What to do if I can not forget the girl. How to forget a loved one. a technique for guys, how to forget the ex-girlfriend you love. Conspiracy on potatoes

The task is almost impossible. Because the beloved is impossible to forget. You have to fall in love first. No wonder our parents often secretly sigh over some old photo. It depicts the first love, which remains in the heart of light sadness for life.

wedge wedge

If the heart is tuned to the wave of another person, if the guy does not even look at other girls, if he repeats only one name in a dream, then he will definitely never forget her. The question should be put in a slightly different way: how can he continue to live without suffering, how to force himself to love another.

There is such a beautiful folk saying: fight fire with fire. To stop worrying about the past, you need to start living in the present.

Do not sit for days in your corner, wrapped in your experiences, withdrawing from the whole world, but go out into the world. Force yourself if you don't want to. Only then will there be a wedge that will knock that old one out of your thoughts.

In order to quickly throw her out of your heart and memory, destroy all things that are associated with her, burn letters, photographs, erase correspondence on the Internet. And, all the same, an empty space will remind you that there was something here.

You need to fill in the empty spaces. Start chatting online with another girl. Even if nothing comes out serious, your attention will switch.

There is a wedge that absolutely knocks out any of his past. A wedge, which is then much more difficult to get rid of - alcohol and others like it. Such wedges are driven into the coffin. We don't need this.

Invented ideal

If young people met for a short time and parted forever, then in the memory and in the heart of a man in love after parting, she will remain the standard of beauty.

It's a bit like the love fans have for their idols, who they not only don't know but have never even crossed paths with in the world.

It's easy to idealize a person who simply can't have acne, dandruff, and sweat odor. You never heard her snoring, chomping or blowing her nose. She is ideal only because you haven't known each other for long enough to see it all.

Therefore, there can be two cures for such love:

And I loved her..

You just need to leave a small corner in your memory and heart for her. The corner where you already have the memory of a flying parrot that woke you up in the morning with the phrase: “ Good morning buddy!"

Your first one is sitting there somewhere Teddy bear. Let it all, the dearest of past life will be with you. All these wonderful memories will forever become a reliable support in the future life.

Lessons of fate

You want to forget the one who left you. It's difficult. Those whom you have abandoned are quickly forgotten. You can try to return, and then quit yourself. But it won't be fair. The one that cheated on you will remain a thorn in your memory for a long time. So what?!

If a person forgets everything unpleasant moments immediately after they happened, then these moments would be repeated in him constantly.

All our bumps are valuable life experience and should not be forgotten. He gets expensive.

Even a little love is a big reward

Change your attitude to what is happening, as psychologists advise. Believe me, more than half of people do not know how to truly love. Their hearts are closed to this wonderful feeling. And it visited you! You are the chosen one! You were marked by a little angel with his arrow.

It is a great happiness to be able to love. It doesn't matter if there is a response or not. The main thing is that you have it.

So live on happily ever after, love other women, and take care of this first (or not the first) who left you in your heart as a rare reward.

Fall out of love and delete

Remember all the bad

You can quickly recover from love and forget, disappointed in a woman. The best way is to see in her such traits, qualities, habits that your friends and family do not like.

Remember that your mother, friend and her friend said bad things about her. You then dismissed, offended and tried not to listen.

Today their opinion should become yours. Time has convinced them that they were right.

The sworn friend will help

The girls have best friends”, with which no enemies are needed. You are very lucky if she has.

Get to know such a “girlfriend” better, invite her to a cafe, to a disco, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about your beloved:

  • you are far from second or third, as you were assured;
  • she needs rich "daddies", packed "majors" and stupid "jocks";
  • she is not the heiress of a Brazilian great-grandfather, but a student of a construction college from Vyazma;
  • and the most important and opposite thing is that she is a fan of Dynamo!

All? Love is gone? Here's something!

A person who has ceased to mean something to you is easily forgotten. But in order to stop loving, you have to work hard, do a little psychology. Fall out of love, you will regret the time that you devoted to her.

Video: What to do if sympathy remains

Not always love story ends with a wedding and a happy ending. Most couples, under the weight of irreconcilable circumstances, break up.

More often than not, this happens on the initiative of someone alone. Then all that remains is to go over happy moments in memory, complaining about fate. How to get over a breakup as easy as possible and forget the girl who left?

In an attempt to find out the most acceptable ways, psychologists around the world are conducting tests and experiments. They even try to convince that, and in order to survive her loss, you just need to wait.

But for people who are going through the pain of a breakup, it is clear that inaction is not enough. What specific measures to take to get out of your head after a breakup, to forget the girl you love so much?

The person cannot be forgotten.
You can start treating him differently, but you can’t forget, you can’t forget.

Getting rid of reminders

The first thing to do is to stop updating the girl's page every minute in in social networks. What interesting things can be seen there? By leaving her at least her profile alone, you can thereby reduce the number of thoughts about her.

Gifts, notes, messages and even a number - it is recommended to destroy everything. Unless the present is expensive, this should not be a problem. Down with sentimentality! The paths have diverged, which means there is no need to store things that can once again infuriate the soul.

You should stop going to places that can bring back sad memories. And certainly you should not wait for the object near the house in an attempt to return everything or just enjoy the image.

Be busy

The famous psychologist Dale Carnegie once said, “The best medicine in the world is to keep busy.” Indeed, having loaded themselves with work, people realize that they simply do not have time to think about extraneous things.

An interesting hobby, helping around the house, a new hobby - there are few activities that are more useful than the endless savoring of misfortune?

You need to ask friends for help and support. You can have a bachelor party and get out in night club. And there, perhaps, an acquaintance will occur that will make you forget everything superfluous.


If in the soul remained unspoken claims and resentment, it will be useful to write a letter to the girl. It is necessary to state in it a vision of the situation, to ask why she did this. The main thing is to apologize yourself.

If there was a breakup, then both are to blame. You may or may not send a letter. therapeutic effect comes from writing.


Often people, having parted with love, find that now they have an additional incentive to live. Isn't it nice to take revenge former passion becoming a successful and prosperous person?

Already halfway to success, you can find that oppressive thoughts hardly visit.


There is an iron rule: “Do you want to forget the girl? Make ten others fall in love with you."

Indeed, paying attention to other representatives of the fair sex, you can find that there are no reasons for suffering - the world is full of worthy contenders. It is necessary to pay attention to the closest social circle, perhaps happiness is hiding right in front of your nose.


The complete oblivion of a person is possible only if there are no strong negative emotions. Anger, resentment, despair and even hatred - you need to remove these feelings from your heart.

internally forgiving ex girlfriend you can find relief and liberation. Let only pleasant bright feelings remain for her, which will not interfere with life.

What to Avoid

Psychological advice on how to forget the girl you love

The departure of a girlfriend is serious psychological trauma, especially if dreams about the future and children were created with her. In principle, it is no longer necessary to find out the reason for such a decision, it is more important to focus on how to survive it.

Analysis of the environment

It is clear that after this there is a real “mess” in my head and the first thing I want to do is rush to it and find out the reason. But what to do if reconciliation is no longer possible? Everything should be carefully analyzed.

It should be noted that they don’t leave loved ones, mistakes and quarrels happen in any relationship, and both parties are trying to solve them. Since the girl considered it necessary to leave, it means that she decided that without this relationship she could become better and there are no irreplaceable ones. It is extremely difficult to realize this, but it is better to put up with it than to console yourself with empty hopes.

In addition to such situations, there are those in which the guys are to blame. Often they do not appreciate loved ones and realize mistakes after breaking up relationships. In principle, the guy himself is to blame, but after all, it is human to err. Therefore, you should not focus on accepting all the blame and hopefully waiting for a lifeline, it is better to learn such a lesson and avoid such a mistake in the future.


No matter how hard it is now, in order to ease the mental anguish, you should be distracted. You can go headlong into the workflow or do something that has long been put off for an indefinite time. All this, of course, will not displace thoughts and will periodically cover questions about whether she misses, regrets what happened, how she is doing.

It is highly discouraged to try to find answers, call her or analyze the page in the social. networks, because this will worsen the condition and can plunge into the state. We must find the strength in ourselves and fight until the removal of all memories of her. It will not be superfluous to get rid of things that remind you of a girl.

look around

If you have friends, then you should try to spend as much time with them as possible so as not to be alone. After all, just in solitude, the entire stream of thoughts to focus on the current situation and again plunge into depression. If there are no such friends, you should resort to the Internet, because it is there that you can find like-minded people, new acquaintances and hobbies.

You shouldn’t make a global catastrophe out of an ordinary break in relations, because there are a lot of people around and in particular girls who can even surpass in many ways former relationship.

You should never think that without it there will be no future, because many people have experienced such a problem. It is worth looking at them now, and it turns out that they have long been happy with completely different people and do not want to return to the past at all.

Time is the cure

From the lips of other people, such words will be perceived with anger and irritation, because at such moments it seems that time has simply stood still. Actually in fact Life is going, albeit slowly, but gradually, all thoughts and memories of what happened will weaken and soon simply disappear. To speed up this process, you need to try in every possible way to be distracted.

If you manage to do this and gain confidence again, then very soon you can meet another and understand that it will be much better with her and perhaps she will become that very integral part for filling the voids of the soul. Even when meeting with an ex-girlfriend or when viewing her photo in social. networks will no longer have those emotions and sadness that was before.

Therefore, we must boldly step forward and not make mistakes after a break in relations, because if she left, then it was only her choice and decision in the first place. You should follow your own conscious path, which will subsequently lead to happiness and the acquisition of new acquaintances, friends and love.


As the classic said: “A girl is like a bus: it’s worth waiting a bit, as soon as a new one appears.”

It is necessary to constantly keep in mind: any finish is, in fact, a start. A closed door will open a new one.

April 2, 2015, at 19:05

Perhaps you have had such a situation in your life when a girl you love very much left you, and you are thinking how to forget her as soon as possible. Or, maybe even the other way around - you fell out of love with her and broke up with her, but she does not want to break off relations with you so quickly. In our article, we will describe in detail how you can part with your beloved as painlessly as possible.

Many young people, getting acquainted with girls, do not think about it and do not allow the thought that nothing can work out with her. And for this reason, they suffer a lot.

After she leaves you and says a bunch of nasty things after you, you have no choice but to forget her. But forget the girl you love, about whom you drew yourself in your thoughts happy life- of course, very, very difficult. But it's still possible.

How can this be achieved? There are so many ways to forget your girlfriend. We will offer only a few of them, the most proven. Here they are:

* Throw away or hide away all the things that remind you of her. If the relationship was long, and she was at your house, then things that she touched or gave you should remain in the house. Remember what things she gave you, collect in a bag and throw it away. By doing this, you pave the way to a new life.

* Find a job for yourself. If you met a girl and did not have a permanent job, then you need to find a permanent job. This will give you the opportunity to soften the agony and reduce the number of thoughts about her.

* Go in for sports. Thinking about the girl who dumped you can seriously undermine your personal life and self-esteem. Your emotions have to come out of you, you have to be liberated. AND the best way for this case is precisely the sport. In addition, there is nothing wrong with the fact that you will go in for sports. Pump up the press - and the girls will look at you in a completely different way.

* Do not be alone with yourself. Go somewhere with friends, have fun. Even if you loved her very much, this does not mean that you need to put an end to your life.

* Cease all contact with her. Girls really like to play with the feelings of guys, they like it when they are looked after, run around, lay a carpet. Don't be like that - you have a feeling dignity. We decided to forget her - do not speak and do not meet with her anymore.

* Remember: she is not the only one. There are hundreds of other girls more worthy of your attention. As they say, a wedge is knocked out with a wedge. Only new girl will help you forget the old one faster, even if you spent many happy days with it.

* Everything that is done is for the better. Yes, you didn't break up with her very well, and you can't remain friends. But in life it happens that parting is even good. Maybe you weren't meant to be together. Well, okay, find yourself another. In the end, even if you got married, had children, and then broke up anyway, the consequences would be much more serious.

As you can see from the above, hopeless situations can not be. And even if a girl left you, you should not become limp and panic. After all, life goes on. And your future depends on how you arrange it.

This is where our article ends. Thank you for your attention!

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Falling in love depends on the chemical processes in the body. When parting, we feel a lack of happiness due to a lack of certain chemical substances. Instead of suffering from the loss of a girlfriend who left you and went to another, it is much better to restore the body and make up for the lack of “joy hormones”. To do this, there are a number of effective methods.

What is love? What happens to us after a breakup?

Love directly related to body chemistry. When a person falls in love, his body releases “love hormones” in large quantities - endorphin, oxytocin, vasopressin, phenylethylamine and seratonin. This chemical compounds, which produce an analgesic effect, strengthen the immune system and, most importantly, give a feeling of happiness and joy that we feel like love.

When parting with a loved one, the opposite happens. chemical process. The level of serotonin decreases - depression and apathy occur. Endorphin, which previously reduced any pain, is also not enough and there is an acute heartachethe pain of parting.

Gradually, after a while body will return to normal. Remembering our attachments of ten years ago, we only smile. The same will happen with current attachments over time. Over time, new sources of joy will appear.

As the saying goes, "Time is the best medicine."

To speed up recovery after failed relationships you need to follow the following tips.

Forgetting your beloved - a few simple rules

There is not a single person who is unfamiliar with the pain of parting. But some people are deeply immersed in this state, while others easily and quickly come out of it. Fortunately, the recovery process can be accelerated.

Get rid of all things that remind of her

In the brain, the images of things and people are interconnected. Therefore, all items that remind you of an ex-girlfriend must be collected in a box or bag, and put away out of sight. So you will not once again return to the thoughts of the woman you want to forget.

Cease all contact

If you have made a firm decision to free yourself from your attachment, you need to cut off all contacts:

  • Delete ex girlfriend from friends on social networks. Her news, avatar in the list of friends, photos and other materials - all this will not constantly remind you of her. Until the attitude becomes neutral, any reminder will be harmful.
  • Delete her phone number

Most girls, realizing that they want to forget them, start remind yourself more. Even if she does not need a guy, the girl is unpleasant that she will be forgotten. There is a possibility that she will write and call herself, warming up your feelings. But this must be decisively stopped.

Do not allow to manipulate you and do not answer SMS and calls.

Get yourself some physical activity

Exercising stimulates the release of endorphins and relieves stress. The following sports are especially useful and accessible: running, swimming, tennis, cycling.

During a workout, you suddenly feel better - this means that there has been a release of endorphins in the body. Your loss will not seem so significant to you, you will be easier to relate to it. Memories will no longer be so painful.

Trips, travel

New impressions - one more lovely way get positive emotions and “switch”. Your brain will be busy processing new information, and the significance of the ex-girlfriend will decrease.

It is best to visit a place that you have long wanted to visit, go on a short trip in a pleasant company.

Chat with friends

The joy of being with light and positive friends can also distract from negative experiences. In addition, people who are “outside” your problem will help you look at it from a different perspective.

When left alone, people tend to go too deep into emotional states losing touch with reality. Communication with friends and relatives will return a sober look at things.

new hobby

Find a new hobby, passion - so you will occupy your thoughts with something new. Think about what activities inspire you, give you peace. Absorbed doing what you love can distract from intrusive thoughts about an ex-girlfriend.

In addition, the pleasure of exercising will lead to the production of serotonin and mood will improve.

Communication and sex with other girls

There are no perfect people in the world. Connect with others attractive girls find in them positive and negative sides. Perhaps one of them will please you even more than the former. Then you will understand that you yourself have created the image of your beloved from an ordinary girl, of which there are millions in the world.

Have sex with someone else. Sex is a powerful source of pleasure.

Sometimes, after long term relationship It's hard to force yourself to meet another girl. There are fears and shyness. You can read about how to overcome this in. The easiest way.

In addition, it is useful to develop in yourself.

But perhaps not all is lost. If the reason for the breakup is not so significant, you can try to return the woman. You can read more about this.

Often, in order to return a girl, you need to make her jealous.

Listen to your favorite music

It has long been noticed that music has a positive effect, is able to give positive emotions up to euphoria, a feeling of lightness and soaring. The pleasure of music reduces pain, this property is used even in medicine.

However, when choosing music for your playlist, it is important to exclude the one that reminds you of your ex-girlfriend and all the sad melodies.

Walking outdoors and in sunny weather

Sunlight is known to have a positive effect on mood. This is related to the production solar exposure vitamin D, the lack of which causes depression. Fresh air and the sun will have a beneficial effect on the body and will contribute to its recovery.

While walking, admire nature, trees, enjoy the movement and try not to think about anything. This will greatly improve your mood.

Relax more often: yoga, meditation, massage

Experiences, longing render pernicious influence on the body. Body practices will help to cope with this problem.

It is best to contact a specialist who will advise a set of exercises suitable for you. A yoga teacher can help you recover by examining your condition.

The same state of lightness comes after visiting a massage.

Having obtained the desired state of freedom from negative states, stick to it. While at rest, plan activities for the near future, entertain yourself with pleasant and useful deeds. Soon parting with a girl will seem to you an insignificant episode in your life.

Change of residence - a radical option for advanced cases

You broke up with a girl whom you loved very much, and your condition is critical, you need to change your place of residence for a while. To live in another place and having collected his thoughts - great idea. The main thing is to choose a place where nothing will remind you of a girl, where you will have space for a new life and reasons for new joy.


Correct nutrition will help to fill the lack of endorphins and serotonin.

The production of endorphins can be accelerated by eating the following foods:

  • chocolate
  • strawberry
  • bananas
  • freshly squeezed orange juice
  • hot peppers
  • grape

In order to increase the content of serotonin, you need to use:

  • tomatoes
  • pineapples
  • walnuts
  • plums

Proper diet combined with other methods psychological recovery can give effective results.

The main thing to remember is that emotions depend on us. You don't have to let your life drift. Engage in conscious recovery of the body. You will feel independence and joy. Life is too short to waste it longing for a girl.

Standard story: yesterday there was a beloved girl next to you, who seemed to you an ideal candidate for the role of life partner and mother of future children. However, now you are alone - SHE is gone.

Maybe there is no love anymore, another guy took her windy heart, perhaps you yourself are to blame for the breakup. But so far there is no strength to clarify the root cause, since mental suffering is becoming stronger.

All your thoughts now are only about how to forget the girl you love, and rightly so, because only by getting rid of the fragments of past happiness, you can prepare for the meeting of new love.

Each break is the strongest emotional shock for the abandoned person. During this period, everything around appears in a negative light, and it begins to seem that nothing good is waiting for you. Men and women deal with breakups differently. Of course, one cannot say that it is easier for some of them, just if lovely ladies are allowed to suffer for show and cry in the vests of their friends, then the representatives of the stronger sex prefer to suffer in silence.

So, the separation happened, the past cannot be returned, so it is necessary to get used to these thoughts and continue to live. That's just how? , adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Parting with the past.
  2. Change in attitude.
  3. Purification of thoughts.
  4. Strengthening willpower.
  5. Getting yourself in good physical shape.

First of all, let's say that it is impossible to get rid of feelings at the wave of magic wand. You can fall in love at first sight, but it will take a long time to uproot desire, love, passion from the heart.

Point number 1. We part with the past

Everything that connects you with a former lover must be thrown away, destroyed, forgotten, etc. To understand how to forget a girl who betrayed, you need:

  • get rid of items belonging to or reminiscent of her - photos, gifts, clothes;
  • to do a full-scale cleaning in the room to clean everything down to the hair and the aroma of her perfume;
  • remove all her pictures and SMS from the mobile phone, put the phone number on the black list, and it is better to change your own;
  • block her email address mailbox, clean up friends on social networks and restrict access to your own pages.

Similar actions must be performed regardless of the cause of the gap. If it was you who initiated the separation, the measures taken will protect against unwanted visits. If the girl announced the end of the relationship, such steps will help you come to terms with the loss faster.

Point number 2. Changing attitudes to what happened

Try to follow the old wisdom that if you can't change a situation, you need to change your attitude towards it. To forget a girl, you should understand a simple fact: it was she who disappeared, but love (your ability to love) did not disappear anywhere.

The time will come, and you will present your emotions to the one who will not reject them, but, on the contrary, will accept them sincerely and with gratitude. Now we omit the situation with the help of an electronic or paper message. It should say thank you to the woman for all the good things that you had with her, apologize if your behavior caused the breakup. This letter does not need to be sent, you write it not for HER, but for yourself.

Point number 3. We clear thoughts

Getting rid of objects reminiscent of her by writing to her Farewell letter, you can proceed to methods that, if they do not get rid of experiences, will make them fade a little.

  1. Imagine that the air you breathe in through your nose is the best thing in the world. These are changes, updates, the desire to build new relationships. The air coming out through the mouth removes all the negative, eliminates the past and mistakes.
  2. At each bout of blues, try to distract yourself - for example, train your memory. Start memorizing poems, aphorisms, a foreign language. It will also bring real benefits.

Point number 4. We strengthen willpower

How to forget a girl? Take advantage of self-indulgence. Experts recommend imagining yourself as a prisoner, bound by heavy shackles. These fetters are feelings for a former lover, memories of her. Represented? And now take in more air, feeling how strength flows into you, and by an effort of will break these shackles. Let them fall at your feet.

Item number 5. Get yourself in better physical shape

Sport exercises, physical exercise- Another one effective method forget the girl. Try scrubbing yourself out of bed, go for a run in the morning, then follow cold and hot shower and others water procedures. It will invigorate and give strength to new achievements.

Helping you regain your confidence:

  • push ups;
  • press swing;
  • pull-ups.

Regular exercise will soon bring not only balance, but also visible results. Agree that it is better to look for a new life partner with strong abs and pumped up arms.

Another disturbing question for men: how to forget your girlfriend if you see her every day. This is perhaps the most unpleasant type of separation, since it is very difficult to observe the object of desire on a daily basis, but understand that you will never be together. How to be? Take the following steps:

  • completely ignore it, limiting yourself to short "hello-bye";
  • sign up for a gym (to regret the loss);
  • do not stay face-to-face;
  • change jobs (if you are colleagues) or transfer to another faculty (if you study together).

When answering the question of how to quickly forget a beloved woman, it should be understood that love is extremely strong. emotional attachment. If you find it hard to leave alone ex-lover, besides general recommendations, you should follow other tips.

  1. Think about the fact that everything is over - you and SHE broke up forever, try to get used to this thought. Distract yourself every time you have thoughts about your ex-girlfriend.
  2. Think about the fact that attachment is more related to what is drawn in your imagination. perfect way than with a specific person.
  3. Try to pay attention to yourself, your beloved, and please yourself. In addition, you can finally figure out what you want, what you are striving for.
  4. Have fun, all sorts pleasant emotions from the fast-paced minutes and days. Engage in your favorite pastime, come up with a hobby, maybe even an extreme one.
  5. You are free? There is something in this! Try to find some positive moments in your own independence and freedom. Now you are free to do as you please.
  6. Work more, turn into a workaholic for a while. Work so that when you return home, you only have strength for dinner and sleep. Hard work is a good “cure” for worries and obsessive thoughts.
  7. Even if you feel guilty about the collapse of the relationship, stop pecking at yourself. Wise is the person who noted that both partners are to blame for the breakup of relationships.

How to let go of the girl you love? Forget that she is so one and only. surrounds you big number no less (and even more) cute and pretty young ladies. Start a new relationship.

How to let go of an ex-girlfriend? It must be understood that the gap is a multifaceted phenomenon in which emotions, actions, causes and motivation are closely intertwined. different parties. Psychologists recommend considering the situation of parting from several, sometimes unexpected points of view.

  1. Why are you breaking up?

Think not about how to let go of the girl you love, but about why you need to let her go. Perhaps she met another man? Are you married and have decided to stay with your spouse? Are your relationships weighing you down? Is she afraid that such a relationship will destroy her? Are there any obstacles?

Answering such questions and looking at the situation with a “fresh” look will help best friend or a psychologist. By the way, a specialist is preferable, since he will be able to identify true reason parting.

  1. Experiencing a Breakup

Have you figured out the problem and still parting? It is necessary to survive the breakup properly. Psychologists assure that love is a process in which the will hardly participates. It turns out that one will not be able to overcome attachment alone. How to forget the woman you love? Follow these guidelines:

  • Parting is death, tragedy, grief, at least that's what scientists think. Therefore, you need to go through this difficult feeling, the psyche will not be able to heal ahead of time. Yes, yes, advice from the series “time heals”.
  • Channel the discarded emotions, desires and sexual energy in a positive direction, such as creative activity. Take up painting, sawing furniture (why not), photography, sports, travel.
  • Think where you are going. Simply put, what is your purpose in life. The collapse of relationships good time to reconsider their own motives, ideas, life tasks. If you are moving in the right direction, it will give you extra strength.
  1. New relationship

Only in the case of a competent analysis of the reasons and motives for parting, work on oneself, there is a chance to build completely different relationships with a girl based on experience and knowledge.

How to forget ex-wife who do you love? What to do if your heart refuses to let go of the girl you love? There seem to be many options, but not every man will suit them. Yes, time is good doctor, so after a few months, the pain of separation will subside, and you can start a new relationship. Perhaps they will become best page in your life.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.