Evening effective make-up. Evening make-up. Easy evening makeup for blue eyes

To do beautiful make-up, it is not enough just to have a set of quality professional cosmetics, you need to know the basic rules for its creation and be able to apply them in practice. A neat make-up always looks spectacular, attracting the attention of others. Young woman, tech-savvy its application, it can easily be transformed, emphasizing its advantages and causing enthusiastic compliments. In this article we will tell you how to apply makeup correctly, because this is a whole art, which is not so difficult to learn if you follow the main rules.

How to learn how to do makeup in stages

Makeup can be of two types - simple and complex. The first is necessary to give freshness to a woman's face, with the help of the second, skin imperfections (moles, scars) are carefully obscured. Regardless of the type of makeup you choose, you have to go through the same stages of applying it: toning and powdering the skin, liner eyebrows, eyes, applying blush and covering the lips with lipstick or gloss.

If the selected type of makeup provides for the presence bright accent on the lips or eyes, the sequence of application of cosmetics may be changed. Be sure to consider the time of day and your color type when choosing shades and intensity of application. cosmetics. The main rule before starting to create any makeup is a thorough cleansing and moisturizing of the skin of the face. To do this, you can use a special tonic lotion or cream-based milk.

How to apply foundation and foundation

  1. Let's make a base. Before applying the foundation, you need to prepare the skin. To do this, you will need a special makeup base. Girls with oily or combination skin the face should stop at a product with a matting effect; for normal or dry skin, a nourishing, moisturizing base is suitable. Such products effectively even out the complexion, refreshing it. After applying the base, we hide circles, swelling under the eyes with the help of a corrector. Do this with the fingertips, soft patting movements.
  2. Apply foundation. It should cover the sharp boundaries of the face in order to smooth them out, making the face more “soft”, gentle. Walk along the line of the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, forehead, cheeks.
  3. Apply tone cream. Don't do it on your face too thick layer tones, because even the highest quality and expensive cosmetics in excess can give your face an unnatural look. Squeeze a little cream on the inside of the palm of your hand and begin to gently apply it with a brush, moving from the borders of the face to its center. Blend thoroughly all over the skin. Lightly powder the foundation layer with a soft brush - this will give the face a natural look.

When creating makeup, it is important to choose the right color for the base and foundation. Too light shades make the face doll-like, inanimate. The dark ones are able to create an unnatural contrast with the neck and other naked parts of the body. When choosing a tone, apply it to the inside of the brush - the product should completely match the color of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hand. To correct the shape of the face, you need to use two shades of foundation - your natural and darker. The first is applied to the entire face in an even thin layer. The second is applied zonal, depending on the type of face.

  • For owners square shape faces, it is recommended to apply a light tone to the middle of the forehead, the tip of the chin and the area under the eyes. dark remedy it is worth treating the area at the hairline, at the corners of the jaw and temples. The boundaries between transitions should be carefully shaded.
  • Round face should be covered with a light foundation, and with the help of a dark agent, visually narrow it, darkening the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cheeks and temples.
  • Girls with triangular type face, you need to apply a light tone on the forehead, chin and under the eyes - this way you focus on the center of the face. Cover the line of the cheeks and forehead with a dark tone.
  • With an elongated type of face, it is necessary to darken lower part chin - this will visually shorten the face. Do not spare blush for the cheeks, because such an accent also helps to draw attention to the middle of the face.
  • On the pear-shaped face(narrow above, full below) with a light tone, the forehead area, the area under the eyes and the tip of the chin should be highlighted. dark tone applied to the cheeks and jaws - this visually makes them narrower.

Learning how to make beautiful eyebrows

To give eyebrows nice shape, pencil or shadows suitable color carefully bring the bend of the eyebrow and its end - these parts should have a clear outline. Gently blend the main part of the eyebrow with the selected cosmetics. Start eyeliner from the middle and bend. Keep in mind that the tip and bend of the eyebrow should be slightly raised, with this technique you will make the look more open and expressive.

Applying eye shadow

How to apply eye makeup correctly? The first thing to consider is what type of makeup you need to do. For a daytime make-up, you should use a couple of shades of shadows and a dark brown or black pencil. With a soft movement of the pencil, shade the lash line and the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid. Visually, the eyelashes will appear thick, and the eyes will acquire an expressive beautiful shape.

Apply shadows with a round applicator or brush. If you don’t know what tone suits you, you can use universal shades - they are gray and brown tones. To achieve an increase in the eyes, apply light shadows on the inside of the eye, dark ones on the outside. Matte shadows look natural pastel colors. For evening make-up, choose mother-of-pearl warm or cold tones. The final step is to apply mascara to the eyelashes.

How to apply lipstick

To highlight the natural beauty lips, choose light, but not very pale colors lipstick. Fresh shades are perfect for a summer make-up or light make-up for every day. Choose light coral, clear berry, peach or pink lipstick. As a result, the lips should not look bright, but expressive. It doesn’t matter what the girl chooses - lipstick or gloss, both products are allowed to create classic makeup. If she prefers to use lipstick to get an even layer and a clear contour, apply it with a brush.

Learn how to make a beautiful day or evening.

What should be considered for the right make-up

To do it yourself proper makeup It is important to consider many aspects. For example, skin features, complexion, eye color, hair. So, light blond girls are suitable for saturated bright colors, swarthy brunettes should be preferred dark shades, and the whole gamut of beige and gold will suit the brown-haired women. The choice of makeup should also be based on the intended purpose - evening and daytime make-up are very different.

eye color

The shade of the shadows must necessarily be combined with the color of the eyes. Green-eyed girls need to use warm colors to create makeup. The beauty of green eyes can still be emphasized with the help of blue, gray, purple shadows. Brown eyes it is worth shading with ash-gray shades, colors of brown-beige. For blue eyes suitable shades of the cold spectrum, such as smoky, white, blue flowers.

Hair color

The selected tonal means should be in harmony with the girl's hair color. Dark-haired representatives of the fair sex should not deviate too much from their natural shade skin. The finished makeup should look as natural as possible and refresh the appearance, and not make a mask out of the face. Avoid bright contrasting color combinations. It is better for fair-haired women to use exclusively light colors, and in summer you can revive makeup light bronze tint.

Video tutorials on creating the perfect makeup

How to apply makeup at home? Such a question, for sure, every girl asked herself, because the right make-up is a whole science. With the help of high-quality makeup, it is easy to completely change the appearance, hiding imperfections and emphasizing the advantages of the face. Because every girl cares about her own appearance, it is worth learning the basics of creating perfect makeup. Otherwise, poorly selected and incorrectly applied products can play a bad joke on you, visually making your face even fuller or turning a gentle and sweet beauty into a vulgar lady.

How to do evening smoky eyes makeup

Unlike daytime makeup, the tones of which should be discreet and hardly noticeable, evening make-up suggests saturated shades and clear lines. Usually, evening make-up applied depending on the personal preferences of the girls: the emphasis can be placed either on the lips or on the eyes. This video tutorial shows you how to make more bright eyes using the smokey ice technique, which literally means "smoky eye". Thanks to this type of makeup, the look becomes languid and seductive.

Daily mek-up for the impending century

Never deviate from the main rule good makeup- it should always correspond to the circumstances: make up brightly at the disco; creating office makeup, stick to calm tones; going to the beach, give up make-up at all. When applying daytime makeup, keep in mind that it should be light and discreet. The correct make-up looks so natural that it seems that the girl is not wearing makeup. The video shows one of the options for applying daytime makeup for the impending century.

Wet (wet) eye makeup

The effect of wet eyelids is back in fashion. Beauty magazines are full of photos of models with glossy eye makeup. However, "wet" make-up is found exclusively on the pages of fashion publications or on the catwalk. This is justified by the fact that it lasts a maximum of half an hour, after which it begins to lose its original view. How to achieve such an effect, what cosmetics should be used? With the help of the video, you will find out the answers to the questions posed and will be able to learn how to do wet eye makeup.

High-quality and beautiful makeup can transform any girl - and not only externally, but also internally. Makeup gives you confidence. Arms professional makeup artists work miracles. But, unfortunately, there is often neither time nor opportunity to constantly go to beauty salons. That's why modern girls often wonder how to do makeup at home, so that it practically does not differ from a professional one.

Everyone can learn how to make a perfect make-up at home. The main thing is diligence and practice. However, no less an important factor is the quality of cosmetics. You certainly can't skimp on this. It is on the quality factor of cosmetics that depends on how your make-up looks and how long it will last.

For makeup at home you will need:

  • brushes different sizes and different cut;
  • cotton buds and discs;
  • foundation and foundation;
  • pencils for eyes, lips and eyebrows;
  • ink;
  • shadows;
  • lipstick, gloss;
  • powder;
  • blush.

Basic rules for applying cosmetics

In order to understand how to do makeup at home, you need to know some rules and tricks. Regardless of how it will be (simple or complex, daytime or evening, festive or everyday), you need to go through the same stages of applying cosmetics. These are skin toning and color alignment, eyebrow and eye liner, blush application and lip application. The order of the steps may vary depending on the type of make-up and the emphasis on the lips or eyes.

Preparation for applying cosmetics

Preparation for makeup occurs in two stages.

  1. Facial cleansing.

If the skin is flaky, you need to use a facial scrub. If it is not a problem, you can simply wash your face with foam or soap.

  1. Hydration.

Use regular cream for the face or other moisturizers.

In order to make yourself an excellent and high-quality make-up on your own in the future, for the first time we advise you to use the service of a stylist-make-up artist. The specialist will tell you what colors suit you, what to look for, and also advise good cosmetics.

Eyebrow shaping

Before that or a pencil, you must complete. Remove excess hairs, cut too long.

Eye makeup

The sequence of actions and the cosmetics used depend on the type of makeup. For make-up using shadows, it is very important to choose their shade correctly. Consider your skin color and eye color. Brown is considered a universal shade.

Rules for applying lipstick

  1. Along the contour of the lips - a pencil in the tone of lipstick or a little darker. This is necessary so that the lipstick or gloss does not flow and does not lubricate, but evens out the counters of the lips. Blend the pencil a little with the brush.
  2. Apply gloss or lipstick to your lips. If it is justified, you can apply lipstick first, and then a little gloss.

Step by step guide to daily makeup at home

Beautiful makeup at home can be done daily, it does not take much effort. It is enough to follow the instructions exactly.

  1. Cleanse your face and décolleté.
  2. Apply moisturizer to your face. Wait a few minutes until the cream is absorbed, and remove the excess with a napkin.
  3. Apply foundation to your face. Use concealer to even out your complexion. Then - tonal cream.
  4. The base for the shadows is placed on the upper eyelid. As a base, use shades of beige.
  5. Apply light shadows from the inner corner of the eye. Blend.
  6. From the outer corner of the eye, apply brown shadow. Rub with a brush.
  7. Blend the transition well in the middle of the eyelid, make it smooth.
  8. Apply dark brown shadow on the lower eyelid. Blend.
  9. On the upper eyelid, make a thin arrow brown pencil. Lift the end of the arrow slightly up.
  10. Cover your lashes with mascara.
  11. Eyebrows - brown shadows.
  12. Apply light texture powder on your face.
  13. Highlight the cheekbone area with light blush.
  14. Apply a transparent gloss to your lips.

How to do classic evening makeup at home?

  1. Cleanse your face with a scrub or foam.
  2. Apply moisturizer to the décolleté and face. On the lips - a moisturizing balm. After a few minutes, remove the remaining moisturizer with a tissue.
  3. Apply foundation to your face. The concealer evens out the complexion, removes swelling, redness and circles under the eyes.
  4. With help special brush along the lines of the face. From the contours to the center of the face.
  5. Put a base on the upper eyelid (for example, beige shadows). Next, on the part of the eyelid, which is closer to the inner corner of the eye, apply white shadows, blend. Apply dark eye shadow to the area near the outer corner of the eye. Paint over the area near the eyebrows with white shadows. Then, shading, make smooth transitions.
  6. Put dark shadows on the lower part, carefully blending.
  7. With liquid eyeliner, make an arrow on the upper eyelid. Lengthen the arrow and lift it up a little.
  8. Cover your lashes with mascara.
  9. Eyebrows - with a brown pencil, blend well with a brush and comb.
  10. Powder face light powder. If necessary, you can use a bronzer.
  11. Blush will help highlight the cheekbones.
  12. Slightly shading, apply a pencil along the contour of the lips, and then lipstick.

10 common mistakes

Incorrectly applied foundation

The most common mistake is too thick a layer of foundation on the face. This leads to a weighting of the image, the creation of negligence and sloppiness. Such an error is most often allowed by those who have problem areas of the skin (redness, acne, dark). Problem areas it is better to hide dotted with a corrector or pigment.

Wrong foundation

Color foundation plays extraordinary important role. An inappropriate shade visually creates a mask on the face. It is important to remember that in summer, due to tanning, the skin changes color, therefore, in summer and on winter periods you need to purchase different tonal foundations. Often problems with choice correct tone occur due to a yellowish tint on the face. In this case, a little yellow pigment can be added to the foundation. This will help create the desired color.

Applying foundation to areas that are flaky

For peeling problems, it is first necessary to use a facial scrub, then apply a moisturizer to the skin. Only then can you start applying the foundation.

The wrong blush or bronzer

Instead of blush, many girls use a bronzer. However, brown blush does not exist in nature. blush can be Pink colour, red, coral. Perfect option- if their color matches the color of lipstick.

Untidy eyebrows

Many people underestimate the importance of eyebrows in general makeup. Remember: they should always be in perfect order even if you're not wearing makeup. Untidy eyebrows are the first thing that catches the eye.

glued eyelashes

Eyelashes stick together most often due to excessively applied mascara. It must have a comfortable brush. It is advisable to comb them with a special brush after applying mascara. Better light and a neat layer than a thickly made-up and sticky row of lashes.

Pale lips

To focus on the eyes, it is not necessary to paint the lips very pale color or cover them with a tonal foundation. The natural color of lipstick or transparent gloss will look ideal.

Rich application of powder

Powder is used for the durability of makeup, to fix it, and not as a separate element.

Poorly matched shadows

The choice of shadows must be approached very carefully. Not all shades match different types skin and eye color.

Too dark lips

The lip liner should be the same color as the lipstick or one shade darker.

We are sure: it is not so difficult to learn how to make an exceptional professional make-up yourself! The main thing is to have high-quality cosmetics in your arsenal, ideally matched specifically to your skin type, eyes, hair. Further - the matter is small: frequent practice will help you achieve brilliant success!

Any master class for beginners is carried out step by step and consists of several stages.

  1. Facial cleansing.
  2. Hydration.
  3. Primer application.
  4. Applying foundation.
  5. Face shape correction.
  6. Flaw masking.
  7. Eye drawing.
  8. Applying blush and lipstick.

Now let's look at each action in more detail. This is very important because how to professional makeup for beginners it is quite difficult, any missed detail can spoil the whole result.

Applying foundation

A cream or a special base is applied only after cleansing and additional moisturizing of the face. It is also advisable to apply a primer that will help even out the texture of the face and hide minor skin imperfections. You need to apply the tone with a brush, sponge or apply with your fingers (you should choose a more familiar method).

The application technique is always approximately the same and includes three stages.

  1. The cream is applied pointwise, in small quantities on the nose, forehead, chin and cheekbones.
  2. With light, slightly patting movements, we distribute the base from the center to the hairline. Be sure to make sure that there are no clear boundaries between your skin and foundation.
  3. We correct the shape of the face. How to do it at home on your own can be understood by watching the video tutorials below.

Experienced makeup artists say that eyebrows hold the whole face. In fact, this is so. It is especially important to take this fact into account when doing makeup for beginners for every day.

Correcting the shape of the eyebrows step by step:

  1. Comb your eyebrows down.
  2. With light movements, paint over the gaps in the direction of hair growth.
  3. Especially carefully direct the tails of the eyebrows.
  4. With a brush, distribute the pencil along the length of the hair.
  5. Apply fixing gel.

Shadow technique:

  1. Using a damp brush, apply shadows along the bottom of the eyebrow and blend towards the bridge of the nose.
  2. We impose a new portion of the shadows on the top and stretch the tapering tail to the temple.
  3. Carefully comb the eyebrows with a special brush.
  4. Fix with gel

Important! All movements should be smooth, you need to fill in the gaps with stitches, imitating your own hairs.

Advice. Makeup for a beginner is best done with the help of shadows, this method makes the natural line of the eyebrows easier and faster.

This video master class clearly shows how to shape eyebrows at home:

Eye makeup

The design of the eyes can be very diverse. Consider the basic makeup rules for beginners at home:

  1. You should start with the base under the shadows, it will ensure an even distribution and prevent them from rolling.
  2. It is necessary to apply shadows pointwise and be sure to shade with a brush.
  3. You do not need to paint over the eyelid with one color, you should use at least 2 shades.
  4. The eyes will be more expressive if the space between the eyelashes is drawn with a pencil or shadows.
  5. Mascara should be applied at the very end.

You should also pay attention to next videos master classes:

Spectacular evening make-up:

Hollywood makeup:

Applying blush

The natural blush on the cheeks refreshes the face, makes it more youthful and embossed. In order to correctly highlight the cheekbones at home, you just need to adhere to the following rules:

Lip makeup

This stage completes the master class. At daytime makeup it is enough to apply gloss on the lips, for an evening make-up you can use bright shades.

Application technique:

  1. Apply foundation to lips to fill in pits and wrinkles. Then lipstick It will lay flatter and last longer.
  2. Draw a contour with a brush or pencil (its shade should match the color of the lipstick).
  3. Smoothly spread the lipstick over the surface of the lips, then apply another layer.
  4. Apply highlighter or gloss if needed to plump up lips.

The following video master class clearly shows how to do lip makeup step by step at home.

After you watch the video tutorials for beginners, the design of the face will seem surprisingly simple. Now you can make a make-up for any occasion at home: for work, a party, for video and photography. And finally, let's take a look bad advice and maybe somewhere to recognize yourself.

In contact with

There are people who are convinced: without special knowledge and experience, makeup for evening out it is impossible to do it yourself. But this is quite possible to do, only the evening makeup will take a little more time than any other.

Many also believe that if they have to go out to a nightclub in the evening, where the light is dim, then no one will notice your careful make-up. Error again. A carefully applied make-up will allow you to stand out among others even in the semi-darkness, as it will hide all the flaws in your appearance and emphasize the advantages.

In general, to be able to create any kind of makeup, you just need to train a lot.

When doing any make-up, in particular, evening, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence.
  • Gently cleanse your face.
  • Moisturize and apply foundation. You can do without it, but in this case, you need to purchase a moisturizing, but not greasy day cream.
  • Cover up flaws.
  • Apply tone to your face.
  • Set it with powder.
  • Put some blush and bronzer (powder, stick, cream that gives the skin a light tan effect) on the cheekbones if you like.
  • Do eye makeup.
  • Shape your eyebrows.
  • Lip makeup.
Prepare in advance the tools and tools that you will need. You can also search for your perfect make-up on the Internet. After all, it is very important to visualize desired result your efforts, then it will be easier to bring it to life. And most importantly - observe the measure.
If you do not carefully prepare the skin, then the effect may not work at all. Wash thoroughly with a special agent.
Apply moisturizer or foundation to your face.

Apply foundation and corrector on top in any order, as long as they match your shade. Ideally, there should be two correctors: for pinpoint flaws and for the area around the eyes. It is also important to shade all the boundaries well. To this end, also apply a toner on the neck and chest. Now powder your face - this will fix the result and prevent it from appearing on your face oily sheen.

Eyebrow makeup

To make the eyebrows have a beautiful line, use a pencil or opaque shadows of the desired shade. Eyebrows can be dyed if desired. But it is better to consult a specialist.

Evening eye makeup

The most important thing to remember: in no case do not focus on the lips and eyes at the same time, opt for one thing. Let's say if you do bright makeup eyes, then the lips should look discreet, neutral. And vice versa.

When choosing shadows, do not start from the color of the clothes, but from your color type.

Important Points

  • For visual magnification eye under the eyebrow should be applied light layer light shadows.
  • To eyeliner on upper eyelids was clearer and more expressive, apply it last, when the eye makeup is already completed.
  • For greater expressiveness of the eyes, line the inside of the moving eyelids with a colorless pencil.
  • Before applying mascara to your eyelashes, curl them with special tweezers.
  • When coloring eyelashes, paint them especially carefully. outer edge. You can even stick on that place bunches of false eyelashes.

Lip makeup

This moment completes the make-up procedure for the evening. To focus the attention of others on your lips, emphasize their seductiveness, be sure to cover them with your favorite gloss or persistent lipstick. On the cheekbones, if desired, you can add a little soft blush.

Voila! You are completely ready to conquer the fans with your divine beauty. As we have just seen, it is quite easy to create your own make-up for the evening. More details about this sacrament can be found on the Internet.

Video how to do evening makeup step by step

Many women have thought more than once about how to create an evening make-up, without resorting to the services of a makeup artist.

To accomplish this task, you need to stock up on time and special means.

We'll show you how to do it yourself.

Skin preparation

How to prepare your face for makeup application? Cosmetics better on cleansed skin, so it would be best to use a light scrub.

Then a moisturizer should be applied. Now the face is ready to visually hide possible imperfections. This process can conditionally divided into 3 stages:

  1. Application . Base tool applied to the entire face, for the skin around the eyes you need to apply the foundation under the shadow.
  2. Deficiency Correction natural tone of the face with the help of concealer. concealer yellow color will hide dark circles under the eyes, green - redness, orange - veins and capillaries, translucent through the skin, purple - pigmentation. It is better to have a palette of these miracle products and individually select the desired shade.
  3. Applying foundation. Tonal means should be applied to the face, neck and décolleté, depending on the depth of the neckline.

Since skin color has nuances in different parts of the body, you should use different shades and apply in a thin layer.

It is possible to use powder with a bronzing effect or a radiance effect.

Now you can place accents with help various shades decorative cosmetics.

Preferred Shades

Trends often dictate to fashionistas what shades to use in makeup, however it will be useful to take into account your eye color to make the chosen shade look more successful, especially if you focus on the eyes.

Important Rules

What principles and rules should be followed when performing evening makeup? To do it right evening make-up, need to know some important points:

  • the main feature of evening makeup is a bright palette of cosmetics;
  • when performing an evening make-up, it is taken into account for which event it is being done;
  • You should not put on makeup for a secular reception as eccentrically as in a nightclub.

  • it is better to use persistent cosmetics;
  • it is advisable to “rehearse” the chosen makeup option before the event;
  • an evening make-up is performed under artificial light;
  • the emphasis is on the eyes or lips. It is possible to single out both, but one must be very careful not to look vulgar;
  • the more pretentious the outfit looks, the more modest the makeup, and vice versa;
  • a beautiful make-up should be complemented by high-quality styling.

What mistakes should be avoided?

To avoid mistakes, let's find out what they are:

  1. The wrong tone. foundation should match natural color skin or be slightly lighter than it, discrepancies of several tones are unacceptable. It is better if the shade is translucent and without pink pigments.
  2. Inconsistency of makeup technique with the type of eyes. Women with wide-set eyes are not recommended to highlight inner corners eye. If the eyes are narrow or small, then smokey eyes are not suitable for them.
  3. The outlined lower contour visually reduces the eyes. The eyeliner line should not rush down.

  4. Lip pencil tone mismatch with lipstick tone. It can be a little darker, but not by several tones.
  5. Excessive extension of the natural contour of the lips. It is allowed to go 1 mm outside the contour.
  6. Lots of lip gloss. A few layers of glitter will make the image vulgar.
  7. Fresh eyebrow tattoo. It is better for tattoo lovers to take care of it in advance so that there is no excess paint left.

When applying evening make-up it will be useful check makeup artist recommendations:

  • don't overload the image. Hide flaws with accents. For example, an emphasis on bright red lips will distract from bags under the eyes;
  • avoid pearl shades in the folds;
  • beige shadows do not require applying a base under them;
  • powdered shadows are contraindicated when wearing contact lenses;
  • in eye makeup, shadows are used first, then eyeliner, then mascara;
  • lowered outer corners the eye can be visually raised using the arrows;
  • use a brush to separate stuck eyelashes, and to thoroughly paint them, pull the upper eyelid towards the temple.

The main secret of a successful evening make-up consists of correct selection colors, techniques for applying cosmetics and matching it to your image. It remains only to complement the make-up expressive look and smile.