Can a mother get infected from a nursing child? Improving nasal breathing. Rules for parents to follow

How to avoid giving your child the flu

Since the flu is a rather contagious disease, parents are often worried about how not to infect a child with the flu if they get sick themselves. Soon after a person becomes infected, he becomes a distributor of the virus.

  • How to avoid giving your child the flu
  • Kid and flu
  • Rules for parents to follow
  • How to cure the disease as soon as possible?
  • Symptoms of the flu in a child
  • Anaferon - help!
  • Rules for new mothers
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  • How not to infect a child if the mother is sick?
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However, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of infection by taking certain preventive measures.

Kid and flu

The main method of transmission of acute respiratory viral infections is airborne. The initial signs of influenza are usually noticeable as early as the next day after infection. Sometimes a couple of days pass.

Treatment for influenza usually involves gradually reducing the symptoms until you recover. This can take at least a week.

Alas, the flu virus is not the only one. In total, there are more than two hundred of its varieties. The most common rhinoviruses that affect the nasal mucosa. They are responsible for nearly 30 percent of colds.

Breastfeeding moms transmit infants antibodies, due to which the immune system the baby and manages to more or less quickly cope with the disease. However, the risk of infection is real for all children. Hence the understandable concern of parents: how not to infect the child with the flu.

Sometimes children have to suffer from ARVI up to seven times in one year. But this amount can be reduced or at least guaranteed that there are no complications during and after the disease.

Rules for parents to follow

First of all, it is desirable to isolate the child, that is, it is necessary to reduce to a minimum his contact with a sick household. Sometimes even a mother needs less contact with her baby, no matter how much she wants to continue to share her love. Influenza is temporary, not permanent. Have a little patience and get the right treatment in order to quickly recover and restore full communication with your beloved child.

Here are a few more rules to keep in mind:

  • In no case, in particular, should a sick parent sleep in the same bed with a baby. In cases where isolation is not possible, it is necessary to wear gauze bandage or special mask to prevent infection by airborne droplets.
  • Dishes that are intended for a child to eat (the same bottle, as well as a nipple) must be sterilized. This is done in all children - even in infants.
  • Do not pour liquids into children's dishes from adult cups.
  • The room where the child sleeps should be ventilated on a regular basis. At least twice a day. For the duration of the airing, it is better to transfer the baby to another room. The right time such a procedure - about a quarter of an hour.
  • More often you need to walk with your child (even with a baby) so that he can breathe fresh air.
  • Do not forget about frequent wet cleaning in the children's room. In particular, damp cloths can be used to get rid of dust, and the floors can be washed with a solution of water and a small amount of chlorine or hypoallergenic products.
  • Creating an unfavorable atmosphere for a viral infection, for which, for example, you can finely chop garlic or onions, put it in a cup or vase and put it in the baby's room. The phytoncides that are present in these vegetables destroy infectious pathogens.
  • It is necessary to monitor the temperature in the children's room so that it is not too cold and too hot. Do not overheat the baby - this is just as dangerous as hypothermia.

Temperature indicators in the room where the child is:

  • not reached the month - should be equal to about a degree;
  • older than a month –degree.

For those children who have normal immunity and have no other health problems, the hardening procedure will not interfere. They are allowed to start from about two months of age. This is an excellent prophylaxis against colds.

When an epidemic begins, it is advisable to reduce the number of guests in the house where the child lives. Babies are prone to infection and therefore care for their health should be especially attentive and unswerving. In cases where the reception of guests is inevitable, they should be equipped with gauze masks.

How to cure the disease as soon as possible?

In order not to rack their brains over how not to infect a child with ARVI, the parents themselves need to recover as soon as possible if they get sick.

But do not forget that by abusing such drugs, you can achieve the opposite effects - the congestion will increase, and the sinuses will swell.

Syrups intended for the treatment of cough have a very beneficial effect on health during a cold. They on pharmaceutical market offered in the following forms:

  • suppressive, that is, suppressive;
  • expectorant.

With the help of expectorants, it is possible to get rid of the mucus that has accumulated in the throat. Thanks to suppressive drugs, it is possible to suppress a dry cough (which often prevents the patient from falling asleep normally).

Using drugs like Paracetamol or Ibuprofen (in any pharmacy you can get them without a prescription and inexpensively), you will be able to cope with high temperature and muscle pain caused by ARVI. However, pregnant women - especially in the third semester - should drink such drugs with caution (it is better to consult a doctor before this).

To recover sooner, doctors advise mustard baths. It is suitable for soaring feet in it (with a temperature of at least 40 degrees). Making a bath is very simple:

  • A couple of tablespoons of mustard dissolves in water.
  • Keep your feet in the resulting solution for at least a quarter of an hour.
  • When the procedure is completed, the feet are wiped dry, warm socks (made of wool) are put on and you need to wrap yourself in a blanket.

Finally, mustard powder can be poured into socks made of cotton fabric... It is allowed to sleep in these socks. Or simply rub your feet with diluted alcohol.

Symptoms of the flu in a child

Here are the signs of ARVI in infants that you need to pay attention to in the first place:

  • runny nose, which is accompanied by discharge (their color is green, yellow or transparent);
  • sneezing and coughing;
  • feeling weak and unwell;
  • sore throat and hoarseness;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat;
  • temperature increase.

As soon as the baby has signs of SARS, it is necessary to start treatment. The longer this process is delayed, the longer and more difficult it will then be to fight the disease.

It will be nice for a baby to drip one drop into each nostril of mother's milk, which is not only valuable food for the baby, but also acts effective remedy against colds. It is especially effective in the early months of a child's life.

If the child is bottle-fed, he can be given interferon (one drop is also enough). Various ointments also help - for example, Vitaon, as well as oxolinic ointment. Take quite a bit of ointment and treat the area next to the nasal passages.

Before allowing children to take certain drugs, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.

Anaferon - help!

How not to infect a baby with the flu if you get sick yourself? It is necessary to make sure that the baby's body can resist itself, that is, strengthen its immunity.

For this, there are drugs such as immunomodulators. For example, Anaferon (for children). It has already been proven (by numerous studies) that it works effectively in the treatment of childhood colds:

  • reduces morbidity;
  • reduces the incidence of complications.

There are no side effects after using Anaferon. But, even if one of the parents coughs, the child's protective abilities are significantly improved.

You can give this remedy to children from one month of age.

Why is Anaferon so effective? It's all about its unique composition, thanks to which interferon is produced in the child's body and, accordingly, it is protected from negative impact infections.

Rules for new mothers

Many young mothers start to panic: "I got the flu - how not to infect a child?" Here are a few more rules that sick mothers should follow in order to protect babies from the same fate (especially since babies suffer the disease much more difficult):

  • It is important to feed your baby with your milk. Only in breast milk there are substances that will protect children from many diseases (including infections) and help strengthen their immunity.
  • It should not be too early, and even more so during an epidemic, to summon all relatives and other acquaintances to the bride. Even if outwardly it seems that a person is completely healthy, in fact, he can be a carrier of a viral infection and spread it everywhere, thereby threatening the young parents and the child. While the epidemic is raging, it is undesirable to even go with the child to the hospital and other crowded places. If this cannot be avoided, put on a protective mask on the baby.
  • If someone in the family has ARVI, isolate him from contact with the child until he recovers completely. At least as much as possible living conditions... Do not forget about airing the premises and carrying out wet cleaning.
  • Why not use the “old-fashioned” way to protect your child? We are talking about cut cloves of garlic, which need to be peeled, put on a string (like beads), hung next to the bed where the baby sleeps (as an option, decorate his neck with this necklace).
  • In order to prevent, rinse the baby's nose special solutions or a little salted water.
  • Baby dishes must be sterilized. In no case should the child be given the dishes from which the sick household consumes food. No compotes and other liquids in the baby container from the "adult" bowl!
  • Remember how important it is for your child to get as many vitamins as possible. There are, for example, special vitamin complexes for kids. But before buying and using them, be sure to check with your pediatrician.
  • You shouldn't stop breastfeeding or worry about germs getting into your breast milk. This cannot be. Instead, breast milk contains important antibodies that help babies cope with ailments. Accordingly, it will be good if the baby receives them.
  • Mom should drink plenty of fluids, which will help keep the milk from burning out (in any case, it will reduce such risks). It is known that an increase in temperature leads to a loss of liquid in human body, and without it breast milk is not produced.
  • Before taking certain therapeutic measures, using certain drugs (medicines), you need to consult a pediatrician (pediatrician). What if the child will have some contraindications and the situation will only get more complicated? What if the medicine is simply not suitable individually for the baby? Even to the reception folk remedies you need to be treated with caution and consult a medical professional.

So if it suddenly happened that you or someone from the household got sick, but in the house there is Small child, you should not panic and drive the sick person out of the house. There is great ways protection child's body from infection - if you adhere to the above rules, this probability is significantly reduced.

But even if the child gets sick, do not delay in any case with the beginning of the treatment process. The sooner you start it, the faster and easier you will cope with the disease, and avoid complications.

Children who have already reached the age of six months can be safely vaccinated against influenza - such immunization further improves their chances of staying healthy even during an epidemic.

Since the flu is a rather contagious disease, parents are often worried about how not to infect a child with the flu if they get sick themselves. Soon after a person becomes infected, he becomes a distributor of the virus. However, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of infection by taking certain preventive measures.

Any mother who gets the flu is at risk of infecting her child.

The main method of transmission of acute respiratory viral infections is airborne. The initial signs of influenza are usually noticeable as early as the next day after infection. Sometimes a couple of days pass.

Treatment for influenza usually involves gradually reducing the symptoms until you recover. This can take at least a week.

Alas, the flu virus is not the only one. In total, there are more than two hundred of its varieties. The most common rhinoviruses that affect the nasal mucosa. They are responsible for nearly 30 percent of colds.

Nursing mothers transmit antibodies to nursing babies, thanks to which the baby's immune system is strengthened and it is possible to more or less quickly cope with the disease. However, the risk of infection is real for all children. Hence the understandable concern of parents: how not to infect the child with the flu.

Sometimes children have to suffer from ARVI up to seven times in one year. But this amount can be reduced or at least guaranteed that there are no complications during and after the disease.

Rules for parents to follow

First of all, it is desirable to isolate the child, that is, it is necessary to reduce to a minimum his contact with a sick household. Sometimes even a mother needs less contact with her baby, no matter how much she wants to continue to share her love. Flu is temporary, not permanent... Have a little patience and get the right treatment in order to quickly recover and restore full communication with your beloved child.

Here are a few more rules to keep in mind:

  • In no case, in particular, should a sick parent sleep in the same bed with a baby. In cases where isolation is not possible, a gauze bandage or a special mask should be worn to prevent airborne infection.
  • Dishes that are intended for a child to eat (the same bottle, as well as a nipple) must be sterilized. This is done in all children - even in infants.
  • Do not pour liquids into children's dishes from adult cups.
  • The room where the child sleeps should be ventilated on a regular basis. At least twice a day. For the duration of the airing, it is better to transfer the baby to another room. A suitable time for such a procedure is about a quarter of an hour.
  • More often you need to walk with your child (even with a baby) so that he can breathe fresh air.
  • Do not forget about frequent wet cleaning in the children's room. In particular, damp cloths can be used to get rid of dust, and the floors can be washed with a solution of water and a small amount of chlorine or hypoallergenic products.
  • Creating an unfavorable atmosphere for a viral infection, for which, for example, you can finely chop garlic or onions, put it in a cup or vase and put it in the baby's room. The phytoncides that are present in these vegetables destroy infectious pathogens.
  • It is necessary to monitor the temperature in the children's room so that it is not too cold and too hot. Do not overheat the baby - this is just as dangerous as hypothermia.

Temperature indicators in the room where the child is:

  • not reaching the month - should be approximately 20-22 degrees;
  • over a month - 18-22 degrees.

For those children who have normal immunity and have no other health problems, the hardening procedure will not interfere. They are allowed to start from about two months of age. This is an excellent prophylaxis against colds.

If the baby is still sick, treatment should be started immediately.

When an epidemic begins, it is advisable to reduce the number of guests in the house where the child lives. Babies are prone to infection and therefore care for their health should be especially attentive and unswerving. In cases where the reception of guests is inevitable, they should be equipped with gauze masks.

How to cure the disease as soon as possible?

In order not to rack their brains over how not to infect a child with ARVI, the parents themselves need to recover as soon as possible if they get sick.

But do not forget that by abusing such drugs, you can achieve the opposite effects - the congestion will increase, and the sinuses will swell.

Syrups intended for the treatment of cough have a very beneficial effect on health during a cold. They are offered on the pharmaceutical market in the following forms:

  • suppressive, that is, suppressive;
  • expectorant.

With the help of expectorants, it is possible to get rid of the mucus that has accumulated in the throat. Thanks to suppressive drugs, it is possible to suppress a dry cough (which often prevents the patient from falling asleep normally).

Using drugs like Paracetamol or Ibuprofen (in any pharmacy you can get them without a prescription and inexpensively), you will be able to cope with high fever and muscle pain caused by ARVI. However, pregnant women - especially in the third semester - should drink such drugs with caution (it is better to consult a doctor before this).

To recover sooner, doctors advise mustard baths. It is suitable for soaring feet in it (with a temperature of at least 40 degrees). Making a bath is very simple:

  • A couple of tablespoons of mustard dissolves in water.
  • Keep your feet in the resulting solution for at least a quarter of an hour.
  • When the procedure is completed, the feet are wiped dry, warm socks (made of wool) are put on and you need to wrap yourself in a blanket.

Finally, mustard powder can be poured into socks made from cotton fabric. It is allowed to sleep in these socks. Or simply rub your feet with diluted alcohol.

Symptoms of the flu in a child

Here are the signs of ARVI in infants that you need to pay attention to in the first place:

  • runny nose, which is accompanied by discharge (their color is green, yellow or transparent);
  • sneezing and coughing;
  • feeling weak and unwell;
  • sore throat and hoarseness;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat;
  • temperature increase.

As soon as the baby has signs of SARS, it is necessary to start treatment. The longer this process is delayed, the longer and more difficult it will then be to fight the disease.

You can determine the onset of the disease in infants by a number of symptoms.

It will be nice for a baby to drip one drop into each nostril of mother's milk, which is not only valuable food for the baby, but also acts as an effective remedy for colds. It is especially effective in the early months of a child's life.

If the child is bottle-fed, he can be given interferon (one drop is also enough). Various ointments also help - for example, Vitaon, as well as oxolinic ointment. Take quite a bit of ointment and treat the area next to the nasal passages.

Before allowing children to take certain drugs, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.

Anaferon - help!

How not to infect a baby with the flu if you get sick yourself? It is necessary to make sure that the baby's body can resist itself, that is, strengthen its immunity.

For this, there are drugs such as immunomodulators. For example, Anaferon (for children). It has already been proven (by numerous studies) that it works effectively in the treatment of childhood colds:

  • reduces morbidity;
  • reduces the incidence of complications.

There are no side effects after using Anaferon. But, even if one of the parents coughs, the child's protective abilities are significantly improved.

You can give this remedy to children from one month of age.

Why is Anaferon so effective? It's all about its unique composition, thanks to which interferon is produced in the child's body and, accordingly, it is protected from the negative effects of infection.

Rules for new mothers

Many young mothers start to panic: "I got the flu - how not to infect a child?" Here are a few more rules that sick mothers should follow in order to protect babies from the same fate (especially since babies suffer the disease much more difficult):

  • It is important to feed your baby with your milk. Only breast milk contains substances that will protect children from many diseases (including infections) and help strengthen their immunity.
  • It should not be too early, and even more so during an epidemic, to summon all relatives and other acquaintances to the bride. Even if outwardly it seems that a person is completely healthy, in fact, he can be a carrier of a viral infection and spread it everywhere, thereby threatening the young parents and the child. While the epidemic is raging, it is undesirable to even go with the child to the hospital and other crowded places. If this cannot be avoided, put on a protective mask on the baby.
  • If someone in the family has ARVI, isolate him from contact with the child until he recovers completely. At least as far as living conditions allow. Do not forget about airing the premises and carrying out wet cleaning.
  • Why not use the “old-fashioned” way to protect your child? We are talking about cut cloves of garlic, which need to be peeled, put on a string (like beads), hung next to the bed where the baby sleeps (as an option, decorate his neck with this necklace).
  • For prevention purposes, rinse the baby's nose with special solutions or slightly salted water.
  • Baby dishes must be sterilized. In no case should the child be given the dishes from which the sick household consumes food. No compotes and other liquids in the baby container from the "adult" bowl!
  • Remember how important it is for your child to get as many vitamins as possible. There are, for example, special vitamin complexes for children. But before buying and using them, be sure to check with your pediatrician.

Breast milk contains antibodies that can help your baby fight the flu

  • You shouldn't stop breastfeeding or worry about germs getting into your breast milk. This cannot be. Instead, breast milk contains important antibodies that help babies cope with ailments. Accordingly, it will be good if the baby receives them.
  • Mom should drink plenty of fluids, which will help keep the milk from burning out (in any case, it will reduce such risks). It is known that an increase in temperature leads to a loss of fluid in the human body, and without this, breast milk is not produced.
  • Before taking certain therapeutic measures, using certain drugs (medicines), you need to consult a pediatrician (pediatrician). What if the child will have some contraindications and the situation will only get more complicated? What if the medicine is simply not suitable individually for the baby? Even taking folk remedies should be treated with caution and consulted with medical specialists.

So if it suddenly happened that you or someone from the household got sick, and there is a small child in the house, you should not panic and drive the sick person out of the house. There are excellent ways to protect the child's body from infection - if you follow the rules described above, this probability is significantly reduced.

If a young mother is sick, she needs to drink as much water as possible so that the milk does not burn out.

But even if the child gets sick, do not delay in any case with the beginning of the treatment process. The sooner you start it, the faster and easier you will cope with the disease, and avoid complications.

Children who have already reached the age of six months can be safely vaccinated against influenza - such immunization further improves their chances of staying healthy even during an epidemic.

Myth number 1. If you sit "under the window", you can get sick

It is not true. If you sit under a window or by an open window, you can chill your muscles, but not catch ARVI. Colds and other "winter" diseases are not the result of hypothermia or drafts, they are caused by viruses that are unlikely to fly into your window from the street.

On the other hand, some doctors believe that hypothermia in certain parts of the body can actually weaken the body and open up a pathway for viruses. For example, a "cold nose" can lead to colds and even flu, so it is best to keep it warm and cover it with at least a scarf.

Also recently, American scientists conducted an investigative experiment and found that people with frozen feet are more susceptible to infectious diseases than others. But again: cold is not the cause of the disease, but a factor contributing to it.

Myth number 2. Feeling unwell cause germs

Not certainly in that way. Getting into our body, microbes one way or another collide with our immunity. If the infection is not very strong, we most likely will not even know that we caught it: it will be suppressed internal forces organism. If the virus is strong enough, the immune system will fight it more actively - and this is where we will feel the impact of the disease on ourselves. White blood cells (leukocytes) will begin to produce special substances to suppress the infection. In sufficient quantities to fight infection, these substances will not only drive away the disease, but also cause fever, weakness, and sometimes nausea and dizziness. The same happens to our mucous membrane: cells irritated by the virus produce mucus several times more actively to flush out the infection and the products of fighting it - hence snot, coughing and sneezing.

Myth number 3. Change in the color of sputum is a sign of an exacerbation of the disease

The color of the sputum can really tell the doctor about your condition. But in most cases, he speaks not of an exacerbation, but on the contrary that the disease proceeds in a "normal mode".

A few days after infection, the body begins to push out the enzymes used to repel the infectious attack. Most of them are iron-containing and give mucus a yellow or even greenish color.

Myth number 4. The main source of infection is the person who has a cold

This is certainly true. But this does not mean that you can protect yourself from infection by simply stopping all contact with sneezing people. And that's why.

Best of all, microbes live and multiply in our mucous membrane: there is an ideal environment for them. When a person sneezes or coughs, he pushes a dose of germs out, and they settle on all objects around him at that moment. In theory, on a cold, dry surface, say, a doorknob, germs quickly die and therefore have no time to spread to anyone else. But this is not the case. When we sneeze, germs do not come out on their own, but inside the smallest droplets of mucus, which become their shelter and food. In this form, they settle on door handles and handrails in the subway, then fall into the hands of another, unsuspecting carrier, and then he covers his mouth to yawn, or simply rubs his eyes. So the microbes again enter the mucous membrane and begin to multiply again.

Myth # 5. Stress promotes disease.

This is true. Severe stress weakens the body no worse infectious disease so the more nervous you are, the more likely you are to get sick. American scientists believe that the reason is in corticosteroid hormones produced during stress and reducing the body's resistance to any infection.

Myth # 6. As people get older, they get colder less often.

Also true. Children school age can get sick up to 10 times a year, adults up to 35 years old - up to 5 times, after 35 - even less, and so on. And it's all about experience: with each new disease, our body learns to produce more and more antibodies and more and more effectively fights microbes.

Myth # 7. The easiest way to get infected is on public transport.

This misconception has its reasons: in a closed, poorly ventilated room, microbes really have a greater chance of spreading to a new carrier, especially if these carriers stand closely and breathe into each other's backs. But in fact, most often infection occurs at home, especially - from young children to their mothers and fathers.

Another argument against this belief is that in the summer and spring, residents of large cities spend as much time in transport as the rest of the year, but the peaks colds still fall in autumn and winter.

What is a cold - the same as a runny nose after hypothermia, or is it ARVI? Where does it come from, and can you get it?

To the question "Is it possible to catch a cold?" responsible Ekaterina Vladimirovna Uspenskaya - candidate of medical sciences, doctor the highest category, pediatrician.

Many interpret the concept of "cold" in different ways: some call it short-term hypothermia - the child "caught a cold", having wet his feet or having spent some time in the cold or a draft. But it is enough for him to warm up (rub his legs, hands), as the state of health returns to normal, and he is still healthy. And others call colds ARI - a respiratory disease that lasts 5-7 days, which has an infectious nature (viral or bacterial) and requires observation by a doctor.

The second concept is perhaps the closest thing to the truth. After all, hypothermia in itself is not a disease, and it is impossible to "catch" such a "cold". It can only become the cause of the development or exacerbation of various infectious diseases, if they are present in the child, therefore, it is also not worth leaving such conditions unattended.

But ARVI and ARI can be infected. They are caused by viruses, the most common of which are rhinovirus, parainfluenza and influenza viruses, and adenovirus. Each of them has its own features, although the most famous and dangerous, by far, is the influenza virus. Many people who have had this virus say that "it cannot be confused with anything" due to a sharp rise in temperature (above 38 ° C), severe headache and muscle aches. Staying "on your feet" with the flu is simply impossible.
As for all other pathogens of ARVI, only an experienced clinician is able to reliably recognize them without resorting to laboratory analysis.

It is believed that 6 episodes of ARVI per year for a child under 3 years old, and a little less - 4 for children under 6 years old, is the norm for an organism, the immune system of which is just being formed and accumulates experience in fighting various foreign agents (viruses and bacteria including). Therefore, many pediatricians oppose the fanatical treatment of every symptom of ARVI, including a low temperature, when the body is able to cope with it on its own.

However, everyone agrees that even mild degree SARS requires very careful attitude- v Kindergarten or the child's school cannot be sent in any case, but it is important to track the change in the child's condition throughout the day so as not to miss possible deterioration and, if any, take action in time. If this or that condition of the child worries you, and you do not know how to cope with it, then it is better to call a doctor or, at least, call a specialist with whom you are constantly monitored ( health visitor, family doctor etc.).

In the case of ARVI, very often mothers begin treatment themselves, since a day may pass before the arrival of a specialist, and measures to combat viral infection should be taken as soon as possible.

If necessary, you can put to bed (according to some pediatricians this is not necessary: ​​if the child does not have elevated temperature, and he does not feel lethargic, then he can be allowed some not very mobile and non-tiring activities).
The child needs to drink as much warm drinks as possible - with cranberries, lingonberries, decoctions of rose hips, raspberries or black currants. This will help his body fight intoxication.
You can start antiviral treatment yourself using the maximum safe drugs approved for use in children - Influcid, Otsillococcinum.
It is possible as supportive measures give the child herbal remedies to strengthen the immune system - based on echinacea, ginseng, eleutherococcus.
It is unacceptable to give "adult" drugs or prescription drugs on your own.
If the body temperature rises above 38 ° C, you can use drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen, but in no case aspirin!

If during the day there is no visible improvement, then going to the doctor is inevitable, even in the case of a banal "cold".

Autumn is the time of cold, rains and SARS, when the question "how not to infect a child with a cold?" becomes especially relevant. After all, what an adult can easily transfer on his feet, without stopping from work, can become fatal for a baby dangerous disease that you have to deal with in the hospital.

Colds - contagious or not

Technically, in medical terminology, "cold" means "inflammation of a specific area of ​​the body due to cold." You can catch colds, muscles, ligaments, back, throat - any part. However, in folk terminology, "the common cold" is a state of illness with a viral infection. Anything that causes a person to have a headache, a clogged nose, or a sore throat is commonly referred to as a cold.

And since such a set of symptoms arises with an infectious lesion, the answer is obvious - yes, the common cold is contagious. The child can catch a viral or bacterial infection any of the propagation paths:

There are also routes of infection through blood, birth and food, but these are less common. Basically, when the question arises "how not to infect a baby?", We are talking about airborne and household routes.

A few general rules for protecting a child from disease

Before thinking about how not to infect a baby, you need to think about how to protect him from disease in general. After all, it is not necessary to be ill for any of the family members in order for the baby to become infected. The rules are simple. Necessary:

  • Make sure the room temperature is adequate. Its range is from eighteen to twenty-two degrees. It is in this interval that the child's immunity develops, and the harmful bacteria are in no hurry to multiply.
  • Ventilate the room in a timely manner. This is also very important - a lack of oxygen and stuffiness lead to the dominance of bacteria, which means, to a decrease in the already weak immunity.
  • Do not overheat the child. Since Soviet times, it has been believed that a baby needs to be wrapped up to the ears for a walk - first in a swaddle, then in a soft blanket, then in a warm, hard one. In fact, an infant needs to be dressed a little warmer than adults are dressed, otherwise he will sweat, which means he will easily catch a cold.
  • Try to stay away from crowds during epidemics. When an epidemic begins in the city, it is better to walk with your child in the park, and not on the playground, and also try not to ride with him in public transport.

And of course you need to watch out general condition the baby's immunity and so that relatives who happen to get sick do not come into contact with him.

What to do if mom gets sick

The situation is more complicated if the mother of a child who is breastfed is sick. It will not be possible to isolate her from the baby - this will negatively affect him emotional state... Therefore, a sick person will have to comply with a number of simple quarantine requirements:

  • When in contact with a child, wear a gauze bandage - these are worn by doctors or people who want to protect themselves from infections in public places. The dressing will prevent airborne infection. But you need to remember that the bandage does not last long - you need to change it after each use.
  • Wash hands before handling a child. This is a precaution that will help the child not to get infected through everyday life. You can also use disposable gloves, but this is more for the mother's peace of mind than for the health of the baby.
  • If milk changes properties, the child will have to be transferred to artificial feeding... If the milk smells unpleasant, has changed color, it has become smaller, it is better not to give it to the baby, but to consult a doctor.

If what the mother is sick with is just a respiratory viral infection, contact with her will even benefit the baby. The fact is that in a woman's body antibodies to the disease will begin to be produced and, together with milk, will enter the child's body. As a result, his immunity will increase and, faced with a viral infection later, he will defeat it much easier.

It is important to remember that a change in color, smell or taste of milk, as well as a temperature over thirty-eight, is a reason to consult a doctor and clarify whether the child needs a change in diet.

How to increase immunity in babies

But, of course, the most effective strategy is to take care of your baby's immunity. Then, faced with the causative agent of the disease, his body can easily cope with it.

The methods for this are used the same as for increasing immunity in adults:

  • Correct mode. Infant does not sleep by the hour, but this does not mean that he needs to get enough sleep. When the baby falls asleep, you need to make sure that it is quiet near his crib, and when he does not want to sleep, you do not need to try to put him to bed.
  • Proper nutrition. A baby cannot eat too much fatty, sweet or fried food - he eats breast milk... But you need to make sure that there is enough milk for him, as well as that the mother is eating properly. Her diet should not contain too spicy and salty foods, and should not contain a lot of sugar. She must not be alcohol and must quit smoking.
  • Physical activity. You should not swaddle your baby for the whole day - on the contrary, he should spend most of the time in the arena, in comfortable clothes... He should be able to crawl, reach for things, roll over, raise his head - that is, perform all the movements that are supposed to be a baby.
  • Fresh air. Walk - best prevention runny nose and decreased immunity. You need to walk at least two hours a day, preferably in a park or forest belt, and not next to the road.
  • Communication. For the harmonious development of the child - a harmonious development this is the key to high immunity - you need to spend time with it. You need to talk to him, play educational games with him, take him with you to the store or to friends. Loneliness infants hurts, so you need to make sure that the baby does not stay alone for a long time.
  • The right atmosphere. The room should be relatively cool and never stuffy - in the morning and in the evening you need to open the window for fifteen minutes, even in winter. You also need to ensure that the humidity in the house is at least sixty percent - for this you can start an aquarium, a special humidifier, or just put a pot of water to the battery.

You also need to regularly visit a pediatrician - he will control the weight of the baby, and also make general idea about its development. If something goes wrong, the doctor will notice and be able to take action in time.

You should not fanatically sterilize everything that the child touches - it is enough just to wash pacifiers, bottles, wash diapers in regular powder. A small amount of bacteria will not harm him, on the contrary, it will contribute to the correct and timely formation of immunity.

Preparations for maintaining immunity

Exists additional way to increase the child's immunity is medicines... There are several groups of them:

You can also use vitamin complexes - most often, however, they are not taken by the child himself, but by the mother, in whose milk they enter.

It is important to remember that you can not prescribe a child medications on one's own. The most harmless remedy has contraindications and side effects which the doctor is aware of and about which the parents are often unaware. Therefore, before giving something to the baby, you need to consult a specialist.

Prevention of colds

Increasing immunity is useful and never superfluous, but additional prevention of colds will also affect the baby's health in an extremely positive way. Moreover, it will not require anything complicated. Necessary:

  • Apply hardening. For an infant, hardening should be soft and careful - in fact, only rubbing with cool water and air baths, for example, on a balcony (while the air temperature is high enough). When the baby grows up, the water temperature can be reduced, and then a contrast shower can be added.
  • Stay away from crowded areas during epidemics. If this is not possible, then put on a gauze bandage on the child and try to shorten the time of stay as much as possible.
  • Don't forget about vaccinations. Whatever battles unfold around them, vaccinations are the best and most reliable way fight against many diseases. Therefore, it is imperative to supply the child with everything that should be given to him by age.

Infectious relatives should be kept in quarantine and not allowed into the room with the baby. It is not too warm to put on the child during a walk, especially if the baby is already starting to walk and will move, otherwise he will get hot and will definitely catch a cold.

In general, all that is needed in order not to infect a child is accuracy and a lot of prevention.