What criteria can be used to evaluate whether a professional copywriter is successful or not


By what criteria can one judge the personality of a poet?

Let's think about what M. Tsvetaeva says in the article "Art in the light of conscience." Tsvetaeva holds the idea that the poet's heart is there, for which he is ready (he could, if not for the instinct of self-preservation) - to give his life. And she writes that she portrayed the Infernal Young Man, and loves Pushkin's Pugachev, in which there is a charm. But for them and for this spell, she would not give her life. And before seven year old and an obscure nun who wrote the most artless lines - she lowers her eyes, experiencing great discomfort for everything that she writes and does. And for such people - she could give her life. Her heart, in its deepest essence, is with them, even though she herself did not come to this. And it seems to me that in the end - Tsvetaeva should be judged by this scope of hers, by these motives of hers ... Which she failed to bring to life in her own life. A strong, deep, but contradictory and unfortunate, tragic personality, unable to unite being with everyday life...
Tsvetaeva believes that there is a spell in poetry in general and in her poetry. But let no one be deceived - she understands that chara is chara. And true art without skill - holy art - begins where the power of spell over a person ends. That art, to which she did not reach. And therefore she is guilty before her own conscience, and therefore, before God.

Last night I read the first chapters of the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans. He writes that among the pagans the law was in the heart, and the criterion of goodness was the conscience. (This idea was suggested to me by a friend who approaches Scripture thoughtfully.) Therefore, it is quite reasonable that Jesus came precisely to the Jews, who understood the law purely externally. While in the East - Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus - did not understand the laws given to them by letter, they understood everything more spiritually than the Jews.
Paul writes that in such a situation, when people are so confused that they no longer understand the spiritual meaning of the law, a person can be saved not by works, but by faith. That is, a person's treasure is where his heart is, even if he failed to realize himself in everyday life at the level of practical deeds. And since Tsvetaeva was an ardent believer (you can’t call her lukewarm), she is saved by FAITH, and not by deeds. She is saved by deep motives. who moved her. Something for which she would give her life. Where the treasure of her heart is.

A person, according to Paul, is saved not so much by deeds as by faith, precisely because people have become so outwardly, in the letter, and not in the spirit, to understand the law, that following this flat understanding of theirs, they strive to do deeds - in the spirit of their dark understanding. . For example, prescribing doing nothing on the Sabbath up to the prohibition to heal people if someone became ill that day. This is what darkness and following the letter brings. When people already understand exactly the opposite of what is written in the law, they crucify without recognizing their own God.
Therefore - in such a situation - it is better to judge not by deeds. but according to faith, according to where a person has the treasure of his heart. And in this sense, the harlot who recognized Christ, who bowed to him with her heart, or the Canaanite, who touched his clothes with faith and was healed by her faith by the power that came out of Jesus - is higher than the high priests, who shouted: "Who is this impudent proud man who imagines himself to be destroy and build up in three days the temple of God?
For the perfect, there is no discord between word and deed.

And how was the thief saved on the cross, who repented only in the last minutes of his life? What good deeds did he do before he died?
How are sinners saved, who only on their deathbed understand in what dregs they have lived all their lives? And call the priest to confess?
IMPERFECT - who really have such fruits as Tsvetaeva had - and she is imperfect - are saved according to the deepest intentions of their hearts. By GRACE, and not by the laws of justice and retribution.
By faith in the best, by their ideals, they are saved.
Faith in Christ.

Any woman chooses a man to create with him romantic relationship or families for a reason. Her head already contains certain criteria, thanks to which a woman puts certain conditional assessments on a man. The nature of all women is such that their choice falls on those of the men who could take care of her, protect her, as well as possible offspring. This choice will be the same even when a woman is not going to create a family with a man. It's just that all female representatives are initially focused on the relationship with the strongest of the "males". Criteria for choosing a man are formed in a woman's head from childhood. Of course, very young girls, if asked to voice a number of such criteria, will say that they want to be friends with a handsome, smart or cheerful boy. But male power and a kind of "perspective" in man is taken for granted. In adult women, the criteria for interesting man will differ. In general, the criteria do not appear as conditions that a woman puts forward to a man so that he has the opportunity to start a relationship with her.

Criteria are understood as those qualities in a man that in a woman are capable of causing a spontaneous reaction of sympathy and attraction to him. So-called everyday choice can be determined, for example, by such criteria for a man as the presence or absence of a car, education, own housing, experience long term relationship with women, clothing style. Such criteria are conditional measures. But they are fundamentally important for most women. If a man lacks any of these factors, then a smart and self-respecting woman will consider him unworthy of herself. Even if the relationship begins, then after the passage of a period of violent passion, a woman will most likely be burdened by the absence of such a set of qualities in a man. Such of the listed male criteria for any woman, of course, are important and desirable. But if we consider a woman as a natural biological creature, then we can safely establish that she will be subject to different kind reflexes and subconscious reactions.

The latter begin to act when a woman discovers a number of latent criteria in a man, that is, those that are not so obvious and obvious. It is on these criteria that the choice will not be made. female head and mind, but its sensual side, emotions and heart. Meanwhile, in practice, women with greater strength trust precisely their feelings, and not some objective or logically derived assessment. And a woman will make such a sensual choice in relation to a man if her nature reacts to one of the following factors. First, the leading role will be played by the so-called genetic factor. Conventionally, it can be described as the transfer to the child in the process of conception of the skills that his parents possess. If a woman sees that her parents potential partner successful people, she will project such achievements onto a man. Even if he himself has not yet achieved anything. The genetic factor can be compared with a kind of halo or spirit that envelops a man with an invisible shell as a result of his belonging to a certain genus. Women catch such a halo very quickly and subtly.

Of course son simple parents, who grew up in a poor family, can be very talented. And he is also in adulthood can achieve great success. But for the female nature, or rather for the possibility of her potential reaction, such a prospect will not be too tempting. A woman needs to know right now that a man has a ready-made potential. The second strongest motive for the emergence of a woman's attention to specific man will be his passion, and high concentration on anything. In the process of being carried away by some things or deeds, a man concentrates on them completely. Of course, for this they must be truly interesting to him. It is believed that the greater the degree of concentration of a person, the more likely he is to solve the necessary tasks. IN practical life enthusiasm is often the main evidence that its owner is sufficiently energetic. Such energy will allow him to keep the activity of the brain in one of the directions for a long time. And this is nothing but a manifestation of stability.

It is the stability in a man that he unconsciously, for example, through passion for something, demonstrates in Everyday life, will be so attractive to women. Therefore, men who are strongly addicted to any activity in some way have an advantage over the rest. Third an important factor stimulating increased female attention to a man, his sociability and skill to influence other people will act. A woman will definitely observe and analyze exactly how a man communicates with service personnel, waitresses and just with people around him. If a man at the same time screams and demonstrates anger or discontent in every possible way, the woman will shun him and reduce her interest. Conflict men women consider not the most best quality for the ability to survive in the world of harsh reality. To some extent, women perceive male conflict in the role of antisocial behavior.

Subconsciously, a woman feels that with such a man it will be extremely difficult to be in society. Yes, and the man himself will get a job in a career and other areas much more difficult. According to women, the less a man is trained in the skill of smoothing sharp corners, negotiating with people and avoiding problems, the more often he will put his fists into action. And this is a direct signal to ensure that a woman runs away from such a man as far as possible. Therefore, loyalty to people and diplomacy will give advantages to men. Important criteria for women, to whom they react, there will certainly be luck in life and an optimistic attitude of a man. Many people can go years in the chosen direction, but they still are not able to succeed. And seemingly serious objective reasons for this no. The person is just unlucky. Meanwhile, simple luck, as such, does not exist in principle. There is simply a certain inner mood that a lucky person radiates to the outside world.

This attunement creates energy of a certain frequency. And in the end, even unfamiliar surrounding people begin to truly believe in a person. This attitude gives a man the opportunity to remain optimistic under any circumstances. Of course, women do not engage in the analysis described above, seeing a particular man. But luck and optimism are reflected in a person even outwardly. As a result, it seems to glow and emit an alluring light that will certainly catch clever woman in need of a promising man for life. Facts and objective life situations are always neutral in themselves. The emotional connotation, as well as the charge of polarity, is given to them by the person himself. And to everyone men will go for the benefit of changing your attitude towards life in general to a joyful and positive one. Of course, any woman will pay attention to what habits a man has in terms of work, and whether he is endowed with responsibility. It is habits, along with a person’s experience, that make it possible to make a forecast for his future. People actually change very rarely, almost never. And the habits formed over the years are an excellent reflection of the inner potential of a person.

Those of the women who suffer next to an unreliable man with bad temper and a set of habits in the hope that one day he will change. This won't happen. If a man is used to spending days on end at work, then he will continue to act the same way. If a man at one of his life moments demonstrates laziness and indifference to everything that happens, then global changes will not happen in the future. A woman is able to influence the external surroundings. In other words, she can teach a man to drive a car, to live in his own home. But if a man before her has already turned into a workhorse, then he will remain one for the whole later life. Similarly, a slacker will not worry about a career search later on. In her assessments of a man, a woman will not be limited only by her own opinion and the impression received at first. She will definitely ask for recommendations from other people who know a man she is interested in.

She will ask them about what kind of specialist, good or bad, they consider him. This female predilection is due to the fact that she clearly understands that much is much more visible from the outside. Great importance for a woman, it will also have to do with whether a man has large-scale personal ambitions. If a person has many talents and is a wonderful worker, but at the same time he has no ambitions, then with highly likely he will just stagnate in one place. That's what women think. And this is indeed true and fair. It is important for a woman that a man wants to achieve heights in life, in other words, to progress. If there is no such desire in a man from the very beginning, then neither perseverance, nor talent, nor great luck will make him successful. It is ambition that is the driving force in a man, thanks to which he embodies the true essence of a reliable earner and protector.

The above criteria are perfectly justified and logically deduced. If you ask a woman if she evaluates men precisely by such factors, then she can give a negative answer. But this will not mean that the described factors do not matter to a woman. They are the essence of the choice of any of the women. If a woman herself evaluates and chooses a man for other qualities and motives, then her life with him simply will not work out or will be unhappy. Therefore, it is directly recommended to analyze a man from such a position. Men, on the other hand, can take such principles into their arsenal and also begin to take steps towards their own happiness.

wedding one of important days in the history of the family, this event will be remembered by the newlyweds themselves, as well as all relatives and friends for many years to come, so it is very important that this day goes “without a hitch”. So by what criteria can you understand that the wedding was a success? Let's figure it out, moreover, it is advisable to study this information long before the wedding in order to take into account all important points and make your wedding perfect. It is also important who this case evaluates the wedding, because for the newlyweds it can be a compromise with relatives, and for all guests it can seem ideal. Still, the main evaluators are the bride and groom, and the main criterion will be their emotions after the wedding.

Fitted into the budget

Staying on budget is one of the most important things in any wedding, but very few people manage to achieve this, unexpected expenses always pop up. And overspending the wedding budget often affects the further expenses of a young family - there is less money left for travel, important purchases, the planned housing contribution.

Therefore, it is very important to fit into the preliminary budget as much as possible, while also including unforeseen expenses in it. When fulfilling the budget, it is better not to save on quality, otherwise, as a result, slurred pictures or videos will remain as a memory, guests will be unhappy with the food, and the bride will be uncomfortable in a dress. Don't skimp on the things that are important to you.

Often, after the wedding, they try to take stock and understand whether the celebration paid off. This question not entirely appropriate, since a wedding is usually done for oneself, and not for the sake of raising money. It is reckless to start a wedding with the last money and hope for a payback of the event, a negative balance at the end can greatly disappoint you, perhaps you should think about a more modest celebration.

As per notes

A good wedding is one that does not present unpleasant surprises to the participants. Some unexpected moments of the wedding can amuse everyone, spice up the wedding, become a highlight if these are some trifles or trifles. Try to psychologically tune in advance to the fact that such moments may arise and you will not make a tragedy out of this, you will treat it with humor.

But the delay in the registry office, forgotten rings, a fight at a wedding and a toastmaster who did not appear can cause bad mood. Therefore, it is important to plan everything carefully and set aside time for possible traffic jams. A competent organizer or agency will help you paint the entire wedding day literally minutes.

For some nuances, it is possible to provide a fallback option. For example, changing a dress or suit in case it gets damaged during a wedding or having several free places in cars, suddenly there will be more guests than planned or there will be a breakdown in one of the cars.

Keep me out

There are many wedding signs and many of them did not arise from scratch. How to relate to signs is everyone's business, they do not always come true. But if you believe in signs, then you should take them into account so as not to worry later that the marriage will be unhappy.

To not auspicious omens include: see the bride groom in wedding dress before the wedding, a ring that fell in the registry office, put the ring on left hand, boyfriend or girlfriend is already married. Auspicious omens include rain on the wedding day.

Let's repeat?

A very significant criterion. successful wedding- this is the desire that arose after the wedding to repeat everything. If you want to change something, then these are nuances and trifles, but in general you liked everything so much that you savor and savor the details, see photos and videos.

This usually happens if the young spouses initially agreed on how to hold the wedding, if the relatives did not put pressure on them and did not force them to hold the celebration according to their vision, but entrusted the bride and groom to plan their own perfect wedding. Then only the long-awaited guests will be at the wedding, the contests will not be on the verge of a foul, and the presenter will not announce the amount of gifts aloud.

Love and relationships of spouses through time

Most main secret successful wedding - the presence of love and understanding between the newlyweds. If this is present, then the bride and groom seem to glow, being together, all the guests are charged with the atmosphere that has arisen, and the wedding is going great.

Also, an indicator is the relationship of the spouses through the time after the wedding. Many get divorced after six months, and some even earlier. Surely then someone will remember that the ring fell, that the groom saw the bride in a dress before the wedding and forgot to read the hem of the bride's dress with black threads.

If the relationship is strong, the spouses in the family are in harmony, then they will say about the wedding that it was successful, but in this case no one will remember about signs.

What criteria can be used to determine the psychological age of a person?

concept psychological age is one of the most complex and therefore little developed concepts. An objective chronological measure of a person's age is not sufficient to determine age patterns of development and does not coincide with a person's self-assessment of age. Self-assessment of age is a complex formation, since it is a generalized reflection of the characteristics life path in general and its individual stages. The psychological age of a person includes many components, depends on many variables, and is generally associated with a subjective idea of ​​the level of realization of a person. IN modern psychology some techniques and methods for diagnosing individual components of psychological age have been developed. So, Russian psychologists E.I. Golovakh and A.A. Kronik proposes to conduct a thought experiment: “Imagine a situation in which you unexpectedly find out that the age recorded in your passport, birth certificate or any other documents is incorrect, and it is not known in which direction the error occurred - you are younger in fact or older. Presenting yourself in similar situation, try (focusing on inner feeling your age) to answer the question: “How old are you really?” We can safely assume that your true " calendar age"will not always coincide with the assessment prompted by an inner feeling."

E.I. Golovakh and A.A. Kronik proposed the following criteria for assessing one's own psychological age. 1) causometric indicators; aimed at diagnosing the deep layers of psychological time, which are not always adequately recognized by the individual. According to the proposed methodology, the subject notes the 15 most important events in life and conducts a causal and target analysis of inter-event relationships and, on this basis, builds a causal matrix; 2) evaluation of five-year intervals according to the degree of saturation with significant events. The subject evaluates each five-year interval of his life according to the frequency of significant events and compares the total indicator to the expected degree of the level of realization based on the expected duration of his own life; 3) dichotomous scaling of the life path, aimed at the mental search for milestones, significant events that separate one half of the life path from the other. As a result of the procedure, the degree of realization of psychological time is calculated; 4) self-assessment of fulfillment is aimed at assessing a person's own fulfillment.

In general, according to the authors of the causal-target concept of psychological time, “methods for measuring the psychological age of a person make it possible to determine quantitative indicators of the subjective realization of life, on the basis of which a qualitative interpretation of the relationship between psychological and chronological age". The indicators identified by the authors are the basis for the realization of the irreversibility of time and its rational planning in the biographical scale of the life of each individual person.


1. Head EY., Kronik AA. Psychological time personality. Kiev, 1984. S. 163-186.

Financial policy classification

Financial policy can be classified not only on a substantive basis, but also on other criteria: - according to the territorial criterion, national (federal), regional and local financial policies are distinguished. The development of a financial policy at each level of management makes it possible in the future to provide a financial basis for the development of both the state as a whole and each territorial and municipal entity; - according to the time criterion, financial policy is divided into financial strategy and financial tactics. The financial strategy includes large-scale goals and objectives of financial policy that affect the development of society as a whole, the implementation of which is always of a long-term nature. At present, the financial strategy includes the implementation of tax reform, budget reform, policy in the field of public debt management of the Russian Federation, pension reform, education reform and other sectors of the social sphere. Financial tactics combines the tasks and activities of financial policy that relate to certain stage economic development and must be implemented in a specific financial period. An example of financial tactics is the reduction of the value added tax rate and the unified social tax rate, the streamlining of the functions of federal executive bodies in the budget process, the introduction of targeted social benefits and guarantees for socially unprotected, low-income segments of the population. At the same time, financial measures of a tactical nature should be carried out within the framework of the financial strategy and cannot contradict it in order to avoid the occurrence of negative consequences of their impact on the functioning of the financial system and the economy as a whole; - depending on the objects of influence, they distinguish financial policy in the field of finance of business entities and financial policy in the field of state and municipal finance. As part of the latter, one can single out budget policy and policy in the field of state social insurance.

8. What is meant by the types, forms and methods of organizing financial relations?

Form of organization of financial relations

The form of organization of financial relations is understood as the external order of their organization, i.e., the establishment of a mechanism for the accumulation, redistribution and use of financial resources and the conditions for its implementation in practice. In the course of organizing budgetary relations, various forms of budget expenditures are used (Article 69 of the RF BC), forms of receipt of funds in the process of interbudgetary distribution and redistribution of financial resources (deductions from regulatory revenues, subsidies, subventions, etc.). When forming tax revenues of the budget, the procedure for their formation will include the source of tax payment and the tax base regulated by the norms of tax law, interest rates, the system of tax benefits and sanctions, as well as the procedure for paying tax. At the micro level, various forms of financial support for the reproduction process are used: self-financing, lending and public funding.

The methods of organizing financial relations in financial science are the methods of forming financial resources and the practical implementation of operations related to finance. There are four main methods of generating financial resources:

1) the financial method is used to form financial resources mainly on an irrevocable and non-reimbursable basis. The financial method, as a rule, forms the own financial resources of commercial and non-profit organizations (accumulation of membership fees in non-profit organizations of the relevant organizational and legal forms; the formation of depreciation and profits in commercial organizations occurs on a gratuitous and irrevocable basis);

2) the method of lending is associated with the provision of funds on the terms of urgency, repayment and payment. At the macro level, this method is used in the course of granting budget loans and budget loans to another budget (Article 6 of the RF BC), and at the micro level - when legal entities receive bank loans, budget loans (Articles 76-77 of the RF BC), tax credits, income as a result of issuing debt valuable papers commercial organizations;

3) the tax method implies the accumulation of funds for financial support of the activities of the state and (or) municipalities in the form of cash payments (taxes) legal and individuals on a mandatory, compulsory and gratuitous basis. In the conditions of the functioning of a market economy, the tax method is predominant in the formation of the financial base for the activities of state authorities and local self-government. However, when using it, it is necessary to ensure the necessary balance between the volume of financial resources accumulated with the help of taxes at the macro level and the amount of financial resources remaining at the disposal of organizations and the population in order to ensure the financial stability of organizations and the financial protection of the population from various economic and social risks;

4) the insurance method involves the formation of financial resources through the receipt of insurance premiums. Its use in a market economy, characterized by the manifestation of many elements of spontaneity in the course of its functioning, is directly related to the peculiarities of the implementation of financial activities by business entities and authorities in conditions where the possibility of unforeseen events in the socio-economic life of society increases. In this situation, insurance funds created in cash make it possible to ensure the stable functioning of the economy and the social sphere in the event of various kinds of unforeseen events that have Negative influence on the financial and economic activities of business entities, the state budget system and social security of the population.