As an ex-man, grabs the attention of an ex. How to attract the attention of a man, a guy you like? How to attract a worthy and rich man into your life? How to get a guy's attention from a distance

Great amount literature is written about attracting male attention and the same number of TV shows were filmed, and meanwhile this question still relevant for every woman. Either sudden love at first glance at the bar or the desire to keep the current partner, the fair sex seeks to find universal solutions that will help achieve its goals.

So, how to attract a man?

1. Take care of your appearance.

An unwashed head, bad breath and unkempt clothes can kill any sympathy, so don't be lazy to spend a little time on yourself every morning. If you are trying to keep your eyes on you the right man, try to dress as if your career depends on it. Keep your garments clean and smoothed with no wrinkles or loose threads. Shoes with high or medium heels will correct any figure, visually stretch the silhouette and make you slimmer. Emphasize your merits: Beautiful legs- wear skirts and dresses, slim waist- belts for dresses or tunics, enviable chest and graceful neck - blouses with a moderate neckline.

2. Be confident in yourself.

Without this quality, it will be extremely difficult to achieve what you want. Imagine, the man of your dreams noticed and came up, and you were embarrassed, flushed and began to talk nonsense with excitement. In order not to repeat this sad scenario, it is enough to periodically imagine a similar situation and rehearse words, gestures and reactions. A confident woman always has positive look to the world and is in a good mood, she radiates charm and attracts people, among whom there will certainly be a "Prince Charming".

3. Want to attract a guy - watch your speech.

Collective farm village phrases or selected mat from female lips able to shock the vast majority of decent men with a standard upbringing. If your chosen one is not a criminal or an illiterate fellow, then exclude from the speech any hints of obscenity. Perhaps, after long-term communication, you will come to the conclusion that this is permissible between you. But at first it is better not to risk being branded as a Chalda.

4. Smile.

A smile transforms the world around you, sets you up for a positive and informs humanity that you are in a great mood. A man is unlikely to turn to a frowning beech with drawn eyebrows, you never know what problems and troubles she has, why bother? And an open radiant smile attracts guys and arouses a desire to inquire about the reasons Have a good mood, encourages a man to take initiative.

5. Talk about what is interesting to the interlocutor.

Manicure, kitties or wax depilation bikinis are not the most popular topics for discussion among men. Of course, trying to talk about cars or computers if you don't understand them is also not worth it, but you can ask to talk about the program you need, because this way a man will feel like an expert and a teacher, which will have a pleasant effect on him. The secret is simple - listen more and talk later with your friend.

6. Show initiative.

A self-confident woman will not wait until they ask for her phone number, call and invite somewhere, but she will “take the bull by the horns”, that is, the outcome of events in her own hands. The centuries, when girls, sitting in high towers, were waiting for the attention of a knight or a poet, have passed forever. Now the fair sex takes what it deserves, without looking back at past prejudices.

By following the above postulates, you will soon be able to enjoy declarations of love and regular dating.

Women's ways of drawing attention to their person are different from male methods. Female Methods are distinguished by some passivity, games with hints, secrets and chances. If you need to attract the attention of a man, then first of all you need to take care of own appearance... A balance must be struck between flamboyant attractiveness and overt vulgarity. After all, the woman in short dress with rhinestones will attract the attention of not only the man you like, but the whole street, but this is absolutely not the result that you need to strive for.

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    How to attract the guy you like?

    To attract a man you like, you need to consider that representatives strong half humanity is loved with the eyes. The girl should look well-groomed. You can't allow vulgarity in appearance, but you don't need to be too modest. Therefore, mother's skirt that covers the knees will have to be set aside for another occasion. It is recommended to stick to the golden mean in everything. Makeup also should not be too bright, it is needed in order to emphasize natural beauty girls.

    A woman will be able to quickly attract the attention of a man if there is some kind of mystery in her. If the lady on the very first dates fully revealed herself, then the gentleman will quickly lose interest in her. Therefore, the young lady is recommended to keep some mystery and secret as much as possible. long term... The gentleman does not have to guess every next movement of the young lady. But even in this case, it is necessary to observe the measure, because the behavior of the girl should not shock the gentleman.

    You also need to find out about the guy's hobbies and try to support them. If possible, the hobby should be shared. The man will definitely like it. A girl can invite a guy on a hike, scuba diving, or take a short trip. All this only contributes to the rapprochement of the couple.

    It must be borne in mind that a young lady needs to be developed in many areas, because stupidity is not an additional decoration for a lady. If a girl is smart, she has good taste and a sense of proportion, then it will not be difficult for her to attract the attention of a guy and build a relationship with him.

    How to please a guy

    How to pull a man from a distance?

    Everyone prefers communication with those people from whom it comes positive energy... All those around are saturated with this energy. A gloomy pessimist, who is often dissatisfied with everything around him and himself, takes energy from other people. With such a person you want to communicate as little as possible.

    Even if a young lady wears one of the most beautiful dresses that are in the shops of the city, a man will not date her when negative energy emanates from her. If a girl is optimistic, loves life, is benevolently disposed towards the people around her, then she will always have many fans. And among these fans it may well be her beloved.

    A young lady can attract a man from a distance thanks to some rumors. That is, a guy can find out about a girl's positive or negative actions, even if they are unfamiliar or just saw each other a long time ago. But you do not need to do good deeds just in order to attract the attention of a man. Sometimes, in order to attract a guy, a young lady must stop putting her interests above others and think about what the guy wants.

    How to get your husband's attention

    The power of thought

    To attract a guy you like with the power of thought, you need to act as follows:

    • The desire must be precisely formulated. If you need to attract a man into life, then it is recommended to think about how he should look, what kind of character he should have.
    • The main thing is to think positively. If a girl initially allows herself the thought that she is not worthy of the best, then it is not surprising that she will lose. It is imperative that a positive outcome be present in all thoughts.
    • Visualization is recommended. It's easier to tune in correctly if the expected is in front of your eyes, at least on paper. If you need to attract a familiar person, it is recommended to hang his photo in front of your eyes. If you just want to attract love into life, then you need to draw on paper the image of the desired gentleman, putting your energy into the drawing.
    • You need to decide on the main thing. For many people, during the day, energy is spent on unnecessary ones, negative thoughts... And there is no more strength left for the main thing. Therefore, you always need to remember the main thing so as not to be sprayed.
    • It is highly recommended to clear your thoughts of negativity. During a person's life, a lot of negative feelings and the most destructive of them is resentment. Feelings like this affect the train of thought. Therefore, it is recommended to get rid of the negative as soon as possible.

    How to get a guy's attention

    Feng Shui

    If you want to change in life, then, according to Feng Shui, you need to start with cleaning your home. By using general cleaning you can get rid of bad energy and encourage positive. When the girl has washed and cleaned all the rooms in the dwelling, she will say goodbye to her unsuccessful relationships, tears and disappointments. It is necessary to throw dry flowers out of the house, things of a former gentleman and those clothes that have not been needed for a long time. If there was unsuccessful marriage then it is not necessary to get rid of the ring. It is recommended to place this ring under running water for a while and then store it separately from other jewelry.

    According to Feng Shui, the territory of love is located on the southwest side of any apartment. For this reason, if a young lady wants to attract a beloved man into her life, this territory should always be clean. It is recommended to put a certain thing in this corner that can contribute to mutual feelings in relationship:

    1. 1. Double figurine: puppies, doves, kittens.
    2. 2. Pictures with couples in love: photo or poster.
    3. 3. Figures of mandarin ducks. These ducks are legalized in Feng Shui as a symbol of love.

    The energy of a woman and her self-esteem

    Every young lady should develop self-confidence. You must love yourself and remember your uniqueness. It is recommended to often think about how to turn your shortcomings into advantages, how to achieve your goals. Psychologists advise not to be led by your own fear in order to develop self-confidence and attract the attention of a man. If a young lady is afraid to communicate with a handsome and successful man, then it is simply necessary to do this. If a girl manages to overcome her fear, then she can find her dream immediately behind it.

    The world is ruled by energy that is able to attract and hold. Usually a woman is a bunch of energy, for this reason she can attract her type of man. It is necessary to reveal your nature, and then a woman will be able to keep whatever she wants. Representatives of the stronger sex at a distance feel such women who can give love, but also help to become successful. And this is very important for the strong half of humanity.

    To increase your energy and attract a man for Serious relationships, a woman needs to use certain recommendations:

    Many men like it when a woman wears tight clothes. All her dignities become visible, and the figure of the young lady looks like hourglass and is able to attract men's views... Guys like to contemplate the waist, because they are looking not only for a sexual partner, but also at the subconscious level they evaluate a girl as future mother their children. Therefore, they prefer girls with thin waist, lush breasts and wide hips.

    If a girl wants to attract successful man, then she can be recommended to wear tight-fitting outfits that emphasize her sexuality. But representatives of the strong half of humanity, in addition to appearance, pay attention to intellectual abilities girls. Therefore, it is not recommended to limit your development only to outfits.

    To attract a man you like into your life, you need to choose suitable scent, because people find a soul mate by smell - this is what psychologists say. A young lady should choose a perfume with special care so as not to attract attention. unnecessary people... Only the right person should respond to a special scent.

    How to get a guy's attention with your eyes?

    Psychologists say that a long look directly into the eyes awakens in a person strong feelings that can turn into love or something serious. Many girls avoid looking into the eyes of the guy they like because they are shy. It is not right. Interested glance often helps to attract the object of sympathy.

    Just don't look at him intently, because such a look will only scare the guy. It is enough to look your chosen one in the eyes a little longer than usual. It is recommended to look away from him, look away, then back at the man.

    And a little about secrets ...

    The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

    Especially the eyes surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing makes a person look older or younger than his eyes.

    But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid pilling, radiolifting, laser facelift? Slightly more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find all this time? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself, I chose a different way ...

Usually, guys get through breakups much more easily than girls. They quickly find other girlfriends and after a couple of months they completely forget about their past relationships. And the responsibility for this partly lies with the girl. The fact is that girls begin to misbehave after the guy leaves. And the guy forever closes this topic for himself, he fenced himself off from annoying persecution, tries to avoid contact, does not give the girl the opportunity to call or write. And those girls who start to persecute the guy act very stupidly. To attract the former, you need to let him go, you need to give him the opportunity of free choice. But you can always influence this choice, but not by pressure and onslaught, but by smart behavior.

To begin with, calmly and judiciously think about what repulsed the guy in you. This will help you decide on further action... You have to change in yourself what repulsed the guy. In addition, start working on yourself, become more attractive in appearance, watch yourself, your figure. Refresh your wardrobe. One cannot ignore the fact that men love with their eyes. If a guy sees a girl who is outwardly attracted to him, he cannot resist. He is ready to forgive her many things. Therefore, it is wise to start with the appearance. Learn to do makeup and hairstyles, start growing your hair. According to statistics, guys more often go to girls with more long hair... Think over your style from your hair tips to your fingertips. It's good if a stylist helps you with this, as well as in choosing clothes.

When you become more attractive, you will think more than once about whether you need to attract ex-boyfriend, because there will be many other guys around you who will begin to pay attention to you. You will be pleased with yourself, your self-esteem will increase. But you also need to work on those habits and personality traits that your boyfriend didn't like. Surely he told you more than once what he was dissatisfied with. Perhaps you smoke. And he did not like it, either you are too jealous, or you often give a reason for jealousy. Think about all the reasons you can think of. Usually there are several reasons for a breakup.

Now that you have taken into account a lot, started taking care of yourself, it would be nice to convey this information to the guy through mutual friends or social networks. There is no need to draw attention on purpose. In the networks, the guy will already see all the changes that have occurred in you. Ask faithful friend or a friend, on occasion, tell your ex about all the changes in you. Do not doubt, at least, his curiosity will play a role. At first, just for the sake of curiosity, he wants to be convinced of everything. Don't be discouraged if it’s purely curiosity at first. This is where it all starts. Most likely the guy will want to see you. And this is your first personal meeting after long parting will be decisive. It will depend on you how everything will turn out further. You should intrigue your boyfriend even more, let him know that you are not at all the girl he once left. And do not delay the return of the guy, act now, until he started a new relationship and went headlong into them.
I highly recommend reading the next book. Lots of positive reviews.

How to attract the attention of a guy you like? How many girls are haunted by this question, day or night! Cupid loves to play pranks, he has fun by sitting on a soft and cozy cloud, aiming his crossbow at the young and beautiful. As a result, hearts open to love suffer from unrequited feelings. If such a situation happened to you and you directly fell for your friend or little acquaintance guy, then do not rush to despair. Weigh all the pros and cons, think carefully - are these real feelings, sympathy, love, or just fleeting infatuation... Are you sure that this is your destiny and the betrothed mummer has already settled in your heart? Then don't sit still and start acting.

How to get the attention of a guy you like

  • Complexes are beauty's worst enemies

First of all, you need to get rid of complexes and stop criticizing yourself. If you want to be loved, you must fall in love with yourself. Every day, looking in the mirror, notice new beautiful aspects of your appearance. Admire your naughty dark curls, cool nose freckles, unusual eye shape. Girls with a bunch of complexes are always much more difficult to attract a guy than liberated and open to communication. But this does not mean that you need to behave defiantly and draw too much attention to yourself. Everything should have a golden mean, moderation and harmony.

Having got rid of complexes, pay attention to your appearance and remember the proverb known from childhood. No matter how erudite and smart you are, remember - men love with their eyes. The first impression always makes eye contact so always look well-groomed and tidy. It is not necessary to wear the latest trendy clothes, it is important that the image is in harmony with state of mind and fit the character. Make sure that your hair is always well-groomed and does not lose its beautiful and healthy look... Very often, men are the first to pay attention to them.

  • Emphasize your merits

Manicure, make-up and wardrobe must be impeccable. Don't overdo it with eyeshadow, eyeliner and lipstick bright colors... You don't have to be a gray mouse, but a provocative makeup can attract the wrong guys who are ready for long-term relationship... Choose cosmetics that match well your skin, eye and hair color. Follow the advice of makeup artists and stylists, visit beauty salons and follow fashionable novelties... Choose clothes that will emphasize your advantages: fitted dresses, If you have beautiful figure"hourglass"; short skirts if you have attractive long legs; open neckline if you have lush and firm breasts.

Make sure that you have an even and beautiful posture... Slouching girls are not attracted to guys as often as slender and stately ones. Imagine that you are wearing all four volumes of War and Peace on your head, and you are afraid that they will not fall with a crash. It will help you for short term get rid of the bad and very bad habit slouch. You can sign up for fitness, yoga or dancing. This will not only help you get a wonderful posture, but also become slim and fit. Plus, classes will improve emotional condition will enhance mood and self-esteem.

  • Women's enchantment is the strongest weapon

We girls are lucky to have the most magical and stunning power in our hands. We can charm a man with a flirtatious look, a sincere smile, or a graceful gait. Shoot with your eyes, shyly look away. Don't look at the guy for a long time and intently, a few seconds is enough. You must be a mystery to him, and, as you know, men love to solve complex puzzles. Become a secret for him, play with him and feel your superiority. Do not be arrogant and very withdrawn, do not impose and do not hang on his neck. Find a gold mine perfect solution, work out a tactic to win his heart.

Fifty percent of success is internal state harmony with yourself. It helps to emit a huge percentage of fluids, magic enzymes of attraction. When will you learn to manage this incredible strength- all men will be at your feet. Smile, broadcast yours great mood out. Enjoy excellent condition weightlessness, attractiveness and feminine charm... Nothing attracts men like a mysterious playful sparkle in the eyes and a pleasant funny laugh... Scientists have long proven that such species non-verbal communication how a smile and a look attract people of the opposite sex even before the moment of their first speech contact.

  • Learn as much as possible about Him

Are you one hundred percent ready to meet your loved one? On you Nice dress, hair shines healthy shine, beautiful manicure decorates your nails and natural makeup already on your face? Then move on to another level of conquering the guy of your dreams. Find out as much as possible about him, turn into a detective or secret agent for a while. Visit the clubs he visits, meet his friends, see all of his pages on social networks. When you know more about him, then with direct contact with him you will know what to talk to him about, and what topics he is most interested in.

Of course, this does not mean that you have to become a rabid fan and breathe only in his interests. It's just that all the knowledge gained in the process of a little investigation will help you better understand your loved one. Maybe after learning about him more information, you do not want to conquer it at all and you will understand that this is not what you need. If, on the contrary, your hobbies coincide and he is as ardent a fan of the Muse group as you are, this is your destiny. The main thing is not to be too intrusive and do not give reasons to be suspected of espionage. Go to your goal gradually, step by step closer to cherished day your first romantic date.

  • Go to action

Who said that a man should take the initiative into his own hands. We live in modern world where women take high positions, drive cars, are involved in politics and business. The myth that women are the weaker sex has long been dispelled. Therefore, you can act boldly and not be afraid of prejudice. And if you choose the right tactics, then the man will think that he was the initiator of your relationship. The main thing here is not to break the wood and do everything very carefully and not intrusively.

To establish contact, you can turn to him for help, ask his advice in something, get his opinion, as an expert in any matter. Use all your charm, apply a few tricks - a charming smile and an enigmatic look. Get him interested and intrigued so that he wants to see you more than once. Stick to the golden mean, do not impose and be patient a little, your mystery will soon bear fruit. Be natural, do not get lost next to him, be confident in your abilities and then you will definitely succeed.

  • listen to your heart

Intuition, the sixth sense or the voice of the heart - this phenomenon inherent in women is called differently. In some magical way, we can foresee what will happen in the near future. It's very important to listen to your intuition, especially when trying to get the attention of a guy you like. When you let go of all complexes and open up to meet a new feeling, you will understand how you need to behave at one time or another. Phrases and words will pick up in your head, and you will act at the call of your own heart.

If at first you feel that this is not what you wanted, then give up before it's too late. Perhaps you drew one image in your head, and your chosen one turned out to be completely different, not meeting your expectations. Otherwise, if you really feel in your heart that this is your person, your interests and goals converge, then consider that most of the path has been covered. You are practically at the finish line because sympathy for you has already settled in his heart, and perhaps he is already head over heels in love.

Men have always accused women of witchcraft and enchantments because they have never been able to resist the power of our beauty and charm. We do not need magic or love spells, because inside every woman there is a powerful elixir of attractiveness and charm. First of all, in order to attract the guy of your dreams, you need to be yourself, behave naturally and at ease, laugh at his jokes, captivate him with a beautiful look and drive him crazy with a divine smile.

1. Appearance It's no secret that most men, first of all, are attracted to women by their appearance. If you know roughly what tastes the object of your sympathy has, then you can try to adapt to them, however, if we are talking about unfamiliar person, then, of course, you have to follow the general recommendations. First of all, pay attention to your hair. Many guys like girls with long well-groomed hair... Not everyone can and wants to grow hair to the lower back, therefore, if you have short haircut, then this is also not a minus. Choose a hairstyle that suits you best and take good care of your hair. better side show your figure dignity. Your outfits should not be vulgar and overly revealing, or too closed - observe the measure in everything. 2. Glance and gestures Periodically look into the eyes of the guy you like. Of course, this does not mean that you have to gaze steadily into his pupils. During a conversation, confidently and calmly look into the eyes, periodically looking at something else - his lips, hands, a cup, etc. If you are not talking with a guy, but just observing from the side, then also from time to time glance at him, trying to cross glances. When he looks at you, do not move your gaze abruptly to the side - hold him for a few seconds, and only then, with a barely noticeable smile, look away. 3. Interesting communication Believing that the guy will be interested in the details personal life your girlfriend or people he simply does not know, most likely you are mistaken. If you live a fairly busy life, visit various events, are fond of any kind of sports, you can tell the young man about it, asking if he likes this pastime. Perhaps you do not have time for entertainment, or there are simply no hobbies - in this case, take an interest in the life of your interlocutor. Many guys like to talk about themselves, so ask the chosen one where he likes to be, what he likes, what plans he has. 4. By their behavior and actions To make a guy like him and show him your interest, start flirting with him. Let him understand what makes you sympathetic. If you are in a company, try to demonstrate your interest with light concern - ask if he wants tea, if he is cold, and the like. The chosen one should see that you care about his comfort.

How to attract a stranger you like

Since the man is a stranger, and you met by chance, you need to act quickly, until he disappears from your field of vision. Outside 1. Go to the guy you like, and just ask how to get to a certain place. Choose a building nearby so that, if desired, the young man can guide you. In the club In such institutions, it is easier to strike up an acquaintance. If you are brave, then you may well invite someone you like young man dance. You can also pretend that you confused him with someone - for example, with a friend whom you have not seen for many years. The mix-up trick can be used in any other place - in a cafe, on the street, etc. Online If you liked the guy you just found on the Internet, it would be most logical to write to him. Although you can do it differently - just start giving him likes. Perhaps this step will not impress the young man or he simply will not notice him, in which case, nevertheless, write him a message. Say hello to the guy and start a dialogue. Do not be afraid to do this - you will not lose anything anyway. this man has not been in your life before.

How to spark interest in your ex

The ex-boyfriend probably thinks that you are like a "read book" for him and he already knows everything about you. To pique his interest, you need to let him know that he is wrong. If you recently broke up, then it makes sense to create a lack of information about yourself. In the era of social media, many girls do common mistake: after parting with a young man, they begin to demonstrate their life to him in every possible way, posting a lot of photos and adding a variety of posts. You should go underground - you don't need your ex to find out too much information about you during this period if he has such a desire. Give yourself about a month to prepare to appear before your ex in a completely different light. Do not worry that he will forget about you - in 3-4 weeks this will not happen if you were in a relationship. For the first couple of weeks, a guy may deliberately avoid any opportunity to learn anything about you, but then he wants to figure out how you deal with the breakup. During the specified period, do not add new photos and tearful posts - try to be on social networks less often. During this time, you need not only to change outwardly for the better, but also to find new interests and exciting hobbies. When the ex-lover sees you again, then you should at least surprise him with your transformation. Before him should be a completely different girl - even more attractive, living with unusual interests, confident and calm. It is not necessary to demonstrate all these changes on purpose - he will see them himself. If you want to resume the romance, then first try to reach a neutral-friendly relationship with him. Do not try to persuade him to be with you - it will only lower your chances. You must behave and look in such a way that he himself wants it.

What you can be interested in by correspondence in contact

1. At real meeting young people usually immediately pay attention to the girl's appearance, and when communicating on the network, about the same happens - the interlocutor, communicating with you, periodically studies your photo. Try to share the most winning pictures on social networks. You don't need to post everything in a row - even if there are not very many photos, but not one or two. Guys are embarrassed when a girl has only one profile picture - they may decide that you have chosen your best photo, and in real life are significantly different from this image. Therefore, put different pictures on your page so that he can roughly imagine what you really are in life. 2. It is important to observe " the golden mean". If a guy is actively interested in something related to you, then answer his questions in detail. Remember to ask questions in response as well. You do not need to be frank on your own and tell the guy about what he did not show interest in. You can mention something in passing or rather succinctly, and if a counter question follows, then only then share more detailed information. 3. If you want to win over the interlocutor, take more interest in his personality. Ask him questions that are relevant to him. Find out in which interesting places he visited what kind of cuisine he likes, what girls he likes, how he likes to celebrate holidays, how often he meets friends and the like. 4. If you want the guy to have a positive impression of you, do not add your social network too tearful or, even worse, obscene notes. It can look stupid and repulsive. Communicating through VK, you can show your best side, even without giving any information about yourself to the guy directly. Add entries from groups about interesting books, subscribe to groups about travel, sports, foreign languages, and add interesting posts from these communities. 5. Even if you have Bad mood or you are unhappy with something, then the correspondence is a wonderful opportunity to hide it, and this opportunity should not be neglected. Let the young man have only pleasant emotions from communicating with you, and if specifically he did not offend you in any way, then you should not spoil his mood with complaints. Even if you are in serious trouble, and while you are not in a close relationship with this guy, the most you can do is to mention your problems in passing, without focusing much on them. In general, try to joke more and cheer him up when needed. 6. Try to keep your messages informative and unobtrusive. If the guy has read your message and does not answer anything, you do not need to send after the question marks or persistently ask: "Why are you silent?" Do not write several messages in a row if the guy did not answer the first of them, and do not send meaningless and annoying messages - numerous emoticons or phrases "Boring", "What are you doing?", "Why didn't you answer?" etc.

    Of course, guys need to be liked to be the center of attention. Start with looks. Perhaps, it is not even worth mentioning that you should look neat and well-groomed. Try to adhere to a feminine style, come up with some kind of "zest" that will suit you ( large earrings, bright lipstick, neckerchiefs, glasses, etc.). If you have any problems with the figure that you want to fix, then do not put it on the back burner. Go to proper nutrition or sign up for a gym. Girls who are in the spotlight of guys tend to take an interest in them themselves. This does not mean that you need to flirt ahead with everyone, but friendly involvement in the affairs of other people is not canceled. Take an interest in the mood of the interlocutor, make compliments, be attentive - try to make the young man feel comfortable with you. Guys pay attention to confident girls. You should not be overly proud, but there is no need to demonstrate self-doubt either: "I need to lose weight!", "I'm so stupid!" etc. Moreover, if someone tries to hurt you unpleasant words, you must be able to give a decisive rebuff. To be interesting to other men, it is not enough just attractive appearance... Find an exciting hobby that shows you on your side. Give preference to sports and dancing - this way you will not only improve your figure, but you will always be in good shape, and also make new acquaintances.

How to get your boyfriend's attention to yourself

Sometimes a girl may think that her relationship with her lover is at an impasse or that he has ceased to be interested in her. If you wish, you can "refresh" the feelings of the young man.

He pays a lot of attention to others, not me

First, determine why he is doing this. Perhaps you yourself spend too much time with your friends, and he is jealous. It is possible that in the girls to whom he devotes time, there is something that he really likes, something that is not in you. You can also assume that you are no longer interested in him, and he is trying to find another girl. The first thing to do is to stop tantrums and provide complete freedom action to the guy. Talk to him in advance, find out what he lacks in your relationship. After listening to him, take note of his claims and correct any possible shortcomings. Be attentive to your beloved, look well-groomed. Dress nicely and seductively for dates. If, despite all this, the guy continues to pay attention to other girls, then he hardly appreciates you. The only thing that can settle him down is if you frankly say that you can no longer put up with it and want to take a break in the relationship.

His feelings for you have cooled down - surprise him

Surely, the beloved is sure that he knows you inside and out, and he will not be able to see anything new in you. Your task is to show him that this is not so - you are able to surprise and be unpredictable. You can start with the little things that can be done in a day - you can radically change your hairstyle or style of clothing, but at the same time you must be one hundred percent sure that such changes will suit you. Also, the guy will clearly begin to show interest in you if the circle your fellowship will expand to include other men. To do this, you can sign up for programming courses, wrestling, hip-hop and any other classes that are mainly attended by males. It will not be superfluous if the guy starts to be jealous - occasionally mention in passing that someone wanted to meet you. And, of course, forget about any dissatisfaction and depression - you should look impressive, radiate self-confidence and optimism, and then the beloved will look at you with different eyes.