As previously understood that the girl is pregnant. What are the signs that you can tell if a girl is pregnant? Nausea in the morning or during the day

In order to find out if there is a pregnancy or not, there are tests that show a 100% result. But the test gives a high result only after a few days of delay in menstruation. And even the most experienced gynecologist will not see a few days of pregnancy. How do you know if you are pregnant without a test, especially in the early stages?

Early signs of pregnancy

  • In the first weeks and days of pregnancy, scanty discharge from yellowish to pale pink... This symptom often occurs with the attachment of an egg that is fertilized to the wall of the uterus;
  • Sometimes there is nausea and intolerance to some odors, but this is individual and not manifested in everyone. This is the so-called phenomenon of toxicosis. Toxicosis makes itself felt, mainly in the morning and during cooking;
  • Pressure may drop and cause dizziness and fainting. This condition is not a defining moment, as it may turn out to be a manifestation of vascular disorders;
  • At hormonal changes the body may experience sleep disturbances and headaches. Often there is excessive irritability and aggressiveness towards others;
  • A slight (up to 37 C) increase in body temperature, malaise, apathy, weakness. Often these symptoms are treated with the suspicion of a cold. In the early stages of pregnancy, the use of drugs can lead to serious complications. Before treating a cold, pregnancy must be ruled out;
  • The chest swells and becomes more sensitive - this is a change in the hormonal background;
  • Unpleasant pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, this is due to an increase in the fertilized egg. If the pain is cutting and intense, urgently consult a doctor;
  • Increased urination with hormonal surges. If frequent, especially nocturnal trips to the toilet "on small" are accompanied by cuts or burning, this is a reason to consult a urologist;
  • Flatulence (bloating), constipation. Hormones inhibit intestinal peristalsis to prevent uterine tone. For many familiar products nutrition, the body reacts inadequately.

Traditional methods for determining early pregnancy

  • Drop a drop of iodine onto the surface of the urine glass. If iodine dissolves immediately, there is no pregnancy. Iodine spreads with a delay, confirms pregnancy.
  • Mix the morning urine with red wine in equal proportions. If there is no pregnancy, the liquid will become cloudy. In the presence of pregnancy, the liquid will remain clear.
  • Lying on your back, put your fingers 7 cm below the navel. If pulsation is felt, there is pregnancy. Healers believe that the pregnant uterus "makes" this area to pulsate.
  • Listen to dreams. For many women, the presence of pregnancy is confirmed by a fish seen in a dream, for some - by a mouse. By the way, according to many women communicating on the forums, this is 100% confirmation of pregnancy.

Of course, these methods don't have scientific justification... But there is a time-tested and many women effect.

Women who already have children usually accurately determine, even at small stages, the onset of pregnancy. Every woman's body is different and pregnancy can show unexpected symptoms. For girls who suspect that they are pregnant, it is best to see a doctor. Or wait for a delay in menstruation and use the test. You can watch your body. You can measure the temperature of the vagina and monitor the results. You can use folk methods. Only a gynecologist can accurately determine pregnancy. Even tests can sometimes not give an accurate answer and skew the result.

To your attention a very useful video on how to understand that a pregnancy has come:

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Very often, the question of the onset of pregnancy worries a woman even before her period should begin. Only complete absence sex can give a complete guarantee of no pregnancy. Every woman knows the estimated date of the onset of menstruation, but sometimes the menstrual cycle fails and then anxiety and excitement are inevitable.

If the onset of menstruation is delayed for a couple of days, do you need anything in this case? to undertake? And is it possible to know for sure at such very early stages: is there a pregnancy or not?

The absence of menstruation is clear sign the onset of pregnancy only if the menstrual cycle is considered steady and regular. But first, it is necessary to consider situations in which a delay in menstruation is possible. First, it can be irregular periods. This phenomenon is due to nature itself and depends on a number of reasons: hormonal failure, all kinds of ailments, influence environment and the effect on the body of various medicines.

Few people know that even overheating in the sun can affect the timing of the arrival of menstruation. Therefore, it is worth waiting a few days before taking further actions, especially if you protected yourself during sex. It is possible that the long-awaited menstruation will come in a couple of days.

If you did not use contraceptives, and you have no strength to wait, then you just need to buy a test for pregnancy which is sold in every pharmacy. It is comfortable and inexpensive remedy, which helps to identify pregnancy at home from the first day of delayed menstruation. How is he

Works? After a woman becomes pregnant, the production of an increased number of hormones begins in her body, which can be detected in the urine based on the test.

It is very important to follow the guidelines that accompany the test. But also when using this method one cannot be 100% sure of the result, because its reliability for a number of data varies from 40 to 85%. The manufacturers of these tests estimate the reliability of the results at about 99%. But when taking certain medications, the test can show a false pregnancy.

Only a gynecologist can finally confirm the absence or presence of pregnancy, who, on the basis of examination or test data, will determine the woman's condition and determine an objective diagnosis. Your doctor may also advise you to have an ultrasound scan. It is carried out regardless of the gestational age without the risk of termination. Thanks to this survey ectopic pregnancy can also be identified.

In addition to the above methods of determining pregnancy at an early stage, any of the women can find signs in themselves that indicate changes in her body, especially if she has already been pregnant before. All these signs are individual and depend on the characteristics of the woman's body. For example, if you notice that you have become more irritable, more emotional, you often want to sleep and there have been some changes in your breasts, then it is likely that this is a pregnancy.

How do you know if you are pregnant in the first days after fertilization? Literally after a few days, some women have an increase in appetite, or, conversely, an aversion to food appears; there is nausea or vomiting; begins to pull towards individual products, there are indigestion or constipation, a headache or dizziness, swelling of the legs, sometimes a woman faints. These symptoms may worsen or disappear over time, and new ones may also appear: bad dream, back pain, skin pigmentation, fever, increased heart rate and others.

Cases when the body strongly signals conception in the early stages of pregnancy are very rare. But most women mysteriously can feel the smallest changes in their own bodies and associate these changes with pregnancy. But these premonitions may not be justified, but only provoked by doubts and fears. Therefore, you need to try to realistically assess the facts of the onset of conception, pay attention to the delay menstrual flow and, naturally, do not panic.

How do you know that you are pregnant without a test and is it possible in principle? It’s quite real. There is a way that has been tested by more than one generation of women - this is measuring the basal temperature and the correct decoding of the data obtained.

Before measuring the basal temperature, it is necessary to realize the fact that this is not done in order to 100% make sure that there is a pregnancy, but in order to find out about a possible change in hormonal levels. To do this, the basal temperature must be measured when the menstrual cycle begins, and daily entries are made in a special table, which will consist of two columns - X and Y.

But if, nevertheless, the need to measure basal temperature consists in order to learn about pregnancy, you must perform the following steps. First, you need to start measuring the temperature two days before the critical days should begin. This is for the simple reason that the menstrual cycle is divided into two periods. The first period - before ovulation, it lasts less than the second, by several days.

The second period - after ovulation, it lasts for 16-18 days. If the ovulation process has occurred, in the second phase, the basal temperature will be increased, and will fluctuate around the subfebrile temperature... The closer the onset of menstruation is, the lower the temperature becomes. If the decline process does not occur, a high probability that the woman is pregnant.

Many people do not know that basal temperature can be measured not only in the rectum, but also in the vagina and also in the mouth. The only place where temperature cannot be measured is in the armpit. Mercury thermometer in the mouth should be kept for 3 minutes, in the vagina for 5 minutes.

The temperature can rise not only due to pregnancy, it is influenced by many factors. It could be a disease or inflammatory process in the female genital organs. The temperature rises if you take alcohol or medications the day before, as well as if you have had sexual intercourse or suffered stress. If all of the above factors are excluded, the likelihood of pregnancy is high. And this is really one of the ways to find out about pregnancy at home, without using a test. You need to measure the temperature in the morning without getting out of bed!

Anyone who wants to be able to determine pregnancy at home should be aware of these signs in mandatory... So, let's begin:

  • Lack of a menstrual cycle. A delay or complete absence of menstruation can speak not only of pregnancy, but still, if there is a reason to think about it, it is worth continuing to monitor your body.

  • There are times when menstruation occurs during pregnancy, but they look more like small discharge... If bleeding occurs during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Define pregnancy the doctor can only 3 weeks after the delay, then the uterus reaches certain sizes and the fruit becomes visible.

  • Toxicosis. This symptom is one of the clearest signs of pregnancy, on early stages women begin to feel very sick.

  • Sharp pain in the mammary glands. If a woman has never experienced breast ailments, this symptom can become significant for her. Also female breast maybe increase still in the early stages of pregnancy, about a size or two. Also, if the nipples sensitive from them colostrum may begin to be excreted.

  • Pain in the uterus or ovaries. It is somewhat similar to the one that occurs during menstruation. Most often, this symptom tells girls that the menstrual cycle will come on time, but it never comes. But there are times when such pains are signs of disease, and it is still worth taking a test or seeing a doctor!

  • Allocations. If from the genitals there are abundant colorless discharge that are odorless is a sign of pregnancy. If the discharge has a cheesy structure, then you should think about the occurrence of thrush. But, there are times when thrush occurs in pregnant women, in which case it is imperative to see a doctor, as this fungal disease need to be treated so as not to harm the baby.

  • Decreased or increased sex drive. A pregnant woman has hormonal changes, for this reason, her libido increases or decreases.

  • Change in emotions. Pregnant women become more irritable, moody, whiny and demanding.

  • Urination becomes more frequent. There are no signs of cystitis, and the process frequent urination scares? So this is exactly your method to find out about pregnancy at home.

  • The temperature rises. It happens that not only the basal temperature rises in pregnant women, but also the body temperature.

These are the most common and most frequent signs pregnancy! Relying on them, you have possibility determine your position. But, nevertheless, it should be remembered that a doctor is needed in any case, and there is nothing shameful in going to him. And you shouldn't hesitate to buy a pregnancy test at all, because perhaps this is the first "photo" of your baby!

How to identify pregnancy at home on your own and without a test? There are a number of features that indicate an "interesting situation": delayed menstruation, intolerance to saturated aromas, painful sensations in the chest, discomfort in the lower abdomen, frequent urination and frequent mood swings. The fact of pregnancy is determined by a gynecologist during an examination of the vagina and uterus (starting from 5 weeks) or by ultrasound and blood tests. I propose to look ahead and read the list of factors that indicate the emergence of a new life, and do not require a litmus test for the content of hCG in urine.

Determination of "interesting position" by basal temperature

It is necessary to fix the readings two days before " critical days"because the second phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by an increase basal temperature above 37 degrees. Closer to the new menstruation, it gradually decreases, and during the birth of the fetus it lasts for two weeks.

The correct measurement is taken after waking up in the morning in a state of complete rest, so prepare the thermometer the night before, and in the morning insert it into the anus and hold it for about 10 minutes. If the temperature rises, you will soon become a mother.

Signs of pregnancy

  • A delay in menstruation is the main symptom, but you need to cut off other reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle: unexpected change climate to serious diseases.
  • Constant nausea and vomiting due to pronounced odors or food is toxicosis, which is absent in only a small percentage of women.
  • Painful sensations in the mammary glands and an increase in breast size. In pregnant women, the nipples become pigmented and especially sensitive.
  • Pain is felt in a specific area of ​​one of the mammary glands - make an appointment with a mammologist.
  • A pulling pain in the uterus and ovaries is experienced by many women in the first days of menstruation. If it does not occur, it may be a manifestation of a pathological ectopic pregnancy.
  • Vaginal discharge white, sour smell and curdled structure - thrush of pregnant women.
  • Sexual libido can rise or fall suddenly, which is associated with hormonal surges. This is another signal that a woman will soon become a mother.
  • Drowsiness, irritability, tearfulness and other manifestations of female harm. If you feel like eating strawberries and having a snack pickled cucumber, the sounds are annoying, when you watch the movie, tears flow in a stream, although earlier there was no question of sentimentality, - congratulations on your early motherhood.
  • Frequent urination, which is not accompanied by pain, speaks either of somatic disorders, or of the future birth of a baby.

All the conditions mentioned are not considered an absolute guarantee of pregnancy, but are a signal for action. You can adjust your lifestyle, nutrition, and get a physical exam to confirm or disprove the guess.

Pregnancy is a welcome event in every family, so couples strive to learn about the joyful event as soon as possible. Everyone knows how to understand that a girl is pregnant - over time it becomes obvious by some signs.

But there are other less noticeable factors that help determine pregnancy much earlier. In addition, there are subtleties in the use of tests, which sometimes sin with inaccuracy. Timely detection of pregnancy allows you not only to please loved ones, but also to adjust your lifestyle and habits for the sake of harmonious development future baby.

In contact with

The first suspicions arise when menstruation is delayed, therefore, sometimes a girl's assumptions about pregnancy appear after a couple of days, and sometimes such a question may not arise even after a week. But when he does get up, the purchase of a test immediately follows, establishing an almost final verdict. The exception is the test done in the early days - its result is inaccurate.

To understand that a girl is pregnant on early date, it is recommended to opt for a more expensive test. It is more sensitive to hCG, a pregnancy hormone present in the urine of a girl who will soon have a baby. Therefore, before the delay appears, it is better not to skimp, but after it happened, to carry out procedures will do absolutely any test.

Two bars indicate a positive result. Sometimes the second streak is mild. The reason for this may be an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, which is extremely unsafe for health. First, you need to do a few more tests in order to confirm or deny the results obtained. It often turns out that the first test was of poor quality and flawed. Otherwise, you must immediately contact a specialist.

How can a guy tell if his woman is pregnant?

It is difficult to determine exactly how long after a girl realizes that she is pregnant, but it hardly takes more pair weeks. And if she wants a child for a long time, then, probably, after a week she knows for sure.

At 1 week

For girls in a position, excessive irritability is characteristic, but it is also observed in other people for completely different reasons.

The bottom line is that it is possible to establish an unambiguous verdict only through surveys, everything else is assumptions.

However, men often wonder how to understand that a girl is 1 week pregnant, immediately after suspicions arise. In the early days on underwear Brown droplets can be found on the second rug, signaling implantation bleeding. There is nothing wrong with that - the embryo simply moves along the genital passages in search of a place where it will settle.

However, there are other versions of the origin. brown spots... They also appear when using hormonal contraceptive drugs or after too passionate intercourse - damage to the walls of the vagina.

At an early date

Sometimes information is hidden from other halves for some time. How to find out that a girl is pregnant in the early stages, tell the following list:

  1. She has increased fatigue, she gets tired noticeably faster and does not get enough sleep even when she goes to bed on time. Bad night sleep serves frequent occurrence for a woman in interesting position, and if she complains that she is sleeping at work, then this only confirms the correctness of the assumptions. To understand whether a girl is pregnant or not, a friend among her colleagues will help a lot, who will observe her at your request.
  2. A couple of weeks after conception, the breasts become hypersensitive, and gentle touching will help to quickly detect this. Small bulging pimples appear on the nipples, which do not pose a health hazard, but signal that the girl will soon become a mother.
  3. A few weeks after conception, there is an increase in toilet trips, which is caused by an increase in the size of the fetus, which puts pressure on the walls of the bladder.
  4. At the end of the first month, the sensitivity and susceptibility to odors increases. Moreover, the aromas that the girl previously liked now provoke an attack of nausea or vomiting. Even the smells of food, most often of animal origin, can cause disgust. A source especially negative reaction serve tobacco smoke or harsh perfume. This feature is quite substantial and reliable.

Useful video

Young women are often worried about the state of pregnancy that has come, but how to understand that you are pregnant at an early stage, because its main signs will manifest themselves a little later. Experts say that already in the first week after fertilization, changes begin in the body that any woman can notice in herself if she knows about them:


  1. How do you know if your girlfriend is pregnant? If for some reason you do not want to ask her about it directly, observe the changes in her behavior.
  2. If a man suspects, the girl, most likely, also asks this question, which means that she may be aware of. Then her attitude towards the man and those around her changes: after all, the coming change in life always affects psychology and perception of the world.
  3. The appearance of excessive nervousness, a change in food preferences and a disgust for your perfume, which she liked yesterday, will be significant signs of pregnancy.

Almost all women look forward to the moment when they become pregnant and wait for a baby. This responsible and important stage in the life of the fairer sex, as well as a new stage in the development of a new family.

When women begin to suspect that fertilization has nevertheless occurred, they try to confirm the fact of pregnancy by all possible methods. Initially, the parents-to-be happily discuss what the baby will be called, how they will furnish his little room, what kind of stroller they will buy, and so on.

But most of all they are interested in what kind of gender will have their future baby. There are some signs by which you can determine who is born - a girl or a boy.

Many representatives of the fairer sex want them to have a little beauty, which they will beautifully dress up, protect from various troubles, teach to avoid mistakes.

Therefore, at the most initial stages During gestation, pregnant women are trying to identify the sex of the baby, but, as you know, experts can give an answer to this question not immediately after conception, but only after 4-5 months of gestation.

Determine the gender during a scheduled ultrasound scan.

During this period, the genitals of the cubs can be distinguished. And this is not in all cases, because it happens that inside the mother's womb, the baby is in such a position that doctors cannot see the genitals.

What to look for

But there are a lot of signs that make it possible to identify pregnancy by the heiress and without ultrasound diagnostics... The first thing the expectant mother should pay attention to is personal well-being.

  • If a girl develops under her heart, then the first three months of gestation will cause a lot of inconvenience.
  • Future mother the strong will disturb.
  • Also, soreness of the head will often occur, the general well-being will be weak, lethargic.
  • The forces seem to leave the woman. Even the lightest odor can cause nausea.
  • If a little princess develops in a woman's tummy, then the woman becomes quite capricious, gets nervous over trifles, she may have depressive state, which can not be said about those women who will have a boy.

Her one factor that indicates the future birth of a girl is a significant condition. skin... The appearance of the fairer sex begins to deteriorate noticeably.

Acne develops on the face as well as on the body, even if it never happened before pregnancy. Painful red pimples can also occur, which certainly do not add beauty in any way.

In some cases, there may be dark spots different forms and sizes. For this reason, it is believed that little princesses rob their mothers of beauty.

There is also a change in the state of the hair. Hair becomes not so lush, their volume is lost, hair begins to crawl out, dandruff may appear.

During gestation, women mean that their hair becomes brittle, their old shine is lost, it becomes difficult to comb them. Because they are confused. Hair begins to grow back slowly, and growth retardation is noted not only on the head, but also throughout the body.

The sex of the baby's future can also be determined by the state of the breast. If an heiress appears in the family, then left breast it will be larger in size than the right one, and the areoles will become darkish.

Also have future mom there will be swelling of the legs, or rather the legs and feet. But this symptom can sometimes indicate that there are some health problems. Therefore, you should notify about this fact your doctor.

Looking at the belly of a pregnant woman, you can also understand who will be born to her. When a girl is pregnant, the belly seems to merge with the whole body, it does not protrude very much forward.

The woman's waist is lost. But such a symptom can be trusted only if it is already 24 or more weeks of gestation. The belly will become round, but it will not have a clear outline.

Other signs of pregnancy in a girl

After that, not only a woman's appearance changes, so you need to pay attention to certain features of everyday life.

The mom-to-be changes a lot taste preferences... From the usual diet e remains a trace. Even those pregnant women who have never loved sweets before begin to love them very much when carrying a girl.

It is believed that when a girl develops under a woman's heart, then mommy often does not want to eat food that is of animal origin, and prefers to eat various vegetables.

Also characteristic feature there is also the mood of the fair sex. She becomes much more capricious, her mood often changes, becomes unpredictable.

The actions of a woman can not in all cases be called thoughtful and logical. It should also be said that if a girlie develops in the tummy, the woman becomes forgetful, the concentration of attention decreases. Moreover, almost until the very birth of the child, a woman will not strongly desire sexual intimacy.

There is a change in views on some familiar things. Things that were previously loved can start to seem ridiculous. And the smell of your favorite perfume can be disgusting.

Such oddities usually occur in those pregnant women who are waiting for the appearance of the girl.

The first symptoms of pregnancy usually manifest themselves through a small amount of time after it happened. They are not exclusively determinative for all women. The presence of these symptoms does not indicate that the woman is necessarily pregnant. Need to do home test pregnancy to determine with certainty whether you are pregnant or not. Then you need to go to the doctor to confirm the test result. If it is positive, you can begin to prepare yourself for the next action.

The first symptoms of pregnancy

Think back to the last time you had intercourse.

The only type of sex that can lead to pregnancy is vaginal sex, without which it is impossible to get pregnant. Remember if you used contraceptives during sexual intercourse. The likelihood that you will become pregnant increases exponentially if you have had sex without a condom, diaphragm, or have not taken birth control pills.

The embryo process will begin 6-10 days after intercourse. This is the official start of pregnancy. Since at this moment the woman's body begins to produce hormones characteristic of this stage. It is best to wait at least one more day after your pregnancy was due to begin, and then do a test to get an accurate result.

Notice Loops That Don't Occur

Lack of menstrual cycle in a woman it is usually the first sign of pregnancy. Make sure it has been a week or more since the date your menstrual period should have started.

You can easily find out the start date of your previous cycle if you keep an eye on them constantly. Otherwise, you need to remember the approximate start date of your last cycle. If a new cycle has not started after a month has passed, this may indicate that you are pregnant.

Keep in mind that this method of determining pregnancy is not one hundred percent correct. Besides, menstrual cycles may be irregular.

Pay attention to changes in your breasts

This part of a woman's body experiencing changes already with early stages pregnancy. In addition to changes in breast size, which increases throughout pregnancy, the breasts may become more sensitive, as if inflamed due to hormonal fluctuations. The intensity of these ailments should decrease after you get used to the hormonal changes.

Notice if you are feeling overly tired.

Fatigue is usually a secondary effect of pregnancy, as a woman's body is depleted more due to the additional costs of developing another life within herself. During the early stages of pregnancy, this symptom becomes more pronounced due to high level progesterone, which can lead to insomnia.

Pay attention to stomach ailments

Another common problem during pregnancy is morning sickness , so named because it occurs more frequently in the morning in many women (although, in reality, it can appear at any time of the day). Nausea usually appears two weeks after conception and decreases in intensity after the first trimester.

  • you may have a moody craving for certain foods and dislike others, or smell strong odors;
  • may be constipated, among other digestive problems.

In some cases, pregnant women’s sense of smell can become so severe that they become more sensitive to noxious odors such as waste, smoke, or body sweat. However, these odors can be exacerbated without nausea.

It is necessary to be aware of the fact that, no matter how often shown in TV shows and films, not all women, when pregnancy occurs, feel nauseous in the morning, aversion to food or smells.

Pay attention to the frequency of urination

It is also one of the first symptoms of pregnancy and occurs for a reason hormonal changes like many other symptoms.

Later, when the child grows up inside the woman's body, he will provide additional pressure on bladder , thus increasing the frequency with which future mom will urinate. At the very first stages of pregnancy, the frequency of urination is due to the influence of hormonal levels.

Pay attention to vaginal discharge

Bleeding occurs in some women early in their pregnancy. They can be seen on underwear or as brown discharge from the vagina, which can last for several weeks. However, keep in mind that your fluid will be less viscous than at the beginning of your normal menstrual cycle.

Pay attention to mood changes

Changes in mood are again due to changes in hormonal background pregnant women and manifest themselves in the transition from euphoria to crying in a matter of seconds (it must be remembered that not all pregnant women exhibit such mood changes). So pay attention , do you cry more often, or more often your loved ones began to annoy you.

Pay attention to the occurrence of dizziness

Dizziness usually accompanies a woman during the entire period of pregnancy. The appearance of these dizziness in the early stages of pregnancy is associated with the following reasons:

  • the body begins to create additional blood vessels, which leads to a change in blood pressure;
  • the level of sugar in the blood decreases.

All this leads to more frequent occurrence of dizziness in pregnant women.

Take a home pregnancy test. Without passing this test, it is impossible to know for sure whether you are pregnant or not. Keep in mind that the test will be more accurate if it is taken after the end of the first period of pregnancy, that is, 6-10 days after sexual intercourse... This test can be purchased at any pharmacy, supermarket, family planning department or grocery department. feminine hygiene... To pass the test do the following:

Decide if the test needs to be retested if the test is negative.

Usually negative results say that you are not pregnant. There is a possibility that you performed the test prematurely (for example, it has not been enough time since you had sexual relations) and got negative result although you may be pregnant. Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether it is necessary to take the test again in order to know the exact result.

Visit your doctor for confirmation positive result... Currently, home pregnancy tests are fairly accurate. It is important to be 100% confident in the outcome in order to determine your next steps, for example, if you want this child, and if so, then you need to start preparing for his birth. Therefore, you must have a urine test at your local family planning office, your doctor's office, or your gynecologist's office.

Your doctor may require additional testing of your blood after a positive urine test. After these tests, you can discuss your next steps with your doctor.

Actions after receiving a positive result

Think are you ready to have a baby... In the event of an unplanned pregnancy, the first thing to consider is whether you want the baby or not. To make such an important decision, you need to consider how your financial position and physical health... Remember that having a child carries with it a tremendous emotional, physical and financial responsibility, so at the very least you should be aware of and want this responsibility.

Discuss the situation with your partner. In order for you and your couple to raise an unborn child together, you must have enough mature relationship... Both parents are equally responsible for the child. If your relationship with your partner is mature enough, you are confident in him, then both of you should discuss the current situation and make a joint decision.

If you don't have any Serious relationships with the father of your unborn child, try to discuss this topic with your loved ones, for example, your parents or brothers.

Start preparing for birth child. Preparing for the birth of a baby will be your next step if you decide that you want this baby. You must take care of the health of the unborn child by regularly visiting the doctor and undergoing the necessary examination. The doctor will monitor your health and the health of your baby.

Consider terminating your pregnancy. In this case, the main means at your disposal will be an abortion or a pill. next day if less than 5 days have passed since the moment of sexual intercourse.

Find out at your local health center where abortions are performed. Keep in mind that doctors will have to provide you with certain information in order for you to refuse to have an abortion. However, if you are confident in your decision, do not let this information influence you. Use it only to understand the risks of having an abortion. Depending on the medical center you may also be given ultrasound procedure... You will need to give doctors your parent's consent to have an abortion if you are a minor. An abortion is only done if you are in the first trimester of pregnancy. There are two types of abortions:

  • surgical abortion - when it is performed, despite its name, no incisions are made, but only obstetric forceps are used to open the cervix, and then the embryo is sucked in;
  • medical abortion - carried out using an appropriate pill.

Consider adoption. Adoption is another option if you do not want to terminate the pregnancy but feel that you are unable to raise the child yourself. You need to understand that this is a very difficult decision, and as soon as you sign the relevant papers, you will have to fulfill all the clauses of the agreement. If you decide that the adoption will be the best solution for you, then start researching this issue: read books on the topic, look for information on the Internet, talk to adoption lawyers.

Consult your father your child. Depending on where you live, you may need his consent to adopt a child. Also check with your parents if you are a minor.

Determine how you want to give up your child for adoption: through an appropriate agency or independently, through a lawyer.

Be careful when choosing parents for your child. You can choose a family for your child of the same religious faith as yours, so that the child will be brought up in the same traditions. You should also discuss who will pay for your medical expenses before the birth.