What to tell a guy on the phone. What is better to talk with a guy on the phone: suitable and taboo topics. Talking on the phone

Determine in advance a list of topics that you can freely talk to the guy, because when dialing your number, the man is also nervous. You need to be prepared for the fact that during the first conversation there are often pauses. To a well-bred girl it is better to take the initiative in your own hands, and it is for this that you must prepare interesting topics to please young man. Remember that it is also not worth being silent and answering all questions in monosyllables, otherwise the young man may lose all interest in the conversation and will no longer call you. Don't interrupt the guy. Be correct in your conversation.

Do not lose the thread of the conversation, try to describe only those facts that you really know. If a discussion is brewing, make sure you can defend your point of view

Finding a topic of conversation with a guy

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Be able not only to speak out, but also to listen to the interlocutor. In no case should you talk incessantly, relying on the fact that the guy will be interested in learning everything about the latest events in your life. More often give him the opportunity to tell something too, otherwise he will get very bored or begin to feel annoyed.

Try not to worry or be afraid as soon as the phone conversation. Imagine that you are talking to someone you have known for a very long time. It is also important not to be afraid that the guy will think something wrong about you. Just try to breathe evenly and with a smile, easily keep up the conversation.

Be affectionate, cheerful, open, so that the young man wants to call you again. You should not make an appointment ahead of time if you both feel that you are not yet ready for it. It's better if the guy himself decides to say it.

If you are going to discuss any specific topic with a guy, do not come from afar: by the time you get to your main point, he will already be bored listening to you. Be precise, giggle less. Men like it when a girl takes the conversation seriously and shows quick wit.

We are women, and we love to talk on the phone: loudly, chaotically, not always to the point, but often a lot. They are men and they just talk on the phone.

This process for them is not pleasure or relaxation, but pure receipt of specific information. If you want your call to bring joy to a man no less than a delicious dinner, you need to understand the principle of communicating with him. We examine the average representative of the stronger sex for telephone blah blah blah. So, how to make a man convulse with happiness from your call and wait for the next one

When can't you call?

What kind of people are these, men? It is not always possible to talk to them on the phone. And all because most of them are very busy people. This is, firstly, and secondly, each of us knows that a man loves with his eyes, so a live conversation is much more pleasant for him than a conversation with a tube. Of course, we also like face-to-face communication, but with phone call in a man, the system “it flew in one ear, flew out the other” often works.

In order to be heard, it is necessary to exclude morning calls, especially at the time of the so-called “cry of early roosters”, when a loved one is watching another dream. Calling at the beginning of the working day is also not a very profitable moment. In the morning, there are often a lot of things that drastically pile on. He may not be saving the universe at all, or getting Grandma across the street, or standing at a Green Peace demonstration, but his cases are marked "urgent," and they have to be dealt with on an expedited basis. He's also busy during the middle of the day, whether it's signing million-dollar contracts or assembling a computer. At lunchtime, he wants to chat with colleagues, discuss job prospects, trends in the housing market, new cars and, of course, gossip about women.

Yes, men will forgive us, but the discussion of the female charms of your girlfriends cannot be called gossip. By evening, he does not expect your call, because you will meet soon. However, if only for a second, to clarify what dishes to include on the menu for dinner (it is better to ask what he will choose, meat or fish, but not to say that you will have to stop by for bread on the way home). And late at night, if he decided to still sit in a bar with friends, he least of all wants to listen to complaints about the small amount of attention allocated to communicating with you. Does he seem to be waiting for a call at all? No! All these rules are canceled in two cases. What?

What would you like to tell me, dear?

1. You want to have phone sex.

How they love him. This is where the man comes into play. All things are postponed: and the Galaxy will wait, and the world will not collapse. The most important thing is that only you describe the whole process of imaginary copulation. However, if he is a bad boy, then, perhaps, he will want to insert a couple of ticklish phrases into your conversation. Especially such a call will come in handy if you call him after you feed, drink and go to the next room so that you can seduce him not only on the phone, but also after to translate all fantasies into reality.

2. You are calling about an important issue for him.

This importance may lie in matters relating to work, apartment, car, bank, family, critical situations and so on. Naturally, the mention of the bank does not mean that you have lost your apartment payment receipt and do not know where to find it. Be clear, short and to the point. Leave gossip, rumors, scandals and investigations for a personal meeting. However, smart girls save it for a conversation with girlfriends.


● Be cultured and polite. Men love to be greeted, said goodbye and sent oral kisses. And hanging up and insulting - such behavior will not lead to anything.

● Be honest. Lying on the phone is absolutely no different from lying face to face. We ourselves will be unpleasant to hear lies.

● When talking with a man, you should not lose your train of thought, jump from one story to another and return to the one that was discussed not so long ago. Even scientists have proven that a man thinks with the left hemisphere, while a woman, on the contrary, with the right. The consequence of this is that a man thinks consistently and logically, and women about everything at once at the same time. Therefore, when we lose a thought and later return to it, a man is perplexed about what it is all about.

● You can't part on the phone. Bad habit! Horror! Agree, after all, that it is much more pleasant to dress up, style your hair and do beautiful makeup, memorize clearly speech and throw the last scoundrel live so that he is “envying” what beauty he is losing, than to do with a telephone farewell.

● We are waiting for the end of their remarks. It is ugly to interrupt not only men, but also women. These are elementary rules of decency. You should always listen to your man to the end, even when he is wrong. Only a rude person is allowed to interrupt, since our beautiful ladies' ears are not made to listen to nasty things.

● Try not to talk to him while he is driving. It is difficult and unsafe, even if he has an automatic transmission, driving in the right extreme lane, and the speed does not exceed 60 kilometers per hour. The road is a dangerous thing, the most dangerous things can happen on it. scary situations even with a car parked at the side of the road. While driving, a person must evaluate every situation that occurs every second. Take care of his safety.

● Do not talk to a man when he started a parallel conversation before you. Call back later.

I would like to add interesting fact. Statistics say that men last years began to communicate much more by phone than before. Sometimes the amount of time spent talking is much more than for women. This is due not only to the fact that communication has become more accessible, but also to the fact that women have begun to correspond more via sms and e-mail. So the men are still talkers!

All relationships start with communication. It is it that determines whether further meetings, intimate connection and a joint future are possible. To make the conversation interesting and pass without awkward pauses, important right choice topics for discussion. In addition, the conversation aimed at right direction, will help the girl to better understand the man, to determine whether her chosen one suits her.

To think ahead possible topics for a conversation, knowledge of the subtleties is required male psychology. The choice of subject largely depends on the method of communication. Virtual and real communication will be somewhat different.

What topics to talk with a man?

Communicating in social network or on a dating site, support unfamiliar topic easier: you can think about the answer and the question, hide the feelings and interrupt, referring to employment, if necessary. Correspondence can be used to get to know a person a little and prepare for a meeting by understanding what topics are of interest to him. With "live" communication with a man, it will not work to pause. It is important to show sincerity and desire to communicate.

What should never be said to a man

Chatting in Internet

If a relationship began to be established on the Internet, then you must first study the guy's profile. Surely there will be information about his hobbies and views on life. Examples of questions that can be asked in correspondence:

  1. 1. I saw a photo with a very beautiful place, do you like traveling? Where else were you? Where do you dream to visit?
  2. 2. Do you have a good taste in music, have you been listening to the group "..." for a long time? Have you been to their concerts? What is your favorite song? Heard that they are coming to our city with a concert?
  3. 3. ... (link to an interesting or witty post), great joke, laughed out loud/good saying/interesting point of view, like to laugh? How long have you thought so?
  4. 4. Do you like cinema? What is your favorite movie? And the actor? Have you been to the cinema for a long time?
  5. 5. Do you look great, do you play sports?
  6. 6. I look at the photo, you and your friends know how to relax! Do you like club parties? Do you often hang out in places like this? What vacation do you like the most? Do you have a lot of friends? Do you often spend time with them?
  7. 7. Do you like to cook? What cuisine do you like the most? Do you often go to restaurants?
  8. 8. Do you read books? Who is your favorite writer? (Recommended answer: Mine too/I haven’t read it, I’ll definitely get acquainted with his work.)
  9. 9. Do you love your job? Why did you decide to master this particular profession?
  10. 10. I see that you often communicate with your family, you have a very beautiful mother you look like her. Does she live in this city?

It is recommended to start all questions with a compliment and an acknowledgment that the girl has studied the subject of conversation according to the data that is in the public domain. This is how she demonstrates her interest and desire to learn more about the guy. This is very endearing.

Topics for the first communication should be selected individually and subtly feel the interlocutor's reaction to them according to his answers. If they are laconic and constrained, then it is advisable to move on to discussing another issue.

How to answer the question how are you

Phone conversation

When talking on the phone for the first time, you need to try to make the conversation as informative as possible. If there is a meeting, then during the dialogue it is enough to discuss the organizational details about it, without saying or asking anything extra.

It happens that people living in different cities and countries, get acquainted on the Internet with the subsequent transition to telephone communication. In this case, they already have an idea about each other from the correspondence. Based on this data, you need to choose topics for discussion. It can be:

  • professional activity;
  • hobbies, hobbies;
  • outlook on life: friendship, relationships, etc.;
  • immediate and long-term plans;
  • solving current problems of interlocutors;
  • achievements in any of the areas;
  • impressions about the past day, the movie watched.

Flowers for a girl

First meeting

To talk with a man, so that he is interested, you need first of all about him and, only based on his remarks, supplement big picture information about yourself. Many mistakenly believe that the main thing in communication is to express your thoughts beautifully. But in reality, it is much more important to be able to listen without interrupting and hear what the interlocutor is talking about without letting your excitement affect the ability to perceive information.

If the image of a man drawn in advance does not coincide with reality and expectations are not justified, then you should not start a conversation about your impressions. There is no need to rush to make and express conclusions on the first date and you should not show your disappointment.

A sample list of topics to talk about on a first date:

  1. 1. His punctuality, beautiful suit, a bouquet of flowers or another gift brought to a girl, a place chosen for a meeting. This will allow you to make a compliment to the chosen one at the beginning of the conversation. Men are quite vain and love it when their positive qualities are appreciated.
  2. 2. Events of the current day. You can ask how the day went, how the guy got to the date, etc.
  3. 3. Neutral themes. Depending on the course of the conversation and the mood of the partner, you can continue to talk on these topics, especially if the man is not relaxed enough. These include: last news, weather, opinion about what is happening around the interlocutors at the time of the conversation (ambiance, service, interior of the institution, influx of people, nature).
  4. 4. Personal themes. You can go to them if a person is open to communication. These are hobbies, work, family, personal life. It is important to feel responsive and willing to answer questions about these topics and not force further discussion.

The conversation should flow naturally and not resemble an interrogation. You can dilute it interesting stories memories, jokes. Self-irony and the ability to laugh at yourself is a great art. Good feeling humor indicates the absence of complexes, so its owners attract guys to themselves.

To keep the intrigue, the girl should not tell all the information about herself at once. There are topics that can only be raised after a question from a man. These are sexual preferences, inability to cook, lack of education and other secrets that characterize a girl not always with better side.

Questions you can ask:

  1. 1. What kind of team do you have? Are you friends with any of your colleagues?
  2. 2. What project are you currently working on? Are you interested in this? Have you decided on the type of activity or are you still looking for something better?
  3. 3. Do you have brothers or sisters? What are they doing?
  4. 4. What is your most vivid childhood memory?
  5. 5. Did you study well at school? (Men love to talk about how they were bullies or brag about being considered the best in class).
  6. 6. Do you like to read? What book are you reading now?
  7. 7. How do you spend free time?
  8. 8. Why did your past relationship break up? (Only if the communication has reached the stage at which he is ready to trust.)

It is important to give a man emotional and informational feedback. The girl should be ready to answer the questions she asks herself. Counter question "and you?" - a natural reaction of an interested interlocutor.

It often seems to girls that they are not good enough to be liked and they begin to play a role: to remain silent when something does not suit them, to reveal only their own positive sides. If a man raised an uncomfortable topic, then trying to deceive and come up with something in response will be dishonest, first of all, in relation to himself: over time, you will have to show the real "I". If a woman does not have certain knowledge in any area, then frank confession in this, with a share of embarrassment, it will be much nicer than pretense and lies.

What topics should be avoided?

There are topics that are better not to raise, because during their discussion you can alienate any person and ruin your opinion of yourself. The following points should be avoided in a conversation:

  1. 1. Angry discussion of other people/girlfriends based on envy.
  2. 2. Complaints about the circumstances and others that caused the failures. Women are rarely able to talk about them without a note of reproach in their voice, and such intonation scares a man at the first communication.
  3. 3. Persistent interest in the issue of the financial viability of the guy. He may not be rich yet, but he has good potential. Such a topic will cause in him backlash and provoke the appearance of complexes.
  4. 4. Questions about his readiness for family relations and seriousness of intentions towards the girl.
  5. 5. Any criticism addressed to him: appearance, tastes, profession, position in society, organization of a date.
  6. 6. Vulgar questions showing bad parenting.
  7. 7. Discussion of political views.
  8. 8. Revelations about rich experiences in relationships.
  9. 9. Questions about what a person is ready to go to win a companion. He needs time and reason to understand if she is worthy of his efforts.
  10. 10. List of own requirements for the chosen one. Communication in the style of "to be with me, you have to ..." rarely ends with a continuation. It is better to observe him and slowly draw your tacit conclusions about whether he corresponds to ideas about the ideal.

Whatever topics a girl chooses to communicate with a guy, it is important to remain natural, feminine and kind. The ability to look at the situation different angles vision and empathy will attract any man, and bad manners, discontent and anger will repel.

One of the women's favorite pastimes is talking on the phone. In this case, they become real talkers. They talk a lot, on all topics and with the smallest details. But, they only behave this way with their girlfriends. But if they call a man, then often after a couple of phrases they don’t know what to talk about with him, because they don’t see the proper response to their questions and reasoning.

And now, today dear women, we will discuss with you the topic of how to communicate with a man on the phone. After all, if we get pleasure and some kind of relaxation from communicating in this way, then a man sees in the phone only a way to receive information. And sometimes we want communication with the chosen one to be long and interesting, and that he always waits for our next call. Yes, and the ability to communicate with a man on the phone will come in handy in other situations when we need to be heard and get positive result by your telephone call.

When not to call a man

You know how busy they are and how they think phone calls are a waste of time. Moreover, men love with their eyes, and a lively conversation, when you can look into your girlfriend's neckline, evaluate her new stockings and dream up, looking at an elastic ass, is more important for them than a telephone conversation. If they talk on the phone, it goes in one ear and out the other.

So, in order for people to want to hear you and understand what is at stake, you need to accurately exclude early, morning calls. This is exactly what men don't like. They haven't woken up yet, they're in a hurry to get to work, they're not ready to change their plans if you puzzle them so early. At the height of the working day, they have a lot of problems without you. At lunchtime, they rush to have a cup of coffee and discuss with colleagues Soccer game, novelties of the automotive industry and a party held in a nightclub. By the evening it is useless to call, because you will meet soon. You can only dial the number of your loved one for several minutes to clarify where he will meet you, what he will order for dinner, whether it is worth going to the store on the way. After a date, calling late in the evening is generally useless. He is tired, he is busy, he has already discussed everything he wanted with you. There will be no meaningful conversation.

Now think about when to call these guys. But, all these restrictions can be safely discarded if you intrigue a man. Call and immediately tell him that today you bought “awesome” lingerie in which you look stunning, or found such a funny depraved movie on the Internet that you would like to watch together. And after that, you can safely sit down on your partner’s ears, not being afraid that he will say that he is very tired and will go to sleep.

If you know each other well enough, you can arrange a small phone sex party for your chosen one, inciting passion in him with your story about what you will do with him when he gets on your network. As soon as you have cheered up your chosen one a little, you can also discuss your girlfriends, his friends, your bosses at work. He will agree to everything.

The main thing is that he be ready for such a conversation, and not be afraid of your stormy sexual fantasy. There are also men who are repelled by this type of sex. They may still think about your promiscuity. But, is it worth having a relationship with such boring men?

In what other cases does a man always listen carefully to you on the phone? Of course, when the conversation concerns him personally, his work, car, money, housing and other similar issues. Just don’t tell him about all the little things, where, what you saw and heard, how much tire fitting costs and that you know how you can get a subsidy for public utilities. Various rumors, scandals, the same man is not interested. Speak only to the point, clearly expressing your thoughts. Have you spoken? Have you heard his opinion? Well, goodbye.

Basic rules for telephone communication, which will apply to all men, acquaintances, strangers, grooms and husbands. Whenever you pick up the phone, speak in a confident voice. If there are notes of sexuality in it, it will be generally great. Say hello, say goodbye and compliment (well, not to your boss, but only to close people). If you do not want to tell the truth to the interlocutor on the phone, then you should not lie. Just quickly jump to another topic, as if by chance.

When talking with a man, try not to lose your train of thought. And it happens that you start discussing the menu of the upcoming party, and insert it the same way, as it was with a friend, where she bought her dress, and what beautiful apartment at her mom. In the end, the man will not understand anything and such a conversation will annoy him. If a woman can think about everything at the same time, then a man needs consistent and logical thoughts.

And one moment. When talking to a man on the phone, do not interrupt him. Wait for the end of the remark and then insert your word. This simple rules propriety, which we sometimes forget when listening to our girlfriend. But, men do not like this behavior.

How long can you talk with a man on the phone so that you do not bother him? Yes, no more than 15 minutes. And then in the process of conversation, support his interest with intonation, sighs with aahs. So that he feels not only your voice, but also your sexuality.

Important! If you called your boyfriend, and he is in the car while driving, do not distract him from the road, even if you urgently need to tell him about which ring you saw today and whom you met. Let him park, then talk. Why this is necessary, I think, it is not necessary to explain to you.

And now let's move on to the conclusion. If you decide to break off relations with a man, then you should not do it over the phone. Firstly, he will not believe in the sincerity of your decision and will try to figure out the relationship one-on-one. And secondly, it is much more pleasant to express to a man in his face everything that you think about him, while wearing showy dress and making beautiful make-up. Let this bastard understand what he lost.

Now you know all the basic rules for communicating with a man on the phone and you can show your best side. Do not be intrusive, be tactful and attentive. and then your call to a man will be long-awaited and pleasant for him.

ABOUT female love Talking on the phone is legendary. However, this talkativeness can play a cruel joke if you have to talk with a man you like. If you are waiting for a call from your new acquaintance, you need to thoroughly prepare for the upcoming conversation, because the art of flirting can be applied not only in real communication but also in telephone conversations.

Few people wonder how to flirt with a guy on the phone. Communication in telephone mode, even with a guy who is not indifferent to you, it seems to be a familiar and ordinary thing. However, based on your ability to carry on a conversation, a man will add up his first impressions. And it depends only on you whether he wants to dial your number again.

Rules for successful phone flirting

1. Take a break

Perhaps you have been shuddering at every call for several days in a row and looking at the screen with hope, wondering if it is or not? Perhaps this call is very important for you and very long-awaited, but you probably do not want the man to feel your excitement. However, our voice very accurately reflects our emotional condition, so before answering, just take a short pause. Get plenty of air into your lungs and try to calm the trembling in your voice. If you are not very good at this, try lowering your intonation. This technique is often used by public people before important speeches.

2. Be kind

People whose work involves frequent telephone conversations know that this art has its own special etiquette. For example, one of the rules telephone etiquette says that you need to conduct a conversation, smiling. Thereby simple trick your interlocutor will feel your benevolence and disposition towards him.

3. Encourage his conversation

In a real conversation, we easily read the interlocutor's reaction to our words by his look or facial expressions. In a telephone conversation, we do not see our interlocutor and therefore cannot always determine how interested he is in listening to us. To interest a man, try to keep the conversation going by letting him talk. Do not interrupt his monologue, but, at the same time, give "signs of life" from time to time. Listening to him, sometimes clarify some details, ask again and just emphasize that you are very interested.

4. Compliment

Compliments are always appropriate, even on the phone. However, do not go too far so that the compliment does not turn into open flattery. For example, you can tell a guy that his voice is similar to the voice of some famous singer, or that such a pleasant timbre can only be a kind person. If in a conversation with you a man feels his peculiarity, he will probably want to continue acquaintance.

5. Call him by his first name

If you want to please a man, instead of faceless pronouns, call him by his first name. Sound own name nice to hear for everyone. In addition, such an appeal endows the conversation with intimacy. But again, don't overdo it. If you repeat his name too often, it will seem strange and unnatural.

6. Be laconic

If a guy asks you what you did tonight, you don't need to describe your pastime to him in great detail. Say simply that you went to meet friends or solve work problems. Let there be a share of understatement in your speech, which the man will think out himself.

7. Don't be afraid to ask questions

If you are talking to unfamiliar guy Don't be afraid to ask questions that interest you. Of course, questions about his income or desire to start a family are best left to a later stage of acquaintance, however, you may well ask about his profession, musical preferences, favorite vacation spots, etc.

8. Speak Consistently

In a conversation with a guy, do not jump from one topic to another. Men are easier to learn consistent and logically constructed speech. Therefore, if your conversation has gone in one direction, but you suddenly remembered something important, finish or listen to the end and only then start new topic, otherwise it will be difficult for a man to understand the course of your thoughts.

9. Focus on general topics

Even if you're talking to a guy you don't know well, try to find similarities that unite you. Perhaps you like to read the same books or listen to the same music, or maybe both of you are fond of sports or cannot imagine your life without hiking in the mountains. In order for your interlocutor to want to communicate with you in the future, he must feel in you a “soul mate”.

10. Be mindful of etiquette

According to the rules of etiquette, a telephone conversation should be ended by the one who started it. If you can no longer continue the conversation, just ask him to call back at a convenient time for you. After finishing the conversation, the man will probably ask for permission to call you back or make an appointment. At this point, stop flirting and forget about your tactical reticence. If you want to continue the conversation, be sure to clearly state a convenient time for you to talk or meet. Let the man know that you are interested in him.

The main condition for successful telephone flirting is your good mood. If a man calls you when you are excited, busy or angry, it is better to ask him to call back later, referring to the busyness. Unfortunately or fortunately, while talking on the phone, it is impossible to understand the thoughts and mood of the interlocutor, so one of your wrong words or ambiguous intonation can discourage a man from continuing to communicate.