What smell cats and cats cannot stand. What odor cats don't like: fighting pet's unwanted habits. Garlic Pepper & Lemon Repellent

If you are the owner of a representative of the feline family and live in a private house, or four-legged pranksters live in your neighborhood, then you should be prepared for the fact that you may have some problems. After all, cats are very fond of "managing" in other people's plots. In order to prevent this possibility, there are several simple and effective means scaring cats away. We will tell you what smells they hate and how to apply them.

"Trouble" caused by a cat in the garden / in the country

A cat is a freedom-loving and playful animal that is very difficult to educate. Cats are very fond of everything new, especially they are attracted by the exploration of territories. Therefore, if your neighbors have a fluffy pet, then soon expect a "guest" in your garden.

Do not underestimate the problems that can arise when a cat appears on the site:

  • Cats are very fond of marking their "territory" and the neighboring garden / vegetable garden definitely falls under this concept. Male cats use for these purposes not only urine, but also a special secret, which, when it gets on garden plants and fruit and vegetable crops just burn them. In addition, they are very fond of sharpening their claws on tree trunks, which harm them.
  • Cats go to the toilet not only on the territory of their home, but also leave peculiar "marks" in the garden / vegetable garden in the form of holes dug in the ground with neighbors.

Cats can cause a lot of hassle for garden owners

  • Since a cat is by nature a predatory animal, it very often hunts mice and birds on its territory. And if getting rid of rodents is salvation for gardeners, many, on the contrary, try to attract birds to their gardens. And cats can not only destroy them, but also proudly bring half-dead prey home.
  • Cats love to soak up the sun and very often choose flower beds and garden plants as a place to "rest", eventually just breaking them.

"Fragrant" ways to scare away cats

Before you start looking at scents that scare cats away, we suggest you try a method using a smell that attracts cats. Is it a catnip or cat mint... Highly beautiful plant, which throughout summer period will decorate the site with multi-colored inflorescences. Cats simply adore this smell and will happily settle down in a corner planted with catnip: sleep there, gnaw the leaves of a plant, etc. And if you add a little dry sand there, then the cat (with very likely) would prefer to go to the toilet in this place rather than in the garden. The catnip requires virtually no maintenance. Planted in a sunny, dry place, it winters well and will reproduce by self-seeding again. In addition, fresh young catnip leaves can be used as a flavoring additive in soups and salads, and dried leaves can be used in herbal teas.

There are a number of odors that cats are uncomfortable with. This means what can be done with my own hands cat "scarers". Let's consider the most effective ones:

  • Some plants will be an excellent deterrent. So, the cat will not get into the habit of the garden in which eucalyptus, lemongrass, lavender are planted. These plants will perform two functions at once: they will decorate your site, since they have a beautiful appearance and will work effectively as a repeller, because cats hate their smell. Coleus canina or dog Coleus will also be an excellent cat repeller. It is believed to smell unpleasant to cats when touched. This plant is quite thermophilic, therefore autumn-winter period you should either bring it into the room, or plant it again every year.

Some Plants Will Become Natural Cat Repellers

  • A great way to scare cats away is to mulch the soil with citrus peel, coffee grounds, and pipe tobacco. Treat the soil with these products in places that you would like to leave untouched by the cat's paws (between the beds, near flowers or bird feeders, etc.). Cats will really not like the smell coming from the soil treated in this way, but it will be very useful for the soil itself, because citruses, tobacco and coffee are able to assimilate nitrogen and convert it into oxygen, which supplies the soil.
  • If none of the above methods does not help, then you can go to the "heavy weapon": use a special cat deterrent, which is sold in pet stores. It usually consists of a predator's urine. It will be enough to apply small amount of this substance around the site and the cat will no longer stick its curious nose.

Advice. Before using a store bought cat repeller, make sure that it does not contain substances harmful to the animal.

  • Vinegar is another substance that is extremely unpleasant for cats to smell. So that its application gives desired effect, you should do the following: mix equal proportions of vinegar, liquid soap and water, then spray with a spray bottle the part of the area that you would like to protect from feline "intrusion".

Advice. If you do not want to add worries to yourself with the creation of fragrant "scarers" and at the same time would like to keep your beautiful garden / vegetable garden intact, then try using the quick and accessible method: Spread small (decorative) stones throughout the garden. This will limit your cat's physical access to soil and over time it will simply stop coming to your area.

You just learned about what odors cats simply cannot tolerate. The information obtained will help you prevent the pranks of the fluffy "robber" on your site and at the same time not harm the animal. Have a good fight!

Scare off cats in the garden: video

How to scare off a cat: photo


There are special tools for cats and dogs. The uninvited guests remember their specific smell for a long time and try to bypass the "fetid" territories. Such a "repeller" can be purchased at a pet store. However, one-time use such a remedy not enough, as it can be exposed to rain or eroded over time. So try to use it regularly.

If you don't feel like spending money on going to a pet store, try scaring away with the help of available tools. For example, dampen a few rags with ammonia and scatter over the area. Cats obviously do not like the smell of ammonia, so they will soon forget the way to yours. True, for this you will need to spend more than one bottle. ammonia and a fair amount of old torn tissue.

Similar to the previous step, you can use vinegar. Soak a few rags in it and leave in different places within the territory of plot... Change the rags daily to keep the smell sharp.

Scatter fresh orange or lemon peels between the beds. The smell of citrus is also not a favorite feline scent, so it should scare them away. The only condition is that the crusts must be fresh, since dry ones may well become not a "scarer", but a toy for the curious cats.

If uninvited guests have recently begun to appear, try to scare them away with noise. To do this, put a few pebbles in a tin can. As soon as you see a cat in the area, shake the can sharply.

Get your own cat. He, as the owner, will drive strangers from his territory himself. And so that he does not have the temptations to defecate, provide him with a wide tray with always fresh filler.

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  • how to get rid of other people's cats on the site

The cat has won the hearts of people since ancient times, thanks to its intelligence, habits and grace. However, cats can perform actions that are unpleasant for the owner, for example, shitting in the beds and flower beds, gnawing indoor flowers, tearing furniture with claws, and much more.


To a cat to discourage rummaging on freshly dug beds with crops, you need to water them often. All felines are very clean and they will not like wet ground. Cats do not like the smell of wormwood, so you can spread bunches of this herb on the beds. On sale there is special tool to scare away, but it is expensive and washed away by the first rain.

To ward off a cat harm on the windowsill - pulling out plants with roots from the ground, biting off leaves and twigs, you can glue it over with double-sided tape for a while, or spread out some small thorny objects. When you work out conditioned reflex on discomfort during a raid on plants, she will leave them alone. True, for a short period of time.

Siamese oriental group. This group includes cats with a pronounced oriental appearance: graceful and slanting. Moreover, the color of cats in this group is not limited to the usual coffee color. Oriental breeds can have a wide variety of fur colors. But the character of these breeds is demanding, they love company and do not tolerate familiar treatment. The most famous cat breeds are Siamese, Thai, Oriental.

Hairless group. As you might guess from, it includes "bald" cats -, don sphinx, peterbald. The breed standard is considered complete absence body hairs. The body of the cat is strong and muscular, with thin legs and a graceful neck. The head is elongated, with large ones.

The dove, of course, is the bird of the world, but how much trouble can it bring, appearing somewhere out of place. Residents of cities know about this firsthand. Someone's pigeons have chosen a balcony, someone has a window sill. And often, people just don't know how to deal with it. It is easy to wean these birds from their chosen place, be it a windowsill or a balcony.


Purchase the LS-2001 bioacoustic repeller, which repels birds using a sound generator. The sounds made by the repeller are similar to the calls of birds of prey such as hawks, eagles, falcons and owls, made by them during time. The device is effective against sparrows, thrushes, starlings and some other birds.

Cover the windowsill that the pigeons love so much with something shiny. For example, baking foil. Cut the foil with a fringe from one end, and attach the other end to the windowsill. Another way to add shine to a window sill is to paint it with silver.

You can scare away pigeons with various ribbons fluttering in the wind. Magnetic tape from cassettes and reels is good for this. Pull a rope (fishing line) around the perimeter of the window sill or balcony, fasten the pieces of tape to it. Such decoration in the sun and rustles in the wind, which scares away the pigeons.

Cut out equal strips from plastic, fix them on a stick in such a way that at the slightest breath of wind the strips flutter, making a sound. Or assemble a spinner from plastic strips. Place the manufactured device in the place where the pigeons fly. They are unlikely to like such a rattle or spinner and, most likely, they will fly away and never return.

Helpful advice

Do not use vinegar to grease the balcony, or the soap that many publications say. It won't do you any good.

Nobody wants to share theirs young man with another woman. Especially if it's his ex-wife... And often abandoned wives haunt their husbands and interfere with their relationship with new women. Of course, here you need to understand that the past cannot be put anywhere, but to discourage the former wife it is still possible.


The most important thing that is not necessary is to arrange a showdown. You cannot run to her and raise the entire entrance to your ears. In this case, the neighbors will be on her side, and you will look ridiculous. Yes, and your husband, of course, will find out about such an act of yours, and it will not be in your favor. After all, men are created in such a way that they cannot completely break the ties that they had with the previous one, especially if a child remains in that family.

If she gets your loved one with her calls and sms, constantly requires help in education, then first try to talk to her. Explain that since he left her, then she does not suit him, and nothing can be returned back. Instead of wasting time ex-husband maybe she'd better start looking for her new happiness.

Say that you are not against the communication of your husband with their common. On the contrary, suggest that she let him take his son for the weekend. You will make sure that the baby is fed on time and has a good time. And she can devote this time to herself. Maybe she will try to arrange her fate. And then it will also be grateful to you.

If she makes such concessions, then over time you can even become friends with her. And this will allow you to control the relationship between your husband and yours, you will always be aware of their meetings. Perhaps, in the future, you and your beloved will call in for the child so as not to leave him alone with his first wife.

If contact has not been established, do not show the man that you are worried about his communication with your ex. Let him get the impression that you do not attach to these meetings, because you trust him and are confident in his love for you. This will elevate you even more in his eyes and force you to take a fresh look at your relationship with your ex. Be unobtrusively interested in how the meeting went, if you need any help, tell me what to buy for a future visit.

And the most reliable way to ward off is to give birth to your child. Then the husband will turn his attention to a new one, he will help you in everything and he will no longer have too much time to rush to the first family on demand. Yes, and the ex-wife will understand that you have developed family relationships, and she has nothing to return. And will leave you alone.

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The proverb “live like a cat and a dog” did not appear out of nowhere. Mutual understanding between these animals is not very good. Nevertheless, a cat and a dog can get along quite well if you approach their upbringing and joint maintenance more consciously.


Perfect option to start life in one territory - young age both animals. A puppy and a kitten can, after some time necessary for getting used to, find companions in each other in joint games, and then grow up together amicably and cheerfully.
If one is already an adult, then a lot depends on him life experience in relation to or dogs. Adult age will make their peaceful coexistence even more challenging task... If the cat is used to fighting dogs, and the dog is chasing, then good attitude it is not worth waiting for a newly arrived pet from the doorway. It will take a lot of patience and careful looking after both animals.

It will be better if you isolate "" in a separate room for the first time, arranging introductory meetings with the second animal for a while. It is better for the dog to wear a leash during such meetings so that it can be easily caught if it rushes on the cat. Pet, soothe, and approve of both animals. But try to pay more attention to the “old-timer” so that he does not have reasons for jealousy.

Do not be upset, seeing at first from the outside cat and dogs showing aggression towards each other. They need to designate each other's territory, to show that they will not let themselves be offended. Gradually the animals will get used to cohabitation, learn to avoid conflicts and trauma. All this time they will need your attention and support. Try not to get nervous in the presence of animals, because they are very sensitive to your mood. Do not push the cat and dog to each other if they prefer to keep their distance. They must decide for themselves at what moment and how far to approach each other.

Make sure that each animal has its own resting area and its own bowl for food and water, standing far enough from each other, and ideally in different places. Also try to place the cat litter in a secluded place where the dog cannot poke his nose. In this case, the dogs will not have any reason to violate each other's territory, which will reduce the reasons for conflicts. However, this does not exclude the possibility that when the animals become friends, they will sleep side by side on the same bedding. Cats are usually well aware that a dog's flank can be a good warmer.

The dog can express its kindness towards the cat by wagging its tail and inviting it to play, although the cat may not immediately understand what they want from it. Follow playing together animals, especially if your pets are big dog and a kitten. The dog, despite its very intentions, may not calculate the strength and cause injury to the baby. And claws can leave quite painful scratches on a dog's nose.

Helpful advice

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The appearance of a new cat in the house for an old cat is a real stress. After all, this is a sure reason for him to doubt the love of his master. This situation is not easy for a new cat. How to make them reconcile as quickly as possible and get along peacefully in the house?


First of all, try to help the newly arrived cat quickly get used to the new place. Introduce him to all tenants - both people and, show a new one. Little by little, the old-time cat must get used to the idea of ​​change. Let him sniff the basket or bag you brought in. Calm him down, make it clear that the new animal will not oppress or offend him.

Prepare a separate bowl in advance for the newcomer. It is also advisable to prepare both separate and toilets. Place the bowls at a distance of at least two meters from each other, as they may perceive each other as competitors. Later, after they get used to each other, you can move.

Be sure to keep the new cat in quarantine in order to avoid skidding. infectious diseases... It will be better if they live around in different rooms... But do not forget that an isolated cat needs your attention, so communicate with him, pay attention. But only after visiting the pet, you must wash your hands.

Arrange the meeting of the two in advance. When you first meet, hold your cat in your arms. In no case interfere with the contact of the two, they themselves must find out who is who. Since they value their territory very much, fights and hiss are, of course, inevitable. If the fight is serious, separate them and isolate them from each other for a while. Water can be used to sober up the brawlers. If everything worked out, and the fight did not take place, then nothing needs to be done, the cats themselves will get to know each other and gradually become friends.

Cats can express their aggression towards a stranger in different ways - from marking the territory to refusing to eat. Therefore, try to make them friends gradually. So, you can let them see each other for half an hour a day, gradually lengthening their meetings. You can swap them around so that they get used to each other's scent.

It happens that it is very difficult to discourage a man with whom a relationship has ended. But still, there are options that will help you do this to the maximum. short time... You can go two ways: calmly explain that love has passed, or resort to non-standard methods.


Try to politely and calmly explain to the man that you no longer have feelings for him. Do not fall for his provocations and threats. He may say that he will commit suicide or watch you at the entrance. Do not worry: men only say this, only a few decide to take extreme steps. Of course, such a conversation is best done over the phone so that he has less chance to pity you.

The result did not follow - stop communicating with him at all. Do not pick up the phone when he rings, do not open the door for him if he comes to visit. If he called from an unknown number, let him know that you are in this moment can't communicate. Come up with any reason: you are washing the floor, painting your nails, sitting in a beauty salon, or your phone is running low.

Surely all happy cat owners have ever noticed how their pets sniff any new item, and in general, cats are very curious animals, they definitely need to study everything, smell, touch or even taste. They like some smells, but they simply cannot stand some.

Why do cats love the smell of sweat? There may be several reasons for this, for example, hormones are released along with human sweat, which are similar in smell to pheromones that are secreted from animals of the opposite sex when they are ready to reproduce. In addition, the smell of sweat, for example, on clothes, attracts cats, as it is a strong and concentrated scent of the owner, which relaxes and calms the animal. If the owner of the cat comes from the street, the pet can often rub against his shoes or clothes, because they are new and unfamiliar, it is not at all necessary that this unpleasant odors for a cat, she inhales them, and at the same time leaves her own, "marks" the owner's clothes.

Everyone knows that a cat almost always reacts to the smells of valerian and catnip, this is due to the fact that these plants contain nepetalactone and actinidin - these are substances that mimic feline sex hormones. Therefore, small kittens practically do not pay attention to the valerian, and cats love her smell more than cats.

If you know what kind of smell cats cannot stand, and what, on the contrary, they like, this feature can be turned to your advantage, for example, if the cat likes to scratch furniture or sleep on your bed - but you are against it. It is necessary to wipe the area from which you want to scare the cat away with something that cats do not like the smell. Or vice versa, if you want to accustom your cat to a house or a pillow for sleeping, carrying, even - it makes sense to use smells that attract her.

The easiest to prepare, but no less effective is a solution of water with lemon (orange, grapefruit - any will do citrus) juice, or with any citrus essential oil. Cats do not like such sour and pungent smells, but they are very pleasant for people, therefore, if you prepare this solution and spray from a spray bottle, say, the handle of a sofa or an armchair, a pleasant citrus aroma will spread in your apartment, which smell the cat will avoid. This same product can be used to wipe the leaves of flowers if your pet loves to chew on them.

You can also spread orange or tangerine skins around the plant - this will also scare the cat away. If you grind them and mix with coffee grounds- it will turn out to be a very pleasant remedy for a person, but cats hate it. In addition, pet and gardening stores sell special soil additives that contain particles of urine from predators (such as coyotes or foxes - they are the direct enemies of cats in nature), this smell is just as effective in scaring cats away. You can add one of these to the plant pot, or to the garden garden your cat is in the habit of tearing apart. If such a radical method does not suit you - try planting lavender, mint or rue among other plants - they are considered natural repellents, cats are afraid of the smell of these plants, in addition, they will decorate your site.

If your cat marks an apartment, make it a rule to add a few drops of essential oil to your cleaning product. Any citrus aromas as well as rosemary and lavender. Garlic, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, onions - these are also odors that scare cats away. They can be used most different ways- rub, sprinkle, mix with water and wipe the required surface. The vinegar smell is also effective, you can add it to the water when you wash the floor, but most importantly - don't overdo it!

Another smell that cats don't like is black pepper. Prepare a spray solution: for this take a cup of water, bring to a boil, then cool for 5 minutes and add two teaspoons of freshly ground black pepper, stir well so that no lumps remain. When the solution has completely cooled down, pour it into a spray bottle and spray on any surfaces from which you need to scare the cat away.

Pet owners sometimes experience undesirable behaviors such as urine marking or defecation in inappropriate places... Let's say right away that if a pet behaves like this, then he has it serious reasons, in which it would not hurt to understand, then the problem will be solved by itself.

How to do this is the topic of a separate article, but here we will tell you what smells scaring cats away allow you to correct the behavior of a four-legged pet.

What smell cats are afraid of: natural ingredients

Cats have a very developed sense of smell and distinguish smells about 14 times better than humans. Four-legged pets can pick up scents that people simply don't notice.

At the same time, cats consider some odors unpleasant for humans, for example, ethyl mercaptan, to be neutral and do not react to them, but they try to avoid many of our favorite scents.

The smell of citrus scares cats

Among them, one of the first can be called the smell of citrus, from the source of which most meowing pets will stay away.

The reason is that essential oils found in the peel of these fruits have a smell that is too strong for cats, which quickly spreads in the air. Therefore, in educational purposes you can use the zest and peel of lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, tangerine.

They are laid out directly next to the place that is chosen by the cat for the administration of natural needs. Cutting citrus scent scares away cats - they will no longer shit in this place (at least until the peel wears off), however, nothing will prevent them from choosing another corner.

Spices and spices

Pets are also uncomfortable with the aroma of spices and herbs. They will try to bypass a place that smells like ground pepper, cinnamon, marjoram, turmeric.

It is quite easy to prepare a deterrent. It is enough to stir a teaspoon of the seasoning in a glass of warm boiled water... Then the solution should be filtered and sprayed with a spray bottle. Also, black pepper can be sprinkled on double-sided tape and fixed anywhere in the house.


Vinegar is considered one of the most effective in terms of scaring cats away. Animals with a very sensitive sense of smell cannot tolerate strong sour aromas. For home treatment, it is necessary to dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. This solution is used to wipe the places where the animal often leaves its marks.

The smell is quite persistent, and therefore the effect lasts for a long time.

Cat scarers

Pet shops and veterinary pharmacies offer wide range of all kinds of sprays. Typically, manufacturers use synthetic components and they promise that such a smell scares away cats so that they do not shit and mark them. These products are easy to use - they can be simply sprayed onto any surface, but their effectiveness varies greatly.

It is most convenient to choose drugs that destroy odor at the same time. cat urine or excrement, because in order to avoid "relapses", it is necessary not only to scare the cat away, but also to carefully remove the stains left by its old "tricks".

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that scaring away with scents can be effective, but this is only a superficial measure. Cats are very clean animals and easily get used to visiting the litter box. The only natural and practically inevitable are landmarks in unsterilized animals.

The beds are not in vain popular with pets. Here you can arrange a toilet, leave a tag for a neighbor, or just take a sweet nap. What if the plantings are suffering from feline attention, and you cannot guard them all day?

Of course, you can carefully monitor your pet and drag it to the place or spray it with water every time it approaches the forbidden territory, but this will take you all the time and turn the cat against you. There are more simple solutions, and designed for a wide variety of budgets.

Build a sandbox for your cat

If, in your case, the cat in the garden has organized a toilet, then it is quite simple to solve the problem. You need to make him an offer that he cannot refuse, and build a gorgeous sandbox.

Make it at least 1 × 1 m in size and fill it with clean sand - your pet will be delighted.

In tall bushes and on ridges, cats often lie in wait for small birds. While birdies are catching midges or pecking seeds, domestic predators sneak up on them right on your seedlings or flowers. Do not create unnecessary temptation for cats - remove the feeders from the garden to an open area and hang them where animals cannot reach. Very soon, the cat will understand that the hunt has ceased to give results, and will stop it.

Plant flowers that keep cats away

You can wean a cat to sleep in a flower garden by adding lavender or dog coleus to the plantings. Both of these plants are decorative, harmless to humans and disgusting in cats. pungent odor... If you plant these flowers around the perimeter of the garden or on each flower bed, then the cats will try to stay away from your plantings.

Use aroma oils

Not only do the smells of flowers scare cats away, but other harsh scents as well. If you do not have the opportunity to turn the garden into a flower bed, or lavender does not take root in your area, try to process the edges of the plantings and the cat's favorite places with diluted aromatic oils... Citrus, cinnamon, lavender, mint, rosemary - all these smells can send a cat to hell.

You can also use professional sprays containing the urine of large predators (foxes, coyotes) - this will also scare away felines.

Remove cat marks

Cats regularly mark their territory, and cats also know how to leave "notes" to their furry companions, rubbing against different surfaces mustache. Such marks attract animals, being an analogue of our social networks... And if your fence was chosen as the chat, then getting rid of the influx of visitors will not be easy.

You will have to wash regularly cat smells, and then spray the place that the animals rub against with substances unpleasant for them. Vinegar does this well, lemon juice, iodine, etc. After the animal several times in a row finds something completely different from what it expected, the "correspondence" will stop or move to another place.

Enclose the beds with a fence or net

A meter-high fence made of polycarbonate or a chain-link mesh, dug in along the perimeter of the ridges, does not look very aesthetically pleasing, but it deprives the problem of intrusions qualitatively. Not all cats like to jump over obstacles, not knowing what awaits on the other side, so with more likely the animal walks around the fenced-in area and finds itself new entertainment.

Install an ultrasonic repeller

The ultrasonic repeller helps to get rid of not only persistent cats, but also other animals, such as hares. You need to place the device on a post or tree, directing it to the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe beds. Do not be afraid to harm the animals - the waves do not cripple or injure them, they only cause discomfort and force them to leave the territory.

Place a motion-sensing sprinkler in your garden

What scares cats off best is water. Even a thin trickle or cloud of water dust, suddenly enveloping a cat, can ward it off from the garden once and for all. This is how motion-sensing sprinklers work.

These water sprinklers are connected to running water and shoot accurately at anyone who encroaches on the forbidden territory.

Pour coffee grounds onto the beds

Do you like coffee? Great, but cats hate him. Therefore, the rest of the brewed coffee should be sent straight to the ridges. Besides the fact that it will spoil the mood of cats, the thick will also become a useful fertilizer for the plant and loosen the soil.

By the way, drunk coffee not only contains nitrogen, magnesium and potassium, but also repels ants and fruit gnats.

Fill the plantings with cones and the paths with gravel

Delicate cat paws are unaccustomed to sharp surfaces and try to avoid them. There are many insidious inventions with sharp and prickly edges, but it is inhumane to torture your own (and your neighbor's too) pet like that. To protect your ridges, it will be enough to cover them with cones or fill the paths and perimeter of the garden with fine gravel with sharp edges. The cat will definitely not walk on it and dig holes in it.

The most the right way The construction of a solid fence to the ground will protect the site from uninvited fluffy guests - it will not allow stray and neighbor's cats to visit your landings, and you will be able to pacify your own pet.