How to be sure that a girl likes me. How to know that a girl likes you: the main signs. She asks you to talk

How to Know if a Girl Likes You - Main Signs Written on the Face

2 groups of signs by which you can determine whether a girl likes you or not

- 2 groups of signs by which you can determine whether a girl likes you or not
- 4 explicit gestures of sympathy from the girl's hands
- How to understand during a date that you liked the interlocutor?
- How to understand that you are pleasant for a girl on social networks or on a dating site?
- 8 signs of a girl's liking
- 4 main signs, thanks to which you can understand that a girl is not indifferent to you
- Conclusion

In general, women are so arranged that even if they feel strong sympathy for you, they try not to show it, so as not to seem accessible, intrusive and relinquish responsibility for sex. Signs of interest in you are usually subtle in a girl.

There are several signs by which it is easy to determine if a girl likes you. If you remember about these signs and train in public, even just monitor the reaction of any person, then you will easily pick out the signs you need.

Group # 1 - Verbal signs, non-verbal.

Verbal signs:

  • The girl calls you by name. More often than necessary.
  • Tries to compliment you or support you in conversation.
  • She is interested in your hobbies and asks a lot of questions. In general, he tries to lead in a conversation. Or, on the contrary, he listens to you with enthusiasm.

Non-verbal signs:

  • The girl is trying to touch you.
  • Smiles at you often.
  • Laughs at your bad jokes.
  • The intonation in the voice is more affectionate or agitated.
  • There is also a cocky look and voice when she wanted to seduce you (the type of confident women).
  • Correcting the hairstyle and shooting with eyes.

Group No. 2 - conditionally direct and indirect signs.

Direct signs:

  • A girl can accidentally take you by the hand or put her head on her shoulder behind when you, for example, are looking at something on the phone.
  • Pester you by taking your phone and teasing you.
  • After the meeting, she may say, be sure to call me.

Indirect signs:

  • She sat down closer to you.
  • The girl involuntarily tries to show her neck by throwing her head back.
  • Sit down, trying to show the figure, legs.
  • Looks at your lips.
  • Shyly, looks away when you glare at her.
  • A smile is also an indicator of sympathy.
  • You communicate easily and you do not have pauses in the conversation.

4 explicit gestures of sympathy from a girl in her arms

1. Games with decorations.

A girl often automatically begins to touch a necklace or bracelet in her hands when she sees handsome man- because he excites her nervous system, unbalancing.

But more experienced women know that they can thus attract the attention of men, paying attention to their body parts, decorated with sorted jewelry.

2. Exposure of the neck.

This gesture means submission, and it takes roots in wildlife... A woman who has fallen under your spell shows her neck as a sign of readiness for further gradual surrender.

3. Dressing up.

If a girl directs a marafet, being in the field of vision of a man, then she achieves two goals at once: she looks more attractive, and attracts your attention.

4. Hairy coquetry.

Driven by the desire to attract your gaze, a girl can start playing with her hair, stroking it, throwing it over or twisting it on her finger. If at the same time she supports eye contact, that is clear sign her sympathy for you.

How to understand during a date that your interlocutor likes you?

Of course, the fact that a girl went on a date with you in itself speaks of some sympathy on her part. But not every meeting with a girl automatically becomes a date.

If you invited a girl to a meeting, then in order for this meeting to become a date, you still need to try. Whether everything is going well, the girl herself will tell you with her hidden signals. It is from them that you can understand what a girl likes.

1) The palm is a weather vane.

On the palms of a woman, you can always understand what's what - they, like a weather vane, can tell you if a fair wind blows with this girl. If you are attracted to her, the girl's palms will open and look at you with the inside.

Perhaps they will even tremble, as if to say "come closer." But if she doesn’t care about you, she can prop her chin with her knuckles outward, or clench her fists.

2) Close contact.

The girl will be closer to you than is usually allowed by decency.

3) Invasion of personal space.

She will move her arm, leg or any object closer to you, getting into your "personal space".

4) Accidental touch .

Touching you, even very quickly, the girl gives you a signal to which you must certainly react warmly. Do not under any circumstances show that it was unexpected or surprising for you.

5) Tilt.

If she cannot approach or move in your direction, the girl will lean towards you. She may do this in order to better hear you in a noisy room, which is not always a hidden sexual signal, but at least she wants to hear you. During the game with these signals, the girl can either get closer to you or move away further. In both cases, do the same in this game as she did.

6) Childishly stupid behavior.

If a girl likes you, then a girl often wakes up in her. She will act energetically and openly with you. Her actions will be filled with a kind of cute and funny stupidity.

7) Mirroring.

She can begin to copy your movements, freeze in the same poses. Thus, the girl will show that she is tuned in to the same wavelength with you, but this can happen to her and unconsciously. You can also use mirroring to make the girl feel more comfortable with you, but don't overdo it.

How do you know that you are pleasant to a girl on social networks or on a dating site?

Young people today leave their homes less and less and spend more and more time sitting at the computer.

If you are an active user of social networks, you can easily get to know a girl and go from correspondence acquaintance to full-time acquaintance, if you are convinced that she likes you.

Consider specific signs that the girl likes you.

So girl:

  • Frequently visits your page and monitors the posts that you place.
  • Doesn't skimp on likes for your photos.
  • Subscribes to the same publics as you.
  • Posts news that hint at the similarity of your views and tastes.
  • Speaks on your side in discussions about your or someone else's posts.
  • Asks you for help in messages.
  • He jokes and flirts, commenting on your posts.

8 signs of a girl's liking

1. Conversations.

2. Attention.

If she pays too much attention to you and caring for you constantly, then this is a sign of great love.

3. Constant calls.

The girl calls you several times every day. This means that she really likes you very much.

4. Long and frequent kisses.

The girl loves to kiss you often and for a long time. This is evidence that she really likes you.

5. Invitations to meetings.

She invites you to meetings and does so often enough. This is evidence that she likes you and is trying to maintain your relationship with her and is afraid that you will leave her.

6. I like your appearance.

As you know, many girls often like handsome guys.

7. Gives signs.

There are many signs: she often straightens her hair, quietly looks at you and abruptly looks away so that you do not notice, her knees are directed in your direction, a smile, a seductive look and many more different signs with which girls are trying to show you their sympathy.

8. Constant sms.

The girl constantly texts you sms, no matter on the phone or on the Internet, constantly asks how you are doing and different standard questions... If you communicate only in this way, then be sure to invite her to see you as early as possible, she will not refuse you if she really likes you.

4 main signs, thanks to which you can understand that a girl is not indifferent to you

Signs female sympathy should be looked for even at the first meeting with the girl you like. It’s very important to find them, otherwise you don’t know if you will have a chance to ask her out on the first date.

In fact, there are a great many signs thanks to which you can understand that a girl likes you, but in order not to overload you with information, I will focus only on the most obvious ones:

1) Eyes.

  • follows your movements with a glance;
  • shyly lowers her eyes or looks away when you look back at her;
  • casts a flirtatious look from under the eyelashes;
  • flirts openly with his eyes.

2) Hair.

Having a boy's haircut, it is difficult to show sympathy for a guy in this way, only girls with long hair can do this.

What do they do:

  • sort out the strands;
  • wind the strand on the finger;
  • toss hair to one side, exposing the neck;
  • shake your hair so that you appreciate its beauty.

3) Lips.

A girl can show that she likes you by nibbling and licking her lips.

4) Body.

  • takes the most attractive position;
  • as if unconsciously touches his body;
  • demonstrates its nice legs- then he puts their legs on their feet, then stretches them in front of him, then begins to wiggle the shoe;
  • clasps her hands on the back of her head so you can see her armpits - so intimate area they do not show it to just anyone;
  • gestures a lot in conversation with his interlocutor, trying to get your attention.


For guys, girls are a secret sealed with seven seals, which can not always be understood. And this is not surprising, because the thoughts of the girls are in many ways different from the thoughts of the same guys. But they are also not alien to sympathy for stronger sex... This sympathy is expressed in various signs attention that they send towards the person they like.

Although all girls are different, there are several common features, by which you can understand her attitude towards the guy. Knowing these signs gives you a huge advantage when dealing with the opposite sex.

In this article, I tried to describe quite fully the most obvious signs of sympathy, by which you can easily understand whether a girl likes you or not.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specially for the site

The inner world of a woman is a mystery for men, and it is quite difficult to understand that a girl likes you. Complete indifference on her part may well be a cover or a manifestation of excessive modesty. But deep down, every lady dreams of being desired and loved, so she demonstrates her sympathy with the help of verbal and non-verbal signs... It remains for a man to learn how to read between the lines and pay attention to some features of the girl's behavior.

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    Language of the body

    Even if a lady tries to hide her emotions, her body will always give out interest. Glances, involuntary movements, postures - all this will tell about the woman's sympathy.

    You should pay attention to the following features:

    1. 1. Eyes. This body human body it is not for nothing that they are called the mirror of the soul. If a woman has an interest in a man, then she will look at him more often. At the same time, the look differs in duration (about 3 seconds). If she is strongly interested in a young man, then eye contact lasts up to 6 seconds. Dilated pupils also indicate sympathy. If in the company she looks more often at a specific person, then she likes him the most.
    2. 2. Hair. If a lady is interested in a gentleman, then she constantly corrects her hair. This is because she is worried about how her curls look in the eyes of a guy. Nervous or wanting to flirt, some girls play with their hair (for example, wind it around their finger).
    3. 3. Lips. If during a conversation a girl bites lower lip and often smiles, this indicates a strong sympathy.

    Body position is another way to make sure that the lady is interested in the gentleman. If the companion sits with her whole body turned to the guy, then this is a manifestation of interest in the conversation. The conversation can be about anything, but if a girl likes you, then, even discussing the weather, she will begin to show similar signs of sympathy.

    If a young lady subconsciously wants to be with a gentleman, then she will unconsciously reduce the distance. Therefore, when she moves closer during a conversation, this does not mean that she does not hear well, but that the guy attracts her.

    It is worth looking at the toes of the companion's feet. If they are directed towards the guy, then this is also a signal of interest.

    How does an interested girl behave?

    It is worth paying attention to other features of the behavior of the interested lady. She is sympathetic if she:

    1. 1. Plays with a glass of wine and a mug of coffee in his hands (turns to different sides or gazes at the drink as if trying to read the future).
    2. 2. Smiles every time he meets his companion's gaze.
    3. 3. As if accidentally exposing a part of the body. For example, her blouse "accidentally" slipped off her shoulder and the girl forgot to straighten it.
    4. 4. Uses a deliberately sexy gait when passing a man.
    5. 5. Openly flirts with another guy and looks at the reaction of the gentleman with whom she came on a date.

    If in a restaurant a stranger came up and asked for a lighter or a pen, perhaps in this way she hints that she wants to meet and feels sympathy for a man.

    There are signs that will betray any woman, even if she carefully hides her feelings. These include touching. If a lady playfully pinches a guy, pats him on the shoulder, removes an invisible speck of dust from his cheek, touches his hand, crossing the road, and does not miss any opportunity of tactile contact, then she wants to be closer to the young man and expects him to continue the “game” and casually begin to touch her.

    Women's flirting is based precisely on touch. Even the most shy girl who is afraid to speak openly about her feelings will certainly use this simple technique.

    Features of communication

    During a conversation with a woman, you should pay attention to how interested she is in listening to what the interlocutor is talking about. For example, if he talks about the latest novelty for game console, but she still maintains the conversation and shares her opinion on this matter, this means that even the most uninteresting topic for her worries her, as she feels sympathy.

    There is an easy way to understand how a guy makes a girl feel. To do this, it is enough to tell an old or absolutely unfunny anecdote. If a lady laughs as if she is sitting on a comedy show, then this suggests that she really likes the young man. She will not offend him with phrases like “Bayan! "Or" And where do I need to laugh? ", Because he does not want to hit the gentleman's pride.

    Behavior of a woman's friends

    To understand whether a girl likes a man or not, it is enough to find out whether she talks with her comrades about him. Most ladies are not able to keep good news to themselves and share with their girlfriends about the details of a date with a man.

    Friends won't tell her secrets. But this is not necessary. It is enough to pay attention to how the girlfriends of the girl behave in the presence of the guy. If they are maliciously smiling and whispering, then the young lady definitely told them about the date.

    You also need to be prepared for the fact that the girlfriends may laugh, as the lady told them how the gentleman "went wild" at the meeting. So it's worth finding a way to find out exactly what they heard. When it comes to big company, where everyone knows each other, then it will not be difficult to find out the information.

    Changes in the image of the girl

    Regardless of her self-esteem and self-confidence, any woman wants to look charming for her man. If a girl has changed her wardrobe, began to use cosmetics and take care of herself, then this is the main sign that she is showing interest.

    The easiest way to notice this is if the guy is studying or working with a young lady. Before moving on to action, it is worth checking that she is not showing sympathy for someone else. In this case, the recommendations described above will help.

    It is worthwhile to compliment the lady and see how she reacts. If she likes a man, she will blush or coquettishly lower her eyes, thanking him for nice words... The changes are not necessarily global. Even if the girl looked great even before the appearance of sympathy, she will try to give her image even more zest (for example, she will start using lipstick more bright shade or it will be more expressive to paint the eyes).

    Social networks

    To determine what emotions a lady has for a man, it is worth examining her profile. Women often write statuses that reflect their mood.

    If during a date the girl took a joint photo, then it is recommended to pay attention to whether she posted it on social networks. If the image was published some time after the meeting, then this indicates that she sees her potential couple and wants to show off to other users.

    When it comes to married woman, then even with all the desire she will not publish joint pictures.

    If a girl often visits a guy's page, likes him, joins the same groups as he and actively leaves inscriptions, music or touching quotes on his "wall", this suggests that the young lady is trying to attract attention.


    Regardless of whether communication takes place in social network or through popular instant messengers, you should pay attention to how the lady reacts to messages. If she ignores them for several days and responds with monosyllabic sentences or simply "yes" or "no", then either she is too busy at work or school (which is unlikely, there will always be 5 minutes to talk to someone she likes) or does not feel any emotions for the guy.

    A clear sign of strong sympathy is that the girl responds to messages literally a few seconds after they were sent. This indicates that she is waiting for news from the guy she likes and is always open to conversation.


    Girlish laughter, innocent jokes, light touches - all this is a manifestation of sympathy.

    However, flirting is often exclusively sexual in nature. There are women who are only interested in sex with the opposite sex. To get what they want, they use everything female tricks so that the man believes in the sincerity of their feelings. If such ladies appear in the life of men, then they try to show their sexual side, they are not interested in conversations.

    It should be borne in mind that some girls do not yet have sufficient flirting experience. In this case, they may make caustic or even offensive remarks, believing that such jokes will please the gentleman. Therefore, if the interlocutor is embarrassed, does not know what to say, and hesitates during a conversation, then one has only to be glad and moved.

    Frank dialogue

    If a girl has strong sympathy for a young man, then she will readily share personal experiences with him and tell stories from life. Some are embarrassed to move on to such topics, as they believe that men are not interested in listening to “tearful female parables". Therefore, it is worth asking the lady on your own about something personal (but without vulgarity).

    If a girl leaves the answer or is completely offended, saying that she is not going to reveal her soul to the “first comer”, then this suggests that she is not interested in the man. But there is also a downside to the coin. Some seasoned seducers are adept at pretending to be humble to please a guy. Therefore, it is worth being vigilant.

    You should not start a conversation about personal topics if this is the first date with unknown girl... Many young ladies need time to feel that they can trust a gentleman and tell him all their secrets. If a girl is withdrawn and hardly makes contact, you should not attack her with questions, this will only scare the interlocutor.


    Girls often use veiled calls to action to hint at their sympathy.

    For example, if a lady complains that the next part of her favorite film has come out, but she has no one to go to the cinema with, then you should not miss the moment. We need to offer to keep her company. It is difficult for girls to take the first step and show sympathy, so it is important to understand the hints.

    If a lady complains that the wiring has burned out at home, the TV does not work, and a blue screen appears on the computer, then you should not bow your head sympathetically and talk about life's troubles. It is necessary to readily offer your help, since the girl clearly makes it clear that she sees in the boyfriend a partner who will help in difficult times.

    However, there are women who use men in this way. They show sympathy with all their appearance and ask to fix something in the house, bring food and so on. If such requests are repeated with an enviable frequency, then in this case it is not a matter of sympathy for the gentleman.

    Telephone conversations

    When communicating with a lady on the phone, you should pay attention to how quickly she ends the conversation. If she is happy to discuss all the proposed topics and is in no hurry to "run away on business," then the man is definitely attractive to her.

    If a girl answers questions, but does not continue the topic (the conversation is more like a guy's monologue), then she is either too shy or does not like to talk on the phone, or she is not very interested in the conversation.

    If a man has known a girl for a long time

    In this case, the most difficult thing is to determine whether a girl likes you or not. However, there are several signs that indicate that a friend expects more action from a guy:

    1. 1. She is always ready to communicate and immediately answers calls and messages.
    2. 2. A girl can spend hours on social networks and exchange funny images, links and other things with a guy.
    3. 3. The young lady constantly informs her friend about her plans. For example, she can write that she is going to the country house on the weekend, and yesterday she and her friends went to a cafe. Thus, she "reports" to the guy, as she subconsciously perceives him as her young man.
    4. 4. In the company of a man, she always tries to look brand new.
    5. 5. The girl introduces the guy to her parents and best friends.
    6. 6. The woman constantly asks for advice or asks for help.
    7. 7.In playful form she hugs and kisses the guy, saying that he is like a brother to her.
    8. 8. A woman is ready to spend everything free time together with the person you like.

    How do women of different zodiac signs show sympathy?

    Knowing the girl's zodiac sign, the guy will be able to quickly determine whether she has sympathy for him.

    Zodiac sign


    Girls are straightforward, so they make it clear to a potential partner that he has every chance of reciprocity.

    Aries are passionate natures. Sometimes they become overly assertive and aggressive in showing their tender feelings.

    They rarely advertise their feelings and emotions, so they prefer to make too complex hints.

    If a girl of this zodiac sign experiences strong feelings, but sees that the guy does not understand her coquetry, then she will take courage and begin to act more openly


    Ladies are far from romance, so you should forget about cute hints. It's easier for a twin to say everything in person than to hint at sympathy for a long time.

    If a girl is too shy, then she will constantly be near the object of her adoration. The easiest way to test her feelings is if she sees another woman flirting with a guy. Gemini are very jealous and have strong emotions.

    Experiencing tender feelings, girls of this zodiac sign begin to show strong concern for the guy, are interested in his mood, health and other things. Cancers are romantic natures so they love to make innocent surprises. Girls like that are easy to hurt

    They do not consider it necessary to hide their sympathy. If a woman has strong feelings, then everyone around will know about it.

    More restrained Leos will not talk about their emotions, but at the same time they will show their other characteristics - possessiveness and increased jealousy. It's almost impossible not to notice

    Such women strive for perfection, therefore they carefully analyze each step.

    At first, they are very restrained. But if Virgo is comfortable with a partner, then she will “thaw out” and start flirting.

    If a representative of this sign begins to unobtrusively control a guy, then this is the most obvious sign of strong sympathy.

    They behave very nicely towards all people, so it is difficult to understand if Libra singles out someone more than others.

    It is worth paying attention to whether the girl compliments the guy. Feeling sympathy, Libra literally shower the object of their adoration with praise.


    This is a very controversial sign. Some Scorpios are willing to write hundreds of messages a day. In this case, it is not difficult to determine the girl's sympathy.

    Other Scorpios are more secretive and rarely make it clear that they like a guy. Some may even cast cold glances at the "beloved" and behave formally with him. The easiest way is to ask such a Scorpio directly.


    These girls are careful, but prefer to do without complicated multi-step plans to win a guy.

    At first, they can behave coldly, but over time, Sagittarius cease to hide their jealousy, sympathy and desire to see more often


    They are distinguished by their caution in relation to potential partners... Capricorns often look cold and insensitive, even if a feeling arises in the soul.

    These girls show sympathy for something practical. They can help prepare dinner, suggest what to do in a given situation, etc.

    At first, representatives of this sign prefer only platonic relationships.

    home distinctive feature these girls - independence. Aquarians love loneliness and are the last to think about relationships. By their nature, they are incapable of being interested in one person for a long time.

    They show sympathy if they hint at intimacy... Aquarians see sex as a way to get to know a person better, so they are ready to talk about tender feelings only after the first sex.

    Girls get very shy when they like a man. To recognize the signs of Pisces sympathy, you need to trust your intuition and subtle hints from a woman.

    Ladies of this sign almost never show activity and do not take the first steps.

    What else should you pay attention to?

    There are several signs that can help you understand that a girl likes a guy:

    1. 1. Arriving on the first date, she will be the first to kiss the gentleman on the cheek or lips.
    2. 2. The woman is actively gesticulating, blushing and behaving a little ridiculous. This often indicates her tender feelings. A lady's nervousness is a clear sign of sympathy.
    3. 3. A guy constantly accidentally meets a girl on the way to work, school, etc. There is a chance that it is the lady who organizes these meetings in order to see the object of her adoration more often.
    4. 4. The young lady constantly asks the young man about his past relationship. She tries to find out how he suits her.
    5. 5. Girl in comic form says how much she loves and misses the guy. In this case, she is simply embarrassed to honestly admit her feelings. She wants to test the waters.

    If the lady constantly says that the man is excellent and true friend, then she makes it clear that there will be nothing more between them. In this case, it is worth remaining comrades and not ruining friendship with frank confessions.

    For some girls, it will not be difficult to honestly talk about their sympathy. Others will hide tender feelings to the last. A man should be able to read between the lines and perceive the signals given to him.

    As much as a girl likes a guy, she will not wait forever until he realizes that the time has come for action. A man should not be afraid to be active. Ladies do not love those who secretly suffer from love for years, but men who are trying to win the chosen one.



Sometimes men do not notice the most obvious, when the girl next to you secretly sympathizes or is in love with you. How do you know if a girl likes you? Signs of sympathy for the fair sex.

She constantly looks at you, laughs at your jokes, and seems a little alarmed when she is around you. You don't know for sure if she's flirting, if she likes you as a friend or not at all. Whether you are in love with this girl and are dying to know if your feelings are mutual, or you are just wondering if she likes you, there are several ways to check if a girl likes you or not.

1. Take a closer look at your body language

1.1 Keep track of her position. If a girl likes you, she will try to face you. If the girl openly turns to you, then she is ready to communicate with you. If a girl has a “closed position”, for example, her arms or legs are crossed, most likely she is shy or worried when communicating with you, but perhaps she is just giving you a sign that she is not interested in communication.

If the girl is sitting with her legs crossed, pay attention to her feet. If they are directed in your direction, chances are she likes you and would like to get to know you better.

1.2 Pay attention to eye contact. If a girl likes you, chances are she will stare at you for a few seconds or avert her gaze as soon as you look at her. Each of these options is a sign that this girl is interested in you. If a girl looks away quickly, it often means she's worried or just not ready to reveal her feelings to you, but she may still like you.

If a girl likes you, her pupils will dilate when interacting with you, although this is difficult to notice.

If you looked at a girl and noticed that she was looking at you, she might like you.

1.3 Pay attention to the context. The interpretation of body language depends on the context. For example, if you are talking to a girl together, her touching your hand for a few seconds can be perceived as flirting. However, if she just slaps you on the shoulder to get your attention and tell you that your friend is looking for you, you can hardly tell that she is flirting, she is just trying to help.

Talking animatedly about something can make her look at you without breaking eye contact, but that doesn't always mean she likes you. Perhaps this is just her reaction to the conversation. However, if a girl maintains eye contact for a long time without speaking to you, if she looks at you but turns away as soon as you look at her, she is most likely interested in you.

1.4 Notice if she is trying to touch you or get closer. If a girl likes you, she will try to touch you, because this is a way of flirting, albeit quite explicit. Thus, the girl draws conclusions about how you react. For example, she may take your hand when you are telling something funny, "accidentally" touch your shoulder or arm, gently place her hand on your knee.

Not all girls feel comfortable touching a guy. In this case, you should not immediately take everything personally and think that she does not like her, because she did not try to touch you. Maybe she's just nervous. If you like a girl, do not hesitate, try to break the physical barrier between you on your own and see how she reacts.

She may find other ways to touch you. For example, playfully slap your hand. This “friendly” gesture can be a disguised attempt to touch you and get closer, without your friends noticing it.

1.5 Pay attention to how often she "accidentally" hugs you. This is especially important if she only hugs you. Hugs are a friendly, affectionate way to get close to and touch someone without showing off your flirting skills. If you like the girl, hug her back, but if you don't want her to be wrong about you, politely refuse her.

1.6 Pay attention to whether it copies your movements. If a girl is constantly imitating you (for example, if you straighten your hair, and after a few seconds notice that she also straightens it), she is most likely subconsciously copying your movements. This may indicate that she likes you.

1.7 Notice if she is pulling at her hair. If she playfully twirls a strand of hair around her finger, or simply tweaks her hair often, she's most likely flirting.

1.8 Watch for signs of anxiety or excitement. If she has a liking for you, she will touch her lips, collarbones, and neck to draw your attention to those areas of her body. She can even apply lipstick in front of you.

1.9 Notice if she smiles at you. This can be her signal to you that she feels comfortable and cozy in your presence. If a girl likes you, she will laugh at your jokes (no matter how funny they are).

2. Look for other signs of flirting

2.1 Know how to respond to compliments. If a girl compliments you, chances are she really likes you. It's probably just a way to make you feel wanted.

For example, she might say something like, “You beautiful eyes"Or" You look so athletic - are you doing something? "

2.2 Observe the reactions of her friends. If you see that many of her friends are often looking at you and smiling or giggling, chances are, she told them about you, and they are now "aware" of her feelings. Sometimes this girl's friends even dare to come up and tell you that she likes you.

When she is talking to friends, and you accidentally walk by or approach her, they immediately stop talking. In this case, most likely, the conversation was about you.

2.3 Pay attention to her style. If a girl likes you, she will try to impress you with her appearance... She may start wearing lightly revealing or tight-fitting clothing and lipstick to catch your eye.

Each girl has her own style, so not all girls will dress like the above to impress whoever they like. However, if you notice that the girl you like is dressing prettier than usual in your presence, she may want to impress you.

2.4 Try teasing her in a playful way. If a girl likes you, she may jokingly tease you about something you do or say. For example, teasing means laughing at a joke that wasn’t that funny, making fun of your clothes, or something that you put your energy into.

2.5 Notice if she is looking for an excuse to talk to you. Perhaps she added you as a “friend” on a social network, talks to you every day after class, or texts you for no reason. These are all signs that the girl has an interest in you and wants to get to know you better.

Of course, this does not mean that she really likes you. If a girl wants to be your friend, she will also look for ways to strike up a conversation with you. But if the girl is often talking to you and flirting (judging by her body language), compliments you, she is most likely trying to show you her sympathy.

2.6 Pay attention to her attempts to inquire about your relationship. If a girl likes you, she will want to know if you are free in order to understand whether it is worth flirting with you. She may ask directly if you have a girlfriend, or she may take a more subtle approach.
She may jokingly tease you, for example, she may say, "I bet you definitely watched this movie with your girlfriend!" If you like her, use this opportunity and flirt back! For example, you might say, "I don't have a girlfriend, but I really want to see this movie ... Would you like to go to the movies with me on Friday night?"

2.7 Pay attention to how often she makes herself a victim. If a girl likes you, she will try to appear before you in a vulnerable position, in order to understand, to experience your feelings. For example, if you are somewhere on the street, and a girl you like exclaims: “I’m frozen!”, Then this is a subtle hint that she wants you to give her your sweater. This is a very sweet and caring gesture, especially if you want to show the girl that you like her.

Sometimes a girl may pretend that she is not coping with someone, for example, when she tells you that she does not understand. homework... This is your chance to offer her help. Keep in mind that she's likely doing this on purpose to see how you react, hoping that you will show concern.

When you offer your help, and at the same time she does not like you, but someone who is with you in the company, she may be offended or upset because you offered her your help first. In this case, you will at least know about her feelings and be able to move on.

2.8 Check her interest in you by asking her for help. If she's always there when you need help, chances are she likes you. But do not immediately think that she is in love with you just because she helped you once. Ask her randomly about something small, for example, ask if she has gum or a pen, see her reaction. If she is eager to help you every time and shows all the signs of sympathy, chances are she really has a crush on you.

You should not get carried away with such checks or ask for help in something difficult, she may think that you are lazy or that you are taking advantage of her kindness, you may even become not so interesting to her. Therefore, do not overdo it, you do not want her to be disappointed in you if you are really interesting to her.

2.9 Pay attention to how she behaves in the presence of others. Flirting with a girl doesn't necessarily mean she likes you. Perhaps she just loves to flirt with guys, or she doesn't even notice that she is flirting. The best way understand that she is really flirting with you, and not because it is her style of behavior - to observe how she behaves around other guys.

If she behaves differently with you than she does with others, such as keeping eye contact with you longer than with others, or teasing you playfully, she is likely to like you.

3. Be more direct

3.1 Smile at her. A natural, genuine, carefree smile is the best way to show a girl how you feel around her. Plus, this will make her seem optimistic. happy man, and since happiness is contagious, she will associate positive emotions with you. If she smiles back at you, rest assured that she feels great around you.

3.2 Strike up a conversation with her. it great way understand how interesting you are to her. During the conversation, try to pay attention to whether she is giving you any hints and whether she is trying to talk to you in a romantic tone. In addition, she can show her sympathy by often nodding to you and repeating some of your phrases.

To start a conversation, ask her questions that cannot be answered in one word. For example, about classes, about work, about pop culture. It could be something as simple as "what do you think of this group?" or "how was your day?"

Don't be discouraged if the girl you like isn't trying to start a conversation with you. If she likes you, she can be very shy and nervous when talking to you. Even if she seems like the most confident girl you know, she may have had a bad experience in the past, or she's not ready to chat with you yet, but she will most likely be happy to have a conversation if you start it first.

If you are already in friendly relations, starting a conversation is pretty easy. In this case, the most effective method figuring out that she likes you - paying attention to her body language to see if she treats you differently than other friends.

3.3 Be careful. If you like a girl, do your best to remember any details she mentioned. Listen carefully to what she says so that you can keep this in mind in the future.

For example, if she told you about her favorite band, try to accidentally "remember" one of that band's songs the next time you talk. She will be surprised that you paid attention to this! Even if she doesn't feel for you romantic feelings, she may begin to look closely at you when she realizes how carefully you are treating her.

In addition, a personal conversation - a great opportunity evaluate her body language, so watch her actions and pay attention to light “accidental” touches.

3.4 Hint the girl that you like her. But only if you are definitely sure of your sympathy and think that she likes you too. This is a simple step that may sound daunting, but if you are interested in a girl and you are almost sure that it is mutual, the easiest way is to ask her out on a date with the confidence that she will agree.

You can let her know how you feel by saying something like, "I really enjoy being friends with you, but I wish I were more than friends."
Don't tell her how you feel if you just want to know if she likes you. It will be very offensive and cruel, and besides, it will undermine her confidence.

3.5 Ask the girl out on a date. If you like a girl, but you are not sure if it is mutual, feel the situation, saying: “I heard this movie is very good, would you like to watch it with me?”. Your tone should be casual. If she agrees, be sure - she is interested in you. If she says no, change the subject.

3.6 React to her behavior. Step back if you feel that she does not like you at all, try to joke flirtatiously if it seems to you that your sympathy is mutual.

If the girl you like doesn't answer your romantic behavior although you thought you liked her too, don't take it personally. Good durable romantic relationship based on mutual interest. Plus, there are many girls in the world who might suit you.

3.7 Do not get too carried away with the analysis. Trying to find out if a girl likes you can cost you a lot of energy and energy. Excessive attempts to analyze her behavior can lead to the fact that you begin to seek her, but not in order to date her, but just for show.

Instead of wasting time wondering if she likes you or not, use that time and energy to spend time with her and her friends. Just make sure you give her clear hints (for example, by flirting), otherwise you can stay in the "friend zone" forever.


If a girl asks you to do something with her or another couple, it could be a sign that she wants to hint at something more than friendship.

A girl may like you without seeing any of the above signs. The best way to clarify the situation is to try to spend more time with her and observe how the relationship develops between you.

If she is very shy, it may be difficult for her to start a conversation with you in person. But, perhaps, she dares to chat with you online. If you calmly communicate online, but in life she is embarrassed when she sees you, most likely she likes you, but it is difficult for her to show it to you in person. So try to test her: smile at her and ask some simple general issues like how her day went.

If you like a girl, don't flirt with others. If she sees you hugging another girl or flirting with others, she will decide that you treat her like everyone else and stop trying to get your attention.

If she looks reserved and avoids you, you don't have to give up right away, because you may well be wrong. Instead, relax a little and give her time and space. She may be interested in you, but she may feel uncomfortable in public. In this case, you should most likely be more delicate in expressing your sympathy.

If a girl absolutely by any means tries to avoid communicating with you, for example, tries to get away from the conversation, even if you are in the company, it is very likely that she knows about your sympathy, but she herself does not feel anything for you. There is also the possibility that she simply reacts in this way to too straightforward hints from you. In this case, you should take her silence and ignorance as a signal that it is time for you to step back and leave her alone. You can try flirting with her again in a couple of weeks. If she still reacts negatively, it's best to stop trying.

Women are very mysterious and unpredictable by nature. You made a fascinating conversation with her, aroused interest and you hardly expect negative reaction... But starting the next step towards, you run into unexpected result- refusal.

How do you know that she doesn't like you? Consider several options for the girl's behavior, actions, or inactions that will help you understand that she is not interested in you.

Exchange of glances

When you first meet, eye contact is often very important. If you liked a girl, then you will certainly pay your attention to her. Fleeting glances can tell a lot, provided that you cannot go unnoticed (common company, etc.). If the views do not overlap, then, unfortunately, there is no interest.


Do not despair, you need to strike up a conversation, thereby showing yourself. In the process of communication, you do not need to come close and violate the girl's personal space. Politeness, literacy, smile, humor are the pledge have a good start for acquaintance. Listen and take a closer look, maybe she is embarrassed, looks away, begins to straighten her clothes, pulls her hair, in a word, feels awkward when communicating. Perhaps you are on the right way but, as we said, women are unpredictable. She is not interested if she looks at you coldly, does not maintain a conversation, constantly turns her attention to her watch, mobile phone, manicure, people around, etc.


Even if everything is in order with communication, this does not mean anything. In general, girls do not welcome excessive attention and pressure on themselves. If you often take the initiative in relation to her, and she does not support you and ignores you, be sure that you are not a priority.


Invite the girl to a meeting, offer to watch a movie together, eat ice cream, go to the dolphinarium, etc., but do not impose and insist. After the first refusal of a date, do not rush to make a second offer. After refusal and on a second date, it is better to switch your attention to another girl, because now it is clear that she does not like you.

Past life

While hanging out together, she may often mention male friends, ex-boyfriends, and anything related to them. The girl who likes you will not talk about her past adventures at the first meetings. If a girl has such conversations, it means that she trusts you, like to the best friend or takes you for someone who can cry in a vest.

A friend will come to the rescue

Often you can see better from the side. Try at some meeting to ask your friend to adequately evaluate her attitude towards you. Much can become clear.

Tactile contact

Each person is pleased with the touch of loved ones and those we like, that's how we are made. How do you know that she doesn't like you? Try it in the dark this moment take her hand, by the waist, put her hand on her shoulder and assess her reaction to the ongoing actions. If she sharply began to get irritated, to distance herself, it means that your touches are not pleasant to her.


Sign language has long been studied, by which you can read the necessary information and draw a conclusion in time. The crossed arms on her chest indicate that the girl is closed in front of you and does not want to come closer, is fixated on her inner experiences and does not want to share her feelings. But there is one caveat: perhaps she is cold and trying to keep warm.

By these signs, you can determine whether a girl likes you or not. Don't be upset if you fail, keep looking. There will definitely be one that you like and that you like.

I am sure that all men, without exception, asked themselves this question, even the most advanced masters of seduction, movie stars and world-famous football players! Determining whether a girl likes you can be quite simple, and let's start doing it.

Do you like a stranger girl?

You saw lovely girl in a queue / in a subway car / minibus / club, in general, in any place where there is an opportunity to “shoot with your eyes”. By what signs can you find out whether you are interested in a girl or not?

  1. Eye contact. When you catch 2-3 glances of a girl on yourself, naturally you should start this process and respond, try to accidentally catch (but do not stare at her all the time) the girl's gaze and not take yours away. A more advanced step would be to smile at the girl if she smiled back at you - come up, you are very interesting to her.
  2. Hair. The girl began to correct her hair and touch her hair more often. She wants to look better, accordingly - you are interested in her.

These are the two most common hidden signals girls, there are others, but they are extremely rare and not of particular interest. Watch for these signals, mark them, and come, do not think, just come and get acquainted.

How do you know if a girl likes you on the first date?

It is very easy to find out, there are several tests for different stages dates. You should immediately pay attention to the mood in which the girl came on a date, if she smiles - well, if she is gloomy and loaded, then try to cheer her up, tell her something funny, or find a topic that will bring her out of negativity. In general, it can tell a lot, for which we have a separate article.

So, test number 1... If the girl is active, has a dialogue with you, asks questions and laughs at your jokes, then everything is going well, and you managed to arouse the girl's interest.

If you are not sure that you are interested in a girl, then here is for you test number 2... You walk next to the girl, and then you take a step away from the girl, just not big step, if the girl took a step in your direction and again walks beside, then everything is in order.

But, what to do when you are not walking, but, for example, lie down ... well, yes, they are lying, dreaming, sitting in a cafe or in a park on a bench. There is test number 3... Pause. Just follow through with your thought and close your mouth. Be silent for 30-60 seconds, just no need to look at the clock or start the stopwatch. If the girl is silent, and does not try to somehow revive the dialogue, then the matter is rubbish. If he asks why you are silent, it is also not very good, but here you can get out with positive effect... Just say the phrase, “you know, there are people with whom it’s even nice to be silent,” but I’ll note right away, do not say it if the girl is not very interesting to you. Well, if the girl did not allow the pause to continue for 5-30 seconds, but took the initiative in her own hands, said something or asked, then everything is cool!

Test No. 4... Check for touch. This test should be done only when you are sure that the girl is interested in you. In general, you need to start touching the girl right away, we have a whole article about this, I advise you to read it, now is not about that. Take the girl by the hand, you can do it for some purpose, you cross the road, or you just look at her hand and make a compliment, for example:

  • “You have such soft skin, you probably watch your hands in a special way? ”;
  • "You have such thin fingers, I like it so much."

Or just ask a question:

- “And what kind of ring / bracelet you have? Wait for an answer and say - very beautiful / cute / unusual. "

If the girl reacted normally to the fact that you took her hand, then everything is super. If you pulled up or you noticed tension, then it’s too early to do it. Don't get lost, take a step back, just communicate.

Never ask permission, for example, "can I take your hand", this is for the mentally retarded, normal men just do.

By the way, there are girls who do not like it when they touch their hair, take their hand, kiss in public places or something else, so do not strain ahead of time, find out, but not right away, but when you normalize positive communication that the girl doesn't like. Find out the cockroaches, and read the article on how to deal with the most common cockroaches of girls.

Do your girlfriend like you?

We all most often sympathize with one or more girls from our social circle, but how do you know that this is mutual?

Test number 6. Ignore. It is as old as the world, it works with a bang. Start ignoring the girl, do not call, do not sit next to (if you study together), conduct a dialogue, only in the company, and, as it were, do not notice her. If you see how it annoys her or she does not understand what is happening or even comes up to you and asks, "What happened?" The girl is on the hook, it remains only to hook.

Test number 7. It's time to touch. Naturally resume normal communication and start touching the girl, wherever your promiscuity allows, just do not touch intimate parts(chest, butt, pubis). Don't mumble, but touch.

Test number 8. On the ass. If the girl reacts normally to your touch, it's time to move on to the next stage. It is necessary to slap on the ass, not just like that, create a situation in which the girl will be "to blame". For example, you don't like the fact that a girl smokes or swears, or something else, and you told her about it. And as the girl did this again, you give her in the ass with words, then I will do like this when you smoke / swear or something else that you do not like. And look at the reaction, I will immediately note that you need to spank lightly and preferably not 1 on 1, but in society. If the reaction is positive, - a smile, then this is a victory. If negative, then the girl is not too interested in you, then you are in the "friend zone".

If a girl is in love, how does she behave

Finally, I'll tell you about the signs of a girl's love, if I found at least a few of what I will list below, do not slow down, everything will be in its best form!

  1. The girl is interested in you, succinctly answers your questions, looks into your eyes, smiles;
  2. Laughs, even if your joke fails;
  3. Touches you, by the hand, or suddenly decides to correct something in your appearance;
  4. He tries in every possible way to attract your attention straightens hair too often, drops something, laughs out loud, or just behaves a little strangely;
  5. She always finds time for you, so that you do not ask (within reasonable limits, of course);
  6. Reacts normally if you get too close to the girl, but do not go too far with the distance;
  7. Reacts positively to your touch, for example, you can remove the eyelash from her face or remove something from her clothes;
  8. She is a little nervous and fusses in your presence, this can be noticeable in her speech or gestures.

To identify some of the signs, you need to get to know the girl well, watch her, how she behaves with her friends, so that there is information for comparison.

These are not difficult tests, you can find out whether a girl likes you or not. But it is also worth considering that it happens that a girl is seriously upset or upset about something, PMS or she is just weird. Therefore, make it a rule for yourself, never take anything personally and do not draw conclusions based on one test, make a couple more, for reliability.