Stretch your shoes to size. A few simple ways to stretch shoes at home. How to stretch tight textile shoes at home

Sometimes I buy new shoes, considering that it is a perfect fit. But at the very first wear, I realize with horror - it rubs or presses. So that this does not become a reason for a return, I want to tell you how to stretch shoes at home in several proven ways.

Proven Methods

First you need to accept - you can stretch shoes only in width. With resting fingers in the toe area, it is almost impossible to fight. Most likely it's all about the seams or the wrong size. But if the shoes press on the sides, there are options for stretching it.

Method 1. Army

The most simple and repeatedly tested can be called the army method. What do we have to do:

  1. Soak socks in warm water and squeeze until wet;
  2. Then put wet socks on your feet., and on top of them are shoes that rub or press;

  1. Keep your shoes on for at least an hour, and even better, wait for them to dry completely;
  2. Next tamp inside several newspapers;

  1. Swap wet newspapers for dry ones, as they get wet;
  2. When the shoes are dry, try them on.

Method 2. Chemical

You can use special store remedy- shoe stretcher It is most commonly sold as a spray or foam. Easy to use - just spray inside tight shoes and leave for a while. Then remove the remnants of the substance with a dry cloth and walk a little in boots.

The only caveat - be sure to test on an inconspicuous area. Due to exposure to chemicals, light-colored material may change color, so be careful.

Method 3. Hot

I will tell you how to increase the size of shoes with a hair dryer. It's simple:

  1. We put on clean thick socks;
  2. Then a tight pair of shoes;
  3. Gradually warm up problem areas hair dryer;
  4. Take off your socks and try them on. If it becomes freer - good, if not - repeat the procedure from the beginning.

Do not turn on the hair dryer at maximum power, due to too hot air, the surface of the material from which the shoes are made may deteriorate.

Method 4. Ice

Image Sequencing

Step 1

Pour water into two bags and tie it tightly.

Step 2

Place the bags in the boots as shown in the photo. They should be as close to the nose as possible.

At this point, be sure to check that the packages are intact.

Step 3

Send the resulting design to the freezer for 5-10 hours.

Step 4

Remove the frozen shoes from the chamber and leave at room temperature for 20–30 minutes.

Step 5

Take out the bags and try on the boots.

Method 5. Professional

Professional repairmen know how to widen shoes without ruining them. Order a stretching service. Its price is acceptable, and the effect is very high.

Method 6. Groats

There is a more extravagant way to expand the shoes with your own hands. For example, use oatmeal or bran.

  1. We take a pair of shoes.
  2. We fill it with oatmeal.
  3. Fill the oatmeal with water.
  4. After some time, the oatmeal will absorb moisture, swell and stretch the shoes a little.

Method 7. Socks

Probably the oldest and most proven way is the ordinary shoe-breaking. All that is needed is to seal the “dangerous” places on the foot with a band-aid, put on thick socks and do not take off your shoes for 4-5 hours. At the same time, you need to constantly move so that the shoes take desired shape and increased in size.


With a probability of 100%, at least one of the proposed methods will be able to increase the size of shoes at home. The video in this article will reveal the secrets of stretching visually. If something is not clear - contact the comments.

You can cope with this problem yourself at home, you should only familiarize yourself with the basic tips and recommendations.

Two professional ways

Before using folk methods, you can use professional tools.

These drugs include the following drugs:

  1. Special spray. When using, the can should be shaken well and sprayed onto the surface of the shoe. Then you need to put it on and walk around in it for 15 minutes. In the event that everything remains unchanged, the procedure should be repeated again.
  2. The use of special wooden blocks, designed specifically for stretching and increasing shoes. With this tool, you can easily and without special work resize in length, width and volume.

Self stretching

If you've tried everything professional tools and everything is left without visible result, it is recommended to opt for folk remedies, which are very large in number. Therefore, before choosing one thing, you need to get acquainted with the specifics and features of each method.

The most basic and popular methods include the following methods:

  • use of liquid soap;
  • alcohol;
  • freezing;
  • oil;
  • paraffin;
  • wet woolen socks;
  • cologne;
  • boiling water or cold;
  • newspapers;
  • vinegar;
  • foams, sprays and aerosols;

Remember that each of these methods has its own characteristics, pros and cons, which you should also be aware of and consider. Let's look at and get acquainted with each of the methods separately.

Wet wool socks

Experts advise walking a little more than an hour, and the result will not disappoint you, as the shoes will stretch significantly and increase to the size you need.

It is this option that is considered the most effective and efficient, which is also easy to use and does not take much time and effort. But, this method is perfect for leather shoes.


If the shoes you have purchased give you discomfort when moving, then inside it must be lubricated with vodka or another solution that contains alcohol.

After the entire surface is thoroughly lubricated from the inside, it must be put on and the same procedure should be done, but from the outside. It is recommended to spend a little more than an hour in it.

Liquid soap

Today, a method based on liquid soap is also in great demand and popularity.

This requires tools such as a towel or polyethylene, colorless liquid soap and warm water.


  1. Stir the solution in the desired consistency, which includes colorless soap and warm water in a ratio of 1 to 4. Remember, the water should not be higher than 50 degrees.
  2. Use a container with a sprayer, where this substance should be poured.
  3. Treat the inner and outer surface with a solution.
  4. Wait until the water is absorbed into the skin.
  5. Use special wooden blocks, or put on woolen socks and shoes, walk around the house for about 1 hour, more if possible to achieve a greater effect.

Remember that this is the easiest and safest way that will not cause any harm to the skin structure.


For this method, you will need a pair of rags and a triple cologne. Soaked rags should be carefully placed inside the shoes, which later need to be wrapped in a plastic bag and left overnight. In the morning, before going outside, you should walk around the apartment in it.

Boiling water

If you have leather shoes, then boiling water is perfect, which is poured in and drained, after which it should cool down a bit and you can put it on. It is advised to walk until it cools down completely.


You can also use cold water, in other words, the freezing process takes place. It is necessary to take 2 plastic bags and fill them with cold water, carefully place them in shoes and put them in the freezer.

After the liquid in the bag freezes, it is recommended to take out the shoes and wait for 30 minutes when the water begins to melt, and you can safely remove the water bags. She needs to be dressed and walked right away. If you haven't reached desired effect, the procedure should be repeated.

Hair dryer and wool socks

Put on shoes with socks and direct a stream of warm air to the part that is most tight.


The toes of the shoes should be treated with 3% vinegar, but only on the outside, since the acid from the inside can spoil the quality of the material and base.


You can smear the inside with paraffin from a candle, and after 12 hours, the remnants of the substance can be easily removed.

How to stretch leather and suede shoes?

.These procedures will require the following tools:

  1. Special stretchers - sprays.
  2. alcohol solution

It is necessary to moisten the stretchers with an alcohol solution from the inside, then you need to put on your favorite pair of warm socks and walk around the house.

How to stretch faux leather shoes?

It is best to use the method based on newspapers. If no changes occurred on the first attempt, then the procedure can be repeated several more times within a month.

What is needed for this:

  1. Wet newspapers.
  2. Put newspapers inside. Remember, the more newspapers, the better the effect.

If after repeated use of this method no changes have occurred, then the workshop will not help you either, as this is one of the features faux leather.

How to stretch suede shoes?

The method based on an alcohol solution is perfect, and you can also use the following options:

  1. Freeze
  2. Thick wool socks and heating
  3. wet newspapers
  4. Groats . We fill it with cereal and fill it with water, after a short period of time the cereal will swell under the influence of water, therefore, this should affect the size.
  5. Potato peel. AT this case, the entire peel of the potato should be tightly laid inside and left in this state for the whole night. The peel is removed in the morning. This procedure can be done several times.

  1. The size up process is more suitable for leather shoes. If yours is made from synthetic materials, then you will only damage the base and will not achieve any results.
  2. Patent leather shoes, which are at the peak of popularity today, should be processed from the inside.
  3. It stretches better in width than in length.

Resorting to all the various folk and professional ways and methods, it should be remembered that the size will increase by only a couple of millimeters.

Be able to stretch leather shoes at least one size at home, this is a very valuable talent, since it must have happened to many when recently bought shoes began to squeeze their feet.

Stretching leather shoes is the most difficult, because, despite the fact that the skin stretches well, shoes can be easily ruined. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with best practices, with which you can independently stretch leather shoes at home so as not to spoil it.

How to stretch in width?

Most often, you have to figure out how to stretch leather shoes wide at home. This is a very common problem for those who have just bought a brand new pair of boots. Let's deal with her solution to find out how to properly stretch shoes in width at home:

  • You can stretch your shoes with alcohol or vinegar. To do this, take a sponge, moisten it in one of these products and thoroughly soak the inside of the shoe. Then you should find thick woolen socks, put them on your feet, and then put on shoes smeared with alcohol or vinegar. It takes at least an hour to stretch leather shoes at home in this way. If you used vinegar, then after you break in your shoes, there may be residue left on them. bad smell. It can be output using soap solution in which to wash shoes.
  • Another method, using which you can easily and quickly stretch leather shoes at home, is to use boiling water. Here's what you need to do: take a kettle, fill it with water and boil it. As soon as the water boils, it should be poured into the shoes, and then immediately poured out. After that, you need to put on shoes and break in shoes until they dry. Under the influence of boiling water, the skin will gradually take the shape of the leg, which is why the shoes will stop pressing.
  • You can also stretch leather shoes wide at home using hair dryer. To do this, you need to put on tight socks on your feet, then put on shoes, pick up a hair dryer and heat the shoes until they stop squeezing your legs.
  • You can also try stretching leather shoes with grains that tend to increase when moistened. To do this, pour these grains into shoes and pour a small amount water. In the morning, you will find that the grains have significantly stretched the leather shoes both in width and length. After that, the grains should be thrown away, the shoes should be rubbed inside, put on thick socks and walk like that until they dry. Thus, at home, it is quite possible to stretch leather shoes at least one size.

More clearly ways to stretch leather shoes in width will be shown in the video at the end of the article.

We stretch leather shoes in length!

It is a little more difficult to stretch leather shoes at home in length than in width. The first remedy to be used if you wish to stretch your shoes in length is shoe stretch. The principle of its operation is simple: you simply insert it into leather shoes, and the stretch does everything for you. In this case, you do not need to stretch the shoes yourself. You can stretch it with stretching as much as you like. To date, this is the most effective tool, with which you can stretch leather shoes in length at home.

Often a pair of shoes, which seemed quite comfortable when first tried on in the store, turns out to be tight and stiff.

How to stretch shoes at home?

Consider a few simple, affordable, and most importantly safe ways.

Stretching shoes at home: is it possible?

You can’t let things go by themselves, because tight shoes are not only uncomfortable, but also harmful to health. Already after the first hours of wearing, expect the appearance of corns, corns and pain in the legs. Of course, in most cases, unsuitable shoes can be returned to the store. But it is important to have time to do this before the warranty expires. In addition, if you managed to walk in a new thing along the street, then returning it will not be easy.

Well amenable to stretching the model from natural materials. With artificial materials, the situation is more complicated, but you can experiment with them. rubber and fabric shoes are not stretchable. The first material is too hard, and the second, after stretching, will immediately lose its presentable appearance. appearance. It also doesn't make sense to stretch out a shoe that is obviously small. Any pair can be increased no more than half a size.

How to stretch shoes at home: methods

Among the mass of ways to stretch shoes, the simplest and at the same time the most famous is the usual wearing around the house. Instead of slippers, it is enough to walk around the house in a new thing for a while. The first days new shoes are worn for 2-3 hours a day. But we should not forget about health, especially if such wearing causes tangible discomfort. In this case one of the the following ways.

Alcohol treatment. moisten inner surface shoes with alcohol (vodka and cologne are also suitable). Then immediately put on your shoes and walk around the room in them until they stretch enough. You can also use a simple stretching cocktail. Mix alcohol with water in equal proportions. Using a spray bottle, spray the shoes with the resulting solution. Then put it on and walk around in it for at least 20 minutes. The option with a solution is considered more gentle, which means that it can even be used for patent leather boots.

Alcohol should never be treated suede shoes. She will immediately fall into disrepair. Therefore, some craftsmen recommend replacing alcohol with beer. But this eccentric method, if it does not leave stains, will give the shoes a very distinct aroma.

Boiling water treatment. Pour over the shoes hot water, this should soften the skin. It is important not to overdo it though. Walk in the shoes until they take the desired shape. Many even prefer water to alcohol. But this method is only suitable for products made of thick leather that can easily withstand high temperature. patent leather or even more so, it is better not to subject the leather substitute to such tests.

A more gentle way is to soak a rag in hot water and wipe the inside of the shoe with it. For greater safety, it is better not to allow hit a large number water inside, because the liquid can be easily deformed leather insoles.

You can even stretch with boiling water rubber shoes. True, only if it is made of polyvinyl chloride. To soften such boots, you need to pour boiling water into them. When the water has cooled, it must be drained and quickly put on boots. After a few minutes, climb into a basin of cold water in boots and wait a few minutes until the shoes get necessary form.

Steam. This is a very good tool for stretching products made of genuine leather. Bring the shoes to a boiling kettle and hold them over the steam for several minutes. It is necessary to remove shoes when droplets of moisture appear on the skin. Then put on the toe shoes and walk in them for at least an hour.

wool socks. This method suitable even for winter shoes. It is enough to squeeze into shoes in thick socks, and then heat it up with a hair dryer. Then walk in boots around the house until she reaches right size. Some craftsmen suggest wearing wet socks, but this is fraught with health problems.

A similar method works for patent leather shoes. Warm up the shoes from the inside with a hair dryer and immediately put them on a tight sock. However, be careful, because if you overexpose the hair dryer, the varnish will lose its shine. Besides, this procedure requires regular repetition.

Wet newspaper stuffing. Before stretching your shoes at home, hold your boots over the steam, then stuff them with wet newspaper and leave to dry completely. It is important that drying naturally without heaters. Otherwise, you risk deforming the product. If excluded from this method the use of boiling water, with its help you can safely stretch suede shoes and patent leather.

Laundry soap . This simple remedy will help stretch your faux leather shoes and boots. Rub the product well from the inside with soap, after 5-6 hours remove the residue detergent with a damp sponge, put on socks and walk in shoes until they are completely dry.

ice packs. You will need 2 bags ¼ filled with water. They will need to be placed inside the shoes, which are then put in the freezer. Wait until the water freezes, then remove the steam and after the water has melted a little, remove the bags. Patent leather products cannot be stretched in this way.

Castor oil. Stretching with the help of castor oil. With this tool, shoes should be processed from the inside. Then it will be necessary to walk around in shoes for a while. The oil will soften the shoes, after which they should take the necessary shape. True, the described method can hardly be called convenient. After it, you will need a thorough cleaning of shoes from oil.

Petrolatum. The named tool will help stretch leatherette shoes. Treat the product with it from the inside, and after 3 hours, remove the remaining Vaseline with a napkin. Then walk in your shoes for about 30 minutes.

Corn. This method is well suited for those who want to stretch their shoes in the instep. Pour the prepared grain into the shoes, and then lightly fill it with liquid. Overnight, the grain will swell and do its job. After pouring out the grain, wear leatherette products for about an hour.

Vinegar. To expand the boots, treat them from the inside with a 3% solution of vinegar. This will help soften shoes that squeeze your toes. At the same time, it is treated outside with another means intended for stretching.

Paraffin. This is another gentle method that is suitable for patent leather and suede shoes. Rub the inner surface of the shoes with paraffin and leave them in this state for 10-12 hours. Potato skins can be used the same way.

How to stretch shoes at home and not ruin them?

The ideal way out is to give a tight pair to the workshop. Here it is stretched with the help of special blocks. To professionals, they are known as shoe stretchers - wooden blocks made to fit the shape and size of the foot. These tools can be purchased from specialized store.

If it is not possible to do this, then the use of special means. It is enough to purchase the desired spray and treat tight shoes with it. Then the shoes should be worn for as long as the instructions say. You can even purchase a tool designed for a specific material. For example, for nubuck it is easy to find a special stretching foam. If you are the lucky owner of expensive branded shoes, carefully study all the available recommendations for choosing a brand of spray.

For those who are seriously thinking about how to stretch shoes at home, should also take into account a number of important nuances .

Neither of the above ways will not expand the shoes in length, only in width.

After stretching Genuine Leather loses natural fatty lubrication. Leather can become brittle, so it's best to apply on shoes special cream. This is especially important if a hair dryer was used for stretching.

Extremely careful handling requires shoes made of thin leather. They can not be frozen and treated with boiling water. The same goes for patent leather. If handled incorrectly, it will lose its luster and become covered with cracks.

special approach when stretched, they require products made of nubuck. For this material won't fit either fatty creams, nor alcohol, as this will leave stains on the surface. It is best to just wear such shoes around the house. The properties of nubuck in most cases allow shoes to break over time.

When using water to stretch shoes, remember that it softens the leather, but if not properly dried, it can ruin its texture. Water and suede are bad allies. On suede, water provokes the appearance of faded spots and generally spoils the material.

Do not rush to use hard methods. Perhaps a natural posting will suffice. Although it is the slowest, but at the same time the most effective method. Shoes deform to the shape of the foot.

Keep in mind that after dinner, the legs swell. So at this time you are likely to avoid buying shoes that are too tight.

extreme ways stretching should be used only in case of urgency. If the task can be postponed, we stretch the shoes with the utmost care.

Leather and suede are malleable, elastic materials, especially when exposed to heat.

  • Place your shoes in a tub or sink and pour boiling water over the inside. It only takes a couple of seconds to fill the inside of the product and immediately pour it out hot water. Soak up the moisture, wait for the shoes to cool down a bit, and put them on your feet. Preferably over socks so as not to get burned.
  • If you are afraid of getting your shoes wet, do the same, after putting a bag inside each shoe so that the boiling water and the lining do not touch.
  • Not only boiling water will be effective, but also ice. Fill two quarter-sized bags with water, tie off and drop each into a shoe. Put the structure in the freezer and take it out when everything is completely frozen. Once the ice has melted, remove it from your shoes. Such a procedure is suitable for a strong, undemanding pair: not every material will withstand the cold test.
  • Moisten the inner surface with alcohol or vodka, put on a pair and wear for several hours. This action will help soften the material and fit the shoes to your foot size. But remember: alcohol is enough aggressive agent so test the color fastness on an inconspicuous area first.

The same methods are suitable for winter shoes lined with fur. Just do not wet the insides of boots or boots too much. Well, you will need to dry your shoes carefully.

How to stretch faux leather shoes

The leather substitute does not stretch well and easily deteriorates: it cracks and loses its shape. However, it is too early to lose hope. There are ways to stretch and such shoes.

  • Lubricate the inside of the shoes with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly. Wait 2-3 hours for the moisturizing mask to absorb into the material, and then put on your shoes and walk in them for 20-40 minutes.
  • You can try the familiar method with newspapers. They must be tightly stuffed into each shoe, and then leave the pair to dry at room temperature. When stuffing, do not be zealous so that the shoes do not deform. Also, do not try to speed up the drying process with a battery or hair dryer: excessive heat exposure can ruin the material.
  • A way for the wasteful or those who need to stretch the narrow shaft of high boots. Insert the bag into the shoes, fill it with any small groats and top with water. The grain will swell and stretch tight boots without your participation in 8-10 hours.

How to stretch patent leather shoes

It is more difficult to stretch the varnish due to the fact that there is a risk of damaging the top coat: it can crack and lose its shine. It is possible to painlessly increase shoes if under the varnish is soft and thin skin(natural or artificial). Is this your couple? Then to business!

  • Mix alcohol and water in a ratio of 2: 1, moisten the socks with the resulting solution. Now put them on, and on top - tight shoes. Walking in shoes should be about an hour or two until the socks are completely dry.
  • Treat the inner surface of the shoe with Vaseline or cream, paying attention to Special attention dense parts: toe and heel. Then you need to insert blocks into the shoes (if you have them) or, as usual, put the shoes on tight socks.

If your waterproof friends are made of durable classic rubber - alas, no way. If it is from the now common polyvinyl chloride (aka PVC), then it is as easy as shelling pears. To check the material, a needle or an awl and a lighter are enough. Heat the metal and touch the boots in an inconspicuous place, but do not pierce them. If the boots begin to melt, then this is PVC and the shoes can be stretched.

You will need:

  • a few liters of boiling water
  • deep container with ice water,
  • woolen or terry socks,
  • your boots and your legs.

Pour boiling water into rubber shoes and wait 3-5 minutes: the material will become noticeably softer. Put on thick socks and move a basin of cold water closer. Pour the boiling water out of the boots, quickly blot them with a towel so as not to wet your feet, and put them on your socks. In a heated steam, properly trample and walk around for several minutes. Leave your shoes in cold water for an hour, and then do not forget to dry.

This method will not only increase rubber boots, but will also fit them to the shape of your foot. True, walking stretched shoes should only be in a day or two, when the boots finally harden.

How often do you have to deal with tight boots? Do you have your own secret stretching techniques? Share your tips in the comments.