Types of ombre for long dark hair. Coloring in the ombre technique for light brown hair of medium length

Gorgeous blondes and brunettes dominatrix, eye-catching saturated color hair and experiments with hairstyles, for a long time wiped into the background close to natural styling and discreet natural light brown color. For a long time it was considered uninteresting and ordinary, until a special hair coloring - ombre - came into fashion. And it turned out to be the most advantageous on light brown hair, personifying natural beauty.

What is ombre

Despite the French name, which means "shadow" in translation, the technique of hair coloring ombre hair did not originate in France. Her homeland is Los Angeles, and she conquered the world just a few years ago thanks to the invention of local masters for beauties from the Hollywood red carpet.

Ombre- This is a two-tone dyeing with a stretch of color and a smooth, always horizontal transition of the shade from the roots to the ends of the hair. Usually, the color is extended to their entire length - from intact or slightly darkened roots and root part to lighter ends. This creates the shadow effect from which ombre hair gets its name. Cross coloring, hollywood staining, degradation, shatush, balayazh, bronding - all these are nuanced names of one technique, in each case only slightly different in small details. The result of the work of the master is a stylish gradient with a passing blurry or clear horizontal border, very close in tones to natural light brown.

Who is Hollywood coloring suitable for and what effects are achieved

Not all women are mentally prepared for a radical change in their image. Getting rid of an image that has expressed individuality over the years can be really tricky. Not everyone has the courage to make non-standard experiments, but at the same time they want to change the monotony of their appearance, to give it some flavor. In such a situation, ombre can be a real godsend. Without radical changes, transverse coloring will significantly refresh the hairstyle, give it visual splendor, weightlessness and shine. And also - it will definitely attract the attention of the opposite sex, because it is simply impossible not to notice such interesting variations in natural tones, from dark blond to wheat and light gray.

Thanks to the ombre on light brown hair, you:

  • visually increase the volume of the hairstyle, which is quite useful for soft and thin hair;
  • keep your own color or your usual color;
  • get the opportunity to correct the oval of the face by lightening the curls around the portrait area;
  • save on visits to the hairdresser: for several months, if the roots do not have gray hair, it will only be enough to level the split ends a little - the appearance of the hair will not suffer at all;
  • give your hair a rest - the procedure is gentle, as only hair is dyed Bottom part starting somewhere in the middle of the length.

Ombre shades by appearance color type

Knowing your color type of appearance helps women always look the most advantageous. Having picked up, depending on it, clothes, accessories, makeup of the right tones and textures, you will always look perfect.

Important! Ombre shades on Brown hair it is advisable to choose depending on your color type.

There are the following color types:

Winter- more often dark blond hair, picky about tanning porcelain leather, eyes are dark brown, green or of blue color... Tones are suitable for such snow white: for dark curls - yellowish and honey, for light blond - cold (silver, ash, frosty shade). For the most daring, highlights of orange or lavender are suitable.

Autumn- hair is copper or golden, often curly by nature, skin of warm shades, eyes - deep green, cognac, hazel. Tones for amber are dark for light hair, for dark ones - bronze, red and even red.

Summer- skin of natural pink and light gray shades, eyes - from all variations of gray to dark brown, hair - from light blond to ashy. For dark blond hair will fit contrast - gold, copper or red strands. Light hair will be adorned with a stretch to dark. Just don't overdo it - dark colors make the face look older.

Spring- transparent thin skin, light bright eyes, hair color - from warm blonde to wheat. Hair tones are copper. The choice of a cold tone will disadvantageously emphasize the pallor of the face.

Fashionable ombre options for light brown hair

When choosing shade, girls and women usually see desired result in painting over the old color, getting the effect of mobility of strands, adding glare and playing of color in the sun.

There are several actual options for the owners of the most fashionable light brown hair today:


For classic staining two colors are used with a smooth horizontal border, usually natural, passing from the roots to the ends of the strands. Harmonious and amazingly beautiful shading pairs can make up colors: chocolate, coffee, beige, straw, amber, walnut, honey.

Regrowth effect

The name speaks for itself - the roots are tinted darker than the ends. Some masters, as an experiment, dye their hair the other way around - the light color of the strands is concentrated at the roots. This type of booking is called a reverse or inverted ombre.

Triple ombre

There are also two tones in this coloring. One - at the roots and ends, the second - in the middle of the hair length. The more blurred the boundaries of the color, the more elegant and natural the hairstyle looks.


This catchy and spectacular hairstyle will not leave anyone indifferent. The combination of dark blond curls at the roots with crisp strokes of fiery shades at the ends - copper, red, gold or red - will make your hair literally glow.

The effect of sunburned hair

For this method, the ombre is toned in three color shades. Light - on the crown and sides, slightly darker on the back of the head and the darkest - at the ends of the hair have a shade. Such degradation is refreshing and looks very natural.

Colored or contrasting ombre

Suitable for young fashionistas who love to be the center of attention and are not afraid to experiment with color. In this case, the curls in the lower part are dyed in the most incredible tones, sometimes not even combining with each other. All shades of pink (lilac, salmon, dusty rose) are trendy, as well as purple, blue, turquoise and blue, yellow. This is a very bright ombre. Therefore, it will not be very appropriate, for example, at a business meeting.

White and ash ombre

Black and white will never go out of style, this shading gives a chic hairstyle. And gray tones have been a hit of stellar Instagram movie and pop divas for several seasons.

However, there are three things to keep in mind when choosing these colors:

  • when applying makeup bright accent in black and gray colors should be done on the eyes, otherwise the face is "lost";
  • such tones require obligatory daily styling - without it, the hairstyle looks untidy;
  • cold halftones from black to white are categorically not suitable for ladies of spring and autumn color types.

Light brown, light brown

Before doing ombre on light brown hair, think over your makeup, review your wardrobe. If you want to look stylish, everything must be matched in advance. Consider also your color type, and besides it, the tone of the hair. Of course, light brown is considered ideal for any type of transverse coloring, it perfectly absorbs any pigments. But compatibility and harmony have their limits.

For light and dark blond, you should choose different types ombre:

Dark blond... Natural contrasting transitions from dark shades to lighter (2-3 tones) - honey, wheat. Color transitions will win - to red, cherry, lilac. White and ashy degradation also opens up endless varied possibilities for dark blond.

Light blond... Nearly ideal basis for stylists' fantasies. Dark or color ombre with delicate pink, mermaid green or turquoise, bronzing from light to white - everything will look spectacular. Excellent result will give a gradual gradient from amber or caramel to silvery blond. Also very good at blond hair looks like an inverted ombre, darkened towards the ends with a stretch of color.

Three lengths - three directions of fantasy

At different lengths hair the same ombre techniques look different.

Short haircut

The most achievable effect here is overgrown roots. It is necessary to dye only the very ends of the hair and it is very difficult to achieve a progressive shade transition. Therefore, it is better to make contrasting, rather than shaded, tone borders. The most optimal haircut for using the ombre technique is considered to be a bob haircut.

Average length

Shoulder-length hair opens up more options for stylists and hairdressers. To such hairstyles, Hollywood coloring visually adds pomp and length, and horizontal lines create the effect of sun rays.

Long hair

For such hairstyles, all types of ombre are applicable and advantageous. The beauty salon will offer you dozens of options on how to make your hair shimmery and voluminous with the help of horizontal coloring.

With all the attractiveness of the effects obtained from the use of such a technique, one should not dismiss a few "buts".

It should be remembered that:

  • it is recommended to do the ombre at professional stylists otherwise, when dyeing at home or inexperienced craftsmen, instead of the expected stylish effect, you can get a sloppy and variegated look of hair - and the procedure is not cheap for a professional;
  • coloring is unacceptable if the hair is very weak and unhealthy;
  • as after any dyeing that is extreme for hair, you should carefully and properly care for it - 2 times a week, use masks, balms, as well as serums and vitamin oils for split ends.

Modern girls like to experiment with their appearance... Most often, their attention falls on the hair. Today, more and more often you can see bright images with dyed curls in yellow, blue, red colors. But not everyone shares such experiments, since the fashion for naturalness has firmly established itself in the minds of people. For this reason, various techniques coloring designed to emphasize the natural shades of the hair. And ombre is one of them.

Ombre for light brown hair

This technique is versatile and suitable for lightening curls of any shade. Highlight the tips any original color ... The effect will remain and look beautiful even if the hair grows back significantly.

Light ombre looks best on light brown hair. It looks natural, and others do not have the impression of a wig on. The hairstyle looks natural.

Dark ombre is not often made due to the fact that it does not look as impressive on light brown hair as light one. But some girls like it on their curls dark variant so choose it.

Young girls prefer to somehow stand out from the crowd, non-standard clothes come to their aid, bright makeup, original color hair, tattoos or piercings. For those who love bright images and changes, there is a color ombre that will sparkle with new colors and bring a lively and fresh stream. An orange or fashionable carrot ombre looks interesting on light brown curls. Since by nature light brown curls look pale, then thanks to this color you can stand out favorably.

What shades can be easily done on light brown curls? The natural type ideal for coloring in any color, since the pigment absorbs paint well and pre-clarification not required. That is why the following types can be performed on light brown hair:

  • Light,
  • Dark,
  • Ash,
  • Colored,
  • Redhead.

Today, at the height of fashion is beautiful ash color, so you should pay close attention to it.

Pink ombre

The above range presented in many shades... One of the most harmonious and unusual is pink. This tone goes well with both light blond curls and dark blond. You can choose any shade of pink, depending on what effect you want to achieve. What shades of pink work best for this technique? A list of spectacular options is provided:

  • Pale,
  • Bright,
  • Crimson,
  • Deep,
  • Salmon,
  • A dusty rose shade
  • Purple,
  • Violet.

In the photo on the network you can find the ombre technique, made in a pale pink tone... This shade will most favorably emphasize the naturalness of light blond or wheat hair. If the client wishes, you can turn pale pink into pale pink.

On ash-wheat, wheat or hair with deep ashy shade the bright pink color of contrasting color looks interesting. This is exactly the case when there is no need to create smooth transition from naturalness to artificial accent, just paint in desired color tips.

In the photo on the net you will also find salmon pink ombre. This option is harmoniously combined with ash-blonde hair. Different lighting can play with images, so it can appear that the coloring is done in red. Well, this option is not bad either.

Some shades of purple can also be referred to as pink. The tone must be chosen very carefully, h so as not to disturb the harmony of the image creating something special. The photo shows just such an option and we can say that it was possible to do it. If the stylist chose a different shade of purple, the effect would be worse.

Color ombre is at the height of fashion! It is ideal for light blond hair as it gives it richness and contrast. The color ombre was taken out of the shadow by haute couture designers, now they are on a par with naturalness and naturalness. Informal staining techniques are now officially recognized.

A mermaid from a fairy tale has green or blue hair ... Many girls from childhood wanted to be like her. And now their dream has come true, because the ombre technique has appeared, which allows you to do this. The combination of green, blue and light blue will create the very image of a mermaid. It will be especially romantic if the girl has medium or long hair.

Important! This technique when dyed in three or more colors, implies craftsmanship. Therefore, it is better to contact an experienced specialist.

Stylish solution is coloring turquoise... This option is easier to perform than the previous one, but it has its own fans. When stained, it does not give the shade of green that women of fashion are so afraid of. However, turquoise is performed only on well prepared curls, hair quality and bleaching is required.

For very light blonde hair blue will do ombre with a smooth transition to dark blue. Such an ombre will emphasize the cold color type to which the girl belongs (winter and summer). It will show in favorable light her eyes and skin. If the fashionista belongs to the autumn type, it is better for her to refuse such an experiment.

Yellow ombre looks no less extravagant on light brown hair. Warm color is not so "flashy", but it can make bright changes in the image.

Important! When staining, you should know that yellow very cunning. If you choose the wrong tone, then the face will take on a reddish or, conversely, a deathly white tint. Therefore, it is worth consulting with a colorist so that when changing an image, he will take into account your color type.

When choosing an ombre color, you should always remember that the tone should to emphasize the beauty and dignity of curls... Therefore, you do not need to visit an unfamiliar master if he does not have a photo of his work or client reviews.

Ash ombre has been a huge hit over the past few seasons. The famous divas of the carpet and instagram transformed the image with the help of gray. If you do not want to lag behind fashion, then pay attention to the following photo, which demonstrates the effect on hair middle length and long. You can see for yourself that the ash ombre looks great on dark and light blond curls.

Important! Grey colour like yellow is very cunning. If you decide to turn into a diva, you will need to constantly do styling. If you start to be lazy, your hair will look gray, and in best case have unpleasant dirty shade.

The ombre will turn out to be more contrasting if the hair is dark. Advice! Pay attention to your makeup, it should have an accent on the lips or eyes. Because it is not only the hairstyle that creates the image. Competent makeup will be a beneficial tandem for a new hairstyle.

The photo below shows interesting option ash-blonde ombre with a transition to a cold-tone blonde. The hardest part is to achieve a "clean" shade without unpleasant greens or yellows.

Dark ombre

This kind of girl is chosen more rarely than light. The reason is most likely in the habit of seeing dark roots and light tips... Light ombre looks more natural, since each of us has darker roots than the hair itself. Dark coloring in this technique implies dark ends and blonde hair at the base.

On the dark curls staining to black or dark brown creates a softer image than light ones. Pay attention to the photo, which allows you to see what is on curly hair dark ombre looks better.

Dark ombre on straight hair of medium length looks as if the curls were once dyed dark, then the hair of the branch stopped too. This option is not bad and is suitable for just such a case. Since a dark ombre will allow you to create a smooth transition effect without a sharp border between light and dark.

Ombre for light brown hair of medium length

On straight blond hair, this dyeing technique looks natural, feminine and elegant... It allows even the simplest hairstyle to look fashionable, fresh and stylish.

A soft transition from light brown to light blonde on medium-length hair looks dignified. The photo shows a light ombre.

With the help of ombre, you can achieve the effect of burnt hair. Very naturally and harmoniously, this coloring adorns ash hair with sunburned skin. The feeling that the girl has just returned from a vacation at the sea does not leave.

Straight hair of medium length with a smooth transition creates a pleasant, delicate look. It is created by a light ombre. In this coloring, only half of the hair underneath is affected.

Ombre on dark blond hair

Many Hollywood stars have gorgeous dark hair. To create a graceful, more vivid image, which does not break the harmony, resort to a light ombre. New image requires appropriate makeup... If your color type is cold, then the choice should fall on gloss and lipsticks of wine, plum, cherry tones. Since they favorably emphasize new color curls and skin color.

Ombre on light blond hair of medium length

Light blond hair allows for a very smooth transition. That is why blondes choose ombre more often than others.

The technique works great with the following blonde hair shades:

The most natural shade of ombre is burnt hair effect... It is done by lightening individual strands. Distinctive feature staining are burnt-out strands in the frontal area.

The staining will gradually grow back, but this will not spoil the image at all. A smooth transition will not focus on regrown roots.

Ombre on light brown hair from the roots

The root technique is not as popular as the tip technique. Because she looks like full color with a gradient or highlights. In the photo there is a variant where the roots have hardly experienced any impact, but paint is still there, staining begins with a three-centimeter retreat. Further, everything goes down below smooth gradient typical for ombre.

Unusual and sophisticated technique staining is shown in the photo below. To obtain such a result, the master first lightened the curls, then toned them in a golden shade with a transition to black and dark chestnut.

The ombre technique creates a beautiful and natural look. Good choice shades and correct technology paints are the main components of a successful implementation.

Brown hair looks very feminine and delicate, but sometimes it seems too boring. Liven up your hair, add volume to the strands and try new shades will help fashionable appliances ombre.

With its help, you can achieve the effect of naturally burnt hair, create smooth or abrupt transitions colors. Usually, the procedure is performed in the salon, but with certain skills, you can dye the strands at home.

What is ombre

Ombre - an option for creative hair coloring, first proposed about 10 years ago. Since then, the technology has been improved, salon clients are offered at least a dozen options of varying complexity.

The essence of the technique is smooth or more pronounced color transitions... Typically, the ends of the hair remain dark and the ends are lightened or tinted. There is and reverse ombre, in which the tips are painted in bright or dark colors, and the roots are left light or discolored, followed by coloring in gentle tones.

The procedure is performed in salons, but women who know how to handle paint can try it at home. The technology can be applied to medium wavy, straight or curly hair, both natural and dyed.

Who is it for

The ombre technique is ideal for women who want to experiment with color but are not ready for full coloring... The easiest way to tint strands that take paint well, are not too thick, but not fragile either.

Hair coloring of any length is possible, but the effect is more noticeable on medium and long curls... Ombre is worth trying for girls

  • having thin and thin strands, but dreaming of a more voluminous hairstyle;
  • those who want to revive a too boring color;
  • loving to experiment with shades;
  • fearing too frequent staining.

Advice... Ombre - the best choice for women with fast growing hair. The technique will allow you to mask the growing roots and will not require frequent touch-up.

The technique is suitable for different colors, but a particularly wide palette of shades can be tried on natural light brown hair. Strands of this shade perceive well any colors, darkening and gentle lightening is possible.

When choosing an ombre option for light brown hair of medium length, it is better to look for photos in magazines for professional hairdressers, there will always be interesting ideas.

Ombre is worth a try for everyone who wants to visually change facial features. Lightened strands on the sides of the head will slightly widen the oval and make the look more feminine.

Blackout, on the other hand, lengthens the face, accentuates the cheekbones and chin. Soft transitions and the use of several natural shades will create the effect of lush hair.

Who shouldn't try coloring

Despite its versatility, ombre is not for everyone. The procedure should be abandoned

  1. Girls with badly damaged, split ends, brittle hair... The burnt-out strand effect is good for perfect condition hair, otherwise the hairstyle will look untidy. Contrast and color ombre will accentuate bad condition hair.
  2. Owners are very oily strands... Greasy roots against the background of lightened strands will be striking. For normal look styling your head will have to be washed daily, but this does not always save the situation.

Important... Ombre is especially beautiful on hair that is cut evenly or on long, flowing steps. Strong graduation and pronounced asymmetry - not the best way for soft color transitions.

Shade selection

Before choosing a paint, you need to decide on in a general way... To create a natural effect, all shades of blond, from silver to rich honey, are suitable for owners of light brown hair.

Brown hair usually has cold undertone... For work, ash, silver, pale colors are suitable. To create more contrast, you can darken the roots slightly using a dye 2 shades darker than natural.

If the hair is dyed warm colors, it is worth using a straw, honey, creamy or golden palette. Dark blond strands will require preliminary clarification, the color will turn out to be cleaner.

Colorists suggest using dyes professional brands... For home use special sets for ombre are intended, including 1-2 tones of paint and a high-quality oxidizer.

Advice... Use solid colors, they look more beautiful with smooth transitions.

Types of ombre


The classic version implies smooth transitions natural shades.

The roots are left natural or darkened slightly with a mild ammonia-free dye.

On the dark blond hair the ends are lightened and tinted; on lighter strands, a light paint is enough.

The strands can have a horizontal border, but sometimes the color is applied along the entire length.

This way you can highlight facial hair or bangs, adding volume to the hairstyle.

Advice... The classic ombre is the best option for beginners. This type of staining suits everyone, the main thing is to choose the right shades.

Regrown roots

The easiest option to perform, similar effect easy to achieve at home. The roots remain dark, the tips can be very light, middle part the hair is worked through with 1 or 2 shades similar in tone.

The transitions should be soft, the border of colors is relatively high. This coloring looks especially beautiful on wavy or curly hair.

Burnt-out strands

The hairstyle looks very natural, but requires a lot of skill from the colorist. At home, achieving this effect is not easy. The dye is applied to the ends and middle part, some strands are completely lightened. With the help of the technique, it is easy to correct the shape of the face and visually increase the volume of the hairstyle.


A creative option to transform any gray mouse into an iridescent hummingbird.

Paints are used for work different shades, from pastel to neon.

Better to work with professional kits, harmless to hair.

Some colorists use successfully food colorings, on light-blond hair, they give very interesting effect... It is possible to use 1 tone or several at once. Color transitions can be smooth or clear, in the form of even stripes.

Ombre for light blond

It is believed that the technique is more suitable for dark light brown hair. Contrast with discolored or bright ends will be more noticeable. However, owners of more light strands you shouldn't be upset. For them, there are separate techniques that allow you to try on fashionable coloring and look great.

Reverse ombre. With this technique, the ends of the hair are darkened, the roots are left light.

This option is suitable for perfectly straight hair that emphasizes unusual contrast. A clear or blurred horizontal border is required.

In a similar technique, you can create ombre "tongues of flame" by applying bright reddish or dark pink highlights in the form of zigzags and stripes to the light base.

Darkening of the roots. In this case, the dye is 2-3 tones darker. own hair applied to the roots, the middle part is treated with a lighter tone, the tips remain natural. The effect is very interesting, but you will have to refresh the color of the roots every 3 weeks. The growing light streak will ruin the impression of the hairstyle.

And this video shows a non-standard use of a product for painting over regrown roots and gray hair. With its help, a blonde can very quickly turn into a dark-haired girl with spectacular ombre, and all this at home:

Important... Work with light blond hair should be entrusted to a professional colorist. At home, the effect can be unpredictable.

Home technique

At home, you can try classic or colored ombre. You need to start with lightening the ends, gradually you can move on to multicolor toning along the entire length of the strand and work with a whole palette of shades.

Advice... Home staining is best done without foil, in the open air. The effect will be more natural, small mistakes can be easily masked.

For work you will need:

  • a set of paint and oxidizer designed for ombre;
  • faience or glass breeding container;
  • flat brush for paint distribution;
  • protective gloves;
  • nourishing balm.

Do not wash your hair for 2-3 days before the procedure. The rods should be covered with a natural protective film that reduces aggressive impact paints.

The easiest way, suitable for enough long strands- coloring in the tail.

Curls are collected on the crown, as close to the forehead as possible. A dye is applied to the ends of the hair, kept for 10 minutes, and then washed off.

Advice... For a softer effect, the dye retention time can be shortened. It all depends on the texture of the hair and its natural color.

If the shade of the tips seems too dark, the procedure can be repeated. Another option is to tint the lightened parts by applying the dye with careless wide strokes. This technique is good for wavy or curly strands.

You can try a different technique.

It implies that there is no clear border of color, the result is more natural.

The hair is divided into strands. The paint is applied with a flat brush to the ends or slightly higher; it is not necessary to observe an even border.

The curls at the face can be dyed to the full length, stepping back from the tips by a few centimeters.

Advice... Wrapping the strands in foil immediately after applying the paint will help create a brighter contrast.

The paint is kept for 10 minutes, then another layer is applied, its borders are slightly higher than that of the first. After 7-10 minutes, the composition is washed off, the curls are treated with an emollient balm.

Medium-length blonde hair is a great base for experimenting with ombre. This type of strand is suitable for the most different techniques, it is possible to use natural or emphasized bright dyes. By choosing suitable image, try to implement it at home, after a few workouts everything will definitely work out.

Without a doubt, light brown hair is at the top of popularity today and it looks like this trend will delight us for a very long time.

Creation technology fashionable coloring in the ombre style is very simple and is soft transition from one color to another. The most common option is to switch from a darker shade of hair to a light shade. At the same time, the natural look is preserved and the hairstyle looks very stylish.

One of the main advantages of ombre has always been considered a natural look. On light brown hair, ombre looks like burnt-out hair ends - very natural. At the same time, this dyeing technology is very convenient, because you do not have to dye the hair roots all the time, even if they grow back, the dyeing will look very beautiful.

What hair color to choose for an ombre?

If you have a natural shade of light brown, you should remember that all light tones should be selected by an experienced colorist. This will eliminate unpleasant surprises that you may encounter in the process. home staining... If you do decide to dye your hair at home, remember that it is recommended to lighten the ends by no more than 2-3 tones. However, remember that it is important to take into account the natural shade of the hair, as well as the color of the skin and eyes. Today we will try to talk about how ombre hair is dyed and how to choose a hair shade for ombre on your own.

As we already know, ombre technology involves a soft transition from a darker shade of hair to a lighter one. At the same time, stylists note that more bright options... For example, many girls prefer to dye their hair in bright shades such as blue, red, red, etc.

How is the staining procedure carried out?

To begin with, the master selects the color and lightens the ends of the hair. And then he performs a hair toning procedure, which allows you to give the ends a given shade.

The result is a very natural beautiful image... Depth of color is another required attribute, which will emphasize the relief and make the image natural. So, many masters prefer to color the ends of the hair in several shades at once, allowing you to create a rich and beautiful colour.
In addition, you should also remember that ombre hair should be dyed every 4-5 months, which makes it easy to say that this is a profitable procedure.

The most popular coloring option today is one that duplicates the effect of sun-bleached hair. V in this case the ends of the hair and bangs are made in more light shades with golden notes, and the hair roots remain dark. But the transverse ombre is carried out on the lower strands of the hair and looks more stylish and less natural. The transverse ombre can be highlighted, colored, given various shades.
What shades to choose for light brown hair color?
For light brown hair, you can choose both natural and contrasting colors. Moreover, both of them will look very stylish.

In the case of natural ombre, emphasis should be placed on hair shades such as ash, beige, wheat, milky, mocha, etc. Golden colors on light blond hair look incredibly natural and add playfulness and beauty to the look.

Ombre for light brown hair: contrasting option

The play of contrasts has its own characteristics. So, many women want to look brighter and more memorable. To do this, experts resort to various tricks, including dyeing hair in contrasting shades. For example, for dark blond color hair dyeing in copper and red shades would be an excellent solution. But it is better to wait with red hair color, it is out of trend this year.

To paint light blond hair it is possible with dark shades. In this case, we are talking about brown and chocolate flowers, as well as dark blond shades.
For fair skin it is better to choose shades of red hair color, wheat, milk chocolate.
For olive skin ideal solution will become red and brown notes.
For dark skin wheat and milky shades are best suited.

How to dye your hair at home?

It is best to create an ombre with a paint that already offers ready-made solution... This is a hair dye from Préférence Ombrés from L'Oréal Paris.

There are three hair colors in the L'Oréal Paris ombre palette, which should be selected based on your natural shade. For light brown hair, hair dye No. 4, FROM LIGHT-RUSOE TO RUSOO, would be an excellent solution.

With Préférence Ombrés, you can lighten hair up to 4 tones at once. In addition, the set contains all the elements that simplify the procedure for dyeing hair at home.

1. Comb your hair to avoid tangling while dyeing.
2. Divide the strands of hair in two and comb through.
3. Mix bleach powder and paint, shake well.
4. Extrude finished product on the comb right between the teeth.
5. Now take a section of hair and start bleaching (just below the chin).
6. If you want to create a smooth transition of colors, then during coloring you should hold the comb upright. If you want drastic contrast, keep your comb horizontal.
7. Make sure that the strands are the same color on one and the other side: at the same height. Apply the dye to individual strands, it is not necessary to dye all the hair.
8. Wait 25-40 minutes and then wash off.