How to determine the body type of a man test. How to determine who you are - ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph: test. Body types, figures of men and women - ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph: distinctive features, photo. Determination of body type based on visa

Individuality for a person is everything: from choosing a hairstyle to choosing a car. Everyone tries not to get lost in the crowd. This article will focus on one of the most rated questions among residents of the whole world, namely, how to determine your body type? How does it help you become more attractive?

Where to begin?

Of course, from why such knowledge is necessary. Yes, it is obvious that people are all different, the mutation gave us different colour eyes, growth, even such a trifle as the shape of the nails - and then everyone has their own. Against the background of all this, the very figure of a person is gaping as a paramount point. Plump, thin, medium, with pronounced muscle relief or, on the contrary, with rounded shapes, everything is purely individual. But what if a person is not satisfied with the body and wants to change it?

There is no dispute about tastes, but if someone does not like himself, then this is a reason to think about your physical form... In order to correctly and competently start such an activity, it is necessary to possess a large amount of information. The first thing to figure out is how to determine your body type. Since there are several of them, you should familiarize yourself with each.

What are they?

Types human body there are three:

  • ectomorph,
  • endomorph,
  • mesomorph.

What these words have in common is only consonance, in fact, they cover radically different concepts, for which it is clear how to determine the type of physique.

  1. Ectomorphs are people with a lean physique. They have little "meat", that is, a small mass of muscles, narrow shoulders below which, small breasts, not protruding hips, thin bones. The average ectomorph looks like a fragile person, as a rule, they are of average and above average height. This is all due to the fact that such people have more developed basic metabolism and it occurs faster.
  2. Endomorphs are the opposite of ectomorphs, people with rounded shapes. There is enough "meat" in the body, and there is even more fatty tissue, due to which they seem plump or loose. Most often of short stature, with poorly expressed muscles. Metabolism is poor.
  3. Mesomorphs - golden mean, is considered the most preferred of all types. Such people have well-developed muscle mass, they look athletic, they are well built, the height can be any, but most often average.

How men are built

How to determine the type of physique in men? Easily. It is enough to observe him from the side.

In ectomorph men:

  • Protruding long limbs.
  • Long thin muscles.
  • High growth.
  • Narrow rib cage and the waist.
  • Sharp angular movements, active gait.
  • He can eat in large quantities and it does not affect him.
  • After training, it becomes more prominent rather than larger.

Notable spokespersons: and Brad Pitt.

In male endomorphs:

  • Wide waist.
  • Large skeleton with heavy bones.
  • Not long legs and the arms are of the same thickness as the body.
  • Even with muscle mass, the body is not embossed.
  • He can look impressive, the body shape is more spherical.
  • Gains weight quickly, throws it off hard.

Notable representatives: Dwayne Johnson, Russell Crowe.

In men, mesomorphs:

  • The waist is narrow or medium.
  • Athletic physique, muscle relief is expressed.
  • Speakers pectoral muscles.
  • Broad masculine shoulders.
  • Easily gets in shape if you give up training.

Notable representatives: Hugh Jackman, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

What about women?

For the fair sex, you can use a different classification (Professor Chernorutsky) to understand how to determine the body type in women. In general, this is a juxtaposed reflection of the above types. You can see that their number is the same and the description is almost the same. In any case, there is an amendment for the ladies. Below in the article, you can find out how to determine the type of physique in women by the wrist.

Asthenic type woman (ectomorph equivalent):

Celebrity spokeswoman: Cameron Diaz

Hypersthenic woman (endomorph equivalent):

  • Broad, heavy bones.
  • Short stature.
  • Short limbs and neck.
  • The muscles are well developed, but the figure does not look embossed.

Celebrity spokespersons: Kim Kardashian, Beyoncé.

Normosthenic woman (equivalent to mesomorph):

  • The skeleton and its muscular component are proportionally developed.
  • Medium height.
  • The figure resembles hourglass.
  • Slender limbs.

Celebrity spokeswoman: Helly Berry.

Thus, a clear and detailed understanding of each type and for any gender is obtained. But what if the visual data is not enough or is it subjective? Then the answer to the question of how to determine the type of physique for men and women will be additional methods.

On the wrist

Oddly enough, many people do not know about this old method. How to identify a person by the wrist? This method is extremely simple, and most importantly - universal for all people. It is worth noting that it does not 100% guarantee that you are not a mixed type. This will be discussed in detail below. It is more convenient to do this with a measuring tape, and the result will be accurate. A person's body type can be determined by measuring their wrist.

So, the person made a measurement and received a certain number. There is a system with which you can check your result, namely:

  • girth 15-17.5 cm - the indicator speaks of a fragile physique, its owner is ectomorph;
  • 17.5-20 cm is an average indicator, that is, a person is a mesomorph;
  • 20 and above - the figure indicates that a person is an endomorph by body type.


It would be wrong to forget that determining your body type is a serious matter, since people use the data obtained to correct genetic and everyday problems. The measurement accuracy will be higher if you approach the issue from the point of view of science, or rather, medicine.

One of the options for this method would be a trip to a therapist, or even better, to a nutritionist. A professional view of the problem will be more effective and the person will be confident in the data provided.

Since the formula was developed by the same doctors and specialists, it can be trusted as a scientific result, and not as a rapid test. The formula is called the Pignet index, and its calculation (in cm) - weight (kg) - chest girth (cm). For example, height 170 cm, weight 64.5 kg, and chest girth 90 cm.The index will be calculated as 170 - 64.5 - 90 = 15.5

Now you need to check the results in order to understand how to determine the body type:

  • less than 10 - strong;
  • 10-12 - normal;
  • 21-25 - average;
  • 26-35 - weak;
  • More than 36 is very weak.

Entertaining method

In the process of calculating themselves loved ones, people resort to different methods, there are often unconventional or methods with a dubious degree of reliability. However, they are also popular. The method with measuring the wrist should not be included here, since it was created by specialists as fast but effective. Now, not everyone knows how to determine the type of physique by the girth of the wrist, but on the Internet (and in this article) it is just easy to find out.

Sites are full of catchy headlines with quick questions and spreadsheets. One should not take this option seriously and pay attention to the results, but many people readily use them for “fun's sake”, rather for entertainment in the company of friends or for comparison with what is now. It would be more expedient to determine the type of physique with a specialist, the person will not waste time and effort.


It is great that in the end the person received information about what type of physique he / she belongs to. And before proceeding with the preparation of the diet of the correct and balanced nutrition, sports programs and other things, it is necessary to take into account that:

  1. Pure endomorphs, ectomorphs and mesomorphs practically do not exist! In 99% of cases human figure contains signs of several types at once and is a completely harmonious combination of them, therefore, blindly follow the recommendations for a certain type not right.
  2. Doctors, nutritionists, fitness trainers are new friends of the future body sculptor. It is not enough to know the indices and types, you need to improve according to the letter of health, following the individual prescriptions of specialists. Otherwise there is big risk harm health and get the opposite effect.
  3. You cannot achieve results once. This is not the same as learning to ride a bike. Having achieved a dream figure, it will need to be regularly maintained so that the effect is tangible.
  4. You cannot study according to someone else's program. This applies to everyone, but especially, lovely ladies... Hearing (reading in a magazine) 10 tips about being slim or incredible story about the thinner neighbor, they begin to try it on themselves. That absolutely must not be done. It should be determined what type of physique you are, how to use it with benefit - here the main task in such situation.

So what is next?

Knowing your body type is useful outside of sports activities. Being as familiar with oneself as possible is an opportunity to own not just the body and mind, but to own emotional state... It's nice to understand what your body is capable of and how to help yourself in the implementation of your tasks. Playing sports is the best start on the path to self-improvement, because good habits will help maintain health, which cannot be bought in old age. In the future, you can share with loved ones and advise how to determine what type of physique you are.


It is necessary: ​​to direct energy not to muscle growth, but to weight gain (which can then be turned into muscle mass), choose disciplines to increase endurance and strengthen immunity.


It is necessary to: control the calorie content of food (reduce it by 15-20%), engage in disciplines that help to gain not only strength, but also grace, for example, yoga for women, oriental martial arts for men.


It is necessary: ​​to understand that with age it will be harder to lose weight, and it will be easier to gain it, so you need to balance your weight as early as possible. Any sports disciplines are suitable, but especially playing ones, such as volleyball and tennis.

Genetics is our everything, but ...

Yes, if there is a genetic disposition to a certain type, it is difficult to eradicate it in oneself, and even more so in future generations. And this is undoubtedly a plus. In such a variety of shapes, sizes, mixed types, a person will always stand out for his individuality. If she does not suit him, then you should not fight her, you need to make friends with her and, above all, accept yourself as you are, so that steps towards your dream are pleasant and conscious, for there is no limit to perfection.

Hello friends! In this article, Phil will tell you about human body types. You will learn how to determine your type and make appropriate adjustments to your diet and exercise program to improve your progression and improve your athletic performance.

Many recommendations regarding bodybuilding are common to all body types, gender and age. Often similar rules- these are general principles for gaining mass and getting rid of adipose tissue. But, all people are different, and how professional level physical fitness athlete, the more role they begin to play little things, which are the individual characteristics of a single person.

Folding type not such a trifle, as it gives one or another, both advantages and disadvantages. So that the athlete can balance on the pros and cons, and use the potential of the body for full force, for a start, he needs to find out what type his body belongs to. Then build a strategy for training programs and regime.

Term, somatic constitution or somatotype(this is the body type), divides people into three the main types in terms of constitutional characteristics, which have obvious differences. Naturally, most people are of mixed types, that is, they do not have a purely pronounced body type.

To determine a more accurate type of addition, but without choosing between three, science has invented a point system consisting of three numbers (according to the number of types) and each number varies from 1 to 7... By the layout standard, the numbers are identical to my numbering in the list.

  1. ENDOMORPH(Hypersthenic type) 7-1-1

Good build type for bodybuilding. Endomorphs are people with wide bones , large muscles and a lot of subcutaneous fat. They resemble an oval in shape. The problem of this type is the difficult disposal of subcutaneous fat, and in endomorphs it is slower than in other somatotypes.

  1. MESOMORPH(Normosthenic type) 1-7-1

Ideal for bodybuilding. Bones of medium or wide thickness, large volume muscle mass, even without exercising, accelerated metabolism and low body fat content. Visually, such a constitution resembles a triangle. Mesomorph people are equally effective and easy to gain weight and get rid of subcutaneous fat.

  1. EKTOMORPH (Asthenic type) 1-1-7

Differs in thin bones, muscles small in volumes, the minimum content of subcutaneous fat. Often these are tall, thin people. Most complicated in pumping the type of addition. An increased metabolism and an initial tendency to thinness makes it difficult to gain muscle mass, on the other hand, people with such a constitution find it easier to dry out. Visual form- an elongated rectangle.

Somatotype laid in us genetically and unchanged, from birth to death. The other two types can mix only with mesomorphic, but not with each other. Yes, the type of addition cannot be completely changed, but it can be done partially, to give the body certain qualities. To receive beautiful body and correct proportions different types of people will need to apply different efforts. By the way, the time to achieve results will also differ, but anyone can achieve serious success v . Moreover, if we are not talking about world-class competitions.

Now I will tell you about how to find out your type additions from physical data, as well as write down the preferred diets and general recommendations training for each body type.

There are three ways to find out your type of addition, without any means at hand (except for a centimeter), if you use all three, the result will be more accurate, but any of them have already determined the tendency to a particular somatotype.

  1. Angle between ribs

Grope bottom point, where the ribs meet, above the belly. Further, from it and along the line of the ribs, put your thumbs, and the angle between the fingers will indicate to you the type of addition. Endo = more than 90, meso = 90, ecto = less than 90 degrees.

  1. Wrist girth

Measure your wrist working hand(no need to giggle) and look at the table for the result. Data is focused on average age and for people without obvious body abnormalities.


Ectomorph - less than 15cm

Mesomorph - 15-17cm

Endomorph - more than 17cm


Ectomorph - less than 17cm

Mesomorph - 17-20cm

Endomorph - more than 20cm

Another way- Grasp your wrist with your thumb and forefinger. If at the same time they do not touch each other - you are an endomorph, if they touch slightly - a mesomorph, and if they overlap each other - then an ectomorph.

  1. Length of legs

Measure your feet from floor to top femur(the center point where the leg bends relative to the torso). Endo = leg shorter than half the height, meso = 4-6 centimeters longer, ecto = 6-9 cm longer than half the height.

About nutrition and exercise. How much to eat different types, and features of bodybuilding classes.


40-50% protein / 30-40% carbohydrates / 10% fat

The main rule is medium weights and high intensity. Workout in a two-day split, but workout for 2 days in a row and one day of rest. You can also do a three-day split (it will be difficult in the beginning). We increase the intensity of classes with supersets and dropsets. Be sure to include, it is possible to devote to 2 hours running, swimming, any team sports game.

Approaches: 5-6

Reps: 10-15 top 15-20 bottom

Use food additives for drying, on the mass - only protein.


30-40% protein / 40-50% carbohydrates / 10-20% fat

We divide the base and insulating in half (approximately). Any split scheme is perfect, and in general - any reasonable scheme is suitable for mesomorphs. The only recommendation- do one strength workout, and the next one with less weight and more repetitions. Such diversity will not allow the muscles to get used to it, and in meso they very quickly adapt to stress, which is a threat to progression.

Approaches: 5

Reps: 8-10 top 10-15 bottom (legs)

It is desirable to use food additives, but you can do without them at first.


20-30% protein / 50-60% carbohydrates / 20-30% fat

I recommend three or two days, with two days off between classes. Fully power workout, maximum weights, do not do cardio at all. The program mainly includes basic exercises... We increase the intensity of the workout with weights, not repetitions.

Approaches: 4

Reps: 4-6 top 6-10 bottom

As you can see, the number of approaches and reps is aimed at increasing strength as a consequence of volume. I also want to draw attention to the use of food additives, for ecto - nutrition is the key to success, and it is practically impossible to do without additives when gaining mass.

That, in fact, is all, friends! As you can see, the bias from the average type of addition, we try to average and balance through food and training. Find out what type of physique you have, and make the appropriate amendments, the result will not be long in coming!

All people are different and this makes each person unique and inimitable. Towards the same goal different people achieve different results. This is because everyone has a different set of moral and volitional and physical qualities... And the more factors you take into account on the way to your goal, the better. The more you know about yourself, the easier it is to build a plan of your actions and not make mistakes. Perhaps you already know what character traits are characteristic of your zodiac sign. What about your body type? No? Then it's time to take the test, determine the type of physique and find out. Such knowledge will help not only to achieve more in sports or in the fight against extra pounds, but also will allow you to better know yourself and understand your body.

Somatotype test

Physique and somatotype

The physique is called the totality of parts of the human body and their mutual proportions. But physique characterizes a person's appearance only in this moment time. To obtain more detailed information about the constitution of the human body, they use such a concept as a somatotype.

A somatotype is a body type that is determined on the basis of a person's physical data and characterizes the level and peculiarity of metabolism (the ratio of muscle, adipose and bone tissue). It is embedded in a person at the genetic level and affects physical development person throughout life. Depending on the various factors physique can change, but its change usually occurs within the somatotype. In addition, it determines the propensity for various diseases and psychophysiological differences, that is, character traits.

The process of determining the somatotype of a person is called somatotyping.

Sheldon's somatotyping system

There are several somatotyping systems. But the most common and understandable is Sheldon's somatotyping system. In this system, three body types are distinguished:

  1. Endomorph - has a rounded body shape. Has relatively short limbs, wide waist and hips, slow metabolism and tendency to be overweight, low endurance.
  2. Mesomorph - has a proportional physique, has broad shoulders and chest. Bone and muscle tissue predominate over adipose tissue. Mesomorphs have a good metabolism. This somatotype is prone to high physical activity.
  3. Ectomorph - has a lean physique, the limbs look long against the background of a short torso. The ectomorph has narrow shoulders and chest. Characterized by a fast metabolism and a small amount of subcutaneous fat, good endurance. Gains weight with difficulty.

These are just the main features these body types. To make it easier to remember the names of somatotypes, you can use the simplification:

  • endomorphs - plump,
  • mesomorphs - with an average build,
  • ectomorphs are thin.

Pure variants of these somatotypes are rare. Usually people have mixed body types, in which in varying degrees certain signs of various somatotypes are expressed.

The author of this system, William Sheldon, believed that the somatotype cannot be changed during life. He argued that, for example, an endomorph with prolonged fasting becomes only a starving endomorph, but does not approach either a mesomorph or an ectomorph. At the moment, it is known that with a properly developed training program and nutrition system, you can not only change your somatotype, but also maintain it in a new state for as long as you like.

Why determine body type

The influence of body type on the organization of nutrition and the training process has been proven in practice. Looking at the difference in somatotypes, it becomes obvious that not only train and eat representatives different types should be different, but the tasks they solve are also different. To find out detailed recommendations on nutrition and training for your body type, you must first find out what type of physique you have.

Technique for determining your somatotype

There are several methods for determining the somatotype.

  1. Somatotyping based on anthropometric data. This technique is the most accurate: a number of measurements are taken physical indicators body and on the basis of precise formulas, a conclusion is made about belonging to a particular type of physique. You can determine your somatotype using this technique in the nearest fitness room or health center.
  2. Intercostal angle. The accuracy of this technique is relative, but it is very simple to use: with both hands, feel the lower border of your ribs and put your thumbs on them so that they (fingers) follow the line of your ribs. Between your thumbs an angle has formed that repeats the angle between your lower ribs. An acute angle (less than 90 degrees) is typical for an ectomorph, about 90 degrees for a mesomorph and an obtuse angle (more than 90 degrees) for an endomorph.
  3. Body type on the wrist... The girth of the wrist is not very good exact result, because the measured parameters cannot serve as a reference characteristic, in addition, sometimes there are rather heavily fatty ectomorphs or mesomorphs. This method can be used as a helper.
    If you have a flexible measuring tape or tape measure at hand, then measure your wrist at the narrowest point (just below the protruding bone) and compare the result with those presented in the table

    If you do not have a measuring tool, then simply grasp the wrist of one of your hands with the middle and thumb the other hand. If the fingers overlap each other, then this is a sign of an ectomorphic somatotype, if the fingers only touch, mesomorphic, if the fingers do not reach each other, this is a sign of the endomorphic type.
  4. Somatotype test based on visual assessment and questionnaires. This method of determination takes into account mixed somatotypes and gives a fairly accurate result, provided that you honestly answer questions about yourself. To determine your body type, take the simple test above. Based on the test results, you will be offered recommendations for nutrition and training in accordance with your somatotype.

If you already know what body type you belong to, then you can read the recommendations for different somatotypes - Training and nutrition by body type

Knowing your somatotype serves as an additional help in building the body of your dreams. But genetics and natural predisposition or aversion to something are not a sentence. All in your hands. All recommendations are intended only to help you achieve your goals. You can’t justify your laziness or, on the contrary, give up because “nature ordered it so”. Everything can be changed and everything can be achieved, you just need to really want it.

Other methods of typology and somatotyping of a person

In addition to Sheldon's somatotyping system, there are other systems:

  • Kretschmer's human typology
  • Heath-Carter somatosection (based on Sheldon's system)
  • somatotyping Chtetsov
  • somatotyping of Chernorutsky

Other somatotyping systems distinguish their body types, but although they have different names, they carry almost the same meaning and are similar to the Sheldon somatotypes.

Analogies for body types:

Endomorph: hypersthenic, brachiomorph, picnic

Mesomorph: normostenic, athletic

Ectomorph: asthenik, dolichomorph

Sometimes ectomorphs are called "hardgainers", from the English hard- "heavy" and gain- "increase". This means that it is difficult for people of this body type to increase muscle mass and strength.

Hello dear guests of my site about sports, health and beauty. Today our conversation, first of all, will be of interest to novice bodybuilders, who often have questions about the selection proper nutrition and a set of exercises due to the incorrect definition of their physiological characteristics. And the main difficulties are associated precisely with the weight of their own body.

Therefore, today I propose to educate all those in need and interested in how to find out your body type, so that both diets and training fully correspond to your anatomy and body structure.

There is a conditional division of physique, both among men and among women, into three groups:

  • Ectomorph;
  • Mesomorph;
  • Endromorph.

As a rule, it is these definitions that are present on sports sites and among bodybuilders. Therefore, those who have not yet encountered training could meet the following physique characteristics: asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic.

In fact, there is no difference in terminology. Therefore, let's figure out which of the definitions of which body constitution corresponds, and how to determine exactly your type, so that in the future there will be no difficulties in the gym.

Thin bone

The first on our list are people, men and women, who are conventionally elongated much more in length than in width. It is this physique that is asthenic, that is, they are ectomorphs.

Look at yourself in the mirror in full height: if you have Long hands, legs, thin Long neck, there are practically no fat deposits and the development of muscles leaves much to be desired - you are an ectomorph, or an asthenic. I am sure that your chest also has elongated shape, which means that the heart and lungs in it have the same characteristic difference and are relatively small in size.

Your gastrointestinal tract not particularly disposed to rapid, active breakdown and assimilation of those elements that you get from food. That is why the volume is most difficult for you, in comparison with people with other body types.

Normal bone

If a broad-shouldered man looks at you in the mirror, with a bulging chest, proportionally developed limbs and decent muscles, then you are a mesomorph, or normostenic. Your bone, that is, the skeleton, is well developed, and the structural indicators internal organs and their physiology meet all standards and meet all the necessary requirements for bodybuilding.

You are in luck - nature has endowed you with an almost ideal body and an organism that works like a clock. This means that your potential in sports is the envy of many athletes, who have to make great efforts to have the form that Mother Nature gave you.

Broad bone

If in the mirror a person who is not tall relative to his weight winks at you, whose diaphragm is much higher than that of your thin friend, the chest is flattened from top to bottom and has rounded shape, and the amount of subcutaneous fat is the subject of constant battles with and the like, you are an endomorph, or hypersthenic.

Your bone is extremely wide, but it's not bad. But an extremely slow metabolism is precisely the enemy that adds fat to your skin, the constant struggle with which you are so exhausted. Naturally, weight gain is not a problem for you at all. The problem, rather, is to stop it.

How to determine exactly

Of course, a purely visual definition of your body type may not always correspond to reality 100%. And naturally, there are more accurate methods.

Firstly, the Internet today is replete with a huge number of special online calculators that enable you to determine for sure your indicators. But you can perfectly do it yourself, especially since one way or another, but you will have to measure this either the thickness of the wrist or the elbow.

It is much more common to measure your physique by the wrist, so let's focus on this method. So how do you measure it correctly? Take a centimeter or at least a tape measure. Take off the watch from your hand and measure the diameter of your hand exactly at the place where you wear your accessory.

If you are a man, and the tape measure turned out to be less than 18 cm - you are an ectomorph, that is, an asthenic. For women, this indicator is less than 15 cm. If your measurements show 18-20 cm, and for women 15-17 cm, then you are a mesamorph, that is, a normostenic. Finally, if the tape measure is more than 20cm, and female hand thicker than 17cm is an indicator of a hypersthenic physique, which means you are an endomorph.

The measurement of the elbow joint is carried out using a ruler. To do this, stretch your arm in front of you, bend it at the elbow at an angle of exactly 90 °, large and forefinger free hand take on elbow joint and measure this distance between your fingers. You can easily find the gradation of the obtained indicators yourself. But, in fact, a mirror and a measurement on the wrist are enough for you to accurately determine your body type.

Thus, having found out your type, you can already understand some physiological features your body, clearly formulate goals in bodybuilding and choose the right diet and set of exercises to achieve them.

Whatever physique you have, playing sports will only benefit, determine your goals, visit internet sport shop where you can pick up any necessary inventory or sports nutrition and go for it.

On this this article I will finish. See you soon in the next issues.

In the scientific literature, the theory of somatypes is popular, implying the conditional division of various types of human physique into three key categories - ectomorph (prone to thinness), mesomorph (athletic and muscular by nature) and endomorph (prone to a set excess weight). It is believed that future athletic success largely depends on the type of physique.

A similar categorization is used not only in psychology, bearing the names of types of temperament (sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic), but also in traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda. Unfortunately, despite the popularity of the theory of body types, unambiguous and clear criteria for determining one's somatotype "by eye" simply do not exist.

Does genetics really affect how much fat the body stores? even on a diet?

Determination of body type by wrist

Most often, it is believed that the key characteristic of a person's belonging to a particular body type is bone thickness. Usually ectomorphs have thin bones, endomorphs are wide. It is also important that the girth of the wrist remains unchanged, regardless of the amount of fat or muscle mass in the body.

In most cases, in men ectomorphs, the girth of the wrist (measurements are taken along the bone just above the location wrist watch) is less than 17 cm, in mesomorphs - 17-20 cm, in endomorphs - more than 20 cm. In the summary table below, you will find other characteristics that make it easier to determine your body type.

How to determine your body type?

Anthropologist William Sheldon, author of the theory of body types and temperament, in his scientific work separately noted that "pure" somatotypes are practically not found. V real life each special person is a combination of all three body types, but in certain proportions.

It is also interesting that in some people (most often in women), the upper body has signs of one body type, and the bottom of another. That's why to an ordinary person it is extremely difficult to determine if he is an endomorph, mesomorph or ectomorph - and no online calculators or apps for mobile phone unable to help him.

Should you believe this theory?

Despite the fact that most of the fitness sites persistently promote the theory of the three types of physique, the scientific community recognized it as untenable back in the 1970s. The main reason it became just that in reality there are countless combinations of somatotypes, and there are simply no clear criteria for determining these types.

FitSeven recommends adhering to the following nutritional and training guidelines for different body types only if you can be 100% confident about one of them. Otherwise, you will need a tailor-made solution with a combination of programs.

The main characteristics of an ectomorph

The main characteristics of the mesomorph

The main characteristics of the endomorph


Despite the fact that in the middle of the last century, anthropologists determined that there are three dominant body types of a person - thin (ectomorph), muscular (mesomorph) or plump (endomorph) - in practical application the theory ran into many difficulties. The main problem is that most people have mixed type physique.