Itching of the external genitalia in women causes. Itching and burning of the genitals: how to get rid of discomfort. Itching of the vulva. The reasons

Repeatedly, girls and women are faced with such a problem as itching of the labia, causing some discomfort. At the same time, the area intimate areas looks reddened, swollen, it bakes. If you do not seek help from a specialist in time, the burning of the labia is aggravated, constant scratching damages the mucous membrane, resulting in the formation of small cracks, abrasions, ulcers.

Acidophilus capsules work best, but because they are small, you will need to insert them into your vagina. They may or may not be taken orally at the same time. The duration of treatment is 5 to 10 days, preferably at night. AT crisis situation use yogurt 3-4 times a day. Baby syringes work well for administering yogurt and can be purchased from pharmacies. Yogurt can also be applied using a spermicide inserter with a diaphragm. Sometimes they can be purchased separately.

  • Natural yogurt is very effective.
  • Apply with a teaspoon.
  • Put on a rag, as the yogurt will come out.
  • Be sure to use unpasteurized yogurt that contains live lactobacilli.
  • You can also use vaginal yogurt capsules.
  • Follow the processing of garlic indicated for Trichomonas.
Food: Denies foods that produce acidity, sugar, white flour.

Lack of treatment leads to the progression of the disease. At the doctor's appointment, this is evidenced by inflammation of the labia (the medical term "vulvitis").

Most often, itching of the labia occurs due to:

  • use of low-quality toilet paper;
  • infections transmitted during sexual intercourse;
  • wearing tight synthetic underwear;
  • absence enough vaginal lubrication;
  • improper hygiene of the genitals;
  • damage to the vaginal mucosa;
  • allergic reactions to contraception, in particular to condoms;
  • promiscuous sexual life;
  • stress;
  • bacterial infections of the genital area;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • unhealthy microflora of the vagina;
  • the use of depilatory agents;
  • concomitant diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • weak immunity;
  • poor metabolism in the body;
  • menopause;
  • uncontrolled drug treatment, incl. antibiotics.


Eat a large number of yogurt and raw garlic cloves daily. Treat itching: Wash with garlic cloves or hydras root. Acid vaginal perfumes with vinegar or lemon are also effective. Use two tablespoons in two glasses of water, then use yogurt for a few days to balance your vaginal flora. It is a single-celled parasitic organism, often transmitted through sexual contact or wet conditions, which appears often after menstruation.

Symptoms: excessive yellowish excretion, unpleasant fishy smell, itching. Small red spots on the walls of the vagina and cervix. Thread-like secretions, sometimes frothy, irritation around the vulva and on opening the vagina. You can insert a clove of garlic into your vagina: without breaking it, peel it, wrap it in cheesecloth, dip it in olives or almond oil to avoid mucosal irritation. Change the tooth 2 or 3 times in the first 2 days and once in the morning, and the second for the next 5-6 days.

  • Men can drink garlic clove infusions.
  • Take hydrating root tablets by mouth.
  • Treat for two weeks.
  • Accompany it with an infusion of vaginal baths once a day.
  • This will relieve you of the itch.
  • Reduce the frequency of baths for the second week.
Symptoms: vaginal discharge is oily with a strong odor.

Prevention of itching of the labia

The first rule to be followed is personal hygiene (this includes regular washing twice a day, preferably with a decoction medicinal chamomile, sage, string or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, individual use of soap, as well as hygiene products, napkins and towels).

It uses the same treatment as Trichomonas. Bacterial infections and gonorrhea. These issues indicate that the immune system needs to be taken seriously and rebuilt. Be patient, treatment can be long. Also, they tend to repeat after the first attack, so it's best to finish them permanently.

Symptoms: very soft gray discharge, terrible smell and itching in the vulva. Decoction or dyeing of echinacea root for 2 or 3 months, followed by decoctions, 1 to 3 times a week, until the rash and itching disappear. Echinacea root for 3 weeks, then hydrasta root for 1 week in dyes. Take a break from the week and repeat the same pattern for 2 weeks with your partner.

  • Take valerian to relieve discomfort if needed.
  • Duck with water and clay, 6 tablets of white clay in half a liter of hot water.
  • Leave the clay at the bottom of the container without moving it.
  • Use the water needed for the shower.
  • Do this once a day or as needed for 5 days.
  • Avoid metal utensils when using clay.
  • Clay water showers are effective in treating many types of vaginitis.
Vaginal secretion in girls outside of the neonatal or pubertal period is abnormal and may indicate the presence of vulvovaginitis.

Secondly, for the duration of treatment, it is worth abandoning hygiene products such as soap, intimate gels, foams, deodorants, etc. In case of vaginal dryness (this is the second most common cause of itching), it is recommended to use therapeutic and prophylactic agents prescribed by a gynecologist.

Third rule - proper nutrition as a key to success in the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis, which is often the cause of itching in women during pregnancy. Diets that exclude fried, smoked and spicy foods will come in handy.

Itching of the vulva. Folk remedies

Vulvovaginitis is an infection of the vulva and vagina. This is manifested by itching, stinging or redness of the area. Mild cases are very common in girls, in fact accounting for 25% of pediatric gynecology consultations. This type of infection has a maximum incidence between and before six years of age due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of these ages.

Symptoms of vulvovaginitis in girls

As the name of the composition indicates, a combination of vaginitis and vulvitis occurs. Under these conditions, tissues become inflamed and vaginal discharge which, as we have said, are abnormal in girls. We must differentiate abnormal discharges in girls from other familiar people that are not indicators of vulvovaginitis: newborns may have vaginal secretion due to estrogens that come from the mother before birth. In general, it disappears within two weeks.

Give preference to comfortable, loose, not hindering movement, cotton underwear. Avoid tight pants. Do not forget that fever air creates favorable conditions for the development of bacterial infections, as a result of which itching and redness of the labia may occur.

Abnormal vaginal discharge is something that occurs in large quantities, secretes strong smell or accompanied by itching, discomfort, or vaginal pain. The vulva may be irritated, with mild itching or more intense burning. The skin becomes reddish and rough to the touch.

Often, the abnormal secretion is thicker than normal, and the color and consistency varies depending on the agent causing the infection. bacterial infection vagina tends to produce a white, gray, or yellowish cloudy discharge with a foul-smelling or fish-like odor.

The fourth rule is to refuse frequent use panty liners. Given hygiene product brings irreparable harm women's health. In addition to the fact that the pads do not allow the skin to breathe, thereby causing peeling of the perineum, they provoke inflammation of the labia. Since the area of ​​the female genitals is very delicate, itching of the labia is guaranteed to develop with daily wearing of tight synthetic underwear along with pads.

Causes of vulvovaginitis in girls and ways to prevent it

Common causes include infections, irritating substances or objects, tumors or other abnormal tissues, radiation, drugs, and hormonal changes. In addition, stool can pass from the intestine to the vagina through an abnormal path and cause vaginitis.

Illness and stress

The usual thing is that the infection comes from a deficiency when they leave the diaper and start to have some autonomy when entering the bathroom. And the fact is that insufficient personal hygiene can promote the growth of bacteria and fungi, as well as cause irritation. Hence the importance of teaching girls to cleanse themselves from front to back, in the sense of the vulva-year.

A visit to the gynecologist twice a year is the fifth rule for preventing the occurrence of various kinds diseases of the female genital area. It is especially relevant for teenage girls, women during pregnancy and older women (after 45 years).

In addition, it will not be superfluous warm clothes in winter (it will protect against hypothermia, which is the cause of inflammatory processes in the small pelvis) and temporary (for the duration of treatment) abstinence from sexual activity.

When a child wipes every time she goes to the bathroom, there may be a proliferation of bacteria found in the stool that can reach the vaginal area. As girls reach puberty, the vagina becomes more acidic and this condition reduces the risk of infection.

As we have already noted, the maximum incidence occurs in girls aged three to six years due to certain anatomical characteristics that predispose to vulvovaginitis.

  • anal intimacy.
  • Less developed and less developed lips.
  • Thin chicken.
Proper hygiene after bowel movements and during bathing, as well as the usual change underwear are appropriate measures to prevent vulvovaginitis in girls.

What can be the cause of the disease

Itching of the labia majora, just like the itching of the labia minora, can be associated with diseases such as:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • varicose veins of the vulva and perineum during pregnancy;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • vulvovaginitis.

If you do not start treating the itching of the delicate area in time, the genitals begin to hurt, burn, specific discharges appear from them, peeling of the skin is observed.

Causes of irritation

A clinical examination will determine which type of disorder is who has a girl and the appropriate treatment. The resulting erythema that affects the vulva and anal area may spontaneously resolve, or hygiene measures would be sufficient to alleviate this process in many cases.

Itching of the labia majora

In conclusion, we concluded that young girls should not have vaginal discharge as described, so we should see a specialist before experiencing symptoms. The pediatrician is the one who will make the correct diagnosis of vulvovaginitis in girls and prescribe appropriate treatment if necessary.

Usually inflammation of the genital organs is the first sign of a serious illness. If it is detected, a woman is recommended to immediately contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination. If this recommendation is neglected, itching of the genital organs can go into an acute stage and cause inflammation of the vagina.

Treatment of itching of the labia

There are cases when itching of the genitals occurs in women during pregnancy against the background of hormonal changes . main reason his appearance is bacterial vaginosis. To get rid of the problem, you must first consult a doctor.

Anogenital pruritus is defined as pruritus affecting the anal skin and the perineal and genital areas. In men it often occurs as scrotal pruritus, while in women it is vulvar pruritus. Acute scrotal itching can be caused by skin conditions, infections, and systemic diseases. After these diseases are eliminated, itching disappears, so it is important to get a diagnosis as soon as possible. In some cases, especially in athletes, scrotal itching occurs due to excessive moisture caused by sweating and wearing inappropriate clothing.

When the causes of itching and flaking of the skin are established, they are prescribed medical preparations for treatment. Women during pregnancy, when itching is caused by allergic irritation, treatment may be recommended. folk remedies. For each patient, the treatment regimen for itching of the genitals is selected individually.

However, in many cases of chronic pruritus no underlying disease can be identified and it is then referred to as "idiopathic pruritus" or pruritus of uncertain origin. Recent studies have linked scrotal pruritus with lumbar radiculopathy. In fact, the scrotum is innervated by its anterior part by nerves derived from the genital branch of the geniturological nerve, which, in turn, flows from the second lumbar nerve. The genitocural nerve is inserted into the thickness of the psoas, crossing it obliquely from top to bottom and back.

The most common drugs used for itching of the labia majora and labia minora are presented in the table below.

  • washing the genitals with a decoction of skumpia, mint, St. John's wort;
  • douching with saline-soda-iodine solution;
  • sitz baths with sage, calendula, medicinal chamomile, sea salt;
  • tampons with aloe pulp at night for 5-7 days;
  • ingestion of yarrow infusion;
  • lubrication of the small and large labia with an ointment prepared from walnut, egg yolk and vegetable oil in the ratio 1:1:1.

With itching of the genital organs that occurred during pregnancy against the background of bartholinitis or vulvodynia, you can prepare a basil decoction from a bunch of basil and 1 liter of water. The prepared remedy is also very effective for fungal infections. Usually, when using 0.5 cups of decoction 3 times a day, 2-3 days are enough for a complete recovery.

On exiting a run, there is some stretch along the anterior face of this muscle, it continues in front of the iliac arteries, and a little above the fallopian ligament divides into a pudendal branch and a branch with a bend. The genital branch is directed to the abdominal opening of the inguinal canal, dividing into small fillets lost in the cremaste and in the transverse muscle. After crossing the inguinal canal, it exits through its skin opening and spreads through the skin of the scrotum.

On its back, the scrotum is supplied with nerves derived from the iliognonic nerve, arising from the first lumbar nerve. After the supply of two branches, the collateral branch and the perforating branch, the latter subdivides into three branches, the genital branch, after entering the inguinal canal, being directed towards the skin of the pubis, while the genital fillet is lost after many consequences for the skin of the scrotum in the male and for more woman's old lips.

An excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of genital itching in women during pregnancy is yogurt containing Lactobacillus Acidophilus. The cultures contained in yogurt normalize the vaginal microflora, destroy pathogenic bacteria, and maintain the optimal pH level of the vaginal environment.

A case of scrotal pruritus has recently been described in a patient with inguinal hernia, which was immediately resolved after the hernia was reduced, indicating that the itching was caused by compression of the nerves passing through the inguinal canal. Other authors propose a calcineurin-activated immunomodulatory mechanism because topical tacrolimus and pimecrolimus reduce pruritus. Treatment skin itching due to underlying diseases - it is simply the eradication of infection or dermatitis. Antifungals, fusidic acid, and some oral antihistamines usually resolve secondary itching within a few days.

It is important to take into account the fact that similar means can be appointed as the main or complex prophylactic nulliparous girls under the age of 14, girls, women during pregnancy and women during menopause. If you see a doctor in time, peeling and itching can be easily treated.

You should not self-medicate, uncontrollably taking various ineffective drugs, as this can lead to serious consequences in the form of inflammation, ulcers, erosion of the labia.

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Itching of the labia is a specific skin reaction to an irritant that makes a woman want to scratch the itchy area. There can be many reasons for itching of the labia. You should not ignore them, as in some cases serious treatment may be required.

By itself, itching of the labia is not a separate disease, but only a symptom indicating trouble in the body.

The causes of itching in the labia include the following:

    The age of a woman is important in determining the cause of the itching. So, hormonal fluctuations in the body can occur during puberty, during pregnancy, during menstruation and in menopause and lead to itching.

    Itching during menstruation. Menstrual flow is favorable environment for the development and reproduction of bacterial flora. During this period, a woman's immunity becomes especially vulnerable to various external and internal factors. If, in addition to everything, the rules are not followed intimate hygiene, it is quite possible to develop inflammatory process- vulvovaginitis. He becomes the cause of itching of the labia.

    Itching of the labia during pregnancy. The cause of the discomfort most often lies in hormonal changes occurring in the body. These fluctuations lead to weakening immune protection, changes in the normal microflora of the vagina and the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

    Itching of the labia after the birth of a child. This discomfort is also associated with hormones. In order for the hormonal background to stabilize, it will take certain time. The hormonal storm ends with the onset of menstruation. Until this time, there is an increased risk of developing various diseases of the genital organs, which may be accompanied by itching.

    Itching of labia during menopause. Violation of the trophism of the mucous membranes and skin of the vulva often occurs during menopause. Gynecologists call this process kraurosis. With this disease, itching becomes enough serious symptom causing a woman to experience severe discomfort. Often, against the background of kraurosis of the vulva, there are varying degrees nervous disorders. A sharp drop in the body of female sex hormones, which previously had a protective effect on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, leads to kraurosis. Sometimes the disease proceeds quite difficult, abrasions and cracks appear on the labia, followed by the formation of ulcers. The risk of developing infectious lesions increases, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis join.

    External factors that influence the occurrence of itching of the labia.

    Pollution. Most often, itching of the labia occurs in women working in industries with increased air pollution with dust.

    Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene, rare and incorrect washing, a rare change of pads, the inability to take a shower.

    Exposure to low or high temperatures. Both overheating and hypothermia can provoke itching.

    mechanical impact. AT this case we are talking about wearing underwear made of synthetics, about its inconsistency size range, about the use of linen with rough inside seams. In addition, too frequent washings, as well as vaginal douching without medical recommendations, can negatively affect. The use of scented sanitary pads can cause discomfort in the area of ​​the labia.

    Taking certain medications.

    Impact chemical compounds contained, for example, in condoms or contraceptive gels.

    Infectious diseases leading to the development of itching of the labia.

    Vaginal candidiasis caused by fungi, which, with a normal immune status, always exist in the mucous membranes of a woman's body. With a decrease in protective forces, their active reproduction occurs. Itching of the labia is one of the most striking symptoms of candidiasis. In addition, white curdled discharge, pain during an attempt to empty the bladder, during sex, etc., testify to the disease.

    Gardnerellosis. The disease develops due to the replacement of the normal microflora of the vagina with a pathogenic one. Itching and burning of the labia with this disease is always pronounced. In addition, the woman is concerned about the discharge, which has an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of the smell of a missing fish.

    Genital herpes is also one of possible causes occurrence of itching of the labia. In addition, rashes in the form of bubbles periodically appear on the genitals, which occurs during an exacerbation of the disease.

    With inguinal epidermophytosis there is a lesion of the skin of the labia, the appearance on it pink spots with a center of inflammation. In this case, the inguinal zone itches, and the lesions peel off. Then, foci of inflammation are formed on the skin, which have clear red borders.

    Trichomoniasis is infectious disease leading to redness and itching of the labia. Discomfort occurs against the background of appearing abundant yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor.

    Diseases reproductive system women who can provoke itching of the labia. Sometimes the cause of itching of the labia is the pathology of the reproductive system of a woman. With endometritis and cervicitis, purulent discharge may appear, which will irritate the skin of the labia and cause itching. Although sometimes these diseases are asymptomatic.

    Itching of the labia in diabetes mellitus. Itching in the groin occurs due to the fact that the urine of a woman suffering from diabetes contains a lot of glucose. In addition, trips to the toilet become more frequent. The remnants of such secretions on the genitals lead to the fact that bacteria begin to multiply there faster, which provoke the occurrence of irritation and itching.

    Diseases of the liver that provoke itching of the labia. Severe liver damage can cause bile enzymes to accumulate in the blood and skin. In addition to giving the skin a yellowish tint, they also act as an irritant. As a result, a woman may experience itching all over her body, including in the area of ​​the labia.

    Diseases urinary system and itching of the labia. With pathologies Bladder and kidneys are impaired in their functioning. This contributes to the development of polyuria and the accumulation of urea breakdown products in the blood. These two factors act as irritants for the skin of the labia.

    Diseases of the hematopoietic organs, glands internal secretion, genital tumors. All of these diseases lead to the immune system women begin to function worse. The decrease in protective forces leads to the multiplication of pathogenic microflora, which causes various diseases, provoking itching of the genital organs. Diseases of the endocrine glands can also cause hormonal failure.

    psychological reasons.

Prolonged stress, serious shocks, nervous breakdowns, depressive states capable of causing hypersensitivity skin. This, in turn, leads to itching on the body and in intimate places.

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Treatment of itching of the labia in women

    To avoid the development of vulvovaginitis during menstruation, it is necessary to perform high-quality intimate hygiene. Gaskets should be changed after a maximum of 6 hours. Volume menstrual flow it does not matter. If the inflammation has already begun, then you should stop using tampons. Washing should be performed using antiseptic solutions, including: Miramistin, Furacilin, etc.

    If itching began to bother a woman during gestation, an obstetrician-gynecologist should be contacted and appropriate tests should be taken. May need to be applied medicines aimed at normalizing the microflora of the vagina and increasing the body's immune forces. Pregnant women are more likely to be treated local preparations- the use of intervaginal suppositories and ointments, washing with antiseptic solutions.

    When vulvitis or vulvovaginitis becomes the cause of itching, it is necessary to find out the reasons that led to the development of the disease. The woman must adhere to bed rest(in the acute phase of the disease), change the diet by increasing the number of alkalizing foods (milk, steamed vegetables, fresh fruits, mineral water). Local treatment is reduced to the use of medical antiseptics (Quinozol, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin), it is possible to lubricate the affected skin of the labia with ointments, for example, Sanguiritin 1%. Doctors also prescribe antibacterial ointments - tetracycline, erythromycin, oletherine. Inside shows the reception of antimycotic drugs (with fungal infection), antibiotics (with bacterial damage). The choice of a particular drug depends on the type of pathogen and its sensitivity.

    Therapy of inguinal epidermophytosis is reduced to the implementation of lotions with a solution of Resocine and Silver Nitrate in the required concentration. It is possible to take antihistamines, treat the affected areas with antifungal agents, for example, Lamisil, Nizoral, Mikoseptin, etc.

    To get rid of trichomoniasis, doctors prescribe Metronidazole or Trichopolum. The course of treatment may be a week or a single dose of 2 g may be recommended. Combination with local treatment makes it possible to completely get rid of the disease. To do this, use candles Terzhinan, Betadine, Klion-D and others. If the disease proceeds in a complicated form, then longer antimicrobial therapy will be required.

    If itching is caused by psychological disorders, then it is necessary to contact a psychotherapist, undergo an examination and take medications that this specialist will prescribe.

The rules of intimate hygiene are the same for all women:

    Washing after going to the toilet (movements should be from front to back);

    Change of underwear twice a day (girls younger age linen is changed more often - as it gets dirty);

    Thorough washing and rinsing of underwear, for which it is better to use hypoallergenic powders;

    Use soap for washing no more than once in 12 hours;

    Wearing underwear made from natural materials;

    Use only personal means for hygiene procedures.

In addition, at the time of treatment, you will need to refuse intimate life. Sometimes both partners will need to undergo a therapeutic course. In any case, if the itching of the labia does not go away after the normalization of the rules of intimate hygiene, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, venereologist or dermatovenereologist.

Author of the article: Lapikova Valentina Vladimirovna, gynecologist, specially for the site site