What are the autumn holidays. Russian folk holidays and rituals and their traditions for children and adults

Nicholas Dik

autumn Orthodox holidays,

folk tales and customs in Russia

Sergey Panasenko. "Pond. Golden autumn", 1996

The hot summer is passing and autumn is creeping up unnoticed...

The most familiar sign of autumn is the yellowing leaves. Indian summer is coming soon. In ancient times, people noted: “A lot of netting for Indian summer - for a clear autumn and cold winter”, “Spider web spreads over plants - for warmth”, “Autumn netting - for clear weather, for a bucket”.

In the popular imagination, autumn makes you aware of its character with many signs. You just need to notice them. So, in the old days, rumor assured: “There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - the autumn will be rainy, if not enough - dry”, “If the cranes fly high, slowly and“ talk ”- it will stand good autumn”, “Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.”

Rural residents consider the beginning of autumn with the equinox falling on September 22-23. After this date, the nights become longer and the days noticeably begin to wane. According to the signs of autumn, winter was judged: “Damp summer and warm autumn - for a long winter”, “Breadgrower - before severe winter”, “Many acorns on oak - for a fierce winter”, “If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree, there will be a cold winter ”, “If the squirrel has shed cleanly before the Intercession (October 14), then the winter will be good.”

August, leaving, as if cut off the summer. Has comeSeptember is gloomy. The ancient Russian name for September - "ruen" was associated with yellow autumn, "howler" - with rain and bad weather, "ruin" - with the rut, the roar of deer, "frown" - with the fading of sunlight and early twilight.

Plowmen liked to repeat about September: “September is a dawn, frown: it’s cold and wild... In September, even a leaf does not hold on a tree.” September opens with the day of Stratilat - a greenhouse. There was a rumor about this day: “Father-south let the wind blow on the oats.” September 5 - the first frosts - "Luppovsky": "On Luppa - oats are mooning with frost." September 8 - Natalya - fescue, mow oats. “Oats will not grow - you will swallow tears,” the village peasant used to say. Then they celebrated the autumn Peter - Paul the fieldfare. Rowan trees were plucked and hung with tassels under the roof.

September 11 - Ivan-flight, flight pilot. This day belongs the following signs: “Lenten Ivan came, took away the red summer”, “Lenten Ivan - the father of the godfather in autumn”, “A peasant without a caftan does not leave Lenten Ivan”.

A day after Ivan, they start pulling root crops (except for turnips), digging potatoes. September 13 - crane departure: "On Kupriyanov's day, the cranes gather in the swamp to keep an agreement on which way to fly to warm waters." September 14 - Semyon the pilot. The first meeting of autumn. In pre-Petrine Russia New Year began on September 1 (14), on Semyon-day. That is why the peasant calendar - the calendar timed the completion of many summer jobs: “On Semyon-day, before this dinner, pasha, and after dinner, wave at the plowman with a roll.”

By mid-September, the clouds scattered - fine days were established, Indian summer came. According to old signs, it lasts only a week, from 14 to 21 September. How glorious these days are! Indian summer is the best time of autumn. Who doesn’t like people being warm, albeit farewell! “Semyon, the summer guide, makes the young Indian summer last, and brings on the old”, “It’s clear on Semyon-day - the Indian summer is warm”, “Indian summer is rainy - autumn is dry”, “Dry autumn, if it’s dry on Semyon-day” - they talked about these days.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - (September 21/8) - the twelfth feast in honor of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

According to Orthodox canons, “... for the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, God chose the most worthy of the virgins in the Jewish people, the Holy Virgin Mary.

Her name was foretold by an angel who announced to her parents and her birth. In memory of the birthday of the Blessed Virgin, the Christian Church established its own feast of the Nativity of the Virgin, or, as it is sometimes called, the Second Most Pure or Lesser Most Pure. (Big Most Pure - the feast of the Assumption).

This holiday was established by the church in the 4th century, but another seven centuries passed before the Nativity of the Mother of God took its place among the main holidays of the Orthodox Church.

Many temples have been erected in honor of the Mother of God, her image is one of the most frequently found on icons, four of all the twelve holidays are dedicated to her.

The day of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is revered in the Russian Church also because it was on this day that the Russian army, led by the holy prince Demetrius Ioannovich, won a victory on the Kulikovo field.

This day is also known as (according to V. Dahl): mistress, mistress, mistress, mistress, big mistress, the day of the Nativity of the Virgin (Day of the Assumption of the Virgin, small mistress - August 28/15). Dormition fast, he is - spozhenki; according to the consonance and coincidence of time, it mixes with sponzhin-kami - autumn, birthday sheaf, the end and celebration of the end of the harvest).

Spozhinki, madam - a harvest festival. The backlashes have been coping for a long time and sometimes lasted a whole week. The more fruitful the summer was, the longer the holiday, celebrated by visiting guests, by wide hospitality. It was considered obligatory to invite the young to their parents. Often, grandchildren stayed with their grandparents for several days after the holiday. All the relatives came to the newlyweds "to visit the young, to see their life and being, to teach reason."

According to the Russian folk calendar,September 21 is also Aspas' Day. They met his mother - Osenina. Osenina in Ancient Russia is a holiday not only of the harvest, but also of Lada and Lely, mother and daughter - the goddesses of fertility, love, marriage. We went to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds with oatmeal bread to meet mother - Osenina. The eldest stood with bread, and the young sang ritual songs around her. Bread was broken and distributed to all present.

Like a day spring equinox, on this day, the fire was renewed in the huts - the old one was extinguished, and the new one was lit. In order to avoid damage from the evil eye and diseases, they burned old clothes and shoes. Children were doused on the threshold with water. On the Nativity of the Virgin, the onion week begins - women harvest onions. They also remove bees from apiaries.

Osenins - the second meeting of autumn (the first on Semyon-day - September 14/1, the third - on Exaltation - September 27/14). Gatherings began in Oseniny: girls with yarn gathered in one hut, guys came to them with an accordion and treats, game songs and jokes were played.

September 21- autumn, the second meeting of autumn. We continued harvesting onions, which had begun the day before. Behind him, a little later, the milestone date passed - the autumn equinox. Solar heat is becoming less and less. Still warm rains begin to be watered: “Spring rain from a cloud, autumn rain from an ash tree.” September precipitation is beneficial for orchards and winter crops.

For early twilight and high cloudiness, September-September is sometimes called the "evening of the year."

September 24 - Fedora - skinned : "Not every summer will make it to Fedora." The bread left on the vine is upholstered: "Fedora - soak the tails." Two Fedoras uphill - autumn and winter, one with mud, the other with a cold: "Autumn Fedoras tuck in the hem, and winter Fedoras cover their snouts with a scarf."

From September 26, from Corniglia, "A root in the ground does not grow, but shivers." A day later - Exaltation, the third meeting of autumn. The first frosts: "The shift will move the heat, and the cold will move." Autumn is moving faster towards winter. Cabbage is cut down: "On the Exaltation, the first lady is cabbage." On this occasion, young people started parties - skits.

Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (September 27). This is one of the twelfth holidays that the Orthodox Church celebrates in honor of the remembrance of the Cross of Christ. Initially, this holiday was established in memory of the acquisition of the Cross of the Lord by the pious Helen, mother of Emperor Constantine the Great (who allowed the free confession of Christianity) in Jerusalem. According to legend, in 326 she ordered the destruction of the pagan temple that stood on Calvary, and found three crosses in the ruins. One, on which Jesus was crucified, was erected for worship by Christians. At the behest of the queen, a church was built on Calvary and the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord was established.

In the VIII century, another event was connected with this event - the memory of the return of the Cross of the Lord from Persian captivity. Then the Greek emperor Heraclius met the Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem and brought it to the temple, from which he was abducted.

For a believer who follows the Testaments of Christ, "bearing his cross" means sacrificial self-giving to fulfill the will of Christ. It means "denying oneself", conquering selfishness, performing worship and living for others.

On the eve of the feast of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, a cross decorated with flowers is carried out in churches, where it lies until the end of the celebration of the Exaltation, i.e. until October 4th.

On this day, according to tradition, crosses are erected on churches under construction, processions are made around villages and villages in order to protect themselves from any misfortune. In the villages, the Exaltation is associated with the end of the harvest, this is the third meeting of autumn, the first winters. From Vozdvizhenye they began to chop cabbage. The youth held parties, baked pies with cabbage; that is why these evenings were called “kapustnikov”.

All folk signs of this day are somehow connected with the word “move” - on Vozdvizhenie, autumn is moving towards winter. It is believed that it was on this day that the bird took flight, and the bear lay down in the den. In the old days, peasants in the villages tightly locked the courtyard, sealed up all the cracks and openings. They don’t go to the forest in Vozdvizhye, so as not to inadvertently meet with evil spirits

September 28- "goose flight, hussar." Sheep were sheared on the "hussar". In the old Russian calendar, this day, September-gloomy broke in half, and according to the new reckoning, there was nothing left until the end of the first autumn month.

Coming October is dirty. At the beginning of the month, the days are still fine and dry. At noon, the sun peeps through the cloud banks. But after a few days, folk signs indicate: “In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, twists, stirs, roars, pours from above and sweeps from below.” These days were called ras-travel, kisselnitsa, October - dirty.

October 1 - crane years. “If the cranes fly to Arina, then on Pokrov (October 14) you have to wait for the first frost; and if they are not visible on this day, not a single frost will strike before Artemiev Day (November 2). October among the autumn brother-months is the most elegant, the most picturesque.

October 2 - Zosima, protector of bees. They put the hive in the omshanik. Those who live to the south postpone this de-lo until Savvaty (October 10).

Behind Zosima - Astafiev winds. On Astafya, of course, there are their own examples: “If the north, angry wind blows, there will be a cold not far away, the southerner blew - to heat, the west - to sputum, the east - to the bucket”, “If it’s foggy and warm on Astafya, white flies through the alleys a long web - to a favorable autumn and not soon snow.

October 7 - Thekla - zarevnitsa. The day is already waning faster, more often autumn frosts. On Sergius (October 8) they cut cabbage. On this day, they noticed: "If the first snow on Sergius, then winter will be established on Mikhailov's Day" (November 21). And here is the famous Pokrov, September 14 - the first herald of real autumn cold. “Heat a hut on the Pokrov without firewood”, “If you don’t insulate your home, you will suffer in the cold”, “What is the Pokrov - such is the winter”, “Wind from the north - to a cold winter, from the south - to warm, from the west - to snowy. With a variable wind and winter, be fickle.

October - wedding , weddings are played in the village: "The Pokrov will come - he will cover the girl's head."

On the third day after the Intercession - Erofei. "Since Yerofei, even winter puts on a fur coat." superstitious people they didn’t go to the forest against Erofei, they were afraid of the goblin. Kharitins imperceptibly approached (October 18) - the first canvases. Behind Kharitins - Denis-Pozimsky. The day noticeably lags behind the night, it gets dark earlier, it gets light later. The sun goes lower, the cumulus clouds disappear. On Sergius,The 20th of October, its own sign: "If Sergius is covered with snow, then from the November Matryona (November 22) winter will rise to its feet."

Protection of the Holy Mother of God (October 14). This Orthodox holiday was established by Andrei Bogolyubsky (X century) in memory of the miraculous appearance of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in Constantinople during the all-night vigil. The holiday, which came to Russia from Byzantium, has become one of the most revered. This is a holiday of great joy. In Russia, they believed that the Most Holy Mother of God took Holy Russia under Her protection, therefore they have hope for Her constant intercession and mercy. The icons of the Vladimir, Bogolyubsk, Kazan and Smolensk Mothers of God are especially revered.

In everyday life, the Pokrov is associated with the end of field work, the collection of the last fruits, with the first frosts and the snow cover of the earth. The Veil is traditionally the time to attract grooms and weddings. Brides put on a wedding dress - a snow-white cover.

Usually in the morning, after going to the bathhouse, girlfriends, matchmakers, matchmakers gathered in the bride’s house and, under lamentations, songs, laments, they began to unravel the bride’s braid and twist it into a new hairstyle for a married woman. From now on, beauty - a girl's braid was forever hidden from prying eyes, because. married women had to hide their hair under a headdress. They could take off a scarf, a kokoshnik (it was worn by young women) or a cap - they could only take off a warrior in front of their husbands.

October 21:"It's getting colder from Tryphon-Palagea." Get ready warm clothes— winter is creeping in. The Russian people, quick-witted by a playful word, found work for the saints. They have: "Tryphon mends a fur coat, Palageya sews sheep's mittens." And a day later - Lampei (Evlampy). “If on Yevlampy the horns of the month are at midnight (to the north) - it will be an early winter, the snow will fall normally, and if they ate at noon (to the south) - wait for the coming winter, there will be mud and slush, until Kazan (November 4) autumn will not be snowed he will wash himself, he will not dress up in a white caftan.

Now is the time November - leafy. About this month, folk rumor says: “In November, winter fights with autumn”, “November is a semi-winter road: he loves both the wheel and the skid”, “November is a semi-winter road: a man with a cart says goodbye and climbs into a sleigh.”

Unsightly November day. The sun will peep and hide, more and more lead clouds in the sky. The days are waning, and the nights are adding and adding: "November nights are dark before the snow."

On the third day of November, the folk calendar pointed to the Kazan holiday, revered in Russia. In peasant life, this was an important date. The weather regime was breaking - winter is knocking, all sorts of field work is leaving for a long time. Village peasants were returning from the crafts. On Kazan - the first winter frost. Snowy and frosty. Peasants used to say about this day: “Before Kazanskaya it’s not winter, from Kazanskaya it’s not autumn”, “Mother Kazanskaya leads a snowless winter, it shows the path to frost”, “From Kazanskaya it’s not great, but it doesn’t order to stand”.

November 8 - Dmitriev's day. Everywhere they celebrated a memorial for the dead, which is why Dmitrov's week was known as "grandfather's". In the folk calendar, it was noted that winter does not become until Dmitr's Saturday. Among other signs about the weather, the following stood out: “Dmitrov does not wait for the day of transportation”, “Dmitry is in the snow - late spring”.

A day later - Nenila-linen. Behind the Nenils are Nastasya the shepherds.November 12, on Zinoveya, - a titmouse holiday: “The titmouse bird is not great, and she remembers her holiday.” November 14 - Kuzminki, a meeting of winter: "Kuzma-Demyan will forge, until the spring the red one will not be unforged." The rivers begin to freeze: "Do not chain the river in winter without Kuzma-Demyan." The pre-winter days are a thing of the past. "Demyanov's path is not a path, but only a crossroads." In addition, in the coming days, no big frosts are expected and may even let go: “If Kuzma-Demyan will forge, then Mikhail (November 21) will open" or: "Kuzma-Demyan with a bridge - Mikhail with a half-bridge."

Kuzminki in Russia were famous for rooster name days: Kochety were celebrated. The girls - sitters arranged a feast - a conversation. For this, each brought a kochet - a rooster. Well done were invited to the feast, who were after their own hearts.

But now the holiday has passed, it's time to get down to business: “Akundin (15th of November) kindles the barn. In some villages in the old days, the clatter of mills and flails was heard. On the mills they rattled, crushed hemp and flax - fiber was obtained from the trust. The flails on the threshing floors were rattling - the threshing of bread was still going on. So the work and passed the cold time.

November 19 - freezing. Ponds and shallow rivers under the ice shell. The next day, "Fedot - ice leads to ice." Behind him "Michael (November 21) bridges bridges. But Michaelmas Day is known more for thaws. Mikhailovsky thaws, Mikhailovsky mud: “If Mikhail Demyanov destroys the path, do not wait for him until the winter Nikola (December 19th)».

From the winter Matryonas, winter rises to its feet, frosts fly in. "From Erast (November 23) wait for the ice crust. “Erast is ready for everything: both for cold, and for hunger, and for a roadless blizzard” And two days later - Studite. “From Studit it will become cold and angry”, “Fyodor Studit is chilling the earth”, “It is cold from Studit, every day is worse.”

According to the national calendarNovember 25rain or snow - be thaws before the Introduction (December 4). Three days later: "Guryan on a pinto mare" (mud, snow). And if there is snow on Guryan, then he will lie until the flood.

It seems that winter has set in, but the villain will take it and sweat, no, no, yes, it will give off warmth with phlegm: “On Matvey (29th of November) winter sweats. But no matter how discordant with the calendar it may be, November-breasts close the Pozim autumn. Blizzards, colds, fierce days came close behind him. The real winter is coming.

So figuratively reveals the folk calendar signs and customs Orthodox Russia associated with the seasons and seasonal weather changes.

noisy summer time, played with unbridled fun under the warm sun. What now, sit and dejectedly wait for Santa Claus? No, of course not, because there are still plenty of autumn holidays - significant events, many of which we are looking forward to all year. Keep our holiday calendar and be aware of all the holiday occasions.

September holidays

Autumn claims its rights very enchantingly, loudly proclaiming the beginning of a new school year. You can have many years of work experience, and September 1 will still feel somehow special. The Day of Knowledge will teach everyone who does not know how to write with a thin pen in notebooks, and will allow them to rejoice that knowledge continues to mean so much in our lives. Set up and move on. More than one training, as they say, we will be full! Holidays in September are just beginning:

- in 2016, September 4 is solemnly celebrated as the day of the oilman;
On September 8, it's time to remember the importance of reading and writing skills in our lives. Just think, if you were completely illiterate, you could not read what is written here! From this it becomes somehow uncomfortable. Let us raise a glass to our literacy on September 8th Literacy Day;
- beauty is not measured in numbers, but has its own date - September 9 - International Day of Beauty;
- mark September 14th on your calendar as an occasion to celebrate something epochal. This is the Slavic New Year, why not arrange a dress rehearsal before its generally recognized version?
- September 18 - professional holiday of forest workers;
- September 19 - we are all going to a birthday party, because Smiley was born today! Yes, it's Smiley Day. He is already a big boy, this year he turns 34 years old. By the way, do you know? And we are aware!
- September 21 - a significant church event - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
- Elephants are large creatures, but completely defenseless against human cruelty. They must be protected, which is what Elephant Protection Day on September 22 reminds of;
- September 26 is a solemn occasion to meet with the most devoted, time-tested comrades, because this is the Day of meeting with old friends.

Holiday dates in October

Holidays in October are no less varied and interesting. See for yourself:

- October 1 - Music Day;
- On October 2, a number of countries celebrate the professional holiday of our patient, smart, funny teachers;
- October 7 simply obliges everyone and everything to smile, regardless of the weather and their own mood. It's Smile Day!
- October 14 is celebrated at once two significant events: Day of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and Mother's Day in the Republic of Belarus;
- everything seems to be so simple and clear - wash your hands before eating, but how much sense does that make. The importance of the event is immortalized in Handwashing Day on 15 October;
— October 16 is an important date for almost every employee. After all, each of us has his own boss, his tireless, responsible leader, and this is his day;
- Oriental tales are as captivating as local sweets. Treat yourself to the opportunity to cling to them on the Day of Sweet Molasses and Oriental Sweets on October 18th;
holidays Autumn simply cannot do without International Cook's Day on October 20th. The profession is very ancient and very appetizing, it concerns each of us, because we are all a little cooks;
- mother-in-law is not just a name, but a state of mind. Everyone has the opportunity to congratulate them on their personal holiday - Mother-in-law's Day, which is celebrated on October 23;
- a very important date in October - the 31st, because it's Halloween. Although the celebration is not official, it is very cool. Cook pumpkins, dress up scary and don't forget the toilet paper.

November holidays

Do you know what holidays are celebrated in November? But we know:

- and it all starts with Men's Day on November 5th. “We are against discrimination against men,” said the founders of the holiday and established the World Day in their honor;
- you thought that the day in honor of youth is exclusively summer holiday? But no! Its autumn variation is celebrated on November 10;
- November 11 - Shopping Day. If you are overwhelmed by the autumn melancholy - do not miss it and shop properly;
- November 13 - Kindness Day - a good tradition for good people;
- Do you want to quit smoking? We are only "for" and throw you for this suitable date– November 17 – Global Abandonment Day addiction, and at the same time - Student's Day;
- November 20 is the Day of the child, his well-being and harmonious development;
- the holidays in November are very friendly, take at least the Day of Greetings on November 21st. The whole day to say hello to everyone and wish you all the best - that's how many new friends you can make!
On November 25 this year we will have Black-Black Friday. What does it mean? Huge discounts and sales, that's what it means. Well, why not a holiday for avid shopaholics!
- who owns the information, you yourself know what he owns. Holiday in honor of information - November 26;
November 27 is Mother's Day in Russia.

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We offer a calendar of autumn 2018 with holidays, significant dates, memorable events of state, church (Orthodox) festivities and folk signs.

It should be noted that the astronomical autumn of 2018 will begin according to the national calendar not on September 1, but on September 22 - the day of the autumn equinox.

According to the phenological calendar, the beginning of autumn is associated with the beginning of the fall of yellow leaves, the first frosts and the departure of birds.

There are two periods of autumn:

From the beginning of the first frost to the end of the end of leaf fall;

From the end of leaf fall to the beginning of winter.

Folk signs - "Warm autumn - to a long winter." "If birches turn yellow from the top in autumn, the next spring will be early, and if from below, then late."

"If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh." "There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - the autumn will be rainy, a little - dry."

According to the Bianchi Forest calendar, the first month of autumn begins on September 21 - "The month of farewell of migratory birds from their homeland", the second month of autumn - "The month of full pantries" and the third autumn month - "The month of winter guests".

Folk proverbs - "Autumn time - a bird from the yard." "In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, tears, pours from above, twists, stirs, and sweeps from below."

"In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of mud; in autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of mud." "In autumn, the cattle grows fat, and the man becomes kinder."

Autumn calendar 2018 - september, october, november

September 2018

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

October 2018

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

November 2018

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30

Day of Andrey Stratilat-teplyak and Fekla-beetroot. Andrey Stratilat and Thekla. Noticeable warming. The wind-teplyak is dressed in cobwebs, bows after the bygone summer.

Stratilatov's day has come - the oats have reached. Dig beets on Thekla. The wind is warm, south - to a good harvest of oats.

Knowledge Day.

First day of autumn.

Samoilin day. Day of the prophet Samuel, beetroot. Samuel the prophet himself prays to God for a peasant. It's time to pull the beets and carrots. The beetroot girl is a slave to the girls.

In Orthodoxy, September 2, Samoylin Day is known as the day of memory of the prophet Samuel, who was considered the protector and patron of all peasants and disadvantaged people.

Day of the Russian Guard.

Vietnam Independence Day.

Labor Day in Canada.

Day of Thaddeus. If this day is clear, you should expect the same weather for another four weeks. Who is Thaddeus - own your happiness!

Day of solidarity in the fight against terrorism.

Day of the National Army of the Republic - Moldova.

Day of Agathon the gourmand. The peasants were afraid of the goblin and at night they guarded the threshing floor so that it would not scatter the sheaves.

Day of the nuclear engineer (specialist in nuclear support).

Worker's Day Customs Service Republic - Moldova.

v Day of the Rescuer in Armenia.

Day of St. Lupp of Thessalonica. Loupes-lingonberry. First frosts. On St. Lupus, oats are peeling with frost. If lingonberries ripen, you need to hurry up with the oats reaping. If the cranes fly low and silently - to bad weather.

Teacher's Day in India.

Rosh Hashanah. This Jewish holiday is celebrated in honor of the creation of the world.

Day of Eutyches. Well, if Eutychius is quiet, otherwise you won’t be able to keep the flaxseed on the vine: everything will hatch cleanly.

Day of the oilman and gasman.

Day of the businessman of Ukraine.

Day of Titus and Bartholomew. Titus, go thresh! Listopadiik-Tit grows the last mushroom. Titus drags the last mushroom in the basket - the most vigorous, without a wormhole.

Brazil Independence Day.

Day of Andrian and Natalia Ovsyanitsa. Day of Pavel-Royabinnik. It's time to mow oats, cook oatmeal jelly, bake pancakes. Oats will not grow - you swallow tears. Cold matinee for Natalia - for an early and cold winter. You won’t mow oats to Natalya - you will wind yourself up to tears.

Day of the financier of Russia.

International Literacy Day.

Day of Saint Natalia Ovsyanitsa.

Memorial Day of Anfisa and Pimen. Day of Anfisa, fieldfare. Birds are the first to feast on rowan berries. Winter will be merciful to the peasant if there are many berries left on the mountain ash.

International Beauty Day.

Harvest Festival - Thanksgiving Earth.

Day of Anna and Savva Skirdnikov. Anna the Prophetess and Savva of Pskov, stackers. On this day, they hurried to put unmanaged sheaves into stacks, glorified the harvest. A good owner has a mow with a stack of arguing, and a couch potato has a stack with a kopeck.http://site/node/4572

Fun inviting fairs began. On this day, Moses Murin was also revered, to whom they prayed for deliverance from drunkenness and craving for smoking.

World Suicide Prevention Day.

Teacher's Day - China.

Day of Ivan the Lenten, Ivan the Flying. Day of Ivan the Lenten (Day of the beheading of John the Baptist), Ivan the Fleet. Under the ban, everything is round - something that can resemble a severed head (apples, potatoes, cabbage, etc.), they do not take knives in their hands. Strict post.

Day of the specialist in educational work.

Sobriety Day in Russia.

Faceted glass day.

Teacher's Day in Argentina.

New Year in Ethiopia.

Day of Prince Alexander Nevsky. Warm and stellar - for a good future harvest. The peasants tried on September 12 to lay a rich table and arrange a feast.

Pizza Festival in Naples.

Kupriyanov day. Kupriyan Day. It's time to harvest carrots, dig potatoes. Potatoes are a sucker for bread. Each spine to its time.

Programmer's Day in Russia.

Hairdresser day.

Tank Day.

Semyon Pilot. Day of Simeon the Stylite, in the folk calendar - Semyon the pilot. In pre-Petrine Russia (from the middle of the XIV century to 1700) it fell on September 1 and was considered the beginning of the New Year. This day was the deadline for the payment of state taxes and for appearing in court.

Day of the fiery wolf

The consecrated time of the church - the beginning of the indiction

Day of the Mammoth Shepherd, the day of Fedot and Rufin. Day of the Mammoth Sheepdog. In order to avoid misfortunes, it was customary to drive the cattle out of the yard this day only in the afternoon. Snakes are very dangerous - you can not walk barefoot, especially near the water. Water, the way it flows, determines the future.

Knowledge Day in Azerbaijan.

Day of unity of the peoples of Dagestan.

Domna Dobrorodnaya Day. Vasilisa Day. Mistresses prepared flax and hemp for spinning. Baba Vasilisa, hurry up with flax, get ready for rattles and supryadki. Old, worn-out bast shoes, hung on the roof that day, saved the house "from the evil eye."

HR day.

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

Mexican Independence Day.

Day of the Icon of the Mother of God "Burning Bush". Bow day. It's time to dig onions. On this day, they prayed for the protection of houses and livestock from fires.

US Citizenship Day (US Constitution Day).

Day of workers of the fire service of Ukraine.

Day of the Rescuer of Ukraine.

Day of Elizabeth the Foreteller. The day is considered successful for predictions, since it was on this day that Saint Elizabeth predicted the birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary. It is very dangerous to stir up water in rivers and lakes: on this day, the water spirit Ichetik falls asleep. Whoever worries him may drown next year.

Day of the Holy Prophet Zechariah.

Day of the Secretary of Russia.

Michaelmas. Cooling - "Mikhailovsky frosts". Frozen Michael seized the land. On this day, the peasants did not work in the field - a sin. At the same time, it was he who was considered the most suitable for solving all family problems.

Smiley birthday.

Day of the pharmacist of Ukraine.

Day of the gunsmith in Russia.

Jewish Feast of Tabernacles Sukkot.

Zhongqiu - Moon and Harvest Festival (China).

Day of the martyr Sosont. "Onion" day, the day of taking herbal medicinal kvass, infusions, decoctions. Deadline digging onions from the beds, the beginning of the onion trade.

Day of Forest Workers (3rd Sunday).

Recruiter's Day in Russia.

Day of the customs officer in Belarus.

Day of Oil Workers in Azerbaijan.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. Aspas Day, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. To spend the day in wisdom and prayer is to find happiness. The end of every summer, a great holiday. The women met him by the water. Children went around the yards and gave the owners small "autumn" sheaves. In songs, they wished well-being to the owners and called for a generous autumn.

International Day of Peace.

Day of innovator and inventor of Ukraine.

Independence Day of Armenia.

"Nikola autumn". Trips are stopped at night: Nikola will fatten the horse in spring, and drive it into the yard in autumn. Who confuses and tears branches - the snake invites into the house. The snakes are very dangerous. You can not raise snakes and snakes above the eyes - you can get fainting, evil eye, damage. You can’t kill snakes - snake kings will take revenge all year.

International day without a car.

Baltic Unity Day.

Day of the autumnal equinox.

Day of Languages ​​of the Peoples of Kazakhstan.

Day of the autumnal equinox. Day of Peter and Paul - Fieldfare. They collected mountain ash, decorated their dwellings with it. The day turned into night. Mountain ash is terrible - the winter is frosty. If there are few mountain ash in the forest, then autumn will be dry.

Yandex birthday.

The holiday of Sede is the embodiment of the law according to which destroyed forms are interchanged with new counterparts.

Memorial Day of St. Silouan of Athos. Fyodor Day - soak your tails. Last farewell of summer. Autumn equinox, the beginning of rains and slush. Under Fedor, summer ends, autumn begins. Not every summer will reach Fedora.

Kurban Bayram.

International caravan day.

System Analyst Day.

Day of Artamon. According to legend, on this day the snakes go into the forest and hide. You can’t make noise - the snake will gape and remain near the house. The noise also calls for witches - they bring evil to the house.

National Comic Book Day in the USA.

Dday of Cornelius. All root vegetables, except turnips, must be dug up by this day: Saint Cornelius - out of the ground with rhizomes! Korniliev's day in the yard - every root is in its hole. Since Corniglia, the root does not grow in the ground, but becomes chilly.

World Contraception Day.

European Day of Languages.

ATexaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Exaltation, the third meeting of autumn, the first frosts. The elements are ready to obey those people who spend this day in the church. Last harvest time.

The birds were drawn to the south, the bear lay down in the den. The peasants were afraid of the goblin that day and did not go to the forest. It's time to chop up the cabbage. The caftan with a fur coat will move, the last cart will leave the field, the birds will fly away, and the cold will come.

Day of the educator and preschool workers.

World Tourism Day.

Google birthday.

Engineer's Day.

International Day of the Deaf.

Memorial Day of the Holy Great Martyr Nikita. Nikita the goose fly, reporez, Nikita the goose. Geese fly - they drag a winter on their tail, they carry snow on their nose.http://site/node/4572

The merman is furious, getting ready to sleep - he needs to be appeased by a goose. You can’t eat the bird yourself, otherwise the whole water one will harm the next year. It's time to collect turnips and start shearing sheep. Turnip - meat, cut and eat!

Day of the nuclear industry worker.

Day CEO in Russia.

Czech statehood day.

Euphemia Day. Dry and warm weather on September 29 will be late winter, and severe frosts, most likely, can not be expected. It was on September 29 that they began to shear sheep, the wool of which was used to make felt boots.

Also on this day, they continued to harvest cabbage for the winter. Usually they did it together, arranging the so-called cabbage parties.

Day of the Archangel Michael.

Blessed Ferdinand's Day.

Sofia Day. Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia. Read conspiracies for memory and understanding.

On this day, girls' gatherings were held. Dry weather - winter will not come soon Sunny and warm on September 30 - according to signs, you can go fishing and count on a good catch.

International Translation Day.

Internet day.

Autumn calendar 2018 - holidays, dates and events in October

International Day of Older Persons.

Cyprus - Independence Day. Celebrated since 1960.

Proclamation Day of the People's Republic - China.

Day ground forces Russia.

International Music Day.

World Vegetarian Day.

Day of Trofim and Zosima. In ancient times, Zosima was considered the protector of bees, and it was to him that on October 2 they prayed that the bees were alive and healthy, that there was plenty of honey.

On October 2, India celebrates the birthday of Gandhi - a man who did not create his own religion, although in many respects it corresponds to traditional Indian ideas about a holy guru (religious mentor).

Guinea - Independence Day

Feast Day

International Day of the Social Educator

world smile day

Day of Astafiya (Evstafiya Windmill). Usually on Astaf's Day it was customary to chop cabbage, because it was believed that cabbage was the most delicious right now.

Day of German Unity. Germany Celebrated in honor of the reunification of the GDR and the FRG. On this day in 1990, the reunion was formalized.

Day of formation of the state of South Korea.

World Habitat Day. Celebrated on the first Monday in October.

Columbus Day in USA. Columbus Day in the USA - state national holiday. Celebrated on the first Monday in October since 1492.

World Architecture Day.

International Housing Day.


Kondrat Day. Matthew Day. On this day, they usually read conspiracies, and also performed rituals that allowed them to hope for a fertile next year.

World Animal Day. This holiday is associated with the name of St. Francis, the patron saint of sacred animals, who is revered mainly in Catholic countries. It has been celebrated in Russia since 2000 at the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year.

world animal day

Russian Space Forces Day

Day civil defense Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Fock's Day, Ion's Day. In the old days, it was believed that autumn begins on October 5 and continues until the Nativity of Christ.

International Teacher's Day.

Republic Day Portugal.

The 1st day of Ramadan is the beginning of Lent for Muslims. Beginning of the monthly fast (saum) during the holy month of Ramadan. A big fast during the month of Ramadan (in Persian - Ramazan) is obligatory for all adults, healthy, ritually clean people.

Day of criminal investigation workers.

Iraidin day, the day of John the Baptist. On October 6, they wondered about their own fate.

Egyptian Army Day (Armed Forces Day).

Memorial Day - Turkmenistan.

World Habitat Day.

Day of the Russian insurer.

Fekla Zarevnitsa Day. Young girls on October 7 could guess their future.

Fiesta in Spain, Zaragoza

International Guitar Festival (held in Argentina)

Day of headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Day of St. Sergius of Radonezh. On October 8, the custom of chopping cabbage and slaughtering chickens for sale was extended to Sergius of Radonezh. It was said that snow falls on this day 40 days before the onset of cold weather.

Lawyer's Day of Ukraine

Croatia Independence Day

National Children's Day. USA

Health and Sports Day (Japan). Established in honor of Japan's first Olympic Games in 1964, held in Tokyo.

Day of John the Evangelist. By October 9, the peasants finished all the work in the field and began to monitor the precipitation, which was used to predict the weather.

Workers Day Agriculture and processing industry.

World Post Day. World Post Day is one of international days celebrated in the United Nations system.

World Post Day.

World Egg Day.

Day of Savatiy the Beekeeper (Savatiy of Solovetsky). On October 10, beekeepers try to finish preparing for winter.

world day mental health. World Mental Health Day has been celebrated every year since 1992.

World Mental Health Day.

Day of workers of standardization and metrology of Ukraine.

Day of Ilya Muromets. Known as an epic hero and among the people was considered the intercessor of people and their protector from enemies.http://site/node/4572

Sovereignty Day of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Bashkir ASSR was adopted in 1990.

Revolution Day - Panama.

International Day of the Girl.

Day of agricultural workers.

Day of Maryamna the Sorrowful, Theophan the Merciful. On October 12, people analyzed natural phenomena and tried to predict the weather from them.

International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction.

Opening day - Bahamas.

National Day - Spain. (Day of Spanish Culture or Spanish Spirit).

Independence Day - Equatorial Guinea.

HR Day

Gregory Day. Tradition says that on October 13 people tried to renew their pillows and mattresses.

Founding day of the National Assembly of the Republic of Afghanistan.

Friendship Day - Virgin Islands.

Yom Kippur (Judgment Day) is a Jewish day of repentance and prayer.

Day of Atonement, Judgment Day, in Jewish tradition - the most important of the holidays, the day of fasting, repentance and remission of sins.

World Farmer's Day.

Protection of the Holy Mother of God. Orthodox holiday - Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated only in Russian Orthodox Church and is one of the greats. The Feast of the Intercession is established in honor of the appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to Blessed Andrew. It was on this day that the peasants tried to fully complete the agricultural year, picking vegetables and fruits. On October 14, wedding season began.

International day of standardization. On this day, October 14, 1946, a decision was made to create international organization for standardization.

Ukraine Day of Ukrainian Cossacks.

Mother's Day - Belarus.

Day of Ustinya and Kupriyan. The people considered them to be protectors from demons, sorcerers and witches. They said that this is the time at which it is necessary to get rid of all evil spirits and obsession.

Workers Day Food Industry.

Independence Day - Bosnia.

Mid-Autumn Festival - China.

Denis Pozimny. On October 16, the peasants were afraid of the evil eye and read a large number of conspiracies from evil spirits, autumn fever, and damage. It was rumored that evil spirits could scare away the smell of garlic and onions, and therefore, according to signs, bundles with them were hung over doors and windows.

World Food Day.

Day of road workers. The professional holiday of road workers is celebrated on the third Sunday of October.

Day of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania.

Day of food industry workers. Food Workers Day was established in 1966 and is celebrated on the third Sunday in October.

Vatican City - Pope Election Day.

Chief's Day (Boss's Day).

Anesthesiologist day.

Hierotheus Day. Since that day, the cold has been getting stronger, and the approach of winter is felt. It was not worth going to the forest that day - it was said that Leshy on October 17 break trees, drive animals before leaving to winter until next year.

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

Chang Yung Festival - China, Hong Kong.

Mother's Day - Malawi.

Kharitin Day. It was on October 18 that it was believed that it was possible to start spinning and weaving. Therefore, often the holiday itself was called Spinner among the people.

Independence Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan (proclaimed in 1991).

Day of the Republic of Kalmykia. In 1990, the Declaration on State Sovereignty was adopted.

Alaska Day. USA. In 1867 Alaska was sold by the tsarist government of Russia to the United States, until 1884 under the jurisdiction of the US War Department, in 1884-1912 a district, then a territory, from 1959 a US state. October 18 is considered Alaska Day in the United States.

Sukkot is a joyful Jewish holiday. Seven days lasts a cheerful holiday Sukkot - "the holiday of huts." These days, Jews are commanded to live in huts, or at least eat there.

Thomas Day, Denis Day. They said that on Denis Pozimsky on October 19, cumulus clouds could be seen in the sky for the last time this year - it was believed that winter would come from that moment, cold would begin.

Lima Day - Peru.

All-Russian Lyceum Day.

Day of the Rocket and Artillery Troops of Armenia.

Lawyer's Day in Moldova.

Day of Sergei Zimny. They say that winter begins on October 20 of this moment, although autumn is still on the calendar. However, the days become short, the nights become long, and even frosts can be observed in the mornings.

Day of the military signalman.

World statistics day.

International Air Traffic Controller Day.

Day of Signal Corps of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

International Chef's Day.

Revolution Day - Guatemala.

Army Day - Kenya.

Belgrade Day - Yugoslavia (Serbia).

Heroes Day - Jamaica.

Day of Tryphon, Day of Pelageya Oznobnitsa. It was said that it was on October 21 that the days become colder, and one feels the imminent approach of winter. There was even a saying: "Tryphon begins to mend his fur coat, and Pelagia begins to sew mittens."

Honduras - Army Day.

Marshall Islands - Accord Day.

Somalia - Revolution Day.

Saint Margaret Cliterow Day (patron saint of business women).

Day of Yakov Drovolitsa. It was customary to bake pies on October 22 and treat them to their relatives and friends. It was believed that this would provide well-being and good health for all these people for the coming year.

Honduras Army Day.

Marshall Islands Accord Day.

Somalia Revolution Day.

Holiday of the White Cranes (Dagestan).

Day of Evlampy-Winter-indicator and Evlampy-Winter-indicator.

Hungary - Day of the beginning of the revolution and the liberation struggle of 1956 and the proclamation of the Hungarian Republic (1989).

Chulalongkorn Day - honoring King Rama V of Thailand (Chakri dynasty).

Philip's Day. It was noted that it was on Philip that the rigmarole began - that was the name of the dirt and whore on the roads. - Day of the United Nations (UN). The anniversary of the entry into force of the Charter of the United Nations, October 24, 1945, has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948.

- (24.10-30.10) - Week of disarmament. It has been celebrated every year since the founding of the United Nations in 1978.

World Development Awareness Day.

Zambia - Independence Day.

Egypt - Suez Victory Day. Anniversary of the 1973 Egyptian-Israeli truce, after which Egypt regained control of the Suez Canal.

Special Forces Day.

Prov's Day, Andrey's Day. The people called the holiday Andrew the Astrologer. They guessed by the stars and tried to determine the harvest, as well as future weather. It was also believed that on this day one should not laugh out loud, since in this case a person could subject himself to a lot of torment.

International Day of Women for Peace.

Virgin Islands - Thanksgiving.

Kazakhstan - Republic Day.

Day of the customs officer of Russia.

Motorist's Day (last Sunday in October).

Day of Carp, Agathon. Day of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God.

Folk omens for October 26 - Carp Day, Agathon. Day of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God. It was customary to pray to the icon of the Iberian Mother of God for protection from fires and other misfortunes.

National holiday Republic of Austria. On this day in 1955, the Austrian Parliament passed the Permanent Neutrality Law.

Mother-in-law's day in the USA.

Motorist's Day (last Sunday in October).

The beginning of Diwali (for Hindus - the festival of lights).

Feast of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God (Orthodox). Orthodox feast of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God, considered the intercessor of the human race.

Simchat Torah is a Jewish holiday. The eighth day of Sukkot in Israel is also the day of Simchat Torah. In the countries of dispersion, where holidays are doubled, Simchat Torah falls on the ninth day of Sukkot.

Motorist's Day (last Sunday in October).

Day of Praskovya. October 27 was popularly called Praskovya-Gryaznitsa, Trepalnitsa, Gryaznikha. Very often the weather deteriorated on Praskovya and it rained.

International Day of School Libraries.

Motorist's Day (last Sunday in October).

Labor Day - New Zealand

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - National Day.

Independence Day of Turkmenistan. It has been celebrated on October 27 and 28 since 1991. On October 27, 1991, the Parliament of Turkmenistan adopted the Law on Independence.

Look at Flax, Yefim the Pious. October 28 was supposed to be engaged in the processing of flax. But it was not worth sewing and washing on October 28 - it promised misfortune.

Rescuer Day - Ukraine.

Grandparents' Day in Russia.

Day of creation of the army aviation of Russia.

Motorist's Day (last Sunday in October).

State holiday of the Czech Republic - Statehood Day.

Ohi Day (Greece). Greek analogue of the Russian Victory Day. True, the Greeks celebrate not the end of the war, but its beginning.

Longinus Sotnik. On October 29, the memory of Longinus Sotnik was honored, who was considered by the people to be a protector from eye diseases.

Grandparents' Day in Russia

Day of creation of Russian army aviation

Komsomol Day

Day of private security service

Motorist's Day (last Sunday in October).

Youth Day - Liberia.

Day of the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey. On this day, solemn parades and festivities are held.

Day of the prophet Hosea. Hosea in Russia was called Kolesnik, because on this day it was supposed to pay close attention to the wheels.

Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repressions

Workers Day road transport and road management

Laylat al-qadr - the night of predestination (Muslim holiday). The night of the 27th day of the month of Ramadan is considered the night of predestination, fate, power.

Motorist's Day (last Sunday in October).

Naval Sailor's Day (Navy's birthday).

Day of the mechanical engineer.

Saint Luke's Day. In the people, the day of Luke was often called the Onion Day. On October 31, they tried to eat at least a little onion in order to maintain health for the whole next year.

Halloween. In English-speaking countries - Celtic Samhain (Halloween, All Saints' Day Eve) - a cheerful holiday of evil spirits and humor.http://site/node/4572

Protestants celebrate Reformation Day (1517). Feast in honor of the founding of the Evangelical Church.

National Devotion Day - India. It is celebrated on the day of the death of Indira Gandhi.

Day of Remembrance. Karachay-Cherkessia. (anniversary of the deportation of the Karachay people from their places of residence).

Reformation Day - Slovenia.

Chiang Kai-shek Day - Taiwan.

Mother's Day - Yakutia.

Motorist's Day (last Sunday in October).

Day of workers of pre-trial detention centers and prisons.

Day of the sign language interpreter.

Autumn calendar 2018 - holidays, dates and events in November

Revolution Day. Algerian People's Democratic Republic

Independence Day. Antigua and Barbuda

Day of the people's awakeners. Bulgaria

Freedom Day. Virgin Islands.

Revolution Day. Vietnam.

Print day. DPRK.

Day of Remembrance of the Dead. Lithuania.

Day of creation of the Self-Defense Forces. Japan.

Fox Day (beginning of the fox hunting season in Western Europe).

All Saints' Day (Catholic).

St. Zadok's Day, Ivan's Day.

Judge's Day.

Manager's Day.

Vegan Day.

Day of Artemia. There was a rather interesting belief among the people, according to which a child who was born on November 2 is protected by a wolf mother. Therefore, they said that such a person would be close to forest animals. Earlier on this day, cabbage was taken, which was considered one of the most favorite snacks.

Day of international recognition of St. Petersburg.

North and South Dakota Recognition Day (1889).

Day of Remembrance. Brazil, Ecuador.

Memorial Day Venezuela, Mexico, Portugal.

Day of Remembrance of the Dead. Since ancient times, death has been an occasion not only for sadness, but also for joy, for laughter and tears, for reflection and celebration. Representatives of pre-Hispanic cultures treated death with respect and irony, which caused surprise and interest among the Spanish conquerors.

Day of the Balfour Declaration. Israel

Day of Remembrance of the Dead. Estonia.

Hilarion Day. It was on November 3 that the peasants expected the first severe cold and frost.

Independence Day (1978) - Dominica

Panama Independence Day (1903)

Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery - Ukraine

Day engineering troops- Ukraine.

Japan National Culture Day. On this day, the Emperor honors the citizens who have made the most significant contribution to the development of Japanese culture over the past year.

Japan Meiji Imperial Shrine Festival.

Eid al-Fitr is a holiday of breaking the fast (Islam). the Islamic world completes holy month fasting of Ramadan with the holiday of breaking the fast Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr).

Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. To this day, they tried to finish all the construction work.

Day of the Republic of Mari El (1920).

Day of the Republic of Udmurtia (1920).

National Unity Day. On November 4, 1612, militia soldiers led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky stormed Kitay-Gorod, freeing Moscow from Polish invaders and demonstrating a model of heroism and solidarity of the entire people, regardless of origin, religion and position in society.

Border Guard Day. Ukraine. On this day, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the corresponding law.

National Guard Day - Ukraine

Day of the Apostle James (Jacob). People believed that the birds on November 5 could calm the earth with their singing. Therefore, they performed various rituals related to ensuring good harvest next year.

England - Guy Fawkes Night. This is one of unique holidays England, which arose from a completely non-holiday event.

Green Movement Day. Morocco.

Day military intelligence. Russia. Celebrated since 1918. Although the first military scouts appeared in 1812.

Social worker's day - Ukraine.

Day of the Apostle James (Jacob).

Day of the military scout.

Afanasiev day. Day of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow". Previously, they prayed to the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow", believing that it would help in deliverance not only from illnesses, but also from severe grief, ease experiences and help overcome various life circumstances.

International day of science.

Boxing Day. Hong Kong

Constitution Day of Tatarstan (adopted in 1994).

Finland - Swedish Day (Swedish Culture Day). Despite the fact that the Swedish population in Finland is only about 6 percent (their main place of residence is the Åland Islands), Swedish, along with Finnish, is the official language.

Judge's Day.

Fedot Day. They say that on November 7 "Fedot leads to the ice" - it becomes very cold, and real winter is approaching. The day, as a rule, turned out to be rainy. On this day, they analyzed natural phenomena and tried to predict what the weather would be like.

Day October revolution Belarus. (not observed in other CIS states).

Day of Consent and Reconciliation. Russia. Established by Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated 07.11.96 N 1537 "On the Day of Accord and Reconciliation".

Russia - Day of Military Glory - Day of Liberation of Moscow militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky from the Polish interventionists (1612).

Africa - Information Day.

Buddhist holiday Lhabab Duisen (Descent of the Buddha from the sky of Tushita).

International men's day.

Day of Demetrius of Thessalonica. They tried to celebrate all the weddings before the day of Dmitry Thessalonica. After November 8, a break is made until the winter meat-eater.

Queen's Day - Nepal.

Journalist's Day in China.

The day when X-rays were discovered.

International day of KVN.

Matryona's Day, Paraskeva's Day. On November 9, vows were often given - various promises that related to various areas of human life. If misfortune came to the house, then it was necessary to go to church to pray to Saint Paraskeva, asking her for help.

International Day Against Fascism, Racism and Anti-Semitism

Cambodian Independence Restoration Day (1953)

Ukraine - Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language

Paraskeva's Day, Mokosh's Day. The ancient Slavs honored on November 10 the memory of the goddess Makoshi, who is also the patroness of spinners, dressmakers and helps to achieve earthly happiness.

World Youth Day.

World Quality Day.

Police Day - Georgia.

Militia (Police) Day - Russia.

International Accounting Day.

World Science Day.

Day of Avramy Ovchar and Anastasia Ovechnitsa. Enough happened on that day strong winds. People on November 11 analyzed natural phenomena and tried to understand what the weather would be like in the coming days or even months.

Day of Remembrance of those killed in the First World War.

Independence Day - Angola (1975).

Saint Martin's Day (patron saint of gourmets in southern Sweden).

Canada Day of Remembrance of the Fallen or Remembrance Day.

USA - Veterans Day

Poland - Independence Day (anniversary of the restoration of Poland's independence in 1918).

Armistice Day - Guadeloupe.

Armistice Day - French Guiana.

Armistice Day - Martinique.

Armistice Day - Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

Armistice Day (France and Belgium). It is celebrated on the anniversary of the signing of the armistice between the Entente and Germany in 1918 and is considered the day of remembrance for all French and Belgian soldiers.

Day of Zenobia and Zenobia. The people on November 12 were called Sinichkin's holiday or the holiday of hunters. On November 12, it was necessary to go out on the first powder in order to shoot at least one hare - then next year you will constantly return with good prey.http://site/node/4572

The hunters usually called the first hare the birthday boy. They rejoiced if they managed to catch him - then the whole year promised to be very successful.

World Quality Day.

Day of the security specialist.

Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Day of the employee of Sberbank of Russia.

USA Day of Elizabeth Cady Stanton (anniversary of the birthday (1815) of the American initiator of the struggle for women's equality).

Sun Yat Sen Day - Taiwan.

Nicodemus day. On November 13, hunters and fishermen celebrated their holiday. They also prayed to Saint Nicodemus, who was considered the protector of the house from fires.

International Day of the Blind. It is held on the birthday of the French teacher Valentin Gayuy (1745-1822), the first teacher who undertook to teach blind children.

Saint Homobonus Day (patron saint of businessmen and weavers). Holy Homobonus (Omobono).

Day of troops of radiation, chemical protection.

Usability Day.

Day of Demyan and Kuzma Handicraftsmen. Demyan and Kuzma were popularly considered the patrons of crafts, marriage and family hearth. Usually Autumn Kuzminki coincided with the wedding season.

World Diabetes Day. World Diabetes Day has been celebrated every year since 1991 on the birthday of F. Banting, a Canadian physiologist who discovered (together with J. J. McLeod) the hormone insulin.

Birthday of King Al-Hussein Ben Talal (1935). Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Day of the sociologist.

International day of the speech therapist.

Day of the Prophet Habakkuk. It was customary to read on Habakkuk special conspiracies from insomnia.

Day of the royal dynasty of Belgium (1866). The national holiday - Royal Dynasty Day has been celebrated on November 15 since 1866.

National currency day. Kazakhstan. Established in 1997, the national currency - tenge - was put into circulation in 1993.

Palestine Independence Day (1988).

Conscript Day - Russia.

Festival of seven, - five - and three-year-old children (Japan).

Day of John the Silent. This is the day on which the proverb "Silence is golden" is the most true, since the day of St. John the Silent is celebrated. They believed in signs that the one who was laconic on this day would definitely meet his luck in the near future.

International Day of Tolerance (Tolerance).

Vatican Day of the election of Pope John Paul II (1978).

Marine Corps Day - Russia. On this day, by decree of Peter I in 1705, a naval regiment was created, which marked the beginning of the organization of the marines of the Russian fleet.

Day of workers of radio, television and communications. Ukraine.

Resurrection Day - Estonia.

Day of Roman and Plato. November 17 was considered unlucky by the people. We tried not to leave the house without special need and not to start any business.

International students day.

Day of struggle for democracy in the Czech Republic.

Suez Canal Day.

Army Day - Zaire.

National Revival Day - Azerbaijan.

Day of the precinct.

The day of Jonah, the day of Galaktion and Epistimia. Usually on November 18, girls preferred to tell fortunes and guessed at their betrothed. They also read various prayers and visited temples.

Birthday of Santa Claus.

Day of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia (1918).

National Flag Day (Uzbekistan).

Birthday of Sultan Qaboos bin Said bin Taimur. Sultanate of Oman.

Day of Varlaam Khutynsky and Paul the Confessor. They said that from November 19, the ice that appeared on the river would definitely not melt until winter. They analyzed natural phenomena on November 19 and tried to predict the weather for the coming days and even months.

Prince's Day - Monaco.

Opening day (Puerto Rico). On November 19, 1493, during his 2nd expedition, H. Columbus discovered Boriken, calling it San Juan Bautista. The modern name (Spanish Puerto Rico - a rich port) was given to the island later, during its colonization by the Spanish conquistador J. Ponce de Leon.

Day Missile troops and artillery.

CIS - Day of Agricultural Workers.

Day of the glass industry worker.

World Toilet Day.

World Philosophy Day.

No smoking day.

Fyodor-Freeze Day. They say that on November 20, the ice on the river completely freezes. Ice on Fedot is a sign that such weather will last long enough. If a woman is pregnant, then on this day she should be especially friendly and meek.

World Children's Day. In 1954, the UN General Assembly recommended that all countries introduce the celebration world day child as a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding of children, dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children around the world.

Africa Industrialization Day.

Revolution Day - Mexico.

Day of the pediatrician.

Day of the Archangel Michael. If a person was born on November 21, then he will be an excellent healer.

World Hello Day.

World TV Day.

Water Festival - Cambodia.

Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other incorporeal Heavenly Powers. Celebration in honor of the angelic forces - incorporeal beings spiritual world, messengers and executors of the will of God, and their leader Archangel Michael - was established by the Church at the beginning of the 4th century.

Day of employees of tax authorities.

Day of Prayer and Repentance (Germany).

In Buddhism, Katina Day.

Day of the accountant in Russia.

Day of the Tax Service of Russia.

Mother's Day. They said that from November 22, winter comes into its own. They analyzed natural phenomena and tried to predict the weather for the coming days and months.

Day of the invasion - Guinea.

Lebanese Independence Day. National holiday.

Suriname Independence Day. (1975).

Memorial Day John F. Kennedy. USA.

Sons Day.

Russian Psychologist's Day.

Day of Erast and Rodion. On November 23, there was a widespread tradition among the people to go to church in the morning and bring bread and salt with them in order to consecrate them.

Georgoba - Georgia.

Guru Nanak Day - India.

Labor Thanksgiving - Japan. (celebration of the completion of the harvest).

Ukraine - Day of Remembrance of Holodomor Victims. 70th Anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-1933. During the 20th century, Ukraine experienced famine three times - in 1921-1923, 1932-1933 and 1946-1947. However, the famine of 1932-1933 was the most widespread and cruel.

Memorial Day of St. George the Victorious

Day of Fyodor Studit, Ekaterina Sannitsa. On November 24, they say that Fedor begins to chill the earth. It really gets cold, and therefore, it is not surprising that among the people the holiday is just called Studite.

Zaire - Revolution Day (1965).

Women's Day - Western Samoa.

Coup Day Democratic Congo.

A day to win friends and influence people. USA. (celebrated on the birthday of Dale Carnegie.

Thanksgiving (USA) (Last Thursday)

Sikh holiday - Martyrdom of Guru Teg Bahadur, beheaded in Delhi by order of the Mughal emperor.

Walrus Day in Russia.

Day of John the Merciful. It is necessary to read a prayer to John on this day so that the children are safe and not sick. Wedding weeks ended November 25th. Then weddings were played at the end of winter.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence.

National day - Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Suriname Independence Day (1975).

Day of John the Merciful.

Day of John Chrysostom, St. George's day. They said that everything stops growing on Chrysostom - nature freezes, and this once again reminds people of the onset of winter. You can’t swear at John, otherwise God will never hear prayers.

Day of the proclamation of the state of Mongolia.

Thanksgiving Day in the USA.

Brotherhood Day in the USA.

Commemoration of St. John Chrysostom (Orthodox).

World Information Day.

Day of the George Cross.

Philip Day. On November 27, Advent begins. The people called the day Filippov's conspiracy, Kudelitsa. Watched over natural phenomena and tried to predict the weather for the coming days and months.

Weizmann Day - Israel.

Marine Corps Day (Russia).

Appraiser Day. On November 27, members of the Russian Society of Appraisers (ROO) celebrate their holiday.

Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Famine of 1932-33. Ukraine.

Day of the appraiser of Russia.

Guryev day. On November 28, the people revered Somon, Guria and Aviv - they were known as healers who should be prayed to get rid of a toothache. Guria is also revered as an assistant in the treatment of eye diseases.

Flag and Independence Day of Albania (Liberation Day).

Republic Day - Burundi.

Independence Day (1960) - Mauritania.

Day of separation from Spain - Panama.

Republic Day - Chad.

Beginning of the Advent.

A day without shopping.

Day of Paramon, the day of the Apostle Matthew. They said that "winter sweats even on Matvey", because at that time there could be a strong warming. Moreover, the stronger the thaw, the more severe and cold the winter will be. http://site/node/4572

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Day of liberation from fascism - Albania.

Unity Day - Vanuatu.

Tinker's Day.

Mother's Day in Russia.

Day of the Letter "Yo".

Day of Andrei Autumn, Gregory's day. Good weather on November 30 portends a rough winter, and vice versa. If you have a dream that night, then it will certainly be prophetic.

Day of the Holy Apostle Andrew (patron saint of Scotland).

Independence Day - Barbados.

Independence Day - Yemen.

Heroes Day - Philippines.

Judaism Hanukkah or sanctification. On this day the Jews light the lamps happy holiday Hanukkah. This is a holiday of light, joy, fun, games, tasty food(among which are pancakes and donuts fried in oil). Work on Hanukkah, as on Purim, is permitted, it is considered a "small" or "lesser" holiday.

International day of sex.

Last day of autumn.

Pet day.

It is generally accepted among the people that the autumn time is the time of wisdom and summing up the results for the year. Describing autumn, we can say the following - it leaves no one indifferent, it will make even notorious optimists and self-confident people think about the transience of their existence. Autumn beautiful time- it's time for true charm, because it's not for nothing that there are so many holidays in autumn, both state and professional, and church.

We present the calendar for the fall of 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.. with church and public holidays, memorable events and significant dates.

Autumn calendar 2016 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2017 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2018 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2019 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2020 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2021 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2022 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2023 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2024 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2025 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2026 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2027 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2028 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2029 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2030 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2031 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2032 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2033 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2034 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2035 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2036 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2037 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2038 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2039 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2040 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2041 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2042 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2043 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2044 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2045 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2046 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2047 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2048 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2049 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Autumn calendar 2050 - autumn holidays, dates and events

Description: The folk calendar is compiled using dates and folk holidays. In Russia, everything that happens in nature has always been treated with reverence - to its phenomena - be it rain or frost, heat or cold.
Purpose: this work will be useful for teachers additional education, educators in work on environmental education, to everyone who is interested in folk signs, rituals and holidays.
Target: Acquaintance with folk calendar(autumn).
- educate interest in folk traditions;
- to instill a love for folklore;
- develop a desire to be interested in what is happening in nature in the fall.

1. Autumn chores: meeting autumn. Osenins
Autumn is ancient holiday farewell to summer and welcome to autumn. What is Osenins - this is a meeting of autumn in Russia.

It was celebrated three times: on September 14, 21 and 27.
September 14 is the day of Semyon the pilot. With Seeds, meetings began, i.e. work in huts by fire.
September 21 - celebrated Ospozhinki - harvest festival. It was believed that from that day the summer ended and autumn comes into its own.

September 27 - Exaltation. All signs, characteristics and recommendations of this day were somehow connected among the peasants with the word "move". The exaltation of autumn moves towards winter, “bread moves from the field to the threshing floor”, “the bird has moved away”, and even “the caftan with a fur coat has moved, and the hat has moved”.

In the old days in Russia, our ancestors celebrated Osenins on September 21, on the day of the autumn equinox, when day is equal to night. By this time, the entire crop had already been harvested. The holiday is celebrated by going to visit, wide hospitality. They certainly visit their parents and commemorate their ancestors.

September 8/21 - Nativity of the Virgin. Among the people - the Lesser Most Pure (Big Most Pure - Assumption, August 15/28).
Osenins - the second meeting of autumn. Easter day. Bees are harvested, onions are harvested. Onion Tear Day. The earth tends to white matinees. "Amen to every summer (end)." "If the weather is good, autumn will be good." "Indian summer quiet scared."

Autumn meet by the water. On this day, early in the morning, women go to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread. The older woman stands with bread, and the young people around her sing songs. Then they break the bread into pieces according to the number of people and feed livestock with it.

The Aztecs celebrated the day of male fertility on this day. erection holiday. September 21 was considered to be a favorable day for the conception of strong and healthy boys. It is interesting to note that the day of the Aztec mother goddess, Atlatonin, was not this day at all, but 06/18, which is about 9 months after this holiday.

In the old days, there was a custom of treating the newlyweds to their relatives, which is why September 8 was also called “Offering Day”. All relatives and friends came to the newlyweds. The caller invited such guests: “To visit the young, look at their life and life and teach them the mind-reason.” After a hearty dinner, the young hostess showed her entire household in the house. Guests, as usual, had to praise and teach the mind. The owner took the guests to the yard, showed them rye in the barns, summer and winter harness in the sheds, and treated them to beer from a cask in the garden.
September 27 - the third Osenins, "Snake Holiday".

According to popular belief, on this day, snakes and other reptiles, along with birds, moved to an unknown blissful country called iriy (the Christian word took on the sound of "paradise"). Therefore, they were sent off with requests to convey messages to those who had gone to another world.

“Exaltation is a holiday of snakes. Snakes move to one place. They go into the ground, move there.” On September 27, they try not to go into the forest, which is completely at the disposal of the snakes. Whoever goes into the forest can be dragged underground by snakes. Fleeing from snakes, you can read a poem. Right foot step and stop when you go into the forest. Make three bows to the earth and say: "Save me, Lord, from the beast running, from the creeping reptile." And spit three times over the left shoulder.

In the Perm province, it was believed that wearing the Maryin root plant on a pectoral cross protects against a snake.
“If you see a snake, shake it by the tail, then it won’t bite and won’t crawl away anywhere.” (Vlasova M. Russian superstitions. Encyclopedic Dictionary. - St. Petersburg, 2001. - S. 202.)

The snake is depicted on medical emblems: above the bowl, the staff of the god of healing Asclepius (among the Romans - Aesculapius), entwined with snakes. A snake in the hands of the sorceress Medea, who could restore youth.
Every year, thousands of snakes are removed from nature to obtain poison. Gyurza and cobra became rare.

OSENINS. folklore holiday

LEADING. Hello guys! Today we have a holiday called Autumn. What is Oseniny - this is a meeting of autumn. In the old days in Russia, our ancestors celebrated Osenins on September 21, on the day of the autumn equinox, when day is equal to night. By this time, the entire crop had already been harvested. And what kind of harvest could the peasants collect? Let's remember what grows in the garden?
CHILDREN: Carrots, beets, cabbage, potatoes ...

HOST: Right! And so, having harvested, the peasants arranged a holiday, sometimes for a whole week, they went to visit each other, put all the most delicious on the table, the grandchildren stayed with their grandparents for several days. And we will also invite Autumn to visit today. Only you and I are used to representing Autumn in the form of a beauty in a multi-colored outfit, with a bunch of yellow leaves, but in Russia Autumn was depicted as a little dry peasant. His face is stern, with three eyes and shaggy hair. After harvesting, he walked through the fields - he checked whether everything was harvested properly. And today Autumn will appear in the form of a girl. So, let's say a cry together: Autumn, Autumn, you are welcome!

Includes Autumn and 3 autumn months.
AUTUMN: Good afternoon, my friends!
Waiting for, come on, me?
Summer was red
For a long time, power did not yield.
But everything comes to a time -
I arrived at the threshold.
I came, guys, not alone, but with my brothers. And what are their names, you now guess.

SEPTEMBER: Our school garden is empty,
Spider webs fly into the distance,
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month has come to us?

OCTOBER: All the darker face of nature -
Blackened vegetable gardens, bare forests,
Silent bird voices
The bear went into hibernation.
What month has come to us?

NOVEMBER: Black field - it became white,
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
The winter rye freezes in the field.
What month, please?

AUTUMN: Do you guys know that the people called these months differently?
SEPTEMBER: They called me frowning, howler, zarevnik.
AUTUMN: September - howler, from the roar of autumn winds and animals, especially deer.
OCTOBER: They called me winter, leaf fall, dirt.
AUTUMN: September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage.
NOVEMBER: They called me half-winter, chest.
AUTUMN: November - September grandson, October son, winter dear father. Do you guys know any folk signs, proverbs, sayings?

And now guess Russian folk riddles:
A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street (Carrot)

SEPTEMBER: They threw off Yegorushka's golden feathers, made Yegorushka cry without grief. (onion)

OCTOBER: Alena dressed up in her green sarafan, curled the frills thickly. Do you recognize her? (cabbage)

NOVEMBER: There is a cake on one leg. Whoever passes by, everyone will bow. (mushroom)

SEPTEMBER: Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (sheet)

OCTOBER: Under the ground, the bird made a nest, laid eggs. (potatoes)

NOVEMBER: Round like a moon, leaves like a spruce, and a tail like a mouse. (turnip)

LEADING: And you know, guys, the turnip was a very important vegetable (remember the tale about the Turnip?).

The fact is that our favorite potato appeared in Russia only in the 18th century, and before that, turnips were the main vegetable. Turnips were eaten fresh, steamed, dried. They baked pies with turnips, made turnip kvass, cooked porridge.

AUTUMN: And the last riddle: It is bitter in haymaking, and sweet in frost. What is a berry? (Rowan)

LEADING: Rowan, guys, was very famous in Russia. All the berries have long been harvested, even in the summer, and the mountain ash turns red only by autumn, its berries burn brightly. Rowan kvass was prepared from mountain ash, laxative and refreshing. There was even a special day, September 23, when rowan berries were plucked and hung with tassels under the roof. But some of the berries were always left on the tree - thrushes, fieldfare, bullfinches, red-throated.

This is how they met Autumn in Russia.
Well, we meet Autumn with our traditional exhibition of gifts of nature, unusual vegetables grown in your country house, autumn crafts.

Autumn, we invite you to watch the children's exhibitions and help select the best exhibits for the school-wide exhibition.

AUTUMN: With pleasure! Wait for me, guys, by class. I’ll go to everyone, I won’t miss anyone, and I’ll even bring a treat!

When in the classroom Autumn says goodbye
AUTUMN: Well done guys, nice work! And now taste my treat - autumn apples! Autumn distributes apples from a basket. Goodbye!

September 21 - the second Osenins, the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Early in the morning, women and girls went out to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal and jelly. In the minds of a Russian person, her image merged with the image of the Mother of God, therefore they turned to her: "The Most Pure Mother of God, deliver me from maety, harassment, take away from others, illuminate my life-being!" According to custom, on this day, all relatives and friends went to visit the newlyweds in order to "teach them the mind." The young mistress was preparing a special round cake: "For our bread - salt, you are welcome!" After a hearty dinner, the young hostess shows the house, and the young owner shows the yard, barn, barn, garden. The guests were treated to beer of their own production. All together the cathedral honored the Sun.

From September 21, it was believed that every summer - Amen. Autumn has come into its own. In fact, this is a religious holiday of the astronomical autumn equinox.

The second Osenins connect, as it were, two holidays: earthly and spiritual. In its earthly essence, it is a harvest festival, accompanied by games and songs, and in its spiritual, heavenly nature, it is the birthday of the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ.

9th of September
In the agricultural calendar of the Slavs, this day was called "autumn" or "ospozhinki" and was celebrated as a harvest festival. On this day, Thanksgiving was given to Mother Earth.

At the beginning of September, the harvest was completed, which was supposed to ensure the well-being of the family for the next year. In addition, the meeting of autumn was marked by the renewal of fire: the old fire was extinguished and a new one was lit, which was mined with blows of flint.

From autumn, the main economic activity was transferred from the field to the garden or to the house: the collection of vegetables began (first of all, onions were harvested). Usually in Oseniny (in Orthodoxy - Christmas day Holy Mother of God) arranged a treat for which the whole family gathered. For the holiday, beer was brewed and a sheep (ram) was slaughtered. A pie was baked from the flour of the new harvest. They praised Mother Earth for giving birth to bread and other supplies.

Since the harvest of hops began from that day, the corresponding game songs were sung at the festive festivities:

We weave, hops, weave,
To our side
As on our side, there is a lot of freedom!
And the freedom is big, the men are rich!
That the men are rich, stone chambers!
What stone chambers, golden doors,
What poppies are cast!

September 27 - Third Osenins
The third Osenins are timed to church holiday The Exaltation of the Holy Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is the third meeting of autumn. "Exaltation - autumn moves towards winter."

By folk tradition cabbage parties began, girls' parties, when young people went from house to house to chop cabbage. These parties lasted two weeks. This is a kind of sacred action: cabbage was considered the sacred food of the Gods. On this day, very ancient rite- cross. The sign of the cross has been a symbol of the sun since prehistoric times. It was believed that on the Exaltation, he radiates protective power. The peasants carved crosses from wood, crossed rowan branches, painted crosses in places that they wanted to protect from evil spirits: in bins, barns.

On the third Osenins, according to popular belief, snakes and other reptiles, together with birds, moved to an unknown blissful country called iriy (in Christianity, this word took on the sound of "paradise"). Therefore, they were sent off with a request to convey a message to those who had gone to another world.

In the villages, the peasants brewed beer. They carried out a ritual plowing of the village, driving out of it Kukhoma (fever, shaking), then shared the beer at home and rested after the labors of the righteous. In the evening, baths were heated and steamed, expelling evil spirits from themselves. In the forests, before the long winter, the goblin joked with people for the last time, arranging a review of animals and birds - are they ready for a harsh winter.

According to the old calendar, the beginning of autumn fell on September 14th. The First Ecumenical Council (325) established this day as the beginning of the year. According to Orthodox tradition, the world was created in September.
Osenina the first meeting of autumn. On this day, it was supposed to “wipe out” the “new” fire with the help of two planks, and with this pure fire to start sittings, or gatherings. From that day on, in Russia, they began to celebrate autumn weddings (until November 15), moved to new homes, carried out the rite of “monastic vows” (initiation) of boys who had reached the age of seven, into youth, marking their new role in the community.

On the festive day of the first Osenins, an ancient amusing rite of burial of flies and cockroaches, annoying inhabitants of the Russian summer, was timed. September 14 - the beginning of the Indian summer, which lasts up to three weeks in some areas. They noticed: if Semyon is a clear day, then the whole Indian summer will be warm, and a warm winter must be expected.

September 14- the day of Seeds of the Pilot. Simeon the Stylite (5th century) became famous as a man of a selfless lifestyle. In the history of mankind, he discovered a new kind of asceticism. Wanting to test his spiritual strength, faith in God, he built a 4-meter-high pillar on the mountain with a platform on top, surrounded it with a wall, and read sermons to numerous pilgrims from this “mountainous” place. Then Simeon settled on a pillar in a small cell, indulging in intense prayer and fasting. Gradually, he increased the height of the pillar on which he stood. His last pillar was 40 cubits (16 meters) high. He spent 80 years in enhanced monastic deeds, of which 47 stood on a pillar.

His life was well known in Russia, they learned from him to endure in the name of a holy cause the numerous difficulties of human existence. According to an ancient tradition, it was believed that on this day it is necessary to do charitable deeds, to be merciful. In Muscovite Russia, not a single beggar was left without abundant alms on this day, even prisoners in dungeons were presented with gifts.

2. Equinox
Autumn Equinox

The day becomes shorter than the night, the "dark", winter part of the year begins, the real autumn. Harvesting ends and active autumn harvesting begins. From here begins a series of autumn holidays and related fairs and weddings. There is an active decrease in energy, which predetermines the rhythm of household work, personal life and ritual practice...

In terms of astronomy and astrology, the Autumnal Equinox is the moment when the Sun crosses the Celestial Equator and enters the sign of Libra. Accordingly, the day when this happens (and the day, day, in the Indo-European tradition is considered from sunrise to sunrise) and is considered the Day of the Autumnal Equinox. The night is now longer than the daylight hours, the dark, winter half of the year is coming. The weather can still please people with the warmth of the "Indian summer", but the trees have almost all turned into autumn colors, the flowers have almost all faded, only those few remain that bloom until the very first snow, like alpine asters, for example. And although in sunny days it is still warm, the nights are already cold, the first frosts will soon begin (if not yet).

The Autumnal Equinox is the busiest part of the year. By this time, most of the harvest has already been harvested, the housewives are actively making preparations for the winter. Fresh vegetables and fruits will not be available until next summer, only a few autumn berries and mushrooms are still available in fresh. The resulting harvest must be calculated and distributed over the entire next year, until the next harvest. That is why the sign of Libra is associated with the Autumn Equinox.

Harvest is not enough to harvest (harvesting is mostly the concern of the previous period of the annual cycle), the harvest must also be preserved. It is precisely this - calculation, preservation and distribution - that the period between the Equinox and Samhain is dedicated to. At this time, the housewives are actively fermenting cabbage, preparing pickles, at the same time they begin to serve pickles and jams to the table. From that day on, they started brewing beer. The peasants finished working in the field, all activity moved to the house and to the household yard, the preparation of the economy for winter began. And, of course, autumn fairs. Sell ​​crops, buy something that they themselves could not grow. Accordingly, artisans by this time were preparing more of their own goods for sale. Where there are fairs, there are always festivities; where there are festivities, there are matchmaking and weddings.

The very day of the Autumnal Equinox - the day when the transition from Light to Darkness takes place, like other critical days, was considered non-working, idle, festive, like all holidays it had its own name. The Celts called it Mabon, Alban-Elved, among the Slavs this day was called Oseniny. The day of the Autumnal Equinox is dedicated to the mother goddess (who concurrently bestows material wealth), the astrological sign of Libra is ruled by Venus.

Christians adopted this ritual: on September 21, Christian churches celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin. What is interesting, in the distorted julian calendar holiday closer to the original, correct date than in the Gregorian (Catholics celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin on September 8, all dates are given in the Gregorian, new style), this suggests that Christians adopted this holiday rather late.

The holiday was traditionally for women. On this day they baked ritual bread (however, the agricultural peoples baked ritual bread for any holiday), women went to the river with this bread, to meet them very much. Also, women plowed the salting around the yard with a plow, protecting the house and household from the dark forces gaining strength.

One of the most important rituals was the kindling of fire. All fires were extinguished in the houses, and then rekindled. It was supposed to kindle a fire in a ritually pure way - by hitting a stone against a stone or rubbing a piece of wood against a piece of wood. By the way, an interesting incident - the fire produced by a piezoelectric lighter turns out to be the cleanest. Zoroastrians - the main fire-worshippers of our day - believe that the purest fire is when natural gas coming out of the earth ignites from a lightning strike. In a piezoelectric lighter, an electric spark - a small lightning - generated by hitting a stone - a piezoelectric crystal - ignites a gas extracted from the bowels of the Earth.

There were also feasts and festivities, especially for youth. Young people made themselves crowns from fallen leaves, girls made beads, stringing red rowan berries on a thread. These beads symbolized Brinsingamen - Freya's necklace. During the festivities, the girl threw this necklace around the neck of the guy she liked and he had to spend the whole day with her.

This is the historical and cultural background of the holiday, predetermined by the energy of the annual cycle. How and what should we, city dwellers, do today?
How to celebrate the Autumn Equinox for a modern city dweller?

Actually, exactly the same. Bake a cake to treat your friends to. Women can and should go to the river with this pie, greet autumn, leave part of the pie on the shore (eat the rest, so take it with you in moderation so as not to take the demand back home).

What to do and what not to do around the Autumnal Equinox?

It must be remembered that near the Autumn Equinox, the decrease in solar and vital energy goes very quickly, so you should minimize the load on your body, pay more attention to health, and avoid overload. The period near and after the Autumn Equinox is extremely unfavorable for new beginnings, new projects and deeds, on the contrary, it is very good for summing up, completing, getting results and renewing old contacts and connections. In a sense, this time is similar to the period of the waning of the moon, but it mostly affects long-term affairs, with a development cycle of a year or longer.

Immediately after the Equinox, it is very good to engage in trade. During this period, it is good to both sell and buy. Right now it makes sense to bring your projects to the phase of obtaining results and sell them. In the period immediately after the Equinox, this can be done with maximum benefit. And by the way, good time to conduct an audit of stocks and reserves, to decide what should be left and what should be discarded. The period is most favorable to sell the supplies you no longer need with maximum benefit for yourself. If you do not do this on time, these reserves will lie dead weight with you, hindering development, it will be much more difficult to sell them later, they can generally "rotten", become useless to anyone. And they can get in the way further development like excess fat in an obese person. At the same time, right now it is necessary to stock up what is needed and necessary, creating a material base for further growth.

Since it is in the period immediately after the Equinox that the vital force decreases most rapidly, you should allocate time for rest and generally limit the load. It is very good and useful to combine leisure and business communication, as was usually done at fairs. The time while the Sun is in Libra is very favorable for the conclusion of any alliances, from marriage to business and political. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity! Also, this time is extremely favorable in order to renew old connections, find old friends, and renew lost acquaintances.

The dark season is suitable for dark witchcraft. This is not only inducing damage, love spells and curses. This is also any magic aimed at communicating with the world of the dead, with ancestors, guardians of the family, with "dark" gods, personifying the elemental forces of nature. This includes all fortune-telling. It is not for nothing that they almost do not guess in the summer, and the peak of fortune-telling falls on the night before Christmas ( winter solstice), the longest night of the year, the moment of triumph and the greatest power of Darkness.

In the period between Mabon and Samhain, the last services of the goblin and the water are performed, which, according to folk beliefs, after which they go into hibernation.

To dark side Magic also includes a modern hobby - spiritualism. On long winter nights, it is much easier to communicate with the world of the dead. But even more dangerous!

3. Kindling a new fire
At home, you can and should light at least a few candles. Ideally, five: four on the cardinal points and one in the center of the room. You can symbolically burn new fire- turn off for a minute all the electrical equipment in the house, which will symbolize the extinguished old fire, and after the candles are lit, turn it on again.

And, what is very important, try to free this day as much as possible from all affairs. The energy on the days of the turning point is actually very unstable, any business that you do on this day will be especially difficult and can lead to completely unpredictable consequences. No wonder our ancestors declared these days idle.

4. Fieldfare
September 23 - Peter and Pavel Ryabinniki. Mass collection of mountain ash. On this day, mountain ash was harvested for the future, for compotes and making kvass. Rowan infusion was considered a good anti-inflammatory remedy for winter colds. They decorate windows for the winter with rowan clusters from all wickedness.

Rowan is a faithful assistant against twigs and evil spirits. Rowan infusion was considered a good anti-inflammatory remedy for winter colds. The people believed that if a malicious spirit torments you, it doesn’t give you sleep, it comes to your chest and chokes you, you need to take a rowan branch, outline the space around you - and evil spirits will perish, as it never was. And therefore, windows for the winter were decorated with rowan clusters from all wickedness.

In Russia, there are two Peter - Paul - big and small, summer and autumn. Autumn Peter - Pavel - fieldfare. At this time, after the first frosts, the mountain ash becomes sweeter and they begin to collect it for food. Gathering mountain ash, leave on each tree part of the berries for birds. Few mountain ash - dry autumn, and a lot - harsh winter.

Fieldfare OR SORBARIA is a flowering ornamental shrub with leaves very similar to Rowan. The height of the bush reaches 2 m. Numerous white or cream small flowers are collected in large fluffy paniculate inflorescences that adorn the plant for quite a long time in the middle of summer. The plant is very stable, unpretentious and even quite aggressive - it reproduces by root shoots when good care in huge number and can inhibit other plants.

Root offspring of most species form dense thickets. They can grow both in the sun, but there they are shorter and fade faster, and in partial shade - the plants are taller and bloom longer.

Fieldfare (lat. Turdus pilaris) is a common species of European thrushes.
It breeds everywhere in Europe, from the northern border of forest vegetation to the northern border of the steppe zone, and also in Siberia - to the watershed between the Yenisei and the Lena. In Southern Europe, North Africa, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Kashmir it is found as a vagrant, wintering bird, although with a significant harvest of wild berries it also winters in Central Europe.

Fieldfare differs from other thrushes primarily in its way of life. Although some pairs breed in isolation, most of them gather in medium-sized colonies of 30-40 pairs. They like to settle in park plantings and in copses, along the edges of forests, closer to wet meadows. Fieldfare is not found in dense forests. Its main habitats are in the north and in the middle part of Europe and Asia. Some birds are sedentary, some are nomadic. Scandinavian fieldfare, like a certain number of Central European ones, fly south for the winter, primarily to the south and west of Europe. The nesting season lasts from April to July. Fieldfare eats both animal and plant foods. In winter, flocks of fieldfare flock to feast on mature mountain ash and other berries (eg sea buckthorn). The fieldfare thrush is not a particularly valuable commercial species, its shooting is allowed all year round without license. The main purpose of shooting is to protect orchards, and the meat of thrushes is also eaten.