Does the child need a walker? Teaching Your Child to Walk: Basic Exercises, Helpful Hints, and Safety Tips

By 10-11 months, many babies start trying to walk. This process requires skills and does not work right away. Therefore, it is imperative that the child be helped so that very soon he will have fun running along the path next to his mother.

How to teach a child to walk on their own without a walker

The training of the toddler should be gradual.

Pay close attention to your toddler's shoes. Booties and socks are no longer suitable for a baby who wants to show independence in movement.

It is better if these are soft leather shoes, comfortable, not slippery. In suitable shoes small man will feel more confident, stand more stable, and walk easier.
  • It is good if the baby learns to walk on a carpet with fine pile. It is not slippery, but at the same time it is quite smooth. Moving over such a carpet, the baby will not fall so often. This means that his self-confidence will not suffer. Also pay attention to the learning space itself. The floor should be without thresholds and slopes, the room should be without sharp corners. It will not be easy for the baby anyway, so he should not complicate the task even more and endanger him with injury.
  • When buying shoes for toddlers, take a closer look at their soles. It should not be very smooth. If there is no ribbing on it, rub the sole sandpaper or replace your shoes with more comfortable ones.
  • If you want to master the solution to the problem of how to teach a child to walk without a walker, put this product away.
Many experts believe that the device, on the contrary, slows down the baby's desire to move independently.
  • In a situation where the child is active. He crawls quickly, gets up himself and can stand, leaning a little on a chair or other object, you should try to leave the baby standing without any support. When doing this, be careful not to fall. Each time, add the time for which you leave the fidget without support. Very soon he will be able to stand on his own, and then walk.
  • Motivate your child to walk. After all, the task of how to help a child learn to walk, first of all, concerns the baby's desire. Show him bright toy, which lies on the sofa at the other end of the room. The toddler will surely rush to the desired subject. Let it be not one, but several original toys, which will need to be reached without support. You will see how the little one will try to walk several steps. To touch and take in his hands what he is so interested in.

Be patient. Children are all individual. Someone quickly learns skills. And the problem of how to properly teach a child to walk will cease to be a problem. And someone needs a little more time to take a few independent steps.

If the baby more than a year, but he does not know how to stand and do, at least a couple of steps on his own, you should urgently consult a neurologist. You may need a massage.

Do I need to teach my child to walk? Can you lead him by the hand? Will baby walkers help you learn to walk faster? Parents of first-borns think about this more often - they can't wait for the child to take his first steps as soon as possible. Is the home ready for the baby to be about to learn to walk? A suitable footwear for the first steps you bought?

Often at 8 months, the child already tries to get up and walk on his own. At the same time, he still has poor balance and tries to hold on to the support with both hands. Gradually, the muscles of the back and legs get stronger, and the baby can stand or walk, holding on to the support with only one hand. By this time, he is standing straight, leaning on his feet.

Climbing chairs and sofas, the child follows instinct. He needs it for overall development, so don't discourage him. Place some pillows near a chair or sofa so that the child does not hurt himself when falling.

Before teaching your child to walk on their own, think about whether it has come the right time. Musculoskeletal system must be sufficiently developed for the stresses associated with walking, and to promote its rapid development, encourage the baby to crawl, as it develops the muscular system very well.

Pay attention to the qualities of the floor on which the child learns to walk. It shouldn't be very smooth or slippery. Otherwise, the child will fall too much and may lose confidence in their abilities.

Examine the soles of the shoes you bought for your baby. If you think it is too smooth and will slip when walking, change your shoes.

Inspect the critical walking area. The floor here should be flat, without sills. Remove the rugs to prevent your child from clinging to them. Be aware of the dangerous proximity of sharp furniture corners.

The use of a baby walker slows down development, and the child begins to walk later, since this adaptation weakens the desire to learn to walk on his own. If the child is already about a year old, he is strong, healthy, crawls well for a long time, gets up and stands only with a slight use of support, but he does not try to stand, you can help him: you need to leave him without support for a few seconds and carefully monitor so that he does not fall ...

You can lead the child by the hands no earlier than he learns to stand confidently with support. Make sure that when walking by the hand with you, the baby does not lean forward or to the side - an inclined position of the body can lead to a curvature of the spine.

If the baby walks freely, only slightly adhering to, and even more so, lets go of the support and takes one or two steps on his own, he will very soon begin to walk without support. Some toddlers are unsure of themselves and cannot walk on their own for this reason alone. Help to gain confidence in your abilities: call to yourself at a distance of two steps, then three, etc. Soon, the child will begin to walk on his own and will quickly improve his skill.

The kid will become more and more active, and soon you will not hold him by the handle next to you, you will have to constantly run after him and protect him from dangers on the way. Take your time to teach your child to walk on their own, everything has its time!

If your baby has learned to walk, you need to think about its safety again:

  • do not leave open windows;
  • fence off the stairs in the house;
  • collect all the small items around the house;
  • keep the doors closed so that the baby does not pinch his fingers;
  • keep kettle, hot pots and knives away from the edge of the table;
  • move the medications away and household chemicals.

Your baby learns to stand and walk, and at this stage, the question arises for the parents: what kind of shoes to choose for the child? What should you pay attention to when buying? The correct choice of the first shoe will help the baby's foot to form correctly.

  • The first shoes for the baby should be sandals or shoes made of genuine leather... It is necessary to have an instep support in them.
  • The heel counter should be firm enough, strong enough to fix the foot well.
  • The first shoe must be with a small heel.
  • Shoes should be lightweight, not too tight or wide. It should not restrict the child and interfere with his walking.
  • Choose shoes that allow your toddler's toes to move freely.
  • The sole of the shoe should not be smooth and should bend easily.

It is not recommended to use shoes worn by another child. The baby's foot is just forming and accepting individual form and used shoes retain the contours of their previous owner's foot. The use of such shoes can adversely affect the formation of the baby's gait and lead to muscle disorders. Never buy oversized boots, otherwise the baby's foot will deform when walking.

How to take care of children's shoes

  • Never leave your child's shoes unwashed overnight. This will save you a lot of money. After returning from a walk, wipe your shoes with a damp cloth. Sometimes it is worth washing it under running water. When the boots or shoes are dry, smear them thin layer cream or wax emulsion.
  • Do not wash suede shoes... Nubuck shoes can be wiped with a damp sponge, and when dry, treated with foam.
  • Stuff wet boots or shoes with crumpled newspaper and dry at room temperature away from heating appliances.

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Comment on the article "How to teach a child to walk: walkers will not help!"

Section: Achievements (if the child began to walk in the winter when he can walk outside). Will he be able to stomp on the street through a skoka? Remember, pliz, by personal experience in the presence of winter children. My daughter became a pedestrian a year and a week.


My eldest went a year, in mid-December. She began to walk on the street only in March ...
It is heavy in winter clothes, uncomfortable in boots, uneven on the snow, slippery on the ice :)
As a result, for the second winter, we slept in a cradle for half a walk :), half a walk on benches stood on my mother’s arms.

congratulations on walking !!
but mine doesn’t :) well, that is, by the hand - will walk, herself - no.

Walkers cannot force upright walking, they can only postpone this moment, because in them the child does not learn to walk straight and keep balance, there is a completely different biomechanism of walking. Child development: The first step of a toddler is how to teach how to walk.


I don’t know about the walker, but I can tell about walking about myself.
I went after a year, although I crawled purposefully since 4 months. Why would I have to strain with mastering a new untested method, also with the risk of falling, when I was crawling so that no one could catch up?)) I crawled, got up, grabbed and crawled away)
I started talking earlier than walking, so my parents found out that I was stupidly afraid without support and vilely deceived))) They thrust a sheet of paper into my hands, and I went with it. Maybe it will work for you too?))
My brother didn't really learn to crawl, at 8 months he immediately went, what was left for him))

11/30/2013 00:41:45, harpist

Walking at 1 year old is the ideal norm, not just the norm, but the ideal one. Compliance with this norm is completely optional). Doctors now consider it a deviation when a child does not walk on his own until 18 months. There is a plus in a long crawl: near vision, attention and everything connected with it develops well

11/26/2013 21:06:55, Anastasisya

2. The child learns to stand at the support more and more confidently. If, standing by the sofa, at first he piled with his whole body, then gradually he begins to grab hold of. When the child is already confidently walking and holding his hand, then you can drive like that (or rather, just walk holding hands).


I didn't know that it was harmful :)
My daughter could not stand it when they held hands, so she didn’t walk by the handles, she went herself a year and 9 days. But she was in winter - we walked in a stroller, you can't walk on the street, and you don't need to at home - it crawls.
Summer son. At 10 months. went to the dacha. And what to do on a walk? In a stroller to roll around the site? Well, for about five minutes ... On hands - 11 kg is heavy. Doesn't fit in a backpack. She did not let me crawl on the ground - I pulled everything into my mouth with terrible force... There was only one thing left - to teach how to walk. First for two pens, then for one. In a year and 2 days (in my DR :)) I went myself. It turns out - a week earlier than the daughter. Although in all respects it develops more slowly. No negative consequences did not see. I didn't drive at home - I crawled myself.

Just finished the massage course, the masseuse is cool with us, when she saw me walking with the child by 2 hands, she said it’s not necessary ... either by 1 arm (mine are still hanging out) or by the neck (it’s difficult for children, and it’s difficult for mom too, for me the strength of the hands is not enough), in general, let them crawl further :)

Child development: The first step of a toddler is how to teach how to walk. The "correct" child first learns to crawl, then, having passed all conceivable standards for running on all fours, begins to get up in the crib, then it seemed that quite recently your baby had just uttered his own ...


With support (in the crib, by the handles), my children walked around 9 months old, and they themselves went one at 1.2, the other at 1.1. And shoes are already possible, you on the street all the same will not lead him by the hand today tomorrow.

the eldest got up exactly at 7, went at 10, the middle one got up at 8-9 (I don't remember exactly, aaaa :))), went a year.

Conference "Other children" "Other children". Section: Parental experience (Recently there was a topic on how to teach crawling. And now how to teach how to walk? I can't find any exercises. Doman has everything about crawling-patterning, but I didn't find anything about the transition to walking.


If you have been crawling on all fours for a year, then in my opinion you can try to already learn to walk. At one time we walked down the street with a walker, in which the child himself only stands with his hands holding on to a gurney "like the wheelchair is in front of him," and at home we tried this. I slightly moved away from the sofa, held him behind the back, and then let go with the words go to the sofa. At first I stood very close to the sofa and he didn’t even take a single step, but simply, as it were, "tumbled down" on his stomach on the sofa. But one day About a miracle! I saw that before he fell on the sofa, he made such a characteristic movement with his body, clearly trying to "catch" balance and resist. Since then, the "approaches" to the sofa have become like Doman's "the more often the better", and of course it gradually moved away from the sofa. When about a meter could walk from me to the sofa, they began to try to walk around the room, but I kept belaying from behind all the time and counted how much distance I could walk before starting to fall. The last record that I remembered was 3 meters, then I began to stand up near the support myself at home and walk from one piece of furniture to another.
But about the raised hands, I do not agree, at first even healthy children walk with their hands raised to shoulder level and this is normal easier for the body balance so as not to fall (like tightrope walkers). Over time, when a sense of balance develops, my hands will go down by themselves, I would not force them down. Good luck. Everything will work out.

12/28/2009 13:04:29 PM, Kolya's mom

Doman proposes to teach how to walk under a horizontal staircase, synchronously rearranging arms and legs.

How to teach cerebral palsy to crawl? Cerebral palsy. Other children. How to teach cerebral palsy to crawl? arms and legs seem to move in the right direction, but moving your body once with your arms and legs can help our method. mine herself does not move either. I stand over her on ...


once he moves his arms and legs, maybe our method will help. mine herself does not move either. I stand on all fours over her and fix her arms and legs with my hands and feet, respectively, from behind. i.e. when she moves forward right hand, I immediately move my right, recently to return to her back. then. in 15 minutes we crawl the room - 5 meters on the carpet. 3-4 times a day, 1. at the end of the path - a wall with drawers, which we push and dig into the contents. this is motivation. does not particularly monipulate objects, but there is interest. I don’t know if we’ll learn to crawl, but we get a load on muscles and joints!

12/19/2009 13:47:10, Yulinamama

it is still good to stimulate the foot diff. brushes, thorns, so that the leg was removed and, with your help, moved forward, to give support under the heel, as you do, and in front of the toy is well, very tempting and loud)) support on hands is good for big ball work off, this is when you hold his legs, but, in general, judging by his own way, the boys are doing badly with motivation, they don’t care ((

learn to walk ?. Age norms... A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development.


IMHO, there is no need to rush nature, everything has its time :)) I am against walkers and walking by the handles. Better to crawl;)) And if you stimulate walking early, then this important stage may fall out ...
I didn't take my own by the handle - I went a year, before that I had been crawling for a long time and quickly.

We walk by the handles and love walkers very much.

I believed that it was worth putting on shoes when the child was learning to walk, and before that it was not critical, especially since the shoes interfere with crawling. Now he will learn to run and walk in a new way. Do children need to participate in competitions from the point of view of psychology?


Our orthopedist (we have been seeing her with both girls for 5 years at the Zatsepin City Clinical Hospital) says that it is necessary to put on shoes as soon as the child gets up. And especially if the child is overweight so that the foot does not deform.

"For normal development foot shoes are not needed at all, neither expensive nor cheap. Barefoot Aborigines lower limbs better developed than Gucci millionaires. The only function of the shoe, besides beauty, is to protect the feet from cold and injury. "(Robert Mendelssohn" How to Raise a Healthy Child Despite Doctors ")

Dear Parents! help to solve the problem, the child needs a walker! .. we live in Moscow.


Aibolit walkers can be obtained for free by applying for an IPR through the FSS!

11.11.2006 12:05:36, Elena, Moscow

There are also ZORI walkers (I have not seen them on the Internet) Nadine has. In my opinion they are cheaper than Aibolit. There is also a walker that the Votkinsk plant began to produce, they seem to be something about 5 thousand.

1. How to teach a child to stand? Put on legs, holding it under your arms? When I put it like that, little Yulka loses her ass. And jumpers, walkers, orthopedists and masseurs categorically do not recommend. They themselves will learn to stand, walk - everything has its time.


Probably, I incorrectly expressed my idea. It's not that I want to teach a child to stand stupidly on his feet. No! I am primarily interested in exercises that will help to strengthen the necessary muscles. So for example, the above exercise with support under the armpits - I hold the child, and he gets the opportunity to rest his legs on the floor ... Here's a plan.

Why teach? If you want to, you can support, and if you don't want to, IMHO, do not bother. It's the same with crawling.

Child development: when children start to walk, how to teach a child to walk. The "correct" child first learns to crawl, then, having passed everything to walk, to crawl. Age norms. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development.


do not worry, after a while everything will be fine ... it will go ... have you seen a crawling man somewhere on the street ??? (sober) :))

Did he go straight away? I heard that if children have not crawled enough, then sometimes it is even useful to return them to a crawling state, so the spine is strengthened. Here mine went at 8.5 months, now she runs, and in the evening, when she gets tired, she starts to crawl.
And two days ago I tried to walk back and she liked it so much!

How to teach to walk ?. Walking. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of everyday skills. Well, my child does not want to walk on foot! Or in a stroller, or on handles: (If in a stroller, then ...


With a stroller ... How I envy you! We haven’t been in it for a long time! And you can stuff so much into it in the market and in the store! And so - almost every day comes either to the market or to the store. The son walks with pleasure, but - wherever he wants. And sometimes I need to quickly return, or be in time with the eldest for the circle.

We just didn't use the stroller at all. From 3.5 months. Maybe try to give up the stroller for a walk, completely? We used to have to carry a lot in our arms, but now (for a year and a half) Carolina already walks almost the entire walk on her own, we only take in our arms if we cross the street or if we need to walk quickly, she cannot quickly. Try to take a walk once without a stroller, albeit close.

Ga-la, but how to accustom to walkers and jumpers? How to teach a child to be in order? Advice for parents on how to cope with a child. To teach a child to sleep, you need not diapers, but knowledge of the characteristics of a baby's sleep, its physiological rhythms and special techniques ...


Swing? Where you can do different positions - reclining. There are such small ones, you can carry them with you, both on the floor and on the table (if it is safe) to put them.
The toys, again, are tied there. Light. Music.
I just gave mine just yesterday: (Now I'll look at the old photos, maybe where they stayed. But Lyonka still fit in them, although he is already 3.5.

Oh, as I understand you !!! The same problem. One - no way. But here, even in jumpers and walkers, he can flutter with great joy. It saves for a while. But to lie on the floor himself - these are figurines. Or at least sit on a sofa or an armchair - no, it won't. Although he sits in his chair (in my presence, of course). We also don’t know how to teach them to be independent.

Walkers. Strollers, car seats, kangaroos. A child from birth to one year. At one time, we abandoned the idea of ​​buying a walker and do not regret it, now we are learning to walk using the reins. tall, tall, but in order to move in a walker it is NOT NECESSARY to get up on full foot, and our clever hares are fast How to teach a child to eat from a pacifier?


the orthopedist told us that the walker considered harmful
but if you want to send him on a "trip" around the apartment, then my advice from personal experience:
you can put in a walker only if the baby is standing in them on the whole foot = but not on the toes !!

They gave us some dumb ones, they wouldn't buy themselves. But Yegorka liked to run in them, though gradually I reduced all these walks to naught and gave away the walker. IMHO, if you don't walk yourself, let it crawl better =))

Walkers. Beds, highchairs and other furniture. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development. He does not want to sit in the car seat, gets out of it, and if you fasten it, he gets angry and cries. We tried to sit in the walker, he liked it ...

In general, it is real to learn and grow infant without anyone's help? Or do you need to quit the entu study itself? My husband fell off his feet, walked around with bruises under his eyes, but he helped me as best he could, did everything, he just didn’t breastfeed :)) Now the children are 3 years old and 1.8. They go to kindergarten, and I ...


Thank you very much to all who responded :) It turns out that everything is possible if desired. Honestly, immediately some kind of self-confidence appeared. We will survive, we will overcome :) As they say, I am not the first, I am not the last. And more ... honor and praise to dear grannies !!! I see that they have helped many of you very, very much. It's a pity that our people don't have a special desire to give up their business and go to another city to help with taking care of the little one.

We planted at exactly 6 months (the gift was for half a year), went to them after 7-8 days. And no matter how much they showed - zero, and then he rolled. He moved - leaning his whole body forward.

She says that it is necessary when the child is just starting to walk - to fix the leg. I believe that, first of all, it is more convenient for a child to walk around the house barefoot, or at least in light socks. Mine first learned to walk barefoot for a month, and then I put her boots on.


This is not a fashion but two different views to the question. Russian orthopedists and pediatricians believe that it is necessary to wear boots with a hard back, instep support, heels, etc. Western that is barefoot. The controversy doesn't end there. At the age of 2 in Russia, we were diagnosed with vargus foot, prescribed exercises, massage, etc., intimidated by a bunch of complications and clubfoot. In the UK, the orthopedist said that the child has developed everything by age and will heal itself in a couple of months (he dragged his leg a little). Pah-pah, it's over. Who is right - I do not know.

Ask a doctor. In fact, most people don’t need shoes, but it helped us a lot with clubfoot. The child immediately began to walk steadily. By the way, the surgeon recommended that we walk in shoes.

walkers: pros and cons. Strollers, car seats, kangaroos. A child from birth to one year. Arguments: the child learns to put the leg incorrectly; a sense of danger does not develop; lazy to walk on their own; psychologically do not help the child to achieve the goal, because usually...


I'm against. Neither an orthopedist nor a top-class masseuse advised us. Arguments: the child learns to put the leg incorrectly; a sense of danger does not develop; lazy to walk on their own; psychologically do not help the child to achieve the goal, because usually the child crawls or goes somewhere to take a toy, but here the table (if wide) does not allow taking the toy, and if it is small, then it is very easy to pinch the handle between the table and, for example, the door. But the first argument was enough for me that the leg was not correctly positioned. Much better cars, on which you need to push off with the legs - they strengthen the legs, but at the same time the babies put the leg correctly.

We have been in a walker since about 7 months. In my opinion, this is very necessary thing on the farm))) The main thing is not to keep the child there for several hours. We walked in them for a maximum of 25 minutes, and usually for 15-20. For me, they were good. Yulka quickly began to walk by the arms. The most important thing is that the daughter began to develop faster, she walks everywhere, touches everything, opens up. IMHO it develops great.

03/28/2001 13:05:45 PM, wolf

Walkers again ..... Baby from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness, development. And yet, how to teach a child to walk in a forward direction in a walker, and not to move back? Share your experience.


There is only one answer to the first and second questions: the child will think of it himself. At first, my baby could not move, did not understand what they wanted from the neggo, rested with both feet and moved back. But this did not last long. At first, he raked forward on tiptoe, and after that there was a wild stomp, accelerating on his car and behind the cat: o))). I recommend immediately putting on his home shoes (of course, with a heel). Good luck.

At first, we also backed away, because it is more convenient for a child, she (daughter) was just in them, leaning on her back and straightening her legs, she naturally rolled back :) there is nothing wrong with that! After about a week, she realized and began to move sideways, and then ran normally in them. Moreover, if it was impossible to run somewhere, she would move back and accelerate straight ahead! :-) Here's a stubborn one. And set the position (height) of the walker so that the child standing on his legs would feel the heaviness of the body, that is, he did not sit in the walker shorts, but was slightly raised. When resting (sitting), our legs were bent, and when we saw the target, we climbed up and ran towards it ...

01/20/2000 03:38:37, Daddy
  • Sleeps poorly
  • Daytime sleep
  • Tantrums
  • Parents, all without exception, tend to be proud of the achievements of their children. The first tooth came out, the child sat down, crawled, independently reached for the toy, took the first step - all these are reasons for incredible pride.

    For some reason, moms and dads believe that the sooner their child gets on two legs and starts walking on their own, the better. And those whose little ones do not want to sit down, crawl and walk, tend not only to panic, fearing for the health of their beloved child, but also blame themselves for the fact that their child develops more slowly than others. Known children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky tells whether it is possible to teach a child to walk independently and whether it is necessary to do it.

    About norms and deviations from them

    There are certain norms in pediatrics physical development child. Usually the average toddler starts standing with support at 7-9 months. Without support, he begins to do (or even takes the first steps) by 10-12 months. If a child does not walk at 1 year and 2 months, this is not necessarily a sign of a serious illness. Such a baby does not need to be treated immediately.

    If the pediatrician reasonably considers the child to be healthy, then it does not matter at all when the baby begins to walk - at 6, 8 months, at 10 or at 18. In the notorious statistics, of course, the timing of the onset of bipedal locomotion is also discussed - from 10 to 15 months. However, in practice, they can be very different from these values, since all children are very individual. Komarovsky advises not to compare your child with other children and with the average standards. This is a thankless task, it leads to the development of neuroses in both the child and his parents.

    Why doesn't the child walk?

    The ability to develop walking is affected by great amount factors:

    • baby's weight and build;
    • readiness of muscles and spine;
    • the state of his health (are there any chronic and acute diseases);
    • the child's temperament, character traits;
    • heredity;
    • the child's desire to walk.

    Komarovsky considers the baby's desire to move vertically to be the key factor. Nature arranged everything in such a way that the desire to walk appears exactly when there are optimal physical capabilities for its realization.

    If the child has successfully passed all the previous stages (coups, sitting, crawling), he is quite ready to stand and walk. However, there is no need to rush him. Children who are forcibly forced into an upright position by their parents are exposed to great risk... The stress on the spine (especially if the baby is plump and overweight) can cause further problems with this very spine.

    If the baby is somatically healthy, and the pediatrician who observes him declares that the child has no diseases, then Komarovsky advises not to specifically teach the child to walk until a year. Nothing terrible, according to Evgeny Olegovich, will not happen if the little one is a couple of extra months will hold in a horizontal position.

    About walkers

    Many parents believe that a walker will help solve the problem of not walking. They buy this (not the cheapest) device and calm down - everything that depended on them has been done. Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky says that the main benefit of a walker is for the parents. Walkers - wonderful way take the child and free your own hands... While the child is in the walker, the mother can be calm - the child will not fall anywhere, will not hit a sharp corner, or be crippled. If we are talking about the short time it takes for mom to cook dinner or take a shower, then there is nothing wrong with the walker.

    The terrible begins when parents, with the help of these very walkers, are trying hard to teach the child to walk and keep the baby in this device all the time while he is awake.

    How before mom and dad begin to use a walker, the stronger and more dangerous the vertical load on the child's spine.

    Before standing, the baby must pass crawl stage, since in the process of moving on their bellies, on all fours, on fists, even backwards, the child trains and strengthens the muscles of the back, legs and arms, which then allows him to start walking with minimal stress on the spine.

    Walkers can cause acquired leg curvature. The fact is that a child in a walker pushes off the surface with the outer side of the foot. If this method of movement is practiced frequently, incorrect walking is formed. Crooked legs for a boy, maybe not so a big problem, but it does not paint the girl in any way.

    It's no secret that walkers are a common gift for a family with a small child. Considering all of the above, Dr. Komarovsky recommends donors to replace the walker with an arena. This device will help the child to have a good time, not to fall off and not get crippled, not to climb somewhere, and give his mother a precious gift free time for cooking, ironing and grooming.

    For more details, see the small video of Dr. Komarovsky.

    How to teach to walk?

    Komarovsky says that The best way to teach a child to walk - to first teach him to crawl and in every possible way to encourage such a horizontal (and therefore relatively safe) way of movement in space.

    Sometimes it happens that the child is afraid to start walking. Physically, he is ready (and even tried) to walk on his own, but he fell down, hurt himself badly, something frightened him, and after that the little one does not want to take any steps. In this situation, parents should gently and unobtrusively help their child - but not learn to walk, but overcome fear.

    It is correct to teach a child to walk - to teach him when he himself is ready for this, but for some reason cannot overcome fear. For parents, especially with little parenting experience, it is quite difficult to understand when the baby is ready to move on two limbs. There are a few sure signs the fact that there is a physiological readiness:

    • The child can stand on its legs for a long time, holding onto the side of the arena, the railing of the crib.
    • The child learned to step over, holding onto the sides or railings.
    • The child learned not only to stand, but also to take a sitting position from a standing position (this indicates the developed muscles of the back).
    • The child is already walking, but he does it in his own way - he walks on his knees, tries to move on his fingers.

    Defeating fear is not as easy as it seems, it will take long and hard work from mom and dad. It is best to deal with a child in game form, encouraging him to let go of the support and take a step on his own. If you decide on such classes, the first thing that is required is orthopedic shoes, which will allow the baby to stand on foot more confidently.

    Then you should create correct surface for walking (slippery tiles and equally slippery linoleum are not suitable). If the baby begins to walk, but does it uncertainly, often falls, sometimes stops and starts crying, you can use the support in the form of reins (made from a sheet, attached to the shoulder girdle and under the armpits).

    If the baby has already been able to stomp on his own, you need to help him learn to overcome obstacles. With the help of adults in a playful way, he can step over small objects, a stretched rope. Such exercises will help him feel his body and explore its capabilities.

    Walking barefoot

    Parents often ask if their child can walk barefoot. Many do this under pressure from the older generation - grandmothers and grandfathers are horrified when they see a toddler take the first steps with bare heels on the bare floor. There is nothing wrong with such a "walk" without shoes, Komarovsky believes, and besides, it is very useful for a child.

    Nature does not provide for any shoes, and therefore biologically and physiologically the child certainly does not need them. If the floor is cold and the baby is barefoot, there is no need to be afraid that increased heat transfer will occur. The child is unlikely to get sick.

    Walkers can be called one of the greatest inventions that greatly simplifies the life of a mother who has a lot of worries. When a child is carried away by a walker, a woman has a little free time, which she is free to dispose of at her own discretion. At the same time, the baby himself is delighted that he has the opportunity to independently move through the rooms.


    Start accustoming baby to the walker only if he has learned confidently and continuously without support. It is even better if the baby already knows how to climb on its own legs (no earlier than 6 months). This is due to the fact that the main load falls on the spine: if it is not strong enough, the use of a walker can lead to scoliosis and other consequences.

    Place your baby in a walker. Of course, he will not immediately understand what they are for. Therefore, at first you should help a little in the development of a new "transport". To do this, take his legs with your hands and touch them directly on the floor, thereby imitating walking.

    Put near baby sitting in walker, his favorite or new toy for him. He will certainly be interested and will want to get closer to get acquainted with it properly. If the baby still does not move, help him by moving the legs or slightly pushing the walker. But do not overdo it with acceleration, or the child may be injured.

    Step away from baby sitting in walker, and call him to you. As soon as it starts to approach - move away a little again. Be sure to praise your baby for success, it will be good if you caress him, hug, kiss him when he finally overcomes the distance between you.

    If there are older children in the house, use them as "bait". After all, they love to play with each other and your baby will strive to get close to his brother or sister as close as possible in order to take part in an exciting game.

    Children can learn to walk on their own, sooner or later it happens to each of them. However, parents can speed up this process by helping them different methods... There are many ways, but some of them are not worth using.


    Walking with a walker is significantly different from walking on your own. After all, the child manages to push off from the support only with his toes, as a result, he remembers wrong position feet during stride. In addition, with normal walking, the child learns to maintain balance, which does not happen with a walker. In the latter case, the front panel holds the baby.

    Walkers protect the child from bumps and falls, but is it an advantage ?! After all, for a baby, the experience of falling is vital. Otherwise, he will learn to properly group or protect himself from injury in the event of a fall. In a walker, the child will not be able to master the dangers of collision with surrounding objects, and it will take him much more time.
    For these and many other reasons, pediatricians deny the need for a walker.

    Walkers are special device on casters, which allows the child to sit tightly in a special seat, the risk of falling in this case is minimal. Walkers are a good item, first of all, for parents - the baby is busy in the walker, he can move around the room on his own, and allows his mother to go about her business. Besides, modern models walkers have a huge amount of entertainment on the top panel - melodies, colorful buttons, toys, labyrinths and other items. That is, in such walkers the baby is definitely not bored. But is the use of this item really justified?

    Walkers - benefits and harms

    About the helpful part of this children's subject we already talked. For the most part, a mother needs a walker to have time to redo a lot of chores around the house. And they really save her - the baby can spend hours on end in this interesting device. However, walkers are fraught with danger. Their incorrect use leads to the fact that the baby may have health problems.

    The most main mistake which parents admit - they put in a walker little child... A kid whose spine has not yet matured is not able to withstand such serious loads as an upright position of the body. Often, children who use a walker cannot start walking on their own for a long time. And all because the muscles of the back, lower back and neck develop only in a crawling state. That is, in order to prepare for upright posture, the baby must crawl and train to its fullest, and not walk in a walker. Early use walkers (up to 6 months) leads to the fact that the child develops scoliosis and other problems with the spine due to a serious load, for which the body is not yet ready. That is why, in some countries, walkers have been completely discontinued and prohibited for use.

    Another negative factor which can be a serious problem in using a walker is the possibility of injury. Many parents, hoping for the safety of the walker, leave the child alone with the device. The wheel of the walker can get caught in the recess in the floor, the walker is turned over. Especially carefully you need to monitor the stairs in the house - they need to be closed with special partitions for children. You need to understand that a walker does not excuse you from having to look after your child.

    Children who often walk in a walker have another problem - later, due to the habit of pushing off with their socks, they often begin to walk on their toes. This is very harmful to the body, because the child's weight is not distributed over the entire foot. If you do not have a walker, do not buy them, replace the device with a playpen. If you already have a walker, follow clear rules so as not to harm your child. First, you cannot put a child in a walker if he does not know how to sit and crawl. This is a serious burden for a fragile spine. Better to put your baby in a walker no earlier than 8 months. The second rule is to use the walker for only 30-40 minutes a day, maximum an hour. The rest of the time, the child must crawl to strengthen his muscle corset... The third rule - do not leave your baby alone, even if he is in the walker and there are no irregularities nearby. Anything can happen and an adult should be there. If you're ready to follow three simple rules, here's how to teach your child to walk with a walker.

    First of all, you need to understand that now the child will move independently and will be able to climb anywhere. Cover the corners of furniture and jambs with special silicone pads that can soften a possible impact. Close all sockets that are at the height of the baby, remove electrical appliances and various cords. Household chemicals and other hazardous compounds should be removed from the reach. As noted, you need to close the stairs, if there are any in the house. Only by completing these simple rules, you can start teaching your baby to walk on a walker.

    1. Bringing into the house new item, it should be thoroughly rinsed and disinfected. After all, a lot of people probably touched the walker on the store shelf. And your baby will certainly want to get acquainted with a new subject, first of all by licking it.
    2. When a walker appears in the house, do not rush to put the child inside - you can scare him, and he will beware of this object. Let him get to know new toy, let the kid explore everything well.
    3. When the baby is no longer afraid, carefully put him on the seat. Be careful, any pain can be associated with the object and the baby will subsequently flatly refuse to sit in the walker. The child should be comfortable and comfortable.
    4. Let the baby settle into a new position. Let the kid play a little. Then gently move your legs to show the child how to push off the floor. At the same time, nudge the walker lightly so that the baby understands that his movement with his legs leads to the fact that he moves and moves on his own.
    5. Adjust the height of the seat so that the baby is in contact with the floor with full feet, not just toes.
    6. Never plant crying baby in the walker, this can cause fright in the baby, and he will not want to use this toy anymore.
    7. When the baby stops being afraid and is quietly sitting in his first transport, you can step back a little and call the baby affectionate word or "beckon" him with your favorite toy. The main thing for a child to understand the principle of action is that he pushes off with his feet and this leads to his movement. If your baby succeeds, be sure to praise him.
    8. If the child is only sitting in the walker, you can take his hands and slightly raise his butt. You must show your baby that it is not necessary to sit in the walker, it is a safe standing device. Raise the baby to his feet and release the arms a little. The child will soon realize that even if he falls, he will not be hurt. This will give him confidence.
    9. Monitor your baby carefully. It so happens that sometimes children move only in one direction, the body is tilted to the side all the time. Try to motivate your baby to move in reverse side... If it does not work out, it is worth giving up the walker for now, so as not to contribute to the development of curvature of the spine.
    10. Do not roll the baby in the walker, otherwise the legs will drag on the floor, the baby will perceive the walker as a fun attraction, and then he will start asking you to ride it. The body of the walker can only be moved simultaneously with the rearrangement of the baby's legs. This is your task - to make the child understand how this thing works.

    Usually, the child quickly gets used to the walker, and begins to use them within a few days after a new "toy" appears in the house.

    A walker is a special item that can be incredibly useful and at the same time dangerous for a child. At correct use walkers can be a real salvation for a capricious baby and his mother - the child will not ask for hands, but will be able to move around the room and take the toys he needs. But in order not to harm the baby, you need to follow simple safety rules.

    Video: walkers - pros and cons