Massage points for headaches scheme. Japanese self-massage for headache. Finding the desired points

An intolerable headache can be eliminated without resorting to medication by applying acupressure. it effective method, which in a few minutes will be able to remove pain. Most often, they arise as a result of overstraining the muscles of the head, and as soon as the place of their pinching is found and a relaxing massage is performed, the pain will subside, the main thing is to know the correct points.

Features of acupressure

He is able to prevent the appearance of a headache or migraine after overwork or stress, and can eliminate the already existing pain. If a person does not have any internal abnormalities and serious diseases, then acupuncture can quickly bring him back to normal.

Sometimes acupressure is used before visiting a specialist, since it is not always possible to get to him immediately after the onset of pain, and the technique helps to wait out the time before medical intervention.

Considering all these nuances, you can fearlessly find all the necessary points and carry out self-massage.

The main points for relieving head pain on it

They are grouped into groups, each of them is affected depending on what kind of pain is present. Many of them can be massaged on their own.

Pain in the temples and forehead area can be eliminated by finding several points on the head, you just need to mentally draw a triangle on the forehead. One of its sides will run along the line of the eyebrows. It is necessary to massage each corner of the triangular figure for 6 minutes, and the pain will go away, each of the three points obtained has its own area of ​​influence:

These are three main points, besides them, there are also no less significant points on the head:

  • In the temporal region, near the artery, you should try not to touch the latter during the massage.
  • On the back of the head, in its cavity, where two cervical muscles converge.
  • Near the outer corners of the upper eyebrows.
  • About inner corner eyes, 3 mm closer to the bridge of the nose. Performing massage of this point, you need to move to the beginning of the eyebrow.
  • At the top of the head, in order to find a point there, they visually draw a line from the upper tips of the ears through the entire top of the head, and, stepping back from this line by 1.5 cm to the back of the head, you can find it.
  • Above the ears, where they touch the head, to get to the point, you need to bend them slightly.

Points on the human body for headaches

They are arranged in pairs, and from some of them goes straight connection with nerve endings. The easiest point to determine is located 3 cm below the navel. The following important points are found on the limbs.

On hands

An effective, but at the same time, dangerous point for pregnant women, which can provoke contractions in them, is sought at the junction of the bones of the large and forefinger... It needs to be lightly massaged without pressing hard.

The following points are equally effective:

  • On the wrists. When you put on your watch, the dial will be positioned just above the bones on your wrist when looking towards elbow joint, this is where the desired point is located. It is massaged in parallel with the point on the other wrist.
  • The point is localized between the radius and ulna of the forearm, if you step back from them by three fingers located transversely from the fold on the wrist. Massage of these points on two hands is carried out alternately.
  • On the elbow, if it is bent, a fold forms, the desired point is localized at its outer end.

On foot

The lower limbs also contain many points necessary for massage, the most famous places:

Several points in question are massaged in turn to establish which one will help relieve the pain that has arisen. Then, in case of repeated headache, it will be enough to massage the found points again.

Migraine dots

This is aching prolonged systematic pain, in contrast to the rare headache, it can be treated with points, each of which has its own name:

  • Tong Zi Liao. These points are located on both sides of the outer corners of the eyes. They recede from the eyebrow line by 5 mm. This area near the temple should be massaged easily.
  • Wai Guan. They are placed on the hands and massaged alternately. During the massage, the hand lies calmly on a horizontal surface, it is relaxed. It is necessary to massage the midline on it, located above the wrist.
  • Qu Chi. When the arm is bent, a fold forms at the elbow, at the end of such a fold there is a point that needs to be influenced. When performing the massage, the hand should be slightly relaxed, with the palm facing down.
  • Tung-tzu-liao. The point can be found if you step back from outer corner eyes towards the temple by 5 mm.
  • Si Joo Kun. Located at the end of the eyebrows, just below the eye line. It should be acted upon with medium force, delicately, without stretching the skin.
  • He Liao. This point on the temple, it was localized above the cheekbone, is presented in the form of a fossa near the ear. When massaging, you need to press on it with medium force.
  • Da Dun. An easily found point on the big toe, it is located near the corner of the nail, if you step back from it by 3 mm towards the little finger.

There are several more points that are capable, but these are the most effective, all of them have been tested on more than one client.

Step-by-step acupressure

You need to prepare for it and most importantly relax, accept comfortable posture, it is better to lie down and close your eyes. Take off excess clothing, especially glasses, belt or jewelry.

The process of performing the procedure:

If the massage point is determined incorrectly, you will immediately feel pain or body aches, then you need to stop the procedure and set the desired point.

Acupressure massage for headaches can permanently relieve a person from pain, in contrast to treatment with medications, which give a temporary result. If you find out which points are the most effective from a certain kind pain, then with regular massage, you can completely get rid of migraines and headaches.

A massage performed at certain points is perceived by the body as an impulse to solve problems inside it, and it itself begins to fight pain.

Exposure to points from a headache is one of the effective analgesic methods, but only for the treatment of paroxysmal, single pain. If such sensations appear regularly and are accompanied by nausea, dizziness, loss of consciousness or fever, these may be signs of meningitis, hemorrhage, and other very serious diseases. That is why doctors recommend that you first find out the cause, and then use any means or do it.

Massage exercises are an old proven method of healing headaches, psycho-emotional stress and have been used for many centuries. In addition, pressing on the active points of the body helps to relax, restore vital energy and strength. Such exercises warm and soothe the person who has a headache. Massage is very useful for mental stress.

The points are found throughout the body, including in the area of ​​the hair on the head. If you massage with any soothing essential oil, then the effect will be doubled.

If a headache occurs, the thread should be applied to the midpoint of the base of the forehead and to the base of the skull at the back. The specified knots on the thread will correspond to the active individual points that need to be massaged. In the same way, it is necessary to attach the thread from one ear to the other, and massage the resulting areas with a headache.

For headache point massage to be more effective, it is better to do it while sitting or reclining. It is advisable not to look into the light, as it intensifies the spasms, which can make the pain even worse.

Experts say that people who suffer from headaches due to changes in the weather, in whom it appears as a reaction to extreme heat, need to massage and press not only upon the occurrence of pain, but also as a prophylaxis. In most cases, migraines occur less frequently.

Stimulation of the points will lead to the activation of mechanisms that contribute to the reduction and gradual relief of pain.

During the massage of the points, in no case should movements or pressure be sharp and strong, they, on the contrary, should bring a feeling of satisfaction. First of all, you should always start with stroking and then move on to pressing the points to remove the headache.

It is impossible to influence the active points when elevated temperature body or with a detected tumor. Before performing acupressure massage, it is better to consult your doctor.

Headaches are most often caused by tension in the muscles of the head, resulting in a narrowing of the vessels that supply oxygen to the nerve cells of the brain. Headache warns the body that the brain is not getting enough oxygen. Too often, we suppressed these signals by taking aspirin instead of relieving stress and muscle tension causing the headache. If the headache persists within a few days, be sure to see a doctor. Migraines, in addition to severe pain, are often accompanied by nausea and blurred vision. it serious illness and you should be under medical supervision. However with the help acupressure you can relieve a migraine attack. Larry, one of my acquaintances, suffers from migraines from time to time. One day, although he continued to take special drugs, he asked me to help. I showed him two points. A few weeks later, Larry told me that he worked on these points during a severe throbbing headache - in just five minutes the pain was gone. I recently helped my friend Carrie, whose head was just splitting after an unpleasant telephone conversation with parents. I pressed on special points on her shoulders and neck, then at the base of her skull, on the bridge of her nose and feet. Suddenly, in the middle of the procedure, she took a deep breath and said that she understood how she should behave with her parents. After a half-hour session of acupressure, her headache completely disappeared. Chinese teachings claim that headaches signal more than just bad things physical condition organism, but also about the emotional and spiritual problems of the individual. Acupressure massage can help identify the causes of frequent headaches.

The main causes of headaches


if the cervical vertebrae are in wrong position, tension is created in the muscles of the neck and head. They can pinch the cervical nerve and cause headaches. If the pain is very severe, you should definitely consult your doctor. A slight curvature of the spine and the associated headaches can be eliminated by pressure on the V 10 tien-chu point, located on the belt muscles in the upper part of the cabbage soup, about a centimeter on either side of the spine. Lie on your back, holding the V10 tian-chu points and supporting the neck muscles; work on them for three minutes, breathe deeply. Then stretch your arms along your torso, close your eyes and lie down in a relaxed state for five minutes.

Intestinal stagnation:

headaches in the front of the head are often accompanied by constipation. Using the GI4 point he-gu, located in the cavity between the thumb and forefinger, you can get rid of both headaches and intestinal congestion. Exposure to points for two minutes for each hand relieves headache. Massaging the abdomen also relieves constipation and headaches. Press the acupressure points located in a circle at a distance of about 7.5 cm from the navel (imagine a clock and let each point correspond to a certain hour... Follow the direction of the arrows).

Sinus pain:

When you are unable to remove fluid that has accumulated in your sinuses, the increased pressure causes a headache. To relieve headaches and clear sinuses, massage point V2 tsuan-chu, then E3 ju-liao, and finally F3 tai chun.

Active points for headache relief

Gates of Consciousness (VB 20) Feng Chi
Position: under the base of the skull in the grooves between the two vertical muscles of the neck.

Action: helps with arthritis, headaches (including migraines), dizziness, tension in the neck and pain in it, neuromotor disorders of coordination of movements, tension in the eyes and increased irritability.

Wind Castle (VG 16) Feng Fu

Position: above the spine, in a depression below the base of the skull.

Action: relieves pain in the eyes, ears, nose and throat, helps with nervous breakdown, headaches, dizziness and tension in the neck.
Drilling bamboo (V 2) chuan-chu

Position: in the depressions at the junction of the bridge of the nose and the line of the eyebrows.

Action: relieves eye pain, headaches, eye fatigue, helps with hay fever and pain in the nasal cavity.

Third Eye Point (VG 24.5) Yin Tang

Position: right between the eyebrows, in the hollow at the junction of the bridge of the nose and the frontal bones.

Action: balances the work of the pituitary gland, helps with hay fever, headaches, indigestion, tension in the eyes, relieves pain in peptic ulcer disease.

Facial beauty (E3) ju-liao

Position: below on the cheekbone, on the line of the pupil.

Action: relieves pressure in the eyes and their fatigue, helps with a runny nose, blood congestion in the head, tension in the eyes and toothache.

Entering the valley (GI 4) he-gu

Caution: Do not use this point for pregnant women before childbirth, as exposure to it can cause premature contractions.

Position: On the bulge between the thumb and forefinger, at the top of the muscle that protrudes when the thumb and forefinger join.

Action: Relieves pain in the front of the head, toothache, shoulder pain and pain during childbirth.

More onslaught (F 3) tai chun

Position: on the top of the foot, in the depression between the big and second toes.

Action: relieves foot pains, headaches, tension in the eyes, helps with allergies, arthritis and hangovers.

Above Tears (VB 41) Zu-Lin-Qi

Position: In the upper part of the foot, about 2.5 cm above the depression between the fourth and fifth toes, between the bones.

Action: Relieves arthritis pain throughout the body, helps with headaches, side pains, edema and sciatica.

It is not necessary to use all of these points. Pick one or two and it will have the desired effect.

From the book: "Acupressure" by Michael Reed Geich 1995

Point massage appeared more than 50 centuries ago in the Far East - now these territories are occupied by China, Japan, Mongolia and Korea. Acupressure massage differs from conventional massage in that the massage therapist does not act on the patient with the whole palm, but only with the fingertips, the effect is so strong due to special points on the human body - acupuncture points. For each disease, you need to influence a certain group of points, for specialists there is a special atlas of acupuncture points, for ordinary people it is enough to know the points that need to be influenced in certain problems.

The headache is pretty frequent problem for many people, it is different in the nature of the pain, for the reasons of occurrence, for the duration, for the duration of the course. If the headache appears often, you need to see a doctor and not self-medicate so as not to miss a more serious illness, such as a brain tumor or stroke. In any case, you should not endure a headache, it is better to immediately take a pill or use self-massage techniques. In most cases, self-massage helps relieve headaches for all people. Self-massage movements should be soft, soothing, stroking lasts about 3-5 minutes, on paired points - symmetrically located, we act with two hands at once. We press on the points for 0.5-1 minute with simultaneous vibration or rotation.

Self-massage is best performed in a seated position, for the first time it is advisable to do all the movements in front of the mirror, so that it is easier to remember the sequence of movements. Then you will perform all the movements already from memory, the points are memorized easily, it is enough to put a self-massage record or a picture with points in front of you. During self-massage, it is best to close your eyes, after you get used to doing self-massage without zeral.

Tsun - for each person this value is different, to determine it, you need to bend middle finger(men - left hand, women - right) and look at its side. On the middle phalanx (in the places where the finger is bent), two folds are formed: they, like two rays, diverge to outside finger. The distance between the outer ends of these folds is your cun. For convenience, make a ribbon with ten to twelve tsunas set aside on it. With its help, you can easily find massage points.

Massage points for headaches

Point 1 (xuan-li). In order to find this point, you need to mentally draw two lines:

Horizontal, passing along top edge ear.

Vertical, spaced from the border of the scalp by 1.5 cm towards the back of the head.

Point 1 is located at the intersection of these lines. This point is symmetrical, located on both sides of the head.

Point 2 (tai-yang). It is also symmetrical, located in the temporal fossa closer to the border of the hairy part. When massaging this point, do not touch the pulsating artery.

Point 3 (feng chi). A symmetrical point, located in the center of the occipital cavity, where the sternocleidomastoid muscle is attached.

Point 4 (he-gu). Symmetrical. Find the metacarpal bones on the back of the hand - I (refers to the thumb) and II (refers to the index finger). The he-gu point is between them.

Point 5 (i-feng). Symmetrical. You can find it in the hole between the corner lower jaw and a mastoid process. It is very easy to determine this point: when you press on it, you will feel a noise in your ear.

Point 6 (yu-yao) - symmetrical, located on the very high point brows.

Point 7 (qing-min) is symmetrical. You will find it 2-3 mm from the inner corner of the eye towards the nose. While massaging these points, direct the rotational movement under the brow arches.

Point 8 (kun-lun) - symmetrical, located on the foot. You will find it in the groove between the heel tendon and outside ankle at the level of its center.

Point 9 (zhi-yin) is symmetrical, located on the little toe of the foot at a distance of 3 mm from the nail bed.

Point 10 (tszu-san-li) is symmetrical, located on the lower leg three tsun below the popliteal fossa and one tsun from the anterior edge of the bone (outward).

Point 11 (le - tsue) - symmetrical, located on the forearm above the middle fold of the wrist by 1.5 tsun in the depression at the styloid process of the radius. Massage to relieve headaches at these points is not done simultaneously, but alternately. At the same time, your hand should be on the table.

Point 12 (tszi-men) - symmetrical, located on the stomach in front of free edge twelfth rib.

Point 13 (shen-shu) - symmetrical, located on the back one and a half tsun away from the spine. In order to find it, you need to spend mentally horizontal line passing between the spinous processes of the second and third lumbar vertebrae. Self-massage of these points is impossible, so your assistant should perform this action. You should lie with a pillow under your stomach.

Acupressure, a traditional Chinese treatment, offers a way to relieve pain without injecting or chemical substances... It is enough to find Right place on hands, feet or other places on the body, and for a few seconds press it, release it and repeat the process several times.

Traditional Chinese medicine methods are gaining popularity in modern world... People look for them, and often find, an alternative traditional methods treatment by refusing to accept medications having side effects... Chinese medicine is seen as a natural alternative that provides the same, if not better, results. Proponents of these methods refer to the fact that the population in ancient China lived to a ripe old age and enjoyed good health, even without modern medicines.

Palms human hand hides acupuncture points or areas that are the key to pain in most organs and parts of the body. For example, there is a point near the middle finger that is responsible for pain in the ears, eyes and teeth. Have thumb an area that relieves breathing difficulties is located. Most kidney problems are solved by biologically active points in the little finger.

After finding the desired biologically active point, press within 5 seconds. Release after 3 seconds and press again. Repeat this process for a few minutes.

For a noticeable improvement, you need to repeat the procedure several times a day. When symptoms begin to subside, therapy should be continued for several weeks. But in this case, it is enough to do the massage only a few times a week, decreasing the frequency over time.

Acupressure experts advise that this method should never be used by pregnant women, children under 3 years of age, patients with cancer, serious illnesses heart, liver, kidney and lungs, people regularly taking medication or with alcohol dependence.

To do this, you do not need a doctor, no equipment, no tools. You can apply acupressure methods on your own. Anytime, anywhere.

Acupressure acts immediately, relieves pain, heals without medication.

According to oriental medicine, the human body is permeated with paths through which energy flows. If these pathways are blocked somewhere, disease arises. Acupressure is ancient Chinese method which helps release stored and blocked energy.

Almost 5,000 years old chinese technique is a combination of massage and acupuncture. Instead of acupuncture, it uses finger pressure or specially designed instruments. Sometimes fingers, palm, and sometimes even knee or elbow are used.

Acupressure massage is suitable for a variety of conditions, including toothache, headache, backache, colds or flu. On the human body are the so-called. active points. They represent what is inside the body. When you press a point at a certain moment, you can feel pain, this is a signal that not everything is in order with the organ associated with it. Active points are 0.1-5 mm in size. They are located below the surface of the skin at different depths, on the fingers it is 1 mm, in the thigh area - up to 8 mm.

Acupressure is complementary treatment... In total, there are about 361 points to be pressed with your fingers. So, acupressure will help with:

  • migraine. If you have a headache, close your eyes, place your index finger and thumb on your left and right side and the base of the nose and press as hard as you can. Then press with 2 fingers on the temples. Release the pressure as soon as it becomes uncomfortable. Feel for "bumps" behind your ear. Repeated pressure on them not only helps with headaches, but also relaxes the neck.
  • painful menstruation. The first point to press is located on the inside of the leg, about 5 cm above the ankle. This is the place that becomes painful when pressed. The second point is located on the hand, at the location of the connecting bone of the thumb and index finger.
  • runny nose. Place 2 index fingers on your eyebrows at inner corners eye. Massage lightly in a circular motion within 2 minutes. Repeat, as minimkm, 3 times a day, even if in this moment a runny nose does not bother you. If you have a stuffy nose, place your middle fingers where glasses wearers have their frames, and your index finger on the inner beginning of the eyebrows. Massage these points 3-5 times a day for 3 minutes.
  • stomach ache. Thumb pad right hand Massage in a circular motion for about 30 seconds in the middle of the palm of your left hand. Then use the pad of your right middle finger to massage the area under the ribs in a circular motion. In both cases, repeat the massage movements 10 times every half hour.
  • toothache. If you press on the point between the thumb and forefinger, you can get rid of pain in the face and neck, headache, toothache, and allergies.
  • dizziness. For manifestations of vertigo for about 30 seconds, gently press the pad of the index finger into the fossa above upper lip, right under the nose.
  • tides. Are you worried about hot flashes during menopause? Try lightly massaging the point above the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows. Press gently on the point for 2 minutes. This will help ease unpleasant symptoms menopause.
  • back pain. If you suffer from back pain, press the point above the heel between the ankle and the Achilles heel.

  1. In case of severe pain and the first acupressure session, it is recommended to massage the active point with light circular movements, with the tip of the index finger. The duration of the massage is 1-5 minutes.
  2. For chronic pain, a medium-intensity massage is suitable. It is recommended to repeat it several times a day.

Migraine and headache due to cervical spine - these are the 2 most unpleasant and annoying types of pain. Tension headache, in turn, affects the largest percentage of the population. Cluster pain is probably not even worth talking about, because the one who met with it describes the most severe pain In my life.

A state when a person is visited by an insatiable desire to get rid of pain, for example, to hold out 3 kilometers on a bus without vomiting, to pull out the laundry washing machine or feeding your baby without feeling that this is your last look at daylight, familiar to every second member of the population.

Pain relief is located at the junction of the index and thumb. Pressing this point relieves sharp pains, makes sharp pain more bearable. When combined with rest and a recumbent position, it can even bring welcome relief when you can sleep peacefully.

Press for a few seconds, then release the pressure for a few seconds. Repeat several times until pain relief is felt.

At acute pain this point, the bony junction at the thumb and forefinger joint, is very painful, so be careful the first time you press it.

STOP pills, acupressure will help you! If you have a headache, stomach ache, or suffer from back pain, seek help with a foot massage. Press on the active points on your legs. This ancient method really helps!

According to Chinese medicine

According to Chinese medicine, the lower soles of the feet are connected with internal organs person. Therefore, it is believed that stimulation of various points in the legs sends signals to a competent organ in the body.

Have you ever tried acupuncture and don't know how to do it? This is far from rocket science. The massage is done with the fingers, by pressing and rubbing the active points. So, if you have stomach problems, press on the middle of the foot, which is connected to the organs abdominal cavity... More pressure can be applied in the middle of the foot than when massaging the toes.

Repeat one press for 5-30 seconds. The time is purely individual, depending on the pain that a person feels during the massage. The beneficial effects of reflexology will appear after 2-3 courses of acupressure. Massage can be done preventively, in order to prevent certain diseases.

You can try acupressure on other parts of the body as well. See what to do if you suffer from:

  • toothache - place index fingers on both jaw joints and press gently for about 20 minutes, repeat 2 more times;
  • headache - find points on the outer ends of the eyebrows and lightly press on them with your fingers;
  • back pain - find the point on midline between the last cervical and first thoracic vertebrae, and press several times for 3-5 seconds.

If you are struck by a cold and runny nose, you can help yourself in 3 ways:

  1. Massage the point located in the middle of the bridge of the nose.
  2. Press the point in the middle of the back and in the lower part of the nose above the lip.
  3. At allergic rhinitis helps massaging the tips of the ears.

According to ancient Chinese doctors, most of the points are located on the feet through which practically all organs in the human body can be stimulated. But, be careful: foot acupressure is not recommended if you have infection, heat, varicose veins veins, diabetes, skin diseases, cancer; not recommended during pregnancy.