How to become a soft and tender woman. How to develop women's energy. Personal care

Many representatives beautiful half Societies are confident that men choose women on such qualities as beauty, mind and financial position. In fact, it is not at all important for them, since it is often possible to see not such an attractive girl surrounded by men. All this, because such girls can be soft, gentle and feminine. Most necessarily possess beautiful appearance And a subtle mind to fight men. In fact, it is enough to behave like true womanwho is confident in himself and knows what he wants from life.

So, the whole thing is in femininity. But how to feminineif such science is not taught at school? It is worth understanding for yourself that learn to femininity is never late. Before starting to get perfect woman, It should be determined for yourself the goals that are most important at the moment. Someone may wish, another woman wants to establish relations in their family, and the third just dreams of being a softer and caring mother. Once the goal is determined, you should move in its direction, developing only the necessary aspects of femininity.

What can I learn on the way to femininity?

When a girl decides to become feminine and starts to take steps in the right direction, it can reveal many possibilities of their nature, which did not suspect before. The first discovery will be the emergence of communicative skills. First of all, femininity is associated with charm, thanks to which it is easy to find mutual language with anyone. This quality is very important for any modern woman. It will help not only learn to communicate with unfamiliar people and make friends, but also provide career opportunities.

On the way to femininity, the girl will undoubtedly open wisdom female start. A kind of piggy bank of wisdom of millions of women will open in front of the lady. All you need to know and follow every woman, from appearance before and behavior will be available and understandable for it. Femininity is not a momentary quality, but daily work. Nature gave all women a unique appearance, and its well-groomed and beauty depends only from her.

In addition to the communicative skills and the discovery of beauty secrets, the girl will be able to learn how to manage their body. This is a very important point in the acquisition of femininity, as a beautiful gait, a straight back and smooth movements are proud of every girl. Such techniques can be learned by studying yoga, ballet, oriental or Latin American dances, also useful. Talk about femininity should not only face, but also the body, since only it does not know how to lie.

When a girl will strive for femininity, she will have to learn to prevent himself. To do this, you need to do a lot of work. First, the girl should determine which type of femininity is suitable for her. It can be a modest, liberated or graceful nature. When the type is defined, you can begin to build a certain image that will be composed of clothes, shoes, accessories and makeup. Also, do not forget about certain behavior in society and communication, which fits the selected nature.

How to become feminine for your beloved man? To be softer!

If the girl wants to be feminine to be more desirable and beloved for his man, then it's worth finding one important quality - Softness. For each man, a woman is an personification, warmth, good and care. All this is because they saw this quality from their mothers, so they seek him on their chosen. All men like softness in everything, ranging from gestures and voices and ending with actions and look. You can begin to strive for softness from the most simple, for example, wearing clothes from very soft and pleasant to the touch of fabrics.

It is very important on the way to the softness to listen to myself, what the voice says. If the young lady hears in his voice overtakes, anger or stress and should be replaced by softer and pleasant notes. You need to try to control yourself in a conversation not only with your beloved man, but also with familiar and loved ones. It is necessary to say in moderation quietly, measured and calmly. In a conversation with the second half you can use sweet wordsBut it is also affectionately to pronounce them.

Softness is very much manifested in sight and face. Of course, it is extremely difficult to keep this softness when fatigue and irritation are put on the girl. But if you train and force yourself to smile every day, be affectionate and try to keep soft in sight. This practice will not pass just so, but will leave pleasant and gentle features on the face.

Appearance, too, can manifest the softness of a woman. Men prefer women with rounded silhouettes, as they are softer, and not angular. You should not wear strict haircuts and sharp shoulders, especially since they are now not in fashion. You need to walk only with a straight back, making your gait more air, light and slow. So not only surrounding, but the lady's herself will feel more confident, attractive and will be very easy.

Frequent meetings with well-groomed girlfriends - the pledge of femininity.

If the girl still worries the question of how to become feminine, then she will certainly occupy with their girlfriends. Of course, girlfriends should be an example for any woman, otherwise it will seek nowhere. You should select girlfriends who possess feminine qualities. All men take an example from their friends, adopting various habits, thinking and manner of behavior. Therefore, girls also need to spend more time in the company of each other and adopt useful qualities.

Femininity is a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

In addition to emotional I. psychological moments It is very important not to forget about the outer shell. The desire to be well-groomed is distinctive trait women. It should not be said that there is absolutely no time for care. For this process must be allocated sufficient number time I. moneySince care requires some costs.

If it is possible, then you need to regularly visit the beauty salons, where professionals will take care of the body, face, hair and nails. You can care for yourself and at home without spending large sums. You also do not need to forget to wear skirts and dresses, since they make the appearance more feminine. Applying all the above tips, each girl will certainly become more feminine and can conquer men's hearts And be confident. It was then that the question is how to become a gentle and feminine, drove in the fly!

I want to attract the views of the people around others? Become feminine and feel truly irresistible? If so, then read the tips and change yourself.

May be beautiful woman from nature, you can create with your own hands fashionable imageBut at the same time not to be feminine. And it happens that externally not a catchy lady with enviable constancy causes male interestAnd they usually say about it: "She is very feminine."

It is necessary to think about what is invested in this concept, how to ensure femininity of your own image, and is it achievable at all.

What is femininity

The very concept comes from men. It is their eyes that the image of a weak half of humanity is assessed and how closely it is close to the ideal.

Men see if in a woman tenderness, sensitivity and fragility, whether it is capable of sincerity and loyalty, as far as it is weak. Listed qualities and constitute the concept of femininity.

Such a girl calls in men an irresistible desire to protect and defend it, helping her every way and constantly take care. Next to such a woman, a man feels strong, necessary and able to minim.

It is important to know that femininity is internal and external.

The external manifestations include:

  1. Figure. The girl should always follow its nutrition, play sports to have tighted figure. No need to strive for thin or focus on models. Another feminine is the figure resembling the silhouette of an hourglass.
  2. Hair. Men's psychology has long defined that the hair of a woman should be long. At the same time appreciates them well-groomed species, healthy shine and natural color. A girl with a short haircut will be perceived by men just like "his boyfriend".
  3. Makeup. Attractive in the eyes of men looks like a woman with natural, neat makeup. Aggressive "combat" coloring page on the face of the girl produces repulsive impression.
  4. Clothing style. To create a feminine image, dresses, skirts, flowing materials, shoes on heels are intended. In clothes you need to stick with watercolor color, patterns in the form of peas, colors and plants.

Internal femininity:

  1. Emotionic. Independence and sensitivity are precisely those qualities in communicating with a man, the presence of which in women, they consider mandatory.
  2. Openness. Clear look And the smile on the lips show that their owner is open to communication, she can tell his secrets and feelings.
  3. Ability to empathize. Sympathy and ability to listen to the interlocutor make a girl attractive in the eyes of a man.

What to do to become a tender and elegant girl

Having understood with what femininity is, you can safely begin to reincarnate and create your own unique appearance of the desired girl.

This process will consist of three stages: you have to take care of yourself, adjust your style and reconsider behavior.

Personal care

Shining skin

To make skin attractive view, do not forget to take care of her. Wash two times a day and wipe your face with lotion or milk. Washing is important because it helps to prevent the appearance of completely non-psychic acne on the face.

If at 14 or 15, their occurrence is due to a hormonal splash, then in more adulthood This is explained by violation of personal hygiene rules. Mud and remnants of makeup, mixing with a secret song hardware Skin, cause pore inflammation, so jump acne.

In the morning and at night, apply cream on your face that suits your skin type.

Remember that one of the main perieper of the skin of the face is sunlight. The cream with a sunscreen should be your regular satellites.

Do not forget about the skin of the body. After taking the soul, be sure to use moisturizing cream or milk for the body. Your skin will be soft, tender and velvety

Impeccable Makeup

For elegant Makeup Be sure to need tonal baseAligning and emphasizing the beauty of the natural color of your face.

Day Makeup, made with shadows pastel shades, carcasses for eyelashes and bliss pink colour, Make your appearance flawless.

When applying makeup, you need to be neat and know the measure. Use cosmetic sponge when applying tonal cream And fasten the makeup made by light swords of the guns with a powder.

Silk gloss hair

Hair washing frequency depends on their type. The main requirement - hair should look shiny (and not fat), healthy and well-groomed:

Gentle handles and legs

A woman cannot be called well-groomed if she does not follow the condition of the hands and legs. Treat yourself to manicure and pedicure. In the beauty salon, all procedures for transforming you in a real lady will make professionals.

But if there is no such possibility, then put your nails in order, feeding them with the help of a file and removing the cuticle. Take advantage of hand cream, and the skin will become moisturized and smooth.

Using a foot bath and a rigid brush, take care of the heels and soften the leg cream.

No less attention to the nail polish. To begin with, choose gentle, natural colors, for example, light shades Pink, beige, lilac or blue.


Style is something that should give Sharma to a woman and unable to decorate it. The concept of style includes the manner of dressing, apply makeup, the ability to behave and even the choice of perfume.

Style in clothing implies dresses and skirts, blouses, and jeans and shoes without heels will be inappropriate.

Women who do not use cosmetics and perfumery is hard to achieve a feminine appearance. It is important to emphasize your natural beauty and present it in a favorable light.

In the creation of style great importance Have decorations and accessories. Earrings, beads, bracelets will decorate the bends of the neck and hands, they will add a charm to any image. Beautifully tied scarf or cervical, the original handbag or clutch is able to transform a casual, boring view.

Do not regret the time and strength to become a stylish and graceful woman.


  • Be charming and cute.
  • Become a good interlocutor.
  • Purchase good manners.
  • Get rid of sharpness, factories and aggressiveness in your behavior.
  • Take yourself by self-development, expand the circle of your communication.

Feminine behavior does not accept self-love and overestimated self-esteem.
Be tolerant even to the one you consider a loser, because every person is worthy of a chance.

Do not gossip and restrain your promises. Pupil girl It will never be in front and always keeps himself in her hands.

How to become feminine

To become feminine, it is necessary to start to make the most important thing - to love and take yourself.

Accept yourself

Woman allowed a lot. It may be weak and fragile, and maybe sexual and beloved. A woman can be bold and bright, and maybe mysterious and seductive.

The main thing is that you need to remember - do not lose yourself and your style. Do not let anyone make fun or evil criticize. You are as it is. You are unique and unique.

Do not allow yourself to redo or manipulate yourself. Do you think it is very difficult? No, if you love yourself.

If you doubt your abilities, then try autotraining. It is not necessary to underestimate it or relate skeptically. Just remember and repeat one phrase: "I am feminine and beautiful"!

Appreciate and develop in yourself what nature awarded you. Be glad to your personal charm and charm, the ability to communicate with people, individual beauty.

Love to care for yourself

To be feminine, you need to constantly work on yourself and, more importantly, you love to do it.

Must become a habit:

  1. Get up early.
  2. Give time to bring your appearance Before Perfection: Take a shower, impose makeup, make the laying, pick up the outfit, shoes and accessories. Do not regret the time for yourself, loved.
  3. Follow your health. Special attention Put the state of the teeth. It is from them that your dazzling smile depends.
  4. Do sport. Choose the kind of sport that you like and your figure will become thinner, and movement - softer. Proper nutrition, Fossious sports will definitely make a girl confident.

Relieve good manners

Try to be graceful:

  • Sharp and clumsy movements do not adorn the girl and do not add femininity.
  • Shoulders must be straight, keep your head raised.
  • Do not slouch and hurt. Sit smooth on the chair.
  • Move smoothly and gently, gait be leisurely and like flying.

Pay attention to how you behave at the table:

  • Do not bite too large pieces and do not hurry when chewing.
  • Remember the small rule - bitten, counted in the mind until 20, swallowed.
  • Beware of taking that food that can be blocked or sticking.

Review the wardrobe

Change through your appearance is natural for every woman. A new skirt or shoes appears in the wardrobe, and immediately changing the internally state of the woman, the mood rises.

  1. For creating feminine gardened You will need dresses and skirts, blouses and blouses.
  2. Everything must be made of lung, flowing material. It can be gentle silk, noble velvet, smooth atlas, transparent chiffon and, of course, lace, guipure.
  3. Stick in the clothes of soft, pastel tones.
  4. AT festive outfit The presence of a decal and open shoulders. A mini-skirt to create a feminine image is not suitable, as it has a causing appearance.
  5. And do not forget about the beautiful underwear. He is not visible to others, but for your inner attitude and self-confidence, it is indispensable.

Self-development and self-education

  1. Constantly interest something new. If you visit an educational institution, then concentrate on learning. Become more organized, make order in your training materials.
  2. If you work, try to attend courses Advanced training, read additional business literature. Integet to professional innovations and achievements.
  3. Visit psychological trainingsBy choosing the direction that most of you worries.
  4. Find a hobby.
  5. Most importantly - Read more books. It is books, not magazines and newspapers. The classic works of great writers will open with you exquisite, refined taste and expand the horizons.

Develop communicativeness

  1. Communicate and spend more time with other women.
  2. In communication with people show sincere interest And goodwill.
  3. Hello to listen to the interlocutor and express empathy to those who have said.
  4. Communicating, be cute and generous.
  5. Learn beautiful and well talk. Proper speech is great art.
  6. Read the literature dedicated to rhetoric and developing oratory.

Follow the speech

The feminine girl never allows himself a swagany and scream. A loud voice and an increased tone of the conversation is not at all attractive and definitely not feminine.


Become a bright, happy and cheerful person. Do not laugh constantly, you can find not quite a healthy mentally.

Give your smile and good mood to other people. Do not perceive yourself too serious.

Smile and charming surrounding. Let everyone around be good from your positive.

  • love yourself and trust in soy of power;
  • show respect for others;
  • do not quarrel and do not argue, especially with men;
  • with pleasure, communicate with people;
  • review your behavior and speech;
  • find yourself interesting hobby, hobby;
  • constantly work on yourself and develop;
  • exclude the negative from their thoughts;
  • be satisfied with yourself and your life.

Video: Concept and development

In our modern world Many girls seek career Growth and independence. At the same time, they at all forget about what a woman should be, what it attracts attention, causes sympathy. Because of this, men in many girls see just a colleague or a friend who feels themselves to be equal. Although the main goal of a fair sex is a family and woman's happiness. Each girl should always be beloved. After all, your favorite woman is a happy lady.

How to be? How to become feminine? After all, it is this quality that distinguishes girls from men. Since childhood, in every girl laid femininity, but unfortunately, not all of her in their future develop.

It happens that this quality has not yet been inherent in the girlfriend. And in this case, it will be wondering sooner or later: now we'll figure it out. I would like to immediately note that at any time you can achieve the goal. AT this case Age does not have absolutely no meaning.

The first rule

So how to become feminine and desirable? To turn into such a lady you you should develop confidence in your attractiveness. Do not fully trust the opinions of the people who surround you, because all their assessments are subjective and may depend on different negative emotions. The one who wants you to like will be flattered by showering you with compliments. If you envy you, then critical comments can be told to develop complexes in you and destroy self-confidence.

And who then rely on? Of course, only on yourself. So, how to become feminine and confident?

Go to the mirror And tell me how beautiful you are, graceful, miles and irresistible. After you appreciate your pros and cons, convince yourself that the first is much more than the latter. After that, go to the transformation of deficiencies in dignity. To do this, it is advantageous to emphasize the best sides.

After the perfect image is created, you yourself say that in front of you feminine and woman welcome. Now it remains for small: you just need to remember this and do not cease to feel so beautiful what you are. Do not try to imitate anyone, because this is an incorrect path that will not lead to anything good. Create your own individual imagewhich will reflect your character traits, emotions and disclose nature as a whole.

Second rule

Femininity is expressed not only in costume and appearance, but also in gait, behavior and ability to present themselves. If the girl's manners do not match the stereotypes about real ladythen even the most exquisite outfit It will be stupid to look at it. Inability to maintain the conversation and communicate in general will lead to loss of interest from men.

So, how to become a woman who can safely name Lady? Be sure to follow the gait. It should be soaring, graceful. The movements of the thighs should simply endure representatives of the strong floor. Sutulya and clamped girl is unlikely to cause interest in men. The gait is necessary to drag daily, watching a smooth back, freely straightened shoulders. The head, of course, should be highlighted.

The present lady of movement is always smooth, soft and graceful. Therefore, refuse to rush and bustle. Do everything elegantly and leisurely, avoid rudeness and, of course, cruelty. Teach yourself to be feminine in any situation.

Always follow the rules of etiquette, stick to a certain framework, both at home and at work, expand your horizons, interest different topicsSo that you can always support the conversation, becoming a good interlocutor in any society. Develop natural femininity.

Third Rule

How to become feminine and welcome? Correct your wardrobe. If for the most part clothes and shoes prevail in your closet sport style, then you need to urgently go to the store for things that emphasize your femininity. remember, that perfect outfit For these purposes - dress. Simone, cutting and material can be any. The main thing is that you feel comfortable.

Also in the wardrobe must be skirts that benefit from the figure. A good option - pencil skirt. This model narrows the waist and highlights the thigh, it also helps to develop a graceful gait. Remember, of course, about the neckline. It will definitely give you confidence. I would also like to touch on the topic of shoes. You must certainly be shoes on the height. They will make your legs slimmer and longer.

Fourth Rule

What does a desirable woman look like? Her image is thought out to the smallest detail. therefore don't forget about underwear. Of course, surrounding unlikely to know what is under your suit or dress, but in openwork linen, the girl feels sexier, and hence more confident. If you often wear tights, then change them to stockings. Gray things should also be forgotten, it is better to choose a dress of calm tones without ornaments. AT beautiful outfit And in stockings you yourself will feel like in a matter of minutes you will significantly increase self-esteem. Take care that such a feeling of femininity does not leave you anywhere and never.

Fifth rule

How to become feminine and well-groomed woman? Be always exquisite, no matter where you are. Change the stretched robe on a beautiful elegant dress made of soft material. Divided slippers change to shoes. It is also not necessary to roam through the house with masks on the face and in the curlers - such an attribute is appropriate only in the bathroom.

Sixth rule

How to become feminine and welcome? You need to become weak and defenseless. In our modern world, the girls are independent and independent. But you should not be afraid to seem weak before a man, asking him for help. So you give him the opportunity to feel strong and necessary, thanks to which your partner will be more confident. Women make a mistake, imposing all duties, not leaving nothing to men. Soon representatives strong Halves Humanity will simply be accustomed to this provision of things. And even when the girl really needs male help, the guy will think that it is in principle and herself will cope. Therefore, the family should be the main man, he remains the right to make important decisions. After freeing yourself from unnecessary duties, you're still on one chaguant approach femininity, as anyone will take care of you. And the free time you can spend on caring for yourself or self-development.

Now you know how to become a feminine and well-groomed woman. Following our simple adviceYou can become gentle and really happy.

Well, if there are few of these rules for you, "Catch" more than 70 ways to become feminine, choose:

1. Massage. According to the Vedas, the female body simply needs touch. Our body needs to smooth, knead. Otherwise, energy is stirred. Puts on the body from the inside. And raises ailment.

2. Visiting a hairdresser. Pretty haircut - This is not just a way to raise yourself a mood. Hair for a woman and a woman is a reflection of her thoughts. Therefore, in India, where Vedic knowledge is very popular, such a value of the female hairstyle is attached.

3. Manicurebeautiful hands I want to kiss! So they say men. This item tried me myself and a few of my girlfriends. After a manicure with red varnish, the attention of her husbands, loved ones and just men rose.

4. Communication with other women - Mutual energy exchange is very strengthening women. A man needs silence for awareness of himself. A woman best understands his experiences in communicating with girlfriends.

5. Long conversations and conversations - on the same phone is not a waste of time. This is the very splash of energy that a woman needs. If the words do the words in a woman, then she will probably spill them on a man. And this is not the best way.

6. Walk. A woman just needs to go out at least once a day. Despite the fact that we are the keeper of the hearth, the connection with nature is very important!

7. Music. Listen to music you need daily. Meditative, classic. Take yourself for the habit of including music, for example, a cup of tea.

8. Refuse complex topics For reflection and negotiations. Yes, a woman is useful to be frivolous and think about trifles. The role of "girls" gives invincible youth. Especially this item is important for a business woman. Try to leave things at work and do not bring them to the house.

9. Bath with rose petals, oils - This is not a pellement, but the need! Giving such a little to your body, yourself, you will be surprised by your own radiance and excellent mood.

10. Meditation, like any relaxing practices, raise the level of female strength. Meditate need at least once a day before bedtime. Very useful meditation in nature.

11. Take vocala lessons- singing cleans the throat chakra. And we no longer want to swear, to rivets men. In Sparta in antiquity, one of the compliments for the woman was the words "she like a song".

12. Visiting stores - shopping - Not just a way to look after new things. Learn to go shopping, even if there is no money. Sample things. Enjoy your beauty. And remember - the female energy is so strong that sometimes enough to see, touch the thing so that she moved to the Vwash wardrobe. And the money on it is like "from nowhere."

13. Visiting a psychologist - But a woman is sure. Wise experienced woman Can help you look at the situation otherwise. And understand it. Wisdom is transferred from senior women. For the same reason, it is useful to communicate with your own grandmother, great-grandmother.

14. Dancing - in any form - it excellent thing To enhance female strength and sexuality. Especially good Arab dancing, Latina.

16. Regular girlfriends with girlfriends - choosing together in public place you create a strong background female power. And exchange the missing qualities with each other.

17. Care for flowers - a small garden of the house and digging in the garden - it additional way stock female energy. Flowering, growth is all the reflection of female energy.

18. To communicate with married friends - it is very important for those who want to marry.

19. Help - To assist someone or ask for help. All this enhances a woman. Learn to refuse the principle of "I myself". Because it is typical for a man principle.

20. Visit bookstore - Surprisingly, but the walks among books are very inspiring a woman. Try to devote to this lesson at least a couple of hours a week. Woman is a keeper of knowledge. And books are a source of knowledge.

21. Ask for help from a man - Any manifestation of care makes us feminine. Spend an experiment and ask the stranger to help you convey a bag. Mood will rise 100%!

22. Reading - Read good bookwhich have long bought and put on the shelf. Especially useful to read stories about people's lives. Studying fates, better understand yourself.

23. Divide with someone duties around the house - Thoughts that without you everything "mold tarnish" is a way to reduce its women's energy. Boldly trust some cases close. And the released time will give yourself!

24. Cooking - Everything that concerns cooking is significantly raising the level of female energy. A woman is a hostess who knows how to feed and drink. Do not be prepared - learn. Know how to increase your skills. Collect some country kitchen.

25. House - This is not just an apartment in which we live. With a house with a woman's powerful energy Communication. Therefore, we are so annoying a cream door or leaking faucet. For a woman, this is not just shortcomings. Women's energy flows through such holes. But just in such trifles sometimes the man does not disturb the man. Why? A man thinks largely: "That will be an unsuitable tile in the bathroom, then we will do a new one. What Ten times smeared the walls! " It is sometimes easier to hire a person who will fix small shortcomings. Just do not forget to tell my husband that you did it, realizing that he was very busy. And not because his hands grow not from that place. Men's self-esteem is very vulnerable.

26. Planning - Any incompleteness and doubt destroy the woman. A clear plan is a way to maintain your energy. Learn to plan trivia, then proceed to planning for several months and even years of life. What would you choose to do tomorrow night?

27. Solemn lunch or candles dinner, beautiful tablecloth and sophisticated dishes. It turns out that all this we do is even more for yourself, although we want to raise the tone of your loved one. Implement such magical moments into life. Rejoice yourself and loved ones.

28. Training, raising children - Communicating with children Woman can raise the level of its energy. For this reason, sometimes you should not give up games with children. And even better teach children what you know: drawing, singing, dancing ...

30. Make a picnic in nature - Mandatory friends. Several things are combined here that raise the level of female energy: union, in nature, cooking.

31. Makeup and care for themselves - this is not a way to please a man, but to deliver joy to yourself. Therefore, being at home, it is important to do the hairstyles, wearing outfits and look good.

32. Give yourself flowers - One very simple ways Increase energy. Flowers not only adorn the woman, but also instantly remove the negative, taking it against himself. So if you are sad, do not rush to cry in the pillow. Buy a bouquet of flowers.

33. Wear skirts - Such clothes restores contact with the energy of the genus on the female line. There is a rule - do not wear the trousers on the first 7 (!) Dates. In the event that you want to really charm a man. It has been established that constant wearing trousers negatively affects women's organs.

34. Club of young moms - if you have small childBe sure to communicate with the same moms. This is not only an exchange of experience, but also the exchange of energy. Maternity personifies the moon. And the lunar energy is a female energy.

35. Caring for children - Do not deny help married friend Play with a child. Any manifestation of caring for a woman is the way to strength. The main thing is not to consider as a child a man.

36. Feed in need - mercy - This is the quality that enhances the lunar energy. Not necessarily help everyone. Surely there is a person whom you can easily please with a pleasant trifle. Buy a lonely neighbor fruit. Do not deny the cup of tea with a guest to you.

37. Communication - A woman is difficult to do without contact with other people. In conversations, we draw energy. It is only important to ensure that the information transmitted by you is not gossip and other negative.

38. Romantic cinema - Agree with my girlfriend and see together the melodrama. Any love film is a useful pastime for a woman. But it is better to do this in the company of other women.

39. The study new culture - contributes to the expansion of the worldview and allows the woman to not close inner world. Women's energy is committed to expansion. No need to narrow it artificially.

40. Sources of water - rest on the river, lake, by the sea - This is a great way to raise the level of its energy. Water is the basis of the sexuality of a woman and its ability to be harmonious, adapting to circumstances or, on the contrary, violent. In the ancient Greek temples, young priests have been taught to swim and communicate with water elements.

- If you felt the strength of strength, start to master the new kind Sports. It may be not only a new look of fitness, but also just a morning jog. Dancing are very helpful! Great way Recover if you are ranked after parting with a partner.

42. Dresses. Nice dress - This is one of the ways to raise the level of its energy. By the way, in order to unfold, not necessarily go somewhere. Wear beautiful clothes At home.

43. Disassemble the ruins - old things, garbage and trash weaken the energy of a woman. If in life has come difficult period, It's time to disassemble the ruins.

44. Healthy image Life - Is it worth saying that bad habits negatively affect women's energy and beauty. There may be a bad habit of smoking, but also the habit late to go to bed, gloom or lazy.

45. Poetry - reading poems Helps to reveal the romantic side of his "I". Feel free to write your poems. The energy splashed on paper will save you from experiences. A handsome syllable teaches to speak beautifully and think correctly.

46. Feed birds, animals - A very simple way to raise the level of its energy. Build a trough for birds under the window. Get canary. This bird helps a happy marriage.

47. Visit the Museum or Exhibition - Everything beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.

48. Communication with the teacher - go to the lecture of your favorite author, visit the training. Books give knowledge. It is indisputable. But when meeting with the teacher, we are rechargeable from human energy.

49. Enter the diary - record your thoughts daily, desires, goals. You can incur in the diary picture or draw yourself. Your feelings are important! Therefore, it is important to write. I am accumulating the energy of emotions in yourself, the woman will then be forced to throw it on a man. That in itself is not very good. In addition, writing thoughts contributes to their analysis.

50. Make your album beautiful photos - Shoot your most best photos. And feel free to admire yourself. Remember that you are always beautiful!

51. Decide with your desires - Write for yourself, what you really want. Especially in relationships. And forget about "I can". I can - this is the prerogative of a man. A man says: "I can conquer her, I can take her to my wife (or I can not)." When a woman begins to think a lot in the style of "I can", she becomes a "man." Compare: "I want to look good. I want he like. I want to marry "and" I can look good, I can like him, I can get married. "

52. Affectionate speech - learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. Women's energy flourishes from the pair gentle wordshave been told by you. Brank, obscene words are reduced to women's energy.

53. Observation - Disputes, Competitions and Other Aspects active behavior Reduce energy levels. Try to be soft and diplomatic. For this reason, the conquest of a man very depletes a woman. And the man does not want a woman who is initiative to him. She reminds him with his behavior.

54. Sexual relationship - If a woman has several sex partners, it is doomed to empty. Join B. sexual relations Only with that man you love. Keep your loyalty to your husband. Try to remove the first sex after your acquaintance. In order to interest a man, you need a lot of energy. Do not confuse it ahead of time in sex.

55. Clean - keep your home cleaning, your body and your mind. Get on time at home. Do not copy the negative memories of the past. The easiest way to raise energy is to get under the shower. Cleanliness will bring power.

56. Drink yourself with love - one of the most important aspects. If a woman did not fill her heart and soul with love, it is energy weak. And nothing can give a man. Worse than - She will vampish energy from him. Hence the decline of a man, financial collapse, illness. Use any techniques to fill your well love. Woman - giving, she must be full of love.

57. Decorative and applied creativity - knitting, embroidery, modeling - everything you can do it yourself Raises the level of your female energy.

58. Make compliments - to yourself and other women. Good word Makes us stronger. If you are hard to say something good about other women, decide this question. The rejection of women can give difficulties in relationship with mother, mother-in-law, daughter.

59. Express love - In any form, at any time. Hug, kiss your loved ones. Speak the words of love to the world, people, their own things. Sun, spring breeze, rain and even his sadness, for she is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle empty a woman.

60. Compilation of bouquets - Working with flowers gives a charge of a new force. The charge of updates and flowering.

61. Proper nutrition - Use products that have undergone less processing and closer to nature. Remember what force does an apple, torn by you in the garden? And some hamburger. Feelings are very different.

62. Lask - gentle touch helps a woman understand themselves. And to know. Caress your body. Even if you do not have a man, do not refuse yourself in tenderness. Start every morning and finish the day in bed with affectionately touching your face, body, legs. Kiss your knobs themselves, and there will be others to be embedded.

63. Stay alone - Do not be afraid of those moments when you stay quite alone. Do not get married only because of loneliness. Use this time to do yourself. Nature is laid monthly periodWhen a woman should only think about himself. This is a period of menstruation.

64. Soft toy - do not scold yourself for the fact that you still sleep in an embrace with teddy Mishka. A woman is harmful to sleep alone. And the toy gives a feeling of heat. Buy yourself a toy if you feel the lack of love and attention.

65. Learn to work with energy Moon - Wait on the street in moonlight, charge water lunar rays. And add it then into the bath. Contact the Moon for help in female malaise. To do this, you need to represent how you bathe in the moonlight. You and the moon are one.

66. Send someone postcard, smiley- For any reason. Showing someone's mark to someone, you will fill yourself. Remember: woman - giving. Given - fills.

67. Charity - This is B. pure form Expression of female energy. If you can help a person in something, do it.

68. Change the hair color - if a protracted pause has arrived in your life, go to the stylist.

69. Aromas - Aura of a pleasant fragrance should always come from you.

70. Always follow the new news of beauty.

    Wear the right clothing. Choose a beautiful, not too frank clothes that you go and sits on the figure. Give preference to skirts, not trousers or jeans, - it will immediately make you feminine. You are suitable, for example, an ensemble from skirt and blouses, complemented by a suitable belt and ballet shoes. Do not wear a super-private mini. Best Length - A little above the knee: it is modest and appropriate in most situations. Do not dwell on the "Girl" colors like pink or light blue, if you going black, dark blue or brown. A pencil skirt is nothing to do with anything with anything, while the skirt in a fold is comfortable and cute. If you are accustomed to the years to walk in jeans, in the skirt you will feel yourself a completely different person, stylish and elegant, especially if you find yourself the only girl in a skirt among colleagues or girlfriends dressed in jeans.

    • Dresses (narrow or with a lush skirt and belt) look wonderful.
    • Do not go S. naked legsif you are not on vacation; Wear tights. Choose classic transparent pantyhose without patterns. Black or tinge is also an excellent choice. In the skirt you can demonstrate the beauty of your feet, so do not wear dense, opaque pantyhose.
    • If you do not like heels, wear shoes on a low go. The main thing is to choose a simple and elegant model.
    • You should not look as if you just got up from bed. Do not wear shapeless, baggy things hiding your shape. Whatever you want, you should be seen for you that you thought out your image, and did not pull the first thing in the tricks.
  1. Make light makeup. This step is optional, but it will help you look a little more feminine. Red or pink lipstick And the shadows for the age of neutral shades will help create a feminine image. But remember, you can do without makeup. Use cosmetics only if you want it. If not - let it be so.

    • If you are categorically against makeup, use the lip moisturizing balsam so that they remain soft.
  2. Accessories. In addition to clothes and makeup, you need to find suitable accessories. No need to buy too many different accessories - just a few key elements can help link your image together and make you more feminine. Here is what can be used:

    • Beautiful silk scarf
    • Pearl earrings or other carnation earrings
    • Beautiful rim
    • Hair buckles
    • Several thin silver bracelets
    • Rings, but they should not be too thick or alapoked
  3. Love every centimeter of your body. The body is what makes you feminine, so as you can be feminine if you do not accept your female form? In the female body from nature a higher percentage of adipose tissue than in male teleSo do not refuse your forms. On the other hand, love for the body implies care of him, so watch your nutrition and health. Fortunately, you do not need to look like a model to be healthy.

    • To love every centimeter of your body - this does not mean to put it off at each other case. It means to love your appearance and feel comfortable in your own skin.
    • Do not think that it is impossible to do physical exercises, because it is not for a lady. On the contrary, engaged in yoga, dancing, running or swimming, you get closer to your female face and love your body even more.
  4. Take a little time to care for appearance. You do not need to take a two-hour shower every day or a whole hour to do a hairstyle, just try to make you always look and felt clean, and that the smell of freshness comes from you. If you go somewhere without taking a shower after training, it will not be very feminine.

    • You should never look like you were going in a hurry. Never sprinkle and do not comb your hair in front of your friends, because you did not have enough time to do it in advance.
  5. Use spirits or aromatic lotion. If you want to look like a lady, then you need and smell like a lady. Apply some perfumes to the neck area or cover a little fragrant lotion in the neck of the neck or hands. Remember that enough light touch - You do not want anyone to pinch spirits with a strong smell.

    Come like a lady

    1. Be graceful. It is believed that women from nature are more graceful than men. Of course, there are always exceptions, and you will decide whether you will use your gracefulness to express your femininity, or not. However, many women feel more feminine when they make smooth, not sharp moves. And of course you have to look at the situation. You can be a tough on a volleyball playground or in a dash and consistent in the bar or in the bedroom. There is no such rule according to which you must be constantly graceful (feminine).

      • To be graceful, wear beautiful shoesin which you are comfortable to walk. If you want to wear heels, but do not know how to walk on them, practice at home first in front of the mirror before showing your new appearance to the world.
    2. Learn to dance. Dance is the development of the body, and through dance you can always find ways to emphasize your femininity. Belly dance, for example, emphasizes the natural bends of the female body. A pair dance (for example, salsa or waltz) will make you feel more feminine, because such dances are built on the traditional differences of men and women - a man leads, and a woman follows and makes smooth, extravagant movements.

      • To be feminine means to feel comfortable enough in your body to break down on the dance floor. It is not necessary to be a professional to be able to feel the music and enjoy what you are doing.
    3. Be fun. Let's get rid of that thought that to be feminine means to be perfect and divine. In those moments, when there is not enough grace, and you fall the plastics in the middle of the room, the real check of your femininity is your ability to not take everything seriously! It is believed that taking life is too serious - this is not very feminine and is generally harmful to health. So you will smile more often, flirt, pine others and shawit. Having fun! In the end, be feminine - it means to feel at ease. You can't feel relaxed if you are too tough, sullen and serious, so be carefree and cheerful.

      • Flirt is an integral part of a woman. Do not think that you should not flirt only because you are trying to be feminine.
    4. Be confident. This is another important step towards femininity. Anyone will agree that it is very important to learn to love yourself. The presence of confidence will not only make you more feminine in intellectual and physical plane, but also will help you become more independent. Never lose faith in yourself.

      • To become sure, you need to master the tongue of the sign of a confident man. Walk with a high head-raised, smile and look right in front of yourself, and not to the floor.
      • Being a confident person does not mean to be arrogant. No need to brag your achievements so that people understand that you are confident.
    5. Walk more feminine. If you want your gait to become more feminine, then when walking, you need to move more hips, and not shoulders, make light steps instead of stalling, and carefully move from place to place. To be truly feminine, you should move smoothly, and not to rush through the head. If you need to rush, then try to look calm when you are doing faster short stepsTo get to the right place.

    6. Show care. If you want to be feminine, then you need to know how to take care of someone - did your boyfriend get sick, did your dog hurt or yours to the best friend Need a "vest" to cry. Get ready to apply chicken broth, measure someone's temperature or make sure that the person felt comfort and care. Feminine woman It is not worth passively when there is someone who needs help, and she immediately takes about the case when they need to take care for someone.

      • This does not mean that you need to focus all your strength at care about other people. It is about what you should be prepared to take care at the right time.
    7. Take care of good manners. If you want to be feminine, then you should be able to behave at the table and in society. This means that during meals it is impossible to put the elbows on the table, you need to talk friendly with others, even if you have a bad day, do not slouch, with sneezing your mouth is not hand, but a scarf, and you need to behave so that it serves as an example for rest. Here are some more important points about which you need to know:

      • If you dine with someone, be sure to say: "Please pass the chicken", and do not pull yourself through the whole table, disturbing the personal space of another person.
      • Find good wayTo express something negative. Instead of talking: "Silence already!", Tell me "You could not be a given voice?"
      • Try not to make a belch in in public places. When you achieve certain age, to make belching will not be quite ridiculous. If this happens by accident, just tell me: "Sorry" or "excuse me", but do not try to do it if you want to impress your friends or just laugh them. Lady do not do that.
      • Do not roll your eyes and do not be rude when someone says what you do not want to listen.

    Use the right words

    1. Talk as a lady. To be feminine, you do not have to swear like a shoemaker, shout to get what you want, and talk so loudly to hear everything around. The feminine woman knows how to convey his thought, while remaining polite, cold-blooded, delicate and friendly. Speak quieter, pull words and express your thoughts so eloquent as possible. Tell me: "Today is a little cool," instead of the phrase: "I have reassured ass!" To sound more feminine when you express your thoughts.

      • No need to change your thoughts or topics for conversation to be feminine. You just need to reconsider the way they are expressed.
    2. Speak sincere compliments. You do not have to make people unreal compliments to be feminine. At the same time, you should be able to say to a person something cute and pleasant so that he felt special and important. You can say something simple, for example: "I like your dress. It fits perfectly to your eyes "or" You play the piano so well. How long have you already play? " Show a person genuine interest and find a way to show him that you really pay attention.

      • No need to climb out. Just make a compliment when you have a good mood.
    3. Try not to brag. If you want to be feminine, then you do not need to brag about your achievements, talk about how beautiful you look, or even stand out. A truly feminine girl is quite confident in his appearance and abilities to be modest and allow people around themselves to notice how wonderful it is. But it is not necessary to be so modest that you cannot accept a compliment or talk about your achievements. Just try not to do anything that may seem like boasting.

      • A truly feminine girl does not need to be cooked to get a compliment.
    4. Be polite. Non-love feminine girl, cute and friendly to people around it. Even if the person who you do not like, do not show your hostility. Just smile, be polite and limit your communication with him as much as possible. Feminine girl says "please" and "Thank you" when it is necessary.

      • Being polite means that you need to talk about polite topics. Do not speak anything too vulgar, do not swear too much and do not raise inappropriate themes in a tremendous company.
    5. Be a responsive. A feminine woman is being compassioned to other people, knows how to sympathize and say something good when she is trying to help someone. Learn to say: "I feel sorry that you feel so", "I can't imagine how hard you" or "Please let me know if you need my help." A feminine woman understands when someone is upset, whether it is her dear friend or a small child. She knows what to do to make a person better.

      • At that moment, when you utter consolation words, you must behave accordingly. Do not be afraid to hug someone or use sign language to express sympathy if the situation requires.
    • Everyone has men's and women's features. You can be familiar in one, for example, you like to do a manicure or use cosmetics, but a good one in the other, because you like to play sports or watch it. But most people usually prevail something one.
    • Femininity is strong and so it was always. Show the world, what you can be strong, staying with this feminine!
    • Change hairstyles. Today you can braid a pigtail, tomorrow - stuck your hair in a bundle, the day after tomorrow - do soft curls and so on.


    • All these tips are more suitable for Western cultures. There are other cultures in the world that recognize more than two floors.
    • In various places miscellaneous view About female and male features. In some cultures, there is even a "third" floor.

Describing the perfect representative of the beautiful half of humanity, guys often mention such a characteristic as femininity. This quality glorify singers and writers, depict artists and composers.

What does femininity look like? Perhaps the whole thing in properly selected clothes and makeup? Or a special role plays a beautiful figure? Of course, external data takes no last place in the concept of "femininity", but young people more appreciate the inner female power.

Beautiful girls, absolutely not understanding why the opposite sex considers them more like buddies, sooner or later they begin to ask the right question: what is femininity and aren't it waiting for her young lady's young lady?

According to numerous sources, femininity is a combination of characteristics that usually assign weak semi Or expect from girls, such as sensitivity, honesty, dedication, tenderness, softness.

All this forces representatives of the strong half of humanity to feel like a man. Of course, B. different cultures And the epoch femininity was interpreted completely differently. However, the above-mentioned quality is inherent, perhaps, every time and people.

But! Modern ladies are becoming more confident in their own opportunities, free and wishing independence. To cope with difficulties, women make their efforts, do not ask for help from men. Femininity gradually disappears ...

Guys love their eyes, as you know, that's why the feminine lady for them is the figure and appearance of which causes a desire. This is the so-called outdoor femininitywhich creates a certain set of impressions by strong sex only at one glance on the girl.

How to become feminine and desired for a man? Is the figure and selectivity in clothing?

  1. Feminine woman, according to many men, has long hair. Historically, the ladies with a thick "mane" are considered an attractive girl with short haircuts. However, still the main thing - well-groomed and natural hair, it is better to do without tall and overly complex hairstyles.
  2. Beautiful figure - not just tribute to fashion. Should not think about beauty standards, it is better to think about normal weight, sports and nutrition. A slim body, optimal body weight - signs of femininity.
  3. Femininity male eyes - This is the presence of dresses in the girl's wardrobe, high heeltransparent blouses. In clothing, preferably tender-touch materials that flow and give figure ease and airiness. Neighten brutal things are lingering female entity.
  4. Polls on male forums show that, not particularly dealing in the intricacies of the use of cosmetics, the guys subconsciously consider excessive "coloring" on the face of vulgar. In their opinion, a feminine woman prefers soft and tender shades in make-up.
  5. Figure, of course, is important, but not less essential condition External femininity attributes are considered well-kept and neat appearance. Beautiful leather, clean, smooth hair, neat manicure - the most feminine signs of a true lady.

It is extremely difficult to explain and tell about what is inner femininity through the eyes of men. Each representative of strong sex is aware of what she is a feminine woman, but it is rarely able to convey words with words.

This is not a figure, not the hair, but something is so personal, which is able to encourage a guy to action, cause a desire to achieve a girl in it.

Let's turn again to male forums. What guys are investing in the concept of "feminine"?

  1. Feminine woman relaxed and calm. Irritability, nervousness and hystericalness do not adorn the cute lady. She is like a kitty, which is lying on a soft sofa, but at any moment ready to get ready, to concentrate and go to the "hunt".
  2. The ability to trust a man is an important quality of girls. Commander tone, numerous teachings and a hard look hardly decorate a woman. Guys, looking at the young young lady, should want to memorize it, hide behind his back and keep in every way from any problems.
  3. Real femininity is the ability to listen and communicate. This means both the ability to feel and "infected" the emotions of the interlocutor and the overall erudition, possessing certain knowledge, speech skills. In addition, the girl is important to be able to keep secrets.
  4. Emotionality is also a sign of femininity, so you should not succumb to feminist sentiment and forget about our nature. But! Excessive expression of feelings can translate you into the rank of unbalanced person and hysterical personality. An important rule is natural and, oddly enough, rationality in emotional manifestations.
  5. Figure, beautiful face, good taste in clothes? No. A woman has long been associated with maternity. No beauty can be compared to femininity with a future mother, with a girl raising a child. This is a natural instinct, if you want, the female destination.

Men's forums are filled with opinions and comments regarding the female entity, femininity and perfect image second half. So what is she - a feminine woman?

It is charming, distinguished by sophistication, good manners, the ability to advantageously teach yourself what produces incredible effect. What is femininity with the eyes of men?

This image includes criteria such as:

  • internal softness;
  • trust and respect for the partner;
  • ability to avoid conflicts;
  • affectionate;
  • love for the child;
  • a slim body;
  • long hair of natural shades;
  • love and the desire of cleanliness in all aspects;
  • desire for self-development;
  • lack of bad habits.

Of course, some guys crazy about girls with strong character, purposeful and able to solve their problems with their own.

However, they prefer to associate their fate, all the same with feminine girls who differ weakness and softness.

How to become more feminine?

True femininity lies in simple truthsthat are available to every girl. But as usual and happens, simplicity is an extremely difficult thing. Male Forum And comments guys show what they expect from potential life companions.

So, what to change the girl in order for the man to consider her feminine?

  1. Inaccessibility. The girl is a goal for representatives of a strong floor, because they still remain warriors and hunters. A man wants to conquer the fortress, conquer the vertex. Feminine woman is valued for unavailability and ability to be proud (of course, without too much fanaticism).
  2. Happiness. Joyful carelessness, smile and easy communication give the girl more femininity. Many men seek such a ladyshna. However, the current ladies are less rejoiced by trifles, small surprises, acquiring detachment, male traits character.
  3. Weakness. Modern girls come into hard confrontation with men for social dominance, equal rights and more significant public roles. Such a struggle does not contribute to femininity, because by nature, cute ladies are weak creatures that need a male shoulder. Men on the forums are confident that the charm of the woman lies in her weakness.
  4. Effectiveness. Attractive and charismatic girl stands out from a common crowd. A cute young lady seems more feminine than beauty, in the clothes of which male style prevails. Adjusting the shape of the dresses and additional accessories always attract guys.
  5. Romantic. Who said that sentimentality is not in fashion now? Loving sunset, walks and kisses under the moon, joint viewing of the melodrama - romanticism, which, unfortunately, gradually disappears due to the oversaturation of impressions and emotions in our lives.
  6. Ability to love. The uniqueness of a woman is in her desire and ability to love, give their feelings and take the emotions of the chosen one. How beautiful is a lovely girl! Especially when love is mutual. However, some modern young ladies prefer short-term relationships that do not imply deep experiences.
  7. The ability to inspire. Inspiration causes representatives of the strong half of humanity to write poems and poems, perform feats, self-improvement. However, only a feminine girl can inspire with his figure, voice, love - any available methods. There is a curious phrase, stuck that the great woman stood behind every great man.
  8. Thrift. The ability to create a comfort in the dwelling, to preserve the home hearth and the desire to raise the child - qualities inherent in the economic woman. However, they are in the feminine girl, since both of these characteristics take into account men when choosing a future wife.
  9. Moderation. Femininity does not imply the desire to fill in all the living space of the guy. Do not forget that real woman Several not available, mysterious. She is a mystery that a man wants to solve. Do not fully disclose at the very beginning of the acquaintance, passing the same step from the partner.

Feminine through the eyes of men is a combination of multiple factors. Beautiful figure, romance and softness ...