How to look to seduce a man. How to seduce a man: techniques that work in practice. Magic words: rapid seduction per minute

When the man of your dreams are suddenly scattered on the horizon, what will be your actions? Quiet sighs together with tomber glances? Or active actions - not to moderate fat hints, or even specific suggestions? Let's not be unnecessarily shy, nor to attack, but choose a neutral strategy that helps to seduce the man you like. More specifically - to make it notice you and began to provide pleasant signs of attention. You can achieve this in three steps: the first two are preparation, well, the third is directly actions.

Step 1 - on start - Rate external data

Of course, gray mice and blue stockings are also in whose taste. But still the average man will rather pay attention to the woman with spectacular appearance. So, in the absence of such, it is necessary to strive for it. Therefore, critically appreciate your appearance. It is possible, it's time to reset a few extra kilogramto get a sexy tummy? Do not delay it for later - so it appeared excessive reason Sign up for fitness.

Further on the plan - the hairdresser, where the future seductress will do stylish hairstyle, and many, many clothing stores, hiking for which will enrich the wardrobe fashionable things (Do not forget about the presence of the neckline!). Right Makeup Also important - he must emphasize your sexuality. Chubby sensual mounted lips, elected eyes in the frame fluffy eyelashesThrough expressive views... Well, together all the above will create your new female imagewhich will impress the opposite sex representatives.

Step 2 - Attention - Prepare yourself psychologically

The seductive can not do without confidence in his abilities. Untustible gestures, movements and phrases can cause a condescending smile in a man or and in touch, and this is not the reaction that you expected. Therefore, army on the mirror and work out movements, facial expressions, and of course voice. Repeat yourself that you are the most irresistible.

What will definitely like the man you will be seduced by the ability to listen. Because if you oppositely tend to twitter, not giving the interlocutor to insert and the word - it's time to master a new skill attentive listening. If you show genuine attention to the words of a man - you are already halfway to success, as he will see in you a good interlocutor.

Another useful skill - the ability to dug. Do not deceive, but just slightly teach the truth. A man is praised by any of its abilities - you need to flatter, noting what he is well done. Skillful and timely junk will be interested in a man in continuing to communicate with you. And to whom does not want to continue to impress such a grateful listener?

Step 3 - March! - Flirtite

Flirt - excellent, allowing a woman to increase their self-esteem and attractiveness in the eyes of men. However, you remember - you are already just irresistible, and therefore it is time to go into battle.

Start with the lungs of innocent actions - an insightful look addressed to your favorite man, a smile, random touch, a few frivolous posture, a game with hair ... And when he will look at you - do not look. It would seem, nothing special you do, but already show your "object" that you are not quite indifferent to it. The classic of the genre - the look "In the corner, on the nose, for the subject" can also go into business. Let your speech be quiet, and Tomkin's voice, with dying. Such communication is already in itself intimate. And if you sit close enough, you can randomly allow the interlocutor to slightly look at the same neckline, which was discussed above. Your body is a reason for your pride, why not give a man to make sure that?

It's a little time and it's time to go a little further, breaking the physical barrier. This is the time when you can propose to make a male massage of the collar zone, it is not enough to stick his head on his shoulder, correct the tie, without forgetting to smile to smile to a significant circumstances or under suitable circumstances in the elevator.

In the case of seduction of a man, a woman cannot do without initiative manifest. Of course, we do not make augment for active imposition of themselves. It's about a friend - you need to skillfully give to understand the interlocutor, that you are ready for it to take the next step. Simple winking, gentle touch, Again, a smile - a little encouragement, but it means a lot for a man. He will understand that you do not mind continuing a closer acquaintance. And he probably also, if you did everything right.

And now to secure the effect you need to remember the old Good Children's game "Cats-mouse". You attract a man with your actions, then become emphasized cold. "Object" is perplexed - what is the case? - And you show your inaccessibility that you actually conquer you so easy, you will have to try. Be sure - the man, because of his instinct of the conqueror, will attach all the strength to achieve her. And it will expect a reward - your hot hugs.

May have to work out that the man liked you periodically reads men's magazines and knows all the secrets of seduction and signals indicating women's desire Rapprochement is no worse than you yourself. However, this is just a plus - you will quickly understand each other.

And finally - if you count on long-term relationshipThe question of how to seduce a man is far from the only one who should worry you. Those whose heart you conquered, you need to keep it. The way to do this one is always always attractive for it, both externally and internally.

A task seduction liked young man It remains invariably relevant for girls. How to find the key to his heart, opening the doors - not only a male sexual desire, but at the same time long-term passion? Not alien spirit of adventurism, young people found, at least there is, seven reliable ways of seduction of "boys".

1. The first method is a traditional, well-known to all women, and consistently working. Through the stomach. It will not be superfluous to be delicately to delicate from a man, what kind of food he prefers, then learn how to prepare these dishes workshops. And finally, to treat them a guy every day. A girl who daily feeds the guy with his favorite dishes, in the end, becomes the wife of this young man. You can add a simple method of action "through the stomach" by several exquisite items. For example, some women bring lunch right to work a beloved man in strictly certain hours And, plus it is chosen by something. Treat their man exotic fruits, original desserts or vitamins excellent quality. Such a lady a man will call not only in bed, but will certainly offer her hand and heart!

2. Some girls successfully use the effect of surprise. For example, in right moment You can say a guy: "Remove pants!" It first will cause a light shock. But at the same time, the "non-standard" girl will interest, and will remember the guy. Further, you can successfully play it - carefully maintain his interest, provoking again and again curiosity. In the end, a man is just forced to marry to master this originator!

3. In a strict and boring office atmosphere, the girl constantly turns out to be at the desktop of her colleagues. And just in these tense moments of business conversations, it is randomly unbounded by an intelligence, then a skirt is slightly discouraged. These actions are capable. The young man simply cannot but respond to such nice provoking signs. At the same time, the daily working routine contributes to a serious confusion. In such a situation, the young man will not twist Shura-Miru, but will be invited, say, dine at break together. This is a very favorable situation to start a long-term relationship.

4. Girls working hairdressers, masseuses or nurses, easy to use the "official position" in order to catch a man into their networks. The girl hairdresser can have a long time to cut her client's male to her, and in the process of creating a fashionable hairstyle pleasant feelings In his head with the help of light touches of fingers. So you can literally - hypnotize the client; And he is yours! Masseuses and nurses have the ability to even wider. Massage creams - this is nice smell, Creating an intimate atmosphere. Even if it is a medical massage, skillful touch female hands to male body - Erotica is already. And what is the nurse's lovely done procedure? The adoption of a male medicine from the spoon, which the fragile girl brings to his mouth with his thin fingers, or an injection into the buttock. After all, some men marry nurses precisely because they like the modest unobtrusive care of the girl in a white coat, and what is important is its subordinate role. Men perceive this feature as a kind of ministry to themselves, which strengthens their self-esteem.

5. If a man seeks to lead and instruct, then a woman in no way should be resist. Obeying a man and even intentionally extending these pleasant moments, she only stronger his passion. Situations can be diverse - from driving a car driving or sports training Beys in the forest on mushrooms. The main thing is the sensitive manual of the man! A woman who willingly obey, becomes for her man.

6. Sometimes permissible, on the contrary, punish a man. Some stronghold representatives sometimes like to be provided in the subordinate role, and this does not humiliate them. For example, a man did not pay in a row in the restaurant. At the same time, his intentions are clearly positive - he wants to return the money. The man should only reach the office and take the missing amount there. Do not let him go! The girl who works as a waitress can be authoritative to say: "No, stay and help us in the hall!" It excites some men.

7. Finally, you can successfully play on male jealousy. Such a girl behavior often causes a guy long-term strong passion! Action occurs in holiday In the company of friends, at a party or corporate event. All those present know each other well, rest and relax slightly. Overly to remind that such events people say without going without alcohol. The girl pretty drinking hard, comes up to that guy, which has long laid eyes and confesses to love! Just not to him, but to his friend, a shared friend or colleague. She talks about his misfortune and suffering from unrequited love. What happens next? The guy she is crying in a vest, "falls in love with this girl! This exquisite intake of seduction is very strong. He is at long years Can bind her guy to her girl - of course, from the prospect of marriage.

You love?

See how you can seduce your favorite guy or seductive man: Taurus, Lion, twins, virgin, fish, Aries, Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpion, Scales, Cancer, Sagittarius.
By the way, it is not necessary to know his zodiac sign. It is enough to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe psychology of "male individuals" and it is properly used in real life.

Use it:

  • Acquaintance

With those who are sympathetic to you, try to get acquainted first. Most cool fashion Dating - a huge, important request. By the way, if he executes it, you will understand how it belongs to you.

  • Touch - random ...

Talk to him .... And touch then, for example, when something important is you talking or noting. That he distracted (turned away). It is impossible to touch so that it is very noticeable. The effect will not be that!

  • Inaccessibility

Men attract girls - loft. If you have never been such - you will pretend to be so! Your tactic is this: you make one step forward (in actions, in communication) and immediately do a few steps back. So to attract, and then "remove".

  • "Seductance" lips

Licking or bite them lightly. Not constantly, and periodically. So that it was and noticeable, and imperceptibly at all. Turn on all seductivity! By the way, the lips of lipstick or brilliance are optional.

To begin with, look at your beloved slightly oblique looks. Careful ... After "Turn" a look in a straight line. Look straight into his eyes, not diverting look. Let the shyness participate in the view.

  • Using rings on the fingers

If you have them, they are terribly, coquetty, on your fingers. Or turn out from time to time, looking at the "subject of love". He will notice it - the first step towards victory in your hands.

  • Own hair

Correct them. Do not consider that this is some kind of show. Your hair is a way to attract attention. Or with the hairpins, fulfill tempting operations. If, of course, you love the hairpins and they have in stock.

  • clothing

You have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow you need to dress so that the guys crazy went. See what is in your cabinet. Pick, combine, fantasize. If there is no vulgar or candid clothes - accelerate precisely on the combination of attributes of clothing. There is another opinion that is completely opposite. In order to seduce the guy, sticking clothes all your most intimate parts of the body. The more accessible they are - the more chances you have for win-win seduction.

  • Confidence

What is this weapon! It swollen the fight of anyone. A man must feel your confidence. Clearly feel! Let your confidence read in each of your steps, in each body part. Confidence let him knock on the heart! Robbing and community scare men.

Choose a romantic place for seduction

This, wherever was nice, cozy and beautiful. Everyone can arrange in advance. Cuping candles, decorations, various subjects interior. Buy everything, given the selected place and the atmosphere. Many women believe in Feng Shui. If you are his fan - reaching all the hair dryer. But you should not "conquer".

  • Femininity

You do not forget about it for a second! It should be reflected in appearance, and in a voice, and in behavior. I guessed what and what? Small! Guessiness is also a small part of femininity.

  • Flirt

Just flirting, showing that he is not so indifferent to you. All girls and women know how to flirt, flirting. Flirt is very easy. Easily! And it is not even necessary to study it. Flirt, you can say, comes from the soul.

  • Healthy and beautiful skin

Yes! Men are very familiar girls whose skin is clean, smooth. In order to keep the skin in such a state, you will definitely have to change all your bad habits. Smoke - throw, you love beer - do not abuse. Use scrubs and lotions to maintain an excellent skin condition. The features of your lyrics should be more beautiful than roses!

  • Solidarity with a guy (with a man)

It is only for you to begin to agree with him in everything, to develop all his thoughts, support him .... - Consider that you won the guy! Well, the seduction has already happened .... It just waits for a convenient point to break out.

  • Message style with a guy

They can attract all the men's population of any city. You just need to be talkative, do not climb the lords. Guys admire sociable girls. If they still have a nice voice ... .. The incredible happens with them.

  • Lipstick of scarlet or bright red

Such a color of lipstick is very attracting men. But with cosmetics you need not to overdo it. Measure is needed in everything. Even if you do not know where this measure begins.

  • Lip gloss

Here with him, just, you can forget about measure! Well, if the lip gloss is saturated. Welcoming lipstick under glitter. Turn on charm using such a combination! Everything that most important is to choose the right lipstick and shine.

  • Aroma of skin

It's not about the sea of \u200b\u200bperfume or perfume with pheromones. We are talking about the skin of a woman. Men really makes her natural fragrance. And so it was always. Spirits you can use, but do not pose the entire bottle on yourself, so as not to interrupt the whole naturalness.

Synchronization of seductive breathing

Adjust your breathing so that it "lasted" into the beat of the subject of seduction. Gently touch his hand when you feel that your breath is completely synchronized.

  • Intelligence

You remember that not only appearance is able to seduce. Use I. intellectual abilities! You and did not think about how important it is? Well, if, with an appearance, intelligence is combined skillfully.

  • Sense of humor

It is necessary to joke. Be able to joke! Banal jokes will not attract guys. They need extraordinary humor! Where they never met never anywhere.

  • Trendy stockings in mesh or tights with lycra

Like men "watch" such clothes on women's legs. It is easy to do not feel any vegetation on your knives. Men love smooth skin Feet of the opposite floor.

Continued. . .

I fell in love -

First of all, guys evaluate natural beauty Floor representatives. However, she quickly goes to the background, since after some time communication, a person begins to pay attention to the mind of his interlocutor, the ability to behave correctly in society, femininity, honesty and some other qualities. If you drop in the direction of character, but only the external image is considered, men like to look at how a woman walks as she sits, wounds back and touches to own body. Only fully controlling their behavior, the girl can easily seduce desired Guy and achieve intimate intimacy with him.

How can you seduce men?

The first way of seduction, which often use women is a game with hair. It is hair that belongs to one of the sexiest parts. female body. Put opposite your interlocutor, shake your head so that your hair scattered over the shoulders. In addition, you can periodically spend your hands on them, thereby attracting the attention of the representative of the strong sex.

The second way of seduction of men is towards wrists. The inner side of the wrists also acts on men exciting, so you can adjust the sleeves, exposing this part of your body a little.

The third way you can take advantage of the bumping lips. If you, communicating with your interlocutor, as if you would accidentally hold a tongue on upper lipAnd then bite the bottom slightly, such an action can bring a man crazy. He will definitely want to do with you the same.

In addition, men pay attention to women's feet. Try to pick up such clothes that will emphasize your advantages. This does not have to be a mini skirt. Select a long fitting dress on which there will be a frank section. When you sit next to a strong sex representative, you can periodically shift one leg to another, attracting the attention of the desired man's attention to them.

Do not forget that people love smiling and open interlocutors. Constantly support eye contact With a guy, smile to him and try to behave naturally. A view of the eye is able to cause an exciting excitement. Remember that you need to look at the man mysteriously and a little frankly.

Each woman should own the art of seduction, because such a feature is inherent in a weak half of humanity. It is enough to remember Geish, Kurtyzanok, Siren, sexual seductors knew that in conquering even the most sophisticated representative of the male population.

Seduction requires permanent work Over yourself, it is necessary to be in moderation liberated, vulgar, droalling, but at the same time have a feeling of tact, weakness and humility. Only combining similar traits of character, a woman will be able to seduce the partner.

Step number 1. Carry me

Of course, each man first turns attention to appearance. Do not assume that representatives strong Halves Follow the soul this delusion Extremely mistaken. Even the cordial lady will not be able to seduce the partner if it is unclear.

Men prefer girls who are pleasantly smelling, follow the appearance, make makeup (optionally catchy). It is important to keep nails and hair in due state, dressed beautifully.

Not necessarily in the morning, put all the contents of the cosmetics on the face, use basic products: Mascara for eyelashes, eyebrow pencil, concealer, powder, blush. The main thing is that the face is always well maintained and fresh. Do not neglect masks, do not forget about the pedicure and manicure several times a month.

Separately, it is worth thinking about the epilation. Many men love when everything is smooth in the bikini zone. Others prefer light hots, it all depends on personal preferences. You can visit the masters and make a drawing in intimate zone Or remove excessive vegetation perfectly.

Step number 2. Pick up the appropriate aroma

An important place in the life of each woman occupies perfume. It should not be pronounced sweet or, on the contrary, oriental (bitter, tart). Choose fresh flavorswhich after 2-3 hours become barely catchy. A man should smell from a distance of 40-50 cm. And not from two meters. Explore all sorts of flavors, attend regularly perfume shopsTo pick up exactly "your".

Spray toilet water Hair growth line for ears (do not cover skin spirits), as well as wrists. At the same time, the perfume is used 30-40 minutes before the alleged meeting.

Also need to pay attention to the smell of the body. Take the habit to regularly take a bath with bombs, add sea salt, essential oils. Use cream soap or gel for the shower with flavored additives, such as Ylang-Ylang, Patchouli, Lavender, Honey, Almond, etc. water procedures Use body lotion, which will make the skin velvet and smooth.

Open the wardrobe, review the wardrobe, eliminate clothes that sits imperfect. At the stage of seduction, it is necessary to make femininity, it is not necessary to dress as a call girl. Prefer the translucent blouses that leave a place for fantasy at the sight of a translucent lace bra. Mini-skirt preferentiate a dress with a neckline to the hip, which when walking allows you to see the edge of stockings.

As for the tops, let them bargain a portion of the abdomen and the back, with the shoulders should be closed. Choose that clothes that emphasizes your femininity. Shoes on high platform and heels like girls from a strip bar, prefer sexy stilettos with a closed nose. Wear jeans in tightness, be sure to accompany their belt to highlight the hips. IN autumn-winter period Wear boots from suede above the knees or leather, but to the knees.

If you are with a man at the level of communication above average, take sexy lingerie in sex shop, take a picture of it, send a snapshot. Answer a simple question: "What color is it better to purchase a combination - in black or red?". Wait for the reaction of the interlocutor.

Step number 4. Enjoy self-confidence

Certainly exists certain type Men who attract such a scrolling girl. Nevertheless, most of the strong halves love confident girlswhich act on the principle "came-saw-seduced."

To gain self-confidence, you need to pay attention to the priority factors, such as hair color, haircut, weight. Change the hairstyle to a more stylish, refuse pigs and tails. If you do not like the reflection in the mirror, lose a couple of extra kilograms or sign up in the gym. It is important to put yourself in complete combat readiness before you begin to decide.

To create an image of a confident and lustful female, give people a reason to talk about you. For example, tell your friends that the day before you had sex with a hot man. Disable gossip at work, give colleagues to understand that you meet with Brutal Macho, older than you. Intrigate, but do not look easily accessible.

Step number 5. Wish him and be indifferent

After you led yourself in the form, revised the wardrobe, became an order of magnitude more confident, it was time to act. Seduction includes anticipation of pleasure, so it is necessary to act leisurely. Play the mood in "Want, but you will not get", that is, first be affordable, and then sharply become indifferent. The main thing is to introduce a male misleading, heated interest and bewilderment.

An example of the game will be the following: during the next telephone conversation Give partner to understand what you want to spend the night with him. Do not talk about it openly, flirty, hint at possible development events. After a certain time, complete the conversation first, referring to important things. At the same time, promise to call back only if there is free time.

Step number 6. Call jealousy

Following the intrigue, you can start flirting. When meeting, make focus on femininity: Catch off your hair back, lift the dress to the stocking line so that the lace looks like a slightly. It is important to look natural, uncomplicated.

For example, a partner invited you to drink, sit at the bar rack or table, lift forefinger Up with the words "waiter." After the employee pays attention to you, take your hand over your neck and seductly walk down it down to the chest. Do not look at the man who accompanies you, actions should be natural. You can also put a leg to foot, then continue to communicate with the waiter, making an order.

Such a game will cause admiration for a man, he will show a little jealousy. From the side, the satellite will observe your femininity, which manifests itself in ordinary things, such as the place of drink. Do not try to be sexy, vulgar, vulgar. Act as a cute girl with a passionate light inside.

Stick defined line behavior, lead interesting conversationsBut at the same time do not hurry to exhibit your personal and sexual experience with men for everyone. You must hint partner that this stage It is interesting for you exactly, and not that sexy guywho wishes looks in your direction.

Step number 7. Be open

The man attracts not only beautiful and passionate nature, but also open to the dialogue of the girl. Do not try to drag the satellite into bed, make it so that he husbands himself. The sexual aspect passes not only in terms of physical, but also spiritual intimacy.

Give the satellite to understand that you are similar. Tell me in passionately funny stories From life, be open and comprehensively developed. Men at the age of particularly interesting ladies who can support the conversation absolutely on any topic, be it history or politics.

Keep track of voice timbre, do not appear, do not shout loudly certain phrases. The voice should be deep, permeating, and laughter - sincere. Treat your companion with respect, listen to his stories with enthusiasm, but do not rush in everything. Unfortunate girls are much more interesting than quiet gray mice.

To seduce a man, you need to make it clear that he means much for you. Try to climb into the soul to the interlocutor and provide a couple selo Sovietsthat solve the problem immediately. Be positive, friendly, sincere and open, but do not replay.

Step number 8. Flirtite

No seduction is without flirting. The ability to throw a piercing look or smile seductively and at the same time wink comes with experience, it needs to be constantly practicing.

We seduce a man playing: first look at his shoulder, as if not noticing, then slowly move the eyes to the eyes. Hold at this point for 3 seconds, start slowly smile. Bite your lip, screw your hair on your finger, wink and start slowly leave. The result will not make yourself wait.

After the man stops you, concentrate on it. Coquetishly say hello, get an entertaining conversation. At the same time, jump from one topic to another, creating intrigue. Try to talk to the body tongue, react to compliments, but do not be easily accessible.

It is important to give a companion to understand that you are open to the next step. For example, a man invited dinner, agree with the hint that later you will drink champagne in cozy atmosphere. Manage the initiative, but do not show open wishes to have sex.

Step number 9. Use non-verbal signs

Experienced seductors know that anyone can conquer anyone. Similar gestures unconsciously give partner to understand that the lady is interested in further development events.

Show a man your non-uncrowdes lower Luba or winding the curl on the finger. Sitting in a cafe, you can put a leg to the leg, and not clearly play with the shoes, shutting it on your fingers.

After you catch interested male lookMake an invisible gesture, emphasizing sexuality. Wrap your hair back, then gently spend your palm on the opposite shoulder or neckline (the blouse should be with a cut). Such a move will take the attention of the interlocutor to the seductive part of your body.

You can also sit and uncomfortable to stroke the thigh, attracting a look towards sexy legs. At the instinctive level, a man will make up your television. Later he will dream of a velvety skin of seductive hips, clasping him during the classes of love.

Step number 10. Go to frank conversations

Nothing does not start a man like female Revelation. Each representative of strong sex wants to know what the girl thinks about a certain point. Start with simple things, share the innermost thoughts and desires of relaxation or the future.

At this stage it is important to get closer with a man to lead more entertaining conversations later. For example, you can tell you what you wish to have a little cozy house On the seashore, and then clarify "to swim at night naked." A similar move will push a man to respond, it will become more liberated.

At the next stage, you can go to sexual conversations by phone. Choose the night time for conversation when all emotions and desires are as full as possible. Play the game "Honest Answers": Alternately, ask each other questions, agree to answer them frankly. In turn, ask about something provocative, whether it is a favorite posture in sex or preferred place Socia.

It is easy to seduce a man if you constantly practice and have sufficient knowledge of psychology. Care for myself, pick up the fragrance of perfume, review the wardrobe. Keep confidently, flirting, flirting.

Video: how to seduce a man