How to attract a person with the help of the power of thought. A list of what can be done with the power of thought in this world. How to learn the power of thought

Every thought that has arisen in us sends vibrational waves from itself that affect the world around us.

Thoughts are things which, moreover, are capable of very powerful action. Understanding the nature of this amazing strength and the laws that govern it, we will be able to subdue it and make it our instrument and helper.

Every thought that arises in us, whether it be weak or strong, good or bad, healthy or sick, sends out oscillatory waves from itself, affecting to a greater or lesser extent all those with whom we come into contact or who find themselves in the circle of oscillatory waves of our thoughts.

On the other hand, our thoughts, acting on others, affect ourselves not only from time to time, but constantly. In the thoughts inherent in a person, his "I" is manifested; consequently, the biblical expression - "what a man thinks in his heart, that he is in reality" should be taken literally. We are all products of our spiritual creation. A thought systematically directed at one and the same object can be seen not only in the character, but even in the appearance of a person. This is a proven fact: you just have to look around you to be convinced of it. You have probably already noticed how a person's occupation is reflected in his appearance and in general. If ever you changed your activities, then your general character, as well as your appearance, followed the same change. Your new occupation brought with it new row thoughts, and the latter were reflected in matter.

Attractive power of thought

Other very important phenomenon manifestations of thought - this is its attractive force. The attractive property of thought operates on the basis of the law: "like attracts like." Having certain definite thoughts constantly in your mind, you attract to yourself thoughts and convictions of the same kind from the vast environment of thoughts surrounding you, though elusive, but powerful: good thoughts attract other good thoughts, bad ones - bad ones; cheerful thoughts are like them; gloomy thoughts and thoughts of doubt follow the same rule, and so it is with all your thoughts.

This property is one of the greatest in nature, which, properly applied, will draw help from sources quite unexpected. Thoughts are "substantial realities" that have the property of attracting other thought waves of the same vibration and quality.

Thought is not a dynamic force, it is a very real thing, like some material object. Thought is a subtle form of matter, or a rather crude form of spirit, you may rightly regard it as both. Matter is the gross form of spirit, and spirit is the subtle form of matter. Everything in our universe is made up of one kind of matter, which manifests itself in various types, starting with material forms and ending with the the thinnest form spirit.

When we think, we spread around ourselves the vibrations of the finest ethereal substance, which is as real as a thin vapor or gas of a liquid and solid bodies. We do not see thought, but we also cannot see subtle vapor or gas. We cannot smell and taste thought, nor can we smell and taste pure air.

The nature of the mental vibrations emanating from us is determined by the essence of the thought itself. People with superpowers who can see thoughts say that thoughts have a certain color. Our fearful and bad thoughts hang over the earth itself in the form of dark heavy clouds; but clear, cheerful, happy and confident thoughts are visible in the form of light cirrus, gaseous clouds, quickly rushing and mixing with others like them, forming cirrus cloud chains, high above heaps of dense, suffocating, disgusting vapors formed from timid and envious thoughts.

The distance the thought waves move away from us is of no importance; but they always have a connection with you and always have some effect both on you and on others. It is not easy for you to free yourself from the influence of these manifestations of your spirit. If you distribute bad thoughts, then you become the prime target for them, and your only hope of neutralizing and neutralizing them is to spread new strong positive thought waves.

The definition "like attracts like" very well reflects the aspirations of thought waves; the manifestation of this property of thought is one of the most striking signs in a series of psychic phenomena. Your thought attracts to itself the corresponding thoughts of others and thereby increases your supply of this kind of thoughts.

Fearful or unpleasant thoughts attract to themselves all other thoughts of the same kind and unite with them. The more insistently you think about it, the greater the influx of such unwanted thoughts will be. The result will be that you will not only suffer from the thoughts created by your mind, but also from the thoughts of others, so that a difficult situation is formed. And the more you think like that, the more difficult your situation will be. But think: "I'm not afraid," and every bold thought in your environment, like an arrow, will rush at you and help you. If you have bright, cheerful and happy thoughts, then you will attract others like them to you and you will feel more cheerful, joyful and happier as a result of their combined action. Try it!

In the world of thought, you get everything you give back with a good percentage. If you send only good thoughts, then good thoughts will return to you with a significant increase, and you will feel good in the company of well-placed, friendly people, thanks to this you will only win. Even from a personal point of view, it is better to have good thoughts.

To achieve your goals, you must constantly maintain in yourself and spread around you a firm, confident, fearless thought wave: "I can", which will attract to you similar thought waves of others; such waves will have on you good action, strengthen your strength and help you realize your aspirations.

If you try to practice thinking in this way, even for one month, you will soon notice a tremendous change in your life, a tremendous change in yourself. You will have an aversion to the former unworthy, bad mental activity and you will not agree to return to it on any terms and at any cost. Before a month has passed, you will already notice useful force returning thought waves, and your whole life will change completely. Try it. You will never regret it!

How to Succeed with Attractive Thinking

It is considered a reliable fact that all people who are successful have achieved it thanks to their powerful, strict, full of strength, concentrated waves of thought. They directed their mind to a specific goal and used the help of the will to give thought a certain direction. This direction of thought contributes to the development of their character, and thanks to this they go straight to the goal that they have chosen for themselves from the very beginning. Others had the same goal in front of them, but did not achieve it, because they did not give due perseverance and concentration to their thoughts.

For the successful achievement of a mentally planned ideal, it is necessary: ​​firstly, an irresistible desire, and secondly, complete faith in his ability to fulfill his desire (rather than a timid assumption); thirdly, a firm decision to achieve his goal (rather than a simple intention: "I will try").

These qualities of thoughts certainly guarantee success if they are accurately executed. They will develop character and develop the ability to achieve the goal, as "thoughts are expressed in action"; they will give you a firm strength to influence circumstances; they will set in motion thought-waves that will attract others of the same kind to your aid.

If you have the thought, "I can't," then you are spreading vibrations that will make you feel like you really can't. The sense of self-preservation makes other people distrustful of such persons and avoid them. No man feels attracted to someone who thinks "I can't"; this form of thinking creates conditions that repel rather than attract.

When you have thoughts: "I want and I can," then the oscillating waves begin to move, producing an exciting effect; everyone will feel attracted to you and everything will be done according to your desire. Strong people will feel sympathy for you and will be happy to work with you; weak people, aware of your strength and needing it, will feel attracted to you and unconsciously submit to your influence.

This is an example of the attractive property of thought. Try to experience!

The attractive power of thought can also accomplish much more. It can attract people to you who are interested in the same thing, just like you. The latter will feel attracted to you, and you to them, and each of you will help the other - to mutual benefit. This power will attract people to you who can help you and promote your interests. It will also attract to you those who need your services or help; they will benefit from you to your benefit. Of course, you had to feel affection for like a person and help him. You certainly had similar cases. Why? Why do you willingly patronize one and distrust another who is no worse than him? Thanks to the power of mental vibrations. This is the whole secret. The same quality of thought attracts you to those whose vibrations are of equal length to yours, so that you will instinctively find those who can do you a favor and help you.

It must also be said that the degree of your success is determined by your belief in your own strength. A shaky, wavering faith will bring you incomplete success, but a firm, determined, complete faith that you can control your will and power of thought creates results that border on miraculous. Try to develop such faith in yourself and always combine it with a firm mental demand for what you need: then you will always be successful. "Ask and it will be given to you; knock and it will be opened"; however, be sure to accompany your demands with firm faith and an expectation of success.

But this does not mean at all that all problems can be solved and everything can be achieved only by the power of thought. A person who is seized by his aspiration and has concentrated thought impulses should never sit back and wait for something. Thoughts are expressed in actions; the more persistent the thought, the stronger action. You can aim for some very unattainable goal and be quite sure that you will achieve it; you will always make it happen. All that you will firmly and confidently desire will be yours, think about it. Try everything. Try it seriously and you will be successful. All this is based on the operation of a mighty law.

Based on the book by William Atkinson - The Power of Thought.

Have you heard that thoughts are material?

Once I read the following expression: "Poverty of thoughts gives rise to poverty of actions, poverty of actions gives rise to poverty of life." Think how accurate it is!

It is our thoughts that determine our actions. And actions determine the result! The broader and bolder your thinking, the more impressive results you can achieve.

How to use the power of thought to the maximum and how to learn to think “correctly”?

Let's figure it out...

How to shape the mindset of a winner?

Think about this. We all think different categories . It is easy for someone to imagine that he or she can build their own, earn several tens / hundreds or even millions of dollars a month, travel around the world, buy expensive cars, save people / animals / the planet ... And someone even dream can't be about quitting an unloved low-paying job, looking like those celebrities smiling from the covers of glossy magazines, or about going on vacation somewhere outside their country.

Are you familiar with this? And now just compare your dreams and your results.

It turns out that people who have achieved outstanding success, and who have everything that many are afraid to even dream about, and thinking is different from these "many". How?

Successful people:

  • They do not fall into a stupor if they do not know or do not know how to do something. They immediately begin to think about how to learn / learn or who they can turn to for help. That is, they are looking for a solution, and do not feel sorry for themselves.
  • Don't panic if they don't have the right resources right now to achieve a result. They don't have thoughts like, “Oh, I don't have the money for this, I can't afford it. OK". For them, it's just another challenge. And instead of whining and giving up on their desire, they sit down and develop a plan on how to get the necessary resources and achieve the goal.
  • They are do not think that someone is more fortunate . Someone grabbed a better position, ended up in right place in right time, over someone the stars converged in the correct pattern. No. Seeing a person who has achieved more, they ask only one question: “What do I need to do to achieve the same high results?”.

That is, such people do not think that something is not available to them, that they are unlucky in some way, and all that remains is to come to terms with this state of affairs. They are always ready to act.

Yes, I agree, it is extremely difficult to change your thinking, which has been formed over the years. But probably! Do you want your thoughts to work for you, not against you?

Then watch this video right now:

How to make the power of thought work?

FROM general principles thinking is sorted out. Now let's be specific. How to launch this very power of thought and make it work for the fulfillment of your desires?

  • Clearly state your desire

A desire like “I want to lose weight and get pumped up” is a vague and non-specific desire. Imagine it more accurately. For example, “I want to lose 5 kg and pump up to the level of Arnold Schwarzenegger.” With such a clear desire, the likelihood of its fulfillment is much higher.

Why? Everything is simple. Such a desire becomes crystal clear to the brain. So, it turns for him into one of the many tasks that he is used to solving. And if you really want something and think about it all the time, the brain has no other choice but to find a solution.

And it doesn't matter what you thought of yourself there. Body like a fitness model, or a new car, or a trip to the mountains, or ... If this desire is clearly articulated, you will attract all the necessary resources to fulfill it.

By the way, I know that many have doubts about material desires. Will it come true? Is it possible to guess a car / apartment / yacht? Can. And even necessary. Especially if you are building your own business. You just need to desire the material. This does not mean that you have to focus only on the $5,000/$10,000/$100,000 income and forget about everything else. No. But material desires very helpful in business development.

  • Focus on one dream

Yes, we all want a lot at once. And here it is easy to be deceived, believing in magic power thoughts. Even if you think every day (and 100 times a day) “I want to lose weight, have a chocolate bar, go to Italy, learn to sing and buy a house on the Pacific Ocean”, nothing will come of it. The power of thought won't work. Because in fact, among all these desires, there is no main thing for you. The one that will ignite you, make you rave about this idea. You don't care what you get: a chocolate bar, a trip or slim figure. Which means you don't really want any of this.

Do you understand the difference? The power of thought only works for strong desires . It attracts what you really want. That's the whole secret. So think carefully: What do you want?

  • Don't forget that a wish must be fulfilled

You may want with all your heart to ride a unicorn, play Quidditch, or meet an elf from Middle-earth. But, alas and ah, at the present time these desires can hardly be fulfilled. Therefore, even the strongest thought here will not bring results.

The same applies to more mundane, but still unfulfilled desires. For example, a desire for a day from absolute zero, of course, is bright, but hardly feasible. Especially if you rely only on the power of thought in its implementation.

  • Set specific time frames

This is also part of the specification of desire. When you say to yourself “I want to lose 5 kg”, this is not yet clear desire. So you can lose weight for these ill-fated 5 kg for a year, and 2, and 5. But “I want to lose weight by 5 kg in 2 months” is already a correct, specific desire.

But it is important not to set unrealistic limits, otherwise your idea will not meet the previous criterion - feasibility. It is hardly possible to lose weight by 5 kg in half an hour. Even if "I-have-a-date-in-half-hour-really-really-needed."

So set limits for yourself, but be objective. Be realistic about your current situation and where you want to go. Since, focusing on too long period, you run the risk of giving up your desire altogether. And by setting yourself too tight limits, you can get stressed out that you are not moving as fast as you would like.

  • Don't tell anyone about your desire

In fact, this advice is very controversial. I met different points vision. Someone thinks that you should not tell anyone about your desire. Since, by voicing it out loud, you convince the brain that you already got what you wanted, and it stops working to achieve the goal.

However, there is another point of view. It is not for nothing that all sorts of declarations and public promises are so popular now. The meaning is simple. announcing a large number people that you plan to achieve something, you thereby stimulate yourself to really work towards achieving the goal. After all, you must admit, publicly admit that you failed to fulfill your desire, did not try hard enough and treated the promise lightly, somehow ashamed.

What is the best way to do it? I think it's worth talking about desire. But don't shout about it at every turn. And to tell those who will support you, give motivation, inspire, help to believe in your goal, even if you yourself begin to lose faith and strength.

There are many unsolved mysteries and unexplored phenomena in the Universe, one of which is power of thought. It has been scientifically proven that every human thought can be material. Moreover, thoughts are capable of spreading oscillatory waves that have a certain impact on the entire surrounding world.

On distance

People who have paranormal abilities, can move objects in space with the power of thought. But not only psychics, but also quite ordinary people can control their thoughts.

Human thoughts have absolutely no boundaries, so in his imagination a person can see the most unrealistic events.

One of the important manifestations of thought is its attractive power. In other words, if a person constantly thinks about something, then sooner or later it will happen to him.

For example, people can use the power of thought to attract money, luck, illness, and, of course, other people. And to attract right person it is possible not only from a close environment, but also from someone who lives in another city, country, continent, that is, it can be done at a distance.

Pull towards you can be any person, regardless of gender, age and location. The object of attraction can be both a familiar person and a stranger. In order to attract a person who is at a distance, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Formulate a specific goal - in the imagination you need to really imagine how this person (the object of attraction) will appear before you in real life.
  • All thoughts directed towards attraction should be positive - this will open the flow positive energy which will certainly lead to good results.
  • You need to regularly (several times a day) look at photograph of the attracted person, since it is simply impossible to contemplate someone who is at a distance.
  • Before you start controlling your thought, you need to clear your mind of everything extraneous, that is, it is impossible to attract a person and something else at the same time.
  • It is necessary to regularly say words of gratitude for what is happening in life.
  • Need regularly use affirmationsshort sentences, which are somehow connected with the attracted person. This is a very important point, since words have played a big role at all times. People exchange information with the help of words, designate their thoughts and dreams with certain words. That is why it is extremely important to clearly pronounce every word that (albeit in absentia) is pronounced in the address of the desired person.

Manage the force of attraction own thoughts subject to every person. Daily thoughts about a person who is at a distance will be transmitted to him with the help of oscillatory waves. As a result, he will also want to meet a person who attracts him.


In practice, it is quite possible to attract any person to you. This may be former lover(beloved), liked stranger or an old friend with whom communication was terminated.

The rite of attraction of man the power of thought must be carried out regularly. Must be located in comfortable posture. It is best that at this time a person is not distracted by any extraneous actions. Closing your eyes, you need to imagine a person, his face, clothes, facial expressions, behavior.

It is necessary to stay in this state until the moment when there is a feeling that thoughts have begun to move to the object of desire. After that, you need to relax and say to this person good words. It can be just a phrase or beautiful poetry.

There is another practice of controlling the power of thought, which called frayling. Its essence is to completely abandon thoughts about the desired person. Then the oscillatory waves will work in the opposite direction. That is, if thoughts about the desired person are suppressed in the subconscious, then this information will also reach him and have a kind of influence. As a result, a person will begin to "attract" to someone who ignores thoughts about him.

Real life examples

Marina and Alexey met for more than two years, made joint plans, prepared for the wedding. Everything changed in one evening when

Quite by chance, Marina stumbled upon an article in some magazine that The thought is material, and with its help you can attract any person to yourself. Since then, all the thoughts and deeds of Marina have been aimed only at regaining young man. The girl thought about him, wrote letters and put them in her room, wrote poems about him.

At the end of December, just before the new year, a bell rang in the girl's apartment. When she opened the door, her beloved was standing on the threshold. On the same evening, the young people reconciled, and since then they have not parted. Maxim, being a materialist, apologized for his act in the past, confessed his love to Marina, and the girl knew that in reconciliation with her beloved, she accepted the most Active participation– “pulled” him to her.

Love accompanies humanity throughout its life - the history of mankind is based on love, because of it wars began and civilizations died, it moved not only progress, but also moral development of people. Something like this I thought last year, when I realized that the last novel was over, and the new one was in no hurry to start.

Of course, there were some sympathies, I went on dates, struck up relationships, but it was not that. But where it is, this "that", I still could not understand. There are people around. Men, beautiful and amazing - there are. But love is not. Such, you know, to take your breath away, so that you don’t want to eat or sleep - just bathe in this feeling and enjoy ... And I thought, how to attract love into your life? Well, I can’t sit and wait until it falls on my head, I’m an active girl.

As it turned out, it is actually possible to attract mutual love to yourself - by the power of thought and a few tricks. That's what I'm going to talk about today.

What does it take to find love

  • The object with which this mutual love will arise.
  • Desire on both sides, energy and thoughts of love.
  • Positive energy around - love for yourself and for the world.
  • A little push for yourself and your partner.
  • tune in positive change.

Step one

The objects around me were mediocre - they are, and at the same time they are not of particular interest to me. I decided that the experiment should take place in the field and that we should work with what we have. Per recent times I've been on several dates and they all went well. So there were enough candidates.

At the same time, I evaluated myself as a candidate for a big and great love. You can draw her to me, I had no doubt, but am I worthy of her? Books on psychology convinced me that every person is worthy of love, but just in case, I believed in my thoughts that if I become better, then mutual love will come soon, quit smoking and went to the gym - it seemed natural to me to become a little better in anticipation of great feelings.

And I almost immediately wrote to myself - it seems to me that this method will help to attract anything with the help of thought. By force of will, I forced myself to repeat and repeat my miraculous mantras every day (I believed in their action), and noticed that everything around me began to somehow change. People around have become kinder, one colleague began a passionate affair, best girlfriend got married...

After another friend went down the aisle, I decided that I was doing everything right - here it is, the atmosphere happy love, and that means my happiness is also not far off.

step two

Where to get the energy and desire for love is a more than complex and ambiguous question, and it is difficult to give an answer to it even for yourself. My opponents, among whom the chosen one hid, were active - we met from time to time, supported friendly relations and they were not opposed to continuing them. And I just burned with energy, but did not know where to apply it.

A two-day free training on finding my own femininity helped me - now I knew what love meant to me and was ready for it. In fact, before the training, it seemed to me that love and happiness are something like a terminal station, where every man-train arrives sooner or later.

And during the training, I realized that my true understanding love lies in the feeling of flight and omnipotence. Love is not only warmth, but also energy, a huge force. I realized why I need a man, and what he should be, the matter remained small - how to attract a loved one and, most importantly, a loving person.

Step Three

A positive attitude is very important. VERY. At the very beginning of my journey, I thought - now, I will fall in love, and ... So what? My life was painted in detail, I devoted a lot of time to myself, my work and study, my development.

I didn't have time in my life true love and serious relationship- I was quite satisfied with Saturday dates, cultural trips to some exhibitions and bouquets of flowers that dried up by Monday. The man who was supposed to passionately adore me fit into this life either as an interlocutor or as a driver.

It definitely did not suit me, and I began to slowly change everything. From a couple of articles on the Internet, I realized that love is a diverse thing, and if a person creates it around himself and in the world, then sooner or later it will descend on him in personal life. Therefore, instead of regular courses, I unexpectedly signed up for volunteers.

The logic was simple - by caring for old men and abandoned pussies, I create care and love in the world. I am surrounded by the same people. Yes, and good deeds and thoughts are clearly taken into account somewhere by higher powers.

Step Four

A small push from the point of view of psychology and Internet experts can be any event that allows people to open up to each other and to themselves. We are all closed, closed, and what kind of love is there, it’s hard to make friends here. I thought and thought, and found a curious experiment on how to attract love.

Dr. Aron's experiment

About twenty years ago, a psychologist at an institute in New York wanted to do the impossible - to create love out of the blue with only the help of thought. Dr. Aron invited different men and women to participate in the experiment, the essence of which was that men and women would be seated randomly opposite each other.

Then they will receive a list of questions, and they will have to answer them - each to their partner, and after that they need to look into each other's eyes for about four minutes. After the experiment was completed, Dr. Aron noted that the couples who participated in the experiment had a strong emotional attachment to each other and increased sympathy, and some even have a state of falling in love.

On this, Dr. Aron considered the experiment over, and so it would have been if six months later several couples who met during the experiment had not got married. Dr. Aron managed to cause love between complete strangers - they were just sincere with each other and talked about for real important things, told each other the most intimate thoughts. How to attract love, if not sincerity?

Happy end

I decided to use a strong emotional push. Dr. Aron's questions are a good thing, of course, but I had another idea. I consistently called each of my fans and offered to keep me company during a volunteer action - there are never too many extra hands, and the situation is quite strong in terms of emotions.

Two considered this idea not very successful, and one young man responded with joy, and at the end of the conversation added that he was ready to go with me not only to the nursing home, but anywhere. I counted it a good sign. Our trip went exactly as I thought - the emotional intensity of all such events is just highest level, during the trip we were not too busy, and we managed to talk - about childhood, about our grandmothers, about how we are afraid of death and loneliness ...

During this day, I learned much more about a person than in a few months, and I felt that I really care about him and I am truly in love with him. It all ended, as in a good fairy tale - with a wedding and big love, we are happy together, and this means that I was able to attract love into my life by putting my thoughts and feelings in order - and if I could, then you can too!

The power of human thought: how to make your desires come true effortlessly? Learn about a simple and effective method!

Our thoughts have the ability to form the space around them: with the help of the power of thought, a person is able to control life and create the events he needs.

How is the power of human thought manifested?

Latest Scientific research bring amazing results: it turns out that thoughts do not linger in the head: they fly out into the surrounding space! The brain¹ is a radio frequency generator: by thinking, a person creates waves that fly away into space.

The stronger the core of thought, its very essence, the stronger the attraction it has. And the stronger the attraction, the more thought shapes space and future events.

In fact, the thought has the same effect as the hands - it is able to move material objects!

In addition, it is necessary to understand the very nature of materiality. If you look deeper, then any thing is made up of atoms. In their structure, atoms are amazing: most of them are emptiness!

Only a tiny core is dense; but if you study it, you will find that it also consists mostly of nothing!

As a result, we can say that everything is made of energy. And thought, by its very nature, is also energy.

This article describes a simple exercise, thanks to which the power of human thought can become incredible, and in the future it will be possible to develop!

How to develop the power of thought?

It is necessary to blow out the candle with one force of thought.

This technique is based on visualization.

1. The practitioner starts the session in a well-ventilated area. The best time to practice is in the early morning or evening. dark time days.

2. He lights a candle; it is necessary that its flame be at the level of the eyebrows, between them (there is a third eye), at a distance of no more than 15 centimeters.

3. Then the practitioner turns off the light in the room, sits down in front of the candle and gets ready for work.

4. The person takes 5 deep breaths and focuses on the candle for 5 minutes. You need to look with an unblinking gaze.

This look is the secret of many practices! It allows you to go beyond what people usually see, to increase the range of what is visible to the eye. The longer you look with an unblinking gaze, the more seriously the image of reality will be transformed.

At first, not blinking can be quite difficult: this skill is being developed. When the urge to blink arises, it is necessary to cover the eyes a little so that its surface of the eye is wetted with liquid. But you can't close it!

5. After such concentration, the person closes his eyes and begins to visualize how this candle burns. He imagines how the candle in imagination and reality are connected, how they unite into one.

The better the visualization skill², the more effective the work will be and the faster the materialization of thought will occur!

6. The practitioner mentally blows on an imaginary candle and imagines how it flutters and eventually goes out. The same will happen with a real candle!

This thought materialization technique will bring results if it is performed for a long time.

With this simple technique, you can develop incredible mental power. Gradually, using the materialization of thoughts, you will learn to easily manage the events of your life.

If you are haunted by the question of the meaning of life ...

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The brain is the central part nervous system animals, usually located in the head (front) section of the body and representing a compact cluster nerve cells and their offshoots (