Toddler's fine motor skills and. The development of motor skills in children. Groats for fine motor skills

Development fine motor skills hands in children of early age, the preschool period occupies the minds of parents concerned about the future education of the child in school. In our article you will learn what fine motor skills are, how and why to develop it.


M. Montessori, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.R. Luria, other psychologists, teachers and physiologists devoted their lives to studying the properties and characteristics of fine motor skills. They found the dependence of the level of speech development of preschoolers on the organization of movements with fingers and hands. The accuracy of the manipulation depends on the development of small muscles. When fastening buttons, drawing, sculpting, the work of the speech departments of the brain is enhanced.

Fine motor skills of hands are connected with consciousness, thinking, spatial orientation, memory, vision. It is also important for the development of speech, success in teaching the child, later life already an adult.

Thus, under the concept of the speech therapy term “ fine motor skills of the hands" means a complex of mental and physiological processes. Visual, bone, muscular, nervous systems are involved. The accuracy, perfection of the motor skills of the fingers and the speed of development of the speech function depend on the coherence of their interaction.


developmental survey physiological features fine motor skills in children milestone corrective and developmental work.

Diagnosis is carried out by speech therapists, defectologists, neurologists, kindergarten teachers.

The peculiarity of the survey is that the child repeats the manipulations after the teacher. For the lesson, create a relaxed atmosphere, it is better to use the game. Tasks are divided according to the age of the subjects.

To examine the development of fine motor skills of hands in children 3-4 years old, the following exercises:

  1. Touching with index fingers to the nose with closed eyes.
  2. Flexion of the phalanges on both hands alternately.
  3. Performing two opposite actions at the same time. For example, one hand is clenched into a fist, while the fingers of the other are unclenched.
  4. Folding large and index finger into the ring.
  5. Manipulations with buttons: unbuttoning, fastening.
  6. Transferring small items from the table to the box.

An analysis of the level of development of fine motor skills of hands in children 4-5 years old is carried out as follows:

  1. The child must draw a straight, broken line.
  2. String buttons on a thread.
  3. Extend your index and middle fingers.
  4. pat thumb all other fingers.
  5. Cut paper into even strips.
  6. Perform a pinch movement and straighten the palm back freely.


The development of fine motor skills in children occurs gradually. TO certain age the child must perform the following set of actions corresponding to the level of physiological, mental development:

  • At 2-2.5 years old, the baby knows how to unfasten Velcro, large buttons, pushes small items into holes, removes clothespins, draws in a sweeping manner. Masters simple exercises of finger gymnastics.
  • At 2.5 - 3 years old, he unscrews the lids, draws with his fingers, sculpts cakes, copies the lines. He knows how to string beads on a hard thread, wire, cut a sheet of paper, collect cereals with a spoon in a container and transfer it to another jar.
  • At 3-3.5 years old, draws straight lines, outlines dotted lines, repeats simple figures modeled with a pencil, molds balls, plasticine sausages. Knows how to fasten and unfasten all types of locks, buttons, performs well finger gymnastics, fluent in scissors.
  • At 4 years old, he holds a pencil correctly, draws hexagons, stars, cuts out any geometric shapes. He knows how to sort small objects, unfolds wrappers, strings small beads on a thread, sculpts figures from dough, plasticine, ties knots, repeats the contours of objects with his finger in the air.
  • At the age of 5, he copies letters, numbers, folds paper several times, draws a house. Able to identify small objects by touch, lace up shoes, catch the ball with two handles. In senior to school age skills for the development of fine motor skills in children lie in the fact that hands and fingers are already formed to master writing.
  • At the age of 6, a preschooler copies complex figures with a pencil, parts of a person’s body, catches a thrown object with one hand, and can perform a mirror image. He knows how to play the keyboard instrument, braids pigtails, almost completely masters the possibilities of hand motor skills by grade 1.

The development of skills in children 2-3 years old can take place individually, with slight deviations. Most often, they quickly catch up with their peers. If strong deviations from the norm are detected in the diagnostics, for example, 1-2 tasks out of 6 are performed correctly or moderately, we can talk about violations in the intellectual, physiological terms. Correction of development is carried out by specialists, most often one year of full-fledged classes with a teacher is enough for children to enter the age norm, to eliminate lags in the development of speech.

If by the age of 3-4 the baby cannot hold a pencil correctly, does not fold a pyramid, does not hold a spoon, scissors in his hand, does not catch, does not throw a ball, then you need to urgently contact a specialist. These indicators indicate serious deviations in development and upbringing.

We develop fine motor skills

For preschool children, the following activities are used.


Self-massage and adult assistance are used. Spend 2 times a day, use as a warm-up before drawing, sculpting. The set of exercises includes:

  • Kneading of palms, brushes.
  • Immersion of the palms in a dry pool with grits of sand, covers from plastic bottles etc.
  • Use of devices: hedgehogs, finger rings, marlbs balls.

Massage of the palms should be done with elastic movements, rub the skin until red. You can use improvised means, for example, a pencil, nuts. In the first lesson, teach the preschoolers the correct massaging movements, so that he could apply the necessary amount of strength to knead his hands.

The nut rolls between the palms, is held along the edges by weight. The pencil is inserted between the fingers, fixed in a certain position.

For kids aged 3-5 years, the following self-massage exercises are suitable:

  • Pin
    The fingertips are kneaded with a clothespin. The skin is bitten with light, but tangible movements. The clothespin seems to bite. Be sure to carry out the procedure on both handles.
  • Warm-up with Su-Jok
    These are special balls with spikes for the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Exercise improves blood flow, kneads and trains muscles.
    Children roll them on their palms from top to bottom.

It is important not to forget about health protection, the skin of hands and fingers should be clean, without scratches, prepared for massage.

finger games

Necessary for the development of speech and coordination of movements, warming up the muscles of the palms, phalanges.

  • legs

Fingers make stepping movements on the table

Children use their fingers to make glasses, forming circles with the thumb and forefinger. Bring them to your eyes.

  • Let's go for mushrooms

We count fingers: one, two, three, etc. We bend each finger in turn, saying a rhyme about how the fingers were looking for mushrooms, we do not unclench the cam.

  • Chair and table

We depict a table with a fist and a palm, change the position of the hands one by one. Then a chair: bring an open palm to the fist, put it on one side of the fist.

  • boat

Verse used:
The fox cub swims in a boat (palms are folded in the form of a boat),
The hare calls into the boat (the kids wave, calling for a friend).

  • Scissors

The child depicts scissors with his fingers, makes characteristic movements, as if cutting the fabric.

Finger paint

The development of fine motor skills occurs faster through visual activity. Use modern methods and materials for drawing. One of them is finger paints.

Draw figures, landscapes, large compositions based on a model or fantasy.
With a child 1-2 years old, draw lines, circles. With children from 3-4 years old - animals, houses, cars, geometric shapes.

To work with older preschoolers, print complex patterns for drawings, with the need to use a large number of shades, the image of polygons, numbers, letters.


A fun activity for kids of all ages. Children from 4-5 years old already cut out figures of large and small sizes. They know how to stick paper to cardboard, place the elements of the work on the sheet.

Use designs with small details for appliqués. For example, autumn tree with many small leaves on the crown, or an appliqué in the shape of a fish, where you need to cut out each scale separately.

Colored paper, napkins, corrugated cardboard, natural remedies(sticks, pebbles, sand, cereals).

Rolled napkins make great flowers. The material can not only be twisted into balls, but also torn into pieces, gluing the pieces on top of each other.

You can make a sheep out of colored rice and semolina. The outline of a sheep is drawn on the sheet, it is covered with PVA glue, then semolina is sprinkled on the body, and the legs and horns are made of rice.


For classes, plasticine of various hardness, dough, kinetic sand.

Soft plasticine is suitable for kids aged 2-4 years. They need to be taught to roll sausages, balls, design simple shapes by attaching them to cardboard.

Older children can already perform complex tasks. For example, a picture from plasticine in different ways.

Use the smudge and build method. Be sure to clearly show the child how the parts are connected, how to make small parts and use colored elements.

During classes, not only motor skills develop, but also creative potential child, expanding horizons, knowledge about the color, shape, size, texture of the material. Visual activity develops the skill of perseverance, purposefulness.

How to conduct classes

  • Work with your child regularly, paying attention to massage, games, gymnastics, and creative activities.
  • At 2-3 years old, it is enough to massage the hands and fingers for 3-5 minutes. Then perform 1-2 exercises of gymnastics with pronunciation little rhymes. A couple of times a week, hold classes in modeling, learning to draw.
  • By the age of 4-5, increase the time of self-massage to 10-15 minutes 2 times a day. Do finger exercises for at least 20 minutes a day. The child should draw or sculpt daily.
  • In the senior preschool period, you can study for more than 30 minutes without a break. Alternate massage, finger and hand training in one session. Sculpt, draw with your child together, be sure to include complex elements in the composition, the image of letters and numbers.
  • The main principle of classes is systematic, consistency. Consider the developmental features of children when selecting materials, cards, poems, tasks.

IN kindergarten there are stands, guidelines for parents on how to develop fine motor skills in a child. Consult with teachers and repeat what has been passed in dow material Houses.

Many modern moms and dads have already managed to get acquainted with the concept of "fine motor skills of hands." Trying to positively influence the development of the child, parents stubbornly slip sorters and finger labyrinths to the baby, and with older children they draw and sculpt all day long.

But how do you know if the actions taken are correct? Does the degree of load correspond to the age of the baby and do the exercises bring desired effect? To answer these and other questions, you should take a closer look at the topic.

General concept

Motor skills are a set of body movements performed under the control psychological reactions organism. The motor processes that a person owns give an idea of ​​the level of development of his coordination and intelligence.

Psychologists classify it into several types:

  • General, or large, motor skills are responsible for the movements of a group of muscles. An example of such an activity is running or squatting.
  • Fine motor skills - movements of the hand or fingers. developed motor reactions hands help us lace up our shoes or lock the door with a key. Fine motor skills include actions in which it is necessary to combine the movements of the eyes and hands, as in drawing, for example.
  • Articulatory motor skills are the ability to coordinate work speech apparatus, that is to say.

A bit of physiology

Being engaged in the study of issues of child psychology and pedagogy, scientists came to stunning conclusions. It turns out that about a third of the cerebral cortex is responsible for the development of hand motor skills. In addition, this third is located as close as possible to the speech center. A comparison of these facts gave grounds to consider the motor activity of the hands and fingers responsible for human speech.

In this regard, the development of fine motor skills of the hands of a young child is one of the fundamental tasks in teaching speech skills. Of course, along with the improvement of articulatory activity. The results of many years of experience prove that the conclusions of scientists were correct.

In addition to the above dependence, fine motor skills have a direct impact on the formation of logic, thinking skills, memory strengthening, training of observation, imagination and coordination. Children who have better control of their hands show perseverance and get tired more slowly.

Fine motor development calendar

At every age, a child is able to perform certain actions. New opportunities appear in him as the nervous system matures. Each new achievement appears due to the fact that the previous skill was successfully mastered, therefore, the level of motor skills formation must be monitored.

  • 0-4 months - the child is able to coordinate eye movements, tries to reach objects with his hands. If you manage to pick up a toy, then the squeezing of the hand occurs, rather, due to reflexes that fade away up to six months. The baby does not yet have dominant preferences that allow performing actions with a more “comfortable” hand, and they will not appear soon - he is still both “right-handed” and “left-handed”.
  • 4 months - a year - the child's skills are actively improving, now he can shift objects from hand to hand, perform simple actions like turning pages. Now with two fingers the baby will be able to grab even a small bead.
  • 1-2 years - movements are more confident, now the child uses index finger. The first drawing skills appear - the baby displays dots and circles, and soon he will be able to draw a line on the sheet with a pencil. Now he begins to prefer one hand over the other.
  • 2-3 years - hand motor skills allow you to hold scissors and even cut paper with them. The manner of drawing changes along with the way the pencil is held, and the first conscious figures appear on the sheet.
  • 3-4 years old - the kid already draws confidently, knows how to cut the sheet along the drawn line. He has already decided on the dominant hand, but in the games he skillfully uses both. Soon the child will learn to hold a pen or pencil, just like an adult, so by the age of 4 he will be ready to learn writing skills.
  • 4-5 years. Fine motor skills of hands in children of this age already resemble the movements of adults. Please note: while drawing or coloring, the child does not move the whole arm at once, but only with the brush. The movements are more refined, so cutting out an object from paper or decorating without going beyond the contours is no longer so difficult.
  • 5-6 years. At this age, the preschooler's hands should be perfectly coordinated, the child already holds the pen with three fingers, draws small details, like an adult, knows how to use scissors. All the skills of the baby indicate that he will not experience difficulties at school.

Low level of motor development - what is it fraught with?

Insufficiently formed motor skills of the hands impede not only the development of speech skills. Such a child may experience problems with memory, logic. If this is a preschooler, then he needs urgent help, because he will be absolutely not ready for school. Such a student will have difficulty concentrating, he will quickly get tired and will inevitably begin to lag behind.

When and how to start working with a baby?

From birth, you can begin to pay attention to the development of the baby. Of course, a newborn is not interested in a sorter or a toy with lacing. But you can start putting rattles in his handle, let him touch the fabrics of different textures with his fingers, give the baby a massage of the handles.

The age at which the active development of motor skills of the fingers is important is determined - 8 months. If until now this issue has not been given attention, now is the time to take some action.


To arrange real classes with her own baby, mom does not need professional pedagogical skills. Suitable for exercise simple items, which can always be found in any home. Main principle, on which the development of motor skills of the hands is built, - "from large to small." What is it expressed in?

  • Start rolling plasticine balls with your child. Let the kid blind something. If he can do it, you can gradually move on to smaller and more complex details.
  • You can just tear the paper. First into large pieces, then into small ones. The finer the details in the end, the more high level development of motor skills in a child.
  • Together with the baby, you can string beads on a thread, tie shoelaces, fasten buttons.

Passive gymnastics (massage)

An excellent assistant in the development of coordination of the child is a competent massage therapist. Experienced specialist will help with the hands of the baby. You can start classes already in the first 3-4 months of the child, while sessions can be held for 5 minutes up to several times a day.

It is better to entrust massage sessions to a professional, but if necessary, some exercises can be performed independently. So, the baby's hands need to be stroked for a minute, then slightly rubbed. Then make vibrating tapping fingers on the hands and palms. Another effective massage exercise is flexion and extension of the fingers, followed by massaging each.


Motor skills toys in huge number sold in children's stores. They even come with instructions indicating the recommended age and a description of the game process. But you don't have to buy anything at all. You can play with any objects - almost any thing in the house (safe for the child) is suitable for the development of motor skills.

Do-it-yourself board for the development of motor skills, or a business board according to the Montessori method, - great gift for children aged 1 to 3 years. Dad can make such a toy. To do this, you need a sheet of plywood and the most dangerous items in the house: a socket with a plug, furniture fittings, switches, bolts and other household items. The meaning of the toy lies in the child's knowledge of such things in their in a safe way. After getting acquainted with the socket on the stand, the baby will not become interested in the real one, and by feeling these objects with his fingers, he will develop the motor skills of his fingers.

If your beloved child is already 3 years old, then you can offer a game of Cinderella. To do this, various cereals or legumes are poured into the bag, and the child is given the task to sort through everything.

Why not play Guess? You can blindfold your baby and take turns putting household items in his hands - let him guess them.

In addition, the child will approve of mosaic games, finger theater, joint applications. Helping your beloved child to improve himself is not at all difficult, the main thing is to slightly apply your own imagination.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 10 minutes


IN last years Many mothers face the problem of "weak fingers" in babies. Delayed motor development, alas, has ceased to be a rarity: modern children hardly master the skills of unbuttoning buttons, tying shoelaces, and so on. As a result, there are adaptation problems in kindergarten. It is important to start exercises for the development of fine motor skills in a timely manner in order to prepare the child for social life.

However, there are much more reasons for such training than it seems ...

The benefits of developing fine motor skills in young children - why is it necessary?

3-4 decades ago, children's hands were not familiar with tablets and other gadgets, which today replace not only nannies, but sometimes moms and dads. Children's hands were busy sorting through buckwheat in a jar of beans, washing handkerchiefs, stringing dryers on strings, assembling wooden pyramids, embroidering - and other seemingly useless, but extremely effective activities.

A logical consequence of technological progress was the lag of children in development. One of the facets of this lag is fine motor skills, the development of which is extremely necessary for babies under 3 years old.

Why is it so important?

  • Fine motor skills are closely related to the nervous system , is directly related to the memory of the child, to his attention and vision, in perception. By developing fine motor skills, you develop not only his fingers.
  • Stimulation of fine motor skills activates speech and motor centers which are very close. By forming fine motor skills, you influence the child's handwriting, speech, reaction speed, and so on.
  • According to the level of development of fine motor skills, one can speak (approx. - as one of the indicators) about the mental development of the child, about him .
  • The development of fine motor skills promotes intensive development creative child .

Video: Fine motor skills in children. Development of fine motor skills

How to deal with the development of fine motor skills with a child 1-3 so that the classes are interesting and effective?

Each child is individual, and each has its own stages of development.

But, in general, the calendar for the development of the fine motor skills we are currently studying looks like this:

  • From birth to 4 months: the baby reaches for objects, but squeezes toys, rather, at the level of a reflex. He is not yet able to consciously grasp the toy, and there are no preferences yet either with his right or left hand.
  • From 4 to 12 months: can shift a toy from one hand to another, turn the page of a book, take a bead with his fingers.
  • 12-24 months: confidently "uses" fingers, especially index. Tries to draw - can already display circles, first lines, dots. At this age, right-handers and left-handers appear - the child chooses which hand is more convenient to draw, eat, and so on.
  • 2-3 years old: the child is already quite capable of holding scissors and trying to cut paper. The drawing style gradually changes, and the drawn figures become more or less conscious.
  • 3-4 years old. The child already draws consciously, holds the pencil confidently (although not always correctly), is able to cut paper along a line drawn by himself. By this time, the kid has already managed to decide on the dominant hand, but in games he uses both of them.

When to start and how much to do?

The start of "training" in fine motor skills is different for everyone, but experts believe that the ideal age is 8 months, when the fingers are already ready for such exercises.

However, up to this age, you can apply:

  1. Passive gymnastics. That is, a massage of the fingertips.
  2. Slingbuses. Or, as they are also called, mamabuses or nursing beads. Like bright accessory Mom puts it on her neck while feeding the baby, as soon as he wakes up with a desire to feel something and twist his fingers while eating.
  3. Put in the hands of toys made of diversified materials - convex, rough, fluffy, smooth, etc.

Considering that all training (starting from 8 months) goes through the game, the time of training is limited only by mom's busyness and common sense.

The average class time (daily classes are recommended) is 30-60 minutes, depending on age. For a baby of 8-12 months, a 10-15-minute lesson will be enough, for a baby older time activities are increased, according to his enthusiasm.


The more methods are used to train fine motor skills, the more effective the classes will be.

Basic rules for parents:

  • Start classes as early as possible and stick to the regularity of training.
  • Try to start the exercises with a massage of the hands and fingers.
  • To captivate the child, combine exercise with play.
  • In a set of exercises, it is important to use a scheme that involves compression / tension of the hands, their relaxation and stretching.
  • Exercises should be appropriate for the age of the crumbs and the level of his physical development.
  • Until the baby learns to make certain movements on his own, the mother will have to help him fix the necessary position of the fingers, perform the movements themselves, and make them correctly.
  • Start with the most simple exercises, the transition to complex should be gradual.
  • Contribute creative development baby - encourage his desire to independently come up with new exercises.
  • Stop exercising if the baby is tired or naughty. And do not forget to praise your child for success.
  • Let your child do everything on his own that he can do on his own - from self-care to household chores. Even if you have to wait and then clean up after the child.
  • Constantly look for new games and exercises. If the baby has already mastered simple moves, immediately move on to others - more complex ones.

Video: Fine motor skills - the best toys for 2 years

5 best toys for the development of fine motor skills of the hands of young children - what to choose in the store?

In the variety of toys for fine motor skills that are presented today in children's Russian stores, you can easily get lost.

What toys are recognized as the most effective? What exactly to buy?

Your attention - 5 most useful toys for training fine motor skills:

  1. Mosaic. Everyone is well aware of the benefits of this toy, both for the development of fine motor skills and for the development of speech. The choice of mosaics is truly huge - both floor and "Soviet" on legs, and on magnets, and so on. Starting from a year old, a toddler can choose a mosaic with large details and a large base, and then move on to more complex toys.
  2. Bodyboards. Such game boards, equipped with levers, buttons, frames, keys, laces and other interesting details, will not only keep the little one busy for a long time, but will also become an excellent simulator for fingers, thinking, manual dexterity, and so on. Ideal age for such a toy - from 10 months. Naturally, you can not leave a child alone with a toy. In addition, it is important to check the reliability of the fasteners. .
  3. Sorters(note - inserts, frames, etc.). The toy involves investing certain forms into the corresponding holes. The stores offer sorters-machines, cubes, puzzles, and so on. Maria Montessori is considered the pioneer of sorters. The task of the kid is to compare the hole in the frame / cube in shape and size with the details that need to be put into the holes or frame. Naturally, you need to choose a toy according to age. You can start developing a baby with the help of a sorter from 1-2 years old.
  4. Lacing. useful toy, which you can make yourself or buy ready-made. Lacing promotes perseverance, the development of the eye and fine motor skills, the flexibility of the hand, and also develops speech and guarantees (with constant studies) the absence of problems already at school - with writing. From 1-1.5 years old, you can already offer the little one a simple lacing. Naturally, a child will be bored with braiding a year old, so it is important to come up with a number of lacing games to interest the child.
  5. Finger theater. In this game, the child does not have to be "dragged by force." Finger theater is loved by all kids without exception. For the smallest, you can include games like “Magpie-Crow” and “Goat Horned” in training, and then, as you grow older, come up with whole performances in 4 hands with your child. In the absence of funds, characters that need to be put on fingers can be made of paper or sewn / knitted.

Also in the list of the most effective toys for fine motor skills, you can include designers, classic pyramids and textured rattles, soft books and cubes, three-dimensional puzzles and nesting dolls.

Video: Development of fine motor skills - educational games for children

15 Best Games and Activities for Developing Fine Motor Skills in Children 1 to 3 Years Old - Helpful Activities to Do at Home

You can come up with a huge variety of games and exercises for training fine motor skills of games - moreover, from improvised means, without investments and even without leaving your place.

Among the most effective methods are the following:

  • We are engaged in modeling . What material to use does not matter. It's the process that matters! Clay, plasticine and plasticine, even ordinary dough - everything will work. If the little one has already grown up, you can teach him to work on a small (children's) potter's wheel.
  • Home sandbox . Yes, there will be more cleaning. But the delight of the child, as well as the effect that such a game provides, outweighs all the minor troubles. Options: kinetic sand, a primitive version of a mini-sandbox in the room (supervised, of course), sculpting Easter cakes, balloon toys stuffed with sand (you can also fill with flour, but strictly monitor the integrity of the toy), as well as creative kits for drawing with colored sand and drawing with sand on glass (with backlight).
  • Making collages and crafts . Naturally, with cutting out details, drawing up patterns and applications.
  • Creating crafts from natural materials . We collect acorns, twigs, berries and cones on the street, and at home we create real forest masterpieces.
  • We instill the necessary skills and develop fingers : unfasten and fasten buttons, unfasten zippers, untie lacing, hook hooks, click buttons, and so on. You can make a panel on a dense basis with similar entertainment and engage with your child. Don't forget to add brightness and your baby's favorite characters to the base to make it more fun to play.
  • We play Cinderella . Mix buckwheat with beans and rice. The task is to fish out all the beans from the plate (jar).
  • Cat in a bag. Children love this game, but the age bar starts from 3 years. Pack a few small items into a bag different shapes and invoices. The task of the baby is to put his hand in, grab the object and guess by touch what exactly is in his hand.
  • Constructor . Choose any designer, according to the age of the child. Anyone will be good! From big soft cubes to small Lego, if by age it can already be used. Build castles, fortresses and palaces of princesses, schools and hospitals, and so on. Necessarily - with games and mini-performances (the child needs to be taught to play, just assembling the designer is not enough!).
  • Making beads! It doesn't matter from what. Use what is at hand - dryers, pasta, bottle caps, big beads and so on. Stringing objects on a string is a very difficult task for a toddler, so start with the most simple options. And then you can move on to weaving bracelets / baubles (from 4-5 years old).
  • Weaving, embroidery, knitting . This method is beyond the power of the little ones, but it always benefits preschoolers and junior schoolchildren- writing and speech improves, creativity develops, fingers begin to work more confidently. You can weave baskets, embroider with a cross and beads, crochet napkins or knitting scarves, and so on.
  • Pictures from plasticine and cereals . Lesson for kids 2-5 years old. We spread plasticine on plastic or cardboard. It is better if the child does it himself, because smearing plasticine is also part of the exercise. Next, we put several plates with different cereals and press peas, beans, rice and other cereals into plasticine so that a simple (for starters) pattern is formed. You can also use shells, pebbles, beads.
  • We select lids for jars . It is desirable that the containers are plastic and of various shapes. For example, bottles, round jars, square and so on. Let the child decide for himself - for which container what lid is needed. Of course, he must also put on the cover himself.
  • We spill, pour. Pour cereal into a bowl. The task of the baby is to pour the cereal into another container with his fingers (pinch). For example, so that "the fish hid under water." You can also use a teaspoon. The second option: pour water into a container and pour it into another container with a spoon, "so that the boat floats."
  • tearing papers . Game for toddlers from 6-7 months. We give the baby several colored paper sheets to be torn to pieces and demonstrate exactly how to tear the paper into small pieces. Do not give your child newspapers - they use harmful paints.
  • Treasure box. We fill the box with a lot of interesting (safe!) Items and give the child to study. More mother's and father's "treasures" (jars, watches, rubber bands, etc.).


Do not leave your child alone with toys that can harm him! Remember that any fine motor training should only be done under the supervision of an adult!

You will be surprised, but it is very easy to develop fine motor skills in a child. I present to you 5 simple steps to "awaken" the hands and fingers of the baby.

Step 1. Massage and self-massage of hands with and without objects

When the baby is still very small, mom can do a simple hand massage. With light movements, massage your palm, fingers, stopping at each phalanx. Bend and straighten your fingers, press your palms to each other. It is very useful from an early age to hold pens on surfaces with different texture and temperature (give something soft, smooth, cold, warm to hold). Any sensations received through touch awaken the area of ​​the brain responsible for mental and speech development.

When the child grows up, you can offer him to massage the palms himself, repeating after you. Also, kids who have mastered grasping will be interested in rolling massage ball, hedgehog toy or pencil in pens.

Step 2 Finger games or finger gymnastics

A lot of interesting ones are being released now, where you can find great finger games. Children of all ages are very fond of and always respond with pleasure to exercises in which the mother recites a verse and shows interesting movements with her hands and fingers.

With age, finger games can be complicated and include some interesting plot in them. For example, role-play a fairy tale where the main characters will be fingers. And if you draw funny faces on them and turn them into real characters, the performance will definitely go off with a bang! Before going to bed, you can show the theater of shadows, making silhouettes of birds and animals from the hands of the child.

In general, options finger games infinite set.

Step 3 Games with objects and materials

Store-bought toys, natural materials (cones, acorns, chestnuts), household items (pots, spoons, cereals, water) can also serve as objects for the development of fine motor skills.

It is worth dwelling separately on purchased toys. Many mothers strive to fully provide their baby with newfangled educational toys designed according to special systems and methods. The desire to develop your child is commendable, while it should be remembered that ordinary natural materials, simple cubes, designers, mosaics and other toys "from our childhood" develop fine motor skills no worse, and sometimes even better than expensive counterparts.

You should also take into account the natural curiosity of the child. The kid sees how his mother is wielding a ladle, cooking something in a saucepan, or picking up a TV remote control, a book, pressing some buttons on the phone. For some reason, my mother is not interested bright toy, bought specifically for the development of fine motor skills. It is clear that the child will be more interested in the activities that the mother is engaged in. As a result, kids are drawn not to toys, but to everyday items. Introduce the little explorer to the surrounding "adult" things, let them play under your supervision.

You'd be surprised how many games you can come up with with what's at hand. For example, kids are happy to look for hidden small toys in cereals, catch objects from a basin of water, sort out their mother's jewelry, play with sand, clothespins, brushes. An older child can be offered to lay out the outline of the drawing with matches or paper clips. Household items open up a huge scope for children's games.

Think about it, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not have special toys for the development of fine motor skills, but the hands of the kids were developed just fine. Why? Because the child grew up "next to the adult." What the adult does is given to the baby (naturally, in a reduced and safer form).

Any interesting activity in which the baby's hands are involved perfectly develops fine motor skills. So encourage the child's natural curiosity and saturate environment various items(and special toys, and household appliances).

Step 4 Games for training everyday skills and abilities

Holding a spoon, fastening clothes, lacing up shoes, doing simple household chores - like ordinary actions, but they give a tremendous impetus to the development of fine motor skills. you can buy special devices for training self-care skills, but it is better to master such actions in everyday life.

In order to arouse the child's interest in acquiring these skills, you can come up with a game or do actions for certain nursery rhymes. For example, put on gloves and tell a poem about fingers and so on.

When it comes to household chores, children love to imitate adults. Already one year old babies they can run a cloth over the floor, as if they are washing the floors, and imitate other economic activities. Encourage such "help" in every possible way. This develops not only fine motor skills, but also responsiveness and independence.

Step 5 Children's creativity

Sculpting, drawing, applications and other types of creativity, where the child comes into contact with hands various materials develop fine motor skills.

Creative crafts made together develop fine motor skills, intelligence, speech, create an atmosphere of love and emotional contact child with mom.

Have fun with your kids and encourage their curiosity!

Alena Volkova, your speech development consultant

Speech pathologist, teacher, twice mother, author of the system "Through the development of speech - to harmonious development child", author and leader of the project "Child's Speech" and the online club speech development"Chat-ka", Chief Editor magazine "Child's Speech", author of articles, webinars, trainings, books and collections on the development of children's speech.