Office etiquette. Rules of conduct in the workplace. The scent of perfume is something personal, and only the closest ones should notice it. Take care of your colleagues and, of course, of clients whom you can simply push away with an obsessive scent.

Posted On 25.01.2018

Business correspondence



It is prohibited:

Take out property, objects or materials, documents, etc. from the place of work. belonging to the organization, without obtaining the appropriate permission;


In order for the level of service to meet the expectations of guests, the hotel business must take care of creating service standards. The service standard is the requirements set by the company for the services provided by the hotel.

Conscientious attitude to work is a wonderful quality. But his behavioral expression can vary greatly depending on the employee's individual understanding of the content with which this relationship is filled. A client who has settled in a hotel wants an equally friendly and polite service from both the accommodation employee and the restaurant waiter. Therefore, it is important to provide services to the guest according to the same standard prescribed and approved by the company.

The concept of service includes the mandatory presence and strict adherence to the following standards:

The standard of service technology, which assumes the observance of the established service technology in the hotel room stock, restaurants, bars, at the accommodation counter. This means that the procedures for accommodating guests, cleaning rooms, preparing and serving food and drinks, and so on, must be clearly spelled out and, which is very important, timed;

Standards for the appearance of service personnel. A mandatory requirement for service personnel is compliance with the standards of appearance. The employee's appearance carries a huge semantic load for the guest. If the employee is dressed in a neat uniform and neatly combed, then the guest will feel respect for himself;

Standards of conduct for service personnel. It is understood that the staff must be professional and competent enough to serve the guest clearly, quickly and culturally.

What is a five star hotel? Your request is carefully listened to and fulfilled by the end of your stay. What is a four star hotel? Your request is being listened to carefully. What is a three stars hotel? They pretend that your request is being carefully listened to. What is a two star hotel? Only the local bouncer will listen carefully to your request. What is a one star hotel? Your request is carefully listened to by the entire staff - you are great at making people laugh.

Each department of the hotel should have its own standards of behavior and service, prescribed taking into account the peculiarities of this particular service and categories of specialists. For clarity, at the end of this chapter, you can find an example of a standard for the appearance of a hosted employee. This standard can be easily transformed for any hotel service, taking into account the specific characteristics of the categories of working employees.

An important standard that mandatory should regulate the activities of the service personnel of any hotel, is the standard telephone etiquette... In no case should it be overlooked that telephone communication for the hotel is an integral part of the guest service process. The switch, which, as a rule, receives and distributes incoming calls in the hotel, can be called a kind of front line of the struggle for the client. Service in the hotel begins from the moment when a potential client calls to book a room or even just inquire about the cost of living in this hotel. Because when talking on the phone eye contact is absent, the telephone becomes the means of communication in which most of the distortion and misunderstanding occurs. However, observing telephone etiquette, the hotel staff will avoid possible misinterpretation, mistakes in connection, which will undoubtedly improve the company's image.

Telephone etiquette standards should be developed taking into account the rules of international etiquette and the specifics of each particular hotel. At the same time, there are generally accepted rules for doing business. telephone conversation in a hospitality situation. You can also familiarize yourself with one of the options for such etiquette at the end of this chapter.

For a hotel claiming a certain position in the hospitality market, it is also desirable to have a standard of welcome for a guest (including a regular guest); farewell to the guest; behavior in a conflict situation and the standard of behavior in an emergency.

Standardization of service procedures, thus, will greatly simplify the task of quality control of services and will help, first of all, the service personnel themselves to effectively fulfill their goals.

1.1 Professional portrait of an employee

Service is the work of meeting someone else's needs. The hotel staff must meet the needs and requirements of customers with their work: guests staying at the hotel, visitors to restaurants, fitness and business centers. In order to establish the maximum correspondence of the professional portrait of the employee to the expectations of consumers, it is necessary to develop models of the professional profile of employees by category. This model should contain a description of the following properties:


Professional skills;

Personal qualities;

Anthropometric data.

These models are often referred to as job specifications, which are part of the job profile.

Analysis professional activity is a focused and organized process. As a rule, it includes three main stages:

Collection of information about professional activities;

Analysis and synthesis of the information received;

Development of practical ways of applying the professiogram on the basis of the material received.

One Englishman decided to relax in a country hotel and take his beloved dog with him. He wrote to the hotel administration asking if it is allowed to keep a dog in the hotel? The answer from the hotel was: “Dear sir, in our practice there has never been a case when a dog burned bed linen with a cigarette, took a towel with him, doused the wallpaper with wine, or left without paying. Therefore, we are looking forward to your dog! If he vouches for you, we are ready to place him with you. "

A professiogram is a document that describes, firstly, the content of work in a certain profession, and secondly, the requirements for an employee performing this work. In the theory and practice of personnel management, there is no consensus about which sections the professiogram should include. So, for example, the team of authors of one of the textbooks on personnel management recommends including the following sections in this document:

Profession (general information, current changes in the profession, development prospects);

Labor process (characteristics, field of activity and type labor process, the main operating systems used in production, professional responsibilities, workplace, the working posture of the employee);

Sanitary and hygienic working conditions (place of work, noise and vibration levels, lighting, temperature regime, the mode of work and rest, possible work injuries and occupational diseases, benefits, compensation, and so on);

Psychophysiological requirements for an employee of this profession (perception, thinking, attention, emotional and volitional qualities, memory, business qualities);

Professional knowledge and skills;

Requirements for training and advanced training of personnel.

Thus, the professiogram differs from the job description in that it does not reflect the responsibility and rights of the employee, and also contains detailed descriptions of working conditions.

Developing professiograms for hospitality employees, especially a guest service system, is a laborious and time-consuming process.

1.2. Hotel employee appearance standard

The employee of the contact area of ​​the hotel must carefully monitor his appearance, the neatness and cleanliness of your clothes and shoes. Professional look Is an important component of the service provided to guests, as well as a sign of respect for colleagues. In this regard, it is necessary to fulfill the following requirements regarding the appearance of personnel.

Hair should be clean, trimmed and combed neatly. Hairstyle for women should be compact, loose hair and bulky hairpins of bright colors in the hair are unacceptable. Men should be carefully shaved and their mustaches and sideburns neatly trimmed. Hair color should appear natural.

Makeup should be soft, inconspicuous. The use of dark shades of eyeshadows and lipsticks, as well as bright blush is not allowed. The main requirement is its naturalness, evening options make-up are not allowed. Men are not allowed to use decorative cosmetics.

Nails should be neatly trimmed, clean and polished. It is allowed to use nail polish in moderate colors, preferably in pastel colors, long nails are not allowed. Men are not allowed to use nail polish.

Do not use perfume, cologne, or deodorant containing pungent odor... Perfume use should be moderate, and strong smell not allowed.

A prerequisite for working at the hotel is wearing a full set of uniforms during working hours. Uniforms must be clean and ironed. The underwear should be the same color as the blouse or shirt of the uniform and not stand out.

The skirt should not be shorter than the middle of the employee's knee. Regardless of the season, all employees during working hours must wear tights or stockings of a natural flesh color and always without a pattern.

Pants should be slightly below the ankle. Men should choose socks that match their uniforms.

Uniform shoes should be in good condition, not frayed and well polished. Women must wear closed shoes with heels no higher than four centimeters. Shoes must be of classic style, wearing avant-garde and sports models is prohibited. Genuine leather shoes are recommended.

The wearing of jewelry by employees during working hours should be limited. Women are allowed to wear a thin chain around their neck, a watch or one discreet thin bracelet. Hands should have no more than two rings without large stones; one earring is allowed in each ear. Earrings should be complete and short and medium-sized. Men are allowed to wear a watch, as well as a wedding ring. Male employees are prohibited from wearing earrings.

All employees are required to wear a nameplate on the left side of their uniform during working hours so that colleagues and guests can refer to you by name.

All employees during working hours are prohibited from:

Wearing a mobile phone, the buzzer must be turned off;

Talking on a mobile phone in guest areas and at the workplace;

Chew chewing gum, it is recommended to freshen your breath with special refreshing plates.


Rice. 1. Hotel management structure

The manager, together with a group of executive directors, is responsible for all major decisions affecting the hotel's life. These directors, each in charge of their assigned service, make forecasts of the hotel's occupancy and budget for the hotel, estimating profits and expenses.

They meet once a week for an hour or two to discuss any of the following hot topics:


Overall quality of management.

Occupancy forecasts.

Marketing and sales plans.


Major expense items.

Reconstruction issues.

Relationship with owners.

Energy saving.

Waste recycling problem.

New legislation.


3.1. Service department

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On April 23, the business club "Fresh Wind" KRB together with the construction and interior magazine Barlette held a round table for managers: "the appearance of the company's office as an important component of pr-activity in modern business."

It is possible to enumerate for a long time the factors that create a certain image of the company, the opinion of clients, business partners and its employees about it. The most important indicator that will influence the success of your business from day one is the appearance of the company's office.

Repair and decoration of the office, according to the recommendations of psychologists, should be carried out using a color scheme of predominantly light tones. Indoor plants can also be appropriate in the interior of the office. Pictures on the walls will tell others about good taste employees. Thus, the main task of a thoughtful approach to office design is to help the firm stand out from others, as well as build a reputation for success and prosperity.

The main criteria defining the face of a company should be: corporate style, usefulness, functionality. Spatial organization office space serves as an indicator of corporate culture and depends on the capabilities of a particular building.

Workplace etiquette

Traditionally, the set of office space includes a group of entrances, meeting rooms and office areas.

The corporate identity of the organization, its face is the first thing that each of us encounters in absolutely any interaction with the company. And the first impression, as you know, is the most important thing: “they are greeted by their clothes,” says folk wisdom.

“And the city of Vladivostok is no exception. Will there be a contract or you will lose a client, largely depends on the appearance of the company. The first thing we encounter when we get into an office or a sales outlet of a company is a point of contact.

And what is she like in your company? " - the question with which Irina Vysotskaya, the president of the club, suggested starting a discussion.

The invited expert, Oksana Shturman, stressed the importance of matching the positioning of the company and the design of its premises: “If the company is serious, the appearance should be business style... When a company claims to be a leader, and the office is designed like a scoop and is unkempt, there is a break in concepts, and trust in the company inexorably decreases. Everyone has read some books on business and marketing, which have a lot of wise things.

But for some reason, no one has ever focused on one very important thing in marketing. If you asked me which one is important thing in marketing, I would say the point of contact. The point of contact is where your customers come into contact with your company. These are: your product, office, the appearance of your employees, the voice of your secretary at the reception, advertising materials. "

Participants round table shared their experiences both as owners and as guests. Answering the question, what should be the face of a modern office, almost everyone was unanimous in their opinion:

But the very first thing to start with is to put yourself in the consumer's shoes and try to make the most complete list points of contact that can "happen" during the entire process of consumer communication with your product or with your company.

Try to prioritize all points of contact - what to improve first, what second, etc. Greatest success in customer service, it will be achieved by someone who is able to build marketing in such a way that in as many points of contact as possible, the consumer gets the best experience from the company and its products. The most important thing is that at the same time the consumer develops and maintains a holistic, harmonious perception of the company.

By the end of the round table, the majority of those present had a vision of what his office should be like. What should be the point of contact. And how it affects the income of their companies.

Business Club "KRB" Fresh Wind "(Vladivostok) is a non-profit club for managers and top officials of companies. At the club meetings, which are held once a month, participants receive modern theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of business and exchange practical experience.


Oksana Shturman, business consultant
Irina Vysotskaya, President of the Fresh Wind BC
Stanislav Shinkarev, general. Director of Publishing House "Partner"
Elena Melnikova, Development Director of DVMK LLC,
Sergey Chupin, director of the Dalmag company
Maxim Matusov, gen.

Director Polar Sip-DV
Andrey Matusov, director of Polar Sip-DV
Alexander Sokolov, director of "Alanex"
Ilona Ryzhaya, director of the salon BOTILIONI
Yuri Shkarupa, businessman
Olga Alekseeva, Director of Fregat-Aero
Anna Anokhina, director of the Gorodok company
Pavel Frolov, deputy. Director of LLC "Finnish House"
Tamara Dyuzhaya, gen. director of "Neo-Comfort"
Galina Kochetkova, retiring editor of "TDO"
Oksana Tsikina, head of rivers. department "TDO"

Organizational and corporate culture

Rules of professional conduct and dress code

Dear Colleagues!

The work of our Company directly depends on the availability of clients. Therefore, in order to maintain the overall image of our organization, all employees are advised to observe the norms of official, professional ethics, rules business conduct and standards of office appearance.

Behavior at work: rules and regulations

Employees represent the image of the Company for clients, therefore, the image of the company and, ultimately, its commercial success depends on the image of each individual employee, his behavior in the workplace and work with clients.

These Rules apply to both employees of the Company and employees of third-party organizations located on the territory of the Company.

Professional conduct

Workers in the process of their labor activity should be guided by the most high standards business communication:

  • maintain the business reputation and image of the Company in the business community;
  • in relations with employees of other enterprises and organizations, government agencies, and, in particular, with the clients of the Company, act honestly, ethically and fairly, show correctness, attentiveness, tolerance and respect.

Customer service is the most important task of the Company, therefore employees must provide any client with the best possible service. In a highly competitive environment, a customer can go to a competitor due to poor service. Our main task is not only to attract a client, but also to create all conditions for long-term cooperation with him. A careful attitude towards the client, the creation of the most favorable conditions for him is the key to long-term partnership.

For delays in customer service, as well as for poor-quality or insufficiently professional service, the direct manager of the department that served the client is responsible.

Compliance with fire safety rules

Smoking on the territory of the Company is allowed only in strictly designated and equipped places.

For employees of the technical center - on the western side of the building, near the exit from the service area to the parking lot.

For the rest of the workers - near the east exit of the building.

The direct head of the unit is personally responsible for compliance with these requirements and requirements of fire, sanitary, technical safety, safety of furniture, equipment and technical means in the room.

General internal regulations

Company employees should:

Take care of the property of the Company, take measures to prevent damage that may be caused to the Company;

Effectively and only for work purposes to use personal computers, office equipment and other equipment;

Strive to reduce the cost of long-distance telephone calls, making extensive use of the possibilities of e-mail;

Economically and efficiently use materials and electricity, other material resources;

Maintain cleanliness and order at your workplace, office and other premises.

The working day starts at 9-00. The arrival time for all employees of the Company is 15 minutes before the start of the working day to bring their appearance and workplace in proper shape.

The end of the working day is at 18-00 for all employees of the Company, with the exception of employees of the Technical Center. The end of the working day for the employees of the Technical Center is 19-00. All employees are prohibited from leaving the workplace before the end of the working day.

In case of additional coordination of the work schedule with the head structural unit in each specific case, the work schedule can be set individually, if this does not affect the labor activity of the Company's employees.

Employee communication style on the phone

The client gets the impression of the Company on the first phone call, so each employee must be able to communicate correctly by phone.

It is unacceptable to ignore phone calls: no later than the third ring signal, an answer must follow. When answering a phone call, you must politely say hello, pronounce the name of the Company and introduce yourself with your name and position. Telephone conversations should be conducted in a loud, clear voice, speech should be intelligible, benevolent.

In the event that the employee whose phone rings serves a client present, one of his colleagues must answer the phone call, or, having apologized to the present client, the Company employee answers the phone call and asks the interlocutor to remain on the line, ends the conversation with the client. A phone call should not be ignored.

When transferring calls internally to a subdivision, there is no need to re-mention the name of the Company. An employee of the department, answering the phone call, politely introduces himself, indicating the name of the department and his name.

Employee communication style

In order to create a healthy working climate and open and timely communication, each employee of the Company, regardless of the position held, is obliged to respect personal dignity and not allow himself a vivid emotional assessment of the actions of others.

The Company's management supports the policy open doors for their employees. This means that the line manager must listen to his subordinate and respond accordingly.

If the immediate supervisor does not want or cannot listen to his subordinate, then the latter can contact the Personnel Service.

Teamwork and the efforts of all employees are the prerequisites for success. The company welcomes the benevolent relationship of employees and by all means contributes to the preservation of a favorable social and psychological climate in the team. All disagreements between employees are resolved by their immediate supervisor or in cooperation with employees of the Personnel Service.

It is unacceptable to make any conflict the property of third parties.

The Company's management encourages employees to contact with ideas, feedback and any suggestions and problems.

In the presence of the Company's clients, addressing a superior manager by name is unacceptable. Familiarity between the employees of the Company in the presence of third parties is not allowed, as well as opening doors without knocking, entering the office without permission and interrupting the conversation of other employees with each other or with the client.

The Company's management expects all employees to comply with the rules of business etiquette.

Clothing style and appearance

The image of an employee should personify representativeness, reliability, stability.

Employees should look neat: clothes - clean and ironed, shoes - polished, hair - neat. In winter, changing shoes are required. Men should be clean-shaven. It is not advisable to use evening perfumes (with a pungent smell), bright cosmetics and extravagant hairstyles (for women).

  • for men

Business suit. A combined suit is possible (for example, a black jacket - gray trousers, trousers with a shirt without a jacket). A shirt with a long (in winter) or short (in summer period) sleeve A tie is required.

Pants with a jumper are available for IT-department employees, drivers, couriers.

  • for women

A business suit (trouser or skirt) is desirable. It is also possible to combine a skirt or trousers with a blouse without a jacket, a jumper or a sweater (not thick). In summer, tights are desirable.

  • for men

Any denim clothing;

Suits and shoes in bright colors;

Sportswear and footwear;

Knitted T-shirts, jumpers, sweaters and turtlenecks without jackets;

Socks in bright colors.

  • for women

Sportswear and footwear;

Sandals, shoes with a heel height over 7 cm;

Clothes made of transparent material;

Knitted T-shirts;

Any denim clothing, tight-fitting leather clothing;

Trousers or skirts "on the hips";

Short blouses or jumpers that leave an open belly strip;

Short skirts (more than 10 cm above the knee);

Heavily low-cut blouses and jumpers;

Tights with a pattern, mesh;

Clothes evening style as well as extravagant, pretentious clothing;

A large number of decorations.

Free style of dress is allowed on Saturday, i.e.

from denim.

Employees must not tidy themselves up directly in the office: comb their hair, use perfumery and cosmetics, clean shoes and clothes, etc.

Any rules regarding the appearance of employees apply to all without exception and during all working hours (that is, while the Company is open and someone else is) on working days. If an employee visits the Company while on leave, he is not required to comply with these rules.

In the event that the employee's appearance does not comply with these rules, he can be sent home, the time of his absence will not be paid by the Company.

Compliance with the rules should be monitored by the head of the department. Also, the head of another department or someone from the top management has the right to make a remark to the employee about the inadmissibility of the violation.

For employees who directly work with clients In the sales area:

All employees of the Company, as well as employees of other organizations directly related to customers (secretaries, office managers, sales managers, customer service managers, credit officers, merchandise experts, etc.) must wear a corporate uniform and badge indicating the name of the employee.

In the absence of a corporate uniform:

  • for men:

Business suit. A tie is required. Badge indicating the name of the employee.

  • for women:

Business suit in black, including a straight skirt and vest. Blouse or shirt white with long sleeve... Neat manicure. Shoes with an open heel are not allowed and a large number of bright and catchy decorations.

For workers working in production facilities

All Company employees working in production facilities, as well as with highly polluting substances and materials, must wear special clothing or have a change of clothes.

Visiting places of public catering

In order to avoid delays in customer service, during the lunch break, one of the employees of each of the divisions of the Company is obliged to be at the workplace.

When visiting public catering facilities, employees working in production areas, as well as with highly polluting substances and materials, should wash their face and hands, and also change into clean clothes or put on a clean robe.

One of the tables in the dining room should always be free. The clients of the Company are served out of turn.

These Rules come into force from 2008.

We hope for your understanding and compliance with these rules.

Best regards, Administration

The well-known psychotherapist N. Rogers, a follower of her father, notes: "If you create a safe, trusting climate in which a person feels so free that he begins to explore his inner psychic world, then in this case the person himself chooses the most optimal direction of his development as a person."

The healing power of the word of a social worker is associated with the fact that it is able to calm, inspire, activate the creative potential of a person, and form an optimistic outlook.

4.3. Communicative features of speech behavior

social worker

The successful implementation of self-presentation, motivational and psychotherapeutic functions presupposes a fairly high culture of speech behavior of a specialist. The qualitative level of communicative interaction with clients depends on how his speech communications comply with the norms and rules of professional ethics and etiquette, are distinguished by skillful improvisation, dialogism and expressiveness.

Let's consider the named determinants of speech behavior of a social worker in more detail in accordance with the principles and rules of professional ethics and etiquette

An essential sign of the culture of any person's behavior is following speech etiquette, i.e. using a system of nationally specific stereotypes, stable communication formulas designed to establish and maintain contacts and the chosen tonality.

The moral basis of the speech behavior of a social worker is humanism, a polite, respectful, tolerant attitude towards the personality of the client, regardless of his age, social status and behavior.

Typical communicative situations served by etiquette are: address, greeting, acquaintance, apology, gratitude, congratulation, invitation, request, advice, warning, approval, compliment, farewell.

Speech etiquette provides a culture of inclusion, maintenance, switching the interlocutor's attention, ending contact, expressing gratitude, agreement, disagreement, satisfaction, regret, empathy, etc.

The decisive stages of communication with clients are making contact, maintaining it and terminating it.

Traditional formulas of politeness "Hello" or "Good afternoon, friends" carry a certain psychological and pedagogical load.

With their help, the specialist infects communication partners with an optimistic attitude, sets the necessary tone for communication - purely business, work or friendly, intimate.

The importance of "speech tuning" in establishing contacts between interlocutors is known. An exchange of seemingly insignificant questions and remarks about health, mood, weather, etc. allows you to look at each other, feel the emotional state, adequately perceive the communicative situation and choose the necessary communication tactics.

Rigid, stereotypical programming of the interaction process is characteristic of a role-based, official level of communication.

The main psychological task that each social worker faces in the first moments of communication with a client is the organization of internal acceptance of the goals of the forthcoming work, the creation of a favorable communicative environment.

One or two minutes spent on the phatic i.e. facilitating, conducive to contact, dialogue should not be regarded as a waste of precious time. It is rather an elementary requirement of professional etiquette that has a serious psychological meaning.

Professional etiquette obliges the social worker to specifically address speech. The indefinite appeal of the transmitted information (both in form and in content) makes it difficult for listeners to perceive it as personally significant. Experienced professionals the ability to modify their utterances is characteristic, to find them the exact expressive coloring, taking into account the age, individual originality of the listeners and the communicative situation.

From time immemorial, etiquette obliges a cultured person, when establishing business contacts, to know not only the surname, but also the name of the partner.

It is probably advisable for a social worker to keep in mind both the surnames and the names of clients. The preferred form of address is given by first name, first name, patronymic, not by last name.

The address as a special linguistic form of naming the person to whom the speech is addressed is associated with the subsequent utterance. Often it turns out to be a semantic center, for it reflects in a hidden form a certain assessment and characteristic of the addressee - positive, negative, neutral. Appeals demonstrate the professional's feelings towards the client.

Professionally important is the ability of a social worker to formulate questions ethically competently, answer and explain the answers, express personal opinions - positive, negative, neutral, encourage certain activities, express emotions - agreement, disagreement, joy, grief, gratitude, organize a dialogue in such a way that interaction with clients, the formal framework naturally and naturally outgrew, transforming into interpersonal communication.

The culture of expression of the will of a specialist is of fundamental importance. The cooperative nature of interaction with clients obliges the social worker to minimize the use of direct commands and orders, imperative verbs - "get up", "sit down", "answer", etc.

An indispensable attribute of his verbal behavior are various formulas of politeness: "please," "be kind," "don’t take it for work," "I ask you," "thank you for the service," "excuse me," "I beg your pardon," etc.

The necessary softening of categorical judgments is achieved through such phrases as "it seems to me", "I suppose", "I may be wrong", etc.

In the process of communication, the social worker is called upon to create a communicative environment that stimulates speech activity clients. It is important not to look for errors or inaccuracies in their judgments, but to express a keen interest in the exchange of information, to emphasize the merits, not the weaknesses, not to rush to answer, not to interrupt.

In view of the fact that a hard refusal leads to a violation of the cooperativeness of communication, it is advisable to use tactful forms: "Sorry, I cannot do this"; "I'm sorry, but I can't fulfill your request," etc.

The motivating power of orders and demands depends on how convincingly they are reasoned. Unfortunately, many do not consider it necessary to do this, straying into unceremonious moralizing: "It's a shame, Ivanov, you don't understand elementary things", "It's ugly to behave this way," "You allow yourself a lot," etc.

An important characteristic of the verbal and non-verbal behavior of a social worker is the style of speech. In sociolinguistics, there are two main types of it: official, intended for business communication, and unofficial, everyday conversational, conducive to the establishment of interpersonal contacts.

Functional styles of speech behavior differ from each other by the choice of vocabulary and expressive means - facial expressions, gestures, pantomimes, etc. A social worker needs flexibility in transition from one style to another, taking into account the specific situation of communication.

Over the years, each specialist develops his own style of speech behavior, corresponding to his creative individuality. This manifests itself in a certain manner of self-expression - vocabulary, intonation, facial expressions, pantomime. However, professional etiquette obliges one to speech discipline, strict adherence to literary norms, imposes a categorical prohibition on the use of dialectisms, vulgarisms (tone, vocabulary) both in formal and informal communication with children.

4.4. Improvisation of speech

The variety of speech communications of a social worker is focused on a visible interlocutor. They are created in the course of direct conversation with the client "eye to eye". Spontaneously arising situations, momentary reactions of clients, dynamics of communication with them induce the specialist to modify his speech behavior accordingly, and, if necessary, to instantly rebuild. Improvisation - integral element professional creativity.

The forms of speech improvisation (from the Latin improvisus - unexpected, sudden) can be very different, ranging from a question that stimulates interest in joint activities, a joke that removes nervous tension, ending with a lengthy monologue, the need for which is dictated by a momentary need. The spoken words, mimicry, pantomime, accompanying them, also matter. The power of improvisation lies not only and not so much in the unexpectedness of certain reactions of a specialist (although this is sometimes important), but in their optimality, effectiveness, it acts as a means of clarifying creative process communication, adjusting his interaction with clients.

The social worker is called upon to be in constant "improvisational readiness". Such a psychological attitude is dictated by the specifics of the professional activity of a social worker, his emotionality and stressfulness. Such factors include unexpectedness, unpredictability of many customer reactions, lack of time for decision-making, responsibility for risk.

Professional tactics, designed for live communication, presupposes the developed ability of a social worker to speech improvisation. It is experienced as an enlightenment that is the result of the intuitive, i.e. unconscious, solving psychological and pedagogical problems. However, improvisation is not an accident, for it is paid for by the extreme exertion of intellectual, emotional and volitional forces. It is then that an instant "intuitive logical comprehension" of the current situation takes place and an optimal decision is made. Internal, subjective, and external, objective, the sides of improvisation are interconnected. The culture of improvisation is expressed in the fact that the emotional and intellectual experiences of a specialist are adequately expressed in speech behavior. Professional knowledge and experience play a decisive role. Therefore, improvisation is interpreted as a mechanism for transforming knowledge, beliefs, techniques in creativity, professional actions.

It is known that the effectiveness of the professional activity of a social worker depends on the preparation for it. Speech behavior, no matter how spontaneous it may seem, is subject to anticipation (from Latin anticopatio - anticipation), i.e.

workplace rules

planning, including setting a goal, determining the content of a dialogue, choosing forms of interaction (individual, group), anticipating possible reactions (positive and negative), questions, selecting convincing arguments and counterarguments, thinking over the general style of communication.

In the preparation of a specialist for speech interaction, pursuing the improvement of contacts, not so much intellectual as emotional self-adjustment is brought to the fore. Studies have shown the dependence of the ability to quickly make the right decisions on the ability to restrain their emotions in difficult situations.

Internal and external composure, energy, self-confidence, optimistic perception of clients, expression of goodwill help to win the initiative in interaction with them, show the necessary reactivity and adequacy of speech actions, maintain a harmonious balance between self-expression and audience activity.

As you can see, speech improvisation is ensured by a developed ability to concentrate and distribute attention, a rich imagination, non-standard professional thinking, and linguistic looseness.


Expressiveness of speech

There is no speech devoid of expression (from Lat. Expressio - expression). Even the most sluggish, insignificant replica carries the tinge of certain emotional states- intellectual passivity, disinterest in communication, and maybe others - fatigue or unwillingness to reveal their true thoughts and feelings. Expression allows you to enhance the figurativeness and expressiveness of the word.

Each specialist makes extensive use of gaze, reproachful shaking of the head, a smile or an upset facial expression, gestures of affirmation and denial for pedagogical purposes. Expressive is not only lively facial expressions and energetic gestures, but also a state of static, bodily immobility. A deliberately prolonged pause and even coughing help clients better understand a specialist.

In many cases, the speech expression of a social worker is realized on an intuitive level. Lexical negligence, uncontrollable intonation and facial expressions, gestural disorder, awkward body movements, erratic movements or stubborn adherence to the table make an unfavorable impression on clients, causing irritation.

The culture of verbal behavior presupposes the social worker's understanding of his expressive manifestations, their critical self-assessment, the cultivation of the natural identity of the language and the conscious use of it for professional purposes. Unfortunately, many specialists have noticed a stereotyped emotional self-expression. And more expressive are not positive, but negative feelings shown in relation to clients.

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Business correspondence

The style of business correspondence is subject to some general rules and is determined by convention. Any business document sent on behalf of an organization must contain several mandatory items:

The document is printed on the letterhead of the organization, and corrections and erasures are not allowed;

Appeal - the official position of the addressee, surname, initials;

A compliment is an expression of politeness that ends the letter, for example, "With respect and hope for further cooperation ...", "With a wish of success ...";

Signature - the surname of the person authorized to put his signature, usually printed at the end of the document (in this case, the initials are indicated first, and then the surname, for example: P.P. Petrov);

Date - indicates the day, month and year of writing the business letter;

Executor - the executor of the letter, his phone number, fax, e-mail address, etc.

Address - the full surname, position and address are reproduced on the envelope;

When preparing a document, the following rules must be observed:

Any inaccuracies, distortions of facts, their exaggeration or understatement are unacceptable;

If the document contains information unpleasant for the addressee, formulas of politeness should be especially emphasized and express hope for further cooperation;

You cannot infringe on the dignity of the addressee, show incorrectness, disrespect.

Upon receipt business letters, inquiries, statements, complaints from partners and customers must be answered in as soon as possible... The maximum time for preparing an answer to a question that is in the competence of the head of an independent unit is 3 days, in the competence of the executive body of the organization - 10 days, in the competence of the constituent body - from 15 to 30 days.

The organization provides each employee necessary conditions to fulfill his functional duties, remuneration in accordance with the specialty and qualifications, provides social benefits provided for by the current legislation Russian Federation and regulatory documents of the organization.

At the same time, the organization requires productive and high-quality work from the employee, respectful attitude to the property of the organization, material and other values.

It is forbidden to distract employees from performing their direct duties, to remove them from work to participate in events not related to production activities, except as otherwise provided by laws and other regulatory legal acts.

It is forbidden to use the phones of the organization during working hours for conducting personal conversations and solving personal problems. The exception is lunchtime and technical breaks. It is forbidden to use the phones of the organization for personal interests for long-distance and international calls.

Personal use is prohibited:

Computers (including for games);



It is forbidden to eat in the workplace. The exception is coffee, tea or water prepared in specially designated places. Meals for employees on the territory of the organization should be carried out in canteens or kitchens. If there are none in the office, then the head in charge of the office should designate a special room in which employees can eat. The room should be isolated and closed for outside visitors. The decision is formalized by the order of the head in charge of the office.

Assault and immoral behavior of employees is not allowed, both at work and in public places.

The appearance of an employee at work and in public places in a state of alcoholic, drug or toxic intoxication is unacceptable.

It is prohibited:

Carrying weapons, with the exception of employees whose possession of weapons is associated with the performance of official duties.

Take out property, objects or materials, documents, etc. from the place of work.

Workplace behavior

belonging to the organization, without obtaining the appropriate permission;

Bring foreign objects or goods to work;

Post notices outside the designated areas without permission;

Smoking during working hours, with the exception of lunch and technical breaks, in the premises of the organization.

Employees of the organization are obliged to:

Comply with the requirements for safety and industrial hygiene provided for applicable laws and other regulations in force in the organization: their violation entails the use of disciplinary measures;

Use all means of individual or collective protection from the adverse effects of the factors of the working environment and potential production risks;

Inform your supervisor about any work situation that, in his opinion, poses a threat to life or health; the manager cannot demand from the employee the resumption of work if such a danger continues to persist; any damage to health is immediately reported to the head of the organization.

The work of the security team is of the utmost importance both for the safety of employees and clients of the branch, and for creating a positive first impression of the organization. In this connection, the security officers are obliged to:

He is constantly at the post, and control the admission of visitors to the department;

Have a neat appearance (uniform) and wear a “badge” with a private security ID;

Greet visitors at the entrance: “Hello, good afternoon” and say goodbye to them when leaving the department.

All employees of the organization are required to undergo training, briefing, testing of knowledge of the rules, norms and instructions on labor protection and safety in the manner and within the time limits established for certain types jobs and professions.

Having made a positive decision on hiring you, the company's management intends to get not only a specialist (even a beginner), but also a new team member who will become a reliable link in the team.
What a novice office worker should know:

  1. General rules of conduct in the office.
  2. Rules for communicating with the manager and colleagues.
  3. Office.
  4. The basics of business etiquette.
Topics for discussion are arranged in order of priority. Over time, this order will change and it will be connected with your future career. But at first, elementary behavior in the office is more important to you than the subtleties of the fourth point.

General rules of conduct in the office

As in any team - school, student, etc. - the office team has its own vowel and unspoken rules, regulated and not. Regulated rules are rules that are written in the official documents of a company. And they depend on the specifics of the organization. For example, a regulated rule may be a ban on taking documents and other materials belonging to the company out of the office building; a ban on the use of portable storage devices (flash drives, disks); ban on the use of mobile phones during working hours and much more. These rules should not be criticized, since they are developed by specialists and there are good reasons for each of the rules.
The unspoken rules include those, the need for which does not require strict regulation, you will not be officially punished for them, but without which the office cannot do. These rules include:
  • corporate parties that you shouldn't ignore, even if you don't like it. Thus, you show the team that you are not interested in communicating with them;
  • discharges for gifts to colleagues for the holidays, small tea parties on this occasion. No one has the right to oblige you to participate in such events, but you should not follow this either - your personal hostility that arises on this basis will negatively affect further joint work in this team;
  • Friday ritual. In some companies, it is customary to arrange gatherings on Fridays, or visit cafes together, etc. They can sometimes be skipped for good reasons, but not all the time, otherwise you can earn a reputation as a curmudgeon and a black sheep;
  • in any case, do not flirt with colleagues, do not make inappropriate jokes (on intimate topics, on topics of physical capabilities, on a person's natural data);
  • watch your speech. It is not customary to use slang in the office. Otherwise, you may be mistaken for an ordinary courier;
  • ... Some teams practice discussing bosses, the appearance and abilities of colleagues, etc. Be careful - this can be a test. Wanting to immediately become "your boyfriend", you can say too much that will respond in the future. In general, the discussion of personal topics, management, colleagues is strictly prohibited by any etiquette;
  • do not ask unnecessary questions to colleagues - oh marital status who is with whom and in what relationship. And do not tell too much about yourself;
  • If the office allows you to visit non-work sites, be extremely careful: very often companies have control programs that allow the IT department to control all computers in the company. This is necessary to prevent information leakage first of all. Therefore, do not open compromising pages, do not conduct too personal correspondence;
  • in addition to monitoring Internet traffic, video cameras are installed in offices. They are needed, first of all, for security purposes. Do not forget about them and take care of yourself, do not allow too much, even being alone with yourself in the office;
  • money. Never, under any pretext, take an interest in the level wages colleagues. It is allowed to discuss only your salary with your immediate supervisor;
  • personal space. Never take anything off a coworker's table without asking permission. This is not only a rule of conduct in the office, but also a rule of etiquette;
  • do not make corrections to documents that were not executed by you;
  • do not look into someone else's computer;
  • do not answer other people's calls.
He eats many more rules - and each team has their own. The main thing is to follow them and not stand out.

Rules for communicating with the manager and colleagues

Depending on the position, there may be several managers (direct manager, head of department, head of the company), colleagues (equal in position), subordinates. Depending on the degree of subordination, there are several ways of communication.
With the leader and everyone who is higher in position. Regardless of age and gender, familiarity, transition to "you" is not allowed. Even if a junior or peer-executive suggested you switch to a simpler relationship, it should remain personal. In the presence of strangers (especially during meetings, negotiations, etc.), you should never show your "warm, friendly" relations - strictly and officially. In a modern office, the European form of communication is increasingly common, in which a middle name is not used, only a first name, but "you"! You have the right to go to it only on the initiative of the head himself. If he is presented by name and patronymic and did not give you permission to simplify the communication style - no familiarity!
To peers can be addressed by name, having previously asked permission. In this case, you are allowed to take the initiative yourself. In the presence of others, you can address only by name, but also to "you".
To subordinates can also be addressed by name. If you propose to switch to "you", then you allow yourself to be called that. By switching to "you" unilaterally, you emphasize your superiority. What attitude will your subordinates have towards you?
When you first meet with your manager, you should be prepared to answer a series of questions and ask your own. This does not indicate your curiosity at all. Pre-prepared questions will show you the best side - you are an obligatory and responsible person who prepares for everything in advance:
  • be sure to ask the manager about the presence of a dress code and its strict observance in the office;
  • if necessary, is it allowed to leave the workplace and how it is formalized. Sometimes you can just take time off, sometimes they write a statement - you need to know about this in advance;
  • ask about VIPs who might show up unexpectedly or call. It is only natural that a novice specialist will never be introduced to company founders or investors. But acquaintance in absentia must necessarily pass in order to avoid awkward moments that may arise when they appear or call the office;
  • be sure to ask a question, what else do you need to know, which is not said in the regulations. It is possible that the leader will reveal to you a couple of secrets for the future, so that it does not come as a surprise to you. It can be anything.

Office dress code

Dress code (dress code - code of clothing) - a form of clothing required when visiting certain events, organizations, institutions. Office dress code has its own characteristics and rules.
Before you start shaping your image, look at yourself from a critical point of view, evaluate the merits and demerits of your appearance. You should also remember the rule - you should always look attractive, but the prevalence of femininity / masculinity should not prevail over efficiency. Your physical attractiveness should not create intimate or frivolous desires in your colleagues.
When selecting office wear you should know:
  • v office dress code homemade knitwear, even the most elegant work, is prohibited;
  • in any weather and any time of the year, the presence of tights or stockings;
  • it is customary to wear suits in the office, dresses are allowed only in strict cuts. Watch the colors of your clothes, the length of the skirt. You should not wear too tight or transparent clothing, sleeveless clothing. Even in the hottest weather, hands should be covered with at least a small transparent sleeve;
  • the toilet should be changed daily. If you are wearing a suit, you should at least change your blouse / shirt;
  • in the cold season, it is necessary to have removable shoes in the office;
  • decorations. One is preferred, but expensive decoration... If you love jewelry, then etiquette is allowed no more than 3 jewelry together. Chains and pendants are not worn over knitwear and wool. Crosses and other religious symbols are not worn for show;
  • moderate use of perfume. And its complete absence is better if you work in an office with a large number of people. Your perfume may be unpleasant to others, while others may. In addition, the smell should not distract others.
The office dress code, in fact, is strictly enforced only in large companies, where there is a wide range of activities with investors, clients and partners within the walls of the office and not only. There are companies where you need to change your blouse / shirt even at lunchtime. In companies whose daily activities do not involve meetings with partners, the requirements for clothing can be minimal, for example, only jeans are prohibited, everything else is at the discretion of employees. If the dress code as such is absent at all, then this does not mean that you can appear at the workplace in tracksuit... Compliance with the elementary rules of office clothing becomes the unspoken rules of the team.

Fundamentals of Business Etiquette

Business etiquette is a fairly extensive range of codes and rules that govern business people... But at the initial stage of working in an office environment, it is enough to know only a few basic principles. You can do a deeper study of this topic yourself:
  1. Punctuality. This is your primary characteristic. It is strictly forbidden to be late for meetings, negotiations and meetings, as well as to the workplace every day. And it doesn't matter if you are a woman or a man.
  2. Greetings. Be sure to say hello when you come to the office, entering the premises. Regardless of gender, the subordinate is the first to greet! It is not accepted to say hello through the threshold.
  3. You should only knock on the door before entering the office if there are fewer than three people. In other cases, it is customary to enter without knocking.
  4. Who is the first to enter the door? Modern business etiquette wiped out the sexual boundaries in this matter, and the one who is closer to it enters the door first. Although many men are still gentlemen.
  5. When making yourself coffee or tea, be sure to suggest it to your colleagues. Never leave unfinished coffee / tea on the table next to your computer and documents. When leaving, be sure to wash the cup.
  6. Acquaintance in business circles often begins with business cards: the youngest gives the business card to the older one, and the man hands the business card to the woman first!
  7. When meeting a woman, she never calls her name first (in this case, gender is very important).
  8. When calling someone, first ask if it is convenient for the person to communicate now.
  9. The initiator of the call ends the telephone conversation.
  10. The response to the e-mail must be given within 2 days from the date of its receipt.
  11. In a business environment, a woman wearing her hair loose is a sign of bad taste.
  12. A man should always be clean-shaven.
For a successful start to a career in the office, the stated rules will be quite enough. But only at the initial stage. Later, you will need to learn negotiating etiquette, email etiquette, formal event etiquette, and more. You can't stop, because your career will be made up of many meetings, negotiations and the achievement of your goals. And for each of the points, there are many more rules and subtleties, the knowledge of which will help to win the favor of partners and colleagues towards you and the reputation of a business person.

Understand the essence of office etiquette. Although the term "office etiquette" may be associated with stiffness and pedantry, in reality everything is much simpler. Office etiquette is a simple set of rules for interacting with others in an organization's environment. Even a simple living within society involves following some agreements (tacit, but quite expected) and rules that indicate what kind of behavior in the work community ensures congeniality, team respect and work with pleasure every day.

  • While many etiquette rules are not spelled out, just because they are not reflected on paper or posted on a bulletin board does not mean that they should not be followed. A large proportion of social groups will always believe that unspoken rules of etiquette should always be followed, with rare exceptions and no matter how resourceful, rebellious and authentic you are, there will always be boundaries in the form of respect from others that you need to take into account. This will become clear in the next part of the article.

Be punctual. Being punctual is essential, especially if you have an appointment. This suggests that you respect your colleagues' time, and they, in turn, will respect your time too. There is one well-known saying that fits this situation: "Time and tide wait for no one" ("Time does not wait"). Submit personal example and everything else will fall into place.

  • If you are a junior employee, avoid arriving at work after your boss. Initially, try to show that you are an energetic person and have a passion for work.
  • Find the right clothes. In many offices, a dress code is negotiated in advance, which is usually strictly enforced. However, if you are so lucky and find a job without such rules, you can dress as you see fit. Remember that your place of work is not a party and you should dress to show your colleagues and clients that you respect them. Dress code has a profound effect on the trust your customers are willing to place. Dress for work or in the same manner as your office workers. Do not wear overly informal, provocative, or dinner-party attire.

    • Of course, there are always exceptions, for example, there are offices in which there are days with a softer dress code or days when it is allowed to dress less formally to work in order to earn money for charity, etc. However, even if the atmosphere in the office is rather relaxed, it is better to wear a suit or other professional outfit when meeting with clients who have come to important business or to solve other business issues.
  • Beware of gossip. Gossip may not ruin your career, but it can be stressful and should be avoided at all costs. You definitely wouldn't want someone to gossip about you, nobody wants that. In some cases, if you suddenly discover that you were the source of the evil gossip, your career may be at risk. Limit yourself to positive statements about your coworkers. Office rumors can spread at the speed of light; any negative statement you make will spread and may do you a disservice, or even cement you as an office gossip.

    • You may accidentally overhear others talking. Behave yourself and try to forget what you heard, use the "so what" rule. Do not talk about what you overheard and in no case invent something from yourself!
  • Ask permission before taking anything. If you have good relationship with colleagues, then it may be okay for you to take their stapler or marker off the table without permission. Well, the point is, this is not normal. This is something for granted: you need to ask before you take something. This attitude shows that people can also handle your things, and these very things will not go away (read "will not be borrowed for a while") when you return to your workplace after the meeting.

    • If your office has some things that you need all the time, create a common place for such things, so you will avoid unexpected disappearance of necessary fixtures from your desk. For example, a place for a stapler, tape and packaging is a good idea, since no one specifically owns these items, they will always remain in the designated place.
  • Always say thank you and please. Just a few pleasant words can lift the mood of the entire office, or at least make employees cheer up. When you walk down the hall and meet an employee who is not your friend, just smile or nod at him. Acknowledge their existence. You don't have to be wildly happy and hug them, just say hello. Reflect on what people think of you when you deliberately look away.

    • Say hello to your neighbors in the office when you arrive at your workplace. A bad habit can become entrenched if people miss out on a polite greeting and just sit back at work without saying a word. It will be rude and bad for your relationships with others. Even if others do not make any effort to perpetuate this habit in the office, be an example to everyone, thereby showing that this is not only normal, but also expected.
    • Watch your tongue. When talking to people in the office, remember that some people hate bad language. Also, avoid attacks or jokes at other people.
  • Don't bother people all the time. By doing so, you are making it clear that your time or opinion is more important than theirs. If your colleague is on the phone and you need to ask him a question, you don’t have to be overwhelmed. Touch his shoulder and whisper that you need to talk to him (or leave him a note) and ask him to call you or come up as soon as he finishes the conversation. If your colleague has a meeting, you do not need to bother him, just wait or ask him to come to to you when he's free.

  • Try not to be loud. In offices without doors, the most common problem is the noise generated by the surrounding workers. Quiet conversations will be your advantage in all types of office relationships:

    • When you are on the phone or with your colleague, try not to speak too loudly.
    • If the door to your office is not closed, use a handset or headset rather than speakerphone when taking calls.
    • If you get a call on mobile phone, it is better to go into the corridor or find an office in which you can close in order to talk without disturbing the rest. It is especially recommended to do this when it is a personal call or a call that involves a long conversation.
    • Don't speak loudly or aggressively. Aggressive or raised tone worries people, and even when they are not the target of aggression, they will still be anxious and uncomfortable.
    • Switch off your personal phone during business hours; put it on vibration mode if you don't want to turn it off. Try not to make personal calls in the workplace; your colleagues don't need to know that your spouse will need a kilo of ham for dinner.
    • If you are listening to the radio, turn down the volume or put on headphones.
    • Be especially quiet when coworkers call about work or they are talking to other people in the office. It is not necessary to conduct long negotiations in a common office space; if the topic of conversation takes more than a couple of minutes, go to the conference room so as not to annoy your colleagues.
    • Be careful when walking past the meeting room. Even if you are not sure if a meeting is taking place there at the moment, in any case, always act as if something important is happening there.
  • Respect the privacy of others. Do not read other people's faxes, mail, email or text on the monitor. Share with others only personal information that you would not want to read about in the next weekly newspaper. Remember that when sending an email, you should not include information that could lead to serious consequences if the email is forwarded to someone else; just act as if this letter will be forwarded, you need to always beware of this possibility.

    • If you need to discuss something secret or private with another coworker, find a room where you can lock yourself up so no one can overhear you. Personal questions and performance analysis are not meant to be heard.
    • Use speakerphone only behind closed doors. Use a handset or headset in an open work area.
  • Don't be the source of all sorts of odors. Eating fragrant food in your workplace, taking off your shoes, or spraying with perfume or air freshener may not please people who are sensitive to odors. Nobody wants to smell your feet (no matter how long you are willing to endure it) and the scent of lunch. Everyone has their own sensitivity to smells, so don't assume that this scent is as delicious to others as it is to you. Also, why did you decide to eat in the office at all? Get out and get some fresh air!

    • If you are in doubt about whether a smell comes from your actions, from your clothes, or from your food, assume it is there. Our sense of smell can play a cruel joke with us, when we get used to smells that are still unfamiliar to others, it weakens the power of these smells for our nose, while others can even vomit. This is not the case when you need to assert your "rights"; your scent has probably become a serious test for others.
    • If one of your coworkers has become the source of the smell, read "How to Deal with a Colleague Who Wears Stinky Lunches."
  • Keep your workplace clean. Try not to be messy. The clutter in the booth or on the table shows how slovenly, careless and untidy you are. It can also affect your personality and the atmosphere in your home. Don't make people think you are disorganized. Keep your cubicle clean (only necessary things should be on the table, for example, diagrams or reports, etc.)

    • If you like to add distinctive features like photos or keychains, pick some decent options. Don't overwhelm the space like it's a collector's corner. Also, do not put a lot of personal belongings in the workplace. People may find you sentimental and it will be difficult for them to take you seriously in terms of work. In addition, if you often move from place to place in the office, it is simply inconvenient to carry everything with you.
    • If you have a shared kitchen, keeping it tidy is also important. If you spill something, wipe it up. If dropped, pick it up. There is no mom here to follow you around and clean up the mess you made. Don't assume that your coworkers will do it for you.
  • We are taught from childhood how to behave at a party. What about the workplace? Business etiquette is the key to comfort in an office space. However, not all professionals follow the unspoken rules that can make their life easier. Rjob found out who should be the first to shake hands and whether it is possible to use emoticons in correspondence.


    Polite colleagues always greet their colleagues and answer the greeting. If you have a dozen employees in your office, it is not necessary to greet each one individually, you can wish good morning or afternoon to all those present.

    The initiative to greet the older ones comes from the younger ones. The handshake initiative, on the other hand, is. Shaking hands across the table is not recommended.

    Get up from the chair during the greeting in the event that a client or partner enters the room.

    Telephone conversations

    An important part of business etiquette is talking on the phone. Frequent conversations on a mobile phone for personal purposes, loud ringtones and SMS notifications are bad form. If you urgently need to use the phone, and this call has nothing to do with work, do not make your colleagues involuntary listeners. If the conversation takes more than a couple of minutes, talk outside the office.

    It's unprofessional to dive into the phone while in a meeting. In this case, you can answer the call with the permission of your colleagues. If you have a long conversation, apologize to the audience and go to the conversation in the hallway so as not to interrupt.

    If we are talking about business negotiations, then remember a few important nuances:

    • Do not call partners in the first and last hours of the working day.
    • If you call your senior colleague, he will be the initiator of the farewell.
    • If employees of equal status communicate on the phone, the caller will be the first to answer.
    • Pick up the phone after 2-3 rings.
    • A speakerphone conversation is acceptable if your colleagues and the interlocutor have nothing against it.


    Office workers send dozens of emails keeping in touch with colleagues and partners. From correct design the message largely depends on the result of the virtual dialogue.

    If possible, send letters to partners on letterhead. Be sure to include the subject line. In the letter itself, do not forget to greet the addressee, state the essence of the problem or proposal, ask questions of interest and say goodbye. The initiator of the business is the first to complete the business correspondence.

    If the letter is urgent, then you need to answer it within 2-3 hours. It is customary to wait no more than one day for a response to a regular letter. If after three days the sender has not received a response, he can send a second letter or contact the addressee in another way.

    7 days have passed, and the recipient of the letter has not been contacted? Such an act can be regarded as a reluctance to maintain cooperation.

    A separate item is abbreviations and emoticons. They are acceptable in informal correspondence, for example, if colleagues communicate in a corporate chat. In letters to bosses or partners, such liberties are prohibited.


    In each team there are owners of an enviable head of hair that others admire. Receiving compliments, elated ladies seek to outshine Rapunzel, constructing intricate designs on their heads or letting curls flow freely over their shoulders. From the point of view of business etiquette, this is wrong.

    In large firms, female employees and employees are advised to have a neat, no-frills hairstyle. If your hair is shorter than your shoulders, tie it in a ponytail, braid, or bun. And don't overuse styling products, because some of them have a specific aroma that is unpleasant to others.


    There are light daytime scents and rich evening scents. When going to the office, forget about the latter (of course, if we are not talking about a corporate party). Sweet, spicy notes are too intrusive and can annoy your coworkers.

    Do not forget that some fragrances cause allergic reactions in people, it is not uncommon for employees to complain about headache and the inability to concentrate, and all because of the pungent scent of someone's perfume.

    The same goes for aromatherapy lovers. Before putting sticks soaked in essential oil on the table, ask your colleagues if this will cause them any discomfort.


    If your company does, then breaking the rules of business etiquette is difficult, unless you are a rebel and an ardent opponent of white collars. But what about those who have a more or less informal office environment?

    A serious mistake is made by employees who give free rein to their imaginations. Say, if the chef has not introduced the rules, then you can go to work in your favorite short shorts and in comfortable sweaters with worn elbows.

    Do not forget that every employee of the company is its face, and they are greeted by their clothes. Therefore, if you do not want to harm the company's image, leave controversial outfits for other occasions. A fresh shirt, jacket, concise jumper, trousers, knee-length skirt and clean shoes are great for the office.

    Outerwear must be hung in a specially designated place. Those who use the back of their chair as a hanger or fold their clothes on bedside tables and window sills do it incorrectly. An exception to the rule is if you run into the office for 15-20 minutes. In this case, it is allowed to take a coat or jacket with you.

    There is a constant process of communication between people, in a public and business environment. Knowledge of the rules and norms of business etiquette helps to establish the necessary connections, increase the level of customer or colleague loyalty to themselves. One of the significant elements of the culture of business communication is the dignified behavior of people, their moral values, manifestations of conscience and morality. The success of the enterprise largely depends on the microclimate in the team. If employees perform their duties competently and clearly, and most importantly, harmoniously, then the company develops and grows.

    Etiquette is the norms (laws) about manners, features of the proper behavior of people in the life of society.

    Business etiquette is a system of principles and rules for professional, official communication / behavior of people in the business sphere.

    Compliance with the rules of etiquette is necessary for all self-respecting people, but this is especially useful for those who seek to build a career (business). In business interaction great importance have factors such as reputation, information and connections. The more information, the more competently you can build communication.

    The fundamental rules of business etiquette include:

    1. Timely fulfillment of duties, punctuality. In a business environment, no tardiness is allowed. It is also not ethical to make the opponent wait during negotiations.
    2. Non-disclosure of confidential information, observance of corporate secrets.
    3. Respect and listening skills. Benevolent and respectful attitude, the ability to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, help to establish contact and solve many business issues.
    4. Dignity and attention. and their knowledge / strength should not turn into excessive self-confidence. It is necessary to calmly accept criticism or advice from the outside. Pay attention to clients, work colleagues, management, or subordinates. Provide help and support as needed.
    5. Correct appearance.
    6. Ability to speak and write competently.

    An important indicator of business culture is order in the working area. He points to the neatness and diligence of the employee, the ability to organize his workplace and working day.

    In the culture of business communication, attention should be paid to non-verbal (non-verbal) manifestations of etiquette. Do not turn away from the interlocutor. There is no need to gesture or grimace when explaining.

    According to the rules of business etiquette, a person occupying a dominant position is the first to enter the working space, then all the others, according to the ladder of the business hierarchy. The business order corresponds to the following division:

    1. Status.
    2. Age.
    3. Gender differences.

    The man must accompany the woman to her left. This rule is due to the fact that in the old days, a gentleman, being to the left of the lady, occupied a more dangerous place when driving on the road. Horse carts moved at the same time as passers-by, since in those days there were no sidewalks.

    V business relationship subordination must be observed between the subordinate. It is customary to point out employee mistakes in person, not in the presence of the team.

    Business correspondence

    Business correspondence is a system of requirements (standards) that must be adhered to in order to correctly and competently draw up a document. First of all, you need to decide on the type and urgency of the letter delivery. And also with the degree of accessibility of the document for the recipient, will it be one letter or several, with clarifications / lists / proposals. The letter must be correctly written in terms of spelling and style.

    The design of the document should correspond to existing templates, depending on the type of letter (for example, cover letter). When drawing up a document, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements for the paperwork [GOST R 6.30-2003].

    The business letter must include the name of the company that is acting as the sender; date of dispatch and address of the recipient. It is also necessary to indicate the initials, position of the recipient or the department to which the letter is sent. The main part of the letter consists of an introduction / appeal, a subject and brief description purposes of the document, followed by the text and conclusion. At the end of the document, the signature of the sender is put, and the attachments or copies, if any, are indicated.

    - type of document;

    This is necessary to avoid a situation when an incoming message ends up in the "spam" folder, and the addressee can delete the message without reading it.

    The letter should be simple and straightforward, without an excessive amount of professional terms. In business correspondence, the use of slang expressions and phrases that have a double meaning is not allowed.

    If the letter has an international focus, then it must be in the recipient's language or in English language... The answer to the letter must be provided:

    - by mail - no later than ten days;

    - when negotiating using the Internet - from 24 to 48 hours.

    Business correspondence should be well prepared and cross-checked several times before sending. An incorrectly composed letter with spelling errors can damage the reputation of the company, since a business document is business card firms.

    Business rhetoric

    Rhetoric in the business world is the art of eloquence, the ability to effectively and convincingly convey a thought to the audience. Diction, correctly delivered speech, intonation are important here. A significant aspect is the ability to present not only information, but also yourself. In business rhetoric, the principles of speech influence are applied:

    - availability;

    - associativity;

    - expressiveness;

    - intensity.

    Business communication rules

    An important condition for business communications is the culture of speech, which manifests itself in literacy, correctly selected intonation, vocabulary and manner of conversation.

    A prerequisite for communication in business circles is respect, benevolence and the ability to hear the interlocutor. In order to show a serious attitude towards the speaker's words, you can use the technique of "active listening", selectively repeating the pronounced statements or slightly paraphrasing them.

    The stages of business communication have the following division:

    • Preparation for discussion of issues ( business meeting). It is necessary to draw up a plan of negotiations, a concept for conducting a conversation, arguments and counterarguments, study the opponent's point of view on various issues, prepare proposals for solving the problem.
    • Introductory part (greeting, address), setting up communication between partners of a business conversation. It is important to have a correct, respectful start to communication, to create an easy, trusting environment; it is also necessary to interest the interlocutor, arouse interest in the problem and the discussion as a whole.
    • Explaining the essence of the issue, arguing, arguing and counter-arguing. Discussion of the problem, search for ways to resolve controversial issues.
    • Establishing an optimal solution and signing an agreement.
    • The final part (address, words of farewell / parting words).

    Business communication rules by phone

    For telephone communication in business, the principles stipulated by the general rules of business communication and rhetoric apply. Speech should be literate, intonation friendly, information should be presented in essence, without introductory words or long pauses.

    The incoming call signal must be answered no later than after the third ring of the telephone set. The next step is a greeting (the phrases "hello", "I listen" are not allowed). It is necessary to say hello, then announce the name of the organization and introduce yourself. Further, clarify the reason for the call, clarify the questions of interest to the opponent and politely say goodbye. If you need to make an outgoing call, the rules of conduct telephone conversation the same as in the first case. The only exception is the need to ask the called subscriber a question about whether it is convenient for him to talk, and whether he can give you his time. You should be interested immediately after your welcome speech.

    If the caller asks for an employee who is currently absent from the workplace, the person who answered the call should offer his help, in case of refusal, you should ask what needs to be conveyed to the absent employee.

    Business style clothing

    Compliance with generally accepted norms and rules in organizing your appearance is a mandatory aspect in the rules of business etiquette. Some large companies have a corporate dress code. You need to choose clothes in a classic style, too frank, bright things, with elements torn fabric... The appearance should be neat and tidy. Attention should be paid not only to correct selection clothes, but also outward appearance in general (condition of nails, hairstyles, shoes, makeup in women).