Making an information stand in the day camp. A selection of materials for decorating a corner of a summer camp

Childhood, childhood, childhood is light and joy

These are songs, this is friendship and dreams.

Childhood, childhood, childhood is rainbow colors,

Childhood, childhood, childhood, it's me and you.

Chorus: All people on the big planet

We must always be friends.

Children must always laugh

And live in a peaceful world!

Children must laugh

Children must laugh

Children must laugh

And live in a peaceful world!

Bright, bright, let only dawns burn,

On a starry night, let the fields sleep peacefully...

Childhood, childhood kindness is not in vain warmed,

Childhood, childhood - tomorrow is your day, Earth!


Childhood, childhood, childhood is a summer evening,

The sail of the sky and the crystal sound of winter.

Childhood, childhood, childhood - it means children,

Children, children, children - that means us!


Director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 32"

___________ / Yu.V. Manyakhin/

"__" __________201 4 y.

1. Pupils of the camp are obliged:

Fulfill the Charter of the camp;

Take good care of the property of the camp;

Respect the honor and dignity of their peers and camp workers;

To comply with the requirements of the camp workers (if the pupils broke glass during the season, broke the camp property), then the parents must compensate for the damage in the manner prescribed by law.

2. Camp pupils can be expelled according to the following reasons:

By committing crimes statutory;

By passing the camp for more than 3 days, without providing medical

health certificates;

At the request of the parents;

For health;

3. Camp pupils are prohibited from:

Drinking alcohol, smoking in the adjacent territory of the camp;

Play gambling;

Leave the camp area;

Swim without the supervision of educators;

Cross the river without the accompaniment of an educator, a leader;

4. The teaching staff of the camp have the right to:

Participate in the management of the camp;

Freedom of choice when using teaching and upbringing methods,

teaching aids and materials;

. medical worker camp controls:

For the quality of products with registration in special magazine:

For the condition of food storage;

For the quality of cooking;

For the correct selection and storage of the daily sample;

For observance of the rules of personal hygiene by employees of the catering department and

dining room attendants;

6. Physical culture and health work in the camp is agreed with the doctor and

provides for the following activities:

Morning exercises;

Physical education in teams, excursions and trips with games on


Sport competitions and activities;

Activities for physical education must correspond

children's age, health status, physical development And

physical training pupils;

7. Parents have the right:

Protect legal rights and interests of children;

Participate in ongoing camp activities;

Render financial assistance camp

Fulfill the Charter of the camp;

8. Head of the camp:

Plans, organizes and controls educational process;

Responsible for the life and health of children and employees;

Carries out the distribution official duties and bears

responsibility for the level of qualification of employees;

Approves staffing;

Represents the institution public organizations;

Responsible for its activities to the founder.

8 30 -9 00

Music sounds: it's time, it's time!

WITH Good morning, kids,

And immediately in order

All the guys to recharge!

9 00 -9 15

Line up quickly!

9 15 -9 45

Everyone at the table! It's time to know

How rich are the chefs!

9 45 -11 30

Work according to plan, socially useful work,

circle work

11 30 -12 45

Who goes where: who is on a hike,

Who is in the flower garden, in the garden!

Light up and get hot

Don't swim in the fast river.

Once the merry hour has come,

Everyone plays here!

12 45 -13 15

Classes on fresh air,

wellness activities,

sports holidays

13 15 -13 45


13 45 -14 30

Interest classes

14 30

And now everyone: "Goodbye!"

Tomorrow we will come again!

Each child who is part of his favorite squad is interested in the success of his squad: the results of sports and creative events, news not only in the squad, but also in the camp, what day of the week it is and what it is called according to the grid plan, who managed and what to distinguish themselves over the past day and what will be interesting. It is this urgent problem - "to find out what and how" - that the detachment and squad corner are called upon to solve. Their meaning is to reflect the activities of the camp (detachment).

It is important to remember that the camp for children has become a temporary home, so it makes sense to decorate it, make it cozy and bright, and for this you need to make a little effort.

1. Body design.

Before the arrival of children (preferably still in the city or in the off-season), you need to prepare the design of the building:

  • a plate with the number of the detachment and the age of the children. It will be useful when receiving children on the day of arrival;
  • welcome posters on the door of the building or hall;
  • hallway decoration;
  • decoration of the doors of the children's rooms, the hall, the counselor's room.

2. Registration of the camp.

It is much more pleasant to walk around the camp, where signs are posted in a funny way on especially important buildings: in the dining room, in the first-aid post, in the shower room and in the concert hall. It is also desirable to make these plates in the city or in the off-season. They can be taken up by substitute counselors or physical education teachers (provided that both of them are fighters of your SPO).

3. Druzhina corner.

It is most often done by substitute counselors, and it is usually hung out in the dining room. The squad corner reflects the theme of the season and contains:

  • season name
  • grid plan,
  • information about the units (name and emblems),
  • names of teaching staff,
  • the names of the head of the camp, some of the staff and doctors,
  • information about success in competitions,
  • cleaning schedule,
  • as well as other headings, depending on the imagination and desire of the counselors.

4. Squad corner.

The detachment corner is designed to: develop the activity of children, diversify knowledge, help in educating good taste, to teach the culture of design, to arouse interest in the life of their team.

The detachment corner is drawn in the first days of the shift - the organizational period. It is important that it is the children who are engaged in the design of the corner, and not the counselors at night. Collaboration children, will rally your squad.

The detachment corner is both a place where the detachment constantly works, and a stand that reflects the life of the detachment. The successes and victories of the detachment, their fantasies, ingenuity, skill are constantly presented here, this is a kind of newspaper, and it is constantly active, lively, and creative.

In various camps and detachments, there are different requirements for the timing of registration of a detachment corner. Maximum term, for which the detachment corner must be completely ready - the fifth day of the season.

The detachment area must contain:

  1. Squad name
  2. Squad motto
  3. List of children
  4. Schedule
  5. Grid plan
  6. Wall of honor, where the achievements of the detachment are located
  1. Plan for the day (today…)
  2. Camp news
  3. Squad song, song of the season
  4. Squad Laws
  5. Headings: I love…, I want…, I like… etc.
  6. List of birthdays and the heading "Congratulations!"
  7. Schedule of circles, libraries, souls, etc.
  8. Squad mail
  9. Duty schedule

The design must correspond to the name of the detachment, the theme of the shift, the age of the children.

The main elements of the detachment corner can also be divided into two types:

  • Static - do not change during the entire shift, contain basic information about your squad:
    • Name
    • Motto
    • Speech
    • List of children
    • Laws of the camp and detachment
    • Schedule
    • squad song
    • Birthday lists
  • Dynamic - supplemented, changed during the shift:
    • Achievements of children during the shift (personal and team): certificates, thanks, etc.
    • Birthday congratulations
    • Activities held in the camp and in the detachment
    • Plan for the day
    • Event mail
    • Purity screen
    • Mood Screen
    • publicity wall
    • Exhibition of drawing competition, congratulations to children on holidays, etc.

Show your imagination, do not look for banal patterns, and then your detachment will truly beautiful corner will surely become the pride of your squad, parts of which the children will want to take with them as a keepsake.

The detachment corner is the face of the detachment. It must surely attract attention and arouse admiration. If you do not know how to draw - it does not matter, the children should do it for you. Bright and light colors should be used, causing positive mood. In no case should you use the main color of the detachment corner black, brown. It is impossible for the detachment corner to contain negative characters (devils, vampires, etc.), weapons. The detachment corner should be kind.

5. Design of games, KTD and events

When conducting detachment or team games or KTD, you may also need registration: props, the name of the KTD, the atmosphere for holding the KTD, etc.

When holding squad events, the places where the stations are held are drawn up, indicating the name of the station, the place where certain stages of the event are held, necessary props and so on. Also, for events on the stage, the back of the stage is necessarily drawn up and the design is done. assembly hall according to the theme of the season or the theme of the event.

6. Awards

The counselors do all this BEFORE the start of the SEASON.

  • medals (you are cool, emoticons, black marks, etc.) - are awarded to the guys for individual achievements
  • diplomas
  • handmade prizes

Honors are:

  1. Drawn
  2. Photocopied - draw or type on a computer and reproduce using a photocopier. If the photocopier is black and white, be sure to color them.
  3. Cocktail - diplomas made up of clippings on the principle of a collage.
  4. Printed on a color printer
  5. Bought in the store.
  6. Made by hand from improvised materials: discs, records, stencil, postcards, etc.

It is desirable that the letters were made by you with your own hands. It's much nicer for kids. If you are deprived artistic ability, use letters made using a copier or a color printer.

All certificates must be neat, bright, suitable for the theme of the event.

Diplomas purchased in the store can be used for awarding at official or serious events (opening, closing, Olympics, Zarnitsa).

7. Suits

For the manufacture of costumes, use all improvised means. It is important that at events where a suit is required, it must be. This is especially true for stage performances.

8. Stationery

The camp administration must supply counselors necessary minimum office, but this minimum is so small that it would be much better to take care of it yourself.

List of necessary things:

  • Whatman
  • A4 sheets (1 pack)
  • Gouache, watercolor
  • Pencils
  • Felt pens, markers
  • Pens
  • Adhesive tape wide, narrow and double-sided
  • Roll of wallpaper
  • Rulers
  • Brushes of various sizes
  • Scissors (the more the better, otherwise they always run away somewhere)
  • colored paper
  • colored cardboard
  • Buttons, paper clips, stapler
  • notebooks
  • Notebook
  • Unnecessary magazines
  • old postcards
  • Coloring pages, etc.

In the camp, you may need any little thing, but do not overdo it when packing - everything is interchangeable! Fantasy all the way!!!

Camp decoration

Undoubtedly, in addition to the legal framework, a well-developed work plan, it is also necessary to have visual materials.

The goal of the entire teaching staff is to create an environment in which children not only have an interesting and useful time, but also enjoy being within the walls of the institution. To do this, each teaching staff proceeds from its own capabilities, but work on the design of the camp begins a few days before its opening and continues throughout the shift.

Perhaps the most important thing in the work of the pedagogical and children's teams is the preservation of life and health. That's why:

1. Life Safety Corner includes:

- rules of conduct in the camp;

- a reminder for parents;

– the main causes of child road traffic injuries;

– safe routes to the camp and back home;

– alarms and actions in case of emergency evacuation from the building;

– danger of handling explosive objects;

– actions on the street in an extreme situation;

2. Corner of the camp government(includes surnames, names of children, their duties; work plan, etc.).

3. Corner for sports and health work(You can call it “Sports Achievement Screen”, “On the sports wave”).

It reflects all the information in this direction - about the upcoming competitions, the names of the winners, congratulations, etc.

In the design of the camp, you can also include birthday greetings, achievements in all creative competitions, photographs, announcements, etc.

Formation of detachments

There is a huge field of activity here, both for the pupils of the camp, and for educators, counselors. It is necessary to give free rein to children in invention and creativity, and you can be sure that the detachment rooms will look bright and unusual. It is advisable to move away from the standard names and replace them with brighter ones, but similar in meaning. For example, the children's self-government body should be called "Council of Elders", the name of the creative workshop "Merry Note" should be replaced with "Music Hut", etc.

We offer possible headings for the detachment corner:


    Plan for the shift (“Plan-grid”; “Not yet evening”; “Not a day without an order”; “Merry summer paths”; “Our strategy”; “Breakfast”, etc.).

    Today (“Today by our fire”; “Day until evening is boring, if there is nothing to do”; “And today we have ...”; “Today”).

    Congratulations ("Hip-hip, cheers!!!"; "Maestro, music!"; "Kiss on the cheek").

    Sports ("From start to finish"; "Just in the ring!"; "Our hundred meters"; "To spite the records"; "Physical training").

    List of the detachment ("Meet us, it's us!"; "Bah, all the familiar faces!").

    Over the hillock ("In other detachments"; "Over the mountains, behind the valleys"; "And at this time at the neighbors").

    Our song (“And we sing ...”; “Come on, sing a song to us, cheerful wind”; “Musical gramophone”).

    Our achievements (“The country must know its heroes”; “Our ups and downs”).

    Let's get it.

    All sorts of things (“And you know that everything is different ...”).

    Very important information ("Soon in the detachment"; "What they write in the newspapers").

    Our mood ("Mood Tree").

    Book of complaints and suggestions ("Barrel of complaints and suggestions"; "Lake of trust"; "Squad mail").

    The laws of the detachment (“Everyone must know this for sure at “five”).

You can congratulate children not only on their birthday or on victory, but also ...

- all of us with the fact that we came to the camp today!

- all of us with the fact that the educators are kind today (use your chance);

- all-all-all with a well-lived week in the camp!

- all those to whom the weather was favorable in the morning and allowed not to visit the all-camp event so beloved by everyone, called exercise!

- with the first rain in the camp;

- all of us, loved ones!

Happy last week at camp everyone!

– lovers of diving and swimming with the opening of the swimming season!

– all lovers of food with the latest breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea!

- everyone who was invited to the dance today!

Master Class:

"Decoration of wall newspapers in the camp day stay»

Everyone Have a good day!

Let's create and make our life brighter and more colorful!

I want to invite you to arrange a detachment corner with your own hands in a summer day camp. I will tell you how to make a poster that can decorate a detachment place, an all-camp stand.

You will need: paper sheet (A-1), gouache, brushes, jars of water, glue, marker, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, self-adhesive, etc. It is important to remember that design is an applied work, and therefore it is important to stock up on the necessary art materials.

You can, of course, write lists, draw graphs and fix it all on the tablet. But how boring is this...

In the detachment corner, in addition to the name, the following can be placed: motto, chants, songs, commandments, list of the detachment, ticket of the day, congratulations (to birthdays or winners of any competitions, competitions).

I offer possible headings for the detachment corner:

    Plan for a shift (“Plan-grid”; “It’s not evening yet”; “Not a day without an order”; “Merry paths of summer”; “Our strategy).

    Today (“Today at our fire”; “Day until evening is boring, if there is nothing to do”; “And today we have ...”).

    Congratulations (“Hip-hip, hurrah!!!”; “Maestro, music!”; “Kiss on the cheek”).

    Sport (“From start to finish”; “Just in the ring!”; “Our hundred-meter race”; “To spite the records”).

    Squad List ("Meet us, it's us!"; "Bah, all the faces are familiar!").

    our song (“And we sing ...”; “Come on, sing a song to us, cheerful wind”; “Musical gramophone”).

    Our achievements (“The country must know its heroes”; “Our ups and downs”).

    all sorts of things (“And you know that everything is different ...”).

    Very important information ("Soon in the detachment"; "What they write in the newspapers").

    Our mood ("Mood tree").

    Book of complaints and suggestions ("Barrel of complaints and suggestions"; "Lake of trust"; "Squad mail").

    Squad Laws (“Everyone should know this for sure by five”).

Based on the name of the detachment, we will arrange a detachment corner so that it attracts the attention of others with its unusual, bright, interesting look.

Headings, titles, texts - they should be literate, interesting in content, but it should be remembered that everyone who reads them is also influenced by the way they are written. Color and font - that's what plays an important role.

The letters can be multi-colored, striped, polka-dotted, flowered, etc. The font in which the text is written must correspond to the nature of the content. (view samples)

"Design of the detachment corner"

    It is best to draw a detachment corner on a piece of drawing paper (A-1).

    Let's choose the name of the detachment corner. I propose to choose a name for the junior detachment "Sunshine".

    If the squad is called "Sun", then it is necessary to draw a cheerful Sun on the poster. (Show the image of the sun).

    The drawing is ready, now let's write the title using the font. Let me remind you that the text must correspond to the nature of the content. Let's look at the picture - this is the sun, which means that the letters can be multi-colored, polka-dotted, flowered, etc..


    Let's add a motto, a slogan and a song of the detachment to the detachment corner. We can use a freehand font. In order for the font to be even, we use additional stripes(they can be even, wave, wider at one end, etc.).

WITH O l n s sh To O

Meet us!

1. Kikina Yana

2. Andrey Kuznetsov

3. Lifanova Maria

4. Lipatova Tatiana

5. Moiseeva Margarita


    The most important thing in the design of the detachment corner is, of course, headings. For our corner, I propose the following headings: “Meet us!”, “The country should know its heroes”, “Soon in the detachment”, “The laws of the detachment”, “Today by our fire”, “Kiss on the cheek”. Each heading is designed in a square, rectangle, oval, it can be in the form of a flower, sun, butterfly, etc. Freehand font. (Showing different rubrics).

We've got this poster! Which will decorate the detachment corner in the camp shift.

Thus, summer is a period favorable for the development of the child’s physical and spiritual strength, the formation of his valuable personal qualities, for the manifestation of creativity and independence in actions, the choice and evaluation of his actions. Designing detachment corners in a summer camp is an exciting and educational educational activity that unites all participants. pedagogical process during the vacation period.

"Team Corners"

Making a squad plan-grid in a school summer camp.

Author: Koshevaya Oksana Nikolaevna, teacher primary school MOU "School No. 97 of Donetsk", Donetsk People's Republic
Purpose: in order to make it interesting for children to get acquainted with the things that await them during the camp shift, I suggest original design plan-grid of detachment affairs. The presented materials may be of interest to primary school teachers, counselors, educators of school and country summer camps.
Target: show how you can unusually approach the design of the content of the work of the detachment.
Tasks: prepare the detachment's premises for the camp shift; evoke an emotional response in children and their parents; develop fantasy, imagination, Creative skills children.
Summer silence came to school. But in camps - especially urban ones - and at school recreational sites, hundreds of children spend their holidays, waiting for some of the camp shifts, some of them to go to the resort with their parents.
Here, educators are constantly looking for what and how to occupy their wards so that they spend free time with benefit, so that this pastime for the guys would not be sadly viscous, but festively varied, exciting and truly sensible.
Summer is a time of great and serious worries for all of us who will work with students during the holidays.
Plan-grid- this is the compact content of the work of the detachment for the shift. He is internal normative document that determines and regulates the life of the detachment. It reflects the main events and affairs of the day, which should harmoniously fit in and complement the general camp plan. Regime moments they are not fixed there, for this there is a daily routine.
For many years I have been working as an educator at the school summer health camp "Veterok" at the MOU "School No. 97 in Donetsk".
The question always arises: “how to make children feel comfortable, how to change the usual classroom
The grid plan is an integral part of the design of the detachment.
Agree, the banal table, with the listed detachment cases, in my opinion, has lost its appeal. I wanted to make a difference.
It turned out or not, you be the judge.
Preparation for work begins in May, when the guys and I choose the name of the detachment, the motto, and discuss events.
Based on the name of the detachment, we plan the design of the plan.
I always try to involve my parents in my work. They assist in the production of costume elements that reflect the name of the unit and distinguish my children from others.
In the detachment corner, we must place the sections: “Meet me - it's me!”, “My interests”, “We know this” (safety regulations).
The shape of the grid plan should be unusual, since the perception of children is different from that of adults. The main thing is that it should be interesting, attractive for children, both in appearance and content.
I bring to your attention several design options.
Let's break off all the hooks - we are cool worms!

We are Indians, the best

We are succeeding!

Detachment"Golden Pens"
Our motto is four words:
"Golden Hands" is cool!

Do not get bored yourself
Don't let others get bored!

More business less words
Just like that with ants!

Freckled and snub-nosed
Never hang your nose!

Once hit the sunflowers -
Don't give up, the enemy has hit!

Bees - Friendly family!
That's what we're called for a reason...
Both in fun and at work
We buzz on a good note!!

Keep everyone together, so as not to blow away.

Detachment"The Bears"
Through like bears
We boldly move to victory!

Dear colleagues Of course, there are many options for designing a grid plan, it all depends on your imagination, imagination and creativity.
I will be glad if you are interested in this material.