Wash yourself from the evil eye. How to wash a baby? Why is the child's eyes washed from the outer corner to the inner and nothing else? Benefits of bathing

morning toilet ensures the health and comfort of babies. Pediatricians have established a list of mandatory daily procedures which will help the newborn to adapt to a new life more calmly and get used to his body. Regular and proper care for the newborn guarantees the absence of many unpleasant diseases skin and more.

Every little man, even the smallest, needs hygiene procedures in the morning.

How to organize a baby's daily toilet?

The morning toilet of a newborn should include treatment umbilical wound, eyes, nose and folds. You should establish a certain schedule and perform procedures at the same time. This will help the baby adjust to the rhythm of his new life.

Parents should get a lot of hygiene items. The most necessary of them:

  • baby oil, cream or milk (preferably sterile vegetable oil);
  • brilliant green;
  • hydrogen peroxide (3%);
  • a solution of calendula or potassium permanganate;
  • cotton balls, flagella and sticks;
  • baby wipes;
  • clean diapers;
  • powder or diaper cream (we recommend reading:);
  • soft towels;
  • scissors with blunt tips;
  • hair brush;
  • aspirator.

The baby is still so small, but he already needs a lot of care products

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling. Boil water first and cool to room temperature in a baby bath for bathing. A thermometer must be used to measure the temperature of the water. You can take care of a newborn on a special changing table (portable or stationary) or on a regular table. It is also allowed to exercise the toilet on a bed or sofa. The main thing is that both mother and baby are comfortable, and everything is at hand.

Before caring for a newborn, nails should be cut and filed so as not to injure him. delicate skin(We recommend reading:). You can not trust the care of the baby to a person with diseases on his hands. Inflamed hangnails can become a source of bacteria, let alone fungus and boils.

Only high-quality, fresh and natural remedies. You can not abuse children's cosmetics, even safe at first glance. Soap without perfume and cream on water based can affect the child in an unexpected way.

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Every morning should begin with washing a newborn baby. To do this, use a cotton pad. Suitable water 36-37ºС. After the face, wipe the neck and arms of the baby. Excess is removed with a soft ironed towel. You can not drive on delicate skin, it is enough to get wet.

The face, as well as other parts of the child's body, can be wiped cotton pad

In the case of the appearance of a mily face of a newborn, it is recommended to wash it with chamomile infusion or a 1% solution of chlorophyllipt. Nice results noticeable after wiping with expressed breast milk.

How to take care of a child's body?

A damp cloth will help to remove dirt from the skin. The child must be held sideways when the back and buttocks are being treated. Special attention should be given to the crease between the buttocks. Movements should be confident and fast, but children's skin does not accept strong impact. At the end of the procedure, you need to remove the excess with a towel. To wash the front of the body, you need to put the child on his back. The technique is similar. Areas of washing: neck, chest, abdomen, legs.

The last part is the external genitalia. How to wash the groin and genitals of the boy does not matter. The girl should be wiped from front to back in order to stool did not enter the vagina. Morning washings do without soap. To remove dirt, it is better to use lotion.

Disinfection of the umbilical wound in the morning

Navel care is the most important part of newborn care

Hygiene should include the treatment of the umbilical wound. Through this channel, the newborn can catch an infection, so care should be taken in the procedure. Before the wound must undergo careful examination in order to exclude the risk of inflammation or disclosure. Disinfection of the umbilical wound is carried out more than aggressive means. This is hydrogen peroxide, tincture of calendula or manganese.

In order to be safe, many mothers replace calendula with brilliant green, but pediatricians do not recommend it without special need. Before manipulation, you should wash your hands well, because this is the most important part of the baby's toilet.

A cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide should be prepared in advance. For greater access, the edges of the umbilical wound can be carefully moved apart. It is necessary to process with light movements from the center to the edges so that a possible infection does not get into the center, and from there into the body. Upon completion, the remains are collected with a dry cotton swab. For reliability, you can still treat the wound with brilliant green at the end.

Mucus can accumulate in the eyes of a child, so care for them should be included in the morning routine. This must also be done because children's eyes, during the period of adaptation to the world, are highly susceptible to infections. It is recommended to clean the eyes after the second feeding, closer to 10-12 am.

For eye care, water or chamomile decoction is used.

The procedure is very simple. Moisten a cotton pad with the same water at a favorable temperature and gently but thoroughly wipe your eyes from outer edge to the nose. If the eyes turn sour, you can use chamomile infusion (2 tablespoons of herbs per 1 liter of boiling water). After half an hour of infusion, the baby's eyelids are wiped with a solution. Residual moisture should be removed with a dry cotton pad. The scheme of such wiping is similar.

How to keep baby's nose clean?

Recommended immediately after the eyes. Nasal hygiene is very important: congestion in the nasal passages makes it difficult for the child to breathe and eat. To clean it, you will need cotton flagella soaked in sterile vegetable or vaseline oil. They clean the nostrils from accumulations of mucus. You can’t scrape off the crusts, it’s enough to scroll the flagellum in the nostril by moving it 1-1.5 cm. For the second nostril, you should take a new flagellum. Do not use hard instruments, even cotton swabs.

Ear cleaning

Among the daily hygiene procedures ears should be taken care of. It is extremely important to clean both the auricles and all areas of the ear. The outer skin can be moistened and cleansed with a cotton pad soaked in water. bends auricle it is convenient to clean with ear sticks, however, for this procedure you will need special baby milk.

To clean the ears, wet cotton swabs with water, then the procedure will be more pleasant and comfortable for the baby.

The crusts behind the ears are removed with cosmetics. They can not be torn off, it is enough to wipe cosmetic milk after bathing. You can fight rashes by using special creams but must be prescribed by a doctor.

All of the above ear care procedures for an infant should be performed during the toilet, but the ear canal should be cleaned once a week. For this, cotton flagella (turundas) or cotton buds with a limiter are used, designed for children's ears.

Features of caring for the folds of the baby

Folds in newborns - natural phenomenon, even despite the pain and discomfort that they deliver to the baby. So that the child is not capricious, parents can dull inflammatory processes with the right care. With these words, many think about bathing and washing, but this is not enough. During the day, secretions accumulate in the folds, the child can harm himself when he spits up milk, which then flows into the behind-the-ear and cervical folds.

To clean the folds of a newborn, you can use different means. In most cases, ordinary boiled water is enough, but scrupulous parents can buy elements of children's cosmetics (milk or oils). If the baby's skin is absolutely healthy, you should not get carried away with cosmetics, because water is enough to moisturize. For dry skin, use oils, and for oily skin, use powders.

Gently wipe the girl's ass, while doing movements from top to bottom

Treatment starts from the neck. Then the armpits, the bends of the elbows, the folds in the groin and under the knees, between the toes are moistened. Wiping the folds of a boy, you should pay attention to the skin under the scrotum. Girls need to wipe the outer part of the genitals. The exact algorithm for processing the folds of the newborn:

  • the area behind the ears;
  • armpits
  • elbows;
  • wrists;
  • palms;
  • area under the knees;
  • ankles;
  • Feet;
  • buttocks.

This procedure is necessary for the baby twice a day for a month. Wrinkle care may take longer if the skin is too dry. You can learn more about the technique of rubbing infant folds in this video.

You can not cover the child completely. The pores must be open so that the skin can breathe freely, so only the folds are treated. In the process, every centimeter of the body should be examined for diaper rash, redness and rash. Only in their absence, you can moisten the baby's buttocks with cream or use powder. As soon as the product is absorbed, feel free to dress the baby in a diaper.

How to trim baby nails

Babies' nails are usually too soft to harm the skin, but light scratches can still be left. Some babies are born with regrown nails that flake off over time. If you want to immediately protect the child, you can cut off the nails with special children's scissors during the toilet.

On hand to do round shape, and on the legs trim the nails with a rectangle. Before circumcision, scissors are disinfected with alcohol. In the process, the child should be held firmly so that he cannot move and grab the tool. Best of all on his knees, so that at this moment he is distracted by a toy or a bottle.

It is enough to wash a newborn twice a day - in the morning after waking up and before going to bed at night. In order to properly carry out this water procedure, several important rules must be observed.

How to wash a newborn in the morning?

Morning hygiene procedures include washing the eye, cleaning the nose and mouth. Prepare in advance for this warm boiled water at a temperature of 36 - 37 degrees, cotton pads, sterile cotton wool, and sterile vegetable oil.

How to wash a newborn? First of all, wash your hands thoroughly. Take dipped in boiled water cotton pad and wipe the baby's eye with it from the outer edge to the inner. Repeat the same procedure for the other eye, remembering to use a different cotton pad for each eye. With a clean cotton pad, wipe the baby's face in a clockwise direction.

Then start cleaning your nose. Twist two long cotton flagellum from sterile cotton wool - one for each nasal passage. Lightly dip them in sterile vegetable oil and clean the baby's nose with a screwing motion of the hand. If there are calluses on the baby's mouth from sucking, in the morning also treat his mouth with sterile vegetable oil.

Sterile vegetable oil is very easy to make. In a water bath for twenty minutes, sterilize 100 g vegetable oil and then cool it down room temperature. This amount of the resulting product will be enough for you for at least a month of hygiene procedures for a newborn.

How to wash a newborn while bathing?

The second washing of the baby should take place before a night's sleep during daily bathing. How to wash a newborn in this case? Wash your hands thoroughly and moisten them with water from the baby's bath. Then gently wipe the face of the newborn in a clockwise direction, including the eyes, mouth and nose.

Damage and the evil eye are two negative energy programs aimed at reducing a person's vitality. They wedged into the energy field and begin to act like viruses. A person who has experienced the effect of a bad look or damage often feels tired, unable to concentrate, his energy falls and cannot be replenished.

However, the evil eye, unlike spoilage, is not a purposeful and conscious impact of harm. People may be subjected to it, in relation to whom strong negative emotions were directed: anger, envy, a wish for evil. For example, a person who enviously praises your cheerful appearance can cause unexpected feeling unwell. However, an evil look does not carry a long destructive effect on health and life situations, however, can lead to unpleasant consequences.

To protect themselves and their loved ones from the evil eye, our ancestors have long used a unique liquid, an energy protector. Holy water from the evil eye - has the ability to protect both the child and the adult from envious people, as well as relieve the consequences of an unkind wish.

The consecrated liquid is able to restore a person's energy and give him protection from unfriendly people. Unbelieving people call rituals with it the placebo effect and believe that a person inspires himself positive effect from its use. However, is it really so?

Water is an energy conductor. It is not for nothing that in Russian fairy tales there are stories about living and dead water, each of which serves its own purposes. Liquid collected in places of Power (sacred spring, church) has the ability to protect a person, improve his health and restore energy balance.

Scientific and laboratory research held in many countries have repeatedly noted unusual properties consecrated water and its difference from ordinary water. As it has been scientifically recorded, such a liquid has a beneficial effect on a person, has the ability to strengthen his health and vitality restores bioenergetic balance. However, the reason for this inexplicable phenomenon has not yet been found by pundits.

Where to get holy water?

The liquid for the ritual of getting rid of an unkind look can usually be obtained from the church. To do this, you need to bring a small empty container there, pray and draw water. Knowledgeable people they say don't take it a large number of consecrated liquid from the church. The most convenient capacity is 0.5 liters.

Water will have special qualities if it is taken in the church on January 19, at the Baptism of the Lord. It is also popularly believed that on the night of January 18-19, all the liquid from the tap in the house has unique miraculous properties.

An extraordinary "protector" can also be recruited from sacred springs that appear at the graves of Orthodox martyrs. She will also have all healing properties and rightfully considered unique.

What is the essence of the ritual of removing the evil eye with holy water?

There are many rituals with a consecrated "guide" that help get rid of the consequences of someone's envy and anger and protect a person from the words and views of ill-wishers. These ordinances are primarily designed to help a person in the following situations:

  • protect your health and the health of loved ones;
  • protect your property (house, cottage, car);
  • protect pets or livestock.

Rites aimed at protection from an unkind look are carried out under the following important conditions:

  • absolute sobriety and clarity in thoughts;
  • the absence of any negative emotions;
  • great faith in the power and help of holy water.

Removal rituals evil eye different, they can pass with the help of a conspiracy, prayer, proper washing. Since the energy of an adult and a child is different, the rituals for removing the evil eye with holy water, aimed at protecting them, also differ.

The ritual of removing the evil eye for an adult: how to wash your face?

To carry out, you will need a consecrated liquid and matches. To remove the evil eye with matches, you need to pour water into a cup or glass, light a match, and use it to cross the container with holy water three times. During the ritual, the prayer "Our Father" should be read.

After that, you need to wash your face, neck and hands up to the elbow. Thus, matches from the evil eye will help remove any negative impact per person.

The ritual of removing the evil eye for a child?

Toddlers because of their weakness energy protection often suffer from the looks and words of an unkind person. This is especially true for newborns, who need to be especially protected from bad people.

The ritual with the consecrated liquid, which will help remove the evil eye from the child, is carried out as follows:

  • you need to prepare a glass of holy water in advance.
  • water should be at room temperature.
  • wash the child's forehead with a little water;
  • cross the baby and read "Our Father".

It is best to do this ritual once a week for protection, so that a bad look does not accidentally "pierce" the child's energy field.

Evil eye conspiracy

“I wash myself with holy, key water, I remove the eye of a bad person, the spirit of his dashing word. May it be so!".

After a few days, you will feel much better, and Vital energy will recover again.

Prayer for blessed water

Another way to get rid of troubles with holy water is to read strong prayer which will protect from the evil eye both in the present and in the future.

The words of the prayer are also read during morning and evening washing:

Mother of God, save me and save me from the evil eye! May the holy water wash away from me all envy, anger and hostility, both female and male! As your good power washes your face, so I am cleansed of bad words and unkind looks. Amen".

Holy water from the evil eye for money and housing

The evil eye for money is considered one of the most common. For example, everything is going well in your life: there is a job that brings good money, a family, an apartment. And then one day a certain person finds out about your salary and expresses envious words about how lucky you are. After that, money problems suddenly arise - either unforeseen expenses, or you can completely lose a good source of income. How to avoid such consequences?

Monetary negativity can be removed with the help of consecrated liquid and a small conspiracy. To do this, you need to perform the following ritual:

  • draw holy water into a basin (you can mix it with ordinary water);
  • go to the bathroom;
  • pronounce the words of the conspiracy: “The power of love washes away all bad weather, sends me good luck and money again”;
  • pour the liquid from the basin onto the top of the head.

In a few days, your affairs will begin to return to normal, and money problems will disappear as if by magic.

Holy water from the evil eye on housing will help in the following situations:

  • household members often get sick in the family;
  • there are constant breakdowns (broken crane, broken window, junk Appliances etc.)
  • constantly having nightmares in the house;
  • pets are dying.

To carry out the ceremony of protecting housing from negativity, you need to take a small amount of unusual water and anoint the doorknob with it. front door from the outside early in the morning and from the inside late in the evening.

Such a ritual should be carried out within a week. After a while, you will notice that the person who caused the troubles in your house stopped visiting you.

WITH early age our children hear: “We must, we must wash ourselves in the mornings and evenings, and shame on unclean chimney sweeps!”. And although few of today's children understand what a chimney sweep is, all kids memorize from an early age as an axiom: you need to wash your face regularly.

But it is not enough to teach a child to rinse his face with water after sleep or wash his hands before eating. It is important to teach your child to wash properly. How best to do this, and will be discussed today.

Water procedures accompany your baby from the first days of life. First, you bathe the baby in the bath, then the already grown up child begins to splash in the water himself. And here it is very important not to miss the moment and turn the usual game in a meaningful process of washing.

First you need to understand that simply washing your eyes with warm water in the morning is not washing. The fact is that in the morning, children's skin does not breathe, because during the night the pores clogged with a secret. sebaceous glands. AND morning wash It is designed not only to drive away the remnants of sleep, but also to free the pores, giving the skin the opportunity to breathe and perform its functions normally.

Training should start as early as possible. If your child, standing on a bench, can already reach the stream of water from the tap, then it's time to teach him to wash himself. In the learning process, do not be afraid of children's independence, just help the child when he does not know what to do next. Show your child the most simple steps: how to wet your hands and rub your palms together, how to take a handful of water and wash your face with it, how to pick it up toothbrush etc. Pretty soon (in a month or two), the child will develop very strong washing skills, which will allow you to complicate the task and teach him how to use it. soap accessories and brush your teeth.

For washing, it is recommended to use baby soap. Moreover, it will be better if you choose a cream-soap for your child. Unlike the usual toilet soap, cream-soap contains moisturizing ingredients that make skin care softer. This soap gently cleanses and does not dry the skin.

A successful product in this regard is the Eared Nyan baby cream soap with olive oil and chamomile extract or with aloe vera and plantain. His active ingredients promote skin nutrition and reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions. Cream-soap "Eared Nanny" consists of a quarter of a moisturizing cream, which makes skin care even softer. Its constituent extracts have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.

For the smallest children, the Eared Nanny liquid cream soap with olive oil and aloe vera will be more convenient. The dispenser is easier to press for a child's hand than to hold a bar of soap. Liquid cream-soap "Eared Nyan" can also be used as a shower gel.

Do not forget about children's teeth. To accustom the baby to the procedure of brushing your teeth is necessary in the literal sense of the word from the first tooth. When brushing children's teeth, special care should be taken: the child's gums are still very soft, and the teeth are fragile, so choose toothbrushes for children only with soft bristles.

It is important to choose the most suitable toothpaste for your baby. After all, it should be both useful and safe when swallowed and, most importantly, tasty. Even the most wonderful toothpaste will not arouse interest in brushing your teeth if its taste is not pleasant and tempting enough to repeat the procedure.

Children's toothpaste"Eared nannies First tooth" is intended for gentle care for milk teeth of children from 0 to 4 years. The paste gently cleans the teeth without disturbing the structure of the enamel, as it contains a very mild abrasive. And thanks to the combination of phosphorus and calcium, it strengthens the enamel of developing children's teeth. This toothpaste also contains aloe vera gel, which prevents inflammation and reduces pain during teething. The paste has a pleasant taste, which will help you quickly develop a habit of brushing your child's teeth.

At the end of washing every time, be sure to remind the child that you need to dry yourself with a towel. Show how to do it right and do not forget to constantly encourage the baby when he does everything right. Or not very correctly, but with diligence and diligence. The praise of an adult and the realization that he himself is already big enough to cope on his own with such important matters are very important for a child.

Be sure to tell your child that you need to wash your face not only in the morning and evening, but also after a walk, and that your hands should be washed every time they get dirty and especially before eating. When washing with soap and water is not possible, teach your child to use wet wipes. For example, hypoallergenic wet cleansing wipes are very convenient.

The baby of the first days of life is fragile and helpless. How to pick up such a crumb? How to change clothes? How to understand how to calm him down if he cried? How to bathe a newborn? Young parents have to master all the subtleties of life with a small child. This will require a lot of love, patience and a little practical knowledge.

Bathing a baby from the first days at home will become a nightly ritual. The first time a baby takes a bath is an exciting procedure for parents. How to wash a newborn baby for the first time? How to prepare for this event so that it becomes comfortable for the child and easy for mom and dad.

When to start bathing?

The very first bath is a crucial moment for the whole family. The further mood for bathing depends on how the bath for the newborn goes for the first time. little man, and his parents, who have to bathe the baby every day.

Benefits of bathing

Water procedures are important not only for hygiene, but also for the immunity and emotional pleasure of the crumbs. Vodichka suitable temperature- it:

  1. cleansing and skin care of the newborn;
  2. soothing, calming effect;
  3. hardening and training of thermoregulatory functions of the body;
  4. one of the ways a baby learns about the world around him;
  5. pleasant emotions for the baby and for the parents.

Important! The first months of life, when the baby's skin is especially sensitive, bathing is carried out with a frequency of once a day. After six months, you can bathe your baby once every two days.

Bath time

Bathing will help to relax the newborn and will be an excellent preparatory procedure for a sweet night's sleep.

It happens that bathing does not calm the child, but rather invigorates. In such a special case, it is recommended to bathe the newborn in the morning. Most importantly, choose the best right moment so that the bathing procedure brings maximum benefit and pleasure to the baby, and is also easy and enjoyable for parents.

Observe individual mode day, convenient for you and for your baby. The daily routine will help you get used to the new living conditions with a small child in the house and establish healthy development growing child's body.

Attention! If bathing a child in the evening, try to create conditions for the bathing procedure to take place as much as possible. calm environment. Maintaining emotional balance will help to calmly put the baby to sleep at night.

Bath preparation

In order for bathing to become a pleasant procedure for the baby and for the parents, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • It is most convenient to bathe a newborn baby in a baby bath. The bath must be thoroughly washed and rinsed with boiling water for disinfection;
  • For the first baths umbilical wound has not completely healed, it is recommended to use boiled water cooled to the required temperature. Read more about preparing water for bathing a newborn baby >>>
  • Measure the temperature of the water in the bath with a water thermometer. It is also possible to use the "elbow method" to measure water compliance safe bathing baby. The optimal temperature for swimming is the closest to the temperature amniotic fluid mothers - 37-38 degrees;
  • If necessary, prepare decoctions of herbs, they will help in caring for the delicate skin of a newborn. Pick up herbs with a calming effect, or antiseptic decoctions, to combat allergies or tonic;
  • Baby hygiene products. It is not recommended to wash a newborn with soap more than once a week. Shampoo for washing the head can not be used, it is enough to wash the hairs with clean water;
  • Baby washcloths. In order to wash a newborn baby, you can use special baby washcloths. They are usually made from natural soft fabrics that will not harm the baby's skin;

In addition, these products are decorated in the style of children's toys. They attract the attention of the crumbs, are pleasant to the touch, cause positive emotions. Later, bright washcloths and other bathing toys will become a bright positive moment in the process of bathing and playing with water. In the meantime, the baby is only a few days old, it can be washed with any soft cloth, with a small cotton swab, or simply with your hand.

  • To rinse the bathed baby, you need to prepare a bucket with clean water;
  • Prepare a clean, dry diaper and baby soft towel in order to dry and wrap the baby after the bath. Ordinary adult towels are very convenient for this purpose, without corners with a hood. They are warm, absorb moisture well, comfortably protect the baby's wet head;
  • Prepare in advance all the items for baby's skin care after bathing. Cotton swabs and swabs, a clean diaper, diaper skin care products and umbilical wound treatments;
  • It is necessary to have a set of clean clothes ready in order to dress a washed baby.

Bathing and feeding

In order for the bathing procedure to take place in a comfortable positive environment, the baby must be full.

Know! If the baby is on breastfeeding, then the breaks between feeding and bathing do not need to be observed. A newborn can be fed before bathing and immediately after. Mother's milk, unlike mixtures, it is absorbed very quickly.

Toddler on artificial feeding you can bathe an hour after feeding.

bathing in herbs

Herbs are often used for bathing small child with delicate vulnerable skin:

  • and calendula will help with redness and rashes on the skin;
  • Chamomile will help to cope with colic;
  • Motherwort decoction will relax and calm the baby.

To prepare a decoction of herbs for bathing:

  1. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of dried herbs with cold water;
  2. Bring to a boil and leave to brew for 20 minutes under the lid;
  3. Before adding a decoction to the bathing water, strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

Bathing. Procedure sequence

So, everything you need is prepared, it's time to bathe the newborn baby:

  • The baby tub should be set high enough to keep your back straight. This will help you to keep cheerfulness, not to get tired of the responsible and exciting procedure of bathing your baby;
  • Lift one end of the bath by placing a thick book under its edge. A slight slope of the bath is necessary so that the head of the newborn is not immersed in water;

On a note! You can also purchase the so-called anatomical bath for bathing a newborn. It already has an inclined plane, for convenient placement of a small child.

  • Fill the bath with boiling water and dilute the water to 37 degrees. For temperature uniformity, stir the water, then measure the temperature with a baby water thermometer and/or elbow;
  • If necessary, prepare a decoction of herbs, strain it and add to the water in which you will bathe the newborn;
  • In a convenient location away from you, place a container with hot water. When the water cools, you will add a little hot water from the far end of the bath so as not to harm the baby;
  • Roll a thick diaper into a pillow and put it in the bath in the place where the baby's head will be placed;
  • After short air baths, wrap a naked newborn in a thin diaper;
  • Carefully submerge the baby in the water so that the body and shoulders are in the water, and the head is on the pillow. Hold your warm hand on the tummy of a newborn;
  • With a small bucket, start pouring water on the child. Let the water flow onto the baby along your arm, so you will control its temperature;
  • If the water is getting cold, run a small jet of hot water around the edge of the tub and stir the water. In this case, the bath must be long enough to hot water did not create discomfort for the baby.

Attention! The length of the bath for bathing a newborn should be at least 65 centimeters.

  • Wash the baby's arms and legs, one by one, releasing them from the thin diaper in which the newborn is wrapped. Then again cover the baby with a diaper so that he does not get cold;
  • Use at first bath baby soap or not, it's up to mommy. Some mothers do not use soap during their first baths. If the baby was washed with baby soap, then it must be rinsed with clean water, which must be prepared in advance;
  • Wrap the washed baby in a warm diaper that absorbs moisture well. Wrap your baby in a warm bath towel over the diaper.

How to wash a newborn. Rules

You immersed the baby in water, doused him with warm water. He is warm, comfortable and you are also calm that the baby enjoys water procedures. How to properly wash the head and other parts of the body of a newborn:

  1. The baby's head is on a pillow made of a towel or diaper. I wash my head with movements from the forehead to back heads. By rinsing the head, you can protect the baby's face by placing your palm with the edge against the baby's forehead;
  2. Wash the body of the newborn with your hand, baby washcloth or cotton swab with or without soap. We wash the neck folds, armpits, the gaps between the fingers of the arms and legs;

By the way! With practice, you will eventually find out if your baby prefers warmer or cooler water.

  1. We wash the folds on the arms, legs, inguinal folds with a cotton swab, if soap was used, rinse thoroughly. If there is redness, then it is useful to rinse the folds with a decoction of herbs and treat with appropriate means (from diaper rash, prickly heat or irritation);
  2. We gently wash the genitals from the outside. In the process of bathing, while the baby is in the water, the genitals are cleaned from contact with water. After bathing, rinse with clean water;
  3. We wipe the eyes with a clean cotton swab with movements from the outer edge of the eye to the nose;
  4. Gently wipe the auricles moistened with clean water cotton swab. We pay special attention to the cleansing of behind-the-ear folds.

Attention! If the baby is cold in the bath, you will notice that his nose and lips turn blue. If the baby is too hot, then the face turns red. In addition, the baby will declare any discomfort with a loud cry.

Watch a helpful video tutorial on bathing a newborn:

Age features of bathing

If frequent bathing of the baby brings a lot of trouble and excitement, then over time this procedure becomes easier. How the process of taking a bath changes as the baby grows and develops:

  • From birth to 1.5 months. Bathing is carried out daily. To protect the baby's fragile body from the temperature difference between water and air, we bathe him wrapped in a thin diaper. Interesting information about what temperature should be in the room for a newborn >>>
  • From 1.5 to 3 months. The baby bathes in a lying position in a baby bath in a small amount water;
  • From 3 months to six months. The kid becomes mobile, shows interest in the world around him. He can still be bathed in a baby bath, or he can be bathed in big bath together with mother;
  • From half a year. At this age, the baby is already sitting. Now it will be interesting for him to splash around, play with some water. You can bathe in a basin, or in the same baby bath using a special bathing chair. Velcro stool is attached to the bottom of the tub. The child sits on a chair, plays with water and at the same time washes.

How long does the bath take?

  1. If bathing the crumbs is carried out daily in certain time How long should you bathe a newborn? As a rule, the baby is not kept in the water for a long time during the first baths. The procedure usually takes 5-7 minutes;
  2. If the growing baby likes it in the bath, then bathing can be extended as long as it is possible to maintain optimum temperature water. After 1.5 - 2 months of life, bathing can last up to a quarter of an hour;
  3. After six months, when the baby bathes in a sitting position and plays with water, the bathing procedure can last 30-40 minutes.

After swimming

The redeemed baby is comfortably wrapped in warm a bath towel. In order for him to remain satisfied and soon fall asleep sweetly:

  • Rock the baby and feed him;
  • Lay the baby on the back, dry the skin folds with a diaper;
  • Treat the folds with appropriate hygiene products;
  • Put on a diaper;
  • Put on a bonnet so that the head of the newborn's ears are well protected after the bath;
  • Dress your baby in clean clothes;
  • Now you can go to sleep.

A detailed video about bathing a baby and caring for a newborn, see