Have a nice day and good mood girl. Original wishes for a loved one have a good day. Good day wishes for a girl

My dear, beloved and most best girl on the whole planet, with all my heart I wish you a good, beautiful morning. Let the morning give you a good mood and open the door to a good day. May all your dreams come true, may your plans become reality. I so want you to remember this morning for a long time, as the most magical morning. Joy to you, my joy, success in everything and all the best throughout the day. May my love always be your guardian.

I admire it so much when you wake up you remind me of a little pretty girl who demands special attention to yourself in the morning. I am ready to fulfill all your whims, ready to bring you coffee in bed every morning. FROM Good morning, my joy. May the morning surely give you good mood, let the sun stroke you with its gentle warm ray so that you wake up sooner. I wish you good luck, inspiration and happiness. Good news to you, my dear, beautiful weather and good friends.

It's been raining lightly this morning. But don't let that upset you, because, as they say, nature has no bad weather. You need to find some zest in every weather, and not pay attention to the little things in life. I wish you good morning and have a good day. May the cheerful rain wash away all sorrows and failures, may it cheer you up. Good luck to you, my beloved, good luck and all the best. Let, despite the weather, your dreams come true, let everything be okay with you.

The sun, waking up, gently looks into your window. Wake up too, my love. Today is beautiful morning that you must by all means greet him and give him your wonderful smile. May the morning certainly be a wonderful start to a good and successful day. May all your dreams come true, may good news will please you. May hope be with you throughout the day. May my love always protect you, my beloved. All the best to you, luck and inspiration in everything.

Good morning my love. This morning is as kind and gentle as you are. Wake up soon my sunshine. Good luck awaits you today, the fresh morning breeze whispered about it to me. good morning to you and have a nice day. May everything you dream about come true, may your radiant smile make the morning even more beautiful and more fun. May only pleasant moments await you today, my joy. May everything work out for you without a single obstacle. Let my love be faithful companion today, tomorrow and always.

My sweetest and most beloved girl in the world, I wish you a wonderful morning and good health. Let the sun give you the warmth of its rays, and let the earth give you a gentle sunrise. I give you the most gentle kiss May it make your whole day successful. I wish you good news today, may your dreams come true. Good morning to you, my joy, and a wonderful day. Have a nice meeting you and new achievements. Let my love be a talisman for you for the whole day.

Darling, I give you today's dawn. May it bring you a lot of joy and good mood, may your dreams come true. May the morning bring you courage and hope. I wish you, my sun, luck and good luck in everything. Let Sunbeam will give you much happiness. May every moment of this day be magical for you. I love, adore you and wish you all the very best. All the best to you, good weather and prosperity, my dear. Let good angel always protects you.

It had been raining lightly since early morning. But only you, waking up, smiled - the clouds disappeared, and the sun gave you a ray of good luck. I also wish you, my love, good morning. Let it be a good start to a promising day. I wish you good luck, success and luck in everything. May all failures go to yesterday's realm of night. May the morning give you the key to happiness in the coming day. Be cheerful, smile more, because a gloomy day will become brighter from a smile.

You are like a flower in the morning that blooms with the first rays of the sun. I want to wish you, my love, good morning. May this morning be the most successful in your life. Let it give you a great mood, a lot of joy, and a pleasant unexpected meeting. May my love always be a good companion for you. May everything work out for you, may all problems be solved easily and simply. You, the best in the world, my joy, let you be lucky in everything. May the Lord keep you from everything bad.

Wake up, my love, the morning has fully come into its own. Your strong coffee is waiting for you in the kitchen, so that you would rather cheer up, my sun, and pour in during the new day. Good morning you, my dear. May this morning be the happiest and most successful. May all your desires coincide with the possibilities, may everything be fine with you today. Have a good mood good luck and all the best to you. May a good angel be with you always, and protect you from everything bad.

The sun with its golden rays greets the earth with good morning. I also wish you, my love, a good morning and good health. May everything you dream about today come true. Let a beautiful morning be a good ticket to a lucky day. May you not have any doubts, but only self-confidence. I wish you joy, happiness and fulfillment of all desires. Let only joyful moments please you today. May the Lord protect you, may the wind carry all the troubles far, far away.

What a beautiful morning, what a good morning it is for all of us. It gives us rays of warmth and happiness, birdsong and silvery dew. All this beauty I give you, my love. May this morning be the happiest and most kind. Let your smile, your joy be transmitted to everyone around. Let self-confidence help you achieve your goal. May good mood and inspiration always be with you. May my love be your guardian. May the morning invigorate you.

Morning has come to our land with confident steps. Gave everyone solar heat and tenderness. I touched you with my magic ray, my love. Wake up, my joy, it's time to get up, because you have a lot to do today. May the morning give strength and energy to be in time, to successfully implement everything. I wish you a great mood, optimism and self-confidence. May it come true cherished dream let this morning give you an invitation to a beautiful day. I wish you good luck and luck in everything.

You are my favorite girl in the world. For you, I'm ready for anything, even to get a star from the sky. And today, with great joy, I will give you the morning: the most beautiful and kind. Let the morning be the continuation of a successful day. May your dreams come true. May this morning be magical and lucky. I wish you great mood and joy. May fate be kind to you, may the Lord always protect you. I wish you happiness, enthusiasm, and all the best.

Morning is the beginning of all beginnings. May this morning be the most successful for you, my beloved. I wish you good morning and good health. Don't let the gloomy weather bother you, just smile and everything will fall into place. After all, it is not in vain that they say that a smile makes a gloomy day brighter. Have a great mood, my baby, joy and enthusiasm. May everything you dream about come true. May good luck dwell in your house forever. Let only good news please you today.

How nice it is to wake up my beloved with a gentle kiss in the morning. Good morning my joy. May this morning be truly good. Let it be the continuation of a wonderful day. I wish you the fulfillment of all desires, may a good mood not leave you from morning until the end of the day. Let the morning be the happiest, the luckiest. Let the sun give you a ray of warmth, and the birds will enchant you with their trill. Let all problems be solved easily and simply. Joy to you, happiness and inspiration, my love.

The radiant sun smiled merrily, morning came. It's time for you to get up, my love. May everything go well for you today. Let the morning be good start have a good day. May the weather be nice to you today. Good mood to you, self-confidence, joy and fun. May your cherished dream come true instantly, may the morning give you hope. I love you, my joy, and wish you only the best. Let the good angel guide you the right way, my Sunshine.

My beloved, my one and only girl in the world, I congratulate you on a good morning. May this beautiful, sunny morning be a wonderful gift for you. May all your plans come true. Let the morning be a great start to a good day. Good luck to you in everything, happiness and joy. May the first ray of sunshine give you happiness, may the birds enchant you with their singing, may morning dew will give you health. May my love always protect you.

I want to give you all the most beautiful: the flowering of the most beautiful flowers, the sonorous singing of birds, the warmth of a golden sunbeam. I give you the morning dawn, when the whole earth wakes up, a new day comes into being. May this morning be the most beautiful. May your smile disperse all the clouds in the sky, may a good mood accompany you all day long. They say how the day starts is how you spend it. Let the morning be the cleanest, most affectionate, kindest.

Good morning my favorite girl in the world. May all the best, all the best gather in this short period of the day. Let the morning invigorate you, let it be the luckiest. I wish all your wishes come true. You are kind to me, and the morning only gives good positive. Good morning to you, dear, and good health, joy, good luck and luck. May this morning be the luckiest and most successful. May a kind angel give you the key to have a nice day.

The most tender, the most affectionate wishes this beautiful morning to you, my beloved and unique. May today's dawn give you a wonderful mood, may all your wishes come true. Let good morning will be the beginning have a wonderful day Let today's weather please you. Warmth to you, my only one, joy and great happiness. May you be lucky today like never before. Be happy, my sun in the morning, afternoon, evening and always. May a good angel always accompany you.

My beloved, my kind and most beautiful girl in the world. Let me give you this wonderful morning. After all, the truth is they say how the day begins, so you will spend it. I wish you good morning and good mood. Let all the sad things be left behind, take everything only good for today, and then it will certainly be successful. May this morning be the most cheerful and happy. Smile at the sun, and it will surely give you a ray of warmth and kindness.

Nature wakes up from a night's sleep. The sun sends its first rays of greeting to the earth. It's so nice to see a picture of an early dawn. I ask you, my love, wake up as soon as possible and rejoice with nature at the birth of a new day. May this morning be the kindest, most affectionate and happiest for you. May all your wishes come true, may the morning give you a lucky ticket for today. I wish you joy, good luck and success in everything.

The first ray of sunshine knocked on your window, greeting you with good morning. Wake up my princess, good morning to you, my love. May this morning be the best for you. May it give you the keys to a happy day. Let a good mood and good weather accompany you, may your dreams come true. Let my love be a talisman throughout the day. happy morning you, dear, and good health, good luck and prosperity.

My beloved girl, I wish you a good morning! May the whole day be filled with pleasant moments, joyful meetings and new acquaintances, but only with girls, of course. I hope that when you open your eyes and read my message, your mood rise immediately. I know how much you hate getting up early in the morning, so I thought I'd give you a little cheer. So get up quickly, wash your face, get dressed and start celebrating this day, which will definitely be one of the best in your life. Smile for today so that it will reciprocate you. Plus, your smile really suits you. May this morning be truly kind for my beauty. Well, for my part, I will do everything to make it so.

Finally, the most beautiful woke up and kind girl in this world. And she is only mine, which means that only I can see her sleepy smile today, which instantly cheers me up. Beloved, I wish you the very best morning, the most beautiful and fruitful day, pleasant surprises and a lot of good things. Know that today the sun shines only to make you happy. I love your smile, so I did everything to make the sun come out, making you smile on a cold morning. You should get ready as soon as possible in order to have time to do a lot of things today, and in the evening you and I can watch your favorite movie. I wish my dearest and beloved girl a pleasant good morning! I love you!

Today is such a wonderful weather, the long-awaited sun is shining, which means that the morning should be good. My love, despite the fact that you do not like to get up early, today is a special day - a long-awaited sunny morning. You just have to get up early today, because you have a great day ahead of you. I, in turn, will make every effort to please this day, because then you will please me. My dear, I wish you good morning and a wonderful day, which you will definitely spend in a great mood. You look especially beautiful today, because the morning is conducive to this. I love your sleepy smile so much. I am lucky to have the honor of watching her every day.

My beloved girl, you, as always, however, got up so early to start the day with exercises. I hope that you are already charged with energy and good mood, because you need it. I wish you a wonderful day, achieve your goals for today and just get a lot of positive emotions. Let this morning be one of those that are remembered, and I will do everything for this, because I want you to be always happy. Good morning, my beauty! I love to look at you for a long time in the morning, because you are especially beautiful. I don’t even know what to look at more: sparkling eyes or a still slightly sleepy smile. I love you! Never forget about it, okay?

My dear, I know that getting up early is like hard labor for you, but it’s still worth waking up early so as not to be late. My dear, I wish you good morning! Let today go as well as possible, but this cannot be achieved without a smile that you have lost somewhere. You should start your morning the way you want to spend the whole day. So I found a way out. You have to get up with a smile so you don't complain about a bad day anymore. Let's start right from today, and I will help you. My dear, I love you and your half-asleep smile so much, you can't even imagine. I want to wake up with you, cook breakfast, get ready for work. If we do everything together, then it will definitely not be difficult for you to get up in the morning.

My most beautiful girl, good morning to you! I'm in again convinced me how beautiful you are. I looked at you while you were sleeping and could not believe my happiness, because next to me lies the most beautiful, kind and a smart girl in this world that I dreamed about so much. And now I want you to get up soon, get ready and cook breakfast for us, because I also really like to look at you when you cook something interesting. And then you and I will go on business together. You will have a great day today because you got up in a good mood. Of course, there is my merit in this, then you are my clever one, because only I know how you do not like to get up early in the morning. But today everything will be different, because we got up with a smile.

I want to wish good morning to the best and most beloved girl in this world. Every day you make me happy with your smile, energize me, and your laughter always cheers me up. Today I decided to cheer you up myself by waking you up so early. My beloved, may this day bring you even more joy and happiness. You should get into the habit of getting up in the morning with a smile on your face, because it makes you crazy. I want you to always smile, because then the whole world smiles. My beloved, get up quickly, because great things are waiting for us. You and I will do everything, because we know how to get up with the right mood. I love you very much, dear! Be sure that tomorrow I will cheer you up in the same way from the very morning.

Early morning with a timid step steps on the ground, the sun, washed with dew, tries to look brighter and more attractive. Everything around wakes up. It's time for you to wake up, my love. I wish you good morning and good mood. Let everything be as you want, my unique. Let the beginning of the morning be a great continuation of a successful day. May all dreams come true without delay. Smile at the morning, and it will surely give you hope and love. Be happy and most beautiful

Wishes for the morning to your girlfriend: In verse | Short | Postcards

A stormy whirlpool of affairs, unnecessary worries simply overwhelms and absorbs. And the blue sky is not visible, and the birds are not heard that they sing. And moves away ... Stop! Rewind the film! We forget about the most important thing - about the people who are close to us, about relatives, about the man who is dear to us.

Why don't you remind your loved one, just like that, without any reason, that you love him, appreciate and cherish him? One of the options is to compose wishes for your beloved for a good day, and make it so that he remembers for a long time!

Without leaving home

You can start at home! What, for example, can you come up with wishes for your loved one? Write with lipstick on the glass of the mirror in the bathroom: "Good morning", "Have a nice day" or a banal but pleasant "I love you".

If you don’t want to later remove indelible traces of lipstick from the mirror, attach sticky notes with similar text to the refrigerator. Or do something more original: on the lid of the pan, under which the ready-to-eat eggs rest, stick a note: "I am an egg, eat me! This is the key to a good day!".

After spending 10-15 minutes on an idea, you will earn a man's devotion for life!
Can also be placed on front door a note containing warm wishes to your beloved (“Good luck!”, For the whole day!”), etc. Believe me, your man’s mood will immediately improve, and he will go to work in the most excellent mood. attracts like.

Phone help!

If in the morning you run too far or your brains have not yet “turned on” to compose treatises for husbands, do not despair! Do you still have time great way send warm wishes have a good day beloved - SMS-ka! You can just write pleasantries, or even better - compose a verse! But! Keep it short and concise! Don't be boring!

So, examples:

  • May this day be the same bright smile, how about you!
  • May you succeed today! Have a good day!
  • Have a nice day, honey! May it be as bright today as your smile!
  • Let only pleasant bright people surround you today!
  • Let all the goals set for today be easily achievable! Lucky day! smack! Your Badger.

And some poems:

May this bright day smile upon you.
Do not sour in vain, and everything will work out!
Have a nice day!

The sun came out from behind the clouds
A beam of light appeared.
For you it shines bright
Have a beautiful day for you!

Clouds outside the window today
And a wonderful opportunity arose
Wish you success
More laughter in the darkness!
Have a good day!

What if there's a surprise?

Don't know what else to come up with wishes for your loved one have a good day? You can make sure that your man receives a letter delivered by a courier. Of course, handwritten. What to write about? Yes about anything! How much you love him, how you wait, you can’t wait for a meeting, etc. You can hint that some kind of surprise awaits him at home. Or send 2 tickets to the match of his favorite football team with the phrase: “Darling, it seems you have a good day today!;)”

You can do so. Come up with a little quest. Prepare in advance and discreetly place the notes in the pockets of a working suit, your missus' briefcase, etc.

Then send an SMS message: “There is one piece of paper waiting for you in the left side pocket.”

And on a piece of paper found in his left pocket, he will read:

"You're beautiful, no doubt!
Look at your tablet!"

When opening the tablet, your man will see a splash screen on the desktop. For example, your photo, where you are holding an A4 sheet, on which capital letters written:

"Under lock, in a portfolio fairy tale,
More clues are waiting for you."

In the briefcase, in a pocket with a lock, there is a candy with a note attached to it:

"Here's a candy from me,
Have a nice day!"


And the last, but very important, advice: do not overdo it. Do not bombard your man with letters and messages every day. Just as you should not cook his favorite fried potatoes every day. It will get boring, sooner or later. But sometimes to present beautiful wishes have a good day beloved.

Have a nice day to you and your men!

Hey, baby, let's get up, meet the good morning. Kiss the hot slut because I love you!

Good morning, honey! Sending a million wonderful air kisses that create the most wonderful mood! And I hug you tightly.

Congratulations on the first rays of the sun! With this wonderful morning. With the start of a new day. I wish you that he would bring you everything that you only dream of!

Sometimes they just don't know what or how to say. most beautiful Recognition in love with a girl. Clips 201

Sadly, often men miss saying good morning to their wife, girlfriend or woman. Poems about love for a girl. romantic poems about loving a girl. Beautiful poems beloved girl.

Therefore, in the article we tried to pick up pleasant beautiful words with which a man can wish or send a wish of good morning or a good day to his beloved wife or girlfriend. Congratulatory channel Ok wishes everyone happiness, health, good luck and many smiles. WISHES GOOD MORNING LOVE.

Here are some good morning wishes for your beloved man in your own words you can write. Beautiful wish "Good morning and good mood!" beloved girl in your own words. And many more different.

This list can be supplemented, at the discretion of the author of wishes, which are especially relevant today due to the development of high technologies. Good evening!!

Let the sun in your window remind you of me. And he will say: "Beloved, stop sleeping. It's morning outside, you have to get up!"

Good morning, have a good day, gentle smiles, kiss you everywhere, everywhere, I miss you!

Accept the most tender and warm greetings, because there is no one better than you in the world!

Good morning, bright light, more emotions, smiles, hello, more luck, more heat, good morning my pussy!

Good morning! Have an interesting day! romantic evening! and stormy night!

Baby, good morning! Sending a million wonderful air kisses that create the most wonderful mood. I hug you tightly and kiss you!

Good morning! Wake up, cheer up and get to work! Warm sun in your window fragrant coffee and very delicious breakfast in the kitchen.

Good morning - wishes in your own words in pictures. Good morning! Let the day begin with kindness, Let there be more warmth, Let the day be filled with deeds, Come.

My joy, I wish you the most beautiful and good day. Let everything work out for you! May all your goals be successfully achieved, may you have high enthusiasm and a wonderful mood, self-confidence and good luck all day long. Love you.

My beloved little man, my joy, I wish you good morning, wonderful mood and bright inspiration. May the day be successful and easy, happy and joyful. I kiss you and hug you tightly.

I sincerely wish you a pleasant, successful and good day. May it be fruitful and rich. Let it be possible to realize all plans and desires. May this day bring only joy, good luck and good emotions.

My love, I hasten to wish you good, clear, kind, successful, fruitful, have a nice day. I hope it will be full of bright emotions and confident victories, nice words and successfully completed cases. Kiss, hug and send a breath of inspiration!

My love, good morning! I wish you to always wake up happy, beautiful, let your plans come true, and the sun always shines through your window.

Congratulations on the best and most beautiful morning! May everything you do today bring joy and a successful day!

My gentle swallow, my clear sun, my beloved beauty, good morning to you, my love! May the morning bring you inspiration and joy, a great mood and a great desire to do great things. I wish you a happy and successful day, a pleasant and warm evening.

I wish you the best and wonderful morning. I wish you a sweet awakening and great goals, I wish you a magical mood and morning vigor, I wish you unrealistically excellent health and brave inspiration, amazing energy and a surge of strength.

I want to wish my loved one a good day! So that only nice people surround you today. So that there is a lot of joy, successful deeds, good events and interesting news. I love you my golden!

My dear, beloved person - have a nice day! Let the positive and lively focus on results make this day as easy and productive as possible. Feel my love and support. I hug and kiss you!

Wish you happy start day, may today everything be successful and harmoniously develop.

My dear, I wish you have a great day! Let everything work out, energy and strength are added. Be full of enthusiasm creative ideas that are being corrected for implementation.

I wish you a good day, which will give you joy and happiness, joint success and great luck. May everything work out for you today, may this day turn your dreams into reality and give your couple real holiday wonderful mood.

Everything is disgusting without you: Moon and stars, midnight and dawn. And even the sun shines sadly on me When you are not with me! So wake up soon I'm waiting for you my bright light!

In this one, for real autumn day, somewhere in the stone jungle of a gloomy city, a warm, gentle, kind, affectionate heart beats, the mistress of which is now reading this. Good morning my love!

And you know it still will! The south wind is still blowing! And spring is still conjuring! And the memory flips! And make us meet! And your lips will wake me up at dawn, you know, there will still be.

Good morning my gentle angel! My heart is filled only with you, I really hope that yesterday's surprise did not go unnoticed. Just say that you love me and there will be fewer such surprises. Don't mess with me, you're playing with fire.

Wishes for your beloved girl in the morning: SMS | In verse

You are all that is on my mind, and it does not matter who and what says about us. I love you more than the Sun, the Moon and all the stars on the planet, because their light is nothing compared to you. My dear, I want to wish you the most beautiful and crazy magical night. Sweet dreams.

At first sight, I met my love, my dream, my ray of sunshine - you, who became so dear and the only one for me on the whole planet. My only one, I want to wish you delicious and sweet dreams, and no matter what happens, know that I am always there.

I'm going crazy from your beauty, from the tenderness that you give me. In my eyes the lights of love. Thanks to fate for intertwining our destinies. And now, my joy, go to bed and wait for our meeting in a dream.

When you smile, my soul becomes warmer, and I don’t understand why I breathe you and the flame flares up brighter in my chest. With these words I want to express all my love for you. I date you in my dream, and I expect you to come to me. Goodnight my little joy.

Finally, I understood what was the matter, you just set fire to the flame in my soul more and more. I can't figure out what it is - high or love. Let's run away with you to the beautiful land of dreams. Go to bed, my princess, I'll be waiting for you in our fairy tale.

My dear, if you only knew how much I hate waking up without you in the morning. I need your laugh, I need you. Spring in my soul just from one memory of you. Please go to bed soon so that we can meet in a dream. Sweet dreams, my miracle.

I remember our first meeting. You were so small, so fragile, not like everyone else. I so wanted to hide you behind my back from the whole world, to protect you from all troubles and hardships. And now, I ask, go to bed, my dear, and your guardian angel and I will protect your sweet dream.

You may not believe it, but I'm drawn to you. It's like I'm stretching my arms towards the sun when I hug you. I don't want to fall asleep without you, but, unfortunately, I have to get up early tomorrow. My dear, I wish you the most pleasant and Sweet dreams in which we will be near. Goodnight.

I wish you joy, laughter,
Health like frost in January
Smile more in life
Never, never be sad

Let the hearts burn
Health and happiness fun and peace
So that dreams always come true!
I wish you much joy
Today I wish you a smile, beauty to shine! May fate help you realize all your plans! 35

So that you don’t get bored all day without me, let me kiss you even in a letter! 23
You smile at the sun, my love, and let this day be good! Let it please you with unique warmth and give a lot of bright, bright feelings! 19
May this day be beautiful and all dreams come true.

So that you yourself would be surprised: “This is what I’m lucky!”
So that your evening is warm, romantic,
And the night brought with it flowers, wine and candles.
Fill your life with positivity!

Easy and simple, but not in combat!
May your day be full of adventures
And leaving the house to smile at everyone,
Let them sharply appoint you as the head,

Take a positive charge from me
I smile to myself
Smiled in the same way in the morning,
Bright reality at the moment will turn around!

And may the day be the happiest
Bright, loud and impatient!
Happiness will come closer
You will become a leader, or you will break into the final.

I wish that with faith in my soul
Good luck joys of warmth
Sleep more, walk, dream.
A lot of happiness without barriers
Let today from the very morning until late at night your eyes shine with excitement and happiness! Good morning!

A friendly morning begins its course across the earth! I wish myself beautiful girl all the best!
During the night you regained strength and became even more beautiful. Good morning creation of the gods! Ready for new conquests? I'm ready to surrender to you.

Let dreams come true!
For God to reward you with health,
Health cheerfulness patience
Never know trouble

Good morning honey! I woke up in a great mood and I am sending you an SMS charged with positive!

Happy morning, hare! Today was an amazing sunrise. Maybe we can meet him together sometime? Let's start the day together!

My beloved, let the coming day warm you with my love, like sunlight! Let it give you the radiance of my tenderness, like the surrounding air. Let the wind gently kiss you, passing my kisses through the distance! And then luck will not dare turn away from you!

Life is full of surprises, not always pleasant, but I want your day today to be made up of only the best moments. Know that my love is always with you, and as long as I love you, all your days, including this one, she will take care of you. And since my love is endless, then every day of yours is doomed to happiness.

Good morning! I so want that, opening my eyes, already warmed by caring sunbeams, you thought (a) only about the good that awaits you today. Let the smell of coffee remind you of me and my desire to be near, and the morning mist will hug you tightly by the shoulders instead of me!

Good morning my rabbit! I send you air kisses, hugs and share a good mood!

Let the great weather, the smiles of friends, the approval of the authorities, good news, nice compliments exciting moments, interesting events, the expectation of a miracle will fill your day and will certainly please you, giving you an excellent and playful mood!

I wish that you have such geographical discoveries on this day - a sea of ​​​​happiness, an ocean of love, peaks of success, rivers of profit, a peak of popularity, a lake of hope, a waterfall of emotions and a volcano of passions. Let the globe of life spin only in the direction you need!

I wish you, let this day begin with a warm morning sun, invigorating aromatic coffee, ringing bird singing, a gentle favorite melody and your happy sincere smile. And let these pleasant moments, emotions and sensations will last all day.

Good day to you, good news and joyful events. May on this day, and on all others, fate amuse you and pamper you, be generous to nice gifts and unexpected cute surprises. Let problems be easily solved, things will be successful, the soul smiles, and the heart tirelessly rejoices in life.

Start your day with a gentle smile that will return with joy, with affectionate word, for it will return to you with successful deeds, reward pleasant communication will give you a great mood. May this day be kind, cheerful and successful in an endless series of your happy days.

Good morning! A good day begins with pleasant communication.) I missed you very much during the night.

Hello dear and beloved! Here comes the morning. The night flew by unnoticed, I hope your day will be successful and joyful!

My dearest friend, good morning! Today the sun shines brightly for me because I dreamed about you! I send you my positive!

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Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose can surprise a person, amaze him and charge him with a good mood for the whole day.

Therefore, it makes sense to bring such wishes if you want to please someone. Believe me, there are no wishes that would be unpleasant. Attention always flatters us, and if we see that someone sincerely wishes us a good day.

We are on our website website collected the best beautiful wishes for a good day in prose, so that you can please your acquaintances, friends and relatives in the morning.

The most beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

A new day has come, it carries something unexpected. So let this unexpected be pleasant. He carries worries, so let them be successfully resolved. It carries communication, so let it be only positive. Have a nice day!

I don't need an alarm clock to wake up. I have your love, which easily lifts me up in the morning, because I look forward to every new day to spend it with you. Have a good day, my beloved man.

A wonderful day, just like you. Thoughts of you fill me with unearthly joy. I send you an air kiss and wish you a successful, interesting and colorful day.

I would like to wish you a successful and pleasant day that will bring joy, success and many pleasant emotions that will gladden your soul long after that. Let the day start fun, in the company nice people, and with a beautiful warm atmosphere. Let the sun send you a boost of energy for the whole day, and the day will be filled pleasant surprises. Have a nice day!

Let the day start with a smile, throw all unnecessary problems, worries out of your head, and just enjoy this wonderful day, let only beautiful people and the world gives a charge of vivacity for the whole day. May your eyes shine with happiness and sparkle with beauty. All the work goes like clockwork, and the day will go just fine. Have a nice day and good mood.

Best wishes for a good day in prose

My love, I hasten to wish you a good, clear, kind, successful, fruitful, fun day. I hope it will be full of bright emotions and confident victories, pleasant words and successfully completed deeds. Kiss, hug and send a breath of inspiration!

My beloved person, I wish you a good morning! Let a sweet smile play on your face from the very morning, and sunbeams lift your sleepy mood! Have a nice day, my soul! May the world give you much delight and joy today.

I want to wish you a good, successful, kind, bright, cheerful, interesting, amazing and happy day. May you manage to reach your goal together, may everything be within your reach today, may your love help you move mountains and create an eternal paradise for two.

So this wonderful night ended, and a new interesting and promising day has come. I want him to bring something special and beautiful into your life. To understand how beautiful our life really is. Just look into the sky and see how the clouds are floating, how the birds are singing and how the sun is shining and it will feel so good in your soul! So let every new day bring you happiness and joy. Have a good day.

I wish that you have such geographical discoveries on this day - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, an ocean of love, peaks of success, rivers of profit, a peak of popularity, a lake of hope, a waterfall of emotions and a volcano of passions. Let the globe of life spin only in the direction you need!

Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

I wish you a wonderful day, my joy, kind and sunny, interesting and successful, let it give you joyful mood and positive surprise pleasant surprises and unforgettable surprises, let this day embody your ideas and find time for friendly conversations and for our meeting with you.

Have a nice day, my joy! Start it with a smile, then everything will work out perfectly. I wish that today your dream becomes more real, a few steps closer. Let the meetings of the coming day be pleasant, work will bring joy. I love you and I'm always with you in my thoughts!

Have a good day! I want to say today. And yesterday I wanted to, and two days ago, and three ... This is happiness - waking up, thinking about you and knowing that I will fall asleep in the cozy embrace of your hands. Have a good day! I want to be there every minute, remove everything unnecessary, gloomy, gray from your soul, protect peace. Have a nice day, my happiness!

I wish you the very best morning and a clear day, despite the unpredictability of the weather outside! Let your eyes shine with joy, and positive mood rolls with its bright waves. May everything be fine and wonderful today!

Sun, open your eyes. The night is gone, giving way to a new day. May it be filled with light and warmth. I give you my smile so that it illuminates your path and saves you from difficulties. May the day be filled bright emotions and joy. If you suddenly become sad, then remember that I am always there, thinking about you, and I will always come to the rescue. I believe this day is special and will give a lot of happy moments.

Read at your leisure.

Beautiful wishes for a good day and mood, presented close person from people who are equally close to him, are able to give him a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable experience for the whole day ahead. The main thing here is to choose the right words and be sincere in your emotions. And if you have to implement the second point yourself, then we are ready to help you with the first.

We have done everything possible to ensure that every person who has landed on our site has the opportunity to choose the ideal wishes for a good day in their own words. To do this, we have published a huge collection, among which there is sure to be something that is best. way fit for specific person and specific situation.

Everything here is absolutely free, simple and accessible. Take any words you like right now, and give your loved ones joy and pleasure.

Start your day with a smile and everything around you will change! Neighbors will smile back, passers-by will think that you have a holiday - and they will also give a smile, friends will rejoice with you in a good mood! Give smiles to others and your day will be kind and full of happy minutes!

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The sun, waking up, gently looks into your window. Wake up too, my love. Today is such a beautiful morning that you should definitely say hello to him and give him your wonderful smile. May the morning certainly be a wonderful start to a good and successful day. May all your dreams come true, may good news please you. May hope be with you throughout the day. May my love always protect you, my beloved. All the best to you, luck and inspiration in everything.

My love, I'm looking forward to seeing you! I wish you all the best for the day! You are the main thing in my life! My favorite hero!

Let the great weather, the smiles of friends, the approval of the authorities, good news, pleasant compliments, exciting moments, interesting events, the expectation of a miracle fill your day and will certainly please you, giving you an excellent and playful mood!

I wish you, let this day begin with a warm morning sun, invigorating aromatic coffee, ringing bird singing, a gentle favorite melody and your happy sincere smile. And let these pleasant moments, emotions and feelings last all day.

A new day has come, it carries something unexpected. So let this unexpected be pleasant. He carries worries, so let them be successfully resolved. It carries communication, so let it be only positive. Have a nice day!

My sweetest and most beloved girl in the world, I wish you a wonderful morning and good health. Let the sun give you the warmth of its rays, and let the earth give you a gentle sunrise. I give you the most tender kiss, may it make your whole day successful. I wish you good news today, may your dreams come true. Good morning to you, my joy, and a wonderful day. Good meetings to you and new achievements. Let my love be a talisman for you for the whole day.

May this day bring good luck, as well as happiness and warmth, I love you and wish you magical luck today!

Start your day with a gentle smile that will return with joy, with an affectionate word, because it will return to you with successful deeds, reward you with pleasant communication, and give you a great mood. May this day be kind, cheerful and successful in an endless series of your happy days.

Wake up, my love, the morning has fully come into its own. Your strong coffee is waiting for you in the kitchen, so that you would rather cheer up, my sun, and pour in during the new day. Good morning to you, my dear. May this morning be the happiest and most successful. May all your desires coincide with the possibilities, may everything be fine with you today. Good mood to you, luck and all the best. May a good angel be with you always, and protect you from everything bad.