What did you dress your newborn in for discharge? What do you need to be discharged from the hospital in winter? Beautiful extract from the hospital in winter. What nuances should be considered when picking up a newborn at discharge in winter

Long awaited birth baby is not only quivering feelings, but also the first parental concerns. How to dress a newborn for discharge, what things are needed when discharged at winter time and how they differ from those needed by May: we will try to pay attention to all these disturbing nuances and make it easier for moms to get ready for the maternity hospital.

The choice of clothes for the first days of your baby's life should be thoughtful. The first suit will protect delicate skin your baby, will help to adapt to a new world for him. In addition, you will most likely leave things for discharge for a newborn for yourself. for a long time- in memory of this event. Consider the gender of the child, whether it is a boy or a girl, respectively, and choose what is best for your beloved child.

From this article you will learn

AT next video very clear and informative talks about what first things you need to choose for a newborn.

  • Items made from natural fabrics allow the skin to breathe without creating a greenhouse effect. Should choose color scheme calm tones, ideally - white, cream, yellow. There are dyes in bright colorful things that can irritate the baby's skin.
  • seams must be outside.
  • Any tags, price tags, extra threads must be cut. For baby they will be annoying irritants.
  • Try to choose things with fasteners that are comfortable for you.
  • Clothing size for a newborn, they are selected according to growth, this is about 52–56 centimeters. Focus on this parameter when choosing the first set of clothes for the future fashionista.
  • Beanies. Please note that they are required in the first month of a child's life quite often. Get a few hats with ties. Baby's head circumference - approx. 35 centimeters.

Tips for choosing a hat: All children are different in their physical structure. And if with growth everything is more or less clear, then approach the choice of a headdress more carefully.

Choose two hats: for a small head and a larger one. Your child may well be a tiny lump, and the smallest hat will fit him. Or vice versa, the baby's head may be larger, and here you will need a deeper cap.

  • Dressing the baby for discharge consider the temperature air, precipitation and wind.
  • Mom gets dressed first, and baby after. It is optimal when the mother is dressed, and the child is dressed by the father or the medical staff.

The main list of clothes for discharge

Do not forget that all the clothes of a newborn must be washed in soapy water and iron it well from the inside out.

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Discharge of the baby in the summer

To prepare for discharge from the hospital in the summer, it is worth buying a beautiful blanket and a bow that matches the gender of the child in color. Girls - pink colors, and boys - blue or Blue colour. The ribbon with which the long-awaited bundle with the baby is tied up should not be short, at least three meters long, the medical staff knows how to tie it into simply incredible bows and flowers.

Things for discharge from the hospital should be beautiful, elegant and must correspond to temperature conditions.

An approximate list of things that need to be collected for the discharge of a baby in the summer:

  • thin cap with ties;
  • sliders and vest or slip;
  • diaper.

At temperature +10 warm will do blanket with a beautifully tied bow, and with +20 A light fleece blanket will suffice.

Even though it is necessary to dress a baby one layer more than an adult, try not to overheat it. Heatstroke will have a bad effect on the well-being of the child, and the family may come home with a sick child.

Release in spring or autumn

Changeable weather, which April is famous for, and even the beginning of May, with a possible cold wind, is an occasion to prepare warmer things for your baby in advance than summer ones.

For those whose babies are born in spring or autumn period, it is already possible to purchase warm blankets, envelopes with a warm lining.

If September still pleases with warm and gentle sun, then October will meet the newborn with already cold air.

When going to the hospital, make a list of the things that are needed for discharge. Caring relatives can safely distribute wishes about what should be given.

Buying things like a sheepskin envelope is necessary when the growth of the baby is known. The same goes for the rest of the clothes. All things should cover the arms and legs to protect the baby from hypothermia.

To be discharged from the hospital in spring or autumn, your baby needs:

  • cotton items: blouse and sliders or one-piece jumpsuit;
  • warm clothes on a fleece lining, terry overalls;
  • a pair of diapers and baby care products: wet wipes, powder, cream;
  • a bonnet, two hats, the first is thin, with ties, and warmer on top, because the weather in spring or autumn can change dramatically;
  • socks to keep the feet warm, and special scratches to hide the handles, they are in many kits for newborns.

Spring or autumn weather can indulge in warmth, or it can meet with wind, cold and rain. Pay attention to this and prepare in advance several options for discharge.

Extract in winter

In winter, a little more things are needed to discharge the baby. Especially do not overdo it, most likely you will go home by car. Make sure that your bunny does not overheat in warm layers clothes. Ask the medical staff what to take, because the baby should get home healthy.

Here sample list what to take to the hospital:

  • a set of undershirts, blouses and sliders;
  • insulated fleece or terry overalls;
  • winter envelope with fur lining;
  • hats - thin and warm;
  • a pair of diapers, even if you are not a supporter of them, infant in a diaper will get home dry and clean;
  • warm socks and mittens that will help protect the legs and arms from frost. The baby, wrapped in warm, gentle and, most importantly, soft things, will fall asleep and will not disturb you until your arrival.

One more important detail the baby's wardrobe will become outerwear. For kids, there are several optimal options:

How can mom prepare herself for discharge from the hospital?

To get started, prepare everything you need for yourself at home. Pay attention to the requirements after childbirth, what underwear and clothes will fit you. If you are at a loss what to wear on a solemn discharge from the hospital, so that it is beautiful and comfortable, refer to the clothes in sports style. with her and comfortable shoes looks good, and mommy herself will not behave constrainedly, moving freely.

Do not neglect cosmetics and jewelry. On the day of discharge, it is customary to take a photo or video. On them, mommy is simply obliged to shine with happiness and be the most beautiful. You should also take care of your hair. Call a friend for help or use a hair dryer and comb to bring beauty to your head.

Be sure to think about the shoes in which you will go out. Comfortable and seasonal - will help you feel confident when you are discharged from the hospital.

For the well-being of the baby, very little is needed: a radiant mother, satisfied, including the appearance of the mother, father. Feeling the love of parents, taking care of every little thing - the child will grow up happy and healthy to the delight of everyone.

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So, this joyful moment has come - you are in the hospital with your baby. Is he really handsome? And tomorrow you have an extract, and you will go home? Let's figure out what to dress the baby in for discharge: in winter, spring, summer, autumn.

How to dress a newborn for discharge from the hospital in the summer

AT summer time year to dress the baby for discharge will be the easiest. As a rule, as underwear, you can choose light slip(knitted jumpsuit with closed legs and often, sleeves, in the form of "anti-scratches"), you should definitely tie it on your head light cap. Its size is approximately 35 cm. socks. If the weather is cool, it is better to wear woolen socks over the slip. The size of the socks for crumbs when discharged from the hospital is from 6 to 8. If you have not bought a slip, do not be discouraged - sliders and a vest are an analogue of a slip. The growth of a newborn is on average 52-56 cm. Clothing should be chosen within this range.

Even if you are not going to use diapers, you should still wear it for discharge. This will protect the baby from leaks on the road, as well as from unnecessary discomfort. The size for a newborn is accordingly the smallest - 1. Be sure to remember to have a few spare diapers with you, just in case, as well as wet wipes so that there is something to wipe the baby's skin.

As outerwear suitable for baby in summer statement envelope or plain flannelette blanket tied at the top beautiful bow. It is not recommended to spend extra money on special envelopes, as this is impractical (in it, the baby can only walk in a stroller for the first time, then the envelope will not be useful).

How to dress a newborn for discharge in autumn and spring

In such a cool and humid season, like spring or autumn, the air temperature on the thermometer can differ significantly from reality. It's all about the wind and high humidity air.

As underwear on the baby, you can leave slip or sliders with a vest. Next, we put another one on the child insulated slip (on fleece). You can wear a jacket and pants with a thick knit. You can use a simple flannel diaper. Next, put on the baby lined fall jumpsuit. Remember to leave space between layers of clothing. Things should not be stretched on the child back to back.

Now on the market wide selection overalls-transformers. It is recommended to buy such a jumpsuit for growth. Then you can use it as an envelope for discharge, wrapping the baby's legs in a diaper. And later, when the baby grows up, make panties by unzipping the zippers from the bottom of the jumpsuit. You can take the size of the transforming overalls up to 80-86, then you will not need to buy outerwear for your child up to a year and a half years.

Be sure to put on the baby's head two hats. One light print, the second warm knitted.

How to dress a newborn for discharge in winter

It is much warmer to dress the baby for discharge in winter. Under outerwear, you can also wear a slip, or a shirt with panties, then a fleece overall or slip is required. You can use a warm blanket instead of an insulated sleepsuit.

As an outerwear option, you can use a blanket. it practical option, however, even in wool blanket the child may be cold in winter. Another disadvantage of the blanket is the inconvenience of transporting a child in it in a car seat.

It is still better to purchase a transforming jumpsuit, which we talked about above. It will be over practical and warm option for winter discharge from the hospital. Two hats should also be worn. The bottom hat will be thin, and the second one will be insulated, preferably woolen.

Basic rules for preparing clothes for a newborn

The most important rules for parents are:

- clothes must be made of natural fabrics, the seams must be even and sewn on the outside of the product and not from within;

clothes must be washed in warm water with soap and ironed on both sides;


Not entirely true statement that only with the advent of certain age we are literally “covered with a wave of nostalgia” when we hear the melody of youth, or see some attributes of that time. Even quite Small child begins to yearn for his favorite toy, if someone took it away or hid it. We are all, to some extent, in love with old things, because they keep the spirit of an entire era in themselves. It is not enough for us to read about it in books or on the Internet. We want to have a real antique that you can touch and smell. Just remember your feelings when you picked up a Soviet-era book with slightly yellowed pages exuding a sweetish aroma, especially when turning them over, or when you looked at black and white photographs of your parents or grandparents, those with uneven white borders. By the way, for many, such shots remain the most beloved so far, despite the low quality of such shots. The point here is not in the image, but in that feeling of spiritual warmth that fills us when they come across our eyes.

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Here you can buy antiques of various subjects

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In other words, when buying antiques it should be remembered that its price depends on the following characteristics: age, uniqueness of performance, method of manufacture (everyone knows that handmade much more valued than mass production), historical, artistic or cultural value and other reasons.

antique shop- rather risky business. The point is not only the laboriousness of finding the necessary product and the long period of time during which this item will be sold, but also the ability to distinguish a fake from the original.

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Sale of antiques in Russia, as in many European cities, such as Paris, London and Stockholm, has its own characteristics. First of all, these are high costs for the purchase of antiques, however, the responsibility of a store selling antiques is also quite high, since these things represent a certain material and cultural and historical value.

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When packing a bag for childbirth, be sure to take into account the seasonal factor. Mothers of small archers, capricorns, aquarius and fish will have to be discharged from the hospital in winter. Things for the crumbs should be not only elegant, but also warm. And preferably not disposable: the cost of children's clothing and accessories makes parents think practical.

Tiny and defenseless - this is how the newly-made parents of their baby see. “Well, how can you take out such a lump in the cold?” - adults worry and collect a dowry for the little one from several duvets, woolen suits and hats. it typical mistake, which unnecessarily hits the budget and has little to do with the comfort of the baby. After all, it is pleasant for him to be in a multi-layered state of “cabbage” only if you really found him there.

Another extreme is when parents think that clothes for discharge of newborns in winter should be exceptionally bright and festive. And it doesn't have to be warm. Like, what is there? Just five minutes to run to the parking lot, and then after all by car ...


Do not rely on help to navigate children's store. Firstly, the task of sellers is to make revenue, and not save your budget. And secondly, the counters abound with winter kits for newborns for discharge and you can just get confused.

It is especially difficult for first-born mothers who do not yet understand the size of the baby and his real needs for clothing. In this situation, it is better to turn to the experience of experienced women in childbirth who have passed the discharge of a newborn in the winter, and the advice of pediatricians.

"Hot" list for the cold season

So, when deciding how to dress your baby for discharge in the winter, divide the task into two parts: you will need seasonal underwear and a good warm envelope or its kind. With the first point, everything is not so difficult. Just follow the standard list:

  • diaper. Even if you decide that you will take care of the baby with the help of homemade diapers, for an extract it is better to use the store. Size #1 will fit even if your baby is born large;
  • slip. This is a bodysuit for a newborn, which in everyday life is also called a little man. Made from natural fabrics. Due a large number rivets, which are located in the middle of the product from the neck to the heels, it is convenient to put it on the baby - no need to pull it over the head. Flannel slips are good for winter. It is desirable that they be with turn-down sleeves, which are transformed into "scratches" for the hands. Otherwise, you will have to buy this element of the infant wardrobe. Focus on size No. 50-56. Remember that clothes on the crumbs should not hang;
  • socks. Suitable size № 6-8. A good option- terry. Also, as additional insulation, you can use woolen booties with ties;
  • warm suit. It can be knitted pants and a jacket with fasteners, buttons or fleece suit. This set is worn over the slip. Size No. 50-56. Some mothers prefer insulated overalls to a suit;
  • headdress. For discharge you will need two hats, both with ties. The first one is made from dense knitwear or bytes. It is worn under the main warm earflaps with natural insulation. Well, if it comes with a scarf. It will be needed if the envelope is too big and it will be necessary to additionally close the neck of the newborn. It is very easy to make a mistake with the cap size. Be guided that the circumference of the head of the baby is about 35 centimeters. Just in case, put a needle and thread in the bag to match the color of the main headgear: if it turns out to be large, you can carefully hem it and ensure a snug fit to the body;
  • quilt blanket. It is used as an additional insulation under the outdoor envelope in severe frosts. By the way, it will come in handy later as a bedding in the stroller.

About color and quantity

Remember that all these things must first be washed and ironed. Traditionally, boys buy clothes in blue or blue flowers. For girls choose pink wardrobe. But this is not a dogma. Mom, choosing what to wear a newborn in winter and for discharge, can give preference to any shade. But avoid too "acidic" things. They can irritate the child's psyche or leave marks on his body.

Not worth buying more clothes than listed. You do not know for sure the height and weight of your unborn baby. In addition, its size will change very quickly. Plus, relatives and friends will surely give the baby new clothes in such quantity that you only have time to wear them.

The "nail" of the wardrobe is an envelope

Now for the streetwear. Everything is more complicated here. Firstly, it is he who serves as the main insulation. Secondly, it is he who is seen by others and he should become the main element of holiday photographs. Moreover, it is the most expensive thing in winter wardrobe, which at reasonable approach must be worn after discharge. Ideally even several seasons.

What options does the children's clothing market offer, how to pick up a child from the hospital in winter? Of course, you can swaddle the baby in the old fashioned way. warm blanket and decorate the resulting bundle with a bow. But today there are so many variations winter envelopes for discharge for newborns, which is difficult to pass by.

Envelope-quilt with bow and lace corner


  • holiday look


  • easily soiled;
  • ruffles quickly lose their shape;
  • during walks attracts too much attention to the child;
  • often fixed not with zippers, but with the help of swaddling;
  • short service life - maximum one winter.

Envelope-man on down or synthetic winterizer


  • looks elegant, but not too solemn;
  • warms well and retains heat;
  • does not get wet;
  • easy to put on and does not involve swaddling;
  • Comfortable to carry in a car seat.


  • not multifunctional;
  • short service life - maximum one winter;
  • the insulation can go astray when washing.


  • sheepskin - the highest quality natural insulation, does not shrink when washed;
  • does not get wet;
  • durable and can be used as the baby grows, as a bedding in a stroller or a foot cover.


  • expensive;

Envelope case-transformer


  • insulated with various materials, including sheepskin;
  • does not get wet;
  • with the help of zippers, it turns from a cover with sleeves into a jumpsuit with armholes for the legs;
  • transformation allows you to use such an envelope for several seasons.


  • expensive;
  • more practical than fancy.

Warm but not hot!

Moms who cannot make a choice between chic and practicality and doubt what to put on their child for discharge in the winter go to the trick. As the main winter decoration, they buy a solid envelope or overalls. And on top, when discharged, they put on a summer discharge case made of satin, which costs less than a winter one.

When choosing envelopes for newborns for the winter, consider one more thing. If you often use the car and plan to take the baby with you, then the baby needs to go to child car seat. You can’t just put a wrapped baby in this device, so the envelope must have special loops for the seat belt.

Otherwise, the child will need to be unwrapped and seated in a suit. This option is acceptable, but subject to the optimal temperature regime in the cabin. By the way, if the car is too hot, then the baby will still have to be taken out of the blanket: overheating is just as dangerous for the baby as cold.

In the hassle of how to dress a newborn for discharge in the winter, do not forget about yourself. Despite all the difficulties of childbirth and postpartum period, you must leave the department as a queen. Therefore, next to a large suitcase of new clothes for your winter happiness, put at least a small bag with clothes and cosmetics for yourself.


Discharge from the hospital is always associated with a lot of positive emotions. On this day, a happy dad and relatives meet a young mother and her baby. Everyone has been waiting for this event for so long! Photos of the event will then be proudly stored in the family archive. However, if adults are more or less clear how to dress, then what about a newborn? Especially if an extract from the hospital in the winter - what to wear to the baby? After all, I want to be in the frame happy family looked good and the little one didn't catch a cold during the photo shoot. The thermoregulation of a newborn baby is far from perfect, so poorly chosen clothes can cause discomfort and even health problems. So, what do you need to be discharged from the hospital in winter?

Discharge from the hospital in winter: how to dress a child

This question must be answered first of all, because the body of a newborn requires especially reverent attitude. Therefore, the answer to the question of what to wear for discharge of a newborn from the maternity hospital in winter will be a list:

If an extract from the maternity hospital is in winter, then how to dress the child quickly and conveniently? First of all, you should choose things that are as practical as possible and do not dress over your head. For the first time, a nurse from the maternity hospital will help the mother to dress the baby on the street.

Discharge from the hospital in winter: general requirements for what to wear to the baby

Many parents want to dress the baby in such a way that the discharge from the maternity hospital in the winter is like in the photo on numerous websites and children's magazines. For beautiful photo shoots special kits for discharge were invented. They have a different set, but always all items are perfectly matched to each other in color and style. It all looks really spectacular and festive. However the main task clothes for a newborn - it is comfortable to protect the baby from the cold, especially on a winter discharge. Therefore, it is always worth checking the compliance of the newborn's wardrobe with the basic requirements:

If you are discharged from the maternity hospital in winter, and you answered the question of what to wear for the baby - a special kit, then you should not buy kits with a large number items. Experienced Moms the reviews note that many of them are not useful. It is much better to choose a small, comfortable set for a photo shoot, and pick up the rest of the items taking into account all the requirements separately. The health and comfort of the crumbs - first of all!

Discharge of a newborn from the hospital in winter: what to wear a blanket, envelope or overalls

Each of the listed types of outerwear for discharge has its own advantages and disadvantages. You should carefully study them before making the final choice:

Criteria Blanket The envelope Overalls
Appearance A traditional look familiar to us from our childhood photos. It does not look too solemn, but a magnificent bow will help fix this. It looks very nice, fully conveys the feeling of a holiday from a meeting with a crumb. For winter, insulated models on sheepskin or dense synthetic filler are well suited. Looks in the photo is not as festive as the envelope. Has a more modern look. However, you can pick up cute transformer models.
Practicality In the future, you can use it as a blanket for a crib up to 5 years old or cover the baby in a stroller for a walk. A less practical option than a blanket. However, the envelope is useful for hiding a child in a stroller or as a cover for a sled - read more about this.
This is especially true for models with Velcro or buttons.
Can be used for daily walks with crumbs. Transformer models that turn from an envelope into a jumpsuit can be worn up to 2-3 years of age.
Product care Easy to wash. Due to the presence of a large number of decorative elements, ruffles and ties, it is quite problematic to care for. Some decorative elements may lose their appearance after washing. Easy to wash and clean.
Convenience for the crumbs, comfort Pleasant to the touch, you can tightly swaddle the child. He will be warm and comfortable. Warm models are very pleasant and comfortable. Thanks to the ties, buttons, zippers, the envelopes can be easily “fitted” to the child. Less comfortable option for the child. hard base, fixed size. There may be places in transformers through which cold can blow.
Price Most affordable option Has an average cost. The price depends on the functionality of the product and the maximum allowable age of use.

After analyzing the table, we can conclude that for a beautiful and comfortable discharge from the maternity hospital for the baby in winter, you should choose a warm envelope, and for thrifty parents who are used to thinking ahead, it would be better to opt for a transforming overalls. Economy option - Baby blanket, decorated with a large bow. However, do not forget about the needs of the mother.

Discharge from the hospital in winter how to dress for mom (photo)

However, not only the baby is the hero of the occasion during discharge - the young mother is also always in the spotlight. She should prepare a separate bag with everything you need in advance, so that later you can save the nerves of both her own and her husband. So, in the bag it is worth preparing:

The question of what needs to be prepared for discharge from the hospital in winter for a newborn and mother worries many parents. First of all, it is necessary to create the maximum comfortable conditions for a child. You need to choose warm, comfortable, natural and beautiful things. Mom needs to take care of herself too. appearance in advance, and collect the appropriate bag.