Creative creativity: we prepare crafts on the topic of ecology. Wood crafts options. Crafts from vegetables and fruits

The whole last year I lost my wife and daughter for half a day on Sundays. 🙂 They are addicted to going to master classes every week, which are organized in the nearest mall... During this time, I have not seen enough crafts: from the now usual quilling to rag "flying cats"!

The child's fantasy world is rich and varied. And often for our children, in order to translate their ideas into reality, ordinary and familiar materials for creativity, such as paints, paper, pencils and plasticine, are not enough. Although, without a doubt, and from the above materials, you can create a lot of all kinds of original crafts.

But you and I are not used to being limited to small things, right? 🙂 And rightly so. After all, it is even difficult to imagine how many children's crafts you can do with your own hands. And you need something - nothing at all: just see how exactly they are made.

Today, I have prepared just such a review of children's crafts that you can do with your own hands. Well, let's get from words to deeds, and take a trip to magic land children's crafts? Go!


Mostly, of course, from plasticine. After all, this is truly amazing stuff allowing children without special efforts, make your childhood fantasies come true. It is not so difficult to master the technique of modeling from plasticine, but as a result, your baby will receive a lot of bright and unforgettable experience... Figures of people and animals, applications, paintings, whole complexes of buildings, palaces - this is only a small part of what can be made from plasticine.

But the matter is not limited to one plasticine, right? There are a lot of materials for modeling! Clay, polymer clay, salty dough- this is a completely incomplete list.

List of articles about different kinds sculpting

Crafts from fabric and unnecessary things

Soft toys and various souvenirs made from unnecessary things and pieces of fabric are very cute and cute.

For example, suggest that your kid try to create a doll or, or a cartoon character from pieces of felt, fur, suede and other little things that you can find in your house. Old gloves, unpopular scarves, sleeves from an already small sweater, and the like will do. Such toys are ideal even for the smallest, and if you have an older child, he can make such a souvenir as a gift. younger brother or sister.

Crafts from natural materials

Kids love to create various crafts and from natural materials such as leaves, nuts, tree twigs, shells, acorns, cones, pebbles, etc. Such and primary grades schools. It is understandable, because the material is available and absolutely harmless, and the scope for imagination is endless!

Little people, little animals, beautiful appliques and postcards made from dried leaves and flowers, whole, originally designed compositions are good option to participate in various children's contests dedicated to a particular holiday.

Natural materials include various cereals and pasta. Usually kids are happy to use these elements in their creativity.

Crafts made from pasta and cereals are also very diverse. But postcards made from this raw material look especially beautiful, as well as photo frames decorated with grains and vases, flowerpots and cups originally decorated with various cereals.

Very popular with young fashionistas jewelry made from pasta... A little fantasy, paint or varnish and stylish and beautiful jewelry ready for little princesses.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits

Our kids love to make crafts from vegetables and fruits. Original tasty compositions will be very appropriate for festive table or the autumn fair.

Also, as one of the options for creativity, you can do with the baby various dishes for example cookies, salads or sandwiches in the form of pictures or animals.

DIY crafts from sweets

Even more delicious gift which your child can make himself is a bouquet of candies and other sweets. Suitable material chocolate candies- both in a wrapper and without, lollipops, chocolate bars, marshmallows, marshmallows, cookies and other goodies. Agree, such a gift is not only pleasant to look at, but also even more tempting to try it together with the creator.

In addition to the above, as raw materials for the implementation of children's inventions and inventions, things that, at first glance, are not at all suitable are suitable.

Crafts from buttons and plastic bottles

Young inventors can use everything from buttons to plastic bags and plastic bottles... What was previously considered rubbish, under the hands of little geniuses, can turn into real works of art.

From buttons, clothespins, feathers, toothpicks, matches, pieces of fabric, all kinds of boxes, packages and jars, using imagination and other materials, the child can easily create unusual souvenirs.

A very creative raw material to create different crafts are plastic bottles and disposable tableware... It turns out from plastic containers that we are used to throwing away, many beautiful and useful things can be done. Your guys' fantasies have a place to roam.

Here are just a few examples of crafts that can be created from plastic bottles and empty containers from shampoos, gels and other hygiene products: bouquets, original snowflakes, stands for glasses, holder for mobile phone, candy bowls, piggy banks, toys, etc., and so on. And what wonderful boxes and gift boxes are obtained from them! Moreover, you can even create a chandelier and floor lamps from bottles. And all this is not so difficult and is accessible even to children.

Crafts from disposable tableware

More malleable and fit for kids younger age is, such material for the manifestation of creative inclinations, as a disposable plastic dishes... Applications, fancy hats, fans, flowers, animals and insects - all this your kid can do with the help of disposable plates, spoons and forks.

But, if your child decides to tinker with plastic, do not forget about safety - cut edges can be very sharp and careless handling can lead to serious cuts and wounds.

Material for children's creativity almost anything can become. And an example of this is the most incredible crafts:

  • a floating jellyfish made from a waste plastic bottle, a regular plastic bag, and water;
  • creative cute snowflakes from old disks;
  • magic balls made from an ordinary glass jar, and with the use of a share of imagination and patience;
  • fancy wire and foil toys and more.

And in addition to all of the above, there are such types of children's self-expression as crochet and knitting, embroidery, beading, patchwork, macrame and many others.

Quite often, parents ask themselves how to organize the child's leisure time so that it is not only interesting, but also informative. Moreover, experts note that it is much easier than many dads and mothers imagine.

And with this, children's hand-made crafts will help you, which will teach the baby some basic methods of creating various products as well as perseverance.

However, at the same time, you should remember that every kid should be able to cope with the creation of these structures. This means that such crafts should be simple.

But, as you know, genius lies precisely in simplicity.

In the event that your child shows a genuine interest in creativity, he himself will give you a few interesting ideas... But, what to do if the kid was not interested in anything like that before, and you don’t know where to start?

In this case, you should start with the simplest and most understandable tasks that will not cause difficulties in execution.

In this article we will look at the most simple and entertaining crafts, the process of creating which, undoubtedly, will attract the attention of the child, and make him show imagination.

We start by creating a tree

The most popular paper craft for children is wood. It is with the creation of such a simple applique that a long way to unusual and more complex home-made products begins. To create it, you need a fairly simple set of materials.

We recommend that you start by creating a flowering tree from colorful paper... To do this, you should purchase a few sheets of colored paper, glue, a pencil and scissors. It is necessary to cut out the base of the tree from paper of a dark color - the trunk.

Depending on what kind of tree you are trying to portray, the thickness of the trunk should also be selected.

Of course, your child can turn on their imagination and create a completely amazing tree.

However, since in in this case the education of the baby is also important; care should be taken to ensure that the craft created by him resembles the original as much as possible.

After you finish cutting the trunk, you should tackle the leaves. They can be of different shades.

After you and your child finish cutting the necessary parts, all that remains is to assemble the structure and glue it on the sheet of paper that you have chosen as the background.

It is worth noting that wooden crafts for children are just as popular as those made of paper.

However, to create them you will need to be patient and start looking. suitable material... After all, you have to find a snag, which in shape will resemble either one of the animals, or some kind of object.

Complementing it with some decorative elements, you will create a unique and beautiful product that can be used even for interior decoration.


As additional elements parts cut from various materials... For example, from plastic cups, scraps of fabric, plasticine.

Flowers for decorating classrooms in kindergarten

Often, educators instruct parents, together with their child, to create some kind of interesting craft in order to contribute to the improvement of the office's interior. And in this regard, many problems arise, because mom and dad cannot always determine which craft is suitable in this case.

Therefore, if you also cannot decide on the choice, we recommend that you make the most popular and simple craft for kindergarten do it yourself - flowers from egg trays.

After all, in your house, for sure, there is such a tray in which you previously stored or continue to store eggs purchased in the store.

To create a composition you will need: scissors, egg trays, colored paper, paints and a piece of wire.


Each cell in your tray represents a bud. On them, you should carefully cut out the petals along the previously sketched contour. Once you're done cutting out, you can start coloring.

However, before you start painting the product, it is necessary to place a neatly cut colored paper core in each flower. A twisted thread of wire should be used as a stem. It should be threaded through the center of the core.

To make the stem look more aesthetically pleasing, you can use paper as a wrap. Pay attention to the photo of children's crafts, which shows a bouquet of flowers made from egg trays. This is what the finished product should look like.

How to decorate the playground?

In this case, talking about the use of appliqués as a decorative element is completely inappropriate. Indeed, on the site, these products will look inappropriate.

In addition, one should not forget that such products will not stand for a long time due to wind, rain and sun. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to decorate the place that children use to play outside, you should thoroughly prepare. After all, the set necessary tools in this case, wider.

We draw your attention to the fact that you can use both scrap materials and wood. Craft for a playground made of hemp and log looks very interesting and beautiful.


To create it you will need:

  • Small logs with a diameter of about 15-20 centimeters and a height of 30-40 cm.
  • Buttons.
  • Champagne corks.
  • Thread mop attachments.
  • Cord.
  • Old red oilcloth.
  • Slices of fabric.
  • Furniture stapler.

The buttons will be used to make the eyes. You can also use ready eyes available from the sewing department.

In order to build a spout, cut in half the champagne cork and carefully glue it to the product. Next, you need to cut out a detail from the film that resembles lips as much as possible and glue it to the structure.

Using a stapler, fix the hair from the mop thread attachments on the head. The arms and legs are made from pieces of cord and attached with a stapler to the back of the product.

If you want your stumps to have legs, you should make several cuts beforehand and use them as feet. Now you just have to put on the stumps.

You can take clothes ready-made or make them from scraps of fabric. As you can see, children's crafts for children different ages it is not always expensive and difficult. To create beautiful crafts, you just need patience and free time.

Photos of children's crafts

The article will tell you about what crafts can be done for Children's Day.

What summer crafts can be done for Children's Day for kindergarten, school camp?

Children's Day is a holiday that is designed so that people around the world can remember how important caring and love for children is. On this day, it is customary to organize various competitions and entertainment in city squares, in houses of culture and children's creativity. Many city officials give gifts, both sweet and necessary.

The Child Protection holiday is very important and therefore should be given Special attention in any educational institutions, for example, in kindergartens and schools. Children's Day is celebrated on June 1, and at this time special camps are opened at schools " have a short day", While the kindergartens continue their work.

Crafts that adults can do with children on this day help "little personalities" learn about their importance in this world, feel attention and receive pleasant emotions... Crafts on this occasion can be presented at an exhibition, donated to parents or used for decoration.

Crafts are different: large, small, voluminous, flat, decorative, hanging, soft toys and much more. You can make toys, framed pictures, drawings and much more from:

  • Wood, plywood and cardboard
  • Plain, colored, corrugated paper
  • Plastic bottles and cans of different diameters
  • Natural materials: cones, acorns, leaves, twigs, coffee beans, straw, citrus peels, cinnamon sticks and more.
  • Materials at hand: corks, lids, ice cream sticks, plastic dishes, pasta and much more.
  • Plasticine is a classic material for the creativity of little children.
  • Fabrics and felt, cotton wool - when it comes to dolls and soft toys.

IMPORTANT: The craft must have something to do with the child: a happy family, native home, playground, toys, Balloons and other ideas.

Crafts for children and children's crafts for Children's Day

Crafts from paper on the topic, summer, happiness, kindness, for Children's Day - posters, applications: photos

Paper is the easiest and most affordable material for work that children love. It is easy to buy paper in a stationery store, where the variety of options is simply impressive: colored, holographic, glitter, velvet, matte glossy, corrugated, cardboard and much more.

Before you start work, you should clearly understand in your head what exactly you will do with the child: a postcard, a painting, a wall decoration, a three-dimensional image, a toy. You should stock up on not only an abundance of paper colors, but also scissors, glue, decorative materials(If you want to).

For example, here is a simple and easy decoration for home, walls, streets. You can hang it anywhere bright colours pleasing to the eye, and in the center of this "chamomile" you can place not just a smiley, but any picture, as well as your photo. The craft is based on a cardboard circle, which should be pasted over with rolled strips of colored paper or quilling paper.

"Chamomile" from colored paper

The sun drawn in an unusual way- a popular idea for creativity for the Children's Day. The secret of this craft is that the rays are made from the circled fingers of children, and therefore we can safely say that a piece of the child himself "hides" in such a craft.

DIY paper craft: sun

A poster is another creative idea. Such a poster can be hung in order to decorate the walls and give a special festive mood others. The sun is a symbol of Children's Day, and the words from the song “May there always be sunshine” are perfect in this case.

Childrens day poster

Older children can make the poster more complicated, here is a craft option - a poster with three-dimensional figures of a boy and a girl. These characters symbolically hold the planet in their hands, as if hinting that "the world is in the hands of children."

Childrens day poster

Another version of the poster for Children's Day

Unusual picture on the wall: paper craft for Children's Day

INTERESTING: "Children are the flowers of life." Almost everyone knows this expression, and therefore it is completely not surprising that the child is associated with flowers. You can decorate everything around with paper flowers: trees, walls, premises and the "culprits" of the holiday themselves.

Craft on the theme "Summer" - do-it-yourself wreath made of paper: photo instructions

DIY flower wreath for Children's Day

Bright and colorful drawings for Children's Day

Children's Day poster

Summer crafts from plasticine and salt dough on the theme of peace, kindness, happiness, "The world through the eyes of children": photo

Plasticine - good material not only for creativity, but also for the development of the child. By creating figures, the baby develops thinking, thinking through every detail, as well as hand motor skills. It is useful to work with plasticine at any age, and modern manufacturers offer you big choice color solutions and plasticine textures.

INTERESTING: You can replace the usual plasticine with "salty dough". Working with such material is also very interesting, it keeps its shape, it can be painted with paints and opened with varnish for long-term storage.

What can be made from plasticine or dough:

Butterflies are a symbol of summer, childhood, good mood

Plasticine rainbow - a symbol of joy and happiness

Other options for crafts from plasticine

Salt dough crafts

Salted dough colorful octopus

Salted dough sun

Summer crafts "How wonderful this world is!" from natural materials and for Children's Day: photo

Children and adults often use in creativity natural materials that can be found in environment... This is good, because besides huge amount ideas, the child learns nature and tries to see something new in familiar things. Almost any dry materials can be used for crafts (wet and soft will deteriorate over time): branches, twigs, cones, stones, shells, sand, straw, dried flowers, wood cuts, acorns, chestnuts and much more.

You should think in advance about the design and appearance of your product in your head, as well as what exactly it will be: a picture, a volumetric scene, a frame, a box, a toy, a decoration or something else. You can paint the craft with any paints, as well as open it with varnish for longer storage.

Options for children's crafts made from natural materials:

Baskets with flowers from a nutshell

Bouquet of daisies from pumpkin seeds, twigs and plasticine

Beautiful topiary - craft option

Summer insects - crafts from natural materials

Summer children's crafts on the theme "The world through the eyes of children" and for the Children's Day from plastic bottles: photo

A plastic bottle is, in fact, rubbish, but for those people who are creative and have their own view of things, it can serve as a material. There are a lot of ideas for crafts from plastic bottles, large and small: pencil cups, organizers, figurines, pendants, toys and much more.

If we talk about the holiday, toys and decorations will be very relevant in this regard. By the way, the plastic bottle has become an excellent finishing material for decorating playgrounds with cartoon and fairytale characters, flowers, figurines of animals.

IMPORTANT: It is good to work with a plastic bottle because this material can different sizes, density and even color. Finished craft from a plastic bottle can be painted with paints (preferably acrylic) and opened with varnish.

Ideas for kids craft from plastic bottles:

Ladybug with children: craft from plastic bottles

Crafts from plastic bottles and caps

Sunflowers from plastic bottles

Animals made of plastic bakliks

Piglets from plastic bottles and baklats

Crafts from felt and fabric for Children's Day: photo

This material can serve as a basis for creating soft toys - the main symbol of childhood. Soft homemade toys you can decorate the room or give these souvenirs to your loved ones. Sewing dolls and animals follows the patterns that look .

Stuffed Toys do it yourself

Crafts on a summer theme from scrap materials on the theme "The world through the eyes of children" and for Children's Day: photo

You can always use to create an interesting and beautiful crafts everything you can find at hand. The main thing is the desire to translate into reality what you imagine.

Options for crafts for children from scrap materials:

Variants interesting crafts from disposable tableware

Beautiful children's crafts from scrap materials

Craft "flowers" from scrap materials

Crafts from wood on the theme "Peace and kindness" and for the Children's Day: photo

It is difficult to work with wood, but if the children have the help of adults for the Children's Day, it is possible to create products of incredible beauty.

Wood crafts options:

Crafts for children from wood and acorns

What can be made from wood: options for children's crafts

Crafts for the summer theme and for the Children's Day from pasta: photo

Pasta steel popular material for creativity and creation interesting compositions... The variety of shapes of pasta allows you to use this material with imagination.

Craft: pasta flowers

Vase of pasta flowers

Colorful pasta craft

Video: "Children's paper crafts"