Wedding is auspicious days according to the church calendar. Wedding signs about the wedding day. Weddings in the spring months

Or a shaman. Such predictions helped to understand whether it was worth starting sowing a crop, deciding on a war or marriage, traveling or making a deal. The wedding belonged to the category of the most significant events in a person's life, because everyone wanted to make right choice and ensure your happiness for years to come.

It is not surprising that even in the third millennium, when people are surfing outer space, and technologies have penetrated into every area of ​​our life, newlyweds are trying to take into account everything. possible factors that can darken or make them happy life together... Almost every girl planning a wedding celebration is no stranger to attention to signs, signs of fate and even superstitions - when choosing a place, date, year, even flowers for a bouquet, she reads tons of information, studies and predictions.

Find out what will be marriage, concluded in the year of the Yellow Dog!

However, the correct choice of the day, format and attributes of the holiday is really important - it is on the day of the wedding that the first stone will be laid in the foundation new family... I would like to provide this day with the kindest energy that will protect the newlyweds from quarrels and scandals. And in order to understand what the next calendar period will be in terms of organizing weddings, let's talk about its main characteristics and features.

Features of a wedding in 2018

One of the criteria that newlyweds pay attention to when choosing a year for a wedding is. It depends on him whether the year will be considered a leap year - calendar periods, in which there are 366 days, are considered unfavorable for creating a family. Many believe that the social unit created at this time is doomed to rupture.

2018 could be considered successful (it has traditional 365 days), if not for another sign - the first and second years following the leap year are also popularly endowed with negative characteristics. They are nicknamed the Widow and Widower Years. If you follow this rule, then the upcoming 2018 will just have to be considered the year of the widower. However, there were no periods in history when no one played weddings for three whole years!

Choose astrologically good date, and superstitions will not hinder you!

There are many other factors that neutralize everything. Negative influence attributed to this year. For example, he is patronized - a sign that in every possible way contributes to the conclusion of marriage unions. Of course, the totem of the year will have to please - next we will find out how it can be done.

Wedding in the Year of the Yellow Dog

The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire highly respect the totem that will rule our lives from 02.16.2018 to 02.04.2019. A dog for the Chinese (as well as for many other peoples of the world) is the most loyal and devoted animal. She carries these traits to marriages entered into in the year of her influence. According to chinese zodiac, in the year of the Dog, alliances are made, sealed by inseparable bonds, and quarrels and scandals very rarely penetrate the house of the newlyweds.

In addition, the union promises to be long-lasting, because a man and a woman in such a family are always ready to make concessions, feel well the needs of their loved one, know how to make compromise decisions and abandon selfish desires in favor of common family interests. For the most part, such a union is comfortable for the joint existence of a couple - there will be many sincere days, family evenings and joint walks. Partners treat each other with tenderness, care and affection.

The promise of the stars: a marriage in the Year of the Dog will be strong and happy

If we talk about negative features, then perhaps such a marriage may seem somewhat insipid to someone. Shakespearean passions do not rage in it, there is no excessive bright emotions and experiences. In addition, this totem does not encourage or seek radical change. Couples who got married in the Year of the Dog will have a hard time making up their minds to move or change their surroundings. However, this situation suits many men and women.

Couples who want to start a family in 2018 must be extremely honest in their relationship - the Yellow Dog does not tolerate deception and very quickly leads to clean water anyone who wants to hide something. Any betrayal will immediately lead to final discord in the family. An unpleasant moment excessive jealousy can become a manifestation - in such a marriage it is very possible.

The influence of the Dog on the financial condition of the couple is very favorable - she does not promise huge riches, but a decent life you will have enough. In addition, this animal is great for children. Most likely, in a year or two, your house will be filled with the sounds of a cute gaggle and the first steps of a baby.

How to organize a celebration correctly?

Yellow wedding color will definitely appeal to the symbol of 2018!

It is quite simple to please the totem of 2018 - this sign is distinguished by conservatism and a penchant for everything simple and traditional. The main recommendations of astrologers are as follows:

  • the event should be intimate - you should not invite 100 or 200 guests, most of whom will be practically unfamiliar to you. Focus on your closest friends and family by jotting down a list of 30-40 people. By the way, this wedding format will be in vogue in 2018;
  • avoid excessive pretentiousness both in the outfits and in the decoration of the hall for the celebration - huge satin bows and bright colours are not welcome. Choose which will not annoy the totem of the year;
  • in no case do not celebrate the wedding with borrowed funds or loans - the Dog does not tolerate a squander and likes to spend money in proportion to financial capabilities;
  • the best choice for a coloristic accent would be yellow... This idea is also supported by graphic designers, who called "Primrose Yellow" one of the most trendy colors in the design of weddings. The dog also likes golden, ocher, olive and brown tone a. Use them when choosing bouquets for tables and balloons, decorating an area for a photo, buying a bride's garter, a scarf, a tie or even a suit for the groom - brown, according to designers, can be called one of the the best tones for wedding suit sample of 2018;
  • the dog will appreciate the presence of retro cars in the motorcade - you can safely rent the Volga or a victory! However, you shouldn't give up the limousine either, because it has long been a classic wedding car;
  • stipulating musical accompaniment events, ask to include classical pieces in the playlist - of course, violin, piano and cello are not suitable for the dance floor, but they can sound at the moment you go to the altar or appear in front of guests in the hall;
  • too noisy events are not welcome - this excites the Dog and causes negativity in it. Competitions should be modest, and vigorous dances alternate with calm melodies. Fireworks, of course, can be launched, but without excessive fanaticism in this matter - you should not arrange a cannonade for half an hour.

Choosing a date for marriage in 2018

Check out the calendar to find the perfect date for your celebration!

Let's talk separately about the days that count. They will help increase the positive influence of the Dog, leveling out all the negativity that is attributed to the widower's year. First, let's dwell on general recommendations... Astrologers say that it is better to check the lunar calendar so as not to plan a wedding for (the conflict between the Sun and the Moon is bad for the relationship between a man and a woman). But the growing moon will set your family a set for development.

Beware of the days when the satellite of the Earth moves to the houses of Scorpio, Aries and Virgo - they have a bad effect on the harmony of marriage. The best months for the celebration there will be 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th and 11th, counting from the month of birth of one of the partners. The following is a list of specific days, which astrologers characterize as extremely favorable:

  • the January wedding can be scheduled for January 1, 21 and 26 - the growing Moon will affect the relationship in the most positive way;
  • the February celebration should be scheduled for the 25th, 17th, 18th, 21st and 26th;
  • in March, if possible, choose the 19th, 23rd or 25th;
  • April celebrations should be scheduled for April 20, 27 and 29;
  • if you are not afraid of the prospect of starting a family in May, then plan this event on May 20, 25 and 27;
  • better days June falls on the 15th and 25th, June 17, 22 and 26-27 are also considered neutral;
  • in July, the wedding can be scheduled on the 15th, 20th and 23rd;
  • supportive August gives newlyweds a choice of three dates - they are endowed with positive energy on August 17, 24 and 26;
  • September days suitable for a wedding - September 16, 21 and 23;
  • the October wedding can be scheduled for the 14th, 19th and 21st;
  • for the November celebrations, astrologers set aside November 9, 14 and 18;
  • December 14th, 17th, 19th, 20th and 21st are named happy.

Features of the choice of outfit and accessories

The Yellow Dog will prefer natural fabrics and natural materials!

When choosing outfits for the bride and groom, as well as buying all kinds of paraphernalia for a wedding in the Year of the Dog, you should definitely heed these tips:

  • The dog has a positive attitude towards natural and aristocratic fabrics, so you should choose from silk, hot-fashioned in 2018 satin or natural velvet. Good news for brides and grooms who are planning a thematic celebration in a "rustic" style - the Dog will like an outfit made of cotton or linen. It should be distinguished by its laconic cut - excessive bareness, as well as an extremely fashionable decor made of rhinestones and feathers, alas, will have to be avoided;
  • apart from the traditional white for a bridesmaid dress, you can choose among other soft tones - the colors of ivory and ice coffee, beloved by designers, will be perfectly received by the totem of the year;
  • accessories should be only natural - gold and pearl jewelry will be the best choice. Themed weddings can be supplemented with ornaments from natural stones warm colors- The Dog will also appreciate them;
  • the bride's hairstyle should be natural - no spiral curls, ingenious styling, towers and tiaras with rhinestones the size of egg! The dog likes it much more soft waves, light weaving, and sloppy bunches at the back of the head;
  • do not be fancy with a bouquet - complex cascading designs and exotic flowers will not be the best choice for 2018. Give preference to wildflowers or garden flowers, forming a small bouquet, rounded or slightly elongated shape. Great idea there will be a bouquet of flowers, selected strictly according to the season. For autumn, you can choose asters, for a summer celebration - delicate roses or mixed bouquets of garden and wild flowers, for spring - peonies, but in winter, ultra-fashionable succulents that grow beautifully on our windowsills are useful;
  • it's good if the format of the wedding allows you to fit in the decor made of natural wood - these can be frames for a photocourt, name plates, napkin holders, uncovered chairs, benches and benches for relaxation, a panel in the form of a heart or a word of wishes for the young;
  • For rustic weddings, you can use pottery - the Dog will take this idea with delight. Well, for classic celebrations, you need to choose the most simple plates laconic form;
  • from drinks it is worth serving wine, cognacs and dried fruit compotes, and the food should be hearty, simple and light - leave exotic salads and other delights until the day you celebrate your first anniversary. Of course, Special attention on the table should be paid meat dishes- variety here certainly does not hurt. Make sure that the menu includes steaks, baked duck or chicken, as well as cold cuts;
  • the groom should choose a classic outfit for the celebration - traditional weddings will require a tuxedo, tailcoat, or black, blue or chocolate three-piece. Rustic weddings allow for a light linen suit. Remember that the tones should be muted - the Dog will definitely not like the purple, bright blue or emerald suit;
  • men should not do their hairstyle with a lot of gel - the totem of the year is unlikely to approve of "wet" styling, and stylists have not welcomed this approach for a long time. If the issue of hair length is not important for you, then choose from a classic Canadian, semi-box, fashionable fade or undercut;
  • from men's accessories bow-ties and ties are possible, which in tone echo the bride's outfit or the coloristic accent of the wedding. The dog will definitely approve of olive, brown, khaki or ocher tone. Cufflinks and a tie clip should be as simple as possible - monograms and stones to the totem of the year are not to their liking. The best choice- gold or silver, however, metals in simple execution or with natural stone decor.

When choosing outfits, give preference to yellow accents and accessories


After all the given tips, forecasts, characteristics and recommendations, I would like to dwell on one more important moment... Remember that even the most reverent and scrupulous adherence to horoscopes will not guarantee that you will create a strong and happy couple if there is no love, mutual respect, trust and desire in your union to make your loved one happy.

Of course, the understanding that you got married on the right day and chose the right color for the decoration of the hall adds confidence that everything will be fine in the future. But do not panic if astrologers do not consider your wedding day to be successful, and for the wedding you have already bought red dresses for bridesmaids instead of yellow ones, and sewed a wedding dress decorated with rhinestones and embroidery. Ultimately, your main day should go as you dreamed, and if you sincerely love each other, then your life together will not be spoiled by any signs or minor troubles on the day of the celebration.

Signs have a very strong influence on human life since ancient times. People are especially attentive to those signs that are associated with birth, death and, of course, wedding. Newlyweds are often looking for happy days to register.

But, before looking at the lunar calendars or guessing by the stars, it is best for future spouses to ask the registry office on which days the registration is carried out. After all, even if the stars, say, promise all marriages concluded on the night of Thursday to Friday next year, happiness and prosperity, the young will not be able to sign at this time, since the registry office is closed. Believe in good days or not - only the newlyweds themselves decide. Well, we will give in this article the best dates for a wedding in 2018.

  • Calendar of beautiful dates for 2018.

No matter how beautiful a kissing couple looks against the background of a huge full moon, but the periods of full moon, new moon and eclipses are considered unfavorable for marriage. In general, it is best to get married when the moon is rising. But constantly looking at the sky and calculating the phases of the moon will tire anyone, so you can immediately turn to lunar calendar... The heavenly body will favor those who want to get married in early January, but at this time the registry office workers celebrate new year holidays, so the young will have to wait until January 21 and 26. It is these numbers that are favorable for marriage next year. February is completely poor for such dates - you can get married only on the 25th. March will not please the young - the lucky ones need to sign up for 23. April is already more generous - it promises the newlyweds three good dates: 20, 27 and 29. And although May is wedding month our ancestors did not like it because of the beginning of field work, you can get married this month on 20, 25 and 27. In June, the holiday can be appointed on 15 and 25. In July - on 15, 20 and 23. August promises happy marriages for those who register 17, 24 and 26. Golden autumn will begin for newlyweds with favorable September 16, 21 and 23 and will continue on October 14, 19 and 21 and November 9, 14 and 18. wedding dresses under the decorated Christmas trees 14 and 21.

The best dates for a wedding in 2018 will help planets too. Days are considered unfavorable solar eclipses and the periods of retrograde Mercury and Venus - from March 23 to April 15, from July 26 to August 19, from November 17 to December 7 and from October 5 to November 16.

Auspicious days of the week for marriage are Friday and Sunday.

Select date by church calendar best for those couples who are going to get married. The wedding is not held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. They will not marry the couple on Easter either - in 2018 it will be on April 8th. Also, weddings are excluded during the fasting period and some dates.

You will not be married on these numbers:
  • January: from 7 to 18, from 29 to the end of the month.
  • February: from 1 to 3, from 12 to the end of the month, except 18.
  • March: You can't get married all month.
  • April: 1 to 7, 9 to 14.
  • May: 17, 27, from 28 to the end of the month.
  • June: 1 and 2.
  • August: from 14 to 27.
  • November: from 28 to the end of the month.
  • December: you can't get married.

In July, September and October there are no forbidden days for weddings.

On the doorstep - the year of yellow Earth Dog... Is this zodiac sign good for marriage?

The dog has always been a symbol of loyalty and honor, so she treats family people kindly. The earth is a female element, stable and fertile. Marriages made this year promise to be durable and based on mutual respect.

2018 is not a leap year, usually such years are quite calm. but popular superstitions called the second year after the leap year "the year of the widower" and is not considered favorable for weddings. Believe it or not and how to choose a wedding date - again, only the future newlyweds decide.

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2018

It just so happened that people like beautiful combinations of numbers. And if the date of birth, for example, cannot be chosen, then the date of registration is quite. Wedding - 2018 is no exception.

If you think about it, then you need to focus on the 18th day of any month. Well, or on February 18 and August 8 and 18.

What else to consider when choosing a wedding date in 2018

When choosing a wedding date, you must also take into account things that are not obvious at first glance. It is advisable to check that the date of your wedding does not coincide with the date of some tragic event, for example, the Day of Remembrance and Mourning on June 22nd. There are many holidays with floating dates, such as the third Sunday in June. If in the coincidence of the wedding with the Day medical worker there is nothing special, the coincidence of the wedding with the City Day can bring a lot of trouble and even ruin the holiday and increase the budget. Therefore, it is better to think over such coincidences in advance.

Although, of course, happy marriage depends not on the date of registration, but on the attitude towards each other - after all, no stars can guarantee a happy marriage if there is no understanding and love between the young.

Oddly enough, but the most superstitious people recognized brides. The girls walking down the aisle next year do not believe that everything depends on the relationship with the young man. They are sure that there are some auspicious days for a wedding in 2018, on which they depend family happiness... Let's try to figure out if this is really so.

Indeed, the anxiety of young girls can be understood, since the predictions of numerologists and psychics, for example, such as Vasilisa Volodina, differ significantly.

Existing signs

Throughout history, people have tried to find out if the marriage of two people will last. In this regard, many signs have appeared that regulate when it is better to marry. In fact, if you look at it, most of the signs are completely contrived in nature. Considering that the wedding is a very crucial moment in the life of both people, there can be a great many reasons for its postponement or cancellation.

In addition, almost every year carries some negative connotation. For example, since ancient times it was considered bad luck getting married in a leap year. Thank God, this is not 2016. Nevertheless, the current year among the people is also considered not entirely acceptable, since it is called the year of the widow. If you think that next year will be more successful, then you are also mistaken. The second year after the leap year is called the year of the widower.

Thus, if you pay close attention to the signs. Then you can not get married at all or get married. Many people believe that one should not pay attention to wedding prophecies, but rather focus on the date of marriage.

Lunar wedding days

  • With the arrival of the new 2018, you should not rush to the wedding authorities, since the first three weeks of January will not be entirely suitable for a wedding. This is due to the fact that the moon during this period will be waning, which is not at all conducive to good marriage... It is best to plan a marriage after 01/18/18. From this period the "bright time" begins for all newlyweds.
  • In February, experts recommend not getting married at all. Although, if there is no other way out, then it is better to take a closer look at the third part of the month.
  • In March, it is recommended to get married in the first three weeks or on the twenty-fifth of March.
  • April will be good period for weddings. The growing moon in the third part month will go for the benefit of the married couple.
  • A wedding in May will not bring any inconvenience if it is organized after 05/20/18.
  • Summer has always been considered the most the best time for weddings. Around a riot of colors, warmth and you don't need to think long about where to go to Honeymoon... The nearest seashore or mountainous area will do.
  • The best time for marriage will be the last decades of June, July and August. In the first part of these three months, the Moon will be waning, which means that it is better to postpone weddings for this period.
  • Autumn is traditionally considered the best time for weddings. In September, it is still warm enough outside, around incredibly beautiful landscapes, which allows you to do unforgettable photo sessions... If you decide to play a wedding in the first month of autumn, then it is better to stop in the second decade of the month.
  • In October best time to marry will be the period after the fifteenth.
  • But in the last month of autumn, you need to do the opposite. The best time for a wedding will be the first part of November.
  • For those who chose frosty December for marriage, experts recommend going to the registry office after 12/07/18.

In more detail it looks like this:

Period The best days for a wedding
In January 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30
In February 17, 18, 21, 25, 26
In March 4, 9, 19, 23, 25
In April 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29
In May 20,21,25,27,28,29
In June 15, 17, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27
In July 13, 15, 18, 19, 20,23, 27
In August 17, 19, 24, 25, 26
In September 11, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23
In October 14, 19, 21, 22, 26
In November 9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21
December 7, 9, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21

Auspicious days according to the church calendar

Many young people currently do not "bother" with a stamp in their passports and prefer to live together without official registration v government bodies... At the same time, church weddings are gaining popularity among young people. Some young people believe that if they take an oath of loyalty to each other in the “presence of God” in the church, then their union will truly be a happy one.

In order to get married in a church, you need to know exactly when it is possible, according to the Orthodox or Catholic faith. It turns out that there are days when a priest will never take up the wedding ceremony. And now, everything in order:

  • You will never be married on Tuesday or Thursday, as these days, according to church canons fast days pass.
  • You will be denied the ceremony on Saturday, because this day precedes Sunday, which is also called "Little Easter."
  • Naturally, you will not be able to get married even on real Easter, namely 04/08/18.
  • You will not be allowed to marry even during fasts, church holidays.

In order not to be mistaken, we present a list of fasts and major holidays in 2018, in which a wedding in a church is impossible:

Christmas post from November 28 until the end of the year
Assumption Fast from August 14 to August 27
Petrov post from June 4 to July 11
Great post from February 19 to April 7
Transfiguration 19.08.18
Ascension 17.05.18
Baptism 19.01.18
Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord 27.09.18
Introduction to the Temple of the Virgin 04.12.18
Nativity 07.01.18
Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem 01.04.18
Week from January 7 to January 17
Week (Christmastide) from January 29 to February 3
Cheese week from February 12 to February 18
Easter week from April 8 to April 14
Trinity week from May 28 to June 3

The most auspicious days for the wedding from the point of view of the church are:

  • Red hill -15.04.18;
  • Day of the icon of Our Lady of Kazan- November 4, 2018.

If you decide to perform a wedding ceremony with your soul mate, then better date agree with the priest and it does not matter that this day may not coincide with the time of the civil marriage.

For those who are planning to get married in 2018, many auspicious days are offered. You need to choose them depending on what the bride and groom trust more - astrology, Feng Shui or Orthodox teachings. For skeptics, there is a parameter - beauty.

Auspicious wedding days according to the lunar calendar

In the first winter month, the first day is considered ideal (which remains the day off, so getting married under the romance of the New Year will not work) and the entire third decade, but especially on 21 and 26. The growing moon will patronize the newlyweds. February suggests choosing the 25th as the most favorable for starting a family.

In March, the 23rd would be the ideal wedding date. In April, the Moon will patronize those lovers who decide to unite on the 20th, 27th or 29th: their union will be happy and filled with mutual understanding. Contrary to the belief that marriages in May are usually difficult in all respects, those who decide to get married on the 20th, 25th and 27th will definitely be happy and will not have to suffer.

Summer is no less rich in favorable days for a wedding according to the lunar calendar: in June it is 15 and 25, in July - 15, 20 and 23, and in August - 17, 24 and 26. Obviously, in the first parts of any of these months solemn date better not to plan because of the waning moon.

Warm September will delight brides on the 16th, 21st and 23rd, colorful October - 14, 19 and 21, but on the eve of winter, November, it is better to get married in the first half of the month: 9, 14 or 18.

I want to get married in a snow-wrapped one winter day? In December 2018, the 14th and 21st numbers are suitable for this.

Feng Shui - wedding days in 2018

Choosing dates for a wedding in 2018 in Feng Shui is more difficult than from an astrological point of view, but even more interesting: they turn to a specialist for this, who, based on the data on the newlyweds, not only draws up a calendar when it is best to sign, but also helps to choose the hours. which will enhance the positive impact. If a ceremony is important for a couple on not the best day, the right time will extinguish the negative. It is believed that the days of Equilibrium, Success, Establishment, Stability and Discovery are most suitable for creating a family, but there are not so many of them, so the choice of time may be more important.

You cannot play a wedding on one of the days of Sha: the Sha of Robbery will make the spouses wasteful, the Sha of Misfortune - grumpy, and the Sha of Delay - constantly late. What dates these days will fall on in 2018 is a question for a person who has learned the intricacies of Feng Shui.

It is also worth excluding the days of the personal destroyers of both partners from the list, which are easily recognized by the specialist of this teaching by their birthdays. He will also advise you to choose the dates that you patronize. loving friend other animals. This guarantees long love relationship and interest in the family.

When is it better to marry in 2018 according to the Orthodox calendar

Despite the turbulent current of modernity, all more pairs wants to seal the marriage with a sacrament that is more than two thousand years old - by getting married in the church. Parishioners who regularly visit it usually consult with their priest about a suitable date, but what about those who are not so religious? They can be facilitated by the Christian calendar, where indicated church days in which you can get married and get married.

Wedding days are limited by several parameters - this is the day of the week, posts and holidays. So, in 2018, as in other years, newlyweds will not be able to get married on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (days preceding fasting and Sunday), on Easter (April 8), on any of the twelve holidays, the date of which does not change - from Christmas before the Entry into the Temple of the Virgin. Taking into account the rolling dates of the holidays, April 1, May 17 and May 27, as well as all the great church celebrations, will have to be deleted from your calendar.

When the wedding is prohibited, special attention is paid to the fasts - the Great (February 19-April 7), Petrov (June 4-July 11), Assumption (August 14-27) and Rozhdestvensky - from November 28 until the end of the year. You need to take into account the five holy weeks: January 7-18, January 29-February 3, February 12-17, April 9-14, May 28-June 2.

Any of the remaining days can be chosen for the wedding in agreement with the priest.

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2018

Couples who do not believe in horoscopes and only want to conclude civil marriage, without the consecration of the church, is also sufficient. Nor do they want to get married at random! Beautiful date in the marriage certificate - this is at least a guarantee that the husband will definitely not forget about the gift for this holiday even after 30 years. Since there are more than enough people who want to get married on such days, pick up beautiful numbers to sign this year is best done in advance.

Apply for 02/18/18, but it's Sunday, so you need to negotiate the wedding individually and registration is possible only at the exit. It is easy to predict that Saturday 8/18/18 will be incredibly popular with this year's newlyweds. Registry offices are also waiting for an influx of couples and September 1 - the day of knowledge in 2018 will fall on Saturday and many will not miss this opportunity.

Although they say that happiness in marriage does not depend on external factors, and is created by the labor and concessions of the wife and husband, it never hurts to reinforce their efforts with "outside" help. After all, sincere faith, like true love, are able to work a miracle - a strong partnership for decades.

Legal marriage day is one of the most exciting and memorable moments in a person's life. And the lovers, of course, dream that this whole responsible ceremony will be perfect and only pleasant memories both theirs and all the invited guests. The bride and groom are carefully preparing for this day, trying not to miss a single trifle. Outfits, decorations, menus and all others organizational issues discussed more than once, thought carefully and transformed when interesting ideas... The problem of choice stands alone have a good day for the wedding.

How to choose a suitable wedding date?

All couples in love very carefully choose their wedding day. Enough time is allotted to the solution of this important issue and usually it is not without controversy. Someone is trying to find their lucky number, others will trust the opinion of astrologers, others will resort to the help of numerology or the church.

As we already know, 2020 is a leap year. Superstitions say that family life couples entering legal marriage v leap year, will be unsuccessful and unhappy, so many are afraid of weddings at this time. But the patroness of 2020 is the White Rat, as everyone knows, a connoisseur home comfort, loving, romantic nature who adores her family, and is also prolific, so by getting married this year, you will become a member of a big one, friendly family where spouses take care of each other.

Bad days for a wedding in 2020

Pay attention to the dates for which you should not schedule the wedding ceremony. According to a long tradition, bad days for such events, the days of eclipses, both solar and lunar, are considered, and it is also better to refuse weddings on the full moon or new moon. According to astrologers, April, August, September and November are not the right time for wedding celebration... You can often hear that the month of May is also not suitable for marriage, they say "the bride will be a widow early," or "you will suffer all your life."

But not all in this issue believe the predictions, so we will pay special attention to those days that are not recommended by the church, astrologers or numerologists. Unfortunately, in 2020 there are a lot of them:
- in January - 5, 8, 9, 14, 18, from 25 to 30;
- any day of February of the month, except for the 2nd, 20th;
- the entire month of March, except for the 1st day - the time of Great Lent;
- April - until the 18th;
- in May from 1 to 15 and from 28 to 31;
- the whole month is June;
- 1, 4-8, 12-16, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29 July;
- due to the activity of Mercury in August, it is not recommended to appoint wedding ceremonies: 2-6, 9-13, 15-19, 22, 25-31.
- completely the month of September;
- Most of October, namely: 1-8, 12-15, 18-19, 22, 26-31;
- In November unfavorable days dropped on 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 21-26, 28-30;
- in December: 1-3, 5, 7-10, 14-16, 19-31.

Recall that the church does not approve of the wedding ceremony on the days of fasting, on the eve of major church holidays, Christmastide, patronal temple festivals. If you decide to get married in church - choose any day among Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

Auspicious days for a wedding

There are many beliefs and methods for choosing the day of the long-awaited celebration, and each couple is guided by their own preferences, significant dates and other reasons.
For example, in Ancient Rus the best time to schedule a wedding was autumn period, the time when the harvest ended.
There is another mysterious old custom for determining auspicious month- you need to count from the month in which the bride and groom were born for 4, 5, 7, 10 and 11 months, and those months that are repeated for both the bride and the groom will be the most successful for these lovers.
If you listen to the stars, then better days counts: Friday and Saturday. Better to end the celebration on Sunday.

So, in 2020 auspicious days for weddings are:
- February 2 and 20;
- the only auspicious day in June is the 25th;
- in August there is a great choice - these are the 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th.
- On October 9-11, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23-25, you can safely marry.
- An excellent month for marriage is November. The stars draw your attention to numbers 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15-20 and 27.
Last month gives several suitable days in the first half of the month - December 4, 6, 11, 13, 17 and 18. And on New Year's Eve 2020, it is strictly forbidden to celebrate a wedding!
Choice auspicious date for a wedding - a very crucial moment in the preparation for the ceremony, but you do not need to rely only on the advice of the church, astrological forecasts and folk signs, it is much more important to approach the right choice of your soul mate and not forget that a happy, long family life is impossible without love, loyalty, care and mutual respect.

2020 is the right time to get married.
When choosing a wedding date, you can focus on the calendar of favorable days for marriage in 2020.
Do not rely solely on the advice of astrologers, numerologists or the church.