Topaz what a stone. Topaz is a stone that will suit everyone. Blue topaz and zodiac signs

The name of this mineral is due to the name of the place where the first stone was found - the island of Topazios. He became a symbol of spiritual purity and affection, a talisman of love and friendship.

Properties of Topaz stone

Topaz stone - an excellent companion for people seeking truth or seeking enrichment. He seems to be clearing the way forward, setting the owner to do good deeds. For sailors, it has long been a talisman that could ward off storms and other bad weather. Such a pebble was necessarily kept on the ship until the end of the journey.

The magical properties of topaz stone - help a person gain wisdom and tranquility. This amazing mineral brings joy to life, making its owner an optimist. Each owner of topaz becomes sociable and generous, spreading currents around him positive energy... Any depressive states and outbursts of anger bypass such people.

The ancient Greeks were convinced that topaz gives men sexual energy, generosity and charm, and makes women amazingly beautiful. Modern observations support these beliefs.

The magical properties of topaz enhance the ability to focus and solve difficult intellectual problems. In addition, the mineral sets a person up for constructive communication, making him more peaceful and understanding.

For women, the topaz stone is priceless, as it is able to preserve beauty and youth, as well as add novelty to the relationship with the spouse. Topaz keeps the warmth of home comfort, protecting family bonds from negative impact... He also helps to maintain any friendship or love union, ensuring the loyalty of people in relation to each other.

In business and politics, the topaz stone significantly helps to achieve success in negotiations, to establish important ties and relationships. He patronizes people who want to achieve success by their own efforts, and not by cunning and lies.

For creative people, the use of topaz stone will also be very effective. It will help to implement not only explicit, but also hidden talents its owner.

Topaz most of all shows its magical properties in a gold setting. The stone will not begin to act immediately, at first it must get used to its owner, love and accept him. This habituation may be indicated by a slight change in the color of the mineral. Fiery yellow topaz can take on a soft golden hue.

Healing properties of topaz

Topaz stone has quite strong medicinal properties. Since ancient times, it has been used as an indicator of poisoned food and drinks, so cups were decorated with it. Topaz is currently used to strengthen the immune system and heal a large number diseases.

Healing properties topaz can be used to treat depressive conditions and nervous disorders. It will relieve insomnia and unreasonable fears, giving a person self-confidence and calmness. Topaz heals diseases of the musculoskeletal system and female infertility.

This wonderful stone will help to cope with heart attacks and strokes by strengthening general state cordially vascular system... Topaz becomes a reliable assistant in the treatment of disorders visual function... Most often it is used to eliminate myopia.

Simply wearing the stone on your body will prevent colds and flu and provide you with a boost of energy. Topaz has medicinal properties in the fight against diseases of the spleen and gallbladder. Some people manage to successfully treat bronchial asthma with topaz. In addition, topaz neutralizes pressure surges and helps with gout.

Topaz for the zodiac sign

The Topaz stone can become a companion of any of the representatives. It is equally useful for fire, air and earth signs, helping them to achieve balance and receive a positive charge of energy.

However, he is most suitable because he is able to neutralize his tendency to go to extremes. The topaz stone helps to gain wisdom for this contradictory sign and improve relationships with others. This mineral will become irreplaceable assistant Scorpio on the path to self-improvement.

Topaz is a mineral from the group of aluminum silicates, close to diamond and corundum in hardness, and after cutting it is not inferior to them in sophistication and beauty. But its value is not only in beauty and strength, but also in the properties of the stone:

  • Astrologers advise colorless topaz to those who were born under "water" signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio). Topaz is incompatible with "earthly" ones (Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo): they are calm and indecisive in nature, and the influence of the stone will harm them. Topaz can become a talisman for Leo and Gemini, but does not interact with other signs of the zodiac of the air and fire elements.
  • Mystics consider transparent topaz to be a stone of prudence: the amulet helps the owner to find out secrets and expose intrigues; influence others, seeking concessions or submission. By developing a person's mind and insight, he allows him to better understand himself and others, and therefore strengthen friendships and settle money problems. That is why the second name for colorless topaz is “the stone of the psychologist”. But remember: if you are plotting evil or weaving intrigues, the stone will turn evil designs against you.
  • Lithotherapists (people who heal with the healing power of stones) claim that clear topaz supports immunity, accelerates wound healing, soothes nerves and relieves anxiety.

Blue topaz "Academician Fersman"

In nature, there are topazes of blue, blue, green, red shades. The blue and blue varieties can also be obtained artificially from colorless, irradiating and heating it, and the mystic topaz stone - by painting its edges. Such a mineral shows only the general magical properties of the mineral: people with a topaz amulet age more slowly, it protects the owner from envious people, intrigues and evil eye, endowing them with wisdom, and women with beauty.

The magical ones will appear stronger if you set it in silver. This stone is a friend, it is worn every day, and its energy feeds the human aura. Jewelry with topaz is recommended to public people (politicians, journalists, military men), that is, everyone who is forced to make responsible decisions. In order not to interfere with the stone, it cannot be worn or stored next to diamonds, bad neighbor for him there will also be a mystic quartz.

Polychrome topaz

Polychrome, or multi-colored, are called minerals, the edges of which, after processing, sparkle with several colors. They are rare in deposits, and after cutting they do not look very expressive. Therefore, jewelers often use an artificially colored mineral - mystic topaz.

This magic stone resembles a spark of living fire, it flows and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, from red-green and yellow-blue to gray and purple. Its basis is transparent or pale shade topaz, on the edge of which a micron layer of gold and / or titanium oxide is sprayed. The film of metal causes the rays of light to be refracted, and since it is applied unevenly, the reflected rays have a different color.

Sometimes, under the guise of rainbow topaz, one can find its fakes made of lead glass - mystic quartz. It has no magical properties.

Blue and blue topaz

Among the colored topaz, the most common are pale blue, almost transparent stones (Sky Blue), rarely - dark blue Swiss Blue; the rarest and most expensive of them is London Blue, or London topaz. For Scorpios and Cancers, the amulet helps to find friends, and often patrons, strengthens the owner's intuition, "prompts" a compromise in disputes.

  1. Pendant with topaz calms the nerves and relieves headache, expels gloomy thoughts and gives peace of mind.
  2. Along with medicationsThe stone is used in the treatment of depression.
  3. According to lithotherapists, contemplation blue topaz helps with eye diseases and improves vision.
  4. Blue topaz necklace or pendant normalizes function thyroid gland.

Having received from the talisman the gift of insight and the ability to negotiate, it is easier for a person to make a career and achieve material well-being... But, like all topaz, blue stones will not support someone who is too rude to the goal or deceiving other people.

Jewelry with topaz

Yellow topaz

Shades of the mineral vary from wine yellow to deep golden, most often in nature there is a stone with a Champagne color (yellowish orange, closer to beige). Astrologers recommend it to Scorpios and Gemini.

It is believed that among all topaz, he most of all does not tolerate lies, therefore it is called the stone of students and teachers - people who seek to give or receive true knowledge. It helps the owner to recognize hidden thoughts, expose lies and intrigues; empowers you to stand up for the truth and your principles. He protects the family from hobbies on the side and from betrayal, teaches spouses to hear each other and not quarrel over trifles, and if this happens, then put up in time. If the stone in the jewelry has tarnished, then perhaps its owner is not faithful in marriage.

Lithotherapists use the stone in the form of a pendant or necklace to treat ailments of the throat and thyroid gland. gives harmony to unbalanced people, softens the influence of stress, helps to cope with bad mood and insomnia. In ancient times, in the East, they said that he absorbed the power of the Sun, therefore, he was able to protect the owner from dark designs and the evil eye.

Rare shades: red and green

Among all the topaz mined in the world, only 1% has a pink, red, red-orange hue, and the production of green ones is calculated in pieces per year. One carat of such a stone is worth the same as an emerald of equal weight.

Red is the stone of the emperors, it is also known as a love amulet. He allows active and strong personalities to maintain a good mood, gives them faith in themselves and a taste for life, among the signs of the zodiac, he chooses Aquarius and Lions. Carry it with you or give it to the object of your adoration, and you will revive faded feelings. Changes will not occur immediately, but over time you will feel the support of the amulet.

But remember that while you are afraid to make decisions, topaz is not your assistant: it enhances the inclinations of a person, but does not replace them. However, you can use the healing properties of the stone. Red Topaz:

  • treats diseases of the joints and spine;
  • protects the body from disease;
  • gives women beauty and helps to conceive and bear a child.

The sign is Scorpio, and in ancient times it was used to decorate the crowns of kings. The gem brings good luck to its owners, bestows wisdom and prudence, supports in disputes and suggests a solution that takes into account the interests of all parties. Magicians believed that mystical topaz allows you to hide from pursuers, making a person invisible to enemies, and disguises his thoughts from those who would like to penetrate them. According to another belief, green topaz is able to warn the owner whom they want to poison: if the topaz dipped in wine has changed color, you cannot drink it.

However, do not blindly believe the talismans! Minerals fade in sunlight and chemical reagentsespecially if it is a rainbow topaz or a tinted stone. Therefore, you should not offend your spouses with suspicions just because the insert in the ring has changed its shade, or use it as an indicator of poisons.

It doesn't matter how true the information about the stone's magical abilities is, as long as it helps you feel more confident and happier. After all, everything that increases a person's confidence in his abilities is good for him. Funny bunnies from the facets of topaz quartz will improve your mood, and the day will be successful without any magic!


Natural topaz represents the second group of gemstones and is a fluorine-containing aluminum silicate.

Natural topaz represents the second group of gemstones and is a fluorine-containing aluminum silicate. The mineral owes its name to the island of Topazos, located in the Red Sea (today St. John's). This is one of the versions, according to another, the word "topaz" comes from the Sanskrit "topas", meaning "heat", "flame", fire ". This version has the right to life, although in India all precious yellow minerals have long been called "topaz".

The visiting card of the mineral is a variety of colors, pronounced brilliance and an acceptable cost. Due to its purity and unique play of light, especially with a successful cut, topaz stone is not inferior to diamond.

Topaz synonyms: "Heavyweight", tumpaz, pazion, tonpaz, Siberian diamond.

Topaz deposit

Topaz specifications

Chemical composition: Al2 (F, OH) 2
Mixing: impurities of Fe2 +, Fe3 +, V, Ti, Cr are possible.
Systema: rhombic.
Daylight color: golden yellow, yellow, pale blue, pink, violet red, yellowish brown.
Color under artificial light: pleochroism is weak.
Radiance: glass, on the cleavage planes - mother-of-pearl.
Hardness index: 8.
Feature color: white.
Transparency level: transparent.
Refraction value: 1,606-1,638.
Density indicator: 3.49-3.57 g / cm 2.
Strength: fragile.
Cleavage: perfect.
Kink: conchoidal.

The richest deposits are Ouru Preto and Diamontino (Brazil). The most beautiful crystals of almost all are mined there. existing colors... Especially in the price are found blue and transparent minerals and the so-called "Brazilian rubies" (red stones).

The Saxon Vosges (Schneckestein) are considered the most important deposits in Europe. The history of this deposit dates back to 1700. It is known for its green, colorless and yellow-wine minerals. The green stones in honor of the deposit were named "Saxon diamond".

Sri Lanka is famous for its colorless crystals or so-called water sapphires. Yellow-orange stones - Indian topaz - are no less appreciated.

This mineral is also mined in Russia. 2 large deposits are known. One is located along the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains, and the other is located in Transbaikalia near Nerchinsk. There is also a field in the east of Siberia, but less known. In these areas, crystals of the most different shades: blue, yellow, green, reddish, pale brown.

Topaz: characteristic of the stone

The mineral is sensitive to heat. She is able to change its color. The stone is hard, but brittle, it breaks freely. This is due to the perfect cleavage in all 3 directions. The gem, although known as precious mineral, but occurs more often in nature than others.

Topaz has a varied color due to small inclusions of metals in the atomic lattice of the mineral. The crystal shape is most often in the form of a tetrahedral prism with a flat or pyramidal base. The features of the gem include its vertical grooves along the prismatic faces. Topaz stone, the properties of which make it possible to classify it as a particularly hard mineral, is the standard of hardness (8 on the Mohs scale). High density and high specific gravity gave a reason to call the gem a "heavyweight". This is how the Ural miners called the mineral, for a long time continuing to use this name.

Crystals are afraid of direct rays, under which they tend to fade. Everything fades except colorless: both irradiated and non-irradiated crystals. Wine, tea, pink, purple and rare red gems lend themselves to rapid and uneven fading. Green and blue topaz stones fade more slowly - over the years. But discoloration occurs before complete burnout. but natural stones it is common to restore the natural color while in the dark.

Such a variety of shades is caused by a certain deviation in the structure of the crystal. Due to this, it became possible to ennoble (burn) the natural blue crystal to a rich, deep color.

The mineral is unstable to sulfuric acid.

Varieties of topaz with photo

Depending on the color, the mineral has the following varieties:

"White Topaz" (white topaz) - so called colorless crystals;

"Tea". Russian term, according to which the pale yellow variety is called;

"Imperial Topaz" (topaz-imperial) - a valuable variety of the mineral, which has a yellow-orange, orange-brown saturated shade;

Sherry Topaz (sherry). In Russia it is known as "wine topaz". Has a shade from orange-yellow to brownish-pink;

"Silver Topaz" (silver) - colorless variety;

"Rutilated Topaz" (rutile) - a mineral with rutile. Has inclusions of limonite and external similarities with rutile quartz;

"Saxon chrysolites" are a very rare yellow-green variety of natural crystals. The change took place under the influence of natural radiation. They belong to collectible stones.

Shades and color of topaz

The color range of this unique mineral is varied. There are colorless, brown, pink-yellow, purple, red, golden yellow, blue and pink topaz. It is worth noting that a natural stone has a more moderate pastel colorrather than full-bodied. Stones with alternating shades or even with a "cat's eye" effect can be encountered.

The most popular stones: wine yellow, blue, dense tea color. Purple topaz is no less popular.

Sometimes a dichroic effect appears in stones. This happens more often in blue crystals according to the scheme: blue to colorless or bluish-green to green. Due to these properties, some specimens are similar to aquamarines. high Quality, they are not easy to distinguish. Yellow topaz casts brown, pale yellow, orange. Pink - honey and red. Dichroism is most pronounced in wine and pink stones.

The most popular shades of the mineral on jewelry market and their commercial names:

"Swiss blue topaz" is a rich, bright blue mineral. The color is obtained as a result of heat treatment;

London blue topaz - dark blue topaz with a slight shade of gray or green. It is obtained exclusively as a result of annealing;

"Sky blue topaz" is a light blue stone that resembles a clear clear sky. Also the result of heat treatment, but a mineral of this color can also be found in nature;

Champagne - meaning Champagne. Crystals in a soft, exquisite luminous shade. Very popular;

"Mystic Topaz" is the name of a processed jewelry crystal. Special technology and a metal film on the surface gives the stone an iridescent sheen. This "variety" represents the category of counterfeit stones. All his beauty is lost quickly enough;

"Azotic Topaz" (Azotic) - orange-yellow topaz, inside with iridescent tints. Option "Mystic Topaz". Its production technology was developed by the Azotic company.

Precious topaz: application

Jewelry with this crystal is lovely. The stone looks gorgeous, both with a faceted surface and polished. Look at the photo, the topaz stone on them emits a unique color. In reality, he is simply incomparable.

Cutting is done in different ways. Also cabochon cut. Crystals go well with other stones. Blue crystal small size often used for framing large stones in rings and pendants.

Healing properties of topaz

In ancient India, the mineral was one of the 12 most important gems that had medicinal properties. The stone was mentioned more than once in the texts of Ayurveda.

The crystal is believed to be able to heal nervous disorders, improve sleep, relieve insomnia and nightmares. It is an excellent remedy for diseases of the liver, spleen and gall bladder. It should be worn for diseases of the throat and spine.

Some traditional healers recommend a gem for relieving attacks of bronchial asthma, stopping bleeding. The mineral has long been used to restore vision. There is an opinion that the mineral should be worn to enhance immunity and prevent colds.

It was believed that while wearing this mineral, even a barren woman can experience the joy of motherhood. Golden and honey topaz is considered the most powerful among all varieties in terms of energy.

Topaz: magical properties

This precious mineral has long been considered a symbol of well-being, happiness, generosity and loyalty. In the old days, for calming and reconciliation, the stone was presented to people full of anger and passion. This crystal was considered a talisman of pleasure. Our ancestors believed that he was able to give serenity, laughter, joy of life, make life brighter, more interesting, more diverse, and even exacerbate taste sensations... It was believed that the gem gives birth to a certain inner world in a person and opens him the way to insight and spiritual ascent.

Another magical property topaz is an enhancement of intuition. Everyone who owns such a crystal begins not only to feel the state of people more strongly, but also to anticipate their actions, and sometimes even to influence them. The owner of the crystal pays attention to everything that happens around him and perceives events more sharply.

This mineral was called the stone of the sorcerer and black magicians. Due to the property of sharpening intuition, the gem received such a nickname. With the opportunity to feel the state of other people, the owner of the crystal could inspire, impose his opinion on people, suppress their thoughts. Since most strong energy possess yellow topaz, then they were most often used in magic rituals... The energy of this stone can be used with good intentions or not. In any case, a person with such a crystal feels superior over the rest. Therefore, it is very important who wears this stone.

According to ancient legends, the stone has a unique mystical property pacify the raging natural elements. Each time the sailors took him with them, hoping that he would take them out of the fog and save them during a storm. According to other beliefs, the gem personified a home. AND magical properties stone manifested precisely in the house.

Patronizes precious gem people born under the sign of Scorpio. For Scorpio men, the mineral brings life wisdom, and for women it helps to attract attention and become irresistible.

Famous topaz

The most famous are the "Brazilian Topaz" found in the region of Ouro Preto (Brazil). Their mass is 31.8 kg and 50.4 kg. They are currently in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC.

The weight of the largest faceted gem is 22,000 ct. It is a colorless transparent topaz called "Brazilian Princess". However, not only Brazil is famous for its unique exhibits. A stone weighing 10 kg with a pinkish-yellow border and a blue core is kept in the Mining Museum of St. Petersburg. And in Ukraine in 1966, a crystal was found, the mass of which was 117 kg with a height of 82 cm.

How to clean topaz

A characteristic property of minerals is their very good resistance to acids (except sulfuric), oils and alkalis. Therefore, gems are unpretentious in the choice of detergent. Given the hardness of the stone, it is difficult to scratch it. However, do not experiment on your own.

To restore the lost shine to the crystal, it is enough to wash it in a warm soap solution with a soft brush, and then wipe dry with flannel or any other soft cloth... It is strongly discouraged to store minerals in an open place, especially in the sun, as it is fraught with loss of color. For the same reason, it is better not to wear this gem during the day, so that it does not fall under UV rays.

Buying topaz

The rarest and most expensive of all topaz is a gem with a pink and red tint. The price per carat of such a crystal can reach $ 300-500. Yellow and brown topaz costs an order of magnitude cheaper, but not at all cheap.

How to distinguish topaz from a fake

It should be clarified right away that "rauchtopaz" is not topaz at all and has nothing to do with it. It's just smoky quartz. And the name was invented for a sophisticated audience, a kind of PR move.

Holding topaz in your hands, and especially when you touch it on the skin of your cheek, you get a feeling of refreshing sea coolness. This property is due to the low thermal conductivity of the crystal. It can be used to detect a fake.

The most in a simple way identify a fake - look at the color of the stone. Saturated and too bright color not typical for this gem. Therefore, the poisonous shade should make you think about the origin of the gemstone. Real topaz is characterized by delicate saturation, pastel shades, something euphoric and insanely tender, as if it were the color of fog or the morning sun.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the shape and structure, their special perfection speaks of the artificiality of the stone. Real (natural) samples are defective. Rare inclusions and even small cracks. After all, this is characteristic of a natural gem.

To determine a fake, you can use one more property of a crystal - the property of being electrified. If the sample to be tested is rubbed against a piece woolen fabric, then it becomes electrified and begins to attract pieces of thread, paper. The absence of this phenomenon indicates a fake.

The naturalness check can also be carried out in this way: hold a stone over quartz or vice versa, quartz over a suspicious gem. Topaz will undoubtedly leave a scratch on quartz, as it is harder than it.

Natural topaz on video:

Angelic lovely

Blue topaz is one of the most delicious precious stones... Sky blue, surprisingly delicate shade. The stone has some unearthly, angelic beauty. Contemplation of its divine palette evokes a sense of harmony and peace. You can look at it endlessly, without taking your eyes off, admire the perfect cut, dazzlingly pure radiance. The soft, unobtrusive shade and elegant shine of blue topaz does not look defiant, therefore it is appropriate always and everywhere.

According to ancient legends, this delicate stone with the subtlest aura can calm a terrible storm and any other element. The first sailors went to distant lands and made their great discoveries with a ring decorated with magical blue topaz, which took them out of impenetrable mists and saved them during deadly storms. Medieval knights presented their ladies with luxurious jewelry with blue topaz, brought from long trips.

Despite the angelic beauty, topaz is distinguished by a certain insidiousness: it helps to achieve financial success, quickly make a career and build own business... But at the same time, the energy of the stone is so powerful and crystal clear that it reveals a lie and mercilessly tears off the masks, destroying illusions and false relationships. This property both helps and hinders at the same time. The owner of such a crystal-"honest" stone needs to be prepared for the harsh and often hard-hitting truth. Blue topaz displays on clean water unfaithful husbands, unscrupulous partners, reveals the intrigues of enemies, "attracts" real friends and reveals enemies. The owner of the stone gets a more realistic picture of life. It is worth considering thoroughly whether you are ready to see it, and even more so, to withstand it psychologically. Going weakly with the flow with such a powerful energy conductor simply will not work. This is a stone for strong, decisive people with a philosophical mindset. It opens up a world to the owner in which you need to fight and act very carefully, but at the same time it is a strong catalyst for decay. This is the "deceit" of the stone - its powerful energy destroys weaker vibrations.

This does not mean that jewelry with this stone is contraindicated for people who are sensitive and not very confident in themselves. Not at all! You need to be able to properly use the magical power of the stone and wear it only in those cases when its crystallinity is relevant and necessary. For example, when meeting new people for the first time, when signing contracts, concluding sales and purchases, when it is important to disclose the seller's malicious plans, if any.

Well, in general, blue topaz is simply irreplaceable for those who strive for enlightenment and spiritual growth - it is an ideal stone for meditation and spiritual practices.
In terms of color palette this mineral is most suitable, of course, for blue-eyed and gray-eyed girls. Topaz has an absolutely amazing ability to accentuate beauty. blue eyes! Moreover, the stone is able to adorn every woman. All blue topazes have incredible aesthetic appeal - fine, graceful lines, charming color, crystal clear shine!

Place of Birth
In medieval Europe, blue topaz was called nothing more than "Siberian diamonds", since it was in the Russian Urals at that time that they were actively mined. These crystals were called diamonds not only for their similar shade and transparency, but also for their high hardness, in which they were second only to natural diamonds and diamonds.

High-quality blue topaz is mined today in Germany, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Australia, and the USA. The leader in the supply of blue topaz on the world market is Brazil, therefore blue topaz is very often called "Brazilian sapphires".

Healing properties
Best of all, blue topaz acts on nervous system - saves from insomnia, drives away depression, saves from nightmares. Such a stone will become a reliable assistant for everyone with nerve problems. Contemplation of the heavenly beauty of the crystal balances and soothes the weak and disturbed psyche. There is evidence that wearing blue topaz jewelry reduces the frequency and severity of epileptic seizures.

To prevent diseases and strengthen the thyroid gland, it is recommended to wear blue topaz around the neck in the form of a necklace. Due to the high frequency of vibrations of the blue crystal, the regeneration of skin and tissue cells is accelerated, the metabolism is normalized - this contributes to the launch of the processes of rejuvenation of the body.

Heals blue topaz a wide variety of diseases respiratory tract - even such complex diseases as chronic tonsillitis and bronchial asthma... The stone strengthens immune system, helps with anemia. Regular contemplation of its crystal purity relieves eye strain after prolonged work, helps to reduce myopia.

In Medieval Europe, blue topaz was actively used as effective remedy against poisoning. According to information preserved in ancient books, in the presence of poison, the stone changed its color. That is why expensive glasses and cups were decorated with topaz.

Magical properties
Blue Topaz is the perfect stone for Scorpio. For Scorpio men, blue topaz gives wisdom, and for Scorpio women it gives charm.

According to esotericists, blue topaz removes the evil eye and heals from obsession. At the same time, it helps to inspire others with desirable thoughts and moods. The stone is able to change the character of its owner - to make it softer, more benevolent, magnanimous, decent, honest and loyal.

In Indian yoga, blue topaz is recognized as a stone that activates the highest chakra Sahasrara - the Crown, Sacral, Crown chakra, which is the center of human perfection. In Indian practice, blue topaz was actively used in meditation in order to achieve enlightenment, an all-pervading vision, to connect with the Higher Mind.
Read more: Chakras

According to famous practice Ayuverda, blue topaz gives a powerful impetus to the development of intellectual abilities, gives wisdom and intuition, relieves of far-fetched fears and ignites passion. According to experts, the most powerful influence the stone has on people mature, wise experience, full-fledged developed personalities.

The stone instills optimism, helps to achieve success in business and financial matters, gives joy in life. Its prolonged contemplation allows you to feel serene peace, some kind of unearthly pacification, causes fireworks positive emotions and pleasant associations. No wonder this mineral is recognized as a stone of enlightenment. It gets rid of anger, irritation, hatred. The crystal purity of blue topaz refreshes the energy, makes you feel blissful.

Blue topaz perfectly manifests its magical properties in any form - in earrings and rings, in pendants and brooches, framed in gold and silver. He does not like the stone of the neighborhood with diamonds and rock crystal.

Topaz stone is a fairly well-known and widespread mineral. However, there are different versions of the origin of its name. Some believe that the stone got its name from the island where Topazos was first found. Another version says that topaz came from the Latin word "topazus", which in turn goes back to "tapas" "fire", "heat" in Sanskrit.

Most large deposits topaz are found in Brazil, Russia, Germany, Australia, Sri Lanka, USA and Burma. At the Ural sites of primitive people, simple topaz jewelry was found. The size of the stone may vary. There were colossus weighing more than 100 kilograms.

Topaz is characterized by a glassy luster and high fragility in the direction of cleavage. It is distinguished by high transparency, and in hardness it is second only to corundum. This stone is highly sensitive to sunlight. Topaz can burn out in the light and completely lose its color. Nevertheless, surprisingly, the natural color of the stone must be restored. For this, it is enough for the topaz to spend several days in the dark.

True topaz and their artificial copies

Topaz is found in nature in a variety of colors. The most frequent "guests" at jewelers are stones of pink, golden, and cherry-yellow tones. There are colorless minerals and stones with a characteristic opalescence, called topaz cat eyes... Stones look gorgeous, one part of which, for example, is blue, and the other is cherry. They are called polychrome stones. In fact, the color of minerals is determined by the amount of iron, chromium and titanium impurities. They have their shades due to defects in the structure of the atomic lattice. For his high density the Ural topazes received the "title" of "heavyweights".

If you caught your eye topaz color pink, which means, most likely, initially it was a red-brown pebble that was subjected to high-temperature processing. Most of all, jewelers value orange-red samples, blue ones, reminiscent of aquamarine, are slightly cheaper - their shade is enhanced artificially. But colorless topaz, like other colorless minerals, are relatively cheap goods... Usually they are "painted" artificially. Colorless crystals are irradiated with harmless rays until they acquire color, and then they are heated, and the mineral turns, as if by magic, into a blue or blue stone. There is a variety, as if wrapped in a grayish "shirt" - also very rare prey.

Natural topaz is warm and soft in color. But unnecessarily saturated color will be a signal that specialists have worked on coloring the pebble. However, even for people who know, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish a processed stone from a natural stone.

Often, instead of topaz, more cheap stone citrine. "Spanish", "Bohemian", "Indian", rauchtopaz have nothing to do with a real stone. These minerals are burnt smoky quartz... Instead of cut topaz, you can mistakenly purchase other similar natural or artificial stones... Blue topaz can be confused with aquamarine, tea topaz with tourmaline and, again, colorless will look like rock crystal.

Stone carving is a frequent jewelry phenomenon for topaz. Headsets, bracelets, rings, pendants are made of these stones. The price of a topaz product depends, in addition to its color, weight and transparency, also on the quality of processing. The stone should be protected from temperature surges and shocks in the direction of cleavage.

According to legend, topaz could not be found in daylight. It was only when day changed to night that these stones could be found, because their light "shone in the dark like a beacon." In the dark, the treasure hunters marked the places where the cunning topaz seemed to them, and during the day they returned for it.

This stone has been known since ancient times. According to the Bible, he was one of the stones that adorned the breast adornment of the high priest Aaron.

Zodiacal correspondence of topaz

The Sun is considered to be the planet of topaz. Topaz reveals its magical properties most fully for people born under the sign of Scorpio. This is stated by both modern astrologers and ancient oracles. They agreed that topaz jewelry and talismans are simply irreplaceable for Scorpions. After all, Scorpio, who often goes to extremes, requires restoration of balance and help in making the right decisions. Young Scorpions especially suffer from a lack of worldly and prudence. It is these qualities that topaz shares. When the representatives of this sign begin to enter, the mineral helps them to restore relationships. It allows you to come to terms with reality, get out of stressful situations with minimal losses and just pull yourself together. Topaz is indifferent to the rest of the signs of the zodiac.

In order for topaz to use its magical properties in full force, it is recommended to wear it either in a pendant, or cut into a ring and put on forefinger right hand... The best setting for this stone is gold.

Healing properties

Topaz will gladly provide support to those who have set foot on the path of self-development and improvement. Do you want to receive purity of thoughts and aspirations, fill your soul with joy and goodness? Topaz will help you with this. The magical properties of this stone, as well as the medicinal effect, were noticed in antiquity. For example, gold-colored topaz was considered an assistant for those who were sterile. They believed that topaz had enough to cure the insane and correct vision problems.

It is also believed that topaz, framed in silver, when worn around the neck, will relieve asthma attacks and exacerbate the sensations of taste. It will help those who find it difficult to fall asleep in the evenings. Topaz is a good addition to the complex of other methods of healing in chronic diseases. In ancient times, it was used to treat sore tonsils, sore throat and spinal diseases.

For the population Ancient India topaz was one of the twelve main gems that possessed healing properties... This stone is mentioned more than once or twice in the texts of Ayurveda.

Lithotherapists of our time claim that these stones are characterized by "projective Yang". Topaz protects a person from colds, accelerates tissue regeneration, and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, spleen, etc. Topaz will serve as a good shield against mental illness, and generally strengthens the immune system. And gourmets can be glad that topaz has not bypassed their favorite business as well - it sharpens the sense of taste.

Topaz. Magical properties

In the Middle Ages, this stone was often decorated with expensive cups. It was believed that this stone is the best remedy for poison. If "seasonings" of a certain property were added to food or drink, then the topaz would certainly change its color.

A person who wears topaz can hardly be called a "beech". This is the one about whom they say that he is an "incorrigible optimist", he enjoys life in principle and enjoys the serenity of peace. This is because topaz is trying to live up to its title as the stone of inner enlightenment.

Topaz gives beauty to women, and to men. This stone chases away anger and hatred. It is recommended for those who suffer from vague fears. In addition, topaz tends to attract material wealth for its owner and help him to focus.

Indian yogis believed that topaz stimulates the highest - the Sahasrara. In their practice, this stone was used in order to achieve an all-pervading vision, as a result of which the person received a chance to connect with the Higher mind.

In ancient times, topaz was considered a stone that is able to slightly open the veil of truth and expose secrets. It was called "the stone of psychologists", "the stone of the courtiers." Influencing others, subjugating someone else's will and exposing intrigues - that's what topaz is capable of. The magical properties of this stone are actively used, making talismans, amulets that protect from the evil eye, negative information influences and evil witchcraft.

It is interesting that the magical properties of topaz, depending on the color, are slightly different.

So, for example, it is a stone that is a pro in identifying deception and exposing intriguers. Taking with you an amulet with topaz on business meeting, you can figure out the secret thoughts of colleagues and partners and accept the right decision... topaz is most often chosen for themselves by born leaders and masters of life. These stones help defeat enemies and ward off envious attacks. Topaz gives strength to lead large teams and make great plans.

Topaz has another positive magical property: it has the ability to return love to life. This is sometimes really necessary for people who are depressed or have lost their taste for life. This mineral enlightens thoughts and frees the soul from blues. The warm glow of the stone will bring joy and peace.

The delicate color of topaz can soften even the most callous heart. Therefore, the stone was considered the patron saint of courtiers, since it was important for them to fight for the favor of the monarch and beware of opponents. Today topaz - good amulet for lawyers, senior leaders, politicians and other dignitaries. This stone helps to untangle career intricacies and keep a pure soul and a calm conscience.

Topaz-imperial red-orange hue is a love and erotic talisman. This amulet makes partners more attractive in the eyes of each other, awakens to romantic deeds and ignites passion. In a similar way, this property manifests itself in family life, reducing the intensity of passions during a quarrel and helping to find ways to reconciliation.

Stone with blue color suitable for people uncommunicative and taciturn. It will add self-confidence and encourage communication with others. Pink topazes are indispensable for relieving stress, they perfectly remove from depressive state... Today it is believed that a mineral with a rare pinkish color can save you from betrayal and the pangs of jealousy. Topaz helps to collect thoughts, express yourself clearly, be reasonable and quick-witted. This is especially felt by scientists and students.

Topaz was also prized by sailors for its abilities. The era of geographical discoveries has brought to this day the superstition that topaz can calm storms. Therefore, sea wolves, setting off on their next voyage, bought a ring with topaz - for good weather!