How to grow long nails on your hands. How to grow your nails quickly at home. Intensive growth mask

How to quickly grow nails - this question is interested in every girl who wants to possess elegant and stylish marigolds. Manicure is one of the main elements of the image, and long nails already for a long time are a key trend of fashion.


Long nail health

It is stupid to ask girls, why grow long nails, because they look stylish, fashionable and elegant, so many beauties seek to add them to their image. However, not every girl can boast such wealth. Of course, the fashion solutions industry does not lag behind the main trends and has long suggested excellent option - Use of overhead plates. But, as none use them, but not to achieve natural beauty. Therefore, a lot of girls are decided to grow their natural nails of sufficient length.

It is worth noting that the modern rhythm of life puts many obstacles to the way to grow healthy long nails: while cooking, working at a computer, driving a car and other classes they are exposed to the external environment and mechanical damage. In addition, on the health of nail tissues affects incorrect nutrition, exposure to stress, lowered immunity and even violations of the internal organs and systems. You should prevent the occurrence of diseases and infections of nail and legs in time. IN natural conditions A complete update of healthy nail plates requires 1-2 months, and in the launched cases you can not care even for the year.

Nail growing requires systematic and comprehensive approach To all these factors.

What accelerates growth

What to be able to correctly grow natural nails should be dealt with in processes accompanying their growth and development.

  • On average nails grow by 1-2 mm per week. This is a natural pace, but it can be accelerated by various means: nutrient creams and oils, use of vitamin and mineral complexes, etc.
  • IN winter time The year growth rate of nails slows down. This is due, first of all, with a lack of vitamins (especially - E and D). Negative at this process affects the general weakening immune systemobserved in the cold months.
  • Acceleration of nail growth is observed in most women during pregnancy. This is partly due to hormonal changes in the body, accelerating many regeneration processes. But a big role, according to experts, has the fact that future mothers begin to fully and diverse - all organism systems, including skin, hair and nails, begin to get sufficient for health the amount of vitamins and minerals.


Often you can hear that long healthy nails are the result of a good heredity or a gift of nature. But in this statement there is only part of the truth. In fact, even girls with nails prone to fragility can lead them to the perfect or close to that condition. With proper care, your fingers will look great, regardless of any prerequisites.

However, it is not enough for this in a timely manner to squeeze and clean the nails. Complex care Behind the nail plates includes several basic rules:

  • First of all, it is assumed with all relying on nail processing. Before each procedure of staining and creating a Neil-art must be carried out edged manicurewhich includes the separation of the cuticle and giving the plates of the form. Careful attitude It requires not only to cut them correctly to the nails, but also get rid of the habit of dressing them or skin around. It's just unacceptable that the lady gnawed nails is ugly, nonhygienically increases the risk of intestinal infections and spoils the structure and shape nail plate.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to properly protect the plates from the external environment. The fact is that the porous nail structure allows them, like the skin, absorb substances on the surface. For this reason, it is important to use gloves when washing dishes, the use of chemicals, under the colored varnishes to apply the basic protective basis and in the frost to hide your hands into the gloves. During the same thing when the nails are free from the decor, you should "feed" them with the help of oils, creams, special cosmetics.
  • Third, but no less important item is observance hygienic requirements and recommendations. Using your personal set manicure tools - necessarily. Remember the need for their anti-infective processing not only after, but also before use.

Nail growth vitamins

As already mentioned, a large role in the formation of healthy and beautiful nails plays the presence of basic vitamins. You can fill their deficiency and quickly, adding the corresponding products to the diet:

  • Equality products, fish oil and liver contain a large amount of vitamin A. Also find it in fresh vegetables (especially in carrots, paprika and green onions).
  • Cereals, cutting products, dairy cereals and eggs are a source of vitamin B affecting the process of keratification (energization) plates;
  • Vitamin C rejuvenates tissue cells, prevents the yellowing of the nail plates. It is contained in lemon, forest berries, rosehip, sea buckthorn.
  • Vitamin E is, without which the growth of nails is simply impossible. It affects keratization, density of plates, natural glitter. In large quantities is contained in different oils, grains and cereals.
  • About the importance of calciums for growth and strengthening hair and nails is known to many. Affordable and saturated source - fermented milk products in all of their options.
  • Lack of iron leads to various problems in organism. Brush nails On the legs or hands it is often a signal about its lack of. The deficit is replenished with meat, apples, buckwheat porridge.

As a rule, the list of medicinal measures for the restoration of nails, dermatologists include the reception of vitamin and mineral complexes, allowing to fill the lack of one or more components without the need for accurate diagnostics.

What prevents nails to grow

It often happens that the girl keeps nail hygiene and carefully carry a manicure, and the nails still do not want to grow into length, crumble, go beyond or breaking. This is due to the fact that the plates still have a greater load under the influence active substances and coatings. To avoid this, follow the following recommendations:

  • Let nails relax. After a long wear of the varnish or repeated repainting, it is necessary to clean the plates and give them to recover using reinforcing procedures. It is also necessary to briefly squeeze the marigold from time to time - it is important for their health.
  • Use fatty and nutritional hands.
  • Choose a means for removing a manicure without acetone - it gradually destroys the nail cloth from the inside.
  • Giving the edges of the plates rounded form Allows you to set an exact direction of growth. To feed it better to use a soft fine-grained pylon. Movements are performed only in one direction at an angle to the inside of the nail.

How to grow nails in a week

It often happens that about an important event or need to go into the world, we will learn 1-2 weeks before the date. In front of many women, in this case, the question arises how to grow long nails in a week. The task only seems impossible, in fact there is an affordable solution. For this you need:

  1. Approximately the day before the start of the procedures, remove the old coating and give the nogot to relax. In the evening before bedtime, apply on the surface of the plates of iodine. You should not worry about the yellowness - it goes down after several hours of sleep. It is worth saying that this procedure is desirable to spend regularly, each time you take off the varnish, but not more than 2 times a week.
  2. Liquid vitamins in the tips of the fingers daily. The Aevit complex has been proven to be well established for these purposes.
  3. Baths. Good tool For the growth of nails, you can cook mixing 2 spoons of the Hypericum, chamomile, nettle and burdock. The collection is filled with 2 glasses hot water And it insists about half an hour. During this time, the decoction will be cooled, after which it should be chopped into it for 15-20 minutes and keep to complete cooling. To improve the effect, they are also advised to add a pair of iodine drops into water. The procedure is carried out daily.
  4. For those who do not trust folk remedies, and time does not own for waiting, there is a good cosmetology - "Smart Enamel." It is very simple to apply it - you need to cover the nails every day with one layer of this varnish. A minute before this is recommended to carry out a simple hygienic manicure. After a week, the marks will noticeably grow up and fixed.
  5. And do not forget about blood circulation. Massage of the pillows of fingers, joints, rubbing the palms. Most of each other significantly accelerates the processes of the development of nail plates, if you give it 3-4 minutes several times per day.

How to quickly grow broken nail

Do not fall under higher handIf the girl broke the nail - this is a launching and exaggerated, but life truth. Indeed, a breakdown of one of the plates can ruin any even the most unique manicure. In such a situation, there is a need to quickly restore the former shape and beauty. For this:

  1. Remove the varnish from all other nails. Saturated colors Only emphasize the difference, and the shorter will still have to shorten, so it is better to take a manicure again.
  2. Correct nail size under the length of the broken. Use the sawdust to the plates shape.
  3. After that, spend daily care that includes the strengthening and rehabilitation procedures specified in this article. Accompany the course rubbing castor or linen oil. With careful care, your fingers will return to the previous state in a week.

For a thorough step-by-step study of this procedure, you can familiarize yourself with numerous videos and photo speakers, demonstrating how to properly carry out such a manicure.

  • A good effect to accelerate the growth of nails gives a light massage of fingers. Here everything is very simple - you are stimulating the tissues of the skin and muscles, which increases blood circulation. And this, in turn, contributes to improving metabolic processes. The daily conduct of such an uncomplicated session has a good impact on the growth and health of the nails.
  • The process of keratification is well stimulated using parafinotherapy. To do this, apply melted candle wax or specially acquired cosmetic paraffin On the surface of the plates and cuticle. This procedure It has a similar effect with massage - blood supply is enhanced, cells are saturated with oxygen.
  • Nail baths are a kind of means from all troubles: they are used to restore, strengthen and treat nails. The fact is that water, along with fats, is one of the main compounds necessary for the energization and growth of nail plates. No wonder the people are believed that nails grow in water. This is true: to improve their condition, it is enough to immerse your fingers in warm water for 10-15 minutes daily. Even more useful will add marine salt, herbal decoctions and essential oils. After holding such a spa for your fingers, be sure to treat them with a nutrient cream.
  • Extremely effective and partly exotic way is the use of liquid vitamin mixtures. Vitamin E. Vitamin E is the most popular among them. The application method is extremely simple - the remedy should be molded into the surface. If you find the drug in the nearest pharmacy failed, you can use for such purposes a standard medical iodine applied thin layer. The yellowness should not be afraid - if you paint the nails with iodine before bedtime, then by the morning everything comes itself.
  • Help in hardening and acceleration of growth will help the nail mask prepared at home. To do this, it is necessary to mix for 1 h. Cream of children's and red pepper with 40-50 drops of water. The mixture is heated in a water bath, and is superimposed on the fingers.

Folk recipes

Experience accumulated folk healers And beautiful, better than anyone else tells how to strengthen the nails, stimulate their development and maintain a natural shine.

  • A tool based on black currant. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. Flour, black currant and half spoons of fatty cream. Thoroughly crowded. The resulting porch impose on the nails, and to put on the gloves on top (preferably - from cotton fabric). Leave for two hours and then remove with a cotton disk.
  • Balsam from chamomile flowers and linden. Take 2 tablespoons of chamomile and linden color. Heat 100 ml of olive oil (if not, plant is suitable), add chopped flowers there, bring to a boil and cook, stirring, 10-20 minutes. The resulting mixture is allowed to cool up to 30-40˚ C and apply to your nails. Top to put on fabric gloves. After 15 minutes, remove the tool using the wool.
  • A mixture of speckled leaves and dandelion. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. Both herbs, plus the same curd and half a cup of water. Heat the water, pour the collection and insist for two hours. Then boiled herbs squeeze and mix thoroughly with cottage cheese. The resulting consideration is applied for 20-30 minutes.


For those who do not want to spend time on the preparation of money and mixtures, or simply considers it ineffective, there is big choice Cosmetology preparations that can be bought in a nearby store:

  • Nail Grooth Booster from the famous Swedish Oriflame brand. According to the manufacturer's allegations, external improvement You can achieve in two days, and after you will see that your nails have noticeably grown. The tool levels the aqueous-alkaline balance, and, due to the presence of vitamins C and E, prevents the bundle and peeling of the nail layers. Applied to the purified surface of the nail and cuticle.
  • French Cosmetic Brand Aurelia has a wide range of funds in its assortment therapeutic manicure And, in particular, the drug to accelerate their growth. The main components of these drugs are mineral substances and compounds necessary to improve the coratization process, strengthening the beds and plates.
  • The Light Concept Nails trademark offers Nail Builder - a professional natural agent created for rehabilitation and rehabilitation of nails. This varnish is applied once a day, and after reaching a noticeable result, 1-2 times a week.
  • The famous European brand Sophin offers the Nail Hardener product, the basis of which is keratin. It stimulates the processes of tissue either in the nail bed and, thus, significantly accelerates growth.

A woman is just obliged to follow the beauty of his hands, otherwise all efforts to create an ideal image will come to "no". Beautiful manicure is aesthetically attractive, while the sloppy and unclear nails are able to forever scare away from you the interlocutor.

In some cases simple manicure not enough, because sometimes you want to appear as seductive or fate womanAnd this image requires long nails. But how to be, if we grow natural long nails does not work because of the lack of time or constant exposure to external factors, and the hands should be perfect for the other day? The article will tell how to grow nails for 1 day by 2 cm and more at home.

How to quickly grow nails at home

We will not deceive: to grow long nails in a couple of days is simply unrealistic, because it contradicts all the laws of human physiology. For rapid growth of nails, it is necessary to establish a full nutrition, take vitamins and fencing nail plates From the effects of frost and household chemicals, and all this needs time.

Even the use of special masks and baths aimed at enhancing the blood circulation of nails will give the result at least after 1 week and nothing before. But quickly give the hands sophisticated and feminine is still possible! And now we will tell you how to do it.

Suppose you have a nose important date And you should look just stunning. Already prepared outfit and bought decorations, but all the sight spoil nails. How to be? How can you grow nails for 1 day? Have you ever threw the idea to conquer those surrounding long nails? Then resort to verified female secrets and tricks.

If you have extra money, and you are painless for your wallet you can spend them on your needs, then boldly sign up in the beauty salon and make nail extension with gel or acrylic. Specialists will take into account all the nuances and in the shortest period will make your handles to the subject of pride.

But here there are your underwater stones: the process of increasing a fairly costly event, and even consider that once threw the nails, you will be obliged to make a constant correction, and we also need money. Even take off gel nails just not succeed so if you do it at home, then sure to damage the nail plates, and salon Procedure Requires financial costs again. And if you are not ready for this, increase your nails on your own, at home!

Perhaps time to the salon is missing, but have you tried to increase your nails with professional tools and equipment? Then, familiar with this, you will do everything right and beautiful. And if you never did independent extension, then we recommend gluing overhead nails.

How to grow nails quickly: Overhead manicure

To work, you will need:

  • standard manicure set;
  • degreaser;
  • protective lacquer for the base under glue;
  • set of nails;
  • special glue;
  • hot water required for plastic softening;
  • napkins.

The importance of the right choice

It is very important to choose high-quality false nails that will apply natural nail plates minimum harm. Experts recommend purchasing sets from manufacturers such as Pretty Women and Broadway Nails, because they are quite safe, and in addition, they are tested with long-term use in Europe.

Another nuance: Overhead nails will be able to securely stay only on high-quality glue! Leading manufacturers regularly try to improve the composition of the glue, approaching perfect formulawhich would not only guarantee the strength of gluing, but also cared for nails. So do not save on the glue!

Specialized stores will probably offer you the widest range of overhead nails. You can choose typuses of a natural shade or already painted into a specific color. If you like the decor on the nails, pay attention to the artificial plates with rhinestones and patterns.

Be sure to follow the nail size to match your nail plates and the thickness of the fingers. Excellent that today you can choose nails of any bend and different lengthsthat is also a guarantee of the perfect result.

Important: Before sticking the nails, make sure that the natural nail plate is not damaged, otherwise the likelihood of nail infection with viruses or infections will increase!

Stages of gluing

Let's start with the fact that it is first important to ensure the maximum and equal care for hands hands. So, proceed: remove old varnish, We make a bath for hands and nails. Then carefully and carefully remove the area of \u200b\u200bthe cuticle and process the nail plates with a sawmill, giving them aesthetic form.


Council: Please note that glue usually dries very quickly, so the gluing process does not tolerate slowness.

There are typuses with an adhesive layer already applied. This significantly speeds up the process, but such nails usually hold much worse. This is so simple way to grow nails at home for 1 day. Yes it's not natural manicureBut how beautiful and bright!

If something went wrong during the work and the nails are not glued, then most likely you have acquired poor-quality raw materials, which is why we recommend paying special attention to this.

After gluing, you can feel some discomfort, but this condition will quickly pass, and you will get used to. Now you can deal with the decoration of nails. Some girls draw on the nails with a needle and even toothpicks! And if you are not a supporter of experiments, buy a set of special brushes and sticks in advance. At the end of the Neil-Design, do not forget to cover the nails with a fixing layer of transparent varnish. Tips for proper application varnish.

Sometimes it may be necessary to shorten artificial nails. You can do this with the help of scissors and saws with small grains, but still it is better to immediately glue the tips of the selected length.

How to care for the braised nails

If you are all done correctly, the glued nails will last you have up to 2 weeks, even if you continue to keep the previous lifestyle. But even if you bought the highest-quality nails and glued them with qualitatively, after a while the natural plate will grow, and the view of the manicure will become nonesthetical. In addition, yours natural nails It will clearly miss oxygen and nutrientsWhat will lead to fragility and separation, so the nails still have to be carefully removed.

To grow little nails at home, it is also important right:

  • do not use the solvents based on acetone to remove the varnish, otherwise there is a possibility to dissolve plastic;
  • if a artificial Nailing Lost clutch with glue and began to move, direct a layer of hot air from the hair dryer, thanks to which glue will warm up, and you will only have to press the tight and fix it in the right place;
  • work on the household in Latex protective gloves.

As you can see, it is possible to quickly grow your nails at home for 1 day, but it is important to consider that natural nail plates will still have to give time for restoration, because minor damage and dystrophy plates are inevitable.

If you wish to learn how to quickly grow nails, it is better to get acquainted with the factors that affect their health. There are a lot of money that will help to improve the condition of the skin, hair, nail plates. These include special cosmetic and medical preparations, as well as healthy nutrition. You can use them at home.

Today, any woman can afford to have beautiful well-groomed hands With impeccable manicure, which is a sign of aristocracy and femininity. This will not require high time and strength.

If you start intense care, the first results will manifest after 3 to 4 days. Secrets of a beautiful manicure there is a lot

There are only two options for long nails:

  1. The first assumes the growing of their natural length.
  2. The second option is an extension procedure that is performed using complex chemical compounds - Acrylic and gel. Extension produces a master in the beauty salon. This method makes manicure durable. A woman has the opportunity to choose a length and shape.

The extension procedure has a lot of flaws. After it, it is necessary every 3 to 4 weeks to make a correction that cannot be performed independently at home. Due to this, such a manicure is expensive pleasure.

Extension is very detrimental effect on the health of its own nail plates. Sooner or later, such a manicure will have to be removed fairly radical way - spilling with a high abrasive saw.

This procedure is painful. After extension, his nails look relaxed, have a yellowish tint, go.

Own long nails look much natural and more beautiful than extensive. Some of nature have a very strong manicure. And some for a long time are looking for the answer to the question "How to quickly grow nails?", Try many funds that do not give desired effect. The fact is that the condition of the hair, nails, the skin is laid by nature. Their beauty depends on many chemical processeswhich occur in the body.

At the same time, care even for nodules weakened by nature at home can give nice results. Any girl can have a beautiful long manicure, which will be a manifestation of her style and individuality. You can select varnish colors that will harmoniously combine with clothes. Especially popular is the drawing of the drawing for the entire length of the nail plate. Today there is a whole hand care industry.

It is important to understand that the length of the nail plates should be moderate. If they are too long, then such hands will look vulgar. It is very important to take into account the flower gamut in the manicure. The rules of etiquette are prohibited to apply too bright lacquer shades during the daytime. Red nails do not combine with business style clothes, but will be appropriate for evening events.

Therefore, before growing nails, it is necessary to analyze your style to understand how harmoniously such a manicure will be combined with your way.

Rules of daily nail care rules

To have a beautiful manicure, it is very important to protect your hands from mechanical load and exposure chemical substances. Any homework Must be performed in protective gloves. It is very important to limit the long contact of the hands with water, which softens the nail structure by reducing its strength.

Every 3 - 4 days need to be given right shape Nails with a sawmill. Glass and ceramic pills are considered the best. The latter enriches nail minerals, the beauty of the manicure directly depends on the content of the organism. It is necessary to properly select the appropriate abrasiveness of this tool to give the form. Too rough tool can injure nails.

There are many disputes about whether or not to cut the cuticle. This process It is very difficult to spend at home, because there is a risk of injury to the finger. But at the same time, the removal of the cuticle accelerates the growth of the nail. The safest way to carry out the procedure is to buy a special remedy for removing cuticle based on cosmetic oils, unpack your hands in warm water, apply an emulsion, after which we carefully remove the thrust skin from the bottom of the nail with a wooden stick.

Often, the skin and its derivatives acquire an unhealthy view with a lack of substances such as calcium, zinc, iron, vitamins B12, C and A. It is very important to include in daily diet Products that contain these substances.

Today, there are special vitamin and mineral beauty kits that, in addition to the above components, contain others, no less important substances that help not only keep beauty, but also to strengthen health.

Should be avoided nerve stress And abandon the bad habits - the use of alcoholic and tobacco products, since they primarily have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, hair and the overall appearance.

Masks and nail growth baths

Strengthening nails

At home can be used special masks And the baths to give a beautiful appearance of the hands. One of the most simple ways - Immersion of hands in a solution with a sea salt. It saturates nails with minerals, due to which their growth is accelerated and strength increases. With mechanical exposure, the manicure will remain intact. Baths with sea salt should be taken every 4 - 5 days for 20 minutes.

Very popular is a bath from oils. For its preparation, take the following ingredients:

All oils must be mixed and heat in a water bath to a warm state. After that, the warm solution needs to add iodine and mix it well. You should not comply with this procedure more often than once every 10 days. Hold your hands in the bath should be up to 30 minutes. After the second procedure, there is a noticeable acceleration of nail growth.

Removing the yellow laid

Yellow nail plate significantly worsens the overall appearance of hands. Certrical juice will help to cope with this problem. For such a mask, you need to take the juice of half of the lemon and dissolve it in 100 milliliters of water, after which it is for 10 minutes to immerse your fingers into the solution. Lemon juice Whiten of the nail plate and will nourish it with vitamin C.

Strong effect has a mask based on conventional cream for hands. For it, take the following ingredients:

  • 50 grams of hand cream or children's cream;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A (Retinol);
  • 5 drops of vitamin B6;
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

All components need to mix and apply rubbing movements. After that, you need to wear cotton gloves and leave a mask for the whole night. In the morning residues nutrient mask gently wash away ordinary water and wipe the surface of the hands and nails thermal water. The result from the procedure will be noticeable for the second day. It should be repeated until the desired length of the nail plate is achieved.

Long nails are very beautiful. Today, many fashionists try various means that allow you to lengthen the nail plate. First of all, the beauty of the manicure depends on the state of the body. If there is a lack of vitamins and minerals, the nails will be yellow, brittle and keen. In this case, it is recommended to take special preparations that are saturated with calcium, zinc, vitamins B and A.

If you are a fan of graceful, long and stylish marigolds, then you probably dream of growing your own long nails. And it is right, because natural beauty is always in honor, and your own, natural, long nails today at the peak of fashion.

Many girls and women dream of healthy marigolds, because beautiful long nails not only give hands well-groomed speciesBut also help create the selected image. However, to grow natural long nails for an active, business woman today, unfortunately, very difficult: permanent stress, modern rhythm of life, nutrition "on an ambulance", affect the state of our marigolds the best wayTherefore, in order to look stylish, many of the women prefer to build them.

Therefore, we suggest you pay special attention to the next next tips with which you will learn how to quickly grow your nails at home, how to maintain their beauty, and what nail vitamins will allow you to always be the owner of long, healthy and strong marigolds.

How to quickly grow nails?

Nail extension services The modern beauty industry has made ordinary things, even in special salons, at least at home. However, not all women wish to have artificially extensive nails. And their natural true form and health is able to charm any man - this is a fact. And here are some more interesting facts About nails:

  1. Scientists found out that the nails on the hands would grow in a week by 1-2 mm. Naturally, this natural pace is depending on a number of factors: if you eat correctly, feed the marigold with vitamins and minerals, exercise correct care Behind the nails, and so on.
  2. In addition, in winter, nails grow much slower than in summer. Are associated with such changes with the number of vitamins consumed, namely the receipt of the nail plate in a sufficient amount of vitamin D.
  3. Nails in pregnant women grow faster. Hormonal changes have a special impact on this high-speed growth. Not a small merit in this also has the acquisition by the body of additional vitamins and good nutrition Future moms. After all, in order to quickly grow nails, in the diet just should include products that are rich in vitamin D, zinc, calcium and fatty acids, such as "Omega-3".

What should be nail care to quickly grow nails at home?

According to many, healthy natural long nails are the result of a good heredity or a gift from nature. However, girls with nails are bad "from nature", which made a lot of effort to their recovery and beauty, and achieved positive resultIt is unlikely to agree with this statement.

After all, it is not possible to periodically cut and not enough nails. They, like other favorite parts of the body, must be holly and cherished, and regularly and if possible, professionally, well, or at least, right. Healthy nails require healthy care.

  • Firstly, an important stage Care is right manicure. Healthy nails will not be left for a long time if they are thoughtlessly to maintain in different directions and on the sides, sprinkling the skin around the teeth around and stretching the cuticulus to the blood.
  • Secondly, Nails, like hair, porous structure, they absorb substances from the surface of the nail plate. Therefore, they should be preserved from harmful liquids, protect gloves, to take a break from decorative coatings, less likely to apply "poisonous" colored varnishes, especially without the base under varnish. Nogot needs to regularly "feed", with oils, creams and using special strengthening varnishes.
  • ThirdlyIt is impossible to have beautiful, smooth, smooth, strong - healthy nails, if you do not comply with the elementary rules of hygiene: get the individual, personal set of manicure tools and do not forget to process them disinfectants Each time before and after the next use. And then your marigolds will always delight you and cause a feeling of pride.

In the question of how to quickly repel the nails at home the following recommendations will help:

  • Council First. Massage of fingers is beneficial to the growth of nails. It accelerates blood circulation in the tips of the fingers, which provides a large influx of blood to the nail plates. And accordingly, than blood is more, the more and all kinds of beneficial substances will receive your marigold. To quickly grow nails to make such a massage required every evening.
  • Tip Second. The same effect of height acceleration has paraffin therapy. This procedure is considered to be the most efficient way to quickly grow nails. To conduct parafinotherapy sessions, it is necessary to apply molten wax or cosmetic paraffin on the nails and cuticle. Action from applying paraffin to the nails are akin to the massage of the fingers: active stimulation of blood circulation in the fingers, an abundant oxygen inflow and increased nail food with useful substances.
  • Council Third. Incredible benefits also have nail baths. Nail loves to love moisture, so it's just enough to dip them in the water and soon you will notice that your nails began to grow much faster. To increase the effect, as well as add the nails of the fortress and health in the nails bath, you need to add some lemon olive and oil. For additional strengthening, combating the problems of fragility, the fragility of nails in the bath is added a little sea salt. It is necessary to dip the hands into the solution for a minute by 3-5, after the completion of the procedure, wash your hands with water should not, otherwise, all absorbed substances are screwed down with leather and nails. Just blot your hands with a clean dry napkin. Baths using sea salt are accepted for 20 minutes. And then be sure to nails and the skin of the hands nutritious cream.
  • Fourth Council. Very comfortable and useful for how to quickly grow nails at home are nail vitamins (more about them we will tell below). Liquid vitamin E is easy to find in pharmacy network And it is not expensive. It is simply rubbed into clean nails, preferably sparkled or twisted. If you do not get vitamin E, use the usual iodine for these purposes. Apply it with a tassel like a simple varnish and not be afraid of ugly yellow TintIf you do it in the evening, before bedtime, then in the morning the yellowness will completely come down.
  • Council Fifth. A good tool how to quickly repel the nails at home is a homemade cream accelerating their growth. It is mixed at half a teaspoon of red pepper and children's cream. Add to a mixture of 20 drops of water and heated the remedy in the water bath. And giving a little cool, apply the resulting mixture on the nails.
  • Council Six. Look at your nails if they are brittle and dry, it means that your body lacks fats. And, therefore, they must be included in the diet. This is the best way to carry out the use of more vegetable fats, vegetables, fruits and liver. In addition, it contains a lot of vitamin A, accelerating the growth of nails.
  • Seventh Council. To grow natural long nails do not neglect using various cosmetics, carrying out nails. After all, even a simple decorative lacquer will help keep your marigolds in excellent condition, strengthening them with an extra layer, and protecting from damage and negative impact from outside.

Home Recipes for Nailing Growth Acceleration

Recipe number 1. Make warm baths with iodine and usual cook Sali.. Take 0.5 liters of water and warm, dissolve 2 tbsp. Spoons of salt, and then add 10 days of iodine to the bath. About 15 minutes hold in a solution of hands. The bath will help strengthen the nails and speed up their growth.

Recipe number 2. Lemon juice has a very beneficial effect on accelerated growth Nail, strengthening their structure. To do this, lubricate your nails with lemon juice, or hold a couple of minutes in his pulp. Upon completion of the procedure, be sure to lubricate the nails with a nutrient cream.

Recipe number 3. Ointment for intense growth of nails. Prepare ointment using 40 ml calendula oil, one boiled boiled yolk chicken egg and 5 g of beeswax. First, heat the wax on the water bath, until complete dissolution. Then add calendula oil and a crushed yolk to it, continuing to warm the ointment in a water bath, interfere with periodically. When the mixture thickens, becoming similar to the sour cream - ointment. This remedy must be rubbed into the nails before bedtime.

Recipe number 4. Nail growth cream. Nail growth can be slightly accelerated if you use cream made of 30 ml of aloe juice, 2 tbsp. Spoons of cream, sea buckthorn oils, burdens and calendula - 40 drops of each. Mix all the components and cream carefully. It must be rubbed into the nail plates and cuticle.

Recipe number 5. We have already said that the sea salt is a magnificent means for growing and strengthening the nails, and if iodine add to salt bath, the effect will increase, special if you repeat the procedure 2-3 times. Dilute 20 grams. Salts are two glasses of warm water, and add 3-4 drops of iodine. For 15 minutes, lower the hand into the solution.

Recipe number 6. Soda baths Also good for nails: 1 tbsp. A spoon of soda is diluted in 1 cup of warm water, along with several drops of iodine. In the bath, the hands hold 10-15 minutes, and after lubricate with cream or olive oil. It is also recommended to conduct a procedure several times a week.

Recipe number 7. Help grow natural long nails can oil baths: in heated any vegetable oil (Almond, Olive, Castor, etc.) Add a few yoda droplets and as much glycerin. For 20 minutes, lower the fingertips in this oil SolutionAnd then blot your hands with a napkin.

Recipe number 8. Nail massage should be carried out regularly, preferably daily. Carefully massaging the cuticle, the root of the nail plate has its own fingers, use almond or olive oil, or simply available nutrient cream. As a result, the nails will stop laying out, and will grow faster. Full massage Your nails are obtained by yourself, with regular printing on the keyboard, a game on piano, and the like. But in this case, we should not forget about their strengthening, to the nails on the fingers that you actively work, do not deform, wrapped under constant pressure.

Recipe number 9. Excellent tool Strengthening the nail plate is the so-called "smart enamel". Simply put, this medical lacquerThe function of which includes strengthening and accelerating the growth of nails. You can purchase a remedy at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. As a rule, enamel this colorless, and therefore is excellent for use for the base floor decorative lacquer.

Recipe number 10. And of course, as already mentioned earlier, nails need high-quality meals, so be sure to ensure that your diet turns on the products that are rich in calcium, iron, vitamins, in particular cottage cheese, cheese, nuts and other products on which we will stay more .

Minerals and Nail Vitamins

When the nails are fragile and dry, and the edges of the nail plate are thickened - it says, as a rule, a shortage in the body of vitamins A and E, and such minerals, like iodine, magnesium and calcium.

Vitamins to strengthen nails a and e - are fat soluble, therefore it is impossible to deprive their own fat organism, especially butter. Be sure to eat fatty cold water, pork and chicken liver, fresh fruits and vegetables, cheese and eggs. Take a pharmacy vitamin A - Retinol, it is possible only on the recommendation of the doctor, because its excess can bring serious harm to the body.

Vitamin E. - Vitamin A. devotee. Together, this couple is better absorbed and works in the body at times more efficiently. Contains vitamin E in nuts and seeds, cereal crops and vegetable oils, egg yolk, milk, legumes, green salad, etc.

Calcium in the abundance is contained in equal milk products, cheese, meat, fish and seafood, different types Cabbage, eggs, spinach and legumes, nuts and figs. The best assimilation of the trace element promotes vitamin D, by the way, and for the growth of nails it is very important vitamin.

Vitamin D. Contained in fish, especially in its liver, in milk, oil, cottage cheese and cheese. It is well absorbed, but under the action of ultraviolet, sun ray Its large part in the body is produced.

Iodine - This is, of course, seafood: sea cabbage, fish and mollusks. A little iodine is in a green salad, spinage, carrots, champignons, milk and pineapples.

Magnesium enters the body in the required quantity, if you eat legumes, seeds and nuts, cheeses, cereals, potatoes, kolrabi and green bell pepper, poultry meat, bread from rude flour, bananas and blackberries.

As you can see, the same products contain at the same time many minerals and vitamins to strengthen the nails, so if you wish, it is not difficult to balance your diet at all.

Highly an important element For nails is silicon, also available in many plants. If there are not enough silicon in the body, the nails lose their elasticity very quickly and become fragile.

Silicon contained in plant productswho are rich in cellulose: oat flakes, Bran, black bread, coarse flour. It is also in celery, dandelion leaves, onion, oen, sour milk, radish, sunflower seeds, tomatoes and turnips. IN the greatest quantity It is found in the following herbs: Horsetail, Picker, Highlander Bird, Dogger Pharmacy, Medicarian, Nervice, Square and Mother-and-Steer.

If your nails are laying, and on their surface recesses appear in the form of points, white specks, or even the fungus begins, and develop bacterial infections - then your body suffers from a lack of vitamin A, vitamin C, and a lack of zinc.

Vitamin C - In the abundance arrives in citrus, potatoes, tomatoes. Its absolutely in any berries, fruits and vegetables with bright color, and, of course, in greens. So that the nails receive an additional, "shock" portion of vitamin C, they need to be immersed in lemon flesh - so you strengthen the nails and make them lighter.

Zinc It is contained in grain and leguminous cultures, nuts, seafood, onions-oen and greens.

When your nails become dull, they acquire a yellowish gray shade, grooves or stripes appear on them, this indicates a lack of vitamins B5, RR and selenium in the body.

On the Vitamin B5. Generies of cereals, bran, offal, chicken meat and eggs, broccoli, yeast. It should be said that all vitamins of group B are very important for women's health - they are in nuts, seeds and mushrooms.

A nicotinic acid - Vitamin RR, enters the body all of the same nuts and seeds, yeast, white mushrooms, brown rice, eggs and milk, meat and fish.

Selenium Available in offal, olives, eggs, black currant, seaweed, Bran, garlic. It is from the village that the shine and smoothness of the nails depends.

Concave I. thin nails With an uneven surface, unhealthy color means that your body is needed iron.

For gland The main sources are: meat and bird, liver, tuna, oats, peas, bean, cabbage and zucchini, berries (especially blueberries and raspberries) and all fruits. Iron is best absorbed with fluorine and vitamin C.

Fluorine Available in: Fish and shrimp, meat, eggs, milk, croups, tea, potatoes, spinage and onions, nuts, apples and grapefruits.

Sulfur shortage provokes nail deformation.

Sulfur Provided by fresh salads, cabbage, eggplants, onions, garlic, oatmeal and buckwheat.

Vitamin N. - Biotin is very important for nails, and in general for the beauty of a woman. It is in meat, liver and kidney animals, the heart of bull, fish, eggs, milk and cheese. Biotin is rich and many plants.

Gelatin - an element that will help to avoid the brittleness and the fragility of your nails.

To replenish gelatin more often, turn on your menu a variety of fuses from fish and meat, mousse, marmalands, jelly - these are those dishes in which the gelatin is existing in excess. Care should be taken, in the blood of which increased content Promcrin is the so-called, blood wrestling factor. The fact is that the gelatin of blood can thicken.

  1. Let your nails rest from color and other varnishes, at least 2 weeks a year. Your nails also need to breathe oxygen!
  2. Nutrient hand cream Use daily, not forgetting to apply it and on the marigold.
  3. Liquid for removing varnish Choose gentle, without the content of acetone.
  4. Be sure to use rubber gloves when performing homework.
  5. Protect your hands from frost and burning wind with warm gloves. By purchasing this useful accessory, pick up the gloves on the size more, so that a long manicure is freely fed, and the nails are not broken.

Probably there is no such a girl who does not dream of beautiful and. Now there is a procedure in cosmetic salonwhich allows you to grow nails, give desired form. It is not always possible to resort to this method by different reasons. In addition, it is not constantly recommended that the procedure is not recommended, you need to rest from any species of coverage. But there is still a way out, knowing the secrets and rules, how to quickly grow nails at home, you can independently take care of the marigolds and have an ideal manicure.

Possible methods, factors that affect growth

Before talking about how to grow long nails in a week or a month, it is worth understanding that the growth of the nail plate depends on several factors. Only in the case when all the rules are followed and due attention is paid to each of the factors, success will be guaranteed.

Food and vitamins

Without correct full nutrition it's just impossible to repel healthy beautiful nails. Without such vitamins as a, s, e, in, the nobs will break, will be thin. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to its diet, namely:

  • Without vitamin and just do not do, it is he who is responsible for the growth of the nail plate. In the diet, such products such as carrots must be present, butter, liver. But coffee and alcohol are able to significantly reduce the amount of vitamin in the body.
  • So that the marigold did not have, not exposed premature agingnot to do without vitamin C when the body does not receive need quantity Vitamin, notes begin to laugh, break.
  • To strengthen and better growth, vitamin B is needed, which also helps better absorb microelements in the body. You need to pay attention to such products like eggs, milk, greens.
  • Another equally important vitamin C, which has an antioxidant property, improves blood circulation, which contributes to the growth of the nail. Perform the attention of greenery, eggs, meat, oil, liver.

Minerals are equally important for nails:

  • Such a mineral as zinc controls the formation of proteins, promotes the growth of the tissue. It is contained in bananas, goat milkwho should be present in the diet.
  • But without such a trace element as calcium, it is generally impossible to form a nail plate. It is worth using dairy products, since it is in them the greatest content of this element.
  • It is worth paying attention to such products like buckwheat, apples, they contain iron, which contributes to the growth of strong marigolds that do not break.

If you balance the diet and enter all the necessary items, improving the state of the nails and their growth will be noticeable after a short time.

The form

If you even know about all secrets, how to grow long nails, without the correct form, an effective result is unlikely. It is necessary to give nails the correct form, it is for each individual girl, the main thing is convenient. Also get rid of sowing and sharp corners, with this will help to cope manicure Pilochka And it is better to use plastic, as careful and gentle care is necessary, which will not break the nail plate. It has the value and graininess of the sawmill, it is better to choose fine-grained, movements should be from the base to the center of the nob.

Watches for growth

  • Oil I.. To prepare such a bath, you need to take any vegetable oil that is available and heated a bit. Then add a few drops of iodine and glycerin into it, after which you can omit into the resulting mixture for a few minutes. it great wayhelps to feed and speed up the growth of the nail plate.
  • Maskaya salt. You need to take 2 glasses of warm water and breed in it 15g of sea salt, then lower the nails into the solution for 15 minutes. Use the procedure is better than 2 or 3 times a week. For a stronger effect, you can add a pair of iodine drops.
  • Soda. It follows in 1 cup of water (warm) to dilute 1 tablespoon of soda, in such a solution should be kept nails for 10 minutes. After that, rinse and lubricate with cream. It is allowed to use such baths several times a week. For greater efficiency, you can also add iodine.
  • Herbal fees. It takes the collection of herbs: burdock, chamomile and holper, but the bath is allowed only using chamomile. Such a collection will need 2 tablespoons on a glass of boiling water, then insist 30 minutes. For a comfortable and efficient admission, it is necessary to warm the infusion, after which you can lower the marigold for 20 minutes. Such a procedure must be carried out at least a week daily.
  • Lemon. You can use lemon in two ways. The first, just cut it in half and immerse in the flesh of the marigold for 3 minutes. The second, prepare a bath from the lemon juice and a few drops of iodine, take 10 minutes daily.
  • Milk. For the preparation you will need 0.5 cup of milk 5 leaves of the plantain (fresh). It is necessary to heat the milk and add chopped leaves into it, after which it is cool to a pleasant temperature and omitted a nail into the bath for 15 minutes.
  • Calendula. It will take 2 tablespoons of calendulas and a series that should be poured 1 cup boiling water, insist for 15 minutes, after which you can spend a 15-minute procedure.
  • Celandine. It follows 2 tablespoons of grass pour a glass of boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of salt (marine), give a little breeding and you can make a bath for 15 minutes by lowering the marigold.

Before applying the bath, you must remove the lacquer and wash your hands thoroughly. Do not increase the dosage and time of receiving procedures. After the procedure, the cream must be applied to the hands. It is always necessary to take into account the fact that a person can have individual intolerance to the components.


In order to improve blood circulation in the nail plate zone and thereby stimulate the growth of the nail, you need to make a massage at the base of the nail plate. In addition to stimulating growth, the nail will strengthen, and it will not be lazy. During the massage you need to use cream or vegetable oil. Such a massage is especially useful and indispensable if the girl plays the piano or prints a lot.


Another way how to quickly repel the nails at home is paraffin therapy. The method is to apply wax or paraffin (cosmetic) on the cuticle, which contributes to improved blood circulation and more oxygen comes to the nail, thereby stimulates growth. If the procedure is carried out at home, an alternative is served beeswaxBut you need it to be natural and clean.

  • For such therapy, he follows the water bath to heat the wax so that it is in a liquid state, but did not burn his arms. When the required consistency is achieved, you should lower your nails into it for a few seconds, take out and give cool wax on your fingers. When he cools, the so-called caps on their fingers will remain, they should be covered, for this, the glove will fit. The ideal option Leave in this state for the night, but if it is impossible to leave for at least 3 hours. If this procedure is carried out daily, after a week the result will be noticeable.

The fastest ways

There is a way that tells how to grow nails in 2 days, but in this way it is impossible to abuse.

  • It will take a 0.5 teaspoon of ground red pepper, to which 20 drops of water and a little hand cream are added. Such crawl is necessary to heat a little, after which it is low for approximately 15 minutes into it. Such a procedure is pretty unpleasant and there is a burning sensation during it, precautions should be observed and do not touch the eyes to the eyes.

You can purchase a special tool in a pharmacy or cosmetic store that is intended to stimulate nail growth. This effect occurs due to the composition, which includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals, essential oils, in addition, they care for the nail plate.

Tips for proper care

  • In order for the nails to be strong, do not break and do not laugh. It is necessary to use oil for rubbing. For those procedures will suit Olive, grape, apricot and others. In addition to rubbing, they can be used for baths and massages, such procedures will also strengthen the nail plate.
  • Can be used cranberries like in fresh formand frozen. To do this, it needs to be crowned into the toss and apply it to the zone around the nail.
  • You can also use olive oil by applying a glove on the plate and put on the plate will leave for the night, favorable effect noticeably the next day.
  • Another method has an effective impact, follows gelatin (2 art. L.) Pour warm water (4 art. L.), Give swell gelatin. After that, in the resulting Kashitz, lower the nogot for 15 minutes.

In order to maximize the nails and contribute to their growth, you need to protect ourselves from factors that negatively affect the nail plate.

  • Be sure to protect your arms and nails in the cold and cold, gloves should wear.
  • Remember that nails need daily care and nutrition, cream should be applied.
  • When washing dishes and cleaning, especially when used chemicals, do not forget about rubber gloves.
  • Rest is the rest of nails from varnishes, they must relax and get enough oxygen.
  • Avoid fluid for removing varnish with acetone.

Thanks to easy ways and rules, you can see how to quickly repel the nails at home, to get used and strengthen the substances. But it costs to remember that it is impossible to increase the proportions of recipes and increase the procedure time.