The traditional day of the meeting of graduates. When is graduation day in Russia

Tonight it will be problematic to break into the capital's cafes without prior reservation: the first Saturday of February is traditionally the day of the meeting of graduates. But gatherings - in the evening, and in the afternoon, schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are filled with former students - adult accomplished people who, once in their native walls, feel like the same restless schoolchildren. And it seems that everything around is changing, but only this island of childhood remains the same - after all, no matter how much you change the decor, the main link in this invisible connection is people, our teachers. What do they think of this holiday? And why do graduates put off everything this Saturday to visit their native school?

Not many schools today celebrate graduation day officially. One of the pleasant exceptions is gymnasium No. 174 of the Moskovsky district of Minsk. The holiday is approached thoroughly here: they prepare holiday concert, information is posted on the website in advance.

Today the beginning of the solemn part is scheduled for 14.00. But the people began to pull up to the gymnasium in advance. Something reminiscent of September 1, only the audience is much older. And, of course, now you can come to school in jeans without any problems. All you can hear from all sides is:

Wow what people!!!

Sasha, is that you?!

Hugs, smiles, laughter - not a single evening of the meeting of graduates can do without it. Victoria, graduate of 2012, ran to the concert directly from the plane:

Now I live between Minsk and Moscow, I arrived early in the morning. I really wanted to sleep, but I decided that I would rest later. I would like to remember our 10-11 class - these are trips, gatherings. The brightest time! Of course, the school is the same without us. It changes, and it's unusual, but it's still nice to come back here.

However, the main thing is ahead. In the building of the gymnasium, former students are already waiting for their teachers. They are also overwhelmed with emotion. Svetlana Pekarskaya, a teacher of Russian language and literature, has been working at the gymnasium for 31 years. He admits: September 1, graduations, alumni meetings - every time it is very exciting:

A small, inexperienced child comes to school, and teachers forge a personality out of him - an Olympian, a musician, an athlete, a theatergoer. Everyone invests a little. And it's always hard to let the guys go - it seems like such a stellar release, well, how are we without them? It’s not easy for the guys either: the first year or two after graduation, they still can’t tear themselves away from school, they often run in. Sometimes you can’t believe that this is your student: here is a lawyer, a respectable man. And I remember: he once sat in front of me at the desk! It happens that I walk around the district, from somewhere they shout: “Svetlana Gennadievna!”. I turn around and can't find out. I ask questions to understand which edition. I cross paths with former students and at work - even in our gymnasium. And recently I, as a leader methodical association teachers of the Russian language and literature, was at the event of one of the schools of the Moscow region. The girl is leading. I go in, she says: "Hello, Svetlana Gennadievna." And this is my student - now she is a teacher of Russian language and literature.

The gymnasium is filled with graduates, and it becomes difficult to take comments: after big hugs former students tightly surround the mentors. To be distracted by conversations with a correspondent, at the risk of missing something interesting, no one wants to.

Still manage to talk to Victor - he left school five years ago. He admits: he came, first of all, to see the class teacher:

She invested in me a lot and gave me something that others could not give. She always supported me, helped me, and even when there were difficult questions at school, she was always on my side. Thanks to her, a lot has happened in my life.

Deputy Director for educational work Tatyana Polonik picks up:

His class teacher is also my class teacher.

It turns out that for Tatyana Alexandrovna today is both a festive and working day. After all, she herself once graduated from the same gymnasium. And already 2 years after the release, she returned, but in a new capacity:

I entered the correspondence department at the Belarusian State University and was looking for a job, and here there was a vacancy for a teacher-organizer. She came and stayed. Both my teachers and my class teacher worked here. It was easy to get started. Moreover, now my classmate, a teacher, works for us. in English.

For Valeria, graduates of 1998, to be in the walls of your own gymnasium is also a common thing:

Now I bring my daughter here, she will perform at the concert. This year our issue is twenty years old, we celebrated the round date yesterday. And I go to concerts every year.

There are only a few minutes left before the start of the event. Almost all the seats in the hall are already filled, the audience is in a revival - communication does not stop for a minute. It is no wonder that such meetings are a long tradition of the gymnasium. D director Marina Voitenkova says:

Do the alumni themselves help to organize the meeting?

If the release is anniversary, the guys are connected. For example, they are preparing a page of memories for a concert. But here, of course, the initiative of the graduates themselves is very important. Those who approach the process creatively also provide for their performance on this day. But there are few of them. Basically, the guys come to see each other, chat with teachers, and then disperse.

In the West, graduates, especially wealthy ones, often help their alma maters by creating funds, scholarships, donating equipment. We haven't heard of this yet. But apart from millions of dollars, does it happen that former students show participation in the life of the gymnasium?

Small gifts that do not require a large investment are made. For example, a few years ago there was a graduate who donated a large set of lamps for lamps. He said: "I studied here, now I run a company - I can afford it." We cite as an example our graduate Dmitry Vanagel, whom many know as Dmitry Wrangel. He is quite a famous showman. We invite him to our events. Those who have already brought their children to school are actively helping.

At the same time, probably, when coming to their native school, everyone wants to show themselves with better side. Have you seen miraculous transformations?

Today it is not customary to come to school and talk about failures. Of course, I want to show, brag about what I have achieved. Sometimes you realize that you have known a person for a long time and, perhaps, behind this boasting there is a desire to hide some kind of problem. But if there is a place where you can come and show your best side, that's good.

After the concert, the graduates will disperse to their classrooms - communication will continue in their native classes. Anna Kozlova, a teacher of the Belarusian language and literature, prepared especially for this part:

With junior graduation - children who graduated from school last year, I will do an unconventional Classroom hour- for sweets, small sweet prizes I will attach questions. I would like the guys to share their impressions about their studies, especially about the first session. I specially selected aphorisms about students and studies.

Anna Vasilievna has been teaching for 40 years, and in the 174th gymnasium, the experience is approaching 20 years. During this time, she has already managed to release three classes, and how many guys she has learned from her - and it is not taken to count:

We keep in touch with our children. There was no release for us to get lost. AT recent times more often we write off via viber, they themselves offer to meet. Twice the children arranged an evening in a cafe. And, I remember, with my very first release, we gathered several times at my house. At that time it was not customary to arrange meetings in schools. My family only supported this: my daughters were schoolgirls then, they liked to help me decorate the house for the arrival of guests. Her husband is a teacher and works at the school. He, too, was happy about it.

Anna Vasilievna has been invited to the wedding more than once by graduates. And those who are younger often come in for no reason, and sometimes seek advice. In general, the fates of graduates are different - they happen to see someone less often, someone more often:

I have several couples - guys from the same class, from the parallel, who got married. Now they are already bringing their children to the first grade, and we meet almost every day.

Anna Vasilievna also keeps in touch with her own classmates. But they can no longer gather in their native walls. It's hard to remember:

My school is no more. She was in the Chernobyl zone. Ostroglyadovskaya high school in the Bragin region. We see classmates, though infrequently, but we do not get lost. See you on the anniversary different cities- in Minsk, in Gomel.

But today is not the time to be sad. Soon the graduates will gather in the office. They will tell their stories, remember school years and let them even brag about their achievements - after all, who else is able to rejoice in their success as sincerely as not those who were nearby and helped them join adult life?

Once a year, at the end of January, in the social. networks are experiencing a surge in activity. “Odnoklassniki”, “VKontakte”, “Facebook” and “Twitter” are seething with photo collages from the school album and statuses: “I'm going to the evening of the meeting. Who's with me?" or "Guys! It's been 20 years! We need to meet and discuss! We sometimes like to meet with the past and at least briefly return to childhood.

Portal to the past

On the first Saturday of February, the school yard is filled not with parents and children, but with former students - respectable men and beautiful ladies. This holiday is called Alumni Reunion Day. And it rings again school bell, and they tear the tights that have become small desks, and the aged teacher meets on the threshold of the class, and the grown-up boys and girls peer into each other's faces, looking for familiar features.

"Do you remember?"

The meeting of school graduates is always held under the same motto: “Do you remember?” This phrase resounds from all sides. And everyone remembers something that everyone else has already forgotten. Old loves and resentments, victories and defeats, pranks and revelations emerge. All the bad is forgiven, the good is savored. To the question: “Well, how are you? Where are you now?" - follows a quick answer and again the refrain: “Do you remember?”

Official part

Like any self-respecting alumni meeting, it also has its own rules. And it all starts with solemn meeting on the threshold of the school, continues with a concert and, after a tour of the school, ends after behind closed doors classes. The concert, which is being prepared by the host, that is, the school, is held under the same popular motto - “Do you remember?” Given that those who are preparing the concert objectively cannot remember former graduates or know anything about them, the clichés in the endless school scenes become understandable. The information is general - "buttons on the chair", "soap board", "again deuce". We have to admit that the originality and diversity of the High school prom does not pamper. That is why fewer and fewer graduates come to these meetings at the school. Most often they gather immediately in a restaurant or cafe. To correct this situation, we must not wait for favors from the school, but plan our meeting ourselves, take care of both entertainment and communication.


In order to see the school, and keep yourself busy, and not get bored, for example, a couple of weeks before the holiday, you need to collect all the photos of the school years that anyone has, and give the task to classmates - to collect a story from them with a photo collage. And on the day of the meeting of graduates will be selected best story and with the help of a printer or simply on disks, it will be reproduced by everyone. Agree, there will already be something to do between the concert and the cafe. Yes, and participation in competitions is a good motivator.


by the most important point Alumni reunions are undeniably communication. And so that it does not freeze even for a minute, we need an "activist and handsome man" who knows everything about everyone and knows how to direct the conversation. The toastmaster of the class, or as they used to say - the cultural sector. If you think about it, there was such a person in every class. He should be entrusted with the honor of not letting the rest get bored. This does not mean that he should prepare contests and games. He just needs to be in communication all evening in order to unite the whole class with his attention.

There is a note of sadness in this holiday. A slight bitterness that we must again say goodbye to childhood and return to adulthood. But this day gives such an unprecedented boost of energy and optimism that the day of the reunion of graduates is worth visiting, if only for its therapeutic effect.

    I finished school in the countryside. Usually created at school initiative group who organized this meeting. They found out the addresses of departed graduates, set a date (there was no specific date), and sent out invitations. Now, as far as I know, it has become a tradition to hold this event on the first Saturday of February, this year on the 2nd.

    In the CIS countries, it is customary to meet school graduates (if we are talking about them) on the first Saturday of February. And if we are talking about university graduates, then it can be a student's day or professional holiday. In general, meet more often at every opportunity.

    Yes, the meeting of school graduates takes place officially in early February, but this is not a dogma, especially if more than a dozen years have passed. Let's say it's more interesting for me to meet with graduates of the military school where we studied for 4 years back in the 70s. In 2012, we have long years a meeting of graduates of the school after 35 years of graduation took place. It's good that there is the Internet, which helped us in finding our classmates from our platoon. Thus, in a year of work, we were able to find more than 50% of our classmates. It is clear that the meeting was very interesting, because in 35 years many have changed so much that it was almost impossible to guess those boys in cadet uniforms.

  • alumni meeting

    The meeting of graduates in each school and even in each class is held differently. Some meet annually, others once every five or ten years. So exact date no alumni meeting. this is all individual and depends on the initiative of the graduates themselves and the school administration. Also exists unspoken rule about the date of the alumni meeting - this is the first Saturday of February (but this rule is usually not respected).

  • Alumni Reunion Day 2013, 2014 and 2015. In Russia, the official date of the meeting of graduates is considered to be the number that falls on the first Saturday of February. But usually former graduates they themselves agree among themselves at what place and on what date to meet.

    Despite the fact that I have never been to the evening of the meeting of graduates, I know for sure that these meetings are held on the first Saturday of February. For the next five years, these will be the following dates:

    The day of the meeting of graduates is held differently for each group of classmates, someone will coincide with this day for some entertaining holiday of the educational institution, some meet on the birthday of their class teachers, some generally even during their studies determine the date of the meeting of graduates and observe it every year.

    Our school at the USSR Embassy in the Republic of Cuba occurs on June 22 in Moscow at approximately 16:00-19:00 Moscow time on Pushkin Square near the monument.

    Well, for those who did not set a specific date, the meeting day is scheduled for the first Saturday of February and is celebrated every year.

    Country complex Kirochnoye Podvorie

    For a graduation party or a meeting of graduates, we offer cottages and townhouses, create an unforgettable holiday atmosphere for yourself.

    More detailed information about us:

    If now you choose a holiday in the country - we will be happy to host you!

    Graduates are different. There are high school graduates, they usually meet every first Saturday in February. Or time it to some significant date. And as an option, the most active begin to call everyone and collect)

    Graduates of the military educational institutions usually meet five years after graduation, and thereafter by agreement.

    When is the alumni reunion.

    The official date of the alumni meetings is the first Saturday of February.

    In practice, they can occur at any time by mutual agreement, or at the request of the organization from which they graduated.

    In our school, for example, the alumni meeting takes place on the last Saturday of January, I really never went. But when I was at school, we organized a concert for graduates. People came there who graduated from school 20 years ago, only a year ago, 10 years ago.

Bolshekrasnoyarsk secondary school branch of MAOU Omutinskaya secondary school No. 1

Teacher: Pokrovskaya Oksana Alexandrovna

Scenario evening of the meeting of graduates 2017

For 30-40 minutes, graduates pass through the classrooms of the school. Registration of former graduates is underway. All of them are awarded the emblem of the evening - a bell with the year of release. Signs everywhere- where, in what classrooms there are editions of different years.
Above the entrance to the assembly hall hangs the inscription "Country of Childhood". On the wall of the assembly hall, a stand "Alumni Wishes" is decorated. Hands made of colored paper are attached to it, on which former graduates can write their wishes to their native school. There is also a stand of photographs of issues of different years.
AT assembly hall music plays while the guests take their places in the hall. The bell rings for the start of the party. The holiday begins.

SlasnayaElya, a student of grade 6, performs without announcement with a song by Yu. Nachalova, against the background of student students of grade 11 with balls

(Music "Visiting a fairy tale"
Brownies appear)

Do you recognize us? Not? What do you think, who remains in this hall after the end of concerts and performances? No, not the presenters and the operator, not the carpenter fixing the chairs. Well, didn't you guess?
- No, it's absolutely unbearable! They sing - the glasses tremble, they dance - the floor is shaking! You can go crazy!
- You are absolutely right! And besides, they turn off the lights all the time! It’s already dark to sit under the stage, and they still turn off the light ... They don’t let you look at the girls.
- And what am I talking about! And they have boots - I'll tell you! They crushed my little finger on my left leg with their sharp-nosed shoes!
- They think we're not here!
- Yes! And we are here!
- Well!? Don't you know? And who here periodically breaks musical equipment, spoils the light, squeaks into the microphone? It's us, the drummers!
- Brownies, that is, but in a scientific way - a poltergeist! The owners of the school, by the way.
- Keepers, so to speak!
- We have been living in this school for many years, we remember all of you and know everything about everyone!
- We are re-reading your cheat sheets, studying table painting, we can already teach the technique of leaving the teacher on duty for a smoke break behind the museum.
- And we often hear teachers say: “What kind of students we had 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago ...” And we remember you with them ...
- Shh, come here! The evening begins! Let's run!
The screensaver "Visiting a fairy tale" is replaced by fanfare


AT winter evening when at the threshold
The cold is like a fierce beast,
Teachers are waiting for you with excitement,
Knowing for sure - come here.


Saturday in February every year
When you, even if you are not on the way,
Taking time off from home, from school, from work,
Hurry up to meet us


Here we are waiting for you as welcome guests,
We often remember you.
We speak from the heart - come soon!

The evening of meeting friends begins!

(A boy enters uninvited)

I was in a hurry for the lesson

And the lace prevented me from walking. 1 class class

He behaved loosely

While I was walking along Pushkinskaya.

He climbed into the puddles and under the heel,

He got completely out of hand...

No, from sneakers! Not! From feet...

In short, I couldn't go.

My patience has expired

I barked: "Well, hold on, lace!

Now how to sore! Right now, as ladies!" -

The lace broke in half.

I needed a lesson

I couldn't get to school.

Even cry, even run barefoot,

The shoe falls off the foot.

So I don't know how to be

When the lace interferes with life.

A. En. "Lace"


Here you are a short time fell into your school years

Welcome to the evening of the meeting
To my own school this evening.
Thank you for coming to the holiday
They brought the warmth of their hearts with them.
What happiness at school to meet everyone -
Get together for the evening of the meeting once a year!
Your friends in class and school,
You will see your teachers again.
Today, like many years ago,
"Welcome!" - at the entrance they say.

(without announcement, a first-grader with a microphone comes out)

I can't figure it out!
They say that today they are visiting
Uncles - aunts will come to us.
2. They call them so strange
However, sooner or later
I understand this too.

And do not bend your soul.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?
Ved. (Gives the microphone to the graduate in the hall. He answers.)
4. Give the microphone to that aunt.
You are at school, not at work.
You are direct to my question
Give your answer simple.
Ved.1. (Reply from a graduate).
5. I liked the answers
Let me say hello now.
I will urgently grow
To school to come big.
Ved.2. Hey guys look
How many adults are there
Get out quickly
And tell me about the school

Vedas 2. You will be surprised for sure!

1 reader:

2 reader:

3 reader:
And for the school curriculum
Three years is enough for us

4 reader:

Rodaki said: "Cool, very cool you hit!"

(first graders sing a song)

Lead 2.
The school in our memory is bright classes, a blackboard covered with chalk, a diary lost somewhere, the first love, strict teachers, parental notations ....

Lead 1.

And how cool the school bell rang from the last lesson! Hooray! Books flew into the briefcase like birds! The doors of the school victoriously thundered salute! The school yard resounded with joyful cries! Hooray! Lessons are over!

Lead 2

... And in the school yard they drop poplar leaves .... The autumn winds are blowing...
Schoolyard…bench…memory…memories…. Year 1967….

Lead 1.

In 1967 A new B-Krasnoyarsk school was opened. Director new school Emelyanov Grigory Yakovlevich was appointed. You see on the screen the first team of the school, many teachers are no longer alive, but in our hall there are teachers who were the first to receive students here.

Lead 2.

Today in our hall there are: Raisa Pavlovna Rusakova, Lidia Nikolaevna Tanina, Emelyanova Lyudmila Mikhailovna, Nekrasova Tamara Borisovna, Shabanova Tamara Alekseevna

(go out into the hall)

We are pleased to give you the floor. Rusakova Raisa Pavlovna

(Giving flowers grade 11)

Lead 1.

We remember everyone. The first teachers who stood at the origins of the founding of the school, and the first students. (There is a slide film. Against the background of beautiful music, slides of past years of the life of the school and the present school: at lessons, at breaks, at rehearsals, etc. (slides)

Lead 2.

We think this is only the first series of a feature documentary

Lead 1.

And this film is multi-episode. "School -50"

(Pedagogical team performs a song)
Lead 2

Leading: Begin


May today you all be warm and comfortable, joyfully meeting each other.
friend and beloved teachers.
But before the holiday, friends, we will continue,
Now we will have a roll call here.
Be careful, shout loudly: "Here!"
Don't miss your release year!
The hosts begin the roll call of graduates with last year release, noting anniversary years graduates, taking into account the registration data of former graduates.

presenter : Graduates of 2015 - the youngest graduates - one year from the date of graduation. Are you here?

Graduation 2012 anniversary fifth meeting

35th summer meeting of the 1982 edition

HOST: 2007 graduates celebrate 10 years this year

LEADING: 40 years since graduation

Released in 1977

Anniversary issue 2002 15 years

45 years from the date of graduation, graduation 1972

HOST: The roll call continues 1997 20 years, celebrate this year

Presenter: Graduates who graduated from school 50 years ago, class of 1967

HOST: anniversary date Graduation 1992 25 years

HOST: 30th anniversary is celebrated this year, graduation of 1987

All of you were good!
Everyone screamed from the heart!
And as a reward to you from us
The number will be filled now! 4th grade students "Little Country"

The school in our memory is bright classes,
School is a chalkboard
strict teachers,

Diary lost somewhere

parent notations,
The first love…


Where does school begin?

The floor is given to the Head of the Bolshekrasnoyarsk school A.M. Robkanova

Alina, Marina "Girlfriends" come out

Time flies fast, everything changes.
Everywhere colleges, lyceums appear.
And among them is our usual,
Our school - excellent!

Performingscene "Ilya Trifonov's letter to grandfather in the village» Varava Denis


You will appreciate the school only then,
When the years fly by like moments.
She often dreams at night.
School years no one will forget!

Graduates! Are any of you ready
On this stage to perform now?
Do not be shy, boldly go out
Tell us a little about yourself.
You can sing and dance
We wish good luck to our teachers.

And now we are waiting for your personal memories. Well, bolder, you are at school, and at school you were not afraid of anything.
(Speech by graduates of previous years.)

Presenter: We invite you to the 2012 edition

Cl supervisor: Bobrova E.A.

First teacher: Nesmachnykh Lidia Fedorovna (5 years old)

Host: Dear Graduates of 2012! Think and tell us, please, when were you truly happy? Think well. And if you really thought well, you will understand that you were truly happy, of course, in childhood.

Leading: Then the trees were big, and the sun shone brighter, and the summer was longer, and the girls were more beautiful. So let's remember this today Golden time And let's try, at least this evening, to become as carefree and happy again as we were in childhood. Do you agree? You have a word.

Presenter: for each anniversary issue, we have prepared tests that need to be passed. You now need to sing a song to the melody "Song of a Good Mood"

If you frown and leave the house,
If you are not happy with the day ahead,

Better forget all your troubles
And smile wider to everyone who is not lazy.

You cast away all doubts
Smile all around
And good mood
will come to you as best friend.

Host 2: Excellent, well done! Photo for memory!

Host: We continue our evening and are sincerely glad that those whose sonorous voices filled the school with life 10 years ago have gathered again within these walls. Whose victories were a source of joy and sorrow for teachers. For those who walk into the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still a student. Invite Release 2007

Cl supervisor: Pokrovskaya O.A.

First teacher: Aksyonova I.V. 10 years old (Khrushchkikh)

Host: You have the floor!

Presenter: In our school, the tradition of celebrating "Teacher's Day", that's what a surprise was waiting for our teachers.

(showing the video "children about teachers")

Host: Invite Release 2002

Cl supervisor: Monakhova T.A.

First teacher: Pokrovskaya About A. You have the floor. 15 years old (Zyuzikova Luda)

Leader: . Dear graduates, now we invite you to return to the past and remember school life. We ask you to answer our questions.

    A place that students don't like to go to. (Board).

    Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button).

    Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent meeting).

    Flat globe. (Map).

    Album for autographs of parents. (Diary)

    From 2 to 5. (Grade).

    A place where children serve 11 years. (School).

    A signal for the beginning and end of torment. (call)

    President across the school. (Director).

    There are in every class. (Board).

    All teachers look forward to this. (Vacation).

    You can't live on this in school. (The salary).

Host: Thank you.

Presenter Photo for memory

Presenter: Varava Denis sings for you


Presenter 1: School years are unforgettable years. We remember the first teachers and the first failures. We remember the first love and the first victories. And today release 1997CL head: Khrushkikh M.A.

First teacher: Kharitonova Natalya Vasilievna,we invite you to remember the pleasant moments associated with the school. (when they entered the room)
Graduates, remember your school years, tell us your best memories.
20 years old (Fomintsev Kostya)

Presenter: We should now have a contest "Guess the melody".
Host 1: Yes! Well, that's great. We will spend it with the graduates of 1997, especially since there is someone to sing, someone to guess the melody.
(On the "Guess the melody" screen.)
(Soundtrack for the Guess the Melody program.)
Moderator: The 2007 Alumni team is already in full force and we are inviting a team of teachers

The competition consists of six songs that you have to guess, sing a verse. Whoever guessed must give a signal - a call (a chair and a call are brought in)

So, are the teams ready?

Fun and interesting was the program "Guess the melody"! And we are sure that friendship won.
Photo for memory.

Presenter: We invite you to Graduation 1992 (at this time graduates leave)

Cl leader: Baryshnikova Nina Alexandrovna

First teacher: Deryabina Nina Nikitichna

25 years old (Vital Fomintse)

presenter:Express interview for you

(questions are written on the card, the presenter invites graduates to choose any).


1. Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?

2. Where does childhood go?

11. Yours future profession?

12. Your wishes to teachers and your former classmates.

Leading: We invite you to perform the song "There will be more Tolya".

Presenter: Photo for memory

Presenter: We invite you to Graduation 1987

Cl leader: Osipova G.M.

First teacher: Bakustina Nadezhda Ivanovna

30 years later (Kuznetsova Natasha)

Leading: Meet the students of grade 2 (sing a song)

Host: welcomeRelease of 1977 40 years later (Palyanova Lyuba)

Cl head:Tigeeva Sofya Aleksandrovna

First teacher: Nekrasova Anna Ivanovna

Host: Do you remember what kind of pioneers you were?

Presenter: (distributing words, ties, words on the slide) - Pioneer squad. Handing over the report issue of 1987.

Pioneer leader: - Antonina Mikhailovna detachment "Graduation of 1977" on solemn line built

Who walks together in a row?
- Pioneer our detachment!
- We walk together in step,

Make way for us!
1st pioneer:
2nd pioneer:
3rd pioneer:
And the Komsomol, and the pioneers.
4th pioneer:

Presenter: The song "Fly up the blue nights with bonfires" is being performed(Performed by 1977 graduates)

Presenter: The words are given to Robkanov Alexander Viktorovich

Host: Sings for youRobkanova Marina, graduation 2013

Host: We give the floor to other issues as well


Dear friends! Return to your childhood more often, at least in your thoughts.

And life will become much easier for you!

We say goodbye to all of you:
TOGETHER"See you again, friends,
And goodbye!"

(The final part of the song. Concert participants throw Balloons to the hall.)

The school anthem "Through the wars ......

Hosts: TOGETHER"See you again, friends,
And goodbye!"

Alumni meeting 2017 School - 50 years

FULL NAME. school graduate

Year of issue

Classroom teacher

Presentation, speech

All participants sing a song to the tune "All that I have"

It is impossible to hide in it from storms and thunderstorms,
It is impossible to hide in it from winter blizzards,
And from separation, from bitter separation.
But, apart from troubles, uninvited troubles,
There are stars and sunlight in the world,
There is a native home and the warmth of fire,
And you have your school.

Everything: your friends, your dreams,
It's all, it's all you!
Everything you have in life
All that is the joy of every day,
Everything you call your destiny
Connected, connected, school, with you.
The world is not simple, not at all simple,
But don't be afraid of storms or thunderstorms,
Cold is not terrible, heat is not terrible
If with you, a friend next to you!
And don't be sad, don't be sad in vain
When suddenly there is trouble on the way.
Cope with trouble, keeping love,
After all, you have a friend you have ...

Screensaver "First grader".

First grader: What's going on in our school?!
I can't figure it out!
They say that today they are visiting
Uncles - aunts will come to us.

They call them so strange
However, sooner or later
I understand this too.

Here you are, uncle, tell me
And do not bend your soul.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?

Passes the microphone to the graduate in the hall. He answers.
Give the microphone to that aunt.
You are at school, not at work.
You are direct to my question -
Give your answer simple.
Graduate response.
I liked the answers
Let me say hello now.
I will urgently grow
To school to come big.

Leading: Probably each of you now recognized yourself many years ago.
Presenter: Do you want to remember your school days?
Leading: Begin

Scene "Pioneers"

Pioneer leader: Who walks together in a row?
Our pioneer team!
We walk together in step
Make way for us!

1st pioneer: We, the pioneers of our country's children!
There is no one happier than us in the world.
2nd pioneer: To be with you again today
We came to see our school!
3rd pioneer: Your whole life serves as an example for children:
And the Komsomol, and the pioneers.
4th pioneer: We will continue to follow your example.
We came to congratulate our school.
Together: We say without despondency and laziness:
We don't know generation gap.
Graduates may be younger than us,
You should take an example from us in this too.

The song "Fly up the bonfires of the blue nights"

The speech of the readers.

1st: Once upon a time we are in our unkind school,
We spent all our days dreaming about football.
2nd: To be honest, we did not want to study,
But at the same time they slept and ate well.
1st: In anguish at the lessons they drew on the desks,
Secretly, choking from a cough, they smoked ...
2nd: On the windows at the root, the flowers were cut off,
Bits and candy wrappers were buried in them ...
1st: And they often skipped school with you,
Away from the class, we chased the ball ...
2nd: And we were not afraid of exam dates,
Lessons loomed somewhere in the fog!
1st: And every clean-up was for us - an excellent student
Of course, the enemy, and for everyone - personal!
2nd: Great feats awaited us again -
The child is growing - the fetters are tight for him!
1st: But the teachers scolded us terribly,
And a terrible fate was predicted for us!
2nd: We were given fat black deuces,
We were waiting for only puzzles ...
1st: They read morals, chased out the door ...
But, all this is in the past, guys, now!
2nd: We have become free, brothers, now -
The school door slammed behind us!
Thank you for your hellish patience
Sorry for the terrible pain
Thanks for the solid support
Sorry for the scandals, screams, disputes ...
When we take the kids to school,
Then, darlings, you we'll understand the end!

Scene "Gentlemen".

even compete.
- Sir, what do you mean?
- Who are the most nice words talk about his school.
- From minutes and moments output sounds music)

Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen!
- We are glad to welcome you from the club of school gentlemen
- Today, all our speeches are only about you, about your patience and professionalism, love for work, children, trials.
- In a word, about our anniversary.
- We, sad and cheerful
- The wonderful world of our school days is growing
- It is very important in life to choose the right school,
- So that it would not be a shame that he studied in it.
- It’s good for you to talk, but my mother is always called to the director.
- And what do you do every time?
- Yes, it's not me, it's mom, all some papers for your friend -
neither district composes.
- Sir! Aren't you ashamed, you made five mistakes in the exercise, one!
- Of course, because his parents were at home all evening, and mine went to visit.
- And the teacher told me that I didn’t know mathematics at all and put some number in the diary ...
- Sir, do teachers get paid?
- Certainly.
- It's not fair. Then why do we, the students, always have to do their tasks for them?
- Sir, how did you determine that the earth is round?
- Eccentric, have you not seen the globe?
- Sir, recently, near the traffic police school, a sign was installed “Slow down, the school is ahead!”
- Why, one wonders, you might think that someone is running there.
- Sir, and now the teacher will give me only good grades ...
-And why is that?
- And my dad said that if I get bad grades this year, he will spank someone ...
- Well, what about the teacher?
“Because he won’t dare to spank me.” Then his mom will spank him ...
Sir, why are you standing all the time?
- And my father whipped me twice yesterday. Once, when I showed the diary with marks, and the second time, when I realized that it was his diary.
- Sir, is it true that exams are like a lottery?
- No, in the lottery you have at least some chance.
- Yes, how little a person needs for happiness, considering that grief comes from the mind.
- And more about exams. Never deceive the director on trifles! Save your strength for the main thing.
- By the way about the main thing. We seem to have forgotten why we actually came!
- And we came to congratulate all of you on the birthday of our school.

Performing Scene "Telepathy"

hilarious funny scene on the topic of what can be obtained from the union of two incompatible school subjects. And also about what will happen, if it happens, if His Majesty Chance intervenes in a pre-planned plan.

Neumnov (sings for joy).Well, Copperfield, you have a great idea. Telepathy! Thoughts at a distance! Come on, telepath me something.

Copperfield . He spreads his arms like a psychic.

Neumnov . A storm covers the sky with darkness ... What are you suggesting literature to me - we now have biology. Here, take the textbook - paragraph 36. Look, inspire more strongly.

Koperfildov sits on the edge of the stage, puts a textbook on his knees, looking into it, sending thoughts.

Call. Beginning of the lesson. The literature teacher enters.

Teacher . Hello guys, Irina Ivanovna got sick, so there will be literature instead of biology. So the novel A. WITH. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Who wants to answer? As always forest hands. Neumnov, to the blackboard.

Neumnov (clears throat). The image of Eugene Onegin. Onegin is a secular Petersburg man, a capital aristocrat. Drawing the image of the hero, Pushkin speaks in detail ... (telepathy begins) that his body, the thallus, consists of fungus and algae, which are in close relationship. He is very unpretentious. Lives in deserts, rocks, tundra. When it dies, it forms humus. In this his the main role... in a novel.

Teacher. Neumnov, what's wrong with you?

Neumnov . May I tell you about Lensky better? There are many excellent inclinations in Lensky, the author points to the “noble aspiration of the feelings and thoughts of the young” inherent in him. It blooms in the middle of summer. Insects do not visit its flowers well - they have neither nectar nor an abundance of pollen. (Shakes his head.) Lensky - educated, man of culture. It is planted in the spring, before planting, the tubers are germinated in a bright room.

Teacher. Neumnov, did you get sick by chance? Or not ready to answer?
Neumnov . Ready-ready. Can female image? Tatyana for Pushkin is a sweet ideal. She is a whole being. By nature, Tatyana is gifted with a lively mind. In autumn, she lays her eggs in a cocoon woven from a thin cobweb. She weaves a cocoon in secluded places: under stumps, stones. Outwardly, Tatyana is larger than the male.

The teacher looks puzzled.

Neumnov . Not!!! Not!!! I prepared the image of Olga.

Teacher . Well, Olga is Olga.

Neumnov . The complete opposite of Tatyana is her sister Olga. Olga has a lot of cheerfulness, energy, playfulness. Her body is covered with scales. When shedding, the skin comes off in one piece. She moves by wriggling her body along the ground. Its poisonousness is well known.

Teacher. Enough! Sit down. Kol!


Neumnov (runs up to Koperfildov). Well, Copperfield, well, he made me happy. Thoughts at a distance. That's telepathy for you.(He hits the book on the head.) Here's a five for you!(Strikes.) Here's to you - you will become an excellent student!

Do you remember?

The years flew by like in a fairy tale.
We've grown up so fast
And there is no teacher's pointer in the hands,
long forgotten how
equations were written with chalk.

Remember when was the last time
Did we sit at the school desk?
How the class strained together
When the teacher chose who
call to the map?
How not enough time for entertainment,
That's why they skipped classes
And how they wrote essays,
And how was the waste collected?
Do you remember the autumn school meetings,
On skis in winter, flights from the hills,
Sports crosses, competitions,
Campaigns and subbotniks, in talents
How cheerful, brave, fervent,
Timid, touchy, cynical, absurd,
Dreaming, falling in love for the first time
And failures were easily dealt with ...
And remember, the last time
The bell sang loudly -
Ended, it seemed, unexpectedly
for us
A short farewell lesson?
Yes, time, unfortunately, is fleeting.
And year after year many years have flown by.
We cannot return childhood, of course,
But a good trace remained in the memory

(no announcement exit first grader with microphone)
1.What is going on in our school?!
I can't figure it out!
They say that today they are visiting
Uncles - aunts will come to us.
2. They call them so strange
However, sooner or later
I understand this too.
3. Here you are, uncle, tell me
And do not bend your soul.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?
Vedas. (Gives the microphone to the graduate in the hall. He answers.)
4. Give the microphone to that aunt.
You are at school, not at work.
You are direct to my question
Give your answer simple.
Ved.1. (Reply from a graduate).
5. I liked the answers
Let me say hello now.
I will urgently grow
To school to come big.
Ved.2. Hey guys look
How many adults are there
Get out quickly
And tell me about the school

(1st graders come out) addressing the graduates
Vedas 2. You will be surprised for sure!
(performance by first graders)
1 reader:
Little kids have known this for a long time.
In class 1, the lesson is more interesting than in the movies.
2 reader:
I'm going home cheerful, in the diary a high score,
This means that you got into our school, and I got into it.
3 reader:
And for the school curriculum
Three years is enough for us
Give back rather mom, you take us to the university.
4 reader:
In the 1st grade, for some reason, I fell in love with studying,
Rodaki said: "Cool, very cool you hit!" (First graders leave)

Trifonov Ilya, a fourteen-year-old boy, surrenderednine years ago to study at school with. Red Yar, into the nightChristmas did not go to bed. Waiting until everything ishomecalmed down, took out a bottle of ink from the cabinet,a pen with a rusty nib and, spreading out in front of himcrumpled sheet of paper, began to write. Before withdrawingfirst letter, he glanced around fearfully atdoors and windows, squinted at dark image Pushkin and intermittentlysighed.

“Dear grandfather, Konstantin Makarych! he wrote. -I am writing you a letter. Merry Christmas andI give you everything from the Lord God.”

Ilya turned his eyes to the dark window and vividly imaginedzil himself his grandfather, who served as a night watchman.Ilyukha sighed, dipped his pen and continued to write: “Dear grandfather! Do God's favor, takeme away home, there is no longer any of my possibilitiesness to be in this school.

You know, we live here strictly according to the schedule.It is composed by a very cute-looking aunt. But shesome ruthless one, teach us six lessons a day,Yes, you have to go to everything: attendance checks.

And there is no food, in the morning they don’t even give bread, onlyat one break and you can have a bite to eat in the canteen. And for coffee or black caviar, then, probably,the cooks themselves crack. So you go hungry all dayny, throws you from wall to wall. And performance againthey ask. They probably want all the students of thisschools were silver medalists.

Dear grandfather, Konstantin Makarych! And the teacherseverything here is very strict. Apparently afraid of directora schools, that's what everyone demands in their own science. And the sciencesthen everyone is different: in mathematics they study oblique sines, in biology for some reason they talk about shoes - infusoRiya "shoe" is called. And about Russian and govothere is nothing to write: they specially came up with some spellingwe yes punctuation so that students zapin more oftenfoxes and bad marks received. According to literature and historyrii are forced to write some kind of "abstracts". Here, grandfather, the head swells.

And our most valuable teacher is probably the one who teachesgives a new science - informatics: it is for greater costorage is even hidden behind a large iron door.

And yesterday I had a scolding from the class teacherbody. He was unhappy with what I hid cool magazine in the trash can. And I was just helping out my friend, whoRoma teacher of physics instructed deuces. He got deuces by accident, he answered the Law of Archimedes at the blackboard ... Well, this one ... to measure the volume of a body, you need Newton's bodyimmerse in the bath of Archimedes, and then, after drying it, changeread on the Richter scale. For some reason, the teacher didn'tunderstood...

Dear grandfather! Life here is quite unbearable:they don’t let you write off in class, they don’t allow you to be late,homework is checked, and they are told to sleep only at home. And they threaten exams...

Dear grandfather! I bow at your feet and I will foreverPray to God: come, take me away from here, otherwisemru! I remain your grandson Ilya Trifonov. dear grandfather,come!"

Ilya folded the scribbled sheet in four and put it ininto an envelope ... After thinking a little, he dipped his pen and wroteSal address: "To the village of grandfather." Then he scratchedthought and added: "Konstantin Makarych."

Have you ever wanted to burn your school magazine?

2. Where does childhood go?

3. Which teacher has the most memorable voice? Why?

4. How often did you run away from lessons?

6. Who is the youngest in your class?

8. What subject have you studied all 11 years and its name has not changed in 11 years?

9. What is your favorite moment in class?

10. Your most favorite place at school?

11. What is your future profession?

12. Your wishes to teachers and your former classmates

Have you ever wanted to burn your school magazine?

Which teacher has the most memorable voice? Why?

How often did you run away from classes?

Who is the youngest in your class?

What is your favorite moment in class?

What is your favorite place at school?

What is your future profession?

Your wishes to teachers and your former classmates

Every year, the end of January is characterized by rapid bursts of activity in social networks. Often, photos from distant school days appear with calls to attend an upcoming meeting. former classmates. After all, each meeting is that joyful event that can again take us to the best and most serene school years. So what date is the reunion day? It's the first Saturday in February.

Holiday features.

On this beautiful February day, the yard and school premises are filled with her former students, who have already matured and become their own. life path. When the day of the meeting of graduates is celebrated, such a native school bell sounds again, already former students try to squeeze into such small desks, and the teacher, who has changed over the years, kind smile meets everyone on the threshold of the class. Everyone peers into each other's faces, trying to find familiar features. And again cheerful noise, and din, and again jokes, and eternal question"Do you remember how we..." Alumni meeting, when it takes place, it is necessarily accompanied by pleasant memories and exchange of experiences. And also the stories of former classmates about themselves and their lives.

Order of conduct.

Like any holiday, this day has its own specific rules. The beginning of the holiday is a solemn concert in the assembly hall, then there is a tour of the school and, then, the graduates disperse into classes. Often, the concert is prepared by the school team, or the students of the school. The motto of the concert again goes under the slogan "Do you remember? It consists of funny moments and situations that are nice to remember for every graduate. However, all those who prepare skits and jokes for graduates cannot possibly know any features and funny moments from their studies , therefore, most often, they resort to templates.This is a button for the teacher on a chair and steps, and endless deuces.

Therefore, one should not expect special originality from such events. And every year the number of graduates coming to school is only declining. Often, they already meet directly in a cafe or restaurant. Therefore, it is better not to rely on someone, but to plan and organize a program, communication and a table for yourself and your classmates. It is possible, for example, a week before the meeting to collect the most interesting and bright photos and instruct someone from the class to make a collage so that it would be interesting for everyone to watch and remember past years.

What needs to be done in advance?

In general, no matter what date the day of the reunion of graduates is held, everything needs to be planned and ordered in advance. In particular, this applies to the place chosen for the banquet. Indeed, on the eve of the meeting, often, most cafes and restaurants will be busy. And so that no one gets bored at the meeting, it is desirable that there be such a person who will direct the conversation to right direction. This should be someone who knows everything about everyone, knows how to keep the conversation going, give a topic for a new conversation, or tell something for general amusement. If you look, then in every class there is always such a person. He must be the ringleader tonight.

The meeting of graduates, no matter what date it is held, will always be, to some extent, sad holiday. After all, having plunged for a moment into those carefree years with school mates, you will not want to return to your usual routine later. However, the day of the alumni meeting is a kind of therapy, an opportunity to nostalgic together, to remember those years when it was so good and fun for everyone together. The meeting of graduates is an event that you should definitely visit at least occasionally in order to prolong your childhood for a moment, remember the old years and again spend the evening in the company of those people with whom fate once brought under the roof of one school.