What's the right nipple in a bottle? Baby nipples and bottles: how to choose, types and photos. Feeding Precautions

Most of our moms didn't know the pain of choosing bottles and nipples for our newborns. On sale there were glass bottles and rubber nipples in a "cheerful" yellow-brown color. It was difficult to call them comfortable. I had to pierce it with a hot needle, choosing the size of the hole empirically, and the bottles were very heavy and, alas, easily beating.

Whether business present times! weightless, the most bizarre forms, decorated with drawings. Nipples also keep up with them, delighting with a variety of designs and materials. Yes, so extensive that in the end, a young mother may face the problem of choice the best goods from all this splendor.

By the way, understanding this issue will not hurt even those mothers who plan to breastfeed their baby. Of course, this the best way nutrition for a newborn, but over time, the baby will need water, and then complementary foods, cereals, juices and the like. Yes, and mom may need to leave, leaving dad or grandmother dishes with her milk. So no bottles or nipples will be superfluous.

How much to take

First, let's define the quantity necessary bottles and nipple. Moms who do not have problems with lactation will need only one or two bottles with a nipple in the first months of a baby's life. If the child is fed with mixtures, then he will need more bottles, at least five pieces: optimally one for feeding and a couple of spare ones.

If you plan on pumping, consider purchasing a breast pump with replacement bottles included. In this case, it will be enough to buy a couple more pieces with a wide neck and you will have a complete set.

Pay attention to the capacity of the bottles - it is advisable to buy different sizes. At least one of them should be small, from 80 to 150 milliliters. The rest can be large, 150-300 ml.

The bottles can be painted with any kind of pictures, the main thing is that they have a volume scale. Often breastfeeding mothers buy only one bottle, a large one. And already pour milk or water into it as much as the baby needs. And then they use the same bottle to introduce complementary foods to the grown child.

Feeding bottles: shape and materials

Now let's take a closer look at the bottles themselves. We have already figured out the volume, now let's see what they are made of.

Let's start with glass. Until now, there are good old glass bottles on sale, which still have enough fans. First of all, because they are made of a material that does not enter into any reactions with food for the baby - neither hot nor cold.

At the same time, remember that all glass bottles take a long time to warm up, are heavy and not very comfortable - your hand gets tired of holding. In addition, they are very easy to break. So for feeding babies who are already grabbing bottles themselves, and then famously throwing them across half the room, they are unlikely to fit.

Plastic and silicone bottles devoid of glass flaws. They are light, strong (although they can crack after a particularly strong blow), they are comfortable to hold. You can safely sterilize them, they do not lose their shape.

Over time, some types of plastic may become discolored or cloudy. True, many mothers are more afraid that under the influence of hot food harmful substances enter the child's body. According to some scientists, bisphenol-A (BPA), contained in plastic bottles made of polycarbonate, can have an extremely negative impact on the health of babies.

There is no consensus on this matter, serious studies have not been conducted, but most of the quality baby bottles, brands such as Avent, Chicco, Canpol, Dr. Brown's and others, dangerous substance does not contain. Just in case, before buying, make sure that on the bottom or in the instructions there is an inscription “does not contain bisphenol-A”.

Modern bottles are not only made from new materials, but also very diverse in shape. There are quite traditional specimens, there are wide at the base and neck, but narrow in the middle, there are curved, triangular, imitating breasts, depicting little animals and resembling a bagel in shape. What to choose?

It is best, at least at first, to give preference to bottles with a stable base and a wide neck. They fall less often, even if you touch them with your hand, it is convenient to pour milk or water into them, stir the mixture.

When the child grows up and begins to try to grab the bottle himself, it will be possible to put on removable handles. And it will be much more practical than buying a bottle with a hole in the center, which, according to the creators, is convenient for an independent baby to hold. Although as a gift to a toddler for six months or a year, it is very good.

But for newborns, special curved bottles were invented: in them, during feeding, the nipple is constantly filled with milk. So the baby does not have to suck in excess air to get to food. As a result, the likelihood of regurgitation decreases, the child’s tummy does not burst, his sleep becomes calm.

These bottles are often referred to as anti-colic bottles. But the form is not the only way minimize colic in the baby. Many breastfeeding vessels are equipped with special valves, a screw-on bottom or a bottom with holes. In anti-colic bottles Dr. Brown's has a whole unique (and patented) system of tubes for outflow-inflow of air. It works effectively, but it's just as difficult to wash as bizarrely shaped bottles.

Bottle nipples: what they are made of and what they are

Choosing a pacifier for a bottle is a responsible matter. It depends on her how the child will receive food. After all, it is impossible for a newborn milk to flow into the mouth like a river, or for a grown-up baby to hardly suck drops of kefir from a bottle. Therefore, everything is important in the nipple, from the material from which it is made, to the shape of the hole made in it.

Let's start with the material. For babies who are breastfed by mothers, occasionally supplemented with mixtures or their own expressed milk, silicone nipples manufactured by Nuby, Philips, Medela, Dr. Brown "s, Nuk and others. They do not have any odors, do not cause allergic reactions, they can be sterilized without fear that they will lose their shape.

Silicone nipples are elastic, tight, so the baby has to make an effort to eat. This is a big plus for those who only occasionally bottle-feed their baby: this way, babies do not get used to freely flowing milk and are less likely to refuse breastfeeding. Such nipples are more often recommended for newborns and babies whose teeth have not yet begun to grow.

For kids who can already boast of having their first tooth, it is better to purchase latex nipples (aka rubber). They are made by companies such as Chicco, Bebe comfort, Nuby, Bibi and some others. Latex nipples are much softer than silicone ones, therefore they fail much faster, they will have to be changed literally in a month or two. But when used, they will not spoil the emerging bite of the child.

The shape of the nipple of any material also has a significant impact on the development of the baby's bite. In order not to damage it, anatomical nipples are specially designed, adapted to the structure of the child's mouth. They are also called orthodontic.

In addition to them, there are quite traditional nipples, so to speak, classical, and physiological - those that imitate the shape of the female nipple. They are designed for use on wide-mouthed bottles, and most often this is their only difference from cylindrical ones.

Chicco physiological silicone nipples

Nipples per bottle: food regulation

And finally, let's talk about the holes in the nipple through which the baby receives food or drink. The flow rate of the liquid directly depends on their number and diameter - the so-called flow. For newborns, a minimum flow (Mini or Mini Regular Flow), sometimes referred to as 0+, will do. It is provided by one round hole, located, as a rule, not in the center of the top of the nipple, but slightly to the side. Then the droplets of milk do not fall straight into the throat of the one who eats the crumbs, preventing him from choking.

The next flow is slow (Slow Flow or Regular Flow, 1+), recommended for children from a month and older. There are two holes in the nipple, food comes through them more abundantly, but does not give the baby the opportunity to wean from the efforts necessary to “get” food from the breast. Sometimes slow-flow nipples are purchased for babies in the first month of life if they do not fill up with milk from one hole.

Medium flow (Medium Flow, 3+) provides three holes in the nipple, and fast (Fast Flow, 6+) - four, they are designed for babies from 3 and 6 months, respectively. In addition, for babies aged 3 months, you can buy pacifiers with variable flow (Adjustable Flow). One slit-like hole was made in them, and marks from 1 to 3 were applied on the dome. By turning the bottle with the nipple so that the marks are opposite the baby's nose, you change the position of the slot and regulate the flow of food.

This nipple is convenient because you can feed your baby from it not only with milk or water, as from nipples with round holes. The slit or Y-shaped holes allow the baby to suck thick liquids from the bottle. nutrient mixtures and porridge. These nipples are well suited for the introduction of complementary foods.

Latex nipples for cereals, juices

Well, after a year, it will be convenient for a baby to drink juices and tea from a quick flow nipple or ordinary ones, but with an X-shaped hole. Or from a special silicone spout, if parents want to quickly teach their child to drink from a cup.

In addition, some nipples have anti-colic protection. It is provided by the fact that the nipple skirt, adjacent to the neck of the bottle, bends and lets air in there. In Avent bottles, this system is called an anti-vacuum valve. As a result of its action, the walls of the nipple do not stick together, it always remains full of food. The baby does not have to break away from the bottle, reflexively drawing in excess air.

In the nipples of some other companies, additional holes are provided on the convex side or at the base of the product to let air into the bottle. You need to be more careful with them, the wrong movement - and the milk will begin to leak onto the nursing one. However, it is possible that you and your baby will like this nipple more.

After all, there are no identical situations, just like two identical children. Some of the babies will only occasionally drink mother's milk from a bottle with a nipple 1+ or 2+ up to a year. And someone already at 3 months will try on fast flow nipples. The main thing is that all children grow up healthy and do not complain about appetite or colic!

A baby feeding bottle is the one thing every mom should have. It can be useful for both artificial and breastfeeding.

What are the bottles?

Bottles differ from each other in shape, size and material. They have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Bottle shape

Standard feeding bottles are cylindrical in shape. They are elongated and narrow, because of which they can turn over while pouring liquid into them.

Models with a wide neck are more convenient. These bottles are stable, can be filled with any food and are easy to clean.

There are many curly bottles with a ribbed surface and tapering in the middle, which the child can hold in his hands on his own. They are very comfortable but hard to clean.

Special anti-colic bottles have a slightly curved shape. This form helps to avoid colic and intestinal problems in babies. The anti-colic system is equipped with valves that prevent air from entering the baby's stomach.

The most optimal are wide bottles without any bends that do not require complex care.

Bottle size differences

Newborn babies drink a lot not a large number of liquids, so small bottles of 80-150 ml are suitable for them.

Toddlers who are six months old or more will need more capacious containers of at least 250 ml in size. The volume can be determined by the scale. More capacious bottles are ideal for cereals and soups, smaller ones are better for storing water or juice. As the baby gets older, the bottle can be replaced drinking cup-transformer.

According to the size of the neck, baby bottles are divided into wide and narrow. A bottle with a wide neck is more suitable for a baby. The pacifier here reminds maternal nipple so the baby will not wean from the breast. Also from wide bottles you can feed the baby with cereals, they are easy to clean.

Material selection

glass bottles are highly environmentally friendly. Fire-resistant glass is used here, so cracks do not appear from hot liquid. These bottles wash well and are easy to use, they do not erase the volume scale. Their main disadvantages are heavy weight, difficulty in heating and the possibility of damage. Glass bottles can break, chipped over time.

Plastic The bottles are light and safe to use. They also withstand high temperatures and do not deform when pouring boiling water into them. Plastic products need to be changed often enough, they can be recolored by food, and with constant use cracks appear on them.

Also, when boiled, substances harmful to health can be formed in plastic.

Silicone The bottles are made from high quality materials. They weigh a little, they are designed not only for liquids, but also for thick foods - cereals and mashed potatoes. They have a drawback - a tendency to stain.

bottle teat

Almost all feeding bottles are equipped with matching teats. When choosing a pacifier, you should pay attention to its shape, material and hole size.

Nipple material

Nipples are silicone, rubber and latex.

Silicone products are more durable, can last for a long time, and care for them does not require much effort.

Latex and rubber nipples quickly deform and become unusable, they have a taste and smell of rubber.

Nipple shapes

Nipples are released various forms, each of which is presented as copying the natural shape and physiology of the mother's breast. If you are exclusively bottle feeding your baby, just experiment with various types nipple to find out which is best for your baby. If your baby gets both a bottle and a breast, use a nipple with a wide base.

It is important that the baby suckles on the thickened base of the nipple and not just the tip.

Standard ball nipple. The easiest to use is the standard nipple, which has elongated shape with a rounded top. Some of them are supplemented with special "skirts" that prevent air from being sucked in. As a rule, such nipples have a wide base, which is easiest for a child to wrap his lips around.

Orthodontic nipple. They have a slightly flattened shape. These nipples go deeper into the baby's mouth, causing a more natural movement of the tongue to extrude milk and help form the correct bite. At the same time, the use of orthodontic nipples causes some inconvenience, since it is necessary to decide “which side to turn the nipple”.

Retractable nipple. Manufacturers of such nipples position their use as the most imitating process of breast sucking, i.e. the baby needs to make an effort during sucking to get milk, and therefore, they are recommended for mixed feeding, when the baby receives both the breast and the bottle in order to avoid the baby from breastfeeding. This shape is designed to lengthen during suckling, but only if the baby opens her mouth wide enough and sucks hard enough to pull the nipple deep inside.

Most babies, however, only suckle the protruding part.

There are also anti-colic nipple models that help eliminate regurgitation and gastrointestinal Problems.

Before the first use, boil the teat for 5 minutes to sterilize it, and also to partially get rid of the taste of rubber.

To prevent your baby from choking on a nipple, follow the precautions indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging exactly.

The size of the holes in the nipple and their number

Teats are available with different hole widths for different liquids and with different amount holes, depending on the age of the child.

The hole in the nipple should be the most optimal for the age of your child: he should not choke, but at the same time he should not make incredible efforts to suck out milk.

For a newborn baby, the hole should be such that one drop per second will flow out of it when you hold the bottle upside down with a full nipple and do not shake it. For a newborn baby, it is better to purchase a nipple with one small hole so that it does not choke when feeding.

It is important to track in time that the child is ready to switch to more holes in the nipple. If an older baby is offered the same nipple with one small hole, it is more difficult for the child to suckle, he can quickly get tired and therefore malnourished. If you see that the baby is trying his best, and quickly gets tired of sucking, and his cheeks sink in during sucking, the hole may be too small.

An older baby who can already suckle more vigorously or eat liquid porridge will benefit from a nipple with several larger holes that allow you to adjust the flow rate. All nipple bottles have recommendations for the age they are suitable for.

Lifespan of bottles and nipples

Glass bottles have the longest shelf life. For plastic models, manufacturers do not set specific dates possible exploitation. Bottles used for tea and juices should be changed once every six months. Silicone nipples can last three to six months, while latex nipples can last no more than two months. Their expiration date is indicated on the packaging.

How many and what size bottles are needed for a newborn?

Take 120 ml bottles to start with, and after you determine the type, bottle and nipple shape that is most convenient for feeding your baby, and the child will drink more than 120 ml per feeding, switch to 240 ml bottles.

Children who are on artificial feeding, you will need about 6 bottles of different sizes. This amount is necessary for timely sterilization and preparation new mixture. For water, you can use containers with a volume of 100-150 ml.

Breastfed babies require a pair of small round bottles with a capacity of 100 to 120 ml and wide nipples, similar in shape to a woman's nipple. They may be useful for food.

How to wash and sterilize bottles?

Bottles need regular cleaning. To clean them, you can use salt or soda, as well as some special detergents for children's dishes. Food often remains on the neck and bottom of the bottle, which is convenient to wash with a special brush-brush. Such a brush must also be carefully processed.

Methods for sterilizing bottles and nipples

Teats and bottles must be sterilized after each use.

The most common sterilization method is boiling. The bottles are placed in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, and then wrapped in a clean towel. Plastic products can be deformed by boiling, so you should read the instructions before such sterilization.

Electric steam sterilizers imply the processing of nipples and bottles in a disassembled state for 8-12 minutes. For processing, you can use a special sterilizer for microwave oven. It costs more but is easy to use. The disassembled bottles are placed first in special container With cold water, and then - in the microwave itself for 6-8 minutes at a certain power. The exact sterilization time is indicated in the instructions. Also, special bags can be used for sterilization in a microwave oven. Water is poured there, and then bottles are placed in them.

Feeding items can also be sterilized in a special non-toxic solution. For this in cold water tablets are placed. They are safe and kill bacteria quickly. Bottles in such a solution are conveniently sterilized in special containers or other containers with lids. Such sterilization takes half an hour, bottles and nipples can be in solution even for a day.

Processed bottles should be used immediately, as sterility does not last long. Feeding supplies should be sterilized before the child is one year old.

How to choose a bottle: additional selection criteria

Sets are often sold, which include bottles of different sizes, nipples, caps, coasters, various nozzles and tubes.

When buying, pay attention to the cap of the bottle. Tightness is important here, nothing should open when shaking. All items from the set must be durable and resistant to damage. Accessories can be included here, such as detachable handles, with which the baby can independently hold the bottle.

The bottle must be comfortable shape and consist of environmentally friendly materials. It is better to choose a model without polycarbonate, the packaging should have an inscription: “Does not contain bisphenol A”.

Video - how to choose a bottle

Which bottle is best?

Philips Avent (England)

All bottles of this company are compact, have a wide neck and an anti-colic system. Products are subject to preliminary testing and certification. The Avent silicone nipple, similar in shape to a woman's nipple, has a special valve that lets air into the bottle and prevents the formation of a vacuum. Also, the nipple has five fluid flow modes, which can be adjusted by turning the bottle.

Most frequent reviews parents about this product- positive, among the shortcomings note the high cost.

Estimated cost 450-100 0r.

DC. Brown (USA)

The bottles of this American company have an anti-colic effect. They have a built-in ventilation system that prevents the child from swallowing air. Excess air passes inside through holes on the outside of the sleeve and further along the tube. As they feed, air gradually replaces the liquid without mixing with it.

Among mothers, there are complaints about difficulties when washing, some noted that the bottle acquires a specific smell over time.

Estimated cost 430-600 rubles.

Medela Calma (Switzerland)

Swiss bottles are ideal for pumping breast milk. Comfortable nipple creates a vacuum effect. This helps to ensure feeding close to breastfeeding. It also has a ventilation system. The bottles are made of high quality silicone, do not contain harmful impurities.

Among the large number of positive reviews, there are complaints about the high cost, too much milk flow - the child chokes, as well as the laboriousness of assembly.

Estimated cost 700-100 0r.

Nuk (Germany)

bottles German company durable and high quality. Many models have bright colors. Feeding from them resembles natural. The bottles come with a variety of orthodontic and anti-colic nipples.

Buyers are dominated positive reviews on the effectiveness of the anti-colic system, among the shortcomings were complaints about the narrow neck

Estimated cost 260-600 rubles.

Chicco (Italy)

The nipples of this company have physiological and unique design. Anti-colic bottles are different original form. As a rule, this model is preferred by those mothers who have chosen glass bottles for feeding their baby.

How to choose a bottle for a newborn? The question inevitably arises before mothers who are faced with the need for artificial feeding.

What are the best containers for milk and water? How to sterilize glass and plastic bottles? How to give baby food? For you - the answers to these and many other questions.

The benefits of bottle feeding

Artificial feeding has not only negative sides. Don't despair if you are various reasons cannot breastfeed. When choosing good baby formulas, high-quality bottles, knowing the intricacies of sterilization and nutritional rules, the risks for an “artificial” baby will be minimal.

Pros of bottle feeding:

  • mom has more time to rest: the baby does not need to be fed on demand. It is important to observe the intervals: infant formula should not be given every hour - another;
  • dad can also feed the newborn. There is a closer contact of both parents with the baby;
  • other relatives can help with feeding, unloading a tired mom;
  • high-quality milk formulas are produced taking into account the needs of the baby, in sterile conditions. Subject to the rules of sterilization, careful care of plastic and glass utensils, the risk intestinal infections minimal;
  • a woman does not need to limit herself in nutrition, any food is allowed.

Required amount

The number of bottles for mixtures depends on the type of food that the newborn receives:

Important! As your baby grows, purchase larger containers. Up to six months, dishes are enough, in which 80-140 ml is placed baby food.


Manufacturers of goods for children offer bottles for feeding newborns from different materials, different sizes and volumes. When buying, it is very important to take into account the weight of the dishes, quality, brand, material of manufacture. Cheap dishes quickly become unusable, scratches and cracks appear on the walls. Choose children's tableware from well-known companies.



  • light, comfortable;
  • do not break when falling;
  • quality products do not crack;
  • simple care;
  • an older baby can easily hold a container of milk or juice without the help of a mother.


  • with low quality, they are quickly scratched, the appearance deteriorates;
  • cheap products sometimes contain harmful component– Bisphenol A;
  • not all processing methods are suitable for sterilizing inexpensive models.

Bottles made of modern material - tritan - appeared on sale. A special type of plastic is safe, non-toxic, well tolerated by operation. It is enough to boil the container before the first use, then you can rinse it, rinse well, then pour boiling water over it. Look for the word Tritan on the label. On the Russian market The well-known company Canpol Babies was the first to present products from a new generation of material.



  • easy care;
  • any type of sterilization is allowed;
  • high hygienic characteristics;
  • durable high quality glass rarely breaks.


  • heavy;
  • they fight, especially after buying containers of inexpensive brands.


Well-known companies producing quality bottles:

  • Dr. brown.
  • Tomme Tippee.
  • Canpol Babies.
  • Philips Avent.
  • Born Free.
  • World of childhood and others.

Important! Refuse to buy cheap plastic children's tableware made by little-known companies. Often, products contain a harmful component - Bisphenol A. When heated, toxic substances are released. At frequent use the baby's health suffers.

Pay attention to important features:

  • shape, volume, size. Newborns need lightweight bottles traditional form with a volume of not more than 140 ml. For ease of processing, choose models with slightly concave or even walls. Narrow-mouth containers are versatile, but harder to clean. The wide mouth makes it easy to care for children's dishes, but for different models often requires its own nipple;
  • material and shape of the nipple. The little ones will need latex nipples. They are less durable (they last no more than 4-5 weeks), but softer. Silicone nipples are stronger, more reliable, last longer, but they are too tight for a newborn. Choose a pacifier that mimics the shape of a breast or an orthodontic look. Be sure to take into account the diameter of the hole that regulates the flow of the mixture: from birth - category 0+ (there is 1 hole), after 1 month a nipple of category 1+ (with two holes) is recommended;
  • material. Explore the benefits of glass and plastic bottles, buy one or two containers of each type, see which variety suits you and the baby more. High-quality plastic is in many ways not inferior to glass, modern material tritan combines the advantages of both varieties. Required condition- high quality of children's dishes, refusal to buy cheap containers of dubious origin;
  • the presence of a scale, the accuracy of the readings. Buy 1 bottle, check that the volume of 100 ml of boiled water matches the mark on the container. Sometimes mothers note a difference of 5-10%. With a volume of milk mixture of 100-140 ml, this indicator affects the degree of saturation of the baby;
  • anticolic system. Previously, mothers did not know how to reduce the amount of air that often enters the tiny ventricle during bottle feeding. Manufacturers partially solved the problem by creating containers with special system reducing the risk of swallowing air. A baby anti-colic bottle is more expensive, but reducing the frequency, strength of colic, spitting up is worth the money spent.

Overview and characteristics of popular brands

Overview popular brands and varieties - for mothers who do not know which bottles to buy for a newborn. Foreign and Russian brands are represented.


Characteristics of Avent bottles:

  • popular type of children's tableware Philips Avent Natural;
  • optimal ratio "price - quality";
  • material - durable plastic;
  • ergonomic shape, wide neck;
  • good anti-colic system;
  • bright markings, correspondence of divisions to the actual volume of the mixture;
  • safe, non-toxic material, there are certificates, dozens of tests have been carried out;
  • easy to find in children's store and pharmacy;
  • easy care;
  • the container is well combined with other products of the Avent brand: drinking bowl, breast pump, sterilizer;
  • reasonable price - from 350 rubles.

Note! Many mothers purchase sets of Avent bottles. Standard equipment: 2 bottles of quality plastic, nipples "slow" and "fast" flow. Tanks have different volume, serve up to six months.

Dr. Brown

Characteristics of Dr. Brown bottles:

  • a popular brand, many mothers consider Dr. Braun bottles to be the best among similar products;
  • US production;
  • excellent anti-colic system, patented ventilation system;
  • high quality products;
  • models made of glass and plastic are presented;
  • the shape of the nipple is similar to the mother's breast;
  • wide neck;
  • the kit comes with a special brush, without which it is difficult to thoroughly wash the ventilation system;
  • original design, pleasant colors: blue, pink;
  • the average price is 360 rubles.

Availability additional elements requires more care. It is more difficult to replace the elements of the anti-colic system.

Korovkin stories


  • popular product from a Russian manufacturer;
  • good quality;
  • acceptable cost;
  • material - non-toxic plastic;
  • narrow neck;
  • comfortable, tight cover;
  • no anti-colic system;
  • silicone nipple, has anti-vacuum inserts;
  • the product can be sterilized, including in a microwave oven;
  • pediatricians recommend using a container for supplementing with boiled water;
  • Estimated cost - 150 rubles.

Canpol Babies


  • material - tempered glass;
  • silicone nipple of the "slow flow" system;
  • inexpensive, high-quality goods;
  • volume - 120 ml;
  • pictures on the surface are not erased for a long time;
  • no anti-colic function;
  • not all mothers like a narrow neck;
  • can be sterilized, wash in the dishwasher;
  • Estimated price - 150 rubles.

find out effective methods treatment at home.

Read about how salmonellosis is transmitted and how to treat it.

Why and how to sterilize

The remains of the mixture are an ideal environment for the active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Gastrointestinal tract the newborn is sensitive to the action of any microbes. Only careful hygiene of children's dishes will save the baby from frequent intestinal infections.

Sterilization is the process of treating containers to destroy harmful microorganisms. There are several ways to sterilize baby bottles to keep baby dishes perfectly clean.

How to sterilize baby bottles? Try each method: you will quickly understand which option to stop at:

  • microwave. The method is suitable for processing all elements, including plastic containers and nipples;
  • double boiler. Suitable for sterilizing glass containers. It is strictly forbidden to place plastic in a double boiler;
  • sterilizer for bottles. The device has several varieties: steam, electric, microwave. Simple, convenient design, absolute sterility after processing children's dishes;
  • multicooker. Many more expensive models have this feature. There are two modes of sterilization: steam - for nipples, small items, water regime - for the tank;
  • antiseptic tablets. The pharmacy sells special tablets for the preparation of a disinfectant solution. A good way out in field conditions when it is impossible to use a microwave or a double boiler. Dissolve a certain number of tablets in cold or warm water, soak baby dishes. After 40 minutes, thoroughly wash the containers with boiled water.

Most pediatricians recommend sterilizing bottles before 7-8 months, better, up to a year. By 12 months the immune system will get stronger, it will be possible to replace sterilization only by washing and rinsing with boiling water. Be patient, do not refuse sterilization ahead of time, and the baby will be less likely to suffer from intestinal infections.

How to bottle feed properly

  • sterilize glass or plastic containers;
  • pour the required amount of dry mixture, add warm boiled water to the container (volume - according to the instructions), shake thoroughly until complete removal lumps;
  • put on the pacifier, check the temperature of the mixture by dropping a little liquid on the wrist;
  • put the baby on your knees. Make sure that the head and spine form one line;
  • make sure that the baby does not turn or throw back his head;
  • press the nipple to the tiny lips - the newborn will open his mouth. Check: the nipple is above the tongue, the lips are tightly closed near the base;
  • after the first sucking movements, bubbles appear in the container, the milk slowly “gurgles”, which means that the mixture is flowing normally;
  • look the baby in the eyes, approve the feeding with a smile, affectionate words. Let the baby feel your love, protection;
  • if the hole in the nipple is chosen correctly, the milk will flow out slowly, the baby will not swallow air;
  • did the baby suck too eagerly, drank half the liquid too quickly? Stop feeding, hold the baby in a column: air should come out of the tummy. Then again offer a container of food;
  • did the baby drink all the milk? Set the bottle aside. It is advisable to immediately soak the container in warm water so that the milk does not dry out. Carry the newborn in a column for 15-20 minutes. When the excess air comes out, the baby will burp, continue communication with the baby;
  • as soon as the child is asleep, thoroughly wash and dry the container.

From the moment the baby is born, parents try to surround him with due care and attention, to provide proper care, create ideal conditions for its growth and development. It is also important to choose high-quality goods for a newborn baby. In part, this also applies to the first dishes for the baby. So, bottles for feeding newborns are used by absolutely all parents, regardless of the method of feeding (HW or IV). If the baby is breastfeeding, bottles can come in handy when mom needs to go away. Then she is in advance, after which dad or grandmother can feed the baby without any problems. If the child is bottle-fed, then you can’t do without a few bottles at all. This children's utensil is also necessary for feeding the child with water. In connection with the relevance of using this item of utensils, young parents have a completely logical question - how to choose the right bottle for a newborn baby and what you should pay attention to when choosing.

Feeding bottle selection criteria

When choosing baby bottles, first of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of manufacture of these products. To protect the child from low-quality goods, it is recommended to purchase bottles and accessories for them in pharmacies or nurseries. specialized stores. Such a product must have a quality certificate.

When choosing one model over the other, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • size/volume;
  • form;
  • material;
  • manufacturer.

The size. In the first months of life, children drink no more than 90 ml of milk and 50 ml of water at a time ( link to article:). Therefore, for the first time, you can buy small bottles for feeding - from 80 to 150 ml. They are compact and do not cause trouble during operation. Some moms also think it's better to choose wide models rather than narrow ones, as they are convenient to hold when feeding and easy to rinse and process.

Anti-colic bottle shape

Form. When wondering what shape a baby bottle should be, many parents disagree. Some believe that the most optimal is the so-called "anti-colic", which has a curved shape. Others believe that you need to purchase bottles of a standard cylindrical shape. The main point that young parents should take into account when choosing a form is simplicity and ease of washing and handling. The main thing is that this item of dishes can be washed well and quickly.

Material. Of no small importance is the material from which containers for baby food are made. The most common material for the manufacture of this children's tableware is plastic.

Benefits of plastic bottles:

  • ease;
  • fast processing;
  • variety of models.


  • when boiled, plastic can release substances harmful to the body;
  • plastic bottles need to be changed frequently;
  • with prolonged use, microcracks may form in the plastic.

There is also a more reliable material for the manufacture of children's dishes - glass. However, glass bottles are not so common on the shelves of children's supermarkets. However, they are quite popular due to their durable use and the ability to sterilize them for a long time without fear for the health of the baby. Their only drawback is that they are quite heavy and, if handled carelessly, can break.

Having orientated in the size, shape, material of children's dishes, it is important not to forget about the manufacturer. Parents prefer to buy bottles from trusted and reputable brands.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Video gallery: how to choose a bottle and nipple

How to choose the right baby feeding bottle and nipple for it, what you need to pay attention to when choosing, how to keep the bottle clean and other popular questions are discussed in the video clips below.

Open video

The best baby bottle manufacturers

The best baby bottles are supplied by the following manufacturers:

  • Philips Avent- it is this company that mothers prefer when choosing children's dishes. The products of this manufacturer are distinguished by a wide neck, compactness, anti-colic valve. The product goes through necessary procedures testing and certification.
  • DC. Brown is another favorite brand. concave shape bottles of this company allows you to achieve an anti-colic effect. Goods DC. Brown have a unique ventilation system with a straw that prevents the swallowing of excess air during feeding.
  • Nuk– recognized by young mothers as the best manufacturer thanks to high quality manufacturing and strength. Almost all models have a bright coloring, attracting the attention of both parents and little silly kids.
  • Chicco Nature- a manufacturer who cares about the maximum compliance of the feeding process with breastfeeding. This effect was achieved with the help of a special physiological nipple, which makes feeding a newborn simple and enjoyable.

Photo gallery of bottles from different manufacturers (clickable)

Philips Avent bottle

Video gallery: bottles from different manufacturers (comparison)

Open video

Philips Avent

DC. Brown

Chicco Nature

Avent or NUK? Who will win?

Bottle nipples: what to look for

In many ways, how a newborn will drink milk or water from a bottle depends on the correct choice of pacifier. Most baby bottles come with matching nipples and nipples. However, in some cases, children are sensitive to one or another nipple: some babies normally accept standard silicone nipples, while others accept only soft latex ones. In this case, mothers need to observe which nipple is best suited and specifically liked by her baby.

When choosing a nipple, it is important to choose the right size of the hole, on which the flow of milk depends. Specialists in pharmacy network or baby stores will help you choose the most optimal bottle nipples, depending on the age and individual preferences of the child.

  1. When buying feeding bottles, do not forget to get brushes for washing them. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the baby dishes from the remnants of milk or milk formula after each feeding of the child.
  2. When processing, you can use a small amount of detergent for washing children's dishes.
  3. Hard-to-reach places should be washed most thoroughly - the bottom and neck of the bottle, since it is here that milk residues can settle. This is favorable environment for the development of pathogens and can provoke intestinal disorders.
  4. The baby bottle brush must only be used for this purpose.
  5. Before each use, the container for baby food must be boiled for 5-10 minutes or sterilized in a sterilizer ( See (rating)).
  6. Do not forget to change baby bottles, nipples, brushes for washing in a timely manner.
  7. For breastfed babies, 2-3 small bottles up to 80-100 ml will suffice. They will be needed for supplementing with water, and later - juice and children's tea.
  8. For "artists" you will need more bottles: 4-5 with a volume of up to 180-250 ml for milk formula and 2-3 with a volume of about 80-100 ml for water, juice, baby tea.

Thus, when choosing a bottle for feeding a newborn, it is necessary to approach this issue with all responsibility and seriousness. The right choice of dishes for baby food affects the absence of problems when feeding the baby.

Sooner or later, every mother is faced with the need to choose a bottle and nipple for feeding her baby, even if he is fully breastfed. By six months, almost all children get acquainted with the bottle, because new “drinks” begin to appear in their diet - for example, fruit juices. Choosing a bottle and nipples for your baby is a responsible task, because it depends on their quality and whether they are convenient for a child. baby's well-being. And if we are talking about a baby on mixed feeding, then the quality of the nipple depends on how successfully you can combine breastfeeding with supplementary feeding with infant formula. How to make the right choice? It all depends on the situation: on the nature of feeding and the choice of formula, for feeding which the nipple and bottle will be used. Let's take a closer look at existing bottle and nipple models and the situations they are designed for.

Choosing the shape, material and size of the bottle

By choosing the right baby bottle, you will find many different options: glass and plastic, with and without handles, with special inserts, inclined and straight, and even donut-shaped bottles. To make the choice easier, you need to understand why there are so many options.

Bottle shapes

Standard straight bottles have been used successfully by mothers for many years. A donut-shaped bottle may be comfortable for a child to hold on his own, but such a bottle is very difficult to wash thoroughly. A convenient option for both baby and mom is the straight waist bottle. Baby bottles with liners are designed to reduce the amount of air your baby will swallow with food. This helps to reduce gas formation and calm the baby. Bottles with disposable liners are very easy and convenient to clean, but these liners can be expensive to replace.

Bottle materials

Glass bottles are easy to clean and allow a large number of sterilizations, which is a big plus. However, a glass bottle is heavier than its plastic counterpart, and can break when dropped. Plastic bottles are lighter than glass, they do not break and, due to the material, can have a different shape.

Bottle sizes

When your baby is still very young, it is more convenient to feed him from a small bottle. But the older the child becomes, the larger the bottle he will need. Both a small (125-150 ml) bottle and a larger bottle (250-300 ml) will be useful to you. When the baby is a little older and needs a larger bottle for thicker food, the smaller bottle can be used for water and juices. When choosing a bottle, pay attention to the volume scale - raised marks are much more reliable than markings applied with paint.

It is also advisable to immediately purchase brushes for washing bottles and special agent for washing children's dishes. In addition, you will need a thermal bag or a bottle case - so that the drink does not cool down if you have to walk for a long time, and it was convenient to take it with you.

Choice of baby pacifier

Choosing the right pacifier for your baby is very important. suitable for the child the nipple will contribute to the development of the correct bite and the formation of adequate taste habits. Nipples differ in shape, size and material from which they are made. The best option is a nipple with a wide base, reminiscent of the shape of a mother's breast, this is especially true in cases where the baby is mixed-fed and must switch from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding - and vice versa. In this case, the sucking movements when feeding from such a nipple will be exactly the same as when breastfeeding. Silicone stands out among the materials - it is considered the safest and most hypoallergenic material. Silicone is harder than latex and more practical to use.

In addition, when choosing a pacifier, you need to pay attention to the hole through which the baby will receive food: the flow rate will depend on the size of the hole. If the hole is the wrong size, it can lead to too fast or, conversely, too slow feeding, why baby will experience discomfort, such as swallowing air or having difficulty trying to suck. The intensity of the flow of milk during breastfeeding depends, among other things, on the duration of feeding and the activity of the baby, so the nipple for feeding should also be chosen depending on his age and appetite, as well as on the nature of the mixture that your baby receives. Usually, the nipple for newborns has one hole: the diameter of the hole in the nipple is so small that the baby makes the same effort as when breastfeeding. The hole should be such that the food does not pour on its own, and the baby needs to make some effort to receive . Also, the size of the hole depends on the choice of mixture: for anti-reflux mixtures with thickeners, a nipple with a large hole is needed, since a regular nipple will simply become clogged with such a mixture. For mixed feeding On the contrary, an elastic nipple with small holes is used so that the easier flow of the mixture through the nipple does not contribute to the baby's rejection of the breast.

A common problem with bottle feeding is aerophagia, in simple terms, swallowing air. It happens because during feeding through a regular nipple a vacuum arises in the bottle, and at a certain moment the child must come off the nipple so that air enters the bottle through its hole. When the nipple is released, the baby swallows air. Aerophagia can contribute to the occurrence of regurgitation and colic in children during the first months of life. In order to avoid this, nipples have been developed with a so-called anti-colic valve, which prevents the swallowing of air.

In addition to all of the above, when choosing a pacifier, do not forget to focus on the "tips" of your baby. The process of choosing this baby "accessory" is rather a process of weeding out options that are not suitable for your baby - be prepared for the fact that you will have to try to offer your baby several types of nipples. Your baby will "show" which model is best for him.To find the right pacifier for your child, offer him several options and observe how he eats and feels after feeding.Age recommendations for using nipples are indicative, so carefully follow for the well-being of the baby and his behavior during feeding. The appearance of symptoms of anxiety and discomfort will be a signal for the need to choose another nipple How to know that you have made the right choice of bottle and nipple?

If the bottle and nipple are well matched, when the bottle is turned upside down, a few drops of liquid will fall from the nipple, and then the dripping will stop. Armed with knowledge and listening to your baby's needs, you can easily find the right bottle and nipple for him. There are many wonderful moments ahead of you, discoveries and travels, when the bottle and nipple will indispensable assistants. Good luck!

The material was prepared on the basis of the manual Nutrition for a healthy and sick child. Manual for doctors, ed. Tutel'yana V.A., Konya I.Ya., Kaganova B.S. Moscow, 2013. - 264 p.