Have a great weekend and holidays. Wishes for a good weekend in prose. Have a great weekend wishes in verse and prose

Working weekdays drag on long and tedious, and weekends, no matter how many there are, fly by unnoticed.

Happy weekend wishes will help sweeten this bitter pill a little and cheer you up, as well as charge you with positive energy for the whole weekend.

Share with friends and people close to you. Have a great weekend friends!

Have a great weekend wishes in verse and prose

I wish you a wonderful weekend!
And that there were no others!
Let life always smell fragrant in spring!
And let everyone always dream!
Let them be near best friends,
With whom you can not quarrel!
I wish to be desired in love,
Find a soul mate for everyone.
I also want you to be reasonable,
If they are guilty, to ask for forgiveness.
Let others, on the contrary, not be proud,
Forgive and less fuss in life.
Maybe then we'll be better
And we won't get tired of each other for a long time.
I imagine! How we live in the world,
Where only spiritual wealth is in force.
So that we should all be more tolerant,
Take and forget all insults!

Finally the weekend
Behind the problems of the wagon ...
Evil weekdays rushed off into the distance,
Life is in full swing!
I wish to try
And have a nice rest...
Or better yet, break away
And get some sleep!

I send you this kind verse
Wishing you a good weekend!
Go where you have long wanted
Do what you couldn't do before.

Sipping aromatic coffee…

Rest your body and soul
Make the most of your day off!

I wish you a great weekend
May all your dreams come true right now.
I send a magic letter
Now everything must be done.
Have a good rest first
Then you decide urgent matters.
And in the evening with cake you and cookies
Come visit for a heart-to-heart talk.

I wish you to forget about what an alarm clock, traffic jams and a computer are for two days. But remember what rest, friends and good mood are. Have a nice weekend!

trinket - day off,
Relaxation and peace.
Forest, clearing, stream,
Beer, vodka, barbecue.
Get off, don't be bored
Yes, fill it up.
Drink, play, have fun!
Weekend! Get hurt!

Great weekend
Saturday night wonderful
Let's forget business
About the eternal vanity in vain,

About thoughtless words.
How funny we are!
Why sit here and be sad?
That's why they are the weekend

To get out of the house!
Let's go, my dear, with you
Without clear plans, at random,
There, where the white arrow

Clouds are flying over the forest.
Or museum silence
Let's make our hearts happy
And we will be happy with you
As before on weekends.

Have a great weekend wishes the most beautiful

Today let dreams come true
There will be no sadness and unnecessary fuss,
So that from the beginning of the day to its end
The smile never left his face.

Let there be only wonderful moments
Compliments are non-stop
And every new turn in life
It will certainly lead to good luck.

In general, yes, friends. For today, all work affairs are over, boring and uninteresting news has also come to an end, the most wonderful day of this week, Friday, comes into its full rights! I ask everyone to relax and dedicate this beautiful evening to yourself and your family and friends! Such an opportunity falls to us infrequently, so I ask everyone to be very careful about your weekends! Meet and spend Friday at the highest level! We forget about work, problems, troubles, we send matters of special importance to a distant box until Monday and enjoy Friday! We have fun, relax, spend time in a friendly company, cozy, family circle, in the country, at a party or at home under fluffy blanket with a book in hand! Everyone chooses their leisure according to their taste. And no objections are accepted. That's why it's Friday! Have a great weekend, friends!

What happiness: weekdays flew by!
You smile at the sun, laughing.
And you can bask in bed for a long time,
And drink coffee without any haste.
And there is so much fun ahead:
Go to the theater, to the exhibition, to the cinema,
Take in more impressions
And relax, of course, at the same time.
So that later, on a quiet Sunday evening,
Sigh that the rest has flown by,
And suddenly you think: it has become easier
Return to the world of urgent matters.

Recharge your mood in the morning.
Don't be in a hurry to get out of bed.
And let yourself relax for an hour,
Sipping aromatic coffee…

There are so many interesting things in the plans,
Look, don't miss anything!
Rest your body and soul
Do not drag the problems of everyday life with you!

I wish you today have a wonderful day. May it pass quickly and cheerfully and bring you a lot creative ideas, victories and accomplishments. Let the whole day pass on an optimistic note. May success and good luck accompany you today in all your affairs. So that the authorities praised and raised the salary. May your guardian angel help you today and protect you from all adversity. Let the sun illuminate your path and warm with its rays. I wish you a great mood and cheerfulness for the whole day. May this new day bring many new experiences, pleasant moments, many discoveries and bright emotions. Let all your plans come true, and everything will be successful!

Have a great weekend wishes in pictures

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Wishes in prose, flowing in a calm river of narration, make you relax and immerse yourself in the wish, as in fairy tale. As it should be fairy tale hero the princess will be promised, half the kingdom and a good horse, faithful on the battlefields ...

I wish life to be a beautiful still life with champagne, fruits and sweets. Let everyday life not drag on dully, but run, seethe, foam, like sparkling wine on a holiday. Let everyday affairs be painted in juicy fruit colors, and life always presents only sweet gifts and surprises that taste like chocolate candies melting in your mouth.

The state of mind is like a weather forecast. Every day brings into the mood partly cloudy, then an Arctic cyclone. And everything is changing in the soul as rapidly as that of weather forecasters. I wish that the internal weather was always even and calm. Let thunderstorms, storms and cataclysms bypass the spiritual horizon. And only the spring sun rays, breaking through the rainbow, will illuminate and warm up the mood.

The colonization of Mars is not far off. Many daredevils are preparing to go on a distant alien expedition. Why, you ask? Of course, to meet adventure, happiness and a beautiful Martian! Although for these purposes it is not necessary to leave your home planet. I wish you all the best and earthly things. Incredible adventures, cloudless happiness and great pure love with a dugout of unearthly beauty and grace!

The wise Russian people say: don't have a hundred roubles, but have a hundred friends. And they say that happiness is not in money. It is impossible not to agree with this. No amount of money and riches can replace devoted, faithful and reliable friends who are near and in poverty and in abundance. I wish that there is always a reliable, strong, friendly shoulder nearby that you can rely on. So let's raise our glasses to true friends, true values ​​and riches.

One old man liked to talk about his life, rich in events and changes. He said that he always wanted only one thing - to see happiness in his lifetime. He searched for it both in cities and in villages, on land and at sea, on wide tracts and narrow paths, but did not find it. Probably many roads led to happiness, but not a single old man went to the end. Wish to choose Right way in life and worthy to go through it from beginning to end. And along the way, let happiness, love meet, faithful friends and just good people!

Even someone who has never bought lottery tickets at least once in his life dreamed of winning the lottery, hitting the jackpot in a casino, finding a treasure or receiving a solid inheritance. Are you skeptical about this? All this is not so difficult to implement if you have capricious fortune on your side. We wish you to always be lucky: a trump card was randomly found in the sleeve, a happy one was found on the road lottery ticket, and the vicissitudes of fate would be only in suit! Success and good luck!

The more checkboxes in the resume columns, the easier it is to find a decent, well-paid job. And the more skills and abilities acquired, the easier it is to stay in the dizzying whirlpool of life. I would like to wish a rare, but very useful skill that is not available to everyone. This ability is to look beyond the horizon, to foresee and calculate future events. Let this skill help arrange things, personal life and career!

Life is the sea. Sometimes quiet and calm, and at other times stormy and frothy. Travel on the sea of ​​life depends on skillful navigation, reliable crew, and good weather. I wish that all these factors are always on your side. Be a skilled navigator, dodge storms and hardships, maneuver between sheer cliffs and underwater reefs and never run aground!

A person is judged not by age, but by the number of good deeds. After all, in the memory of people there are not words, but actions. Bad deeds destroy the soul and cut into faces with wrinkles, good deeds create a temple in the soul and add youth. I want to stay young biological age, and by the number of good deeds to be known among people as an old man!

Love is a feeling that not only ennobles a person, but also destroys all visible and invisible obstacles in life. The lover is not afraid of anything. He will cross a deep ditch, climb a sheer cliff, pass through any walls. A wonderful feeling multiplies everything: courage, strength, courage. I wish you to be happy in love and destroy all the obstacles encountered on the path of life.

Adult life is different from a carefree childhood. When people grow up, they stop reading fairy tales and even more so stop believing in them. Maria the artisan turns into a wife and housewife, Ivan Tsarevich into a husband with ordinary human abilities, and the magical gray wolf becomes a simple Barbos, protecting the house from uninvited guests. I wish that in life there will always be a little childhood and magic. Let miracles at least sometimes break into everyday life and dilute gray everyday life!

As they often say: life depends only on you. Study hard, study hard, work hard and you'll be fine. But, sometimes, this is not enough. For success, something else is needed, something ghostly and elusive. You can get it a good education and a good job, but never find a place in the sun. Life is a series of accidents, happy and unhappy, on which a lot depends. I wish you more luck, let her smile as often as possible!

There is only one pleasant disease in life - love. Yes, yes: love is a real disease. It always starts suddenly. She even has constant symptoms: pallor, dizziness, insomnia, strange sensations in abdominal cavity(better known as "butterflies in the stomach"). In the spring there is a sharp exacerbation. I wish to be always in love, to be chronically and incurably ill with this wonderful ancient feeling.

Cool voice wishes for a man send to mobile

You are a good man, without cockroaches and show-offs! - crazy song

Oh God, what a man! Live beautifully! - song

All super good! - song

Man - it sounds proud, if it is, of course, a real man. And believe me, to someone who has known you for a long time, you are just such a man! Therefore, let me raise a glass and wish you to continue to remain as courageous as a rock, but at the same time soft and gentle in warm hands your beloved!

Dear (Name)! On the day of your holiday, I am very glad to express our best wishes to you. May you always be well, may you be appreciated at home and at work, may you have iron health, may you be surrounded by the kindness of neighbors and colleagues!

I wish you to finish with your single life and start a new, family life! I wish you to meet that one, desired, beloved, faithful woman who will be not only your wife and lover, but also a faithful understanding friend.

I wish that no wishes ever come true, no matter how big they are, from your enemies ... and the smallest ones from your friends come true!

I want to have a real blast, relax, swim, sunbathe to my heart’s content, and, of course, have a real a holiday romance. After all, sometimes even from a light, non-binding flirtation on vacation, a real one can be born, deep feeling. Look around, what if that long-legged beauty in a bikini is your destiny and the mother of your four children?

I wish you, my man, to warm us with your love for a hundred years, I wish that there are fewer problems and troubles in your life. May your young soul be filled with love, may sparks shine in your eyes, and dreams come true.

Happy Birthday

I congratulate you with respect and from the bottom of my heart, and I want to wish you a lot of joy on this birthday! Let wonderful person and a real man will be lucky, and love, hope, and of course, faith will always be your companions! Good health to you long years!

A real man should work well and should rest well. And the dream is best holiday after a long day of work, so good night to you! Let the kingdom of Morpheus take you into its arms, and you will be carried away from there until the morning. And in the morning you wake up rested and refreshed.

You are a man and you have a holiday today! Today you can relax - get drunk and forget! And in the rest of your life, we wish you firmness in everything - in character, in all organs and in currency. Be happy!

Cool voice wishes for a man

Cool wishes for success in business

Man: Oh honey, I know you...

Neighbors complain about extraneous noise in your apartment

I wish to always remain the same. Those who can be relied on at any time, those with whom you can be weak, small, stupid, those with whom you can feel real woman and be safe. In general, stay a real man! Because there are so few of you left.

My dear, beloved person. I am grateful to fate for bringing us together, and for the fact that we are together. I congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish you health, excellent mood, success in all your endeavors! May good luck accompany you in all your affairs, may everything turn out with ease and joy. I wish that harmony always reigns in your life, and you easily achieve high goals! And I will give you reliable rear, love and care. Be happy, love!

Congratulations to your beloved in prose

My beloved man, dear and irreplaceable. It's your birthday today. Congratulations. Today many warm and sincere words will be said to you: wishes of health, success, love, happiness and wealth. And I won’t say anything like that, I’ll just say that you are my life, you are the sun that I reach for, like the first snowdrop that reaches for the first rays after winter. You are the air without which it is simply impossible to live. I love you!

We wish you: in work - speed,
in health - cheerfulness,
in happiness - eternity,
in life - infinity.
We wish you: from the sun - warmth,
from people - good,
from her husband - tenderness,
from friends - love and fidelity.

Wishes to parents

Save, Lord, the poor, the poor,
The weak-willed, the orphans, the weak and the crippled,
Let them know
What is urgent at this moment
A man asks for your protection.

Give back, Lord, you are a rainbow to the blind,
Give the seat to the weak, enemies-friends,
Don't let the walkers beat the down
And warm all those who are chilled by faith.

Help everyone!
That's why you and the Almighty,
And the world is heard from heaven and visible to you.
Give everyone
Don't be superfluous
We give thanks on our knees!

Wishes for the wedding

We wish you happiness and luck
Good luck in everything, mood,
Love, reciprocity, warmth,
So that only friends are near,
So that all your wishes come true
And all worries were forgotten.

Wishes in prose

Always be cheerful
Always be beautiful
Be always happy
Glorious, kind, sweet.
Don't face grief
And don't be sad
Smile more often,
In a word, be loved.

Good wishes

Live and hello for many years
Surprise us with your mind.
We wish you victories over yourself,
Don't hang your nose, don't be discouraged!
Around work and worries
And things are always busy.
And the cottage, and the garden
You improve year after year!
And let the warmth of skillful hands

Warms relatives and friends,
And the fiery beat of the heart
The talent in them bright lights up!

Live and hello for many years
Surprise us with your mind.
We wish you victories over yourself -
Pour a glass sooner!
And let the sun melt the light
There are gray ice in your eyes.
Let them wink back at you
Your Favorite Blondes!

Wishes have a good day

There is no secret in my wishes:
Let the light not fade in the soul,
Let the tart sultry summer
Blossoms carpet near the feet

Wishes in prose

Let there be everything that is needed in life,
How good is life...
Love, health, happiness, friendship
And an ever cheerful soul.

good night wishes for a girl

May this festive day
For you, the sun warms more,
And all the sorrows beyond the threshold
Let the wind blow.

Wishes in prose

Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well
Long life, health and happiness!

beautiful wishes

We wish you happiness, joy, kindness,
always around no fluff, no feather,
Huge love, eternal like the Earth
AND gentle hands, happy eyes,
desired lips, loved forever

SMS wishes

We wish you happiness and love,
So that all dreams and aspirations come true,
In a good mood so that you are nowhere
and never separated.
Health to you for a hundred good years,
And that's right, it's worth it!
Workers production victories,
V family life- peace and quiet!

Wishes in prose

May all roads be smooth
Relatives meet you full,
Let thunderstorms and lightning pass you along the way,
And let your companion be a smart one,
May your wishes and dreams come true.

Wish good night beloved

Be the most cheerful and the happiest
Good and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way into impotence.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, kindness!

Wishes verses

Wishing you sunshine
Guests for festive table!
Let your life be warm
Love, joy, warmth!
Let time be a good doctor -
We wish you good health,
Smiles, happiness and good luck!

I congratulate you, friend, and with all my heart I wish you brilliant victories, undoubted luck, beautiful ideas, grandiose ideas, enduring happiness, successful achievement of goals and true sincere love.

My dear, beautiful and most beloved wife - happy holiday! I wish you great happiness. You are my most needed, most desired and best woman on Earth. Let our hearth burn with heat, and the comfort created by your hands pleases and warms the soul. I love you very much, my beauty!

I congratulate the wonderful boss from the bottom of my heart. I wish you to lead skillfully and faithfully, work diligently and fruitfully, live cheerfully and interestingly, love sincerely and passionately, dream beautifully and inspiredly, look at life optimistically and meet every day with enthusiasm.

Congratulations, colleague. May your heart never tell you to stop progress, may the body always be full of vigor and strength, may the soul absorb inspiration and radiate bright ideas May it be a bright, kind and successful path for further activities.

Congratulations, my dear and wonderful daughter. I wish you to bloom every day like a lovely flower, enjoy the bright rays of the sun and the freshness of raindrops, achieve incredible success in your business and any undertakings, conquer brave peaks and get a lot of pleasure from life.

Congratulations amazing girl! I wish you optimism, colorful impressions, travel and many pleasures. Be always charmingly beautiful, attentive, successful, active and purposeful. Happiness to you, fulfillment of desires and sincere smiles!

Congratulations to a wonderful man and with all my heart I wish incredible powers and brave luck in life, unquenchable optimism and self-confidence, successful activities and great victories, beautiful deeds and true love.

Brother, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and I want to wish you sincere joy of life and great happiness, incredible luck on the way and great victories, funny stories and brilliant prospects, optimistic mood and excellent health.

Son, congratulations! I wish that your goals are always achieved, that life is rich and full of all kinds of impressions, sensations, travels, relationships, reliable friends, good luck and achievements. You are the best! I love you and wish you only the best!

Congratulations, dear dad. With all my heart I want to wish unquenchable strength and brave victories in any endeavors, great shape body and good spirits, respect from friends and strong love of relatives, good luck and luck, bright comfort in the house and the eternal holiday of the soul.


I wish this weekend
Forget about a series of problems!
Let your body rest

Do not even give minutes of sadness,
Just enjoy the positive.
Live two days of pleasure
To try harder on weekdays!

Hope bloomed in my heart
And it got better every day
The fate of love has opened the door
To move forward together.

And the heart sings of love!
Cleanse all thoughts from dust,
And life will fill your key
All weekend and beyond!

May these long-awaited days
You will be given a lot of impressions
Your dreams are like colorful flowers
Will be fulfilled again without exception.

May the weather be great
For relaxation and an unusual meeting,
So that sadness and past hardships
Didn't disturb a pleasant evening.

Legal weekends
I wish you
Get off to the fullest
Interesting program!

Embrace everything before
It never happened.
Make every effort
Have a good walk!

Let the days go by
Away from the hustle and bustle of work.
And they are only happy
And pleasures prophesy!

Finally the weekend
Behind the problems wagon.
Evil weekdays rushed off into the distance,
Life is in full swing!

Go where you have always wanted to.
Realize what you couldn't do before
Make your legal weekend
A problem-free zone!

Leisure days!

Recharge your mood in the morning.
Don't be in a hurry to get out of bed.
And let yourself relax for an hour,
Drinking fragrant coffee

There are so many interesting things in the plans,
Look, don't miss anything!
Rest your body and soul
Do not drag the problems of everyday life with you!

Here comes Friday
Invited happiness to visit!
Well, isn't it lucky that two
Fate gave a day off?

After busy working days
I wish you colorful joy
Wake up not at dawn, but late,
Have breakfast with all your family.
And invite a friend to a cozy house,

Firebirds painted feathers
Let the light be given from above
So that the weekend becomes a fairy tale,
And dreams came true.

I wish to try
And have a nice rest.
Or better yet, break away
And get some sleep!

Congratulations on Friday
Weekdays are giving up their post,
I wish you a great weekend
To boost morale.

I want to rest brightly
To forget all the problems
Sleep, take a walk
Devote time to yourself.

May Saturday, Sunday
New forces will give
Let in a pleasant atmosphere
Great days will pass.

We wish you a bright weekend
In love, care and attention.
Appreciate family and friends
May there be peace and understanding.

Prepare a rest in reserve
For the entire work week.
Solve all things at once
So that your conscience does not eat you later.

Let the conversation make your soul happy
In bed, enjoy a bright dream,
When the queen of the night comes into the courtyard.

I want to make the most of my time
To not regret what didn't work out.
Shake your body over the weekend
Problems that have accumulated in my head.

It's time to postpone work with study,
And all your important mega-cases,
It's time to relax and live to the fullest!
After all, Friday has finally arrived!

I wish you all a good weekend
More smiles, kindness, positive,
Forget about your everyday work,
I wish you a happy weekend!

You've been working all week
Your strength is exhausted
The weekend was very much awaited,
Only dreamed about them!

Well, Friday is here.
The end of the week brought
Have some fun on the weekend
Remove your fatigue!

Hello Friday dear,
How we adore you.
We are very tired
And we were waiting for you
To go where
And take a break from work
Get new emotions
Well, not life, but beauty!

Here comes Friday
You can postpone things.
Weekend is near
And everyone needs to relax.

Sunday let Saturday
Won't add worries to you
Take a break from problems
Happy weekend everyone!

Friday working
Ends the week
Good weekend
I wish you.

With rest, fun,
With good friends
To make them joy
Shared with you.

Friday in the rank of a holiday
We will translate
She's been loved for a long time
Became a working day.

Let all worries subside
And sadness will go away with the blues:
'Cause it's Friday again
So tomorrow is a day off!

Have fun and have fun
Let's have a great vacation!
To make the whole week long
Weekends to remember!

Well, Friday is knocking on the calendar.
A little more, and you can relax!
I wish you sleep, relax you,
Yes, so that everyone would envy!

I wish you a bright, interesting weekend,
May you remember them.
Let there be barbecue, wine, friends.
I congratulate you on Friday!

Good morning wish you today!
I lift your spirits!
A whole day, so that it does not pass in vain,
I will hug and hug you passionately!

And here's a new day
Go to work again.
Only the weather
Leaves the hunt.

I will give you an umbrella
And your cloak is beautiful
So that you do not freeze, do not get wet,
My favorite.

And hugging tightly
Will kiss you,
To you my baby
I wish you a good day.

I want to wish you
Have a great day.
Less doubt
More luck
And so that the day goes by no differently.

Everything that I thought in the morning
Done within a day!
Both at work and in business,
You raced in the first couple.

Have a nice day!
May my wishes inspire you!
For exploits and experiments,
For positive and funny moments.

So that today is a good day
And not dull, sad, gloomy.
I wish you always!
lucky and have a bright day!

May your day
Give a lot of smiles
And will not allow
Unnecessary mistakes.

To be pleasant
Good luck and bright.
And the bad moments
They weren't noticeable.

Your motto today
Rejoice and laugh
Be cheerful and contented
And smile at everyone!

My dear friends! Good day!
I want to wish you a great weekend!
Let the closest, dear, beloved people be with you!
Sincerely, Reseda.

Freeze in the face of unshattered hopes.

Day off is coming
Not a foot to work
Neither hand nor head -
They need peace of mind!

Here comes Friday
Weekend led!
You finish your work soon
We want to have fun!
Congratulations to all, friends,
How happy am I
That I will rest for two days,
Breathe the freedom of the air!

The weekend will roll with laughter
And the week will pass quietly
And then Friday will come again,
The people are waiting for her!

Friday! I'm glad for her!
It became too lazy to fuss.
Hurry up from work
Run away on this day!
Your family is waiting for you at home
To sit at a common table.
I congratulate you -
The turn of the day has come!

Last day of the week
Imperceptibly comes to us
Waited for him, and everyone believed -
Will definitely add!
It will crawl, but how else!
Happiness cannot be conveyed here:
Who is in billiards, and who is in the country,
With interest so to speak.
Fifth day of the week is glorious!
On the eve of the weekend!
I scream with happiness drunk -
Resting. Who is with me?

This week has flown by
Friday flew through the window
Brought us a day off
That means two days off!
We will move the work
Two whole days without a care.
There is only one problem -
There's only one Friday in the week!

By all accounts, this life is no life at all.
No matter how you circle around it, with whom you make friends along it.
And an example of a simple inability to live
Weekends would be great.

All week you wait for them, like manna from heaven,
You bend your back and sweat, you naive dunce.
But they come - you are fit and fresh
Freeze in view of not broken hopes.

What are you waiting for? You yourself will not understand.
Even those who need it do not put a penny.
You hit the fish on the ice, exhausted,
And in the end, no thanks to you, no mercy.

Weekend ahead, how to spend it?
To have something to write about after the verse.
So that the sailors with you in their taverns
For a long time they would frighten the Jung of the young.

So that jamesbonds, being ashamed of their actions,
It would take a long time to get in touch.
And beauties of various colors and bosoms
Would raise you to a new sex standard.

This is how half a day goes by. Out, mind you.
Anything else can be done, of course.
But in dreams of heroism and passionate love
You lie around with the remote, staring at the TV.

Children jump on you and your wife rides,
Doesn't come out on your day off, not a damn thing.
And the sailors are sailing, and the jamesbonds are flying,
And beauties of other standards want.

Evil weekdays will come under the squeak of an alarm clock.
Oversleeping at work is your only risk.
Infantile owner of funny fantasies,
For what, it is not clear, you are waiting for the weekend.

Everyone around can lie diligently,
Only one calendar does not lie,
It will be Friday for sure
And no one will take it away!

She always dreams!
All that is so desired -
A week is expected
And then it comes true!
The working day ends
And the vacation begins!
And weekend tease
Great, oh Friday!

Ah, where are those weekend dreams in the morning!
You have the right to sleep, but you really can’t sleep.
It's not time to get up on the right,
And getting up on the left is no good for anyone.
And thoughts are spinning that the world has grown old,
That time, alas, is slipping between your fingers,
And a quick destiny to be out of work at all,
And so, an outsider a simple guest.

But still, life lays claim
For a cup of coffee - do not care about pressure!
Problems forgotten like islands
Recall yesterday's direction.
And the close screen will bloom again,
And you open the reception window
Looking to the future, black as a crow.
Happy that not at work, but at home.

Created and brewed! Faith hashish
Poetry calls her little sister -
And you see clearly, and you are not in a hurry,
And only in a kind, soft soul.
A good day off - if you want to cry, if you want to sing!
Ready to beat the key, but my exit is delayed,
And the old blade, which is not yet dull,
So far, he does not want out of the scabbard.

Throw a look in the mirror - and there are all your own,
No wonder every corner is prayed and close,
And the news of a family exiled to rest,
Loving, surround you without surprises.
Ah, the day off is ordinary, but the limit!
In a race without formulas - pitstop, respite,
But there are so many things to do,
That tomorrow you run to work skipping.

No worries and no doubts
See you Friday friends
Survive would only change
You can't get away
And then as the evening breaks
Let's run home
Hiding happiness in pockets
To then open to friends
Tomorrow is the weekend
Dacha again, barbecue
None on Monday
Let's wait for Friday.

"Goodbye!" Let's say a week of work.
"Never come back!" Goodbye!
Friday mood today
Not Monday, not Wednesday! "Goodbye!"
Let's get things done quickly,
Work from all legs run.
Today we will not drink tea,
So take care of your liver!
Today we are going to the tavern
And, of course, we drink a lot.
Beer, whiskey and cognac.

Weekdays flew by unnoticed:
How nice, how good!
We've been working all day...
And now it's come to an end

All the work that we have done
Only in the soul, as it is, donkey,
In the soul and pride, and carelessness -
Did a lot of important work.

And now an important occasion was born,
From the soul it is beautiful to relax.

Inhale fresh oxygen.

And laugh, laugh heartily
Just have fun, no worries
And lie in bed longer
In the evening go to the theater, cinema.

Basically, do what you want.
Gain impressions, strength.
Weekends go by fast
But they are valuable!

Can our minds relax a little?
Already the work is not rushing at all,
Apparently it's Friday
Weekends are coming!
It will be evening, cucumbers, vodka,
And my face will fall into the plate,
There will be time to completely relax,
His hour is fast approaching!

Beloved, beauty,
Tired a little.
It's Friday again.
Can't hide your excitement!
And let non-working days
Will pass in earthly affairs -
I prophesied to all of you

I have a good weekend
I wish through this verse!
Go where you have always wanted to.
Do what you couldn't do before.
WITH maximum benefit spend
Leisure days!
To remember them on weekdays,
What a great weekend!

Now an important occasion has been born,
From the soul it is beautiful to relax.
Laugh, have fun at home
Or visit relatives.
Smile at the sun, birds in the sky,
Inhale fresh oxygen.
With joy, it's glorious to meet Saturday,
Take a peek on Sunday.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Here comes Friday
Congratulations to all, friends!
My heart has become warmer
And you can't be sad!
After all, now two days of freedom,
Have fun and relax!
Even in a cafe, even in nature
You can go - choose!

Start of the weekend: Hooray! Hooray!
Well, the long-awaited time has finally come to us.
We are in the turmoil of everyday labor,
Long dreamed of the approach of these days.
I want to congratulate you on the start of the weekend,
I want you to have a great two days.
May your rest be a success
I wish you joy, fun and never lose heart.

Congratulations on Friday today!
We have waited! A little bit - and the day off!
I want to improve faster
And with a clear conscience go home soon!
And at home - have fun and laugh,
Joking, watching movies and relaxing,
Or just lie on the couch,
You don't have to get up for work tomorrow!

Friday comes to us again
What we are looking forward to
And everyone finds something in it,
Even if she comes with rain.
And in the evening with a cup of tea,
Leading a story about Friday,
I wish you to relax
And happy Friday!

With the end of weekdays
I want to congratulate you
And I beg you quickly
Get rid of the office!
We will go to the cafe with you,
Where is the highest
Let's spend the evening together - 6 285

2 1

A new day has come, it carries something unexpected. So let this unexpected be pleasant. He carries worries, so let them be successfully resolved. It carries communication, so let it be only positive. Have a good day you!

I wish you a sea of ​​goodness, an ocean of good luck, and a whole mountain of happiness! May the money never run out, health not decrease, and the mood always be festive. May fate sincerely love you, and all the good things in your life grow day by day!

Your temper is coffee beans. Your smile is sugar. Your playful look is cream. Together they create a wonderful, aromatic and the best morning coffee that encourages you to create masterpieces. Have a nice day, honey!

My beloved and dear person, my happiness and my reward, I wish you a good and bright day, good mood and the accomplishment of a miracle pleasant surprises and happy moments. May the day be fruitful and bring a lot of impressions.

Let the great weather, the smiles of friends, the approval of the authorities, good news, nice compliments exciting moments, interesting events, the expectation of a miracle will fill your day and will certainly please you, giving you an excellent and playful mood!

I don’t know about you, but I always wake up in a great mood, because I understand that a new day is starting, which means that you can do so much in this time to be proud of yourself later. I really want you to wake up with the same mood, so that you are confident in your abilities. I wish you have a great day. You should not pay attention to negative moments, you should not perceive all negative emotions, because all this is not worth it. Every day gives us the opportunity to become better, to become more successful. So just always try to think that the day is going to be great, then that's exactly what it will be. I really hope that you will control your emotions, that you will not panic if something does not go according to your plan. May this day be productive and productive for you. I wish you a cool and positive day!

Good wishes for a good day in prose

May the wheel of fortune always stop in such a way that all difficult questions and unpleasant situations resolved on their own. Let all thoughts be directed by an invisible hand in the only right direction.

Among all divine gifts You are my sweetest ambrosia. May this day be illuminated by your smile, like hundreds of stars.

Wish good morning my beloved man. Let it start cheerfully and cheerfully, let the sun outside the window give inspiration and a smile, let tasty breakfast will give a lot of energy for a successful and eventful day. I wish good luck and luck to be with you all the time today. Kiss.

I wish you to have such geographical discoveries on this day - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, an ocean of love, peaks of success, rivers of profit, a peak of popularity, a lake of hope, a waterfall of emotions and a volcano of passions. Let the globe of life spin only in the direction you need!

I don't like it when people complain that everything is going wrong. It seems to me that everything depends on the person, so I wish you to always wake up in a great mood, think only about everything pleasant and positive. If you imagine that you have a great day ahead, then believe that even if the world turns upside down, you will not notice it. Today you will have another working day, but I do not want you to worry about problems that may arise at work. Firstly, you should not tune in to the fact that you will have problems, and secondly, even if there are problems, they can be solved. I wish you a great and productive day, which will be filled with pleasant moments and joyful events. And the weekend is ahead of you, so a portion Have a good mood you have already received. Have a nice day and a lot of positive.

Let good luck and luck always be favorable to you, help with solving problematic issues, push you to right moment and stop in dangerous situations, always protect in conflict matters.

Every day with you is a flight in a hot air balloon. The bright landscapes that open up to our eyes and are easily replaced by butterflies make me look at the world with different eyes.

I wish that every day begins with a smile and with the expectation of an incredible life episode, let there be someone to wake up for, even if only attractive and joyful emotions waiting around the corner all the time.

Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

I wish that the morning that began smoothly turns into a great, sunny day, filled with unexpected, but joyful moments, great, fun news, and ends with a wonderful, romantic evening.

I wish today to turn into a sweet bun, the filling of which is the sparkle of your happy eyes and sincere joy.

I wish you a good day spent in moments of tenderness and charm, in moments of fun and miracles, in joint pursuit of dreams and desires, in interesting stories and events, in the rays of bright love and bliss.

Good day to you, good news and joyful events. May on this day, and on all others, fate amuse you and pamper you, be generous to nice gifts and unexpected cute surprises. Let problems be easily solved, things will be successful, the soul smiles, and the heart tirelessly rejoices in life.

Start your day with a gentle smile that will return with joy, with affectionate word, for it will return to you with successful deeds, reward pleasant communication, will give a great mood. May this day be kind, cheerful and successful in an endless series of your happy days.

I wish you today, my angel, to finally open your wings folded behind your back and fly out into the sky. Feel again how the wind envelops your face, and the cities under you turn into toys.

Let the sun wake you up with its bright ray and bring a charge of vivacity, give confidence, fill the body with energy, the mind with bright thoughts and ideas, and the spirit with joy. May this day please you with wonderful discoveries, pleasant meetings and unforgettable surprises, and success today accompanies you on all roads.

I wish you to remember this day bright hot air balloon against a clear blue sky.