How to make a stuffed carnival with your own hands. How to make a scarecrow for Shrovetide with your own hands. We make a scarecrow for Maslenitsa with our own hands from a broom

Shrovetide is one of the few pagan holidays widely celebrated today. Traditionally, on this day they arrange festivities, gather at a large table and try pancakes with different fillings, and in the end, when it gets dark, they burn an effigy. Why not support this interesting and colorful original custom and hold the ceremony at home, in a close family atmosphere? If you don't know how to do this article is for you.

Will we burn the winter?

It is customary to make a doll not lower than human height, and if possible more, and burn it in the evening. If you are planning to arrange a holiday for friends and relatives, you can make small souvenirs as a keepsake. It can be small pupae depicting winter. Be sure to include children in the creative process. Tell them how to draw a scarecrow for Maslenitsa, offer to do themed crafts. Do not forget to explain the meaning of the holiday. For burning, it is worth making a fairly large scarecrow. If there is not enough material, raise it with a pole some distance from the ground.

We make a frame

We want the winter to burn out completely and leave us? Then for the manufacture we will use only materials that can completely burn out. Take for the frame two or ordinary, fairly thick sticks. How to make a stuffed Maslenitsa with your own hands from them? Very simple - you just need to connect them in the form of a cross. The easiest way is to nail it. If the wooden elements are thick enough, screw the screws into the connection. For a souvenir doll, which is not planned to be burned, you can make a wire frame.

Outfit and filler

For pagan rites, dolls have been made from small dry brushwood or straw since time immemorial. Today in the city to find these materials is not so easy. If you have enough time, try going to the village. You can also visit the pet store. But get ready for the fact that this type of dry pet food will not be cheap to pay. To create clothes and a doll head, any rag will do. It might be old women's dresses or separate skirt and blouse. Great for the head suitable light pillowcase or t-shirt. Start with this element. Fill the fabric with hay, shape it into a pillow that looks like a circle and attach it to the frame. Tie the ends tightly. Now you can dress up the body. In order to keep the filler in it, tie all the existing holes in the outfits with braid or thick thread. As you can see in the photo, a Shrovetide effigy can be made with a skirt fluttering freely in the wind.

We continue to dress up the doll

Surely in any house there are clothes that have not been thrown away to this day just because they are too lazy to do it.

If you have a similar bundle of things, it's time to sort it out. Bright scarves can be tied around the neck or head. Throw an old shawl or jacket over your shoulders. Don't forget the hair too. You can put on an old wig or a carnival wig that has lost its presentable appearance. Decorations will also be useful, but approach their choice carefully. Black smoke, when they burn an effigy for Maslenitsa, is inappropriate. Namely, his in large numbers give the plastics used to make modern costume jewelry. Hair can be made from threads or scraps of fabric. If there is enough material, experiment with hairstyles - braid braids or make ponytails. The scarecrow should be bright, use colored fabrics. Patches can be sewn on clothes in a chaotic manner. The work is laborious, but the result is worth it. Some craftswomen even make skirts in patchwork technique. You can sew with any thread, and the stitches do not have to be even at all.

Final decor

The ancient Slavs made ritual and play dolls for children without faces. It was believed that a stuffed animal with painted facial features looked too much like a living person. The bad thing is that such a doll may well become a vessel for an evil spirit. Adhere to this tradition or not - it's up to you. Burning an effigy on Maslenitsa is the main ritual, so in any case, the spirit will soon be left without a “body”. Therefore, you can not be afraid and make the doll more expressive. The face can be outlined with stitches of threads or drawn. Any paint will do, even ordinary children's gouache. Make a scarecrow cheerful or strict - to your liking. The doll symbolizes winter, which means that some seasonal elements can be added to her costume. For example, decorate it with paper snowflakes or draw them on clothes.

How to make a stuffed Maslenitsa with your own hands from a broom?

Have you not been able to find the straw yet? This is not a problem, you can buy brooms in any home improvement store, which also burn wonderfully. It is not necessary to choose accessories for sweeping floors, bath accessories are also suitable.

How to make a stuffed Maslenitsa with your own hands from brooms? For purchase four of the same product. Connect them in pairs with handles together with ropes or wire. We connect the resulting blanks in the shape of a cross. We decorate the frame with a fabric of our choice. Can the doll be fully dressed up in old clothes or selectively decorate with individual patches. It is not necessary to pull the bag over the head, you can leave it in its original form. It is more convenient to burn an effigy on Maslenitsa by putting a doll of brooms on a stake base. Such a stand will make it more stable and allow the bottom of the craft to burn out. It is not required to make any special stand, the stuffed animal is installed in a strong snowdrift or stuck directly into the ground.

Shrovetide will come to us very soon, so we have prepared for you do-it-yourself collection of ideas and crafts for Maslenitsa!

Shrovetide is an ancient holiday in Rus', which was celebrated 7 days before the equinox and 7 days after. It was on this holiday that pancakes were baked in honor of the worship of the Sun, which gives all life on earth. On the last day of the week, on Forgiveness Sunday, a human-sized straw doll was made on a holiday, she was escorted with songs and dances, and then burned at the stake, it was believed that by doing so she would take all the bad things with her and give a place to a new life, full force and good. Homemade doll Maslenitsa was made smaller size and kept at home as a talisman for a year.

Fabric applique. Carnival portrait. Master Class

Manufacturing master class fabric appliqués- a portrait of Shrovetide. New Year, Christmas - these are our favorite holidays. But there is another holiday in Russia, which is fun and stormy. This is everyone's favorite - Shrovetide! For a whole week, all the people, both old and young, have fun, dance and laugh, bake pancakes, go to visit and invite themselves to their place.

Pancakes are the main dish for Shrovetide. They are baked from Monday to Sunday. What different pancakes are obtained. Each housewife has her own recipes and special secrets of their preparation.

After all, then for a long seven weeks it will not be possible to have fun. After all, to this day people believe that if you don’t take your soul well this week, then you will have to live in misfortune whole year, for real. Another rule is that the food becomes the most an important form life. People say: “That at this time you need to eat as much as a dog waving its tail or a crow caws.”

Carnival lasts for a whole week and one of the days you can do joint creativity with your children.

After all, Maslenitsa is family celebration. I propose to make a portrait using fabric appliqué technology.

  1. to form knowledge in children about such a holiday as Maslenitsa;
  2. to acquaint with the traditions and rituals of the national holiday;
  3. develop cognitive interest children.
  • fabric scraps,
  • cardboard,
  • a sheet of paper or fabric for the background,
  • scissors,
  • coloring book with picture 2 pcs.,
  • glue,
  • simple pencil.
Get everything ready for work.

Cut out the details from the coloring pages (face, scarf shirt, sundress, mittens, pancake).

Pick up the fabric for the cut out details.

Glue the coloring and fabric together, transfer the pattern to the fabric. Cut along the outline.

Make a face (draw eyes, glue cheeks, pick up a scarf).

Gather all the details together.

Choose a background for the received .

Here's a fun job for the holiday. And if the work is placed in a frame, then you can use it to decorate the interior for the holiday.

Doll Maslenitsa do-it-yourself. Master class with step by step photos

The head is made from magazine sheets, previously crumpled and glued with adhesive tape.

Decorate the dress with frills by sewing them on hand stitch forward the needle right on the doll.

Make the face of Maslenitsa from papier mache: mold the base from sculptural plasticine and glue it with paper using PVA glue, make 4-5 layers of paper, let it dry.

Although Maslenitsa does not have a face, we decided to draw it with gouache, first apply a beige background on the face.

Got a cute face.

Glue the face to Shrovetide with hot glue.

Glue the hair threads to the head with hot glue or adhesive tape and braid the pigtails, weave satin ribbons into the braids.

Put on a handkerchief for Shrovetide and sew it up behind and under the chin so that it does not fall off your head.

It remains to put on a handkerchief, and the plasticine craft is completed.

Such plasticine crafts for kids will be very useful for Maslenitsa.

Head: Vasilyeva Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Master class number 7. DIY scarecrow

In this master class we will tell you how to make stuffed Maslenitsa do-it-yourself. Maslenitsa is one of the most ancient and happy Holidays. Its history is connected with the pagan Slavic gods, who were worshiped, asked for their protection, good harvests and offered sacrifices to them. The tradition of saying goodbye to winter and joyfully meeting spring has been preserved for many centuries in a row. One of the ritual actions is the burning of an effigy - the personification of winter. This doll, made of hay and straw, should be both funny and scary at the same time. Perhaps in order not to cause regret during the burning of an effigy. But, at the same time, it should be bright and attract attention, since the bonfire with Shrove Tuesday is the culmination of the holiday.

have been made by hand since ancient times. It should be based on hay and straw, as well as linen and cotton fabrics. But in the conditions of the city, at the end of winter, it is very difficult to find both hay and straw if they are not prepared in advance. Therefore, we will make the scarecrow proposed for manufacturing using papier-mâché arts and crafts and stuff it with familiar recycled materials.

Necessary materials:

Newspapers or unnecessary paper;

PVA glue;

Paper tape;

paper napkins yellow color or paints (gouache, acrylic, aerosol);

colored paper;

multi-colored ribbons;

Two long wooden sticks;

Unwanted clothes.

description of work.

At the first stage of work, we will make a head for a scarecrow. We will do it using the papier-mâché technique.

From the newspaper we form a large lump. Its dimensions should be commensurate with the dimensions of the scarecrow that you want to make. In creating a doll, you can focus on human height and volume.

In order for the newspaper to be in a tight lump and not bloom, it must be fixed with tape. It is best to use paper tape.

From A4 paper, we form five bags. They also need to be fixed with tape or a stapler. We tightly stuff the bags with newspaper and glue them to the newspaper ball. IN this case We need paper tape again. The base is ready.

Now we glue the entire structure with strips of paper using PVA glue, creating an even coating.

Paste the head of Maslenitsa on top paper napkins yellow color.

You can do this with white napkins, or toilet paper, but when the glue dries, the entire surface of the head will need to be painted with yellow paint. You can use gouache, acrylic paint or spray paint from a spray can.

From two sheets of paper we form lumps and glue them with paper napkins. When the glue is dry, paint the eyes blue. We place the eyes on the prepared base for the head of the stuffed animal.

From yellow napkins moistened with PVA glue, we form a triangular nose. From red paper we twist a long sausage in the form of a mouth. We also glue them, creating the face of the future stuffed animal.

We continue to apply makeup to our scarecrow. From black paper, cut out two small circles for the pupils. And on top of them we glue two small circles white color, in order to give shine to the eyes of our charming Maslenitsa.

Black paper is useful for making eyelashes and eyebrows. For eyelashes, you need rectangles that need to be cut in small strips not reaching the edge by 1 cm. Then, using scissors, we bend the eyelashes and glue them around the eye. Eyebrows are placed above the eyes.

Add red circles as rosy cheeks. Well, here is the beauty.

Now let's decorate it. Let's do it with multi-colored ribbons. Cut them into strips about 20 cm long.

Ribbon strips different color We collect in a bundle and tie in the middle with a thin ribbon.

With the help of nail scissors, we make a hole in one of the rays of our stuffed animal and thread the tip of the ribbon into it, which holds the bundle. Tie tightly. We repeat this procedure with each ray.

The head is ready, so let's move on to the next step - the formation of the body.

At the heart of the design of the carnival effigy will be a cross made of two wooden sticks.

We put a garbage bag on the bottom of the stick, making a small hole in it. We stuff this bag tightly with newspapers or paper. Tie tightly at the neck.

We put on a white shirt on sticks. We fasten it and tie it from below. We stuff the sleeves with newspapers and fix them with ribbons.

We use it as a dress. bright fabric, sewn with a pipe. We fix the dress on the shoulders and tie it with a belt. Below, under the dress, to add volume, you can also place a garbage bag stuffed with paper. In addition, the stuffed animal will burn a little longer.

We put on the head, tie a scarf. Scarecrow is ready! It remains only to burn it!

what else you can make you will learn from our master class, which you will find on this site.

Master class number 8. Shrovetide doll

Today, on the eve of Forgiveness Sunday, I want to talk about a small Maslenitsa doll, which is made according to folk motives. You can give it to your family and friends. Remember that when making such pupae, you need to be in good mood and in good spirits

The Shrovetide doll is small in size and fits in the palm of your hand.

Materials for its manufacture: beads, fabrics, sanitary flax, wire, yellow yarn.

On a square knitted fabric, put a bead in the center.

If you do not know how to make a scarecrow for the Maslenitsa holiday and the corresponding ritual dolls, then the master classes on the pages of this section will teach you this. If you have such experience, then in the publications of this section there are many opportunities for its improvement and honing. Is here and useful advice for the manufacture of folklore dolls for Maslenitsa together with children, in creative classes.

Few holidays can compare with Maslenitsa in terms of cheerfulness and scope. No wonder she is called " wide Maslenitsa"! Create traditional decoration holiday, using tips and turnkey solutions outlined in this section.

Master classes and recommendations for creating a classic "entourage" of Maslenitsa.

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All sections | Maslenitsa. Do-it-yourself doll, stuffed Maslenitsa

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Seeing off winter for our ancestors was not just a holiday, but also a way to get rid of life's troubles. Pagan culture has collected many signs and beliefs, following which people were cleansed of sins and attracted good luck and prosperity into their lives.

Maslenitsa holiday for modern people This is a time of merry festivities and fun, as well as a time of preparation for Great Lent and the following Easter. Our ancestors sacredly honored the traditions of the Maslenitsa week, passed down from generation to generation. The burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa is perhaps one of the most spectacular events of the holiday. It symbolized the cold winter cold, and people, burning it, called for an early warm spring, which would bring changes for the better.

DIY scarecrow

In Rus', the spring solstice was considered a new stage in life and a new year. The traditional burning of an effigy is nothing but the funeral of winter and the rebirth of a new life. In ancient times, our ancestors betrayed the dead not to the earth, but to the all-cleansing fire, so the traditional burning of Maslenitsa was also considered a severe and severe funeral. cold winter for new and bright life. It was with the advent of spring that nature came to life and enabled people to use its gifts in order to live the next cold period in abundance and satiety.

It is customary to make an effigy of Maslenitsa in the form of a woman with bright cheeks and elegant dress. Do not confuse it with the Shrovetide doll - this is a home amulet that is designed to protect the family from negative heavy energy.

In Rus', it was customary to make large scarecrows so that the heat from the fire on which it burns would melt the remnants of snow and take away the negative with it. According to tradition, they threw into the fire all the old and broken things that had accumulated in houses for last year. It was both getting rid of the unnecessary, and cleaning with fire from stagnant heavy energy.

In order to make a scarecrow, you need imagination, a little time and some materials. First you need to decide what to make a scarecrow from. We offer you a proven option, for which you will need the following items:

  • boards;
  • long thick stick:
  • hay or straw;
  • burlap (or any other material) and colored fabric;
  • threads;
  • paints;
  • buttons.

So, first you need to take the boards and make a stable cross with a hole in the middle out of them. It is needed to insert a stick - the basis of the body of our beauty. The head of Maslenitsa is made as follows: they are stuffed sewn from light fabric a bag of hay or straw and give it the shape of a ball. The face can be painted by drawing eyes, nose and lips with paints or felt-tip pens, or you can use buttons and pieces of red cloth for the mouth. Braids are woven from linen, sewn to the base of the head and fastened with ribbons tied into bows. Tie a bright colorful scarf on top, which can also be made from any piece of fabric, and preferably from old master's clothes. The head is attached to a stick and fixed with a strong thread or twine.

The torso is also easy to perform. Tie straw to a stick so that your Maslenitsa does not look too thin. The scarecrow should be dressed up. To do this, also use your old things that you no longer use. So you kill two birds with one stone - make a beautiful scarecrow and get rid of trash.

The hands of Maslenitsa are also made from a stick tied to the main rod. Use beads as decorations. They can be made from any combustible material. For example, wrap some hay in shreds of cloth and secure with a thread. Then take a thick needle and a strong rope and string "beads". The decoration is ready. Now your elegant Maslenitsa is ready to sacrifice itself for the sake of spring renewal and your happy life.

Seeing off winter - time for fun and funny songs, therefore, when burning an effigy, it is customary to dance and glorify Maslenitsa.

Shrove Tuesday was seen off, but they sighed heavily over it. Farewell, farewell, Shrovetide! Come, spring, with great joy, with joy and a drop after Shrovetide week! As we spent the winter, they invited us to return, but not immediately, in a year. We dance around it! Farewell, farewell, Shrovetide! Farewell, our beauty! We welcomed Maslena, treated the guest to pies, pies and pancakes. And today is Sunday, the last pre-spring day! Farewell, farewell, Shrovetide! Burn our Maslenitsa brightly, burn, dear, hot! The sun will be clear, washed and red. Spring is returning to us, but we will bow to her on the outskirts! Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out. More heat - swamp snow, bring spring to come!

The merry festivities ended, and old things flew into the fire, which the zealous owners got rid of. We wish you a happy Shrovetide week. Remember that those who do not have fun on Maslenitsa will shed tears all year long. Live together and do not forget to press the buttons and

18.02.2017 06:02

Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays of the year. Folk omens about the symbols of the holiday will help better ...

This year from 12 to 18 March Maslenitsa week will take place. Maslenitsa festivities, so loved by our grandparents, are undeservedly forgotten in big cities. But is it worth depriving yourself and your loved ones of the opportunity to join ancient tradition and have a great time? If your answer is no, then you will be interested to know how to do it yourself main symbol farewell to winter - a scarecrow for Shrove Tuesday, or Shrovetide.

The fate of Maslenitsa is not easy, because on the last day of Maslenitsa, Forgiveness Sunday, they burn it, letting go of all winter grievances, troubles and frustrations and meeting spring mood. But this does not reduce the fascination of what is happening for the "arsonists" themselves.

So, let's start creating Maslena. This creative process, to which you definitely need to attract children or a creative company of friends with good feeling humor!

1 . It is necessary to knock down two wooden blocks in the shape of a cross. This will be the frame of our Shrovetide doll. Traditionally, birch has been used for this - the tree burns easily and is a symbol of purification, but other woody material will also work.
2 . After that, it is necessary to tie Maslena's "arms" and "torso" with bunches of straw. For those who do not want to burden themselves with the search for this forage leader, this option is possible: tie two brooms with tapered ends forward on the sides, and one down in the form of a skirt. Do not offend Maslena with an ugly figure!
3 . For the manufacture of the head, several fillers can be used: newspapers crumpled in the shape of a ball, cotton wool, dry grass. They need to be stuffed with white calico, burlap or, as the most enterprising do, an old duvet cover, which are then sewn together at the base. The resulting, hopefully, round head must be put on the top of our wooden cross.
4 . The most pleasant and interesting moments creativity and decor. Everyone can try on the role of a famous fashion designer, stylist, makeup artist…

We draw Maslenya's face with felt-tip pens, markers, or acrylic paints. If you can't recreate the likeness of Angelina Jolie or Claudia Schiffer, at least try to portray a Russian beauty with blue eyes and a big smile. Have pity on the doll that can't use branded cosmetics!

thick and long braid Maslene you can braid from flax tow or tow, which is often woven with colored ribbons and artificial flowers. They cover the head of the symbol of the holiday with a bright and colorful scarf.

The point is small - to choose our Maslenya wardrobe. You can use a white blouse and a sundress with a traditional ornament, but if there are none, a sheet is quite suitable, which your hands - which immediately became the hands of an eminent artist - will turn into a beautiful ... and fashionable outfit! But, think about it, maybe it's time to get rid of the dress that shamelessly plumped you all winter?

Ready? Now you're ahead bright, cheerful and exciting holiday, which you created with your own hands! In this Pancake week sincerely forgive the people you love and make them happy pleasant surprise! And maybe don’t burn Maslena for now, because you should get it as a hand-written beauty!