Lunar calendar of conception for December of the year. How are you being lied to and why? Moon phase method

Do you want to conceive a boy and don't know how? In this article, you will find several methods by which the probability of conceiving a male child will be almost 100 percent.

The birth of a child is very an important event in each family. Many couples prepare in advance before pregnancy and go through medical examination, drink the necessary vitamins, treat chronic diseases- and this is very correct, they approach planning pregnancy responsibly.

But there are many couples who want a child of a certain gender. They also prepare in advance, study various techniques, calculate days, check calendars, eat certain foods.

How to conceive a boy 100 percent?

It is not so easy to conceive a child of a certain gender, because in the end it is not the parents who decide who will be born to them. But there are several ways and statistical tables that will help you increase the likelihood of conceiving a male child.

How to conceive a boy by blood?

There is such a thing as blood age, and planning it will help you get pregnant with a boy.

There is such a theory: if the father's blood is younger than the mother's, this moment, then the probability of conceiving a boy is higher. This is explained by the fact that at the beginning of each cycle, the blood is strong and powerful, so if at the moment the blood of a man is stronger, then the child will be male and vice versa.

In order to calculate favorable period, need age future mother divide by 3, and the age of the father by 4. This is due to the fact that the blood of a woman undergoes renewal after 3 years, and men - after 4. Compare the numbers obtained: if the father’s blood is younger, then most likely you will have a boy.

However, there are exceptions:

  • if a woman has negative Rh factor, then the obtained values ​​are interpreted exactly the opposite
  • if there were serious injuries or operations with blood loss, then the countdown is taken not from birth, but from the date of this event

On the Internet, you will find special programs in which you just need to enter the dates of your birthdays (or the dates of the last major blood loss) and the probable date of conception. The program will calculate the age of the blood and give the estimated gender of the child.

How to conceive a boy by ovulation?

One of the most proven and scientifically based methods is the calendar method, which is based on the date of ovulation.

The method is based on the statement that Y-spermatozoa (male) are very active, but they live less, but X-spermatozoa (female), on the contrary, live longer, but not so active. It follows from this that if sexual intercourse was 10-20 hours before the egg left the follicle (ovulation occurred), then the probability that the embryo will be male is greater, i.e. Y-spermatozoa will get to it first. But if more time has passed, 2-3 days before, more likely the birth of a girl.

Everything seems to be simple, but here another problem arises - how to determine the day of ovulation? There are several ways to determine this day, but for more accurate results, it is recommended to use them all.

  1. Use the ovulation calculator. This method is very simple, you enter the first day of your last period and the estimated (average over the past few months) cycle length into the program. The program calculates the day when ovulation occurs. But this method has a serious drawback - it does not take into account the characteristics of your body, but simply makes a rough calculation based on averaged data. In addition, the cycle is not a permanent matter, it can go astray due to stress, changes in weather conditions, illness, acclimatization and a bunch of other reasons.
  2. Measurement basal body temperature . This method is quite reliable, but gives some inconvenience to women, because. you need to measure the temperature in the rectum. And you need to do this not just when you want or there will be time, but every day, at about the same time, in the morning, without getting out of bed and preferably without making any movements, except to reach out for a thermometer, which should lie no further, than at a distance outstretched hand. At the same time, a few hours before that, you should not get up, for example, to the toilet or to the child, otherwise the measurements will not be reliable. It is necessary to make such measurements for at least three months and draw graphs of the dependence of temperature on the day of the cycle on them. According to the graph, you will see that around the middle of the cycle, the temperature rises sharply, this happens just before ovulation, after which the temperature will gradually drop. So you can predict the day, and, accordingly, the probability of giving birth to a boy will be higher for you
  3. Ovulation tests. There are special ones, the principle of their work is similar to pregnancy tests. Every day in the middle of the cycle (when ovulation is supposed to occur), do a test, if you see 2 strips, then ovulation is about to happen or has already happened. But these tests are quite expensive pleasure.
  4. Folliculogenesis. This is a type of ultrasound examination, when the doctor determines the onset of ovulation by the size of the follicle. Reaching certain values, it bursts and the egg comes out. Also, on ultrasound, the doctor will be able to tell if there is a sufficient layer of the endometrium in the uterus for the attachment of a fertilized egg, if not, then you need to consult a doctor for treatment. The disadvantage of this method is that you need to go for examination several days in a row or every other day in the middle of the cycle, as the doctor says

Calendar - how to conceive a boy? How to calculate the sex of the child by the date of conception?

There are several calendars and charts designed to help you plan your baby's gender. Below are some of them, the most reliable and reliable.

Japanese calendar

The Japanese have developed a table for predicting the sex of the child, because. they are more than all other nations are asking the question "How to conceive a boy?". To be precise, there are two such tables. To determine the sex of the planned child, you need to know the date of birth of his parents.

What days to conceive a boy?

In the first table, select the month by which you were born future mother, vertically and the month in which the father was born, horizontally. At the intersection you will see a cell with a number. Remember it and go to the second table.

Table number 1. Japanese sex determination method

How to conceive a boy: a table of conception and determining the sex of a child

In the second table, select the column with the desired number. In it you will find the names of all the months, and opposite them are crosses in the columns "boy" and "girl". The month where there will be more crosses opposite the boy, choose a male child for conception.

Table number 2. Japanese sex determination method

Chinese calendar

In Chinese culture, there are many ways to calculate the sex of a child, but they are mostly illogical and scientifically unfounded. However, there is a method that gives its results, and statistics and numbers are stubborn things, they cannot be deceived, and they say that the probability of this method gives 98% of the result!

So, this method is a table by which you can calculate the month you need. In this table, for planning the sex of the child, the month in which the conception occurred and the number of years plays a role. future mother. Below is a table where M is a boy and D is a girl.

Table. Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child

Moon calendar

The lunar calendar can also be used to determine the best time to conceive a boy. To do this, find out in which of the 12 signs of the zodiac the moon is located. If you want to have a boy, you need to choose a day when the moon is in some male sign, i.e. in Aquarius, Libra, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or Gemini.

It is on these days that it is most likely to become pregnant with a boy. In addition, the sex of the child can be calculated by knowing how old the expectant mother is and the month by which the conception occurred. So, if the age of the mother is an even number, then a boy is most likely to be conceived in odd months, and if the age is an odd number, then the boy should be planned in even months.

How to eat to conceive a boy?

There is an opinion that the sex of the child can be planned by eating certain products. The diet for having a boy or a girl varies.

In order to conceive a boy, you must eat following products one month before conception:

  • meat, in any form: pork, veal, chicken and other varieties
  • various fish: flounder, salmon, trout, mackerel and others
  • any fruits and also dried fruits
  • almost any vegetables and herbs
  • from cereals you can oatmeal, buckwheat, corn grits, rice and semolina
  • drink from drinks mineral water, coffee Tea

Special meals to conceive a boy
  • dairy products and whole milk
  • milk porridges and any pastries on milk
  • bread and others flour product, any pastries
  • seafood
  • lettuce, dill, beans
  • any nuts
  • consume as little salt as possible
  • calcined mineral water

Folk signs how to conceive a boy

For centuries formed folk omens which it is desirable to perform to conceive a child of a certain gender.

So in order for a male child to be born, there are the following signs.

  1. During intercourse, a woman should lie in a room with cool air, with her head towards the north, while she should be dressed in woolen socks and lie on her right side.
  2. Before conception, partners should not have sexual relations for about 5 days
  3. Under the bed you need to put some thing that is associated only with men, for example, a bow or an ax
  4. Sexual intercourse should take place in the morning or afternoon in next days Weeks: Saturday, Thursday or Tuesday
  5. Before going to bed, 20 minutes before bed, drink a glass of cranberry jelly
  6. A man should walk barefoot on the day of conception

  • Psychologists advise to think all the time that you want a boy, and to believe in these thoughts, you must program yourself
  • There is another such opinion that the future sex of the child is determined by who is the main and more active in the family. Let a man be a leader at home, at work and among friends
  • Women who weigh more than 54 kg are more likely to conceive a boy.
  • The probability that the child will be male is higher in a family in which both parents do not smoke
  • Prefer a vacation in a hot country, solar activity increases the possibility of having a boy
  • Children of the same age are usually the same sex, so if your first child is female and you want a boy, wait at least 3 years after the first birth

We hope that this article will help you and soon you will be holding your son in your arms. However, you must understand that no method gives a 100% guarantee in determining the sex of the unborn child. The main thing, however, is to give birth healthy child and make happy, regardless of gender.

VIDEO: What to do to have a boy?

The article describes in detail how, according to the tables of Chinese and Japanese calendar determine what gender your child will be.

Not all parents plan in advance who they will have a girl or a boy. And not everyone will believe that this is possible to plan. But there are ancient methods by which you can conceive a child of the desired sex. It is a pity that these methods are not always effective and do not give one hundred percent result.

Although, in most cases, using the Chinese or Japanese calendar, you can make a forecast for the future. Let's learn how to use the tables to find out the sex of the future newborn.

Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child for 2019-2020

The most reliable medical method determining who will be born to the expectant mother is ultrasound diagnostics. Already on early dates pregnancy is set to the floor of the crumbs. But, how do you plan for a boy or a girl to be born in nine months?

More than two centuries ago in China for the birth of an heir in a noble royal family table was used. It is very interesting that the calculations according to that calendar table coincided, no matter how ironically the skeptics treated them. And the most unexpected thing is that it is in China that today it is forbidden for pregnant women to test for the sex of the future baby.

Gender of the unborn child - Chinese table

The Chinese table is the calendar by which you can pre-plan the gender of the newborn. This ancient manuscript was found by archaeologists in Beijing. To be more precise, it was found in the place where the famous Chinese emperor was buried.

This tablet was invented by the ancient sages. It takes into account the phases of the moon and some features of women, namely, the change of blood in their body, which occurs every month. According to these pundits namely the monthly menstrual cycle and affects who the future mother will have - a girl or a boy.

IMPORTANT: By Chinese standards, the age of newborns is calculated differently. If we have a child at the time of birth - 0 months, then in China - already seven or nine months. There, age is calculated from the moment of conception.

What is the Chinese calendar?

  • There are 336 cells in this plate, in each of these cells the gender of the future newborn is indicated: "Boy", "Girl"
  • Numbers are written vertically full age future mother. To make assumptions in the future more accurate, keep in mind that you need to add seven to nine months to your age (we talked about this above)
  • More according to Chinese rules - childbearing age dam begins at eighteen and ends at forty-five. These are the numbers that go vertically.
  • Months are shown horizontally. If you want a son, then choose the cell with "M" - which means a boy. See in which month according to the table you have a boy, in that month and try to conceive a baby

How to use the table correctly?

Using the calendar is quite simple, because the Chinese have always been famous for inventions that are easy to use. So any mom can figure it out in this calendar, because for this it is not necessary to solve logarithmic functions.

Let's look at an example:

  • EXAMPLE: Now the girl is 23 years 6 months old. We consider the age of the expectant mother from the moment of conception: 23 years 6 months + 9 months, it turns out 24 years 3 months. We look at the calendar vertically - we are looking for the number 24. We found it, now we look horizontally, in which month - a girl, in which - a boy. If parents dream of a girl, then auspicious months for conception crumbs from August to December

IMPORTANT: There are errors in the calendar. It is often because of this prediction that does not come true. Especially, this happens when the child is conceived at the very beginning, at the end of the month.

Japanese baby gender calendar

In Japan, childlessness is considered a great misfortune for the family. And when japanese woman gives birth only to girls, then this is bad luck for men. After all, according to their laws, each respected man must have an heir.

For the sake of this, some families even decided to adopt a child just to get an heir. And men cheated on their wives, hoping that their mistress would give birth to a son.

The problem of the birth of an heir has long been considered one of the most important in Japan. Many sages have wondered how to solve it. And came up with a simple effective method, which is effective in 89% of a hundred - the Japanese calendar.

Japanese table for determining the sex of a child for 2019 and 2020

Determining the gender of a baby according to the Japanese calendar is relatively easy. To do this, you only need to know the month of birth of a man, a woman. Then find the point of their intersection in the proposed table. This cell (intersection point) will contain a number. Remember her.

Go to the second table. Find that number in the chart below. Then the month of conception. At the intersection of these two data, you will find the gender of your child.

To make things clearer, let's look at example

  • The expectant mother was born in May, and the father - in September. We look at the first plate, look for the number where these months intersect. The cell contains the number - nine
  • We pass to the second scheme. In the vertical column we are looking for the number nine, and in the horizontal column, the month of conception, for example, July. Looks like you're having a boy

Of course, these methods for determining the sex of babies do not give a one hundred percent accurate result. However, there is no need to despair. The most important thing is that your baby is born healthy, and parents surround the baby with care, attention, love.

Video: planning the sex of newborns according to the Chinese calendar

Conception and birth of a child milestone in the life of any person. Many parents have clear preferences regarding the gender of the unborn baby. Some rely on chance, believing that it is impossible to predetermine whether a boy or a girl will be born. Others use a variety of ways to plan the sex of the child.

Positive factors for conceiving a boy

Future gender the baby directly depends on what sign of the zodiac circle is the satellite of the Earth at the time of conception. A male child can be born if the Moon is in male signs at the time of conception. These are signs such as Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra.

It is also important for the conception of a boy what phase the moon is in. The full moon is a period when the birth of a male baby can turn out to be a failure. Astrologers also advise not to conceive a child at all at the time of the new moon. The growing moon is the time most suitable for the birth of a new life. This circumstance will give the baby in the future, whatever gender he may be, good health. In addition, scientists argue that if before conception married couple was set up in a romantic way, then the babies that are born are distinguished by beauty and good weight.

Also, a woman can increase the chance of giving birth to a future male representative by introducing more salty food into the diet a month before the intended pregnancy. In the body of a woman, the level of calcium and sodium will increase, which gives a chance to conceive a boy. A man should pay attention to protein and plant foods. Protein will strengthen spermatozoa, which will positively affect the possibilities future pregnancy. And fiber from organic food will cleanse the body of a man from toxins and toxic substances. Together, these two factors increase the chances of producing a boy.

How to conceive a boy

To maximize the chances of conceiving a boy, you need to create such conditions that an XY sperm enters the egg. By their nature, "boy" spermatozoa are more active. Therefore, they rush to meet the egg with much more enthusiasm than the "girl" XX spermatozoa. It turns out that in order to provide a head start for the "boy" XY-spermatozoa, sexual intercourse should take place just on the day of ovulation - when the egg has already left the follicle and is ready for fertilization. To increase the chances of conceiving a boy, it is advisable to repeat sexual intercourse the next day. It is also important for the conception of a boy to abstain from sex for a while, for the accumulation of spermatozoa.

There are several rules for the successful conception of a boy:

  1. After intercourse, a woman is not recommended to get up, it is recommended to sleep or lie in bed for a while;
  2. The female orgasm must pass much earlier than the male, then female body will be able to destroy a significant part of X chromosomes;
  3. For creating favorable environment to conceive a boy, it is necessary to douche with a solution of tea soda before intercourse;
  4. Before sexual intercourse, both partners are not recommended to take a hot bath.

How to conceive a boy by ovulation

Trying to determine when it is better to conceive a boy's child, they turn to this scientific method. The main basis of the method is the proven statement that Y-spermatozoa, which are highly active, are less tenacious than X-spermatozoa. Each type of chromosome has its own comfortable environment. In order for the Y chromosomes to survive, alkaline environment in the female genital organs, as in such conditions their life span increases. Accordingly, the chances of conceiving a boy on the day of ovulation or 10-20 hours before it are very high. It remains only to determine the right day to understand when it is better to conceive a boy.

There are five methods for determining ovulation:

  1. Signs of ovulation. It can be: It's a dull pain in the lower abdomen, increased flatulence, mood changes, acute sexual desire. In addition, during ovulation, vaginal discharge changes its consistency - it becomes more viscous, similar to egg white and their number is increasing markedly.
  2. Based on basal temperature. In the morning, weekly, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum for five minutes with the same mercury thermometer. Recording readings and building a graph from them, you will notice that one day the flat line will decrease, and the next day it will rise sharply. This recession is the day the egg is released from the follicle. The method is reliable at ∼70%.
  3. calendar way. Menstruation after ovulation occurs on the 14th day. Thus, with a regular cycle of 28 days, the release of the egg from the follicle will occur on the 13-14th day.
  4. ultrasound. Observations using an ultrasound machine are considered to be the most accurate. With it, you can track the growth, development of the follicle and the moment of its rupture. Observations are carried out daily from the end of menstruation.
  5. Test strips. They are made on the principle of pregnancy tests. They determine the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. Tests are carried out 5-6 days before possible ovulation, strictly adhering to the instructions. This is the easiest, most affordable and exact way definition of ovulation.

Poses for conceiving a boy

The most successful positions for conceiving a boy are those in which the deepest penetration occurs. In addition to this, it must be remembered that spermatozoa with male chromosomes less tenacious than female, therefore the best option putting them where they need to is also stimulating the uterus during lovemaking. Subject to these two conditions:

  • depth;
  • stimulation.

You have a good chance to conceive a boy, sometimes such an effort can result in the birth of twins. The poses for conceiving a boy are primarily doggie-style and general. Doggy style is that the woman is on all fours, and the man is behind. General's pose, very simple with her female legs lie on male shoulders(kind of shoulder straps).

Blood renewal method for conceiving a boy

A common option that tells you what to do to conceive a boy has become blood age planning. The basis is the assertion that the younger blood of the future father contributes to the conception of a male child. Human blood is renewed every few years:

  • female every three years;
  • men's every four years;
  • an exception is considered if there were abortions, miscarriages, operations and blood transfusions.

To calculate the renewal, you need to divide the mother's age by three, and the future father's age by four. When comparing the results, the conclusion is made: if the blood of the father is younger, then the birth of a boy is most likely. At Rh negative in a future mother, all meanings should be interpreted exactly the opposite.

Since ancient times, the Japanese have been famous for their wisdom. Their peculiar culture is popular all over the world to this day. As you know, the Japanese are very disciplined, perhaps in this aspect this nation surpasses all others. Their attitude to the world made it possible to develop and actively apply this method of definition in life. This table in the blink of an eye spread throughout the world and won the love and trust of millions of women.

The main reason for creating such a table is the need for an heir. At all times, the Japanese have given special meaning the appearance of an heir and successor of the family. The presence of an heir directly determined the status of a man. It is to address this issue that the Japanese table was created.

Science has proven that the sex of a child determines the set of chromosomes that are passed down from the father. Chromosomes transmitted from the mother have absolutely no meaning in this matter. Even on a biological level, the process of fusion of the parents' chromosomes is "creative". In the past, it was believed that finding out the sex of a child before conception or at early stages impossible. Japanese "wise men" say the opposite. The Japanese, based on their data, created a calendar for determining the sex of a child. The calendar itself shows a fairly accurate result.

This calendar method is very easy to use. As already mentioned, two systematized tables were created, which are used together. The main principle by which the Japanese table for determining the sex of the unborn child works is the calculation of a special code. To determine it, the month of birth of future parents is selected from the table.

The months of birth of males are located horizontally at the top of the table, and mothers - vertically on the left side of it. To calculate a special code, you need to draw a line from top to bottom from the month of birth of the father and from left to right from the month of the mother. The intersection of these lines shows us the code.

Suppose the mother is April, and the father was born in September. Listing lines with given parameters will give us the number 12. This number is our code.

Now let's look at Table 2. For the "work" of this table, you need to remember the month of conception of the baby. The months of conception are indicated in the cells of the table. How their location was chosen is known only to the creators of the system. At the top we find our code. From it, from top to bottom, we draw a line that will suit our month. Let in our example, conception occurred in January. In the center of the table we see crosses - the more of them, the more precisely the result. In our case, the girl has more crosses. It follows from this that future parents are likely to have a girl.

Using this method to reveal who exactly will be born, you should not count on 100% that it will actually be so. However, statistics claim that the data from the table is correct in more than 80% of cases, and you must admit that this is a lot.

The use of the table not only helps to satisfy curiosity, but also makes it possible for future parents to construct, in this way, the time of intercourse so that the baby is of a certain gender.

Most scientists are still arguing about the effectiveness of the Japanese table for determining the sex of a child. These data do not have scientific explanation and inaccurate. At the same time, the fact, as they say, is obvious - in the overwhelming majority, the system gives the correct result.

In our age of advanced technology, by going to the Internet, you can literally find the tables we need in two clicks. In addition to the tables themselves, they are accompanied by detailed description, in case you missed something. For convenience, even programs have been created that calculate everything themselves. You just need to go online and enter the required data. In most cases, such programs in their calculations are focused not only on the Japanese calendar for determining the sex of the child, but also on other calculation methods. This makes the calculation results more reliable. Among them are such as:

  1. It was designed and created by Rafael Abdulmyanov. The program is truly unique. It not only allows you to calculate the estimated gender of the baby. It includes a calculator that allows you to calculate the optimal days of conception. As a kind of bonus - the function of choosing a name for the baby. There is also the possibility of compiling individual horoscope to determine the possible character traits of the child.
  2. Child is a program that produces the clearest and most reliable result. The program is also built on making calculations based on the data of the parents.
  3. BabyPlan 1.0.5. - in addition to the data required for calculations in other programs, this one also takes into account the age of the parents.

To the delight of future fathers and mothers, these programs are freely available on the Internet.

Of course, speaking of such a Japanese common people system, one should not neglect other ways. And we are talking not only about traditional ultrasound. For now, we will only consider the types similar ways. If you wish, you can easily find a detailed description of them on the Internet. Such methods include:

  • Folk methods are based on observation and external data of the expectant mother. At the same time, attention is paid to the shape of the abdomen, changes in the face, breast changes, gastronomic preferences of the mother, and mood. For example, folk wisdom says that a protruding belly warns of a boy, round and wide - expect a girl. Well, or if a woman loves more - a girl will be born, on the contrary - a boy. There are countless examples.
  • Calculation methods. These include all kinds of calendars and tables. Along with the Japanese table for determining the sex of a child, there is also a Chinese method, according to the Rh factor, according to the group and blood renewal, the difference between the day of conception and the last ovulation.
  • Laboratory tests, which are willingly provided by private clinics. At the same time, there are a great many of them. You can get acquainted with the principle of their implementation and cost in the same clinics.
  • Pharmacy tests for determining the sex of the baby.

The centuries-old experience of Japanese sages and scientists is beyond doubt. The Japanese table for determining the sex of a child is, of course, an entertaining thing, but as we remember, it does not give a 100% guarantee. The results of the table can be trusted only if they completely coincide with the results of other methods.

At the same time, this is a rather entertaining way to entertain future parents.

It is up to each individual to decide whether this theory is reasonable or not, and how much to trust it. Many people around the world say that thoughts are things. And that if you really want something, it will definitely come true. If we consider the attitude to the world and the theory of Japanese calendars in this vein, and the desire and faith are strong, everything will definitely happen. As for the Japanese calendar itself for determining the sex of a child, it has existed for more than one century. And it is certainly not in vain that the whole country trusts him from generation to generation. Even now, when the presence of a family heir has faded into the background, the Japanese continue to trust these tables. And they “infect” everyone else with their faith.

Almost all parents ask themselves the question: who will be born - a boy or a girl? And some even try to conceive a child of a certain gender in advance. And what is most interesting is that this was true even in ancient times. In this article, we will analyze the centuries-old wisdom and dwell in more detail on recognizing the sex of a child before birth using various tables.

In China, such a table was invented in ancient times. Moreover, the Chinese consider it 100% accurate. But according to the reviews of mothers who gave birth to babies, this forecast is not always true. Perhaps because in the Middle Kingdom it is customary to consider the age of a person from the moment of conception. Therefore, when determining the sex of the baby, add another 9 months to your real age.

Using the scheme is simple, for this:

  • At the beginning count how old you are by Chinese standards, add to your full years 7-9 months;
  • Then find the number vertically, relevant your full age, and horizontally birth month;
  • Draw imaginary lines, crossing them and indicate who you will have: D - girl, M - boy.

Table of the sex of the child by month of conception

It was in China that it was believed that the phase of the moon has an impact on the sex of the unborn child. Therefore, scientists have suggested that the table takes into account the lunar phases. Others believe that the scheme is based on studies of the effect of a woman's age and date of birth on the sex of the baby. As mentioned above, to determine who you will have a boy or a girl, you need to know not only the age of the mother, but also the month of conception of the baby.

IMPORTANT: However, it is a pity that the assumptions do not always come true. The predictions are 78.9% reliable out of 100% possible.

Video: Gender of the child by date of conception - table

How to determine the sex of the child according to the Vanga table?

Most mothers use the table of the great blind soothsayer Vanga in order to recognize who will be born a boy or a girl. The scheme bears only the name of the soothsayer Vanga, but in fact it was compiled by her follower and student, Lyudmila Kim.

Women's opinions about this table vary. Some get what they write, and some don't. Moms, using this method of prediction, noticed a certain peculiarity that if a woman in labor has a negative Rh factor, then everything should be interpreted the other way around. More precisely, if it fell out according to the scheme that a boy will be born, then you will most likely have a girl.

Gender of the child according to the Vanga table

Everyone can understand this scheme. Dark green means that you will have a boy in a few months, and light green means a girl. For gender recognition you will need:

  • at the top, select the month of conception of the baby
  • vertically find the number indicating the full age of mom
  • find their intersection point - this color of the rectangle will indicate the gender of the crumbs

Determination of the sex of the child by age

Even according to the tables, the sex of the crumbs is guessed by the age of the woman in labor, by the age of both parents, or by the age of the father. I must say that the assumptions often come true, almost 96% of the 100 possible.

Gender of the child by date of birth of parents (table)

This method of determination has been known for a long time. And based on the testimony of two tables. You need to work with diagrams in the following way:

  1. Select woman's birth month
  2. Then select the man's birth month
  3. At the intersection of lines (horizontal and vertical), find the number
  4. Remember this number

Now let's move on to the second table:

  1. We are looking for the number that you dropped out in the first table
  2. Then we draw a line vertically down to the intersection with the month of conception of the baby
  3. Now we carry out strictly horizontal line to the intersection with the middle, where the crosses are
  4. If there are more crosses in the column - M, then a boy will appear, if vice versa, then it will be - a girl

Table for determining the sex of a child by the age of the father

There are many cases when only girls or boys are born in one family. And parents dream of a baby or a baby. It is said that this is a predisposition of the father's genetics. Scientists have compiled a table to determine the sex of the crumbs by the age of the pope. How to use the scheme, read on:

  1. Select father's age (vertically)
  2. Find the month of conception horizontally
  3. If there is no month for the conception of a baby, then there will be a girl, if there is a month in the column, there will be a boy

Table of the sex of the child by the age of the mother

There are dozens of such tables. However, their basis is an ancient Chinese scheme for recognizing the sex of babies even before they are born.

Pregnancy table: gender of the child by mother's age

We have already considered above how to use such a scheme for such a determination of the sex of a baby. It is enough to find the age of the mother and the date of conception itself (more precisely, a month). And at the intersection of the parameters, find the cherished: M or D.

Japanese table for determining the sex of a child

The Japanese scheme has long gained great popularity among mothers who want to know who will be - a girl or a boy, not only in Japan, but throughout the world. The most interesting thing is that 93% of the result is reliable.

The schema consists of two tables. One at a time, you determine the code number (we considered this table in paragraph: Gender of the child by date of birth of the parents). And on the other - already codenumber, month of conception learn gender.

Sex of the child according to the renewal of the blood of the parents: table

According to the observations of specialists, the sex of the baby depends on the date of the last cyclic blood renewal. Moreover, it is believed that for mothers it is updated once every three calendar years, and for fathers - once every four years. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that with large blood loss, a blood renewal cycle also occurs (for example, during operations, etc.). Then the table below will not be relevant.

How to calculate the gender of the child 100 percent?

  • You will need a sheet of paper. write on it full name father, first name and maiden name
  • Write the month of conception crumbs
  • Convert all letters to numbers
  • Add up the numbers
  • Then divide the sum by seven
  • If you get an even number, then you will have a girl, an odd number - a boy

Table of conception of the sex of the child one hundred percent

We have considered many variants of schemes for guessing the sex of crumbs even before birth. According to experimental research- the most accurate is the "Chinese ancient table". It must indicate the age of the future mother, the exact month of conception. Based on these data, you can see what gender your child will be.

How to calculate the sex of a child by ovulation: a table of the sex of a child in percent

Most common in women aged 28 monthly cycle. The period of ovulation can then occur between the 11th and 21st days of this cyclic system. If conception occurs before ovulation, then you need to expect a girl, if on the 14-17th day, then you will have a boy.

Video: Test for determining the sex of the child