What laws operate in the universe. It is important for a person to understand the laws of the universe and not violate them. The concept of esotericism and why you shouldn't be afraid of it

Our life is influenced by the Universe. Everything in it is interconnected and develops according to the laws of life, therefore the actions of each person have an impact on the future.

Energy waves penetrate the space around us. We interact with them constantly, as their state depends on our actions. Ultimately, our whole life is based on how effectively we interact with the Universe. This affects our health, luck and even mood.

A lot has been said about how to interact with the energy of the world. For example, psychic Elena Yasevich tells how to use the laws of the Universe for your own good. But, as you know, knowing more about the world, it is easier to understand how it works. And benefit from it.

Laws of the Universe

The Law of Attraction. This is not the attraction that you might have thought of at first. It's about energetic attraction. The reality around you corresponds to your thoughts. They, like a black hole, attract failure or, conversely, give success. If you think good things, light will surround you. Otherwise, problems are much more difficult to avoid.

The law of circulation has begun. Absolutely any business, emotion, process ends. Sooner or later, good turns into bad, good into evil, pleasant into painful. Luck always gives way to failure. You cannot win indefinitely at roulette - sooner or later you will be defeated. The end of any process personifies the beginning of a new, opposite one. But this also means the opposite: any decline will be followed by development and rise.

The law of opposition. If you have done evil, then you will definitely receive a rebuff from the good, and it will triumph. If you are good, then you will certainly encounter obstacles on your way. The more you want to change this world for the better, the more evil you will meet on your way, but this does not affect the result of your actions.

Darkness fills the void. If you turn off the lamp, it will go dark. If you throw out all the light from your soul, then the vacant place will be filled with something dark. Impossible to be neutral - any life principle, a phrase, an act is regarded by the people around and the Universe either as bad or as good.

Difficulties make us stronger. The more difficult something is for you, the more you learn. You seem to step over yourself, opening new horizons. It builds character and enhances general energy organism. The more difficult it was at the beginning, the easier it will be later.

Thoughts are material. Everything you dream and think about becomes reality. This is one of the most important laws of the Universe, which must be remembered. The longer you go to a dream, the closer it is to you. That is why you should not give up even in the most difficult situations... Use daily affirmations to get your thoughts in order.

Appearance reflects the inner world: If a star blue, then it is the hottest. If it is red, then it is the coldest. A person who is inconspicuous usually prefers to be alone with himself. Those trying to get attention are afraid to be alone. This rule will help you in analyzing other people.

Everyone can make their life better and more enjoyable. To do this, he needs to remember about every law of the universe. After all, these are not just words, but the keys to future achievements and successes, as well as to harmony with oneself.

The energy of each person is unique. Try to work on your thoughts and not forget how the universe reacts to our actions. Earlier we talked about how to cure diseases with the help of the power of thought - so great is their true power. Good luck and remember to press the buttons and

07.07.2016 05:00

Words are pure magic. Everything we say has tremendous power. Bioenergy has ...

The main meaning of human life lies in spiritual development, which can otherwise be called self-improvement, as well as in Co-Creation with God. In order for a person as a person to rise significantly during the period of incarnation of his soul in a specific body at the level of his spiritual development, he must take into account the laws of the Universe in his life and, if possible, bring his thinking, consciousness, type of activity into line with these laws. It should be noted that some, and maybe many, people striving for self-development, increasing vibration frequencies, etc. from above are simply not allowed to violate the laws of the Universe, which are found in modern spiritual messages under the name of the Canons of Eternity. So, let's analyze in order the most important of them for modern life person.

Law of energy conservation

The law of conservation of energy is studied in schools and professional educational institutions as part of the physics program. From the point of view of official science, it implies that it does not disappear anywhere, but only passes from one form to another. From the point of view of spirituality, it has another meaning - after all, our thoughts, feelings and emotions are also accompanied by the release of energy, in in this case mental.

Canon (law) of feedback

Popularly known as the boomerang law. That is, the psychic energy that a person throws out into the surrounding space returns to him from the Universe in the form of an improvement or deterioration in his life, depending on the sign of energy, that is, the energy of negative emotions returns to a person in the form of diseases, material and other problems. And accordingly the energy positive thoughts, feelings and emotions returns both in the form of an improvement in material well-being, and in the pleasant attention of the people around him. If we consider this law of the universe or the canon of eternity more broadly, then for example, a person who has experienced respect for someone himself receives more respect, and it happens that from completely different people, the desire to make someone's life easier returns to the person the same, the willingness to feed someone causes a desire in others to feed you or your whole family. In general, this canon confirms the proverb:

"Treat people as you would like them to treat you"

Canon (law) of energy exchange

Its meaning lies in the principle “as much as you gave - as much as you took”. This is one of the most significant and important laws The universe, the observance of which would ensure fair public relations... From the point of view of God (Creator, Almighty), it is according to this principle that the level of fair and adequate remuneration should be determined. Therefore, its size should correspond to the amount of energy that a person gives to the task. Otherwise, karmic debt is created.

For example, if during one incarnation a person received more energy from someone, for example in the form of money, than he gave, then he creates negative karma with these people, which often has to be given in subsequent incarnations. Another thing is that if a person's consciousness is not ready for life according to universal laws otherwise, observance of them, then the phenomenon of delayed karma is created, that is, it accumulates until the soul understands that it is necessary to repay debts. At the same time, this law of the universe (or the canon of eternity from the point of view of the Creator) means that the more a person radiates into space and the Universe positive psychic energy, the more pleasant his life becomes in spiritual and material relations. And this principle applies not only to the professional sphere of life, but also to relations between men and women in all spheres of life and all types of relationships.

The life experience of the author shows that, for example, men make a woman pleasant and not only (for example, help with housework, give flowers, etc.) helps to improve his financial situation Moreover, if a person cannot receive energy in the same amount that he gave from those on whom he spent, sometimes he receives it from completely different people, for example, in the form of gifts.

Canon (Law) of neutrality or complementarity

It is based on the principle of complementarity of different energies and harmony. It works on the scale of the Universe, but in Everyday life a person primarily refers to the cells of society, including families. One of the principles is equality in the ratio of male and female energy in the family and on various events... V ordinary life a person is manifested in the principles of choosing a life partner. For example, a very active, hyperemotional man is looking for calm woman and vice versa.

In other words, the situation looks like this: in all people there are male and female energies, a man with a clear predominance male energies, conventionally called Yansky, will need a woman with a clear predominance of female energies. True, there are also reverse cases, when a man has a lot of feminine energies, in this case women with a predominance of masculine energies begin to reach for him. This canon can be manifested in the following way: overly self-confident people are looking for an insufficiently confident partner (partner).

Another manifestation of the canon of complementarity is the desire for a harmonious state between tension and relaxation: for example, in a tense state, a person wants more humor, soothing music, a calm interlocutor, and sometimes relaxing drinks. At the same time, in a too relaxed state, some people want thrills that increase adrenaline, for example, by watching detective stories or action films.

Golden section law

Mathematically, this number is 1.618. This law of the Universe is largely reflected in nature in the form of ratios different sizes living organisms. This is necessary for the maximum feeling of beauty and harmony of nature. From a spiritual point of view, a person should think about the spiritual exactly so many times more than about the material, or spend about 62% of his time or energy on feelings.

Fractal similarity law

It means that the Almighty created our souls in his own likeness, or rather, the capabilities of the particles of God can manifest themselves in any volume, no matter how small, which means that our souls were created to love and create. It also implies that we should think and behave like gods.

Canon (Law) of the highest expediency

It implies that a person during his incarnation must repent for sins, cleanse his soul and be filled with spirit.

The canon of counterpropagating wave flows

The point is that with love for one's neighbor, the person's harmony with the creator and the resonance of counter streams are achieved. That's why positive thinking brings a person closer to God, and negative moves away from him. From the point of view of a person's everyday life, it is manifested in the fact that a person's appeal to God, especially in the form of prayer, creates an impulse of energy and, due to their reflection, increases the vibration frequency and energy of a person. True, this effect can be associated with the manifestation of the feedback canon. That is, in most phenomena and processes, many laws of the Universe manifest themselves simultaneously, in other words, they cannot be understood in isolation from each other.

Canon (law) of harmony and higher order

The material world is based on the balance of negative and positive forces in the Universe, which should be maintained.

The Canon of Causation

This canon of eternity or the law of the Universe should be understood as follows: our actions or actions are associated with the sending of energy that does not disappear anywhere, and as a result leads to some kind of changes in our life, therefore, in the process of understanding and comprehending this canon, each person must learn to build cause and effect relationships, in other words, to understand the consequences of their actions.

Canon of the field

Describes the interaction of a person with the creator and says that in order to bring a person closer to God, it is necessary to increase the frequency of vibrations.

The total number of canons of eternity is much greater (there are about 40 of them), however, the author described those laws of the Universe that are applicable to the ordinary life of most people. The rest of the laws of the Universe are also desirable for study, but, as a rule, are of interest to people interested in the structure of the universe and their place in it. For example, there are the following laws of the Universe: matrices, Geometry of space, unity and struggle of opposites and some others. Knowing these laws is worth people with an increased craving for spiritual development whose consciousness is ready for co-creation with God on the subtle plane.

Summing up, we can say that it is useful to know the canons of eternity as the laws of the Universe, since most of them remind people of the materiality of thoughts, feelings, emotions, makes people control and direct them to the right side the aforementioned manifestations of our mental activity. That is, knowing the laws of the cosmos, a person can more fully, wider and deeper feel or realize the consequences of his thoughts and actions. You can also remind readers that we are created in the image and likeness of God and we need to know the laws of the universe in order to behave ourselves in a divine way, and better like people-gods.
Alexander Zharavin

The laws of the universe determine our basic life cycles and rhythms. This happens regardless of whether a person believes in them or not. Their foundations are reflected in the famous ancient teaching called hermeticism. If a person lives in accordance with the vibrations of the universe, then he practically does not get sick, and troubles pass him by. If some energies in the body circulate incorrectly, then this negatively affects physical condition and the life of the individual as a whole. Healing requires introspection and finding the cause of the negativity.

History of origin

Hermeticism arose at the beginning of the last millennium. This is an ancient religious and mystical teaching about the structure of the universe and the ways of its functioning. Its adherents believed that it represents a generalization of all world religions, and has only one deity in its pantheon, called the Principle or the Absolute. They believed that the Universe is a single living organism that exists according to its own laws. Man is endowed with a divine essence and can influence nature and other people. For such an ideology, the adherents of hermeticism were excommunicated from the Christian church and declared preachers of the teachings of the devil.

Currently, we live in a secular state, and everyone has the right to choose for themselves what to believe in and what not. However, this does not mean that the laws of the Universe for a person do not work from this.

If you are skeptical about the doctrine of the laws of the universe, then try to apply at least one of them in practice.

Energy Circulation Law

The universe is energy enclosed in matter. This fact confirm many laws of physics. In our understanding, energy is something similar to an electric current, due to which many mechanisms function, as well as our body. The fact that we do not see it does not mean that it does not exist.

The cosmos consists of the interaction of dark and light matter. Due to this, the development of all living things is carried out. We have not yet fully comprehended many physical laws.

Life is a circuit of energy. Everything in this world is governed by thought, nothing is faster than it. It gives birth to the main acting message and sets the energy in motion. It seems to us that thoughts are just intangible fantasies that mean practically nothing. However, for example, heavy thoughts give rise to tears - and they are material.

Everything that we give to the Universe is then returned to us, and in a threefold amount.

The law of many options

Do not assume that we are limited in choice, the Universe is abundant, and its bounty will be enough for everyone. The question is the problem of choice. Often a person does not even realize that he himself chose this life path, and complains about hard life... It is not easy to accept responsibility for your own existence and realize that practically everything in life is in your power. You just need to want to change everything.

The process of internal transformation of a personality is not easy and long, however, it gives excellent results. There are many successful examples from the lives of people who decided to change themselves and were not afraid of suffering. As a result, they received powerful spiritual growth and a different quality of life. For example, a woman who is insulted and beaten by an eternally drunk husband endures it in silence every day. However, as soon as she oversteps a bunch of all sorts of "buts" that she sets in front of herself, and she will get a completely different life.

It would seem that if the universe is abundant, then why a large number of people on the planet live in poverty and disease? The answer lies in the inner mood of the person. Most individuals believe that resources are limited and inaccessible to them. They punish themselves with poverty and disease. If we turn to biographies of successful and famous people, then we can understand for ourselves that they have never doubted themselves and their success in life.

If you want to change something in your life, then start small, for example, go to work the other way, disassemble and throw out the old rubbish from your room. Along with the change, new opportunities will come.

The Law of Giving and Receiving

Everything in the world consists of energy and exists due to its circulation. There are several basic principles of its movement:

  • energy does not disappear anywhere and does not appear out of nowhere

If something has arrived for you, it means that something has disappeared somewhere. Energy circulation is a kind of exchange between people, animals, objects, etc. It does not come from nowhere, being transmitted, it is transformed, but its quantity remains always unchanged. There is nothing eternal in the world, energy is provided to us only for a while, then it must be given. For example, according to the doctrine of the immortality of the soul, the human body is only physical shell, which eventually collapses and, dying, turns into a source of energy for other creatures.

  • you have to pay for everything

Don't just take anything, and don't give anything just like that. If you do this then waste your energy. For example, if you receive something as a gift, be sure to thank the person by simply saying “thank you”, or give something in return. Always demand repayment of the debt, whatever it may be. On thin energy level there is an invisible connection between the debtor and the borrower, which serves as a channel for mutual energy leakage. If the person deceived you and did not pay off his debt, then forgive him and forget. However, if he comes again to ask you for something, then he should be refused.

  • how much you give, so much you get

To this, many may argue that they give a lot to others and receive only a little. Here important role also plays the ability to accept. If a person believes that he does not deserve something and should only serve someone slavishly, then the energy will only flow away from him, making him sick and weak.

If you deceive someone, steal, do nasty things to other people, then do not expect gifts from life in return, and do not complain about deception and betrayal on the part of other people.

The law of motion and vibration

Our thoughts, impulses and feelings are special vibrations that we emit. The existence of the Universe itself is built on vibrations. Our body is a collection of systems that vibrate at a specific frequency and rhythm. If all organs of the body vibrate at the same frequencies, then a person has good health. Various diseases and ailments indicate the presence of an incorrect thought process that interferes with the correct rhythm of the work of our body.

It is thanks to such impulses that we, even without communicating with this or that person, can say whether he is pleasant to us or not. Since on subconscious level we feel a certain flow of energy emanating from him. There are no good and bad in the world, our view on negative and positive points the same event or person may be completely different from the opinions and views of another individual.

Over time, the vibrations of the same person can change. This explains the fact why childhood friends suddenly stop communicating, or people who previously disliked each other become friends.

The law of continuous movement and development

It is also called the law of evolution. There is nothing permanent in the world, someone dies, and someone just comes into this world. It is impossible to hold back development and stop time. For billions of years, our planet has been sweeping through the vastness of the Universe since it was born. During this period of time, a lot has changed and continues to do this to this day. The evolution process cannot be stopped. In development there are no positive and negative points, everything is interconnected and complements each other.

We come into this world, get a certain life experience, grow old and die. With the death of the body, the end does not come for the soul, it passes into a qualitatively new state and further continues its development, but beyond physical world.

The law of "karma"

Often in life we ​​wonder why this or that happened to me. Any phenomenon has a certain nature, the origins of which lie in our past. It seems to us that fate unfairly tests us with troubles and misfortunes, however, they are the result of any actions in the past. Perhaps this is a "reward" for some deeds you have done in past lives. The meaning of life will be revealed only at its end.

For any of our actions, we pay in the end. To receive something, you have to give something. Everything returns to us, both good and evil.

Polarity law

It is also called the law of duality. The universe is dual, everything has its opposite, due to this the principle of cyclicity is realized. Opposites complement each other, creating an impulse for development. For example, if we take the problem of gender equality, it becomes obvious that man and woman are equal. The struggle for supremacy is just as irrelevant here, as is the proof that left hand better right. Due to the interaction of male and female, evolution is carried out and is born new life.

If there is no free circulation of male or female energy, then stagnation occurs. It leads to loss of life time and inhibits change. Many people are afraid of change, because they carry something new and unknown, and force them to step out of their comfort zone. One has only to decide to implement them, and life will acquire a new quality.

Mirror law

If something annoys us in another person, then this quality is inherent in ourselves. Often people complain, for example, that they have to work with lazy people, deceivers and just stupid people. However, in this way, life only indicates to them the non-negative components of their personality that need to be worked on. The individuals we conflict with help us improve and become better.

Avoiding unpleasant situations and people, a person only delays the moment of solving an already urgent problem. The longer you put it off, the harder it becomes later.

Law of adoption

To resolve negative life situation you just need to accept it. In Christianity to describe similar state exists good word- "humility". It does not represent surrender to difficulties, but a deep awareness of the situation, its causes and effects. As soon as a person stops tormenting himself and eradicating shortcomings in his soul, then harmony will come.

You should not suppress various emotions in yourself, especially negative ones. This leads to disease and various kinds of disorders. Trust in life and allow the energy to flow freely within you, without any blocks or obstacles.

If you want to attract something new into your life, then for this you need to destroy the old and clear a place for it. Desire immediately, without preparation, can have negative consequences... New energies that you invoke into your life, but are not yet able to accept, can carry a destructive effect. It's like bringing a powerful fan into a dusty and dirty room and turning it on, it's not hard to imagine what will start.

Also in the human body, the individual must go through life's trials in order to purify the soul and be ready to accept changes. Before you start global changes in life, you need to clearly understand what you want to get as a result. Changes for the sake of change will do nothing.

Also, a person needs to realize the fact that he is responsible only for his life. He will not be able to live it for another person, this is not necessary, since we all came to this world to learn something. If we protect someone from the difficulties of life, thereby we deprive him of the invaluable life experience for which a person is born. The meaning of an individual's life consists in the gradual development of the personality, which is carried out from life to life. We cannot fully comprehend the essence of what is happening to us. The secret of life will be revealed to us only after death.

In many sources one can find statements that God created us in his own image and likeness. Every personality has a particle of it. We are in God and God is in us. However, this does not mean that a person should indulge in pride and arrogance, considering himself a superior being. By talking about the fact that we have a particle of it, God wants to point out the fact that we are more intelligent creatures compared to everyone else living on this planet. This imposes a certain responsibility on a person, and should induce to treat everything that surrounds him, patiently, carefully and condescendingly, and not to impose violence, imagining himself to be God.

One of the varieties of energies of the Universe is money and material goods... We earn as much as we allow ourselves. An individual who wants to make good money will seek different ways for this, the one who is too lazy to do this will come up with various excuses.

It is important not only to be able to earn money, but also to save it. Make sure that you always have a certain amount of money "in reserve". Also, do not forget to thank the Universe by making various donations.

There are no good and bad things in life, just different things will be relevant for you at one time or another.

Everyone makes mistakes. A person's strength lies not in not doing them, but in being able not to give up during difficult period in life.

Everything in life is carried out on time, although it sometimes seems to us that this is not so. It is difficult to look at ourselves from the outside and assess our own level of development, it is difficult for us to be objective in this issue.

The strong man he builds his life, and the weak constantly complains about it. Complaining will not change anything. The universe is patiently waiting until a person realizes this. Those people who constantly complain about hard life and difficulties have only one development scenario in their minds, not implying that the world is multifaceted. He can give a person much more than he asks, you just have to look at the situation from a different angle.

The existence of the laws of the Universe for man is subject to his own principles. You need to know them in order to live in harmony with the world around you. Man is not an isolated autonomous unit, he is a part of this universe, and must live in accordance with its rhythms and cycles. Ignoring this leads to disharmony and the emergence of various life troubles and difficulties.

How do you want to cherished desires came true, and success was a constant in life. Spiritual teachers of antiquity and modernity assure that this is how it should be, but not so many people control reality. Only 5% of a hundred to the globe know the laws of the universe that cannot be violated, and know how to be a magnet for the benefits of any plan, while the rest live in pursuit of their dreams.

Well-being rules

Not only does knowledge distinguish the poor from the rich, the successful from the unlucky, but also its practical use v different situations, and every day. Millions of people on the planet want to become rich, but resist changes in their own subconscious, choosing acquaintances, although negative beliefs passed down from generation to generation.

A lot of books have been written on the topic of how to live correctly in order to attract all possible benefits to yourself, but very few individuals move into the category of prosperous and successful... Despite the apparent simplicity, changes in consciousness require permanent work above oneself. It is not so easy to eradicate the qualities that prevent the arrival of benefits of any level:

  • envy and gossip;
  • idle talk and resentment;
  • self-pity and condemnation;
  • vindictiveness and backbiting;
  • greed and pettiness;
  • laziness and desire for easy money.

There are many examples when the coveted money literally fell on the head with a win or an unexpected inheritance, but no less than a year later, their owner again found himself at a broken trough, in the same state as before the arrival of funds. This happened in different times and in many countries.

These "lucky ones" were united by one thing - a lack of understanding of how to live according to the laws of the universe, an unwillingness to free themselves from negative qualities consciousness.

One must not only wish to become rich, but be able to stay in the state of being rich, and this is much more difficult. There are certain canons of behavior successful person. Ancient teachers gave them to people in parables and stories for comprehension. Sages and thirsty for truth have pondered them for centuries and put them into practice, comparing the results obtained with the desired goal.

Wealth is not matter

For a long time, this was sacred knowledge for the elite. The teachers of our time have formalized ancient knowledge into rules understandable to people of the XXI century, observing which everyone can rise to the desired heights.

The nature of money

Money is a special energetic substance that possesses a certain intelligence and can be attracted by radiating its usual frequencies through thoughts and external conditions. A combination of these works best. You need to think like a rich person and behave accordingly.

The energy of attraction of money according to the laws of the Universe is even and calm. This is the zero point of reference, which can be turned into both good and evil. Those who blame coins and banknotes for all troubles are deeply mistaken.

They are just symbols higher energy, which serves the one who managed to attract her.

Under the power of an evil dictator, it is destructive for a time, but later turns against its owner. Many oligarchs and tsars ended their lives deplorably, because they did not know how to live correctly, maintaining balance, working on themselves. The immensely wealthy King Solomon was right three times when he asked the Creator for wisdom, thereby preserving himself and his kingdom from destruction.

Three colors of happiness

Thinkers, scientists, seekers of truth in meditation and practical experiences tried to visualize money radiation. They thought that by feeling and seeing, they could better establish contact and transfer knowledge further. After all, parables no longer occupy the minds of contemporaries, in this century they value specifics. It turns out that the energy of money has three colors:

  • golden yellow;
  • turquoise blue;
  • violet lilac.

It is surprising that all these colors were present in the robes of the rulers of past centuries. In china clothes yellow color were permissible only for the emperor. Magenta clothing in ancient Byzantium, Egypt and Rome, and later in Ottoman Empire and Europe was the color of rulers.

But there is one more secret - in ancient Russia, and later it passed to Europe, the leading color of victory and strength was red... But if the primary colors can be used in meditation by any person, then not everyone can control red. It cannot be imagined long time and in a weakened state.

The energy itself is warm, affectionate and rich, the colors in it shimmer from one to another. She was created for service and will gladly fulfill her purpose.

Eternal canons of prosperity

There are laws of harmony in the universe that should not be violated under any circumstances. Not because they will be punished from above, but because they are time-tested. If you put your hand into a hot stove, the skin will be covered with burns. This is not a punishment. So it is arranged according to the system of cause-and-effect relationship, the threads of which also permeate the surrounding space.

There are certain canons of the energy of money and the laws of the universe that must be learned by heart in order to avoid pitfalls in the pursuit of an abundant life.

Everything in the world is fair

In our world, everything is arranged according to the principle of justice, even if outwardly everything looks different. The most common question is why sometimes good people they are poor and sick, and violators of moral norms enjoy luxury and do not suffer.

However, no one knows that good people can sincerely believe that modest living conditions are right, and wealth from the evil one, that they are unworthy of more than the conditions in which their grandparents lived. Confidence in one's right to big money attracts luxury, despite the moral character of the person who wants it, but over time, the consequences of unseemly actions overtake anyone, only this is not always obvious.

Will is sacred

The Lord gave a person a right that is not violated even by the Higher Powers - freedom of will and choice. An encroachment on them never remains without consequences and can affect not only the offender, but also subsequent generations of his family. These include:

  • love spells and conspiracies for violent gaining benefits;
  • coercion to marry or choose a profession;
  • raising a child without taking into account his individuality.

You can advise, talk about your experience or vision of the situation, but you cannot forcefully impose anything against your will, even if it seems that it is for the good. Even the Lord God does not interfere in the life of an individual until he is called upon.

In love, salvation

The concept of this feeling is multifaceted and extensive.

The Bible says that there is no hatred where there is love.

This is the most important law of attraction of the universe in the pursuit of wealth and prosperity. It is impossible to draw something good into life through the vibration of hatred or contempt. Even money easily comes to those who love it sincerely, without hesitation, fears of losing or standing out from the crowd.

Generosity is the key

The door to a prosperous life opens only to generous people. Covetousness cuts off the flow of profits, even if everything goes well at the beginning. This does not mean that you have to thoughtlessly throw money left and right, this is the other extreme. But financial well-being in danger when it appears:

  • fear of the future, loss of customers or sales;
  • desire to save on appearance and the quality of food;
  • giving up pleasant little things going to the cinema or theater.

Our world is arranged according to the principle of a mirror - by giving, a person receives. Saving on yourself and the quality of your life, it is impossible to get more high level... There is a magical principle of tithing - by donating a tenth of your income to good deeds every month, you can plant a seed of abundance and calmly accept increasing prosperity from all sides.

Perpetual motion machine

Stagnation is unacceptable for prosperity. Activity and movement are necessary not only money, but also to everything in nature, including man himself.

If one goal is achieved, another is outlined.

Relaxation and rest for a while is not forbidden, but you cannot rest on your laurels and expect gold coins to fall from the sky.

Every chance and every lucky opportunity is being used, and some ways to increase the energy of luck:

  • playing sports for pleasure;
  • active social life;
  • self-development courses;
  • communication with like-minded people;
  • reading useful literature.

One has only to be proud that everything has already been studied and achieved, or give up, they say, let my business develop on its own, as the countdown begins. The rich work tirelessly, but for work to be successful, it must be a joy. Hateful work also pulls down and creates stagnation in life.

Being honest is profitable

It's easy to be tempted to get rich quick. Sellers cheat, buyers steal stealthily, and someone makes a deal with their conscience or commits treason. But the law of karma is inexorable in its reward. Here and now, you can easily get what you want in the wrong ways, but you have to keep the answer. On a subconscious level, everyone feels it. The fear of retribution in the future is transformed into illness, failure and loss. An honest person is free from fear of retribution and succeeds in all areas.

Materialization of money

Sometimes it is worth pondering, what is behind the desire to receive a huge amount? Many were disappointed in the power of thought, imagining day after day packs of dollars tied with a ribbon, and the picture still remains an illusion.

The secret is to dream and meditate on what exactly this money can give: travel, home, new furniture, treatment in the best clinic, education in Oxford, starting his own business. Only then will money begin to come through opportunities to earn money, offers of cooperation. Meditations should be regular to increase the mental vibration. Three rules for materializing the desired:

  1. identify an inspiring goal (what do I want?);
  2. feel your state of owning it (how do I feel?);
  3. take any step towards the goal (what can I do?).

For example, if your dream is to own your own plane, then in meditation you need to imagine yourself at the helm to the smallest detail, feel the delight of a dizzying flight and the weight of a flight helmet on your head. A step towards the goal can be a visit to the flying club and pilot courses, communication on the appropriate forums, opening a bank account for financial contributions specifically for this dream.

The desire should not harm anyone, for example, not to the detriment of time spent with family, or the general budget.

You never need to figure out exactly how the money will come. Reason will immediately give a dozen proofs that this is impossible. The subconscious mind is connected with all the invisible streams of possible events and situations that can lead to a dream.

You can turn on the work of the subconscious to materialize desires in a simple way- to meditate about what is quite easy to get, for example, about a luxurious dessert in a cafe, about a ticket to an expensive cinema or theater, present everything brightly according to the principle of three steps to the goal, and then buy with pleasure.

Having felt the materialization of the first desire, it is much easier to continue to embody more complex desires, especially if you do not sit back and observe the eternal truths of the universe, presented to the world by divine wisdom.

Currently, many of the mysteries of the human mind remain a mystery to scientists. About where thoughts are born, many scientists racked their brains for centuries, devoting Special attention the human brain. But the inner world, consisting of an infinite number of feelings and thoughts, cannot be easily studied, since it is an intangible part of a person.

Currently, many of the mysteries of the human mind remain a mystery to scientists. The pressing issues are still the nature of sleep, thoughts, as well as the reasons for the emergence of geniuses and mentally retarded people.

The overriding part human body is the brain, it is in it that all the fundamental human qualities are formed. This part, despite a lot of research, still defies scientific explanation. It has already been proven that intellectual development is not related to the size of the brain, because in famous geniuses it was of normal size.

Where are thoughts born?

If you look at this question from the point of view of Esotericism, it becomes obvious that it is not the brain that is responsible for all this, but the human soul. The human soul is primary, it is from it that already formed feelings come to the brain. Then thoughts appear, the brain gives impulses to the body and causes certain actions.

All feelings experienced by the soul pass into thoughts, and then into actions, which, in turn, affect external world... For example, a woman with a difficult childhood in the background experienced feelings there was a desire to rid others of such emotions. Therefore, she developed a plan for organizing orphanages.

Uniting with like-minded people, this woman was able to realize her ideas and help other people, thus freeing herself from the oppressive feelings that were born in her soul and carried through the years.

A lot of feelings are born in every person every day, they can be both negative and positive. The negative ones include fear, anger, thirst for revenge, aggression, resentment, envy, etc. Positive feelings are born of love for the world around us and all living things.

No matter how much negativity there is in a person, everyone hasfeeling of love, in one form or another. And the disclosure of this feeling will help you achieve harmony with yourself and build your life so as to become happy.

In a simplified form, the human brain can be represented as a kind of remote control that is able to control the body. In doing so, studies have shown that certain areas of the brain are responsible for different parts of the body. Thus, different parts of the brain are responsible for vision, hearing, the musculoskeletal system, smell and memory.

Barely born, the baby has to learn to control his hands, feet, walk, as if the soul was placed in the body and hone control skills. The soul, like a pilot, must get used to its shell, and then all actions will already be performed automatically according to only one given impulse to the brain.

There is no definite physical location, because the invisible soul is ultimately responsible for all human activities, and the brain is only an executor.

Feelings are primary. Feelings give rise to thoughts.

Thought Is a dimension Of the Subtle World... It defies explanation from the side of science. Thought is closely interconnected with the psyche and influences the events taking place in a person's life. It doesn't come out of nowhere.

The answer to the question: how thought works and why it is material is unambiguous for those who believe in the existence of God and the Subtle World, and problematic for people who do not recognize their inner world.

Inner world- the spiritual component of a person, which includes the mind, feelings and thoughts.

Thought Is an electromagnetic wave that combines with similar waves of other people. She happens to be connecting link between feelings and the manifestation of real actions in a person's life.

The touched feelings awaken excitement in the soul and induce appropriate thoughts, and then action.

That is why they say that thought is material, according to the principle like attracts like. But it is impossible to learn to constantly control, think and focus on the positive, focusing on thoughts, without knowing anything about the nature of your inner world of feelings.

The rule by which thought works

Real life example
A man had a desire to sell his car, he posted an ad. Imagine that his thought is a stone thrown into the water: the larger the stone and the stronger the throw, the larger the diameter of the circles formed on the water. On the other hand, there is the same desire buy this car making its waves.

If this thought is not delayed by karmic blockages in a person's consciousness, then it begins to work (manifest itself by real actions): a lot of calls from those who want to buy this car.

In short, a karmic blockage is a kind of energy that prevents the activation of your thought, that is, its manifestation.

In order for a thought to begin to be expressed realistically in actions, it must be released by a person, that is, it must move freely in the space of the Subtle World. The released thought is attracted to a person whose inner world is ready to accept and manifest this thought through actions in life. V this example- buy a car.

Otherwise, due to karmic blockage, the thought (of selling a car) will spin in a person's mind, preventing it from free movement, thereby providing negative impact to the inner world of a person. In this case, sometimes it is enough to sincerely ask Higher power remove sin (punishment) - take away some specific karmic punishment, a feeling that interferes with the achievement of a goal. But if a person has not passed some life lesson, it may not work, and the decision here is made by the Hierarchy of Higher Forces.

Thought will function in the same way if, for example, a person wants to find love (soul mate). The connection is guaranteed if the thought is free to move. When a person sincerely asks God to tell true love, then the Higher Forces in this case will contribute to this. The energy of this request must come from the depths of the soul, from the center associated with the Universe.

Conditions for the actual realization of thought

♦ Correct and clear wording.
♦ Intense desire.
♦ Ability to let go without inhibiting negative blockages.
♦ Conviction and belief that everything will come true.
♦ Ability to direct your thoughts to the right channel... To do this, you need to learn and educate (control) your thinking at the mental level - to analyze, draw conclusions, make a decision and put your will into it.

And the most important thing - not to use this information to achieve any of your goals with the subsequent infliction of harm on someone. According to the laws of the Subtle World, all your actions, which consist of negativity, will turn against you, it’s just a matter of time. Be honest with yourself

Seven Basic Laws of the Universe

If the driver violates the rules (laws) of driving or driving, then he has problems. If someone breaks the laws in society, then he also has problems. Don't you think that relationship problems, health problems, business problems, etc. are also the result of a person breaking some laws? Yes, of course, there are such laws! And these are the laws of the universe. Knowledge of the laws of the Universe is as necessary as knowledge of all other laws and rules in life.

If you can understand deep meaning these laws and will not fight them, but will act on the basis of these laws, then you will certainly achieve your goals!

We will not talk about physical or mathematical laws, we will talk about the laws affecting the system: Man - the Universe.

The universe has its own laws, its own order, which reveals itself in the seemingly endless universal chaos. This order of things is barely noticeable to the naked eye of a person, nevertheless, it is present and renders a huge impact for everything in this world.

1. The law of vibration and attraction

Everything in the universe vibrates, nothing is in absolute rest. We actually live in an ocean of motion. And therein lies great mystery life. You are always moving towards something, and it is always moving towards you, it is action and attraction. Oscillations of the same frequency resonate with each other, so energy attracts similar energy. Everything is energy, including your thoughts. Your thoughts are vibrations that you send out into the universe. As you focus, your vibrations become stronger and more intense. Your thoughts are cosmic waves of energy that penetrate through time and space. Thus, consistent focus on a particular thought or idea attracts similar vibrations.

How to use it: Focus on what you want instead of what you don't want. If you are not feeling well, listen to what you are thinking and think of something pleasant.

2. The law of infinite transformation

This law states that energy transfers into physical fitness, and back. Everything flows, everything changes, the universe is a huge ocean of energy, raging in an endless dance of amazing transformations. Nothing stands still, even if, as it seems to you, you do not change, everything around you is transformed and never remains the same. Since your thoughts are creative energy, this energy can take on physical form. The more you think about what you want, the more creative power you use to create a certain result in life. The universe organizes itself according to your thoughts.

How to use it : invest your energy and effort, your thoughts and actions in attracting what you want, and you will surely attract the physical manifestation of that energy.

3. The law of rhythm

The law of rhythm says that everything has its own natural cycle. Everything moves back and forth, flows in and out, fluctuates back and forth, there is an ebb and flow. Night replaces day, life revives itself. We all have good times and bad times, nothing stays the same. Change is permanent. The knowledge that "everything passes" is a great wisdom about the flow of life and change. This law regulates the movement of planets in orbits, and also manifests itself in the mineral and plant kingdoms. Men and women can observe this law through the example of their mental, physical and emotional state... The law of rhythm is universal. It can be observed in the example of the rising and setting of the sun and moon, the ebb and flow of the sea, the coming and going times. You cannot feel good all the time, nobody can.

How to use it : When you feel low in mood and energy, and everything goes against your plan, know that things will go better. Good time will definitely come, think about it.

4. The law of cause and effect

This law says that every cause has its own effect, and each effect has its own cause. There is no such thing as randomness. Everything happens according to the law. Nothing can escape this law. Each of our actions must have a cause and effect, and so on ad infinitum - the result is a constant, endless cycle of causation. Ralph Waldo Emerson called the law of cause and effect the law of laws. Each of us is interested in the result. Your physical health, relationships, respect, your income, all this can be both cause and effect. It is necessary to focus on the causes, then the consequences will not be long in coming. Be careful what you think about. This is how this law works.

How to use it : Constantly think and act based on what you want. What you send out into the universe comes back. Say good things to everyone, treat everyone with respect, and it will all come back. Never worry about what you are going to get, just focus on what you can give.

5. The law of relativity

This law says that everything is relative. There is no evil or good, there are no small or large things, nothing moves slowly or quickly, everything is cognized in comparison. The point of view is determined by what the observer associates it with. The nature, value or quality of something can only be measured in relation to another object. It should also be noted that all laws are related to each other and correspond to each other. All laws must be interconnected, in other words, they must be in harmony, agreement and correspondence with each other. Understanding this law gives you the means to solve most of nature's secrets that seem paradoxical. Whenever you use this law correctly, you win. It is enough to understand that there are people who do something better than you, and you do something better than others.

How to use it : Practice this law in your situation, remembering that there is someone who is in a less advantageous position than you, so you will feel better where you are. Use it to boost your own self-esteem, if necessary.

6. The law of polarity

Everything in the universe has its opposite. There is no inside of a room without an outside. There is no cold without warmth and light without darkness. Where there is up, there is also down. Always is Right side and left, back and front. If there is good, there is also bad. The law of polarity not only says that everything has its opposite, it speaks of equality and opposition. If there are three meters from floor to ceiling, then there will be three meters from ceiling to floor. If from Moscow to Leningrad 635 kilometers, then from Leningrad to Moscow will be 635 kilometers. And it could not be otherwise. If something bad happens in your life, there must be something good in it.

How to use it : Look for something good in people and situations. If you find it in a person, compliment him, people love compliments, and positive representations in your mind will make you feel better. What you focus on, you multiply in your life.

7. Law of gender

The law of gender manifests itself in all things, both masculine and feminine. It is this law that governs what we know as creation. The word "creation" is often misused because, in fact, nothing is created. All new things are the result of changing something into something else. The law of sex is manifested in the animal kingdom as a difference between the sexes. It also manifests itself in the mineral and plant kingdom. Without the principle of dualism, masculine and feminine principles in things, there can be no difference in potentials, continuation of movement, regeneration. This law indicates that everything in nature is masculine and feminine. Both are essential for existence. Also, this law says that all seeds (ideas - spiritual seeds) have an incubation period before their manifestation. In other words, after choosing a goal or creating an image in the head, it should pass certain time before this image appears in the physical world.

How to use it : Stay focused and know that your goals will become reality in due course. Know that it will be so.

You can use these laws to bring untold wealth, health, great relationship... Immerse yourself in the nature of these laws of the universe, understand and begin to act on the basis of these laws, then you will definitely come closer to your greatest success.

48 laws of the universe

  1. You cannot know what is good and what is evil.
  2. But know for sure: imposed good is evil.
  3. You don't know what the universe needs.
  4. If you are right, then you are wrong.
  5. There is no what is called right and wrong, you do not know what is what.
  6. There is no bad thing, there is something that makes you sad.
  7. There is no good, there is something that pleases you.
  8. The universe is too big for you to harm it.
  9. Perhaps your mistakes are what the universe needs.
  10. Your mistakes will not destroy the universe.
  11. Do not seek the truth, it does not exist. And if it is, then you do not need it.
  12. Do not look for meaning in life, if it exists, it lies outside of it.
  13. How do you define the purpose of what you are doing? And does it belong to you? ...
  14. Don't worry about yourself. In fact, the Universe values ​​you too much for you to be wasted.
  15. Do not seek your fault. Nothing is your fault.
  16. Do not worry about which path you are directing the other - do you know which is true, which is false?
  17. If what you are doing is difficult for you, think about whether you need it.
  18. Do only what is easiest for you, but do it with all your might.
  19. If you do something by accident, you do it on purpose.
  20. Maintain what you like and elude what you don't like.
  21. If you can correct the consequences of your mistake, then you are not mistaken yet.
  22. What happens happens on time.
  23. Sometimes searches correct decision will cost you more than a mistake.
  24. What is happening is happening against your will, but it is in your will to accept, or not to accept.
  25. If in doubt about the road, take a companion, if you are sure - move alone.
  26. To be strong is to be alone.
  27. The strongest is strongest alone. You yourself can choose what to be.
  28. Every person is lonely. The strong accept and bless their loneliness. Weak - runs from him.
  29. Be calm and attentive to the World, then you will not miss the moment of Power.
  30. When you try to learn about yourself from others, you give them power over yourself. Therefore, be yourself a measure of what is happening to you.
  31. Bless the missed opportunities, you have gained great opportunities.
  32. Give - easy, Lose - easy, Goodbye - easy.
  33. Do not regret that there was little joy, this will give you another sadness.
  34. Love the enemy - to win.
  35. If the enemy has taken you by surprise, and you are still alive, he is in your hands.
  36. The more losing the situation, the more advantageous it is.
  37. Do not be afraid of the one who is trying to break your will, for he is weak.
  38. True revenge is neglect.
  39. By yielding, you stand the test.
  40. Give in - to weaken the resistance.
  41. Do not strive to be stronger than your opponent, but look for where the opponent is weaker than you.
  42. When you love your enemy, you get to know him better. The more you get to know him, the more advantage you get over him.