A passionate meeting after parting. How to meet a loved one after a long separation

A long separation from a loved one is a test for every couple. But if you are convinced of own emotions and your partner's emotions, try not to let sadness take over you one hundred percent. Better think about how you will meet your soul mate when he returns.

Will come in handy for you

  • - food for dinner;
  • Balloons and cellophane;
  • - fine underwear;
  • - CD with music;
  • - candles.

Let your partner know that you were very bored and very much looking forward to his return. This is what your man expects the most. No surprises will change your sincere emotions towards him when you meet. Subconsciously, your half is afraid that you will not be very happy with him, worries that you are not living very badly without him. Show that this is not so, that his return home is what you wanted and thought about your separation.

You can meet a lover after separation pleasant surprise... Although men try to be tough, they all love romantic gifts and surprises. For example, give him a giant bundle when you meet balloons... Make an arrangement with your friends so that they will help you to meet your beloved well. Draw posters that say how much you expected him. The young man will be pleasantly surprised when he sees his own friends and, of course, you, at the airport or on the platform.
Decorate your apartment with balloons, posters with declarations of love, colorful hearts and even flowers.

Prepare favorite dish your half. Probably over time long separation he missed the savory homemade food... Set the table, light candles, and enjoy the meeting by discussing activities that have taken place while you were away.

If you want to meet your lover in full combat readiness, pay careful attention to your own appearance. Prepare for the meeting, go to the salon. Get a manicure, pedicure, waxing. Buy a sexy lingerie set. Be beautiful well-groomed woman, because your man deserves it. Hint to your own boyfriend that you made special preparations to meet him. Your young man will see that you were preparing for the meeting, and will be even more happy to return, and there will be a hot romantic night ahead of you. Long separation also has its advantages: when you meet, your sexy appetite for each other will be very strong.

Prepare your bedroom for romantic night... Place candles around the perimeter of the room, lay a beautiful set bed linen... Put on great music that will create romantic atmosphere... Enjoy each other, be attentive to your partner and show him how much you missed you. After such a meeting, all the doubts of your beloved about whether you really expected his return will disappear. And your affairs will become even stronger.

No one likes long separations, during which all sorts of nonsense creep into their heads, even if there is no reason. In any case, business trips allow the husband to earn more, so they should be seen as a compulsory measure and a way to keep the relationship fresh. Your task is to make sure that your spouse is always happy to return to common Home... We will tell you how to meet your husband at home from a business trip in an original way.


Even if you were really bored, give the person time to recover and relax, especially if the trip was long and difficult, and your husband got home by driving a car or by train. Hot bath, relaxing massage, delicious favorite food, sleeping in a clean bed. All of these ways magically help you experience bliss. home warmth and comfort. At such moments, every man understands what happiness, family, love, a caring wife and understanding children are.

Delicious dinner

The first advice on how to meet your husband from a business trip: feed him hearty and delicious meals... Many people compare comfort with what is in their refrigerator. Spending a little time buying and preparing products that your husband likes will tell you how much you missed and waited for him.

Try to make sure your dinner is really tasty because your spouse deserves it. Do not be distracted by anything while cooking, try to ensure that no ingredient is overcooked or burnt. Consider what your husband loves the most. For example, if he prefers manti, then set aside a few hours to wind minced meat from fresh meat, knead a delicious tender dough.

Most men prefer a good and hearty dinner instead of romance and foreplay. This is because on a business trip they have to eat food from the canteen or convenience foods. Homemade food will be a real gift and surprise.

Full rest

The long-awaited meeting with her beloved husband can drag on until the moment he rests. If possible, arrange for a dinner where children may be present. This will help the whole family relax and make sure the meeting is finally held. Then put the children to bed early or send them to visit grandparents.

You can even call a nanny for a few hours or ask a neighbor to look after your guys. At this time, go with your husband to the nearest cozy restaurant or bar, where you can just relax and sit in intimate setting... It is very important that a clean, fresh bed awaits your husband at home.

If the spouse is very tired, then postpone the family dinner until next day... But also be prepared for caress, because the husband may have been very bored that he will not pay attention to all the fatigue for the sake of intimacy and a pleasant relaxing massage.

Arrange a surprise

How to meet your husband from a business trip is unusual? At home you can prepare a surprise where your spouse will have a set table and nice gift... Think that a man loves most of what he dreamed of. long time? If he's a lover computer games, then give him a symbolic rug or mouse. If he is an avid fisherman, then do not skimp on a set of good tackle. If your husband is an athlete and a fan of games, then present a ticket to the match, a new uniform or vitamins.

Intimacy and affection

Many girls are wondering how to meet their husband at home from a business trip after a long separation. Good quality sex is a common answer.

It is not necessary to start having sex as soon as a man stepped on the threshold. Give him the opportunity to rest, gain strength, and then start petting. Treat him with relaxing treatments and massages. Light up aroma candles, dim the lights, turn on light music.

Try not to be distracted by anything, especially children. Wait until they fall asleep, or ask them to be quiet while you massage their father. Explain that he is tired after long road and exhausting work, he needs good rest... Of course, in the presence of children, intimacy is excluded, but you can still please a man with a lung and relaxing massage.

You look 100%

Several months have passed since your spouse left for work in another city or country. How to meet your husband from a business trip? While it is missing, use free time for your own good.

Do not sit at home, go to clubs, pool, spa, visit a beautician. Keep fit, because the man will be pleased that his wife is trying to get better. TO sports activities children can also be involved - this is good for their health.

So, how to meet your husband at home from a business trip? Keep it clean, get rid of old things and junk. If possible, call a cleaning company to have them do general cleaning.

Meet your spouse in beautiful underwear and clean clothes, do not forget to make sure that there is hot water and light. Of course, no one canceled force majeure, but everything in your power should be done. Get rid of stretched T-shirts, old oversized pants, and a weird head bun.

Meeting of the century

If the separation was very long, then here's another tip on how to meet your husband from a business trip. Make sure your spouse is in good mood, give him time to tidy himself up - eat, shower, sleep.

When your husband is ready, you can invite loved ones home - friends, relatives. Someone prefers noisy company, and someone, on the contrary, has a home lamp atmosphere. Choose the theme of the evening at your discretion. For example, watching movies with friends, a quiet family dinner, an evening at the bar, enjoying pizza or Japanese cuisine.

Some women carefully prepare for the arrival of their spouses, memorizing songs, forcing children to memorize poems, baking pies and loaves, arranging a sudden surprise, meeting them at the train station or at the airport with gifts and balls. Let the kids and relatives help prepare everything you need - bake a cake, draw posters, go to the store for shopping, do a general cleaning of the house, prepare small crafts with my own hands.

Now you know how to meet your husband from a business trip. Try to keep your common home filled with love and comfort. This is just a fraction of the gratitude you can show your husband.

Not every girl can decide on a long separation from her beloved young man. However, if it is needed, then there is no way out. The girl is waiting for her man every day, but he never returns.

But if a girl loves and is sure that her boyfriend is also not indifferent to her, then you should not be sad, because he will return soon. In such a situation, you need to think not about sadness, but about how to meet your loved one after separation.

There are many options for the meeting of a loved one after a long separation to be perfect and unforgettable for him. Therefore, today the options that you can test in your practice will be presented here.

1. As soon as your lover returns, let him know that you missed him a lot and were waiting for him every minute. That you prepare a surprise is one thing. But all that a man would like to see after his return is sincerity from his beloved woman.

Men are all different, some when they return home may think that his other half lived well without him and is ready to live without him for the same amount of time. In this case, men are very worried and do not know what to do in this situation. It is you who must show that this is not so, because his return home is a joy that you have dreamed of for a long time.

2. Your loved one can be met with an unexpected surprise for him. Despite the fact that all men want to appear serious in the eyes of women, they still have that slack that arises during romantic setting... Try to surprise him. A banal dinner is in the past, give a surprise that will be remembered for a lifetime.

For example, invite his best friends, write a lot of posters in advance with the words `` Welcome back, beloved, '' or `` Our return, '' best friend... Present him with many colorful balloons. Such a step will certainly be appreciated by your young man. Moreover, he should definitely like it.

3. The most commonplace that you can cook is meeting your beloved with a pleasant dinner. This is the easiest option that any guy will like after a long separation from his girlfriend. And yet, if you decide to meet your man in this way, then make the table amazing.

Cover the table with a fresh tablecloth, buy expensive wine or champagne, prepare a delicious unusual food... During all communication, pay more attention to his trip, take an interest in all the moments, ask him how he lived without you during separation.

4. Most girls do not dare to cook dinner or invite friends, it is easier for them to spend a few hours near the mirror or go to a beauty salon so that the meeting of a loved one after a long separation will take place the best way... The option is this, you can pay attention to yourself, go to the salon, buy yourself a beautiful underwear and surprise him with a seductive meeting.

The daughter asked her mother what she was thinking. Mother, freezing in place and looking out the window, replied that her thoughts were completely absorbed in memories of a distant and beautiful past ...

The woman recalled how fate separated her from the young man she loved. There were many tears and suffering. It seemed to her that life had stopped. The woman ceased to be interested in everything. She closed in on herself and detached herself from the world around her. Many thought that she was seriously ill and was trying to hide her illness.

Iron rules

Romantics in love broke up because her parents were against similar relationships... Mom and Dad took the unfortunate girl to a village, far from the city. And they closed it with a huge lock so that she could not run away to her beloved. Mary expected parental softening and blessing. She waited a long time, but the best moment in her life never came.

They wanted her, as in ancient times, to marry a man of your own choosing. And they managed to achieve this. Parents hoped that family life help her to forget what should not be in her life.

Past love as "eternal fire in the soul"

The daughter learned from her mother that she still cannot get her past love... And she respects and loves her father with a completely different love, similar to strong affection.

My daughter was surprised and asked the question: "Mommy, where do you keep your memories so that they do not hurt you?"

"I keep them deep in my heart!" - answered the woman, on whose cheeks there were tears.

Lisa learned from her mother (Maria) that she believes in the "power" of the heart. She always believed that only this organ would "lead" her to the long-awaited date with her beloved. Daughter, learning about such difficult situation, also sincerely wished that my mother would meet with this "man of the past years."

Soulmates (mother and daughter) talked about everything and went to bed.

In the morning, the daughter told her mother: "You will see him very soon, because our desires are woven together!"

Long-awaited meeting

Lisa's mom smiled back and went on business. Half an hour later, my heart began to beat in a strange and especially strange way. The woman knew that it was worth waiting for a change. And half an hour later she saw the man whom she so dreamed of seeing. Her eyes sparkled with joy, she wanted to run to meet him. But the man took the first step. And from that moment everything went differently. The husband understood, forgave, left. And the woman who wanted to enjoy the present female happiness, finally found it. She was helped by the "heart" strength in which she so believed. She was also "saved" by her daughter's faith. Take care of your family and friends so that miracles happen more often!

"Who knows everything about each other?"

Three stories as one

One couple (he and she) met in a deserted alley. This meeting happened quite by accident. The guy and the girl were incredibly happy with each other. They kissed passionately, hugged tenderly, talked tirelessly (about everything in the world). Then they exchanged phone numbers and went their separate ways, promising that they would definitely call each other. They didn't know anything about each other at all….

The second couple met in a warm and cozy little pizzeria. They did not see each other for a very long time, so the words were reflected in their eyes: “Do you remember….”. They talked, talked, talked .... And they were not at all embarrassed by the pauses that sometimes "slipped" in their sweet conversation. The pauses were wonderful decoration conversation. It seemed that the happiness of being with each other would last forever. But the light rain involuntarily reminded them of the upcoming and unfinished business. They cried when they parted, but consoled themselves that they would meet again when the "right" time came. And in their hearts they knew that this would never happen again. They knew a lot about each other….

And the third couple collided in the elevator (completely unexpected). They instantly recognized each other, despite not seeing each other for over eight years. They stood silent and gazed at each other. They did not notice absolutely anyone! The girl and the guy treated the "visitors" of the elevator with great indifference. They were very busy looking at each other. The couple did not utter a single word, but these people knew everything about each other….

"At the junction of three roads ...."

A very, very long time ago, an old but majestic oak tree grew at a fork in the road. Once, when the weather was sunny, three tired travelers approached a tree. They stopped and wondered who to ask where each road leads.

Suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, the oak rustled with its foliage and spoke: “If you go straight ahead, you will find yourself in the field; if you go to the right, you will find yourself in the mountains; if you go to the left, you will find yourself in the woods! " The people were surprised, but they were more worried about another question: where, after all, should they go? They did not want to part for a long time, but they did not dare to go into the unknown.

Then the oak again intervened: “You just came, that's why it seems to you that the paths diverge. For me, they converge exactly here, because some people come to me from the mountains, some from the forests and from the fields. None alive soul does not pass me by! Under my crown, people rest, have fun, meet and part. Under my emerald "charms" it is much easier to wait for any meeting after parting. Always stick together if you value friendship! Distance and separation is a huge pain that pierces the heart. " Then the travelers decided to go where the wind would tell, but in one direction.

And they promised the tree that they would definitely come back to it in order to talk, to tell about what is happening in the world…. The oak rustled with joy and wished kind people have a good trip.

Three friends traveled for a long time on a warmed land gentle sun... We have seen a lot, heard a lot. And they remembered about the miracle - the tree, which was also very much looking forward to meeting them.

The tree greeted its new acquaintances. They talked for a long time. People did not even notice how they fell asleep right under the tree. They were awakened Sun rays so that friends in again made a choice (where they should go).

Parting ... -

From life… -

The first meeting after separation is very important - for those who really want to renew the relationship. This is a kind of point of no return, after reaching which, your relationship will either return and become completely different, or you will part forever. Therefore, it is important not to lose face.

Why is the first meeting after separation so important?

As a rule, the first meeting of lovers after a long separation and meeting after separation are two different things. In the first case, fate separated you, for example, the army, studies, work, or something else. What matters here is how you or she waited, you corresponded, whether you talked on the phone.

In this context, the first meeting is, of course, important, but not so much. After all, you hardly need to rebuild the relationship. The situation is different if you broke up, but did not communicate - this is already much more like a real separation, for example, after a quarrel.

But why is the first date so important? It's just that if you had problems in the past, you have a very short period of time to show that they stayed there, and you changed into better side... In general, your ex should have a feeling of first acquaintance, she should be drawn to you by a feeling of novelty. It turns out that you need to fall in love with her again.

How to behave after separation?

Speaking about the first meeting, I mean not only physical contact, but communication - by phone or correspondence. The last option, in fact, not the best, because in a very short message you can't express everything. In addition, she may not answer you, and you will not know her reaction, and therefore it is best to just call. And if everything goes as it should, then it will already be possible to prepare the first meeting after parting. So, where to start, let's look at the points:
  • first of all, it is better if there really is a reason for the call, for example, some common affairs of your friends. But when there is no reason to postpone the call for a long time, it is also not worth it. But one should not come up with virtual reasons for it. And if she suddenly asks why you called, I must honestly admit that she just wanted to;
  • but be sure to prepare before calling, because you will have to short conversation demonstrate how you have changed. A your call is a kind of bait to get her interested... And therefore, what you will talk about, you need to calculate as much as possible in advance. Remember what happened to you interesting during the time when she was not with you, or remember just cool stories that should interest her. It's good when there is an opportunity to rehearse how you speak to other girls. Mark for yourself where they laugh, ask suggestive questions and show interest in you, and where they begin to turn away, change the subject, or even defiantly yawn. If your story calls similar effect, then you shouldn't tell her ex either. How to conduct a conversation? Start with the routine questions, but then jump straight to one of the stories. And if she laughs, starts asking questions, then everything went as it should;
  • it is important to be in time and demonstrate changes for the better, but here just words cannot help. First, you must clearly understand why you broke up. And for this there may be one or several reasons, for example, her needs were not realized, the balance of significance skewed in her direction, interest disappeared, or you simply did not live up to her expectations.

Meeting after breaking up: how to behave

Next, we will go through these points in more detail, because to fix mistakes and learn their pain
it is much more important not to let it happen - this is much more important than the ability to beautifully tell stories and anecdotes over the phone.
  • So, you really want her back, and you are very worried about your separation. Whatever it is official reason of your separation, an undeniable factor is the balance of significance skewed in its direction. And this means that you need to slightly tug the scales in your direction, that is, show your importance and self-sufficiency, as well as independence from whether it is in your life or not. But she will have to not just tell, but eventually prove it. And it would be nice for you to really start a new hobby, for example, or learn to ride a wake, start traveling, or simply find a new interesting or meaningful job that you can be proud of. The main thing is to show that you are really fascinated by it, you like to do it and be a new yourself. And then she will want to become a part of this new life for you.
  • Loss of interest is a little different, but it can be "treated" the same way. Usually, the girl leaves, because you stop being as cool and interesting as when you met... It's just that it's not so important for you, you thought that you won her and you can safely spend time on the couch in front of the TV, but for her it turns out that it still matters. This means that we need to make sure that this interest returns. Make your girlfriend happy.
  • It is much worse when it comes to unjustified expectations. In this case, you really have to invest in relationships, because you definitely cannot get rid of empty conversations. You have already managed to promise her mountains of gold before, but you have fulfilled little. Therefore, you will have to start doing real deeds. But first, in a conversation, demonstrate your interest in her problems, remember specific details, show that you remember everything perfectly. And if you really managed to fix something, for example, you fixed the tap in your apartment, which had been dripping for a year before, found a job or broke up with bad habit, casually hint to her about it in conversation. In fact, this problem is so commonplace in relationships that few guys even notice it. And it all starts with the fact that you just start to pay to her less attention... She asks you to do something, but you consider it insignificant and often put off until later. Everything comes to the fact that she already expresses claims to you, but you brush it off even more, because you consider it a woman's brain removal. And such your ignore sooner or later ends with the fact that they hammer into their head the idea that you no longer appreciate and do not love her, and your relationship is over. It’s even worse if you’re really mowing at the same time.

Before you meet a girl after a long separation, you need to think carefully about everything. The same phone conversation for example, do not delay. So, the first communication should not last more than ten minutes - it is important for you to have time to interest the girl in yourself, and not go to the stage of snot and long stories like “how I missed you” and “remember how we were with you”. In conversation, she must constantly miss you. Therefore, next time call only a week later, and continue the conversation for another five minutes, and so on. But do not delay the calls - two or three weeks and you can already offer to meet.

Nothing official: no flowers or expensive fanfare restaurants. In summer, you will just go for a walk in the park, and in the cold season and gatherings in a cozy cafe. The first meeting shouldn't be long either - maximum an hour. But how to leave if she is obviously interested and wants to communicate? Just make an appointment with a friend to get you in certain time called and urgently called the type to work.

It is also important to behave correctly at the first meeting: to show that you are doing great without her, but you are still interested in her. But, in no case, do not show that you are very sad, otherwise you will immediately lose significance for her and a promising date will turn into a meeting with a friend after a long separation.

Much also depends on how you behaved when parting, what you said and did. However, most often everything happens on emotions, and therefore not many even think about how to behave when parting with a girl. But the answer is simple: you must always respect yourself and her, and remain human. And then there are always prospects to fix everything.

If you have a desire to restore their relationship and develop them to perfection, then you should come to my pickup training, where in as soon as possible you will learn everything you need!

If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls