How to soften your hands in winter. Winter hand care at home. raw potato mask

V cold winter period the delicate skin of the hands is exposed to the negative effects of natural factors.

Cold wind, high humidity, frost and large temperature fluctuations are serious test for the skin and, as a result, the brushes turn red, peel and become rough to the touch.

The skin of the hands is dehydrated, overdried, micro-cracks appear on it and it looks wrinkled and aged. Together with the skin, the nails also suffer greatly: they often break and exfoliate. To make your hands look great even in the winter cold, you need to learn how to take good care of them.

Cleansing is very milestone hand skin care. Most people do not pay attention to the quality and chemical composition soap for hands. But we use this tool more often than others and wash our hands on average 4-6 times a day! First of all, soap should not dry out the skin.

In winter, choose a soap with nourishing and moisturizing ingredients.: with the addition of cream, glycerin, with jojoba, olive or calendula oil.

Read the ingredients on the label carefully. In winter, it is better not to use products with triclosan, this substance kills microbes, but completely destroys the natural oily layer, which protects the skin from aggressive influences. Best fit natural soap with chamomile, sage, linden and calendula.

Hand cream

Choose carefully care product in winter. remember, that summer cream not suitable for cold weather.

Before going outside, it is necessary to apply a protective serum or cream that contains retinol to the hands, hyaluronic acid, vitamins and natural essential oils.

Well protect from the cold and restore the skin of the hands cream, which includes jojoba oil, Peach oil, placenta extract and collagen. Vitamins A and E make the skin of the hands smooth and supple and prevent dryness and premature aging.

Special hand serums are very effective. To make your hand skin look soft, well-groomed and rested in the morning, apply a cream or serum before going to bed and put on special cosmetic gloves.


Hand bath with sea salt. It has a moisturizing and regenerating effect. In warm water (1 l), add 1.5 tbsp. natural sea ​​salt and 2 tbsp. olive oil.

Dip your palms in the tub for 7-10 minutes. Massage your fingers and palms periodically at the same time. Then pat your hands dry with a tissue and apply a light nutritious cream.

Bath with bran. A simple and effective remedy for nourishing and moisturizing dry skin. Take 0.5 cups of bran and pour them into a bath with hot water. Wait until the bran swells and cools down a bit. Dip your hands in the solution and rub the skin a little for 3-4 minutes. The skin will become beautiful, smooth and hydrated. After the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing serum or cream to your palms.

Bath with whey. Ideally moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Heat two glasses of natural whey to a temperature of 20-25 degrees and dip your hands into it for 10 minutes. Wet your palms with a cosmetic tissue and apply a little nourishing cream.

Bath with almond oil. Eliminates dryness and cracks. Pour 500 ml of water into the bath room temperature, 3 tbsp. almond seed oil and 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Dip your hands in the resulting solution for about 10 minutes. Dry your hands and lubricate the brushes with nourishing cream.

Hand baths are very effective moisturize the skin and restore its freshness and youth.



Effective hand care in winter are masks, homemade recipes which are given below.

Yolk mask. Effectively regenerates and nourishes the skin nutrients. Separate 1 yolk, beat it and mix with 3 tbsp. oils (such as olive oil). Lubricate with the resulting mixture clean skin hands for 10-15 minutes. When the procedure is completed, rinse your palms with warm water. Leave for best effect. nutrient mixture at night, after putting on cosmetic gloves. Rinse with water when finished.

Honey mask. Honey effectively regenerates the skin and has antiseptic properties, heals small wounds and cracks. To do this, combine 1 tbsp. honey with 2 tbsp. olive oil.

Gently apply this nutrient mixture for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse your palms with room temperature water and apply a nourishing protective cream to your hands.

Mask with jojoba oil. It has a regenerating effect and contains vitamins A and E. Make a mixture of 2 tbsp. jojoba oil and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil(you can take olive or linseed). Put on cosmetic gloves and wait 20-30 minutes, then gently rinse your palms with warm water.

Exfoliate your hands before applying the mask using a ready-made scrub or cook it yourself from ground oatmeal. Peeling will remove old keratinized skin and enhance the effect of the mask.

Along with the care procedures, it will not be superfluous to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. V cold weather always wear gloves or mittens and do not remove them unless necessary.
  2. Wear while cleaning cotton coated protective gloves, because after aggressive impact washing powder and detergent the skin becomes very vulnerable in extreme cold and wind.
  3. Dry your palms thoroughly towel or special wipes and never go outside with wet hands.
  4. Do more during cold weather hygienic manicure to protect nails and cuticles from drying out and burrs.
  5. Use to wash your hands not too much hot water . Heat water has a bad effect on the skin and destroys its protective film.
  6. Apply nourishing cream or serum 2-3 times a day especially in frosty weather.
  7. Pamper yourself with natural rose or jojoba essential oils.

It is not known why, but in principle, most women care for the skin of the face and even the neck, and skin care for the hands is relegated to the background.

I washed my hands and it’s good - the main thing is cleanliness, and not some kind of hand skin care. Although even our grandmothers said: if you want to know the true age of a woman, look at her hands. You never know where insufficient hand skin care will come around.

Hand skin care in winter: basic rules

Proper care of the skin of the hands is always necessary, all year round. As for the onset of cold weather, hand skin care in winter requires close attention.

Frost, wind and other factors bad action, so hand care in winter will never be superfluous.

The most important thing in the question of how to care for the skin of hands in winter is warming. Your hands want to be in comfortable conditions, buy them warm gloves or mittens - this is the paramount moment on how to care for the skin of your hands in winter. Of course, it is not dirty hands that need to be insulated, so cleansing is an extremely important step for everyone who is interested in how to care for hand skin in winter.

It is advisable to purchase a hand washing gel or liquid soap, as the usual one is very dry, which complicates good care for the skin of the hands in winter.

Look carefully at the label with the indicated ingredients of the product (preferably with glycerin, chamomile and vitamins) - this the right approach how to take care of your skin.

And do not forget: wash your hands with warm water, not hot or cold (the skin becomes rough and drier) - it is important to know how to care for your hands in winter.

We buy a lot of face creams and it’s good if at least one for hands to provide hand care in winter.

Meanwhile, it is necessary to have at least two - this normal care behind the skin of the hands. Just like the face, we moisturize and nourish the skin of the hands, that is, 2 creams provide care for the skin of the hands in winter.

In the morning after washing, apply a moisturizer, rub massage movements, and at night a nourishing cream and thin gloves on the hands - such hand skin care in winter is effective.

Get into the habit of always carrying and using frequently quality cream for hands, when in doubt how to care for the skin of hands in winter.

The basic rules for caring for the skin of your hands in winter also include protection. Teach yourself to use high-quality rubber gloves while washing dishes, cleaning - your delicate hands will thank you for such hand skin care in winter.

And if you love your hands, cherish and cherish, it is probably important for you how to care for the skin of your hands with the help of masks.

Winter hand care: masks

Hand skin care, as well as for the face, involves the use of various masks.

Oatmeal mask

Hand skin care in winter will complement this mask: oat flakes steam, after a while add pharmacy vitamin A.

Yolk-honey mask

We mix honey with zhelkom, and you can also dilute a little with olive oil and lemon juice.

Potato mask

We prepare mashed potatoes from two potatoes and a little lemon or other citrus fruits there.

Sesame oil mask

We heat up Sesame oil in a water bath, smear the skin of the hands, put on gloves. Such hand skin care in winter is desirable for the coming sleep.

raw potato mask

We rub the potatoes, in a mixture of a little lime juice and honey.

Almond mask

Mix one yolk with a teaspoon of honey, ground almonds and oatmeal.

Linen mask

Mix the yolk, honey, flax oil and orange juice.

Curd mask

Mix some curd with a small amount vegetable oil.

Mayonnaise mask

Apply mayonnaise on your hands for half an hour and rinse.

coffee mask

We actually use coffee grounds for such a mask for five minutes.

Pamper your hands, hand skin care in winter with the help of masks will become pleasant and useful.

We hope that this information will make you, dear readers, think about such an issue as hand skin care in winter.

V cold season of the year external environment especially aggressively affects our hands, and we need to be aware of how to care for the skin of our hands in winter.

women dream of beautiful hands, which are not ashamed to show, and therefore everyone needs hand skin care so that men kiss these hands

To keep your hands soft and velvety, in winter you need to turn Special attention for hand skin care.

The usual winter weather conditions are frost, snow and wind. Add more frequent shift temperatures, then you are in a warm room, then go outside, and so more than once during the day. Do not forget also about various traditional winter entertainments - walks along winter forest, skiing. From a long stay in the cold and wind, the protective functions of the skin are reduced and your hands can become weathered and become rough and rough.

Also, from freezing, the skin of the hands can turn red and become stained, and the nails turn blue, which is caused by vasoconstriction and disruption of normal blood circulation. Attention should be paid to possible problems of cardio-vascular system organism.

And, you see, rough, weather-beaten hands not only look untidy, but also cause discomfort. There is also the possibility of penetration of various microbes through damaged cracked skin of the hands.

Therefore, you need to take it seriously proper care hands in winter. An integrated approach is needed.

  1. In the cold season, especially in winter, do not forget to wear warm gloves or mittens to protect your hands from exposure to cold wind, snow and frost. Put on mittens or gloves before going outside and try not to take them off unless absolutely necessary. This will help you avoid increased dryness, peeling and cracking. skin. For those who have very cold hands in winter, you can buy thermal gloves.
  2. Try doing contrast hand baths 1-2 times a day. Dip your hands in cold and hot water alternately for five minutes. This simple procedure Helps to get rid of reddened hands in winter. Then lubricate your hands with cream.
  3. In the morning, immediately after sleep, do a light self-massage of the hands, having previously lubricated the hands with cream. Squeeze your hands into fists and unclench, rub the surface of your hands, massage each finger and joint separately in a circular motion. Make several circular rotational movements with the brushes to the right and left. You might as well play the piano. Such a light massage will help improve blood circulation and prepare your hands for a new day.
  4. Wash your hands with water at room temperature. If you wash with cold water, then the skin of the hands will coarsen and peel off, if you wash it with hot water, then the skin will become dry.
  5. If you are cleaning, washing or washing dishes, do not forget to wear special rubber gloves. You will get the effect of a mask if you apply a nourishing hand cream before putting on gloves.
  6. Be sure to train yourself to use hand cream regularly. Creams moisturize and nourish the skin of the hands. All cosmetic companies produce hand creams. The choice is very large. In hand cream, you can add a drop of your favorite natural essential oil.
  7. Before going outside in the cold, apply a rich textured hand cream 20-25 minutes in advance to create an extra protective layer. After 5 minutes, when the cream is absorbed, use paper napkin remove excess.
  8. The skin on the hands can also peel off from a lack of moisture in a heated room. Therefore, try to use moisturizing lotions and hand creams, provided that you are not going to go outside in the next few hours. In the cold, the water component of such creams turns into ice, which harms the skin of the hands.

"Velvet hands" at home.

Tell me, girls and women, to be honest, how much time and attention do you have for your hands. Or it all comes down to applying hand cream in the evening, before going to bed, and then, if you remember. You probably know that the hands are able to give out the age of a woman, the skin on the hands ages much faster, since it has practically no fat layer.

Therefore, the systematic care of your hands should become a habit. A well-groomed hands, beautiful manicure should certainly become your calling card.

If you look after your appearance and regularly visit beauty salons, this is wonderful. You will receive a range of salon treatments, including paraffin therapy.

But if you want to save your time and money, you can take care of the skin of your hands at home. The main thing is to get away from household chores and give yourself quite a bit of time. You will be satisfied with the result.

First of all, take a bowl of warm water and add liquid soap. You can add a little lemon juice and bath salts, or a drop of natural essential oil. Hold in warm water hands 5-10 minutes. The skin of the hands will become softer. If necessary, you can use a scrub or peeling.

Then pat your hands dry with a towel. Be sure to apply a moisturizing and nourishing hand cream, make a light massage. At home, you can do a simple manicure.

Please note that in winter, such procedures should not be done if you are going to go outside in the near future.

There is also a great opportunity to make hand masks at home.

Here are some masks for example:

  • Potato - boil 2 potatoes, when cool, mash and rub with milk or olive oil. To whiten the skin, you can add a little lemon juice.
  • Oatmeal honey - composition: 3 tablespoons oat flour, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of honey - mix everything.
  • Egg-almond - take 1 yolk and 1 teaspoon of almond oil.
  • Honey-Olive - Mix honey and olive oil in equal amounts.
  • Curd mask - carefully rub 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

Then finished mask apply to the handles and put on plastic gloves or a simple bag. To keep your hands warm, put on cotton gloves or wrap a towel over them. After 15-20 minutes, the mask can be washed off. Your hands will become soft and velvety!

You can also add a few drops of natural essential oil, orange, jojoba or other to the masks.

Olive oil perfectly softens the skin. Apply slightly warmed olive oil to the skin of your hands, put on cotton gloves and leave for several hours, preferably overnight. You will see great results in the morning.

I hope that you will definitely want to pay, and these simple recommendations help you take care of your hands in winter.

Be beautiful and love yourself!

It is best to wash your hands not with hot, but with warm water, while it is recommended to use a moisturizing soap with vitamin and herbal supplements. To remove the keratinized layer of the skin, a peeling procedure can be performed once a week. Scrub can be made independently from the available components. Mix 2 spoons of honey and 1 spoon ground coffee. Massage the skin for 3 minutes, this scrub is great for the body too.


For high-quality protection of the skin in winter, it is necessary to use nourishing and moisturizing creams with a greasy texture. Approximately 30 minutes before going outside, apply the cream, wait 5 minutes for the cream to be absorbed, and then wipe the residue from the hands with a dry cloth. Before going to bed, it is necessary to warm the skin under a warm stream of water and apply a fat cream.

Additional care: baths and masks

Warm hand baths have a wonderful regenerating effect. This procedure can be carried out 3 times a week even in. Consider the simplest and effective recipes baths.

1. Prepare a decoction of chamomile, then mix it with warm milk. Soak your hands in this mixture for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water. Chamomile has a healing effect.

2. Mix olive oil and water, add lemon juice. Such a bath should be done for 10-15 minutes. After this procedure, you do not need to wash your hands, just wipe them with a dry cloth. This bath will make your skin soft and smooth.

3. Heat a glass of milk, add a few drops of almond or olive oil and a tablespoon of honey. Hold your hands in such a bath for about 15 minutes, wipe with a napkin and apply a greasy cream.

No less effective and oil masks for hands. Before the procedure, warm the skin, hold your hands in warm water. Warm up a little vegetable oil and gently apply to the skin of the hands with massaging movements. Put on cotton gloves and keep them on all night. The next morning, the skin of the hands will smooth out.


The best protection against frost is warm gloves and mittens. Don't forget to wear them, even if you're only going outside for a couple of minutes. And when working with aggressive household chemicals, always use rubber gloves.

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The skin of the hands is especially affected in winter. The reason for this may be vitamin deficiency, frost and cold wind. As a result, it becomes dry, weather-beaten and rather rough. That's why during this period your pens require high care.

Be sure to wear gloves or mittens in cold weather. Even if you get out of the house for five minutes, do not forget to protect your hands, because this time is enough to sharp drop temperatures had a negative effect on the condition of the skin.

Try to wash your hands only in warm water, as very cold or hot water makes the skin dry. At the same time, give preference liquid soap on plant extracts or with the addition of nourishing oils.

Do housework that involves water only with rubber gloves. Any

When the cold sets in, our hands become rough, the skin on them peels off and tightens, and cracks often appear on the fingers. Let's try to figure out how to protect and restore delicate skin hands in winter, and what products will be most effective for care in the cold season.

When the cold sets in, our hands become rough, the skin on them peels off and tightens, and cracks often appear on the fingers. Let's try to figure out how to protect the delicate skin of the hands in winter and what means will be most effective. But first, let's find out what causes the appearance of these unpleasant symptoms in the cold season.

Why does the skin of the hands crack and peel in winter?

  • Anatomical features

    The natural protection of the skin from external adverse factors is provided by the hydrolipidic mantle. This is a thin film of fat and acids on the surface of the epidermis. It turns out that on the skin of the hands, the hydrolipid barrier is very weak, so it is extremely susceptible to the action of frost and wind and quickly loses moisture. Exacerbates the situation even more complete absence fluff hairs and sebaceous glands in this area.

  • Negative effects of frost and wind

    Cold weather is a real stress for our body, and especially for hands, which we do not always have time to hide in gloves or mittens.

    When the temperature drops below zero, special molecules, cytokines, are produced and accumulated in the skin, which increase its sensitivity and make it more vulnerable. In addition, ice microcrystals invisible to the eye during the wind injure the epidermis, and temperature changes slow down the renewal processes. As a result, the skin of the hands becomes drier in winter, it becomes rough, flaky and cracked.

Important: If dryness and flaking of the skin of the hands in winter are joined by such unpleasant symptoms like redness, burning and itchy rashes, be sure to see a dermatologist. This is how an allergy to cold manifests itself, which requires medical treatment!

How to protect your skin in winter?

In order for the hands to remain beautiful and young in cold weather, they should be protected:

  • Warming up:

    Simple but very important rule: Before going outside, do not forget to wear warm gloves or mittens.

  • We prevent the development of dryness and peeling:

    Dry your hands thoroughly with a towel after washing. V in public places steer clear of tumble dryers and wipe your hands with dry wipes instead.

Useful advice: V winter time dry indoor air literally draws moisture from the skin. To moisturize it, it is not necessary to purchase special equipment. It is enough to place a small container with water near the heating source.

  • Protecting the delicate skin of the hands:

    Facilities household chemicals, which we use for cleaning, do not affect in the best way on the condition of the skin of the hands, weakened by the action of frost and cold. They destroy the protective layer of the epidermis, can cause irritation and cracking. To protect it, wear household gloves, preferably cotton-based, before cleaning or washing dishes. So you protect your hands from the action of aggressive substances, prevent the development of dryness and irritation.

  • Take vitamins and drink water:

    In winter, the body's need for vitamins and minerals increases. Deficiency of these substances leads to the fact that the skin of the hands in winter is very flaky and dries. It acquires an unhealthy shade and coarsens, cracks appear on the fingers.

    A course of complex vitamin and mineral preparations will help preserve the beauty and health of the skin of the hands in winter.

    To maintain water balance, drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

  • We select and use cosmetics correctly: Choose those cosmetic products specially designed for skin care. Save on cosmetics is not worth it: give preference to quality products of well-known brands. Now let's dwell on exactly what means are needed to maintain the beauty and health of the hands in the cold season, and how to use them.

How to care for the skin of the hands in winter with the help of cosmetics?

Winter hand care includes 4 mandatory stages: it is cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. Each of them is very important and has its own characteristics.


Hand washing in winter the best option will become a special cosmetic soap. It contains components that nourish and moisturize the skin, and, unlike the usual one, does not dry out the skin:

Wash your hands under warm water: cold water can cause peeling, hot water can cause cracking.

Exfoliating hands in winter

In winter, do not forget about peeling. The procedure removes impurities and dead cells, it prepares the skin for the application of creams and masks and increases their effectiveness. Peeling the skin of the hands in winter is enough to carry out 1-2 times a week.

Give preference soft scrubs. The micro-granules in these products gently cleanse the skin without scratching or damaging it, and plant extracts additionally soften and soothe:

deep hydration

If the hands are already weathered or hardened in the cold and begin to peel off, special cosmetic gloves will help restore their smoothness and tenderness. A special gel impregnation contains natural assets with a moisturizing, healing and rejuvenating effect: ceramides, jojoba oil, lavender oil, aloe vera extract and others.

Active ingredients have a beneficial effect not only on the skin of the hands, but also on the cuticle of the nails: they soften it, prevent the formation of calluses and burrs.

enjoy cosmetic gloves very convenient: you just put them on clean hands for 20-30 minutes daily. For maximum effect they can be left overnight.

Nutrition and protection of the skin of the hands in winter

Complete hand skin care in winter cannot be imagined without special cream. Give preference to products with a rich oily texture.

Beauticians recommend that when using body creams, do not forget about the hands, for this it is great Suitable Cream- body butter "Choco cream-butter" Beauty Style, which not only saturates the skin with moisture, but also makes it more elastic and supple.

If your hands are very dry, carry the cream with you in your purse and use it every time you experience discomfort.

Useful advice: When choosing a cream for hand skin care in winter, pay attention to active ingredients. Effective remedy, which reliably protects and restores the skin, contains:

  • powerful moisturizers - urea, allantoin, glycerin
  • nourishing oils - olive, shea butter, jojoba
  • natural antioxidants - vitamins A, E, F, C

Paraffin therapy for the skin of the hands in winter

Paraffin therapy is a wonderful procedure that will warm your hands in the winter cold, restore their tenderness and velvety, and also give you a pleasant feeling.

Applications cosmetic paraffin easy to do at home:

  1. Warm up the paraffin in a special bath.
  2. Do a peel for deep cleansing and preparation for the procedure.
  3. Apply hand cream to the skin of the hands with massage movements.
  4. Soak brushes 2-3 times in warm paraffin.
  5. Put on protective bags and thermal mittens.
  6. After 20-30 minutes, remove the remaining paraffin along with protective bags.
  7. Apply a nourishing cream to your hands.

For a lasting effect, it is advisable to repeat the procedure every week. Remember, paraffin applications are not shown to everyone. Open wounds, pustules, are a contraindication, and with diabetes and serious illnesses cardiovascular system, you should consult your doctor.

You will find everything you need for paraffin therapy at home on the Constellation of Beauty website:

So let's sum it up:

  • wear warm mittens
  • put on household gloves before cleaning and washing dishes,
  • drink 1.5-2 liters of water every day, take complex vitamin preparations,
  • wash your hands with warm water and special cosmetic soap,
  • apply a protective nourishing cream to the skin of the hands 2-3 times a day,
  • wear makeup at night
  • deep moisturizing gel gloves
  • Once a week, exfoliate the skin of the hands and paraffin therapy.