changes during the month, increasing literally every day.

Norm of feeding a newborn

The first days of the baby is recommended to breastfeed every hour, then on demand. When a baby is breastfed, everything is much easier. Mom can not count how much he ate milk. The amount eaten changes each feeding and depends on the needs of the crumbs. How much a newborn eats, he determines himself, and releases the mother's breast when he is full.

According to the recommendations of experts, keep the baby on the chest should be no more than 20 minutes. For some children, 10 minutes is enough, while others take a little longer. Looking closely at the baby, you will understand how much time he needs. By 2 months, the baby will already have its own regimen.

As a rule, babies up to 6 months spit up after feeding. This releases air and excess milk. The reason for this is the sphincter (flap) between the stomach and the esophagus, which is still poorly developed, and when overeating, the baby can burp not only the excess, but also everything that has just been eaten.

After a while, the baby will be hungry again and will ask for food again. Do not be surprised, this is completely normal, because his stomach is empty.

It is important for a mother to try not to overfeed her baby. To a greater extent, this applies to babies on mixtures. Therefore, each new mother it is useful to know how much a newborn should eat per feeding.

How much should a newborn eat?

“And how much mixture should a newborn eat?” - you ask. The volume of one-time feeding in infants and artificial is the same. The norm of milk for a newborn and a mixture of about 10 ml.

The baby who eats the mixture is fed strictly by the clock, eating at one time as much as the child should receive at his age. The number of feedings per day is eight times. If your baby eats less often, you can increase the one-time amount of formula.

If he hasn't eaten, don't be nervous. If the baby has good mood, he is cheerful, does not cry, does not look for a pacifier - that means everything is fine. Next time, he will make up for what he lacks by eating a little more.

The main thing is not to overfeed and observe the feeding regimen. Artists are more likely to recruit excess weight if mom breaks the rules.

Being overweight puts extra stress on skeletal system(back and legs), and it is more difficult for a child to learn to sit, crawl and walk. In addition, by overfeeding, you increase the risk of digestive and metabolic disorders. To prevent this, it is better for mom to learn how to calculate how much mixture to prepare in order to feed the baby once.

How much does a newborn eat per feeding?

Until the tenth day, the volume of the mixture is calculated by multiplying the number of days by 10. For example, an eight-day-old baby is supposed to eat 80 ml at a time.

Average a newborn eats at a time:

  • the first two days of life - 7 - 10 ml;
  • 3 - 4 days of life - 20 - 60 ml every 2 hours;
  • the first week of life - 50 - 80 ml every 2.5 hours;
  • the second week of life - 60 - 90 ml every 3 hours;
  • the third week of life - 70 - 100 ml every 3.5 hours.

Features of feeding newborns fed with a mixture

  1. Feed the baby with the mixture should be on the regimen.
  2. The recommended number of feedings is at least eight per day.
  3. Calculate the feeding rate. Make sure your baby doesn't overeat.
  4. Follow the recommendations and instructions on the packaging of the mixture.
  5. Between feedings, as needed, let's drink warm boiled water to the baby.
  6. Hold the bottle properly while feeding to prevent aerophagia (swallowing air while feeding), which can cause colic.
  7. Hold the baby upright for 10-15 minutes, he will spit up air and excess mixture.

Dear mothers! In the cares and worries about your baby, do not forget about yourself. The child needs healthy and strong mother who eats and rests on time. Otherwise, you risk losing milk, making a mistake when calculating the mixture, and getting a nervous breakdown.

How much should a bottle-fed baby eat after a month?

How much a newborn eats is already clear. How to calculate how much a child should eat at 1 month and beyond?

The baby is growing rapidly, and at the same time, his needs and opportunities. Knowing the daily food intake, you can easily calculate how much a child should eat at 2 months.

According to this formula, the volume of feeding in children from 1 to 12 months is calculated.

Daily rate nutrition in a formula-fed infant is:

  • up to 2 months - 1/5 of the weight, on average 700 - 750 ml;
  • from 2 to 4 months - 1/6 of the weight, on average 750 - 800 ml;
  • in the interval of 4 - 6 months - 1/7 of the weight, on average 800 - 900 ml;
  • older than 6 months - 1/8-1/9 part, on average 1000 - 1100 ml.

Let's take an example of how much a child should eat at 3 months.

Let's take a child weighing 5400 g. The daily food intake is calculated as 5400/6, it turns out 900 ml. three month old baby eats seven times a day. Having made a simple calculation (900/7), we get a one-time feeding volume for our child - 130 ml.

In the same way, you can very easily calculate how much a child should eat at 4 months, at 5 months, and so on up to a year.

If it’s hard for you to calculate or simply don’t have time, like most mothers, how many grams a newborn or baby should eat, you can look at the package with the mixture. It clearly indicates how much mixture to give, as well as how to properly prepare it.

As you can see, determine how much milk or milk substitute is required per single feeding, not very hard. It is important to look at your baby more often, talk to him. Then you can learn to understand your baby.

When a baby is breastfeeding, feeds on demand should be followed. Then your child will set the mode on their own. With age, it can be adjusted to be comfortable for both the baby and the mother.

A formula-feeding mother will need a little patience to adjust to formula-feeding and form correct mode food for your baby.

With the birth of a baby, a happy mother begins to worry about his nutrition. How much should a newborn eat at one feeding, does she have enough milk and is it too much for the baby's stomach? All these questions, no doubt, worry parents.

This topic does not lose its relevance today. Every woman who has children, at least once in her life, but thought about how much a newborn child should eat. Most often, the anxiety of a young mother is caused by the conclusion of a pediatrician. After examining the baby, doctors conclude that the baby is full or malnourished based on weight gain (or underweight).

It should be borne in mind that the main criterion for a pediatrician will indeed be a monthly increase of 600-800 g. However, this point of view is disputed by modern experts, since the issue of weight gain or underweight in a child should not be limited to only one indicator. Also today, the very essence of understanding and attitude to breastfeeding has changed radically.

It is difficult for a young mother to independently and comprehensively assess whether a newborn eats its norm or not. As a rule, it seems that the baby is malnourished, but it is still not worth rushing to supplement it. Properly organized breastfeeding provides the baby with a complete diet that he needs. Mothers of artificial children, of course, need to calculate the indicator of how much mixture a child should eat per feeding and per day.

Breastfeeding: first time

Physiologically, it is designed so that immediately after childbirth, a woman does not yet have milk. The child can only eat colostrum. On average, milk comes in 3-4 days. Of course, it seems to every mother that her baby is malnourished and remains hungry. This is a common misconception regarding not enough produced female body breast milk. It should be remembered that:

  1. The newborn is still poorly developed sucking reflex he must learn it. That is why the baby eats, as a rule, very little, sucks weakly at the breast.
  2. The first 3 days of feeding the baby eats colostrum, and it is certainly quite fatty and nutritious. It is produced by the female body in such a way as to ensure the supply of all the necessary vitamins and nutrients for the full life of the crumbs.
  3. The volume of the stomach of the newborn is still very small, so the child cannot eat much for. On average, this figure is no more than 10-12 ml, so about 8-10 ml of colostrum should also come in.
  4. In the first 2-3 days, the baby should eat 10-12 times a day, so in total he will eat about 100-110 ml of colostrum.

The most important thing that a nursing mother should always remember is that anxiety and excitement adversely affect lactation. It is necessary to ensure maximum calmness so that a woman arrives enough milk.

Rules for breastfeeding in the first 10 days

How much milk a newborn needs in the first days after birth directly depends on two factors: its weight and age. Every day the stomach of the crumbs grows, increases in size. The baby sucks more and more, a certain feeding schedule is developed.

Already literally on the second day, the child should drink 2 times more nutritious breast milk. Now he needs about 200-240 ml per day, that is, about 20 ml per feeding.

On the third day, about 30 ml of milk should be eaten by the child in order to eat. Thus, the daily rate will be about 300-340 ml.

The formula will look like this:

N (number of days from birth) * 10 = required amount of breast milk per feeding.

Age of the baby The amount of breast milk consumed per 1 feeding, ml The total amount of breast milk consumed per day, ml
3-4 days from 20 to 60 250-300
1 week from 50 to 80 400
2 weeks from 60 to 90 20% of the total weight of the child
1 month from 100 to 110 550-600
2 months from 120 to 150 800
3 months from 150 to 180 1/6 of the child's weight
4 months from 180 to 210 1/6 of the child's weight
5-6 months from 210 to 240 1/7 of the child's weight (about 800-1000)
7-12 months from 210 to 240 1/8-1/9 of the child's weight

A young mother should also calculate the amount of fluid consumed by the baby. The easiest way to do this is to use a medical scale. First you need to find out the weight of the child immediately before feeding and immediately after it. The difference between them will be the amount of milk drunk by the newborn at a time. However, it is necessary to repeat the weighing several times to obtain correct result about the approximate dose of milk that the baby consumes. Only after that it is already possible to draw a conclusion about whether the child completely sucks out his portion or not.

Breastfeeding: when and how?

The arrival of milk ends approximately on the tenth day of a child's life. IN given period time approximate quantity fluid consumed per day will be 1/5 of total weight baby.

The issue of newborn nutrition and weight gain is still controversial. However, most pediatricians agreed that the main thing is to feed the baby not by force and at the strictly allotted time for this (as they say, “by the clock”). Today, feeding “at will” is mainly recommended: when the newborn asks, then they apply it to the breast. Babies will require to eat an average of 10 to 12 times a day, the interval between meals can be from 1.5 to 2 hours.

A nursing mother should be prepared for the fact that the feeding process itself will take at least, and sometimes it can reach up to 40. It is not uncommon that the baby has literally drunk all the milk, but at the same time continues to suckle the breast. Maybe, of course, he is trying to get the last drops of his goodies, but, most likely, he just likes the process itself, it calms him down. Mom should not allow a newborn to suckle the breast for more than 1 hour.

Artificial feeding: what you need to know?

What is the norm of milk for a newborn was discussed above, but the same amount of mixture will be needed when artificial nutrition. The principles of organizing IW are fundamentally different from GW. What to do if the child is not accustomed to the breast, and feeding is carried out with the help of special mixtures?

The basic principles of correct IV:

  1. Diet. It is necessary to monitor how many times a day the baby eats. Its norm per day should be at least 8 times. This is just as important as how much food the baby consumes per 1 feeding and per day.
  2. Calculation of the norm of the mixture or milk. This criterion may vary depending on how often the baby eats. The volume of the mixture for 1 feeding can be increased if necessary, if the newborn child's diet includes the number of feedings less than the established norm.
  3. The basic rule, as with breastfeeding, is based on not overfeeding the baby. It should be noted how much the baby eats for 1 feeding and per day. It is much easier for him to suck milk or formula from the nipple than from the breast. Moreover, a few days after the birth, the baby is perfectly able to do this: the sucking reflex is developed quite strongly.
  4. How much mixture a newborn should eat can be seen on the package. As a rule, all manufacturers indicate in detail information on this issue, taking into account the age of the child and the required dose for 1 feeding.

Artificial feeding: we calculate the rate

In order not to overfeed the baby and not leave him hungry, you should correctly calculate the rate and know how many grams of the mixture you need. The following is a table with the calculation of the amount of food that a child should eat per day, taking into account his age.

Table of the daily norm of the mixture with IV by months

Based on these data, you can easily calculate how much a newborn should eat not only per day, but also per 1 meal. In this case, the total amount of the mixture should be divided by the number
feedings per day.

To organize food properly artificial feeding and calculate how much a newborn should eat for 1 feeding and per day, the following must be taken into account:

  1. If the baby's lunch (or any meal) is less than the recommended amount, he can be fed a little more next time. In general, the amount of formula or milk is calculated per day. Therefore, it is easy to compensate for the "half-eaten" volume of the mixture in the next feeding.
  2. The stomachs of newborns who are on the IV digest food much more slowly. It does not depend on whether they eat milk or formula. Based this fact it is necessary to increase the intervals of night meals up to 5-6 hours, during the day the interval is 2.5-3 hours.
  3. When a baby wakes up literally immediately after feeding and cries, you should not try to supplement him. Many mothers mistakenly believe that the baby is hungry. However, he most likely has a stomach ache. This is due to the fact that the child did not burp air. Mom can help him by simply supporting him vertically in her arms. When the extra air comes out (the baby burps), you can put him to bed again.
  4. If the mother knows how much the newborn eats normally, but he did not drink the entire amount, it is better to just give food a little later. When the baby is hungry, he will gladly finish what he left earlier.

Baby satiety: how to determine?

How much milk a newborn should eat has been discussed above, but the question remains how to determine his satiety. For attentive and loving mother, which takes care of the full development of its crumbs, this is very simple to do. It is enough to observe the behavior of the child. Here are the main signs that the baby is full:

  • the newborn is calm;
  • sleep sound and deep;
  • monthly there is a good weight gain, which corresponds to the norm;
  • breastfeeds regularly bladder and intestines (pissing and pooping).

A caring mother should remember that a milk baby can cry not only from hunger. Most often, a newborn is tormented by gases or colic. And this situation will only be exacerbated by overfeeding the baby. How much does a newborn eat? important criterion his diet, but there are other factors to consider.

If it is noticed that the child is excessively restless, sleeps very badly and the weight gain is very insignificant (compared to established norm), then the problem is nutrition. Maybe lactation has not been established correctly, little breast milk is being produced, or it is too “empty”, low-fat. The reason may be different, it is better to discuss this problem with the pediatrician. How full is the baby and is he getting good nutrition only a doctor can determine.

A few last words

How much a child should eat at 1 year or at 6 months of breast milk, which a six-month-old baby or a newborn will need, has been studied in detail. There may be many opinions and recommendations on this subject, but you should not blindly follow all the advice. For babies, there cannot be the same criteria and rules. All children are individual, each has its own character and needs. The main thing is that every mother should remain attentive and patient towards her baby, love and take care of him.

In addition, the calculated volume of breast milk and the amount of formula do not apply to other fluids consumed. Regardless of whether the baby is on IV or GV, it must be supplemented boiled water. This is especially true when summer comes and it gets very hot. If one year old baby can already ask for a drink on his own, then the newborn still does not know how to express his desires.

In general, the mother ceases to carefully monitor the nutrition of her child even when a certain regimen is developed. When feeding is included in noma, as a rule, the baby will eat exactly as much as he needs.

How much should a newborn eat? How to determine the sufficient level of milk during the first weeks of a baby's life? How often should he be fed and for how long? What are the signs that there is not enough milk? Experts in breastfeeding talk about the features of the norms and rules of feeding.

The question of the normalization of infant nutrition arises due to the lack of means for measuring it. How to understand if there is a lot of milk in the breast? And how much did the child master in one application? When feeding from a bottle, these parameters are easy to control, but there are no marks on the chest. Breastfeeding experts advise new mothers not to worry about how much a newborn eats. As long as the baby is healthy and gaining weight well, any rationing of his diet can only be very conditional.

Features of the first meal

At the moment the baby is born in the chest, the mother already has the first food for him. This valuable colostrum rich in immune factors and protein. The baby should receive it as early as possible, which is why the World Health Organization insists on attaching the baby to the mother's breast immediately after birth.

At the same time, the amount of colostrum in the breast, according to the mother, is very small. In the first hours, its volume per feeding can be only 1.5 grams. During the first or second day, the volume increases slightly, up to 30 grams for the baby's nutrition. And this amount is considered the norm for feeding a newborn.

After coming whole milk, which occurs on the 3-5th day from the moment the baby is born, the volume of his food increases. The amount of breast milk per day reaches a little more than 500 milliliters. A baby can eat such a volume only in a few doses, because his stomach is extremely small. Therefore, in the early days it may seem that the child is constantly "hanging" on his mother's chest.

This situation is typical, and allows you to answer the main questions about the norms of feeding newborns.

  • How much milk should a newborn eat? As much as he wants. The baby can kiss his mother to drink, it will take him no more than five minutes. Or maybe for a full-fledged "lunch", which may take from half an hour to fifty minutes. Each option pediatricians consider the norm.
  • How often to feed a newborn? As often as he needs. In the first days of life, it is physiologically necessary for a child to feel his mother nearby as often as possible. And the process of breast sucking is not only nutrition, but also communication with the outside world, an opportunity to calm down, warm up. The number of feedings can be 8-12 per day, but sometimes babies want to be under their mother's breasts more often, and this is also normal. Breastfeeding experts insist that the technique of feeding according to the regimen is unacceptable for children in the first days of life. In about a month, the baby will come to his own, individual regimen feedings, and their number will be reduced.
  • Why did the baby begin to ask for breasts more often? This happens during periods of so-called "growth spurts". In babies, they occur at the age of three and six weeks. At this time, the body is especially in dire need of food, because the intensity of the development of the skeleton and tissues increases. If the baby asks to eat more often, listen to him and do not refuse.
  • Why does the baby sleep for a long time and does not ask for food? The norm of milk for a newborn is determined by his physiological needs and temperament. Active crumbs quickly fill up and sleep little, calmer ones, on the contrary, sleep longer. The first weeks are characterized by eating according to a “bored” schedule: the baby identifies periods when he is applied to the breast more often, and rests at other times. Usually such periods occur in the evening, at night the baby can sleep up to 5 hours. It is considered normal if he wakes up at least 1 time per night. Feedings less than 8 times a day are also considered the norm, but with good set weight.

How to determine the norm

Pediatricians note that the nutritional norm for infants is determined by the infant himself. But the mother should carefully monitor the development of the crumbs. The fact that he gets enough food will tell the intensity of weight gain and growth of the baby, his general condition and features of urination, defecation.

Weight gain and height

Immediately after birth, a "metamorphosis" occurs with the child. He is born slightly "puffy", with a puffy face. Indeed, his tissues accumulated water during the period intrauterine life, and the body should get rid of this water. He also gets rid of the primary feces in the intestines - black or black-green meconium, which looks like tar.

The processes of primary cleansing are triggered by colostrum. Within 4 days, the baby loses weight. Its weight is reduced by 7-10%, which is allowed by pediatricians. From the end "point" of weight loss, then its set is calculated.

In order to accurately control how much to feed a newborn with breast milk and whether he receives enough food, it is important to remember the weight of the crumbs not at birth, but after the first “weight loss”.

The dynamics of weight gain is also individual. Moreover, more recently, the World Health Organization has adopted new standards.

  • 10-14 days . During this time, the child should regain the weight recorded at birth. This means that he is getting enough food.
  • 115-245 grams per week. This is how much a baby should gain in weight in the first 2 months of life. Previously, weight gain of 170-200 grams was considered acceptable, however, observations of pediatricians have shown the admissibility of less and more weight gain, which does not negatively affect the general condition of the baby.
  • 2.5 cm. This should be the increase in crumbs in growth. This parameter is fixed at birth and should only increase monthly.

General condition of the baby

The sufficiency of milk consumption is determined by the type and behavior of the baby. When the baby is healthy, he looks cheerful, screams loudly and intensely, cries. His skin is elastic and soft, when pressed, it instantly returns to its shape. The eyes look a little wet, and inner surface mouth - pink, shiny. This condition indicates that the child is receiving enough water and food from breastfeeding.

Urination, defecation

How much a newborn should eat, his stool can tell. According to pediatricians, this is the main criterion for assessing the norm, which can be used long before the first weighing. It is also important to control how many times a day the child pees. It is not necessary to regularly look into the diaper, it is enough to change them as they fill up and count the amount used.

  • 2 diapers per day. The norm for the first days of a baby's life. After birth, he pees little, as he practically does not receive liquid from colostrum. He doesn’t need it, so you shouldn’t solder the crumbs. During this period, the body gets rid of meconium, which is almost completely gone on the third day. And the baby's stool becomes yellowish-brown.
  • 6-10 diapers per day. This number of "panties" should be used by the baby from the fourth day of life. He begins to receive thinner breast milk, so he pees more often. The norm of bowel movements becomes 3-4 bowel movements per day, but pooping after each feeding is also considered normal. Therefore, you have to change diapers much more often.
  • 5-6 diapers per day. From about the tenth day of life, the work of the baby's digestive system becomes clearer, which affects the number of bowel movements. The baby may continue to poop after each meal or begin to do it less often, but at least three times a day.

Signs of a lack of milk

Experts international organization on breastfeeding "La Leche League" argue that the rate of feeding a newborn is purely individual. And if weight gain and growth occur within acceptable limits, the baby pees quite often and poops several times a day, there is no need to worry about the amount of food he has eaten.

The following factors should be cause for concern.

  • Reducing the number of soiled diapers. If the baby poops less than twice a day and wets less than 5 diapers, you should inform the pediatrician about this. Your breast milk may not be enough.
  • Increasing sleep duration. For babies of the first days of life, it is normal to “hang” on their mother all day long. While long and frequent sleep may indicate a deterioration in physical condition.
  • Lack of sucking. The baby may be under the breast, but instead of sucking, he falls asleep, and you do not hear how he swallows milk. This situation It is also dangerous if the baby does not receive enough food.
  • Continued weight loss. This process stops after the arrival of full-fledged milk, that is, it is permissible for a baby to lose weight no more than the first 3-5 days of life. If weight gain does not occur, and even more so, continued weight loss is observed, you should definitely contact your pediatrician.

The doctor analyzes not only the above factors, but also others. You can clarify the insufficiency of the child's food intake by general condition crumbs, appearance skin and mucous membranes, the elasticity of the fontanel, an increase or, conversely, a decrease in head circumference.

The solution to the problem of underweight is supplementary feeding. By recommendation World Organization health care, it should preferably be breast milk - mother or donor. Milk should be expressed, and the baby should be fed with a spoon, not a bottle.

If it is impossible to supplement with breast milk, a woman is recommended to supplement with a mixture.

Rules for the introduction of the mixture

  • Supplement after main feeding. The main food of the baby is breast milk, while the value of the mixture is secondary.
  • Spoon feed. By offering your baby formula from a bottle, you greatly simplify his task of “getting food”. Drinking formula from a bottle is easier than sucking breast milk. This creates a risk that the baby will completely refuse the breast.
  • Work on increasing lactation. Help frequent application baby to breast the best incentive increase in milk volume. Nature has created this mechanism to be self-regulating. How more baby drinks, the more milk comes. The process is especially intensive at night, so it is extremely important to maintain night feedings.
  • Remove supplements as soon as you see enough of your own milk. The highest quality formula will not replace the huge benefits for newborn breast milk. If there is no need to supplement, return to natural feeding.

According to lactation consultants, too much attention is paid to the problem of the norm of milk for a newborn. Young mothers are worried about the lack of food for the baby in their breasts, they are nervous. Because of this, milk really becomes less, and the baby cries more often, becomes restless.

A healthy appearance of the crumbs and normal weight gain indicate that everything is in order with your milk. Its amount is exactly what the child needs for full development. And the baby determines this amount himself during meals, so you should not limit the amount and time of putting the baby on the breast during the first days of life.


Newborn babies need to get enough breast milk and sleep regularly. During the first weeks of their lives, they, as a rule, only eat and sleep, which, in principle, is what they need for a full-fledged existence and normal development.

A nursing mother should exclude starchy foods from her diet.

Nursing mothers must first of all provide healthy milk to babies, so doctors strongly recommend that you follow a certain diet during breastfeeding.

The main thing is to exclude from your diet flour, sweet, salty, canned, as well as products containing a lot of dyes and additives in their composition. All of the above can adversely affect the properties of breast milk, leading to various diseases baby.

In order for the baby to grow and develop well, you need to take care not only of the quality of milk, but also of its doses. Moms should know how many times a day a child should be breastfed, what doses are optimal for a particular age?

How many times should you breastfeed your baby?

It should be noted right away that the first day after birth, the baby feeds on colostrum - a liquid from the mother's breast.

It is highly nutritious and loaded with a rich amount of micronutrients that are essential. Starting from the second day, normal breast milk is formed in a woman.

On the first day of life, the baby eats only up to 15 ml of breast milk, which is the absolute norm for him. On the second day, the amount of breast fluid consumed increases to 60-90 ml. For 3-4 days, the child can already eat up to 200-300 ml. So, the amount of milk consumed will increase over time. For example, to fully saturate the body for up to 2 months, it is enough for a baby to consume breast milk in a ratio of 1/5 of its weight.

On the first day of life, the baby eats up to 15 ml of breast milk.

The norm of breast milk for a newborn for one feeding

It is better to breastfeed while the baby needs it.

To better understand how much to give breast milk to a newborn in the first months of his life, we have prepared a table (daily rate):

As a rule, the child is breastfed until 6 months of age.

Some stop breastfeeding as early as 2-3 months different reasons, or, conversely, increase the duration to 1 year. Of course, it is much better to breastfeed your baby for as long as the baby requires. Talk to your doctor about this topic.

Norms by age: daily and one-time breastfeeding

As for the volume of breast milk, it varies depending on the age of the baby.

The larger and larger the baby, the more he should be given fluids for normal development. Consider in the table:

Age of the babyDaily intake (ml)Single consumption (ml)
1–2 weeks500–700 80–100
1–2 months700–900 110–140
3–4 months800–1000 140–160
5–6 months900–1000 160–180
6–9 months1000–1100 180–200
10–12 months1000–1200 200–240

It is primarily about the fluid consumed by the child.

If speaking about a baby under the age of 6 months, then it is advisable for him to give as much breast milk as indicated in the table. If a nursing mother fails to give the norm, then, for example, from 3-4 months you can gradually switch to mixed feeding , and by 6-7 months, replace it with an artificial one. At the same time, the rate of fluid intake, as indicated in the table, should be left.

From 3 months you can switch to mixed feeding.

Breastfeeding mothers should take care of breast hygiene.

  • Try to give your baby as much milk as pediatricians recommend.. All norms were indicated in the table.
  • Get ready for what the first weeks of life, the baby eats less breast milk, but frequent receptions . Older children should be given liquids less often, but more.
  • Pay attention to your baby while feeding. As a rule, he will let you know when he has had enough, and he will let go of the breast.
  • If the baby fell asleep, in your opinion, during feeding, then know that while he may continue to supply milk.
  • If the breast from which the child drinks milk is already empty, then offer the baby a second. Doctors advise giving breasts alternately during the day, so that in each.
  • Breastfeeding at night is a must, because it is in dark time days, the hormone prolactin is produced, which is useful for both the baby and his mother.
  • Breastfeeding mothers should take care of nipple hygiene, wash them after each feeding, apply special creams and lotions, as well as, if necessary, to deal with cracks. Otherwise, the baby may develop various diseases, including .
  • Breastfeeding mothers should follow a certain diet to make breast milk healthier.


For a baby to grow up healthy, he needs breast milk.

For a baby to grow up healthy and active, he needs breast milk. Be mindful of the quality and quantity of your breast milk, and remember to maintain your hygiene.

Video about breastfeeding

There is nothing better for a newborn baby than breast milk. It contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals that contribute to the formation of a strong immune system and the organism as a whole. Mother's milk is both food and drink, providing a complete diet for an infant. Therefore, it is so important to follow the rules and norms of feeding.

Amount of milk for a newborn

Thinking about how much milk a newborn eats, every young mother should understand that its amount depends on the age and weight of the child.

In the hospital, the baby is first applied to the mother's breast. A newborn baby in the first day of life sucks out very little colostrum - about 1.5 ml per feeding. First of all, this is due to the fact that he still does not know how to suckle the breast. However, the daily volume reaches normal limits due to the fact that the child can eat every 20-30 minutes.

After the appearance of milk in the mother's breast and the acquisition of suckling skills by the baby, the amount of milk consumed increases every day. So, on the second day, the baby eats about 20 ml per feeding, and on the tenth day - already 100 ml. Such intensive growth the amount of food should not scare mom. Starting from the tenth day, the amount of milk eaten stabilizes, and by the end of the first month of life it will be 100 ml at a time. The daily norm of milk for a newborn depends on the weight of the baby - at three weeks of life, it should be 1/5 of its own weight.

In the first month, most babies suckle their breasts 7-8 times a day. Sometimes babies are breastfed more often - up to 12 times. More frequent sucking is typical for periods jumps growth. The first such jump is observed at 2-3 weeks of life, the next - at 6 weeks. An exception to the rule is the mode in which the baby eats less than 8 times. However, with good weight gain, this should not cause alarm. Everyone has it baby produced individual schedule sucking, and by six months the number of feedings can be reduced to 6 times.

In the second month of life, the baby may refuse the eighth feeding, skipping night meals. In this period required rate milk for a newborn is 150 ml at a time. With the growth of the baby, the daily amount of food also increases. At the age of six months correct developing child eats 250-270 ml at a time.

Babies, quickly acquiring a sucking skill, actively suck only 10-15 minutes from the start of feeding. But some babies may still be under the breast for some time, using it as a pacifier. Doctors do not recommend keeping the baby at the breast for a long time. In order to determine how much milk a newborn eats, you can use baby electronic scales. It is necessary to weigh the baby before and after feeding, and the difference in weight will be the result.

Of course, chest mother's milk- the best food for newborns in the first year of life. But what if it disappeared early or if the available amount of milk for a newborn does not match his age and weight? Guided by grandmother's advice, some mothers begin to feed their babies with cow's or goat's milk.

Cow or goat milk for newborns?

At infants digestive system still imperfect. At the stage of final formation, it cannot produce all the necessary enzymes that contribute to the full absorption of food. That is why pediatricians advise feeding the baby with breast milk or adapted mixtures for up to six months.

If there is no breast milk, and infant formula is not credible, mothers sometimes try to feed their babies with pet milk.

When comparing cow's and goat's milk, for newborns, many choose the latter. And this is not unreasonable, because goat's milk has a number of advantages:

  • It rarely causes allergies in children, unlike cow;
  • It contains more calcium, potassium, vitamins B6 and A;
  • It is noted that children who consume goat's milk grow teeth faster;
  • Fatty acid goat milk are absorbed by the child better, in contrast to the acids of cow's milk;
  • In the composition of goat's milk, similarly to mother's milk, the amino acid taurine is present. It is thanks to her that the immunity of the child increases.

Despite the obvious benefits of goat's milk, doctors do not recommend giving it in the first year of a child's life.

Reasons not to give goat's milk to newborns

Definitely goat milk useful product with exceptional qualities. But there are a number of reasons why such milk is not recommended for newborns:

  • The composition of goat milk includes casein protein, which is not absorbed by the child's body, forming a dense clot in the child's stomach;
  • The high content of mineral salts puts a lot of stress on the baby's kidneys;
  • Little goat milk folic acid, which is necessary for the formation of red bodies in the blood;
  • It lacks vitamin D and iron;
  • The composition of goat's milk includes some acids that have a toxic effect on the child's fragile body;
  • The high fat content in goat's milk ensures its high calorie content, but at the same time it can be poorly digested by the stomach.

It is for these reasons that, despite the high value of this product, doctors do not recommend goat's milk for newborns and are advised to give preference to adapted infant formulas.

As mentioned above, you can drink goat's milk for a child starting from a year old. However, even in this case, caution should be exercised. Given its high fat content, at the first doses, milk must be diluted with boiled water in proportions of 1: 5 in order to adapt the baby's body to it. After this, it is necessary to observe the health of the child for several days. If everything is in order, the amount of water can be gradually reduced - and by the age of one and a half, the baby will be able to absorb whole goat's milk. If any type of allergy (cough, itching, rash) appears, goat milk should be discarded and not given for a month. After waiting, you can try again, but if the symptoms reappear, then never give your child goat's milk again. 4.9 out of 5 (24 votes)