How to tie big ones. Ideas how to tie a scarf around your neck beautifully. Stylish options for tying scarves. Knot using a ring

In cool seasons, the scarf is more relevant than ever. This is an aesthetic and practical accessory! He is able to noticeably change any image, adding a unique charm and zest to it. There are countless ways to tie a scarf. When choosing them, you should, first of all, be guided by the external features of the scarf (length, shape, thickness) and your inner sensations(mood, image, style).

Most of the ways of tying a scarf can be roughly divided into "finite" - with hanging ends of the accessory - and "endless", when these ends are hidden in a closed scarf semicircle. The last type - the so-called "Infinity scarf" - is gaining more and more popularity in fashion world... This manner of wearing a scarf is often referred to as "Parisian" because of its particular popularity among French women. For example, here are twelve ways to tie an “endless” scarf.

The first four methods were especially favored by street-style fans. The highlight of such wearing a scarf is in its voluminous, rounded shape... She not only creates interesting image, but also allows you to "retouch" some of the flaws in the figure a little. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can simply drown in the countless rings of the scarf.

A few words about each of the methods presented.

1. This is the most classic French way... Having tied the ends of the scarf into one knot, you need to wrap it around your neck two or three times. The knot should be hidden, while slightly stretching and fluffing the scarf to the left or right side.
2. After a double circle around the neck, pull the edges of the scarf slightly to the sides, creating volume and adding width to the shoulders, which in turn will help to hide the fullness of the hips. If there is nothing to emphasize the already massive shoulders, then it is better to make the scarf slightly asymmetrical, pulling it a little more to the left or right.

3. Here you just need to wrap the scarf twice around your neck and hide the ends. It should look like the collar of a sweater or jumper, and actually become part of your outerwear.
4. This method differs from the first four only in that most of the accessory is pushed forward a little.

5. After the first turn of the scarf around the neck, wrap the remaining ends around the shoulders and upper part hands like a shawl or stole. The ends themselves are fixed from the side at chest level. Improvisation is always welcome.

6. Very similar to method number 5, but it looks more careless, as if casual. The ends of the scarf are hidden behind, forming a volumetric semicircle in front.
7. For a scarf tied by method No. 6, you need to pull out a little more back part, turning her into a cute hood.
8. Unlike the previous method, the hood here consists of only one layer of the scarf. It is desirable that at the same time the hair color does not merge with the shade of the scarf.

9. Too tight scarf for this method will not work. You need to wrap the accessory twice around the neck, and then tie its ends single knot and hide them. Such a V-shaped scarf lengthens the neck somewhat.

10. One part of the scarf, knitted in the previous way, you need to pull down a little, dividing it into two rings different sizes... This is one of the most interesting and textured ways to wear an endless scarf.

11. This method differs from No. 9 only in a large number of rings. The ends of the scarf should be twisted tighter and then added volume.
12. Twice tied around the neck, the scarf should be slightly raised at the back of the head and slightly V-shaped in front. Thanks to this method, you can focus on the face and shoulders.

There are more complex ways tying "endless" scarves:

But there are also many ways to tie a scarf with visible ends. It is important to consider the length and thickness of the accessory. Massive, dense and wide scarves difficult to lend themselves to all sorts of tricks with nodules. For example, here are some of the most common ways to tie a warm scarf.

For those who prefer volumetric options, you can offer the following options:

You can complete the version with a blue scarf in two ways: leaving the ends of the accessory hanging, or hide them, turning them into intricate weaves of an “endless” scarf.

There are ways with an emphasis on the middle of the chest, like a chunky tie:

And here are some ways for those who love all sorts of twists and turns, knots and complex patterns. The main thing is not to get confused ...

Not too wide knitted scarves elegant and cute look in the form of a regular


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Accessories play important role in drawing up an image, therefore, it is important not only to choose the right scarf, but also to be able to tie it beautifully around the neck. We present to your attention small overview, in which we will analyze the most stylish and interesting ways tying.

How fashionable to tie a scarf around your neck in 2018 depends largely on general style wardrobe capsule, the selected model of the accessory and some other points. In the photo of ways to wear such accessories, various options are visible:

How beautiful to tie scarves around your neck

Before tying scarves around your neck beautifully, you need to choose the appropriate model and its colors. Even an accessory tied in the most exquisite way can completely destroy a carefully assembled bow if its texture is not chosen correctly. In particular, for a luxurious fur coat in 2018, in no case should you choose coarse knitted patterns, it is better slim fit cashmere or thick natural silk... But for a democratic image based on a park or a down jacket, on the contrary, Norwegian jacquard, large plaits and geometric relief patterns in models knitted from country yarn.

Look at examples of how beautifully to tie scarves around your neck in the photo, where original ways are illustrated:

Scarves can be different, which means that the number of tying methods is also increasing. Now you do not have to pore in front of the mirror for a long time, thinking for a long time in order to come up with such an interesting thing. Yes, even above simple knot- even with them, problems often arise.

Many fashionistas love shawls and scarves because they can easily transform appearance without extra costs and in just a couple of minutes, they also visually correct the proportions of the figure and are simply pleasing to the eye.

The easiest way to tie a scarf beautifully and quickly is to wrap it around your neck and tuck the ends into a loop. For a romantic date or a walk, you can add beautiful brooch to make the image look even more advantageous.

For solid colors or ombre colors a pigtail will do... There should be no bright details and additional decorations - otherwise it simply won't be noticeable. Fold your scarf in half and place it around your neck, and place the ends in a loop. After that, the loop must be twisted and the ends are placed in the newly formed loop.

How to tie light scarves beautifully

The first method is ideal for making thin fabrics with fringes and tassels. The scarf is wrapped around the neck twice so that its ends hang down, after which one of them is tucked into a loop. One of the tips of the remaining end is tucked into opposite side loops. There are many ways to tie light scarves beautifully - you can do this fashionably and stylishly if you look closely at the trends presented in the new shows. designer collections seasons spring-summer 2018

If you are using a scarf as decorative element, then for lightweight products, you should try a simple and stylish option that will give the image a touch of bohemianness: you need to wrap it around the neck, and tie the ends in knots.

Another easy way is to wrap the end around the loop many, many times.

In summer, a scarf can be easily turned into a necklace - it is tied in the middle, after which two or three more knots are made on the sides, depending on the length of the product. And one more tip - choose bright colors, with abstraction or unusual patterns. The image will be airy and memorable, with such a scarf it is not a shame in 2018 to appear at work complete with a classic black dress or romantic date, or even at a gala event.

Or how do you like the idea to warm up the snake? A light scarf is tied in knots on both sides, after which we twist it along its axis. Then you need to wrap it several times around the neck so that both ends are in front. We pass the ends of the scarf under the upper row of the resulting harness, throw it over it from above and let it go along the lower rows.

How beautiful to tie a long scarf around your neck

In the fall, we often wear long scarves, but we absolutely do not know how to tie them. If you have a model with brushes in your arsenal, then you should try next way: wrap around the neck once, after which the end is tucked into the loop from above, but not pulled down to the end, thus forming a small hole. After that, the other end is pulled through a small hole and both ends are pulled out in order to properly secure the knot. Before you beautifully tie a long scarf around your neck, decide what you want to get with this technique: warmth and comfort or a spectacular appearance.

Or try this: fold the scarf in half and wrap it around your neck. Leave a small loop on one side, then pull one end of the scarf through one loop and the other through the other.

In the fall of 2018, you want the accessory to fit snugly around your neck, so we recommend that you put on the accessory until small, small edges remain, which are then tucked into the loop.

A scarf around your neck will not only warm you in cold autumn and winter, but can become a real work of art if you show all your ingenuity and experience. Unusually knotted, it will become a real highlight of the image and will make you stand out from the crowd. To add pluses to the image, we recommend adding a product bright shades or with prints popular in the season: leopard, flowers and animals.

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Anna Lisitsina especially for site

The trend is something that will definitely bring you a feeling of warmth and comfort - a plaid scarf. If you happen to hear about this trend, and you are still wondering how to wrap yourself in this scarf so as not to look like you were wrapped in a blanket around your neck, here are some tips on how to wear these scarves.

1 Wrap and ... keep wrapping

Naturally, scarves are nothing new. For decades, women have wrapped scarves around their necks. But what distinguishes this season's scarves is their size. The plaid scarf is larger than the standard scarf we are used to. This doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be worn. the traditional way... The only difference is that with a plaid scarf, you will have more fabric on your hands. A scarf wrapped like this will look great with fitted silhouette for example, with fitted jackets, bodycon dresses and sweaters.

Photo: Samantha Pereira
Scarf: ZARA

2 Maximum infinity

You probably already know that endless scarf(also, loop scarf) is a scarf without ends (in the form of a loop), which is wrapped one or more times around the neck. You can buy such a scarf, or you can make it yourself by tying the ends of an ordinary rectangular scarf. The plaid scarf exalts the idea at all new level... For a stylish look, wear a plaid scarf like an endless scarf. On very cold days, when you need to wrap your neck well, this method will be especially relevant.

Photo: lookbook / Jeannie Y
Scarf and wool coat: ZARA

3 Wear a plaid scarf as a poncho

A plaid scarf is not only meant to be wrapped around the neck. Many are enough big size to wear them as a poncho or shawl. Imagine a bow for which you allegedly took a blanket out of bed and wrapped it in it, despite the name, which does not suggest it. In case of a sudden cold snap, a plaid scarf will warm and add style to any look. Let him knit, and do not be afraid to wear such a scarf over a jacket, jacket or coat, or on your own, as light coat... The purpose of a plaid scarf as a poncho or shawl is to stylishly warm and protect from the elements.

Photo: Linh Nguyen
Scarf: ZARA

4 Let the plaid scarf fall carelessly

The main idea behind the plaid scarf is to create a style that doesn't seem to have been put in any effort, as if you quickly grabbed the scarf and ran out of the house. You don't have to fuss over how to tie a scarf like this correctly. Let it fall naturally - that is how it will look perfect. Many women make a lot of effort to ensure that the scarf is tied correctly, but this trend, on the contrary, requires negligence.

5 Tie a plaid scarf with a belt

If you think the plaid scarf is too big for you, but you still want to follow the trend, try tying a belt over it. There are two ways you can do this. You can tie a belt around the entire scarf, or tie it around the waist, covering the back with a scarf, and tucking the front part behind the belt. Thus, a plaid scarf looks like a loose coat or a vest. from 0/5 (votes: 26)

Beautiful scarf or neckerchiefgreat addition to a stylish look. But how to tie a scarf so that it is both a fashion accessory and warmth in cool weather?

There are many ways to tie a scarf, and today we will talk about 5 of them, accompanying fashion tips a series of informative photos.

Even the most mundane things will be transformed beyond recognition if you beautifully tie a scarf or shawl over a coat, jumper or shirt. But so that the new fashion accessory took its rightful place in your stylish looks, he must have a list of important qualities.

How to choose a scarf

  1. When choosing a fashionable scarf, first of all, pay attention to its composition: only a thing made of natural material such as cashmere. But if you are not ready to iron the product every time before going out, then choose a scarf with a small amount of synthetic thread - such a scarf will wrinkle less when worn and washed.
  2. To tie a scarf beautifully around your neck, it must be of sufficient length and width. The rule for choosing the size of a fashionable scarf is this: it should be not much shorter than the span of the arms and reach the distance from the chin to the chest in width.
  3. Another important criterion when looking for a new thing, there should be a color. A scarf tied around the neck is located directly in the portrait area, which means that its shade should very closely match yours in order to decorate the face, and not expose imperfections on it and age changes... Do not forget also about, it does not matter if you choose fashion scarf in bright or muted colors.
  4. And the last thing: you must initially clearly define what kind of clothes the novelty of your wardrobe will be worn with. If you intend to wear it with a scarf, then the scarf should be made of a dense, heavy material (for example, wool). If a fashionable scarf is to be worn with a shirt or jumper, it can be made of lightweight jersey or viscose.

A way to tie a scarf


Curly knot

1. First, fold the scarf in half lengthwise and throw it around your neck.

2. With your hand through the loop on one side, pull one of the two ends of the scarf hanging from the other side through it.

3. Twist only the loop once and pull the other free end of the scarf through it. Straighten the ends, and tuck in a nice knot.
4. Straighten the ends, lay the nice knot.

The advantage of this method of tying a scarf is its versatility: it is easy to fit into such a knot as very bulky scarves and stoles, and very thin shawls and kerchiefs.

A way to tie a scarf


A la tie

1. Throw the scarf around your neck and tie a weak knot at one end.

2. Wrap the free end of the scarf once around your neck.

3. Thread the free end of the scarf through the knot at the other end.

4. Raise the knot to the desired level by slightly pulling it upward as you tighten a tie.

This method of tying a scarf is best suited for delicate fabrics and is more suitable for wearing with a dress, T-shirt, jacket and blazer.

A way to tie a scarf



1. First, throw the scarf around your neck with the ends back and slide them over your shoulders.
2. Wrap one end of the scarf twice, passing it through the center of the scarf towards the inside (towards the face).
3. Repeat this technique with the other end of the scarf.
4. Straighten the ends of the scarf, gather them towards the center and pull them up as you see fit - they can be the same length or hang down asymmetrically.

This easy way to tie a scarf is perfect for silk and other lightweight scarves and shawls and will complement stylish image with a T-shirt,.

A way to tie a scarf



We have already talked about that in a separate article. And today we propose to consider a way to tie a regular scarf so that it turns into a tube scarf (infinity scarf).

1. Tie the scarf over the neck with the ends hanging down in front, and tie them in a tight double knot. Tighten the ends as much as possible and make sure the knot does not come loose.
2. Twist the resulting ring in front of you once so that it forms a figure eight.
3. Throw the part of the figure eight that remains in your hands behind the neck so that the knot at the ends is at the back.

4. Unfold the scarf so that it forms two equal rings and make sure the knot is tucked securely in the back under the scarf.

This method of making your own snood is suitable for both very thin silk scarves and cashmere stoles. If the scarf is made of very dense bulky tissue, you can tie its ends not with one large knot, but tie the corners in pairs in two knots.

You can also make a snood with your own hands by lightly sewing together the ends of a regular scarf with threads to match the product.

A way to tie a scarf


Necklace scarf

This method of tying a scarf is based on an ordinary Milanese knot, somewhat transformed in order to emphasize the beauty and tenderness of a chiffon or silk beautiful scarf... Exactly like this summer scarf- long, with a bright print, will look the most advantageous as a necklace and decorate with dignity fashionable image v casual style or more elegant smart casual.

1. First, twist the scarf by twisting the ends in opposite directions.

2. Connect the ends so that the scarf can wrap itself in a tight rope.
3. Throw the resulting tourniquet around the neck and thread free edges scarf into the resulting loop.

4. Straighten the edges of the scarf. You can leave the edges in the middle or move them closer to the shoulder.

There are ways to tie scarves, shawls and headscarves great amount... Today we have reviewed with you only 5 of them. However, now you know how to tie a scarf beautifully without extra effort and create with your own hands a fashion accessory that will be an excellent finishing touch to a stylish look.

None decent girl can't do without this super-needed accessory! The scarf was created not only to protect your neck from the wind, but you can work wonders with it! What else will add zest to your look and make even the simplest outfit interesting? Pashmina, wool scarf, light shawl, blanket scarf ... how many options and possibilities! If you know only one way to tie a scarf (as your grandmother did), then we advise you to explore other, more interesting options.

How to tie a scarf: method 1

In just a few seconds you can make your scarf crazy beautiful accessory... Choose a scarf from light, flowing fabrics.

Tie a small knot, making sure your head fits comfortably in a loop. Unfold the scarf so that the ends and part of the loop form three future "strands" of the braid.

And start weaving a regular braid!

Leave the ends of the scarf hanging freely or completely tuck them into a braid - it's up to you! Experiment!

How to tie a scarf: method 2

Ideal to add style to simple clothes. Even in a T-shirt and jeans, you can shine! Do not be alarmed, it looks much more complicated than it seems. You can handle it!

Put the scarf around your neck, the ends back.

And then throw them forward, crossing them at the back.

Twist the loop with a figure eight.

And tuck the ends of the scarf into it. Pull the ends to tighten the scarf a bit and ... you're done!

How to tie a scarf: method 3

Great way to get attention, don't you think? It looks even more complicated, but believe me, it will take you no more than one minute! Catch a detailed video!

How to tie a scarf: method 4

Blanket-like scarves often scare girls. And all because they just don't know how to tie them! Don't give up stylish accessory, but just try this insanely simple way!

How to tie a scarf: method 5

A silk scarf can be worn even in summer! And to make this possible, learn to wrap it beautifully around your neck. Use our hint!

How to tie a scarf: method 6

Not sure how to deal with a huge scarf? We will teach!

How to tie a scarf: method 7

We complicate the task! Try this option for bad weather too.

How to tie a scarf: method 8

A bow from a scarf? Why not? Great option for coquettes! And to repeat this image is as easy as shelling pears!

How to tie a scarf: ideas

It is not necessary to have a thousand scarves in your arsenal (although it would be nice) to change your image according to your mood. One stylish accessory, a little imagination, a couple of drops of courage is enough to be the most fashionable! Get inspired!