Foot ring jewelry. What the ring should be. The history of this unusual decoration

I remember that the first time I came up with the idea of ​​putting a miniature ring on my toe was about 10 years ago. I then worked part-time in a modeling agency and I wanted to stand out as a passion. Just at that time, there was the peak of the general fashion for ankle bracelets. But even then it seemed trivial to me. If only because such a bracelet has already flaunted on the leg of one of the leading models of our agency. It seems that I spied the jewelry on the toe in some magazine. Yes, exactly, I remember that I peered into glossy photo... Naturally, at that time I could not find such a ring on sale. And then it dawned on me that it was not necessary to look for a small ring without fail. Instead, you can pick up a miniature earring. And off we go. Every summer I would pick a pair of matching earrings and put one on my toe. The second remained in reserve. I have kept this habit to this day. This is already a tired part of my image or something. It's especially funny when people first notice this ring on me. At first they secretly peer, then they begin to ask, what is it on my leg :-)))

I remember that the first time I came up with the idea of ​​putting a miniature ring on my toe was about 10 years ago. I then worked part-time in a modeling agency and I wanted to stand out as a passion. Just at that time, there was the peak of the general fashion for ankle bracelets. But even then it seemed trivial to me. If only because such a bracelet has already flaunted on the leg of one of the leading models of our agency. It seems that I spied the jewelry on the toe in some magazine. I stared at the glossy photo for a long time. Naturally, I could not find such a ring on sale. And then it dawned on me that it was not necessary to look for a small ring without fail. Instead, you can pick up a miniature earring. And off we go. Every summer I would pick a pair of matching earrings and put them on my toe. I have kept this habit to this day.

Tattoos, piercings, ankle chain, henna body painting, lip, eye and eyebrow tattooing: what modern ladies do not indulge in in the hope of being branded as a stylish young lady with an emphasized individuality. But in the race for our own individuality, we rely so heavily on fashion cliches that in the end, instead of the identity of the image, we become another clone of someone's once good idea... You very clearly come to understand this when in the summer on the beach you see an earring on every second navel, and on every second buttocks a tattooed butterfly. But what to do with the fact that everything was already there? At least not to succumb to tendencies, the consequences of which will be difficult to get rid of later. And, if you fail to come up with an original addition to your image on your own, then take a closer look at those accents that, in the event of the dominance of clones, you can easily get rid of. Take the same toe ring ...

This device has not yet become widespread, although it was invented for a long time. Meanwhile, such an adornment looks quite spicy on a lady and unobtrusively communicates to those around her a powerful message of the exclusivity of the nature of its owner. The ring on the toe is also good because it is very invisible, i.e. the decoration does not scream about itself. But, in spite of all your apparent modesty, be sure that it falls into the field of vision of others and thus draws attention to your person, especially from the opposite sex. The lady who wears the ring on her toe seems to be shrouded in some kind of secret, a secret about herself. With such an adornment, she, as if squinting, informs others: “Oh! You don't know a lot about me yet! " And there is no need to talk about the sexual energy of such a device. The ring on the toe can definitely be attributed to those accessories that add points on the scale of your sexual attractiveness, indirectly inform your potential sexual partners about your intimate appetites and potential.

Here is such a force in a seemingly tiny adornment. Impressive? Shall we wear? OK. Then let's choose. There is a decent selection of special toe rings on sale. The question of choosing the size is solved due to the serpentine open shape of the ring, which makes it possible to open or tighten the ring to the required diameter.

The same size problem is perfectly solved by the form in the form of a broken ring:

Today in trading network there are both economical options for rings for toes in the form of jewelry, as well as analogues of products made of gold, silver with an insert precious stones:

They wear such a ring, as a rule, on the second after the thumb, sometimes on the middle one. You can wear the jewelry both in the center of your finger and at its base. It is quite acceptable and completely not pompous to look at one ring on each leg:

If you cannot find a special ring for your toe in the retail network, do not worry. There is a simpler and more economical option. For these purposes, you can easily buy a pair of earrings. Yes Yes. Do not wonder. Take a closer look at the small ring-shaped earrings. They will definitely fit on one of your toes. If they do not sit on the base, then they will definitely be right in the center. In addition, an earring instead of a ring will provide you with additional benefits. Firstly, it will have a full-fledged clasp, which will save your jewelry from the risk of loss during bathing, for example. Secondly, by purchasing a pair of earrings, you automatically become the owner of two rings at once.

The disadvantage of wearing such jewelry is your uncomfortable feeling in closed shoes, since the ring may simply not fit into it, crush, rub, etc. Therefore, if today you have to go out in closed shoes, it is better to take off the ring from your toe so as not to spoil your walk or the event you are going to. And in general, a foot ring is more of a summer decoration and is intended to be worn with open shoes... In the end, in a closed one he simply cannot be seen and the meaning of his socks is lost.

By the way, due to the peculiarities of the shape of the toes, it will not work to take off and put a ring on them every day. In open ring shapes, constant bending and bending can quickly ruin the ring. Therefore, it is better to immediately choose a jewelry made of precious metal and wear it without taking it off all season, without fear that it will oxidize while taking a shower and bath.

Here is such a difficult for the most part summer decoration of your image. Be unique!

And here are my rings of the seasons 2010 and 2011, respectively:

PySy. The post uses materials from my article for

Today, you can often find a girl who wears at least one ring on her toe. However, few people know where the fashion came from to put the ring on the toe, what it means, and how to wear it correctly. But such a decoration can say a lot about its mistress. Therefore, the owners of such an accessory as a toe ring will not be superfluous to find out the peculiarities of wearing it correctly.

An ankle ring: where did its story begin?

One of the Hindu customs is to wear a ring on it. It was believed that this piece of jewelry can make a woman more desirable and beautiful. The history of the ankle ring goes back centuries. There are references to him in the sacred epics "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana". It said that it emphasizes the beauty of the girl wearing it.

Talking about the ring on the leg, one cannot fail to mention the civilizations of Mohenjodaro and Harappa, because it was they who significantly influenced the development of jewelry in India and the East. Many portraits of gods with similar decorations have survived to this day. Leading supplier jewelry and precious stones from the third millennium AD is India. In this country, an accessory like a toe ring meant only one thing: the woman who wears it is married. Neither the image of the bride nor was complete without this decoration. Myself wedding ceremony included the moment when the groom put the ring on the bride's toe. In India, it was customary to wear one ring on the second toe of the left foot, or two rings on both feet. In some cases, a toe ring could be attached to an ankle bracelet. A similar accessory made of silver is a custom in India.

Who wears rings on their legs and why?

Girls start to wear so much original decoration for different reasons. For example, those people who are engaged in Eastern spiritual teachings or yoga were ordered to wear a ring on their leg by the Buddha himself. For those who are engaged in a variety of esoteric practices, such an accessory has become very popular, as it gives them additional charm.

However, not only magicians and yogis wear jewelry in this way. Rings on legs are also loved by self-confident individuals who want to stand out from the gray mass, and glamorous ladies, since this accessory has repeatedly appeared on world catwalks. One of the most famous fashion designers- Jean-Paul Gaultier - used this jewelry in his collections. He came up with a false leg.

This accessory did not go unanswered by men. Representatives of the stronger sex admit that the jewelry enhances the sexual energy of its owner, attracts eyes to her, besides, oddly enough, it adds points to her on a scale of attractiveness.

Psychologists also spoke about the owners of such an accessory as a ring on the leg. They believe that girls who have chosen such a decoration for themselves are trying with all their might to stand out from the crowd. They often exalt themselves over the people around them.

What material should you choose for your toe ring?

Precious metals (gold and silver), of course, rank first. What is their main advantage? They do not oxidize and therefore can be left on throughout the season. Silver has another advantage: it can be bent and shaped into any shape without any problems. It should be noted that in combination with tanned skin it will look very impressive. Such an accessory will become the highlight of your look. These jewelry are also made from other metals, such as bronze, brass and aluminum. Swarovski crystals have also found their way into leg rings.

Toe ring shape

The most popular and practical form of this kind of decoration is torn. She will allow you to pick up under your finger. In addition, there is another popular and enchanting form of the accessory - serpentine. Rings of this shape wrap around the fingers beautifully and also make it possible to choose the size.

An excellent option is a silicone-based accessory that stretches to size. These rings are usually inexpensive, and a large piece of jewelry with an elastic band attracts attention. An ordinary accessory can also be worn on a toe, but its shape cannot be adjusted to the required diameter. That is why it may not be suitable for everyone.

Toe ring: how to wear

The best option for this accessory is open toe shoes. In this case, nothing will bother you. The finger or the location of the ring does not matter, nor does the amount of jewelry.

Do not forget about the pedicure, because if you are going to put on a ring on your leg, then it must be perfect. The color scheme must be selected so that it is combined with the image as a whole.

An interesting fact is the following: wearing a ringlet on a toe has positive influence on the owner's mood and state of health. This accessory is useful for the senses (eyes and ears) as well as for the nervous system. Decorate your legs!

Slimming Magnetic Rings

Probably, there is still no woman in the world who would not want to have toned muscles and slim figure without any significant expenditure of strength and energy. Yes, to admit, and men are not far from them. That is why "magic" and "secret" ways to lose weight will always be in demand. The search for a magic remedy that would make slimming rings out of the ring does not stop and are contenders for this title.

They have been known in their country of origin for a long time. Our compatriots also managed to test their effect on themselves. However, magnetic rings on toes, reviews of which are very contradictory, have not yet gained such popularity as in Japan.

Magnetic rings were first proposed by the Japanese. And in our opinion, nothing surprising, because they love energy points, magnets and stuff like that. We are not very strong in acupressure and magnetic massage, but we do not mind losing a couple of extra pounds with their help. However, is it possible?

For weight loss, it affects certain biologically active points. Depending on which finger the accessory is worn on, the effect may vary. That is, if you wear rings on different fingers, you will be able to control its action and correct the places of the body you need.

Wearing a magnetic ring

If you wear jewelry on your thumb, you will lose weight on your face, on your index finger - your hands, on the middle - your belly, on your ring finger - your waist, and on your little finger - your hips.

In order to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to wear several rings at once, which should tightly wrap the finger. In addition, it is advised to supplement the program to get rid of excess weight physical activity, as well as nutritional correction. Although, you must admit that this can give the desired result even without magnetic rings.

Silicone protection ring

Various silicone and gel shoe inserts are a separate category of orthopedic devices. These, in addition to the silicone pad for shoes, interdigital septum, insoles and half insoles, include silicone ring on the toe. This silicone pad is perfect for those who are prone to periodically suffer from corns, calluses and various abrasions.

Beautiful and stylish jewelry female legs- rings on the toe. Modern girls very diverse, they have vivid hobbies and try to develop in different directions. V recent times You can often see girls wearing jewelry on their feet, in particular on their toes. Where did this tradition come from and what does it carry with it? Which toe ring is better to choose - gold, silver, or maybe something simpler?

The history of this unusual decoration

The history of the ring on the toe was laid in India - it is a Hindu custom. This great nation believes that this decoration brings desire and beauty to a woman. Little is known about the history of the ring itself, but it began in the era of the development of the civilized world. Finger decoration was mentioned in the Mahabharata and Ramayana, already there it was indicated that its purpose is to emphasize the beauty of a woman. In the third millennium, it was believed that a ring on a toe speaks of a woman's marriage; without this accessory, the bride did not marry. Having come down to our time, these jewelry have preserved the pristine history, since they laid the foundation for jewelry business with picture

Who is this jewelry suitable for?

The rings on the toe are more suitable for an eccentric, original nature. Although they are also suitable for girls who choose a more frivolous style of dress. They are often bought by people who practice yoga or have esoteric abilities.

The opinion of psychologists

Psychologists say that a girl who wears rings on her toe constantly needs the attention of strangers. She even considers herself to be better than others. But this decoration should also be given its due - it does not scream about itself, it looks quite inconspicuous, although very attractive. Such a ring has a powerful sexual energy, although no man can clearly explain what exactly attracted him so.

When is it convenient to wear?

Of course, it makes sense to wear this jewelry only in the summer, then beautiful female legs do not hold down stockings, socks and warm shoes... With such a decoration, you can walk in the park, go to a party or visit.

Finger ring material

In the first place, of course, are precious materials - gold and silver. Their distinctive characteristic is that they do not have the property of oxidizing, which means that they can be safely worn all season and not taken off at all. If there is a fear of losing such a piece of jewelry, it can be attached to the bracelet on the leg, which also looks great.

The toes are in perfect harmony with the tanned skin, adding zest to the look. An important factor is that the decoration can be given any comfortable shape because the material is soft. A gold toe ring looks great and expensive. Therefore, it is obvious that many girls choose this.

But you can buy a ring on a toe not only from precious materials. It can be bronze, brass, aluminum. Swarovski stones are actively used in such jewelry. If a girl is allergic to gold or silver, then in this case, you can additionally purchase leather or plastic rings. But still most of all it is recommended to wear silverware... This rule also originates from ancient time, when gold was considered a sign of the gods, which means that it should not be worn below the belt. And if viewed from the point of view of the effect on the body, then silver has the most beneficial effect, helps to control the appearance nervous disorders... It is important to understand that getting used to it can take some time, however, there are times when a person cannot wear a gold ring at all. The toes will not get used to it in any way, so it is not recommended to immediately buy expensive models.

Ring stone

Modern manufacturers allow you to purchase a ring with almost any stone. So why not choose the one that suits the type of character, zodiac sign, or just carries positive energy? Look great in such rings purple amethyst, ruby, topaz and diamond.

Ring shape

Most often, rings of a broken shape are made, since they are in the greatest demand. This is not surprising, because it can be put on a finger of any shape or changed in size depending on life changes.

Another, no less popular form is the serpentine. It also allows you to resize by wrapping nicely around your finger. An excellent option is a silicone-based decoration. It stretches to fit your finger. These rings are the cheapest, although visually they can compete with expensive models. The toe can be worn and common decoration, but its disadvantage is that it cannot be adjusted to the shape of the finger.

Magnetic rings

Not so long ago, in Japan, they began to create new models of toe rings - magnetic. Such decoration not only serves unusual accessory for the female leg, but also has a beneficial effect on the body, changing the magnetic field human body... It normalizes blood pressure, improves performance of cardio-vascular system, strengthens the nerves. Such rings are widely used as additional funds for weight loss, since the magnetic field reduces appetite and promotes the excretion of subcutaneous fat from the body, while improving metabolism. They affect human acupuncture. made of copper or silicone, it is recommended to wear them simultaneously on several fingers. Jewelry on the little fingers has been shown to help reduce body fat on the sides.

Decorations on thumbs normalize the fat layer in the face and neck area. They will help to shed the extra "load" from the abdomen, and fourthly - they have a beneficial effect on the biological points of the body. But they are strictly contraindicated in pregnant women, as they can cause allergic reactions at the fetus. The magnets do not spoil the aesthetics of the ring by their presence, since they are located in such a way as to act on lower part finger. In addition, the surface of the product is coated with a precious dusting, beautiful stone and so on.

How to wear such a piece of jewelry?

It is better to wear a ring on a toe with open shoes, as this will not create additional discomfort. It is recommended to wear it on the big, second or third toes. Where exactly it should be located does not matter in principle. The main thing is to be comfortable: it can be the base of the finger or its middle. Many people prefer legs. Some girls like to wear one item on each finger. You should also not forget about a pedicure, because drawing attention to your feet with a ringlet, you must be ready for this. Relatively colors there are also no comments, the main thing is that the girl herself likes it and is combined with the general range of shades in the pedicure.

Scientists have proven the unique fact that wearing a ring on a toe will bring considerable benefit to its owner. It has a good effect on nervous system, prevents the development of ear and eye diseases. It's always nice to be in the spotlight, to attract interested views men. So why not pamper yourself, feel your individuality, originality, mystery?

Recently, you can meet many girls who, along with beautiful pedicure graceful rings are also displayed on open toes. Is it a tribute to fashion or secret sign?

A bit of history

The tradition of wearing rings in this way came to us with the ancient East... In particular, in India, it was believed that such an adornment makes a woman more desirable and frees her. sexual energy... Therefore, they were only worn married ladies... The process of putting it on is still one of the leading rituals. Indian ceremony weddings.

The groom, putting on this jewelry to his chosen one, emphasizes that she is no longer free. They wore it until their death, but now, of course, they do not attach so much importance to this accessory. In India, it is customary to put rings on the second toes of both feet, or on one left. Sometimes they were attached with chains of precious metals to the anklet.

Who wears the ring on the toe?

Wear so original accessory women start out for different reasons. For example, Buddha himself ordered people who practice yoga or spiritual oriental teachings to wear it. This accessory has become very popular among those who are engaged in various exoteric practices, as it gives them an additional exotic charm.

But not only yogis and "magicians" wear rings in this way. They are also chosen by self-confident natures who want to stand out from the crowd. Or glamorous ladies, as the ring on the toe has already migrated to the world catwalks. And fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier introduced this accessory into his collections, having come up with a false nail-ring, which is put on thumb legs.

Psychologists also had their say about the owners of the original foot accessory. They are sure that girls who choose such jewelry want by all means to stand out from their surroundings and even exalt themselves over others.

Men also spoke out about the decoration. The stronger sex admits that it gives its owner sexual energy, attracts the eye and, oddly enough, adds additional points to the girl on the attractiveness scale.

Choosing a ring on your toe

Toe accessories are available in a wide variety of materials:

  • precious metals - gold and silver;
  • silicone;
  • brass, aluminum and bronze.

In the first place among the products on the toes, of course, there are rings made of gold and silver. Jewelry made of precious metals do not oxidize, therefore they are more durable. In addition, they do not need to be removed before taking a bath or going into the sea, which also increases their lifespan.

If you choose between these two metals, then you should take silver jewelry... Firstly, it is not so expensive and it is not scary to lose it, and secondly, the tradition of wearing silver accessories came to us again from ancient India.

Since gold was then considered a metal dedicated to the gods, it was considered sacrilege to wear gold jewelry below the waist. And thirdly, silver can be easily bent and given required form... Well, the last argument in the direction of silver toe rings - this metal harmonizes beautifully with the tan and will give a zest to the external image.

These accessories are also made of other metals: brass, aluminum and bronze, and they are also decorated with Swarovski stones.

As for the shape, the most demanded is the torn one. This shape will allow you to perfectly match the jewelry to your size. Another popular form is in the form of a snake that wraps around a finger several times.

It looks very elegant and also allows you to adjust the size. Silicone-based toe rings are also in demand. The relative cheapness speaks in their favor and that they usually come with large decorations that grab everyone's attention.

But, as it turned out, such jewelry is worn not only to express oneself, but also for other reasons. This mainly applies to protective and magnetic products.

Protective silicone ring for toes

Protective products are not displayed and serve orthopedic purposes, therefore they have a nondescript appearance and are made of medical silicone. Such products protect the toes, stop possible pain, are used for ingrown nails, difficult calluses, as well as for injuries.

Magnetic toes slimming rings

But in Japan, they approached the accessories for the feet more practically. There, women wear rings on their thumbs and they have an additional secret - they contribute to their mistress's weight loss. It has long been no secret that by acting on biologically active points, one can positively influence many internal organs person. And the most effective points are located on the legs.

It was this knowledge that Japanese doctors used to create "magnetics". Instead of jewelry, a neodymium magnet is attached to a silicone ring. The product is put on so that the magnet is on the bottom and massages the fingers when walking.

As a result of the massage, biologically active points are sent to the brain certain impulses which, in turn, makes the right muscles work. As a result, the muscles become stronger, and the woman becomes slimmer. In addition, the ring also has an effect on metabolism. Therefore, during normal walking, the owner of the "magnet" receives both fitness and a diet "in one bottle."

Toe rings are mentioned in scriptures Indians. Illustrations for the books "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata" testify that most of the Gods wear rings on the lower limbs. The Hindu epics also say that the rings on the legs emphasize the beauty of women, make them attractive and desirable. On wedding ceremonies in India, only in the 20th century began to put rings on the hands of brides. Before that, the grooms were ringing the legs of their chosen ones. Have unmarried women there were no decorations on the feet.

Appearing in India, toe ring has become a welcome accessory for the beauties of the West. The Europeans did not introduce any changes in the wedding ceremonies. New accessories in the Old World, America, Australia are purely decorative items. They are suitable for lovers of glamor, extravagant ladies, those who practice yoga.

Psychologists say that extroverts choose foot rings. This is the name of the psychotype, which tends to be in the center of attention. The postulate of the religious epics of the East that non-standard rings make women more desirable is also scientifically confirmed. Several dozen experiments have been carried out. The men were asked to choose the most attractive ladies from the group. Gentlemen invariably pointed to those who wore rings on their toes. At the same time, the subjects could not explain what exactly influenced their choice, referring to the special charm and energy.

Classic options foot rings from India were finalized in Japan. In the country The rising sun began to build magnets into accessories. Their presence changes the human magnetic field, having a beneficial effect on the body's work. Pressure is normalized, cardiac activity and metabolism are improved. The process of adipose tissue deposition slows down, the burning of the already accumulated tissue is accelerated, appetite decreases. Jewelry with magnets is worn by millions of those who wish to lose weight without harming their health.

Magnetic toe rings made of either copper or silicone. Products affect acupuncture. This is the name for biologically active points on the body. Most of them are on the feet. Here are located, including those that regulate metabolic processes. For maximum health-improving effect, wear rings on several toes at once. Pinky jewelry helps to slim down the thighs. Thumb rings remove fat deposits from the face. Products on the ring toes act on biologically active points associated with the waist. The rings on the middle fingers help to shed excess from the abdomen. Acupuncture on the index fingers is responsible for the area of ​​the hands.

Copper rings with magnets are contraindicated for pregnant women, they can cause allergic reactions. Silicone specimens are harmless. Magnets do not spoil the aesthetics of jewelry. The stones are placed on the back so that they come into contact with the skin for a massage. Impact on active points triggers a train of neural impulses. Along the chain nerve cells a signal is transmitted to the brain. "Messages" come to its separate zones, depending on which acupuncture massage is performed.

There are a lot of angry reviews on the Internet about the effectiveness of magnetic rings. Users are disappointed to notice that they have not lost the pounds even after wearing the accessories for a long time. These statements are parried by manufacturers from Japan. They notice that 80% of magnet rings in foreign markets are fakes. Only patented designs are effective. In addition, experts from the Land of the Rising Sun add, it is important A complex approach to health and weight loss. If you absorb kilograms of sweets and starchy foods, do not play sports, you will not succeed in losing weight.

Not everyone strives to lose weight, and if they strive, it is not always with the help of rings. There are options without magnets. Such items are mostly precious. The best selling are silver rings. gold ring on toe are chosen by only 10% of fans of exotic accessories. About 2% of women are completely limited to a tattoo. Rings are not worn, but depicted on the skin.

Tables fixed sizes for toes does not exist. Rings for lower limbs dimensionless. Their circle is interrupted. The rings can be squeezed or stretched. Gaps are placed on the underside of the toes without being visible. If the items are precious, they are often framed with special plastic so that the metal is not damaged by stretching or changing its shape.

In order not to worry about protecting the metal from stretching, manufacturers have developed combined models of rings. Their circles are made of silicone. It is invisible, does not cause allergies, and is convenient. On front side have precious insert... The transparency of the silicone gives the impression that the insert is not attached to the finger.

Precious specimens or extravagant tattoos do not oxidize. Wearing gold, platinum, silver rings can be worn without taking off. The rest of the products should not be immersed in water or exposed to sweat. Any toe rings should not be worn in closed shoes. Metal - flattened, skin rubbed. Besides, what is the use of jewelry if no one sees it? Toe rings are worn only with open shoes or on bare feet. Accessories look perfect on the beach, during summer walks in the city. A pedicure is required. Otherwise, the impression of unusual decoration will be spoiled unkempt nails.