A laptop of an unusual shape. Lapbook “Such different fish. Laptop templates

Didactic guide laptop "Pets" for kindergarten

Torop Yulia Valerievna, teacher of preschool education MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 132" in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: the manual is intended for children up to school age.
1. To systematize the knowledge of children on the topic;
2. Know and classify wild and domestic animals;
3. Develop observation, attentiveness.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, each teacher preschool is in constant search new forms of organization educational activities... A laptop is a wonderful find for a teacher. This type of manual has appeared relatively recently in our country, but its popularity is only growing.
Literally translated, the term "laptop" is "a book on its knees." That is, this is a thematic folder with many pockets, windows, which contains material on a specific topic. It is recommended to do this allowance together with children and parents. The value of such a folder increases for every child.
And parents have the opportunity to spend even more time with their child.
I present to your attention a laptop on the topic "Pets". A little about the manufacture and materials.
The basis for creating such a folder was an ordinary ceiling tile. It took 2 of them: one - whole, and the second I cut in half, imitating an expanding book. She fastened the parts together with ordinary wide tape. Well, so that the product had an aesthetic appearance, she decorated the adhesive tape with strips of foamed rubber. On front side pasted the name of my folder.

Well, now about the filling.
I found something on the Internet, did something myself.
On the left side of the book I have located pocket with verses about animals... It is made in the form of a picture book. You can not only read poetry, but also consider the animal.

Pocket "Who lives where?" represents two leaves, in the center of one - a village house, in the center of the other - a forest. There are 7 empty windows around each picture.
Another pocket contains wild and domestic animals.
There may be several options for the game.
1. Cards with animals are laid out on the table. You can ask a child which animals live in the forest and which ones live next to humans.
2. Cards with animals are laid out, for example, around the forest. One animal is domestic. Ask your child a question: “Name the animals. Do all animals live in the forest? What animal is not wild? Etc.

There are several pockets in the center. The largest sheet contains riddles about animals. The child's task is to guess the riddle and find a picture of an animal.
Another sheet - tell me about the animal. If the child cannot read, it doesn’t matter. According to the schemes and conventions children can independently describe any animal. First, it will be a set of sentences. And then, over time, this set of sentences will turn into a monologue - a description.

Pocket "Collect the picture" is made according to the principle of a puzzle. From the parts you need to assemble a picture of an animal.

Name the Cub pocket. The purpose of this pocket is speech development.
Game options.
1. Invite your child to name a pet (of your choice). And then find and name one cub, two cubs. (pig - piglet - piglets).
2. All the same piglets have lost their mother. Find her, as the mother of the pigs is called.

Pocket "Find a Shadow" invites the child to find a color picture of an animal and its shadow.

"Pick up the fur." Here comes the "working off" appearance animal. I left only the outline of the animal, but I need to pick up a picture with the fur of the animal and put it on the bottom. This is how the animal will “dress”.

On the left side of the book is the Coloring Book pocket. It can be constantly replenished. Children choose a picture they like and color it.
Well, the final "pocket" - "Favorite food". It is a circle, divided into sectors, which depicts the food of animals, not only domestic ones. And animals are attached to clothespins. The task of the child is to correlate the animal and his favorite food.

A laptop on the topic "Wild Animals" is made according to the same principle.

I hope you find my material useful. Good luck!

The laptop is an exclusive invention from the USA. The idea behind this subject is extremely interesting. The bottom line is to educate children using a variety of pictures and drawings. It is quite simple to make a laptop with your own hands, you can download templates for free at the link at the end of this article.

And first, I propose to understand in more detail what kind of invention it is, how best to create it.

Lapbook variety and purpose

In order for our baby to learn about the world, a variety of different things have been invented: books, toys, applications on tablets and smartphones, computer programs... Also, for these purposes, many people make videos on YouTube, where they tell children about different subjects and teach them arithmetic, spelling and in other ways prepare children for kindergarten, and then for junior classes schools. You can watch videos, buy expensive games and applications, or you can make a teaching subject with your own hands! Today we will focus on the second option for the assiduous and hardworking.

A laptop is a folder made of cardboard, inside which different sizes pockets. They can contain photographs, visual drawings and applications. Such a presentation will help to conduct a lesson with a child in a visual understandable form, and arouse children's interest.

A laptop can be narrowly focused, specialized in some kind of science, for example, ecology, mathematics, speech development, teaching materials, traffic rules. The purpose of the Lapbook is for the baby to learn something new, therefore the laptop for the younger group and early age can be created from fairy tales, wild animals or insects. Also popular are the options My family, My city, Lapbook for safety, music, vegetables - for children 4 years old, toddlers and preparatory group.

Examples of Lapbooks

So, you have prepared all the materials, showed all your imagination with regards to pictures, numbers, and you can safely start making a laptop, which is quite simple to do with your own hands, starting from our examples available for download at the link below.

An example of a Lapbook folder plan for the first September: in it we need to introduce the baby to the names school subjects; conduct a conversation about the rules of conduct using pictures; tell you how to properly collect a portfolio; some useful proverbs (solely for the development of the vocabulary); and the most important thing is to tell about the way to school and back home if the child goes without parents.

In general, Lapbook can be divided into several varieties:

  1. Festive.
  2. For study.
  3. Designed to tell with the help of pictures a short autobiography of the child.
  4. Do original gift(by the way, musical accompaniment would be a huge plus).

Forms and appearance

If we talk about the shape of the Lapbook, your creativity will play a significant role: as a result, you can get a simple book with original idea, folders of different geometric shapes and many other forms. By creating Lapbook folders, you teach your baby to be perseverant, his imagination develops and the child gets used to neatness.

With the help of this game, the child will learn the alphabet, numbers, the geographical location of countries, he will develop logical thinking, and soon you will see an interest in learning new things. Think, create, show your imagination and create masterpieces for the development of your child. Believe me, you will interest your kid and in the future you will make Lapbook folders together. The fact of joint creativity will be even more useful for children.

Previously, the consolidation of information in institutions for preschoolers and schoolchildren was carried out by repeating it, drawing up in the form of abstracts, design work... Lapbook (children's clamshell book) is new method studying, memorizing a certain topic, which is built according to a template and consists of many pockets, tabs, windows, movable elements, pictures, etc.

What is a laptop

The word lapbook came to us from America, literally translated as "knee-book" (lap - knee, book - book). These are a kind of self-made interactive folders, including pockets, doors, windows, cards, movable paper parts, with which the child teaches and consolidates the material he has learned. They are dedicated to a specific topic, being the final stage studying it.

What is it needed for

Lapbooks help in consolidating the material covered, understanding and memorizing the content of the book, conducting research project, introducing children to the processes (information search, sorting and analysis). Such a learning tool is one of the areas of partnership between an adult and a child, equating them to each other. The content depends on the topic requiring study, mastering.

In general, the laptop includes not only educational moments, but also educational process helping to understand the needs of children and help create conditions for independent development of the world. A "knee-book" can be compiled by adults (parents, teachers, educators) and should include the following points:

  1. Strength. In the hands of children, a paper interactive folder will quickly turn into a rag, so it is better to make it from durable materials.
  2. Aesthetics. It must be bright, colorful, eye-catching, otherwise children will not want to play.
  3. Informativeness. Explain the information included in the laptop in a language that the child understands, fully revealing the topic.
  4. Availability. Children can independently choose the section they like. Signatures, long texts with a description, recommendations and instructions will complicate the game, suppress interest in the book.
  5. Variability. All sections of the topic included in this learning tool should be done in different options suggesting different ways assimilation of information.
  6. The ability to use this collective book at the same time by several people, including an adult.


This book-folder is A4 when folded and A3 when opened. They are divided into groups according to the way information is presented, structured and content. There are these types of laptops:

  1. Encyclopedic. Information is presented as an encyclopedia.
  2. Fabulous, cartoon. Such lapbooks are made on the basis of a fairy tale, cartoon, contain a figurine of your favorite hero, which allows you to play with him, invent different stories, play scenes.
  3. Thematic. Includes songs, poems, fairy tales, pictures - everything that the child likes specifically a given topic.
  4. School. Contains information regarding school subjects. it wonderful way consolidate the material, prepare for the test.

Laptop for preschoolers

A thematic laptop for kindergarten pursues several goals at once: develops an independent research activities, creative thinking, observation, cognitive activity, forms interest in the object of study. A clamshell book helps parents to strengthen relationships with children, replenish knowledge on a specific topic, and self-actualize. For educators preschool organization such tutorials assist in the introduction of a new form of work with children, the organization of interaction between parents and babies.

Laptop technology for preschoolers

Compared to older children, it is difficult for preschoolers to perceive information by ear, especially when there is a lot of it. "Numerous books" help to make classes vivid, emotional and fun with the help of visual, tactile perception... A laptop for preschool children contributes to the development of memory, creativity, communication skills. By using creative assignment children are happy to study the topic, repeat what they have passed, systematize the information received.

Thanks to its colorfulness, the folder contributes to the upbringing of artistic and aesthetic skills in the child, introducing them to the field of art. Technology for creating a laptop software preschool education consists of the following stages:

  1. Choosing a theme. It can be anything. Please note that for children of the younger group of kindergarten information can be submitted globally, for example, general information about animals. Older children need specifics, that is, a laptop needs to be drawn up about some one animal.
  2. Planning. Decide what points, facts you want to highlight, disclose.
  3. Layout creation. Draw a smaller copy of the future clamshell book in detail.
  4. Sticking a laptop.

Themes for laptop

One of important points in creating a lapbook folder is defining the topic of the lesson. It can be absolutely anything, depending on what you want to teach the child. A laptop for babies is often an overview, introductory, containing general aspects and concepts. For school-age children, they make a thematic folder that helps to visually master, consolidate the themes of specific subjects. The didactic material contained in them must include full information, be as useful as possible in the study of the lesson.

By profession

The focus of this interactive book-folder is a general excursion into existing professions. Here it is important to explain to the child what the principle of a person in a certain specialty is, to help navigate the world of professions and to understand who wants to become whom. Such a laptop may contain the following educational sections and auxiliary elements:

  1. Why do you need each of the specialties, using pictures, cards in the pockets. Older children can attach mini-books or accordion books containing text descriptions.
  2. Demonstration of workwear on cards, but it's better to make a small one paper man and several sets of clothes. So the child will be able to define and dress up the doll himself.
  3. Associated attributes, tools in the form of pictures in your pocket.
  4. Envelope with riddles.
  5. Envelope with small coloring pages.
  6. A rotating circle with an arrow - the game "Who works where?"


Biology laptop promotes learning different classes living organisms (birds, animals, insects, mushrooms, etc.). Preschoolers will be interested to know about the evolution and interaction of all life on Earth, built in the form of chains with pictures, cards with a description of living things, their role in nature. Such didactic material served in a generalized form. Narrow down the information by making a folder about a specific class or representative of living things.


Folder-folder in mathematics for preschoolers is aimed at forming the concept of numbers, numbers, counting. Place cards here with verses about numbers, riddles, mini-pockets containing geometric shapes, coloring pages, easy addition, subtraction tasks. For children of primary school age, it is better to build a laptop in the form of a house of several pages and place in it:

  • flashcards for writing numbers;
  • chests full of riddles on math topic;
  • hours for teaching timing;
  • a pocket with coloring pages, where each number corresponds to a specific color;
  • mini-folder with tasks;
  • a cabinet with sample pictures made up of geometric shapes and an envelope with shapes, etc.

Around the world

Cognitive lapbooks about the world around them help broaden the horizons of children's knowledge about the seasons, weather phenomena, plants, etc. It is better to do them separately for autumn, winter, spring, winter theme by providing the following sections:

  • mini-book with a fairy tale about the season;
  • envelopes with cards: signs of the season, riddles, poems;
  • opening circles with distinctive features every month;
  • pockets with puzzles, coloring;
  • colorful illustrations, attributes inherent in a particular era.

About family

Such material forms in the child an idea of ​​the family, the role of each of its members in it, fosters respect for relatives. The folder can include:

  1. An envelope with cut images of each family member to be collected.
  2. Pocket with colorful stripes from which you need to make a rug a certain form.
  3. A pocket with figures of people that make up the child's family with a description of each person.
  4. A set of pictures with plots from life, the child must compose a story based on them.
  5. Cards depicting cases, they must be compared with each of the family members.
  6. Baby book with riddles.


A didactic manual about animals tells about specific representatives of this class. When composing such a laptop, take care of the following elements:

  • photo of the animal;
  • map with habitats;
  • a pocket with a picture puzzle;
  • a rotating circle with the image of food consumed by the animal under study;
  • mini-book with interesting facts;
  • a strip where you can enter the status of the animal in the Red Book;
  • envelope with coloring;
  • chamomile with riddles and proverbs on the petals.

On the development of speech

The speech development laptop is aimed at eliminating problems in this area in children: to pronounce sounds correctly, make sentences and short stories using prepositions, be able to understand the meaning of poems, retell them. When composing such a laptop, use:

  • sayings, rhymes, riddles;
  • poems, parables, stories;
  • cards with letters, words;
  • coloring pages;
  • pictures for their oral description;
  • envelopes with tasks: name the word, say it kindly, find the difference, etc.

About school

Such topics should contain information about this institution, the rules of behavior in it, interaction with other children, teachers, etc. Use the following best practices to create your book folder:

  1. Backpack pocket and envelope with small images school supplies... Encourage your child to play the game "Build a portfolio."
  2. Image of a school with opening windows, a door.
  3. Pocket with textbooks (in pictures).
  4. Envelope with riddles about the school.
  5. Baby book with rules of conduct.
  6. Cards containing the rules for interaction between children and the teacher.

How to do it yourself

You can build any laptop yourself. To do this, familiarize yourself with the technology of its creation, decide on the topic and stock up on the necessary materials and tools. First time use ready-made templates provided in in electronic format on the Internet, but then try to do everything yourself, involving children in the exciting process.

What to make

When starting to create a cognitive didactic paper laptop, prepare the following materials:

  1. Cardboard folder. Buy or make your own from Whatman paper.
  2. Colored paper, cardboard, foamiran, various pieces of fabric.
  3. Scissors, glue.
  4. Scotch tape, stapler, thread.
  5. Cards, pictures, images of animals, people, etc. Cut them out, draw or print them on a color printer.
  6. Pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, markers.


The next stage is drawing the layout (how the laptop will look like). To do this, immediately fold your folder so that it then opens, unfolds, and simple pencil sketch out the places where there will be pockets, books, pictures, in what form and size all this will be presented. Next, you just need to glue all the parts and attach them to the workpiece.


Diversify your interactive "knee-book", make it more interesting, perhaps thanks to different ideas on original creation thematic zones. For example, use envelopes of different sizes and shapes, you can take packaging for discs or make them yourself. Accordion books, split notebooks, dividers and opening windows look very unusual. However, most of all, children love rotating parts and elements with many openings.

How to do it in stages

So, detailed step-by-step instruction to create a paper interactive folder looks like this:

  1. Decide on the topic.
  2. Prepare the layout and that's it necessary materials.
  3. Next, you need to make pockets for a laptop, envelopes, books, accordions, cards, images, figures, etc.
  4. Glue the blanks to the layout according to the outlined plan.


Milena Barbolina

Laptop- This is an amazing clamshell book with various pockets, windows, tabs and even moving parts, which contains materials on the same topic. This is a great way to reinforce a topic with children. Laptop helps children to better understand and remember the material. Therefore, in my work, I decided to use lapbooks as a result and consolidation of the passed material. Recently we had the topic of the week « Fishes» in the second younger group... I introduced the children to the structure fishes, their habitat, and also introduced them to some unusual fish. And as a result of this week I decided to do this laptop.

On the first page laptop I pasted a notebook, where I pasted pictures of unusual fish with which the children were introduced, as well as brief information about them. There entered: the largest fish in the world, the smallest fish, bigmouth fish, archer fish, hedgehog fish, drop fish, lion fish, napoleon fish, stone fish, herring king.

On the next page, I put a picture with the structure fish and D / I"Find a pair"

Game "Find a fish by silhouette"

D / And "Collect the fish"

Thank you for the attention!

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Purpose: the formation of the initial forms of ecological culture in children.


educational: to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about water as an object inanimate nature, its significance for human life, role in the surrounding world;

developing: develop curiosity and cognitive interest;

educational: educate respect to water, economical use of water in everyday life.

Equipment: manual - laptop, globe, cut pictures of reservoirs (ocean, sea, river), soft toy- Dolphin.

I. Motivational and indicative stage.

A subgroup of children sits on chairs, in front of them on a table Toolkit- lepbook on the topic "Water is the source of life" .

Educator. Children, we have a guest today, and who is this, you will find out by guessing the riddle. Listen carefully:

She lives in the water.

There is no beak, but it bites. (A fish)

How did you guess this fish riddle?

That's right, children, today we have a fish on a visit, her name is Dori.

The teacher demonstrates the fish against the background of a laptop.

Dory has prepared many surprises for you - these are games and interesting tasks found in the pockets of this book.

Children are looking at a laptop.

II. Practical stage.

Educator. Children, in order to get to know Dory better, I suggest listening to the story about where she lives.

1. Informative story using a globe and pictures with riddles.

The fish Dory lives in the sea, which is called the Black Sea.

Why do you think it was named that?

The sailors named it Black because of strong storms, during which a gusty wind rises and waves of great height run through the water, then the water in the sea darkens, becomes as if black. It is also said that the sea could have been called Black because of the black silt that remains on the shore after the storm.

I suggest looking into a pocket with pictures of different bodies of water. Dory asks to find the sea among them.

Children try to identify the picture of the sea.

Children, listen to the riddle that they have invented about the waves:

In calm weather - we are nowhere,

And the wind will blow - we run on the water. (Waves)

See if you can see water waves in the picture?

So when do the waves appear on the sea?

Children, would you like to see where the Black Sea is?

I'll show you this place with a globe. The globe is a model of our planet Earth, on which we live. Any place can be found with the help of the globe. First, I will show you the borders of our country - Russia. Here it is, how huge. There are a lot of different bodies of water on the territory of Russia: oceans, seas, rivers, lakes.

What color do you think, children, are they marked on the globe?

The Black Sea is located in the south of Russia.

The teacher shows him on the globe.

In summer, when hot weather sets in in the south, the water in the sea warms up and then vacationers go to the Black Sea to swim in it.

2. Joint storytelling of the teacher and children using pictures "Rules of conduct on the water in summer" .

Educator: Dory says that many residents of Russia love to relax on the Black Sea coast.

Children, how many of you have been to the sea?

Do you think it is necessary to follow any rules of conduct on the water while swimming in the sea?

I suggest you look into another pocket in which Dory prepared pictures for you.

Children take pictures from their pocket and tell, together with the teacher, the rules of behavior on the water:

  1. You can swim only on specially equipped beaches.
  2. Swimming and even just going into the water can only be accompanied and supervised by adults.
  3. Children who cannot swim or do not swim well on their own need to use swimming circles, armbands, mattresses or protective vests.
  4. You must not allow pranks on the water: dive under the swimmers, grab the legs, "Drown" .
  5. Do not stand or play in places where you might fall into the water.
  6. Do not dive in unfamiliar places - at the bottom there may be heated logs, stones, driftwood, metal rods, etc.
  7. Elementary experience "Properties of water" .

Children, how many knows what kind of sea water is to your taste? (salty)

Dory, offers to conduct a little experiment: try the water from 2 different glasses and say what it tastes like.

Each child is encouraged to try salty and non-salty water (fresh) and answer the questions: what water is to your taste? what water is pleasant to drink? Lead children to the conclusion that fresh water is drinkable, this water has no taste.

Educator. It seems that there is a lot of water on Earth - there is so much blue paint on the globe! But the water that a person needs is actually very little.

And what kind of water do we drink, salty or fresh?

We drink fresh water. It is found in rivers, ponds, lakes.

Can you and I drink water directly from the river, lake? No, we drink purified water. First, the water passes through the waterworks, where it is purified by filters, and then it enters our taps. There is little pure fresh water left on Earth. There are countries in which people do not have enough water even to quench their thirst. This means that the water must be protected!

Children, how do you think we can conserve water?

Close the tap more tightly so that water does not drip, use it only for its intended purpose.

4. Didactic game "Water is our helper" .

Educator. Have you heard about water? They say she is everywhere

We do not notice it. We are used to the fact that water

Our companion is always.

Dory has a game for you "Is water our helper?" , let's look in the next pocket and get the pictures.

Game rules: Children choose the pictures they like on the table and give their explanations

  1. Water is needed to cook food.
  2. You need water to wash your hands.
  3. Water is needed to water the plants.
  4. You need water to drink it.
  5. Water is needed to wash clothes.
  6. Water is needed to wash your face.
  7. Water is needed to wipe dust.
  8. Water is needed for fish to live in it.
  9. Water is needed to swim and swim in the river.
  10. Water is needed to give water to pets.
  11. Water is needed to paint with paints.
  12. Water is needed to make medicines and to heal the sick.
  13. Dolphin story.

Educator: Children, do you have friends? Dory also has friends who live in the Black Sea and she wants to introduce us to one of them. Maybe someone is familiar with this animal? (showing a picture with a dolphin)... Now Dory will tell us about her friend the dolphin. Dolphins are amazing creatures. They live under water, but breathe air, use a special hole at the top of their heads for breathing. Their head ends with a mouth similar to a bird's beak. Their mouths are large with 80-100 teeth, their teeth are sharp. The main food for dolphins is fish, shellfish and small marine animals. Common dolphins are about 1.6 meters long. Their body is covered with skin. The top is black or gray in color, and their belly is white with black fins. They never leave the sea, their babies are born here. The mother feeds them with milk, so dolphins are mammals. Dolphins are considered the smartest animals, they even know how to communicate with each other, using different sounds in conversation: clicking, whistling, chirping. These animals swim very quickly, so they often compete in speed with ships and have fun jumping out of the water and, as it were, smiling at the people looking at them. The facts of human salvation by dolphins are known. And dolphins with trainers show performances for people in dolphinariums.

Dory promises us to record a video of her friend's performance at the dolphinarium next time and show us.

Educator: And now I invite you to play and find out what you remember about Dory's friend the dolphin.

6. Didactic game "Dolphin" .

Game rules: Children stand in a circle. A toy is given in the hands - a dolphin. While the words are being spoken, the toy is quickly passed from hand to hand. In whose hands the dolphin will be, when the words run out, I must say something about dolphins. For example: "The dolphin is gray or black in color" , or "The dolphin's body is covered with skin" .

Now listen to the words and then repeat with me:

Swim, sea dolphin,
Fast-fast over the waves.
Who has the dolphin left,
He will now tell us.

Educator: Children, there are many inhabitants in the water. Dory will come to visit us again to offer Interesting games and tell about your other friends.

III. Reflexive-evaluative stage.

Children, tell me what Dory games and tasks did you like the most?

What or who would you like to ask Dory to talk about next time?

Until next time, Dory!