What is celebrated on June 12. So what exactly do people celebrate on Russia Day? A brief history of the emergence of an important patriotic holiday - Russia Day

For many Russians, this number is a symbol of civil liberties, justice, national unity. On this day, 2 significant events took place: in 1990, the people's deputies approved the law on sovereignty, and in 1991 they elected the head of state (president) in the person of B. N. Yeltsin.

Until 2002, most people associated June 12 only with the Declaration, but then the celebration took on a different meaning.

For whom is the holiday important?

When this day was just beginning to be celebrated, citizens treated it ambiguously. Now it has acquired patriotic features, denoting the responsibility of all people for the future of the state.

Interestingly, most of our compatriots still call the holiday the Independence Day of Russia. Now it sounds different, but the former name conveys the essence better.

For many years, Russia Day was considered an ordinary additional day off. Now almost all of our fellow citizens celebrate it every year. In each city, colorful general festivities, competitions, performances by artists and festivals are organized.

Official name

In 1998, during a celebratory speech, the head of state made a proposal to celebrate Russia Day on June 12 in order to stop all disputes over this number. However, this took more than 1 year, since the celebration was formally renamed in 2002. But the president still managed to make some changes: the new name was firmly entrenched in the media and among the people. Since that period, not everyone has wondered what we are celebrating on June 12th.

In 2001, speaking in the Kremlin solemn speech, VV Putin affirmed that sovereignty marked the beginning of democracy in the country. He called the wealth and prosperity of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation the leading task of the declaration.

How did the holiday come about?

The celebration is associated with the destruction of the Soviet Union and the emergence of independent republics in its place. But the date did not immediately become a red day of the calendar. This decree was issued in 1994.

Declaring the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, Russian authorities wanted to indicate that the laws of Russia have advantages over those adopted in the USSR. In other words, the officials of the Russian Federation were no longer going to follow the orders of the state authorities of the USSR.

What does the word sovereignty mean? The country has borders that can change only after a popular vote (referendum). The law approved the equal rights of all citizens and the principle of democracy. Thanks to this, every resident of the Russian Federation has acquired the opportunity to live a decent life and participate in the leadership of the country, and the leaders of the state have taken upon themselves the obligation to ensure the interests of their own and those of their subjects.

At the beginning of its appearance, the celebration looked a little ridiculous, because people did not know how to perceive it and did not even know its history. But over time, everything has changed.

How Russia Day is celebrated

People remember the independence of the country in different ways. Young people often organize picnics outside the city, power competitions, exhibitions, fireworks. Processions are held in the cities central streets where older people also participate.

June 12 is the day of awarding by the President in the Kremlin those who have services to the country. This event is broadcast on official television. All municipal buildings and city streets are decorated with a flag and coat of arms. Army units arrange bright parades. Special attention The Day of Russia is given to residents of hero cities.

How to relax June 12, 2018

Non-working dates in honor of the holiday will be:

  • June 10, Sunday;
  • June 11, Monday (non-working day is transferred from the 9th);
  • June 12, Tuesday, holiday
  1. The Declaration of Independence of the RSFSR included 1.5 pages and 15 lines. When the deputies voted for the document as follows: 7-for, 13-against, 9-abstained.
  2. According to opinion polls by the Levada Center in 2010, it turned out that 43% of Russians still call the holiday Independence Day.
  3. There are people who speak negatively about the declaration. In their opinion, her example is negative for other post-Soviet republics demanding new rights and freedoms, as a result of which the USSR collapsed.
  4. In reality, the document contains information that Russia does not leave the Soviet Union. And the Belovezhskaya agreement was signed in violation of the declaration, and not with the help of it.
  5. On June 12, 1936, the so-called Stalinist “Constitution” began to be discussed in the country of the Soviets.
  6. On June 12, 1991, Leningrad again became St. Petersburg. At the same time, elections were held for the head of the second Russian capital.
  7. The date coincides with the birthday of former US President George W. Bush.

June 12 at Russian Federation one of the youngest public holidays is celebrated - the Day of Russia.

Oddly enough, June 12, the Day of Russia, is the youngest holiday in our state. In fact, this is a holiday dedicated to the adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of Russia, which was signed on June 12, 1990.


We all know that in the early 90s there was a collapse Soviet Union. That's what the thing was about. Already in the late 80s. it was clear that the Union could not be saved. The republics fled from the USSR, the Soviet Union lived out its last days.

significant day

Today the day of Russia is given great importance, but this was not always the case; until 1994, no one particularly remembered the holiday of June 12.

Officially, this day became a holiday only in 1994, when Boris Yeltsin signed a decree on the appointment of June 12 as the Day of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia, at the same time this day became a day off. The name of the holiday - "Day of Russia" - did not take root right away. It should be noted that on June 12, 1991, Boris Yeltsin became the first popularly elected president, so he immortalized not only important date in the history of the state, but also the memory of oneself.

Events for Russia Day

The main joy of the Day of Russia for ordinary citizens of the country lies in the additional rest, because this day is the red day of the calendar. Although a few years ago, not all Russians knew on June 12 what holiday they were celebrating. Many people prefer to spend time in nature, especially if the weather favors it. If it was not possible to get out into nature, then you can take part in recreational activities, which are held every year on this day more and more.

Russia celebrates its own day on June 12th. What is a holiday without folk festivals? As for Moscow, this day traditionally hosts not only entertainment shows and concert programs, but also sports events. For example, on Pushkinskaya Square. Cultural events are held in centers of culture and art, museums, parks, for example, in the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora, in Perovsky Park. Athletes, Russian pop stars, numerous folk groups take part in the holiday. On this day, the President of Russia conducts the awarding of state prizes of the Russian Federation. The action ends with grandiose fireworks on Vasilyevsky Spusk, in Izmailovsky Park, on Sparrow Hills and other places.

Popularity among the people

Despite the policy of popularizing the holiday, not all Russians know what holiday June 12 is. The Levada Center conducted a corresponding survey. The opinions of Russians about what is celebrated on June 12 in Russia are divided between Russia Day, Independence Day, and the Day of the Declaration of Independence. Some people remember that the first Russian president was elected on that day. In general, less than half of Russians know that June 12 is the day of Russia.

Such data was obtained according to the Levada Center:

47% of respondents chose correct option- Russia Day;

33% live back in the early 2000s and voted for Independence Day;

6% remembered Boris Yeltsin;

8% - did not answer;

4% said that this is not a holiday at all;

2% - suggested options that stand out from the general list.

At the government level

Russians subconsciously draw an analogy between the day of Russia, calling it Independence Day, and Independence Day in the United States. This is fundamentally not true. If the United States gained independence at the same time, from the moment the Declaration was signed, then Russia has been independent for a very long time, and the date of the proclamation of Russia as a state cannot be specifically named.

However, not only ordinary people they don’t know what holiday June 12 is, they find it difficult to determine it even at the top. As deputy Nikolai Pavlov rightly noted in 2007, the beginning of the Declaration of Sovereignty declares Russia to be part of the Soviet Union. The exact text reads as follows: "Parrying, Alexei Mitrofanov generally stated that with the same success, on a par with national holiday, June 12 can be considered the day of the Liberal Democratic Party, because on this day Zhirinovsky took 3rd place in the presidential election, which secured an influential place in politics. "This is such a mess.

history of the holiday

At the state level, this is, of course, today the most main holiday. This is the date from which the formation of a new statehood based on the principles of democracy, civil law, and federalism began.

At first, the people were not up to the holidays. June 12 - what a holiday! A difficult situation in the country, default after default, crisis after crisis... There is no time to delve into the essence of the political situation - to feed yourself and your family. At that time, polls were also conducted, and the results were not impressive - at the mention of Independence Day, people's eyes did not light up with patriotism, they did not understand the essence of the holiday. The only thing that pleased the Russians was an extra day off, which could be devoted to rest. The authorities, of course, sought to popularize the holiday, held rallies and demonstrations, but this was somehow held without enthusiasm.

All the same B. Yeltsin decided to change the meaning of the holiday by changing the name. In 1998, a proposal was made to rename it to the Day of Russia, however final decision was adopted only in 2002.

Today is the day of Russia - a symbol of national unity, Motherland, freedom, peace and harmony. The patriotism of the people is growing, perhaps this happened due to the successful winter Olympics in Sochi, the annexation of Crimea. Although we have not yet fully realized the importance of this holiday, but, undoubtedly, we have begun to relate to it much better. Perhaps the whole reason is that life in the country has improved somewhat.

What happened before...

Celebrating the Day of Russia today, June 12, we must not forget about the centuries-old history and traditions of the state, because its formation did not take place in 1990, but much earlier. There were times when the glory of the state burned even brighter. And the fact that today we are independent is not the result of the signing of the Declaration of Sovereignty of Russia, but the centuries-old efforts of our ancestors, who earned this right at the cost of their blood and happiness.

There was an event in the history of Russia, which in its significance is comparable to the signing of the 1990 Declaration. This event is the election of Andrey Yurievich Bogolyubsky as Prince of Rostov and Suzdal. It happened on June 4, 1157. As a result, northeastern Russia became independent in relation to Kyiv, and Andrei Bogolyubsky became the first elected prince. This is where the parallels need to be drawn.

Later, the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, in which Andrei Bogolyubsky ruled, became the Grand Duchy of Moscow. Kievan Rus so the Soviet Union collapsed. Thank God that we managed to preserve the foundations of statehood at that distant time and in our recent past.

As for the date, then, without delving into the intricacies of the difference in dating according to Julian and Gregorian calendars, it can be noted that the election of Andrei Bogolyubsky and Boris Yeltsin happened with a difference of one day. Therefore, on this day it is worth thinking about the historical origins of Russian statehood.

What else happened on June 12

Perhaps not everyone will remember today, but the holidays and events on June 12 are not limited to Russia Day. On the same day that the Declaration of Independence was adopted, another significant event censorship was banned. From that day on, freedom of speech was allowed at the government level. Exactly one year later, in 1991, Leningrad was returned to its original name - St. Petersburg.

Of the most significant events on this day, it is worth mentioning the opening of a second front by agreement with England and the United States in 1942; the publication of the constitution of the USSR in 1936, called "Stalin's". In 1798, on this day, the Institute noble maidens and in 1648 the Salt Riot broke out. Such is the history of this day.

What is celebrated on June 12 besides Russia Day? Many cities celebrate City Day. As for the global practice, June 12 became World Day against Child Labor in the UN countries, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the problems of exploitation child labor working children. The decision to celebrate this date was made in 1997.

Holiday as a symbol of national unity and common responsibility for the present and future of the country

Russia is a powerful state with a long rich history. It has experienced a lot of upheavals during its existence: destructive wars, change of power and regime, etc. However, our country, in spite of everything, still managed to survive and continues to develop. Russia is respected all over the world. It has a great cultural and historical heritage. We should be proud of our country and love it. It is necessary to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism.

Now the Day of Russia is a holiday of freedom, civil peace and the good consent of all people on the basis of law and justice. This holiday is a symbol national unity and common responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland.

The attitude of Russians to this holiday has changed in better side. People on this day like to go out into nature, have picnics. Various festive events are held in all cities of our country: concerts, sports competitions, exhibitions, etc., and in the evening, festive fireworks soar into the sky.

More than 180 ethnic groups are now represented on the territory of Russia. Russians make up about 80% of the population.

Sociological polls have shown the true knowledge of Russians about the Day of Russia

Unfortunately, most of the vast country to this day still does not understand what kind of holiday the Day of Russia is. In addition, they generally find it difficult to answer the question - what is the semantic load for the population this holiday brings with it.

So, according to the survey, it is known that 51% of Russians still do not remember which holiday is celebrated on June 12th. According to a study by sociologists, 34% of survey participants still consider Russia Day to be Independence Day. 2% of respondents answered that June 12 marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia. 1% of Russians are ready to celebrate the anniversary of the election of the country's first president. 11% found it difficult to answer, 3% do not consider June 12 a holiday at all.

49% answered the question correctly, and this data has not changed since 2017, the Levada Center noted. The percentage of those who know about the Day of Russia is approximately the same in all age groups. The survey was conducted from May 24 to May 30, 1.6 thousand people aged 18 and over from 136 settlements in 52 subjects of the Russian Federation took part in it.

Congratulations on the Day of Russia

On this festive day, when the Day of Russia is celebrated both in large cities and in the most remote corners of our vast Motherland, the soul is filled with joy and a sense of pride. And I would like to wish that its greatness and power never lose their strength, and that the spirit of patriotism among the united people is not broken and remains strong. We wish everyone happy Holidays with beloved friends and wonderful people.

We congratulate all patriots on the Day of Russia. Remember, we have something to be proud of, we are Russians. Our state rich story who gives her glorious children faith in the best and the strength to overcome any adversity. The future of the country is in our hands and we will build it with our heads held high. And today we will celebrate our day on a grand scale - the day of our Motherland, holding hands to feel like a single family.

AT great holiday, on the Day of Russia,

Our powers, all Russia,

We congratulate dear

All from the seas to the taiga.

Let's glorify the Velchie of the Motherland,

And let our congratulations

Everyone will fly around, and we will congratulate everyone.

And let the sadness and sadness go away.

For you, my homeland,

I'll raise my glass

For wide expanses,

Over the seas, over the Urals.

And also for the people

For southerners, northerners,

And for the whole big family,

And for all Russians.

On a beautiful day, we wish everyone

Simple life happiness

And congratulations on the holiday,

Happy day of our Motherland - Russia.

Day of Russia before, until 2002, had the name Day of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia. Day of Russia - public holiday, and is one of the "youngest" holidays in the country.

In 1994, Boris Yeltsin, being the first president of the Russian Federation, by his decree on June 12, gives state significance - the Day of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia.

The document itself was signed four years earlier at the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR in conditions when the former republics of the Soviet Union became independent one after another. Later this day was simply called Independence Day. It is worth noting that it was on June 12, in addition to "independence", that Russia gained its first popularly elected president.

In 1994, this day was declared a public holiday. Formally, this is the most important of the modern public holidays in the country. From this date, one can count the beginning of the formation of a new Russian statehood based on the principles of constitutional federalism, equality and partnership. Russia is building a democratic, civil society in which every ethnic group, every citizen sees himself as an integral part of it.

Today, many consider this holiday to be newfound, forgetting about the centuries-old historical path of Russia to assert its sovereignty, to gain positions in the formation of a strong state stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the shores of the Baltic. The independence of Russia is the result of the hard work and great losses of our ancestors, the result of the feats of arms of those who, not sparing their lives, defended the inviolability of the country's cordons. The Declaration, adopted on June 12, 1990, became a symbol of the revival of a renewed, different Russia, which provided the conditions for building a democratic society. The sovereignty of the Russian Federation was proclaimed in the name of higher goals - ensuring to every person the inalienable right to decent life, free development and the use of the language, and for each people - the right to self-determination in their chosen national-state and national-cultural forms.

Anyway Independence Day, and now the Day of Russia, was perceived ambiguously by the people. The first attempt to create a major public holiday that would mark the beginning of the countdown new history Russia, looked somewhat awkward. Polls of the population of those years clearly demonstrated complete absence understanding among Russians of the essence of this holiday. For most, June 12 was just another day off, when you can go somewhere on vacation or to the country house to dig into the beds. At first, many even tried to get a job. In the cities of Russia, of course, mass festivities were held, but there was no particular scope.

In his 1998 speech, Boris Yeltsin tried once and for all to stop the wandering opinions around June 12 by suggesting that it be celebrated as Russia Day. Officially, the holiday received a new name only on February 1, 2002, when the provisions of the new Labor Code came into force.

Russia Day today

Now the Day of Russia is a holiday of freedom, civil peace and the good consent of all people on the basis of law and justice. This holiday is a symbol of national unity and common responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland.

The attitude of Russians to this holiday has changed for the better. People on this day like to go out into nature, have picnics. Various festive events are held in all cities of our country: concerts, sports competitions, exhibitions, etc., and in the evening, festive fireworks soar into the sky.

More than 180 ethnic groups are now represented on the territory of Russia. Russians make up about 80% of the population.

Russia is a powerful state with a long rich history. It has experienced a lot of upheavals during its existence: destructive wars, change of power and regime, etc. However, our country, in spite of everything, still managed to survive and continues to develop. Russia is respected all over the world. It has a great cultural and historical heritage. We should be proud of our country and love it. It is necessary to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism.

It must be said that patriotism in Russia remains the basic value of educating a citizen, despite the changed socio-economic conditions. And you need to revive it with love for your city and your native land.

However, we must not forget that patriotism necessarily implies respect and tolerance for the culture of other peoples. Formally, holiday Day of Russia should be one of the most important modern public holidays in the country. But, in fact, so far this is not entirely true. It must be said that many still mistakenly refer to this holiday as Independence Day. Until now, in our society there is a rather ambiguous attitude towards this holiday. After all, a large number of people in our country are extremely negative about the collapse of the USSR. This is especially true for older Russians. Therefore, they consider this day not as a holiday, but as negative event that hastened this process.

Modern Russians can learn a lot from the history of our country. We must not abandon our traditions, origins and roots. Russia went through long haul to the conquest of the positions of a strong state. Its independence is the result of hard work, courage and heroic dedication of our ancestors.

Russia today is the largest state in the world. The capital is the Hero City of Moscow. The second most important city in terms of value and size is St. Petersburg.

Politically, Russia is a democratic federal presidential-parliamentary republic. The head of state is the president, who is elected by popular vote for a term of 6 years. Currently, the Russian Federation includes 83 subjects of the federation, which are equal. Each region of our country has its own authorities. The history of Russia is rich in events. The year 862 is considered to be the beginning of Russian statehood. It was at this time, according to historians, that a union of tribes was formed, under the rule of the Rurikovich.

In 882, the Novgorod prince Oleg created the Old Russian state. Its center was then located in Kyiv. From the beginning of the XIV century, the Moscow principality became the new center of this state.

Ivan IV the Terrible first assumed the title of tsar in 1547. During his reign, serfdom was formed in Russia.

Tsar Peter I became famous for holding a large number radical changes. St. Petersburg was built in 1703 at the mouth of the Neva River. In 1712, the capital of the country was moved to it. The boyars turned into nobility. Under the same ruler in Russia began active development fleet and army, education and enlightenment.

In 1812 began Patriotic War, which ended with the victory of the Russian troops and the defeat of Napoleon. Under Alexander II, serfdom was abolished. This important event for the country took place in 1861.

In 1917, the February Revolution took place, which led to the fall of the Russian monarchy. The Russian Republic was formed. Then it happened October Revolution 1917, which was headed by V.I. Lenin.

During 1918-1922, the Civil War continued in the country. The USSR was created on December 30, 1922.

The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941. It ended in May 1945 with the defeat of the Nazis. On April 12, 1961 Yu. A. Gagarin became the first cosmonaut in the world.

On December 8, 1991, the heads of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus signed a document on the creation of the CIS.

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Russia Day, annually celebrated on June 12, is a very young holiday, but its history is no less interesting than that of respectable dates that have been present in the state calendar for decades. How did this holiday appear and why did it become so important for the state and citizens.

Importance of June 12 for Russia

June 12 can be confidently called the birthday of the Russian Federation. In the now distant 1990, it was on this day that the “Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the RSFSR” was adopted. In those troubled times preceding the final collapse of the Soviet Union, having centuries of history and at the same time, a very young state began its new path.

The Russian Federation retained the status of a multinational state, where a representative of any nationality received equal rights, in no way different in terms of nationality and religion. All citizens living in the republic became Russians with the same opportunities and privileges.

Exactly one year later, on June 12, 1991, the first democratic presidential elections were held, in which Boris Yeltsin was elected head of the country by an overwhelming majority. Popular elections held for the first time in an unfamiliar format can be considered a global historical event and important step on the way to building a changed democratic state.

In 1994, the head of the country signed a decree on the establishment of a new public holiday - the Day of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. At the same time, this important day for all Russians became a non-working day and citizens received an additional summer day off. For many, the opportunity to relax was unexpected and people did not immediately get used to the holiday of the new time and understood the importance of this date.

Moreover, some did not want to accept the holiday, not considering the signing of the Declaration on the Russian Federation a reason for rejoicing. People of the old school were sure that this step was one of the reasons for the collapse of a powerful state. However, further historical events proved that the mechanism of the collapse of the USSR was launched and it was already impossible to stop it.

How the new holiday was born

June 12 has long been called Independence Day. But over the years, this name gradually began to lose its relevance and become incomprehensible. young generation. They got used to independence, it became a part of life, and not the only date in the year when it was necessary to remember about it. In 1998, Yeltsin proposed to rename the most important public holiday as the Day of Russia and thus make it understandable for all generations.

However, the holiday acquired its current name only in 2002. The official resolution was adopted on February 1, at the time of the entry into force of the new labor code. The changed name really appealed to all citizens, it combined the importance of the event, the solemnity of the date, and the unity of all the inhabitants of the vast territory. Thanks to the capacious name, skeptics gradually stopped asking the question: “Independence from whom?” and adopted an official holiday.

Day of Russia in the modern state

AT modern Russia, which has already managed to get stronger and gain worldwide recognition, June 12 continues to be one of the main public holidays. This day is always a non-working day, and for the convenience of citizens, the coming weekend is shifted so that people can rest for several days in a row.

Warm summer days allow you to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale on the streets of the city. June 12 at concert venues and parks are holiday concerts, demonstrations, festivities and other mass entertainment events in which everyone participates on their own initiative. City streets, public buildings and residential buildings are decorated with state flags, a new Russian anthem is heard from the loudspeakers. In the evenings, large cities and small towns illuminate the fireworks with festive light, and grandiose volleys of salutes illuminate the sky in hero cities.

To holiday date often timed solemn events. The Kremlin traditionally awards state awards on this day, and in the regions those who have distinguished themselves by merit at the state level are awarded. It is not uncommon to see a rally held on the streets of cities on this June day by one of the country's political parties.

Unfortunately, polls of citizens show that not every resident of Russia knows how the holiday is called correctly and what its meaning is. Some out of habit call June 12 Independence Day and do not understand main point celebrations. In fact, its meaning is simple - national unity and shared responsibility for the future of the country.

What holiday is celebrated on June 12 in all corners of Russia? What historical events took place on this day? Does June 12 count? official holiday? The answers to these questions are well known to every Russian, but are most likely a mystery to many foreigners. After all, this day is dedicated exclusively national holiday whose history began many decades ago.

What holiday is celebrated on June 12 in Russia

For Russians, this is the triumph of civil freedom and a just peace, a kind of designation of national unity. This date is significant twice: in 1990, people's deputies adopted a law on the state sovereignty of the Russian Federation, and just a year later, the first open elections president. By the way, Boris Yeltsin became the first people's choice for the post of head of state. So June 12 is the Day of Russia, a relatively young holiday, which was adopted quite recently. Until 2002, this date was considered the day of the adoption of the declaration on the state sovereignty of Russia. A little later, the name of the holiday was simplified, because this date is associated not only with the adoption of statehood.

How did the holiday come about?

In honor of what is the holiday on June 12? This significant date considered one of the youngest Russian holidays. It really arose not so long ago, and its origin is directly related to the split of the Soviet Union, and the formation on its territory independent states. Of course, the date was not accidental - just on June 12, 1990, the people's deputies of the then-current RSFSR approved a declaration on Russia's sovereignty. Exactly one year later, on the same day, the first open elections of the head of the new state took place.

True, the holiday itself was established only a few years later - in 1994, the president issued a decree granting the status of a state holiday on June 12. As a result, this date has become officially considered a day off.

The first president of the Russian Federation made a proposal to rename the holiday in 1998. The option proposed by him was supported, and from that time June 12 became known as the Day of Russia in all publications. However, at the legislative level, the new name of the holiday was approved only a few years after the adoption of the Labor Code.

The current name - Day of Russia (June 12) - the holiday received only in 2002 by decree of the new president, Vladimir Putin.

Excursion to the recent past

In fact, the history of the holiday of Russia Day on June 12 is very interesting. As already mentioned, this date became historically significant in the very recent past. Immediately before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the new sovereignty of Russia was officially approved. And what did the government want to say? And the fact that from that moment on Russian legislation placed above the Soviet decrees. In other words, the supreme officials of the Russian Federation no longer wanted to obey the all-Union authorities.

The main principles of the new sovereignty were to determine stable territorial boundaries, which could be changed only by referendum, that is, at the request of the people. were officially recognized civil rights each person, which made it possible to live with dignity. In addition, clear norms of democracy were established. This meant that every person could take part in the government of the country. And also the basic principle of federalism was adopted, under which the rights of individual regions of the state were significantly expanded. Among other things, the spheres of influence were divided among the judicial, legislative and executive authorities.

Legislation and the Constitution of the Russian Federation have become a priority for every Russian. The declaration was created so that every resident understands that this is only his country, and he can dispose of it. Russia planned to protect its own interests and citizens. It is from this date, according to experienced professionals, the countdown of the existence of the Soviet Union began.

The history of the Day of Russia holiday (June 12)

Despite the significance of this date, the first attempts to create a major public holiday looked a little awkward. Although in reality this date was supposed to mark the beginning of a new Russian history become a significant event for every citizen. But in reality the situation looked completely different. Many Russians did not even know what holiday June 12 is in Russia.

The people interpreted this significant day in completely different ways, and the polls of the population that took place in those years showed an obvious lack of understanding among citizens of the very essence of the celebration. For many people, June 12 has become just another day off, which can be completely devoted to rest or work in the garden. Despite the fact that mass events dedicated to this day were organized in most Russian cities, the holiday still did not have much scope.

Renaming a holiday

Speaking in honor of the holiday in 1998, Boris Nikolayevich tried to stop all sorts of misunderstandings regarding this date by proposing to celebrate June 12 as the Day of Russia. But even the renaming of the holiday took several years: the new name was officially recognized only in February 2002. Although Yeltsin did achieve something! From the moment of his speech, all newspaper publications began to call the holiday in a new way, and the name quickly took root among the people. From that moment in Russia, there were no more questions about what holiday June 12 was.

In a 2001 Kremlin speech to mark the occasion, new President Vladimir Putin said that this important sovereignty marked the beginning of Russia's history as a democratic state. And Vladimir Vladimirovich called success, well-being and prosperity the main meaning of the declaration Russian citizens.

attitude towards the holiday

Now, many people consider Russia Day a newfound celebration, forgetting about the centuries-old path of the state to assert its own sovereignty and gain clear positions in the world political arena. After all, in reality, the independence of Russia is the result of significant losses and hard work of more than one generation of our ancestors. The declaration, approved on June 12, 1990, has become only a kind of symbol of the revival of the renewed state. And sovereignty, around which a lot of misunderstandings and rumors arose, was proclaimed for the sake of higher goals - to provide every citizen proper rights and related development.

An important day for patriots

What holiday is celebrated on June 12 by every citizen of Russia? Despite the ambiguous attitude towards the holiday at the beginning of its inception, now the Day of Russia is gradually acquiring a patriotic shape, becoming a symbol of national unity and the universal responsibility of citizens for the future of their own country. Fortunately, today all the inhabitants of the Russian Federation are ready to talk not only about what holiday June 12 is in Russia, but also about the historical events associated with this date.

It is noteworthy that until now, many residents call this holiday none other than the Independence Day of Russia. And although in fact the celebration officially has a different name, it is quite closely connected with independence.

For many years, Russia Day was perceived by many as an ordinary extra day off. However, now every year this event is celebrated by an increasing number of Russians. And the holidays organized in cities every year are becoming more and more large-scale and memorable: all kinds of festivals, concerts, competitions and just street festivities cover literally the whole country.

Russia Day today

At present, the attitude of Russian citizens to public holiday changed for the better. On this day, many people prefer to go out of town, to nature or organize picnics in the surrounding area. In all cities of Russia are held various events: sport competitions, major concerts, exhibitions, and in the evenings a grand fireworks display is launched into the sky.

People of all ages participate in the organization and holding of festive events. social status. After all, it is on June 12 that a variety of meetings, rallies and other significant events take place in the country, which are timed to coincide with the Day of Russia. On this day, in the Kremlin, the head of state solemnly presents awards for services to the Fatherland and delivers a traditional speech, which is broadcast on all major TV channels. All administrative buildings and city streets are decorated with the national flag and coat of arms for the Day of Russia. Beautiful processions and parades are held in military units. The celebration of the Day of Russia in the hero cities is especially magnificent.

Day of Russia in Moscow

By the way, for many Russian cities this day is a double occasion for celebration. City Day is also celebrated in Penza, Izhevsk, Ufa, Tambov, Krasnoyarsk and Surgut. Well, the main celebration of the country takes place, of course, on Red Square in the capital. It is here that every year on June 12 you can see a truly large-scale, spectacular holiday which always ends with incredibly beautiful fireworks.

The capital annually pleases its guests and residents with really interesting and unusual festive events taking place on June 12. A chic solemn program is always prepared for this day in the form of various film screenings, themed flash mobs, master classes, theatrical performances, competitions, dance marathons and other extraordinary events.