Inexpensive clothing brands for women. The most expensive clothing brands: the epitome of glamor and luxury. plus size clothing brands for obese women

Who doesn't want to look elegant and luxurious in public? Probably no one. Especially if you are a very famous person in show business. In order to distinguish themselves from others and show their importance in society, these people not only spend a lot of time choosing their outfits, but also do not spare huge sums. Below is a list of the ten most expensive clothing brands in the world.

Valentino (Valentino)

Our rating is opened by the brand Valentino - an Italian fashion house headquartered in Milan, a manufacturer of fashionable luxury clothing, underwear, accessories and perfumes. It was founded by Italian designer Valentino Garavani in 1959. Currently part of the Valentino Fashion Group.

Versace (Versace)

Gianni Versace is an Italian company that manufactures fashion and other luxury goods. It was founded in 1978 by fashion designer Gianni Versace. But after Gianni's death in 1997, his sister Donatella took over the company. As of August 2013, Versace has more than 80 boutiques worldwide, the first of which was opened outside of Italy in 1991 in Glasgow, Scotland.


Guess is an American brand, manufacturer of clothing and other fashion items such as watches, jewelry and perfumes. The brand was founded in 1981 by brothers Georges, Armand, Paul and Maurice Marciano. Guess in the 80s of the last century was one of the earliest and most popular manufacturers of designer denim in the world.

Christian Dior (Christian Dior)

Christian Dior is a well-known French fashion house headquartered in Paris, a manufacturer of clothing, shoes, accessories, jewelry, watches, underwear, cosmetics, perfumes and mobile phones. The brand was founded on December 16, 1946 by one of the best and most famous fashion designers in the world - Christian Dior. In February 1947, the first collection of women's clothing was presented, which revolutionized the world of post-war fashion. Christian Dior currently employs 56,000 people. It has over 160 boutiques worldwide.

Marc Jacobs (Marc Jacobs)

Sixth place in the list of the most expensive clothing brands in the world is occupied by the American brand Marc Jacobs, founded in 1984 by fashion designers Marc Jacobs and Robert Duffy. The brand produces men's, women's and children's clothing, shoes, accessories, as well as perfumes and decorative cosmetics.

Giorgio Armani (Giorgio Armani)

Giorgio Armani S.p.A. is an Italian company founded in 1975 by Giorgio Armani and Sergio Galleoti. The company specializes in the production of clothing, various accessories, watches, cosmetics, interior items, jewelry, and also together with one of the best cosmetic brands L'Oreal - perfumery. Today, the Giorgio Armani brand has 13 factories around the world and about 300 stores in 36 different countries. By the end of 2005, the company's sales were estimated at about $1.69 billion. Giorgio Armani is the fastest growing fashion brand in the world.

Dolce & Gabbana (Dolce and Gabbana)

In fourth place on the list of the most expensive clothing brands in the world is Dolce & Gabbana, a luxury Italian fashion house founded in Milan in 1985 by designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. Under the Dolce & Gabbana brand, fashionable designer clothes, shoes, as well as accessories and perfumes are produced. By 2005, the fashion house had sales of €600 million.

Prada (Prada)

Prada is an Italian fashion house founded in Milan in 1913 by designer Mario Prada. It specializes in the production of fashionable designer clothes, shoes, various accessories, perfumes, watches, furniture, etc. Currently, the Prada trademark has 250 stores located in 65 countries around the world. In 2015, the fashion house's profit amounted to 954.2 million euros.

Chanel (Chanel)

Chanel is a French private company headquartered in Paris. It was founded at the beginning of the 20th century by couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel. The company specializes in the production of luxury goods: clothing, cosmetics and perfumes, watches, bags, sunglasses, jewelry, etc. Chanel owns 310 boutiques around the world, of which 94 are located in Asia, 70 in Europe, 10 in Middle East, 128 in North America, 2 in South America.

Gucci (Gucci)

The most expensive clothing brand in the world is Gucci, a famous Italian fashion brand founded in Florence (Italy) in 1921 by designer Guccio Gucci (1881–1953). It is considered one of the most prestigious, well-known, and easily recognizable fashion brands in the world. It specializes in the production of textiles, clothing, perfumes, accessories, interior items, etc. In 2013, the brand was valued at $ 12.1 billion. Gucci owns 278 boutiques around the world.

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At the moment, many youth brands, as well as individual fashion designers, produce clothes for young people. Most Interest represent the following:


DC makes great shoes for the hip-hop audience and for those young guys who can't imagine their life without surfing. Shoes from this company are not only distinguished by a high level of convenience and practicality, they are also catchy, which is an important fact for many teenagers.


Fishbone is a club wear and footwear. There are also separate collections created specifically for fans of such steels as hip-hop, rap and techno. A special direction is special clothing company, produced for skateboard lovers, as well as for breakers. All clothes of this brand are characterized by originality, bright colours and convenience.


Funk positions itself as a youth brand that manufactures sunglasses and bags. Quite often, many older people call glasses from this company glamorous and ridiculous. From this, by the way, their popularity among young people only increases.

Many youth, for example, Phat Farm offer clothes for people who are passionate about hip-hop. Famous musician Russell Simmons created this brand. Today, this brand produces fashionable youth clothing that is close to hip-hop culture.

Pepe Jeans

Pepe Jeans is a leader in streetwear youth clothing. This one comes out daily a large number of trendy jeans, stylish shirts, skirts and overalls for girls, backpacks and bandanas. In many countries of the world, teenagers love and appreciate the products of this company.


This brand offers t-shirts as well as hats specifically for hanging out young guys. All things from VOKAL are original, interesting in design.


XDYE is an American youth brand, which is engaged in the production of comfortable, convenient and fashionable everyday clothing. At the moment, this brand in the fashion world dictates its own terms, using different types of fabrics, as well as tailoring technologies, when sewing clothes.


Sela is one that is very popular among Russian girls. All things from this company belong to the casual style and, first of all, are focused on residents of megacities. This clothing is relevant among those people who value comfort and strive for self-expression.


Extra is one of the few stores that have relied exclusively on the youth audience. This does not prevent him from working and developing normally since 1997. It is worth noting that the style of this brand is characterized by an extreme degree of provocation. The concept of this brand is based on the thesis that everyone has the full right to self-determination and self-expression.

Despite the fact that the clothes of this brand are quite diverse, this does not prevent it from positioning itself as a youth brand. All clothes from Befree are characterized by very bold, non-standard solutions when incompatible things are combined. The clothes of this company are focused on cheerful and active young people.

Froggy is another recognized leader in youth womenswear. Due to the combination of low price and a wide range of its product, this brand has taken a leading position among manufacturers of youth clothing.

Youth brands - a list of the most popular brands for younger generation! was last modified: February 13th, 2013 by admin

For any person wardrobe is an integral part of his life. Everyone has his own, ranging from everyday things to fashionable novelties for publication. Sometimes it is enough to be astute and buy a few universal things that will serve faithfully in any situation. The wardrobe depends on the individual style of a person, whether it be classic, romantic or sporty, on his behavior. Equally important is its character, which represents a kind of inner rod and affects the formation of personal qualities.

Each replenishes the wardrobe to your taste and color. Some prefer foreign clothing brands, while others remain committed to domestic products. How many domestic manufacturers and brands do we know? Are we not mistaken in the choice, sometimes taking Russian for foreign ones, because, in part, companies with a local residence permit deliberately give their product a foreign name in order to increase demand for it. Is it justified to vary prices for clothes of different domestic manufacturers? We give examples of domestic clothing brands in this article. Let's try to classify clothing brands of Russian manufacturers by type, depending on the target audience.

Brand - who is it for?

It is primarily associated with a trademark, a trademark. The main thing for him is positioning and social reaction. The clothing brand is A complex approach to quality components, price, following fashion trends. It's no secret that the market light textile The industry is simply replete with a variety of clothing, both branded and conventional factory production. Some brands are well known to us not by hearsay, but by personal experience, while others are on everyone's lips due to their wide positioning, and some of them we have never heard of before. Not necessarily branded clothing should be expensive, the price range is diverse. It is important to be able to choose the elite clothing collections offered by well-known designers or belonging to the “mass market” category in order to create a presentable look: on the one hand, to emphasize all the charms of the figure, and on the other, perhaps to hide some flaws.

The studies of experienced psychologists made it possible to visually present the image of a person who strives to dress only in stylish clothes of well-known brands. As a rule, a “brand shopaholic” is a woman under 30 who wants to make a career and strives for warm family relations. She loves comfort, often listens to the opinions of others. She is familiar with many, both foreign and Russian brands of women's clothing, the list of things is constantly updated in her wardrobe. In fact, branded clothing is produced for all age categories. To look stylish, not only women, but also men are ready to buy it. Yes, and for children a choice quality clothes quite large.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of domestic clothing manufacturers?

Russian (the list of domestic brands deserves respect!) Sometimes they are in no way inferior to foreign ones. Many of them have earned good reputation, are able to uniquely transform a person, emphasize his dignity, increase self-esteem. Not everyone can and is ready to afford clothes with a foreign label. Some are not satisfied with the price, while others consider themselves patriots and are not inclined to change traditions. In addition, many Russian clothing brands are in no way inferior in quality and design solution"brother" from abroad, since they are also produced using Western technologies. They are adapted to our climatic, sometimes quite harsh conditions, and they are much cheaper.

Whoever is not impressed by the declared assortment of goods of a Russian manufacturer, who does not want to be like the others and wants to attract attention with an exclusive thing of a promoted trademark, he goes shopping in eminent Italian, German, British, American, French fashion boutiques. The main thing here is not to overdo it, not to play too much, to remember that it is not a thing that makes a person beautiful, but vice versa.

Kids. Who sews for them in Russia?

In large cities of Russia, the production of children's clothing has been set up, ranging from hosiery to outerwear from economy to premium class. Most manufacturers have a wide network of supplies to many parts of the country and are famous for their quality characteristics goods. The near abroad is also one of the active buyers of our domestic products. And even though some brands of clothing (not only for children) do not position themselves so actively in information, they still have their regular customers. Some young mothers do not consider it necessary to buy branded clothes for small children, referring to fast growth their children. Again, this is a personal matter. So, some Russian brands of children's clothing, the list of which is divided into blocks, are represented by the following manufacturers.

Top and basic (casual, "going out") clothing for children

A proven fact - Russian brands of children's clothing can adequately resist Western ones. Thus, Fox-cub (Rybinsk) produces outerwear (demi-season and winter) for children under 7 years old under the trademark "Fox". A similar product is inherent in the Moscow company "KidsStyle" (KidsStyle) with the brand "Cherche", the suburban "Monarch" with the brand "Magic wool". The brands "Beloved Baby" and "Wonder Baby" of the same name company "Wonder Baby" are a whole range of interesting offers in the form of hats, mittens, gloves, mittens, booties.

Among the elite children's collections, in no way inferior to foreign ones in the eyes of discerning buyers, you can note:

Moscow trademark with the Italian name "Gioia di Mamma" ("Mother's Joy") - it is represented by collection design solutions;

- "ILD" or "I Love to Dream" company "BestKidsKlab" (BestKidsClub) - produces models in the style of "non-casual", reminiscent of smaller copies of adult samples;

- "Button Blue", "Gulliver", "Gulliver Baby" from the company "Gulliver" (Moscow) - sews models for any occasion in the style of "casual", "casual sport", "fashion", "school".

Russian brands of children's clothing that produce everyday knitwear are also well positioned. The list includes clothes designed for the little ones:

- "Crockid", "Optop" from the company "Soley Group", which is engaged in the production of outerwear, and hosiery, and a variety of sets for newborns;

Similarly, the production of the brands "Sweet Berry Baby", "Sweet Berry", "Luminoso" from the company "KidsStyle" (Moscow);

The U + (or Umka +) brands from the OilTeks company (Podolsk, Moscow region) are widely promoted.

Also popular are: "Limoni" from the Moscow company "Funtik"; "Lucky Child" from the company of the same name (factory "Intercafe", Mytishchi, Moscow region); "Cheerful kid" from the Moscow company of the same name; "Pollo" from the Moscow company "Babypollo"; Play Today; "Golden Rose", "Adagio", "ARISTA" from the Moscow manufacturer of the same name "ARISTA"; "Cosmi-ko", "Gamma", "Fragola", "" of the same manufacturer of hosiery for the whole family "Gamma" (Orel).

Overview of youth clothing brands

Youth is the driving force of society. Active, bright, daring, courageous guys tend to look stunning in any situation. They choose unique, creative solutions for themselves, sometimes combining the incongruous, but at the same time not forgetting about comfort and convenience.

- "Befree" - a brand for eccentric youth challenging society, from the manufacturer "Melon fashion group";

- "Savage", "Mondigo", "Conver" - brands of stylish things at an affordable price;

- "Niti-Niti" - a Moscow youth brand for the production of sweatshirts and T-shirts with an individual print;

- "Kyrochki-na" - a brand designed for young and active fashionistas who want to get exclusive and look stunning.

Street Youth Culture Brands

Street youth subculture is represented by such outstanding Russian clothing brands as CodeRed, PeperMilk, Saint-P Apparel, Anteater, G-style, ZIQ & YONI, Mono Apparel, Anteater Clothing", "Petersburg Shield", "Laruss", "Urals", "Taboon comoon", "Last skin", "SOORD CLOTHING", "TAIGA ORIGINAL", "SKILLS WEAR", "TRUDE", "AGNI", " Trailhead", "FICTION WEAR", "Underground atelier Krakatau", "The Underlocals", "Anteater", "Bat Norton" "Kharms", "TOP". Many of them have appeared recently, but have already proven themselves well in view of good quality materials, exceptional style. Reflect street traditions, mostly St. Petersburg. Original, with its own individual theme. Often produced in limited editions.

Russian brands of women's clothing: list

Every girl, woman wants to look beautiful, feminine, unpredictable. It is inherent in her by nature. Some people need a huge wardrobe for this, others need only a few things. different colors and the ability to combine them, selecting depending on the situation, preferences and season. Both foreign and Russian brands of women's clothing represent wide interest for a good half of humanity.

Consider the most popular among domestic brands.

Often in the hands of one manufacturer may be the release of several brands of clothing for different age categories. Thus, the company "Melon fashion group" is widely represented by a network of stores of relatively inexpensive and high-quality clothing both in Russia and in the countries of the Near Abroad: Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine. Combines directions for women:

- "LOVE REPUBLIC" - a brand for fashionistas and coquettes;

- "ZARINA" is a brand for stylish, self-confident women.

The same company owns the youth brand "Befree", which was mentioned above.

No less popular, including among pop stars, brands: "Tom Klaim" (allow their customers to always be "on top"), "Yukostyle" (represents exclusive handmade designer models), "YETONADO" (clothes brand for people who try to live "in step with the times", committed to achieving results fresh ideas and aspirations), Visavis (helping young girls and women create the image of a modern fashionista, bold, bright, emphasizing her femininity and romantic nature), Factory Fashion, Wisell. FEST brand helps to remain attractive and sexy, even being in an interesting position. Russian clothing brands: X "cluSIve", "Dena Savati" represent unusual solutions tailoring women's jackets, coats, fur coats. Comfortable, comfortable casual clothes (elegant underwear, bathrobes) are presented by the brands Laete, AIRIDACO (BEAUTY L.V.), Infinity Lingerie, ELIS, Clever Wear.

V Lately there are many young designers who release their own line of interesting things. These relatively new Russian clothing brands are named after their creators. As an example, we can cite several already quite popular brands: Kira Plastinina, D.VA, Anastasia Tchir, Victoria Irbaieva, Igor Gulyaev, Cyrille Gassiline, Vika Smolyanitskaya, Ianis Chamalidy ”, “Kate Frankfurt”, “Yulia Dushina”, “Ksenia Knyazeva”, “Vassa & Co”. Well, such eminent fashion designers as Valentin Yudashkin, Erika Zayonts, more than once defended the honor of Russian fashion at world shows. Also fashionable clothes of the Russian brand gained popularity: “Chistova & Endourova”, “Two Torn Towers”, “KOGEL”, “Razu Mikhina”, “Giulia Rossi”, “Libellulas”, “Mary Mea”, “Olivegrey”, “IQ Dress ”, “Definesse”, “Virginia Style” and many others.

Overview of stylish men's clothing brands

Not only the female sex, but also the male wants to look businesslike, stylish, respectable, elegant, trendy, sometimes restrained. As a rule, in the men's wardrobe there is nothing superfluous, only everything you need. The main thing for men is practicality and comfort. Therefore, Russian ones are also widely represented by various eminent manufacturers. Among them are: a company with a somewhat Italian name "D.Polgri" for tailoring stylish things, a line of outerwear "Yierman". The young and dynamic Russian brand GroStyle is named after its chief designer Vyacheslav Gross, who produces casual fashion collections for men. Worthy Choice men's accessories, be it ties, bow ties, belts, scarves, vests, represents the Elsago fashion brand. Many companies specialize in the production of branded clothing for both sexes. In addition, the male half is inherent in a sporty style of clothing, they often resort to choosing fashionable sportswear.

Review of sportswear. Manufacturers and brands

We all know that modern life is movement, rhythm, sport, which has a direct impact not only on physical health person, but also to create positive emotions. To make sports enjoyable, important has the so-called sports equipment. It should be light, practical, convenient, comfortable. Today there are various Russian clothes for all age categories. Popular ones include:

- "Demix", which belongs to the network "Sportmaster";

- "Maxx" sports company "Maxxisport" (Perm);

- "Real Pump" of the Moscow company "Rhythm of Success".

Equipment for the Russian Olympic teams is the brand "Forward" of the Moscow company of the same name and "BOSCO" from the company "BOSCO DI CILIEGI";

Also among the famous can be noted: "A.V.T.-Sport" from Perm, "Sportego", Sport Vision and "Dzeta" from St. Petersburg, "Oktakem" from Moscow, "Alfa-Sport" from Barnaul, "Sport Link" from Velikiye Luki, "Baltic Bridge". For children's sports, the appropriate equipment is supplied by well-established ones: Elena and Co, Aliera, Quart, Flammber, Extreme Direction.

Dress up the whole family in one boutique

Many manufacturers are characterized by the release of branded items for all age categories. So, you can dress fashionably with the whole family in boutiques representing brands:

Gloria Jeans and Gee Jay are fashionable children's and adult clothing Gloria Jeans company, owned by businessman Vladimir Melnikov. The head office of the company is located in Rostov-on-Don;

- "Sela" - a fashion brand for women and men, as well as for children and teen clothes with fairly reasonable prices and good quality parameters, especially relevant for young people;

O'stin - belongs to the Sportmaster chain of stores, the brand's clothes are distinguished by versatility, simplicity and low prices;

- "Zolla" - a brand of collectible men's and women's items of the popular Russian company "Factor LLC";

Oodji (OGGI) is a brand of the eponymous company that produces women's, men's and children's clothing;

Brands of high quality women's and menswear"INCITY" and underwear « DESEO" is produced by the Russian company "Fashion Continent";

Among the well-known Russian brands for the production of outerwear, it is worth highlighting: BEARLOGA, Lab Fashion, PLAXA, n.e.s.&west, Vizani, Sinta, Marnelli ;

We also hear about the clothing brands Vassa&Co, Pelican, Mondigo, Eniland.

Unfortunately for buyers, for many even widely advertised clothing brands with an unusual name, the foreign origin positioned by them is not confirmed by anything, except for beautifully described stories on websites, including those associated with names widely famous people, where only a network of Russian boutiques and shops is indicated at the same time. Abroad, almost nothing is known about such clothing lines. Many of them are sewn at ordinary Russian factories or in China. An example is the brands: Ketroy, Simoni, Al Franco, Meucci, Alfred Muller, Taya Jeans, Giovanni Botticelli. Many of them are distinguished by cost characteristics that do not always correspond to the quality of the goods.

This is far from full list domestic clothing brands, but only some of their examples that have earned the trust of customers, respecting the traditions of production and quality standards, and also not recognized by consumers.

Not all of us can buy clothes from expensive global brands. The history of each of the Fashion Houses included in the top 10 of such brands is interesting. The highest target for total annual revenue is $12.7 billion.


The proverb about “a meeting on clothes” has not lost its relevance today - on the contrary, the trend of following fashion is only gaining momentum every year. Many designers have made a name for people's desire to show their style, taste and status. You can find out which brands can be ranked among the most expensive clothing brands by looking at the rating of fashion houses.

List of richest clothing brands

Why do people buy expensive things? The reasons may be different, but such buyers would like to know what place the elite item they purchased ranks in the ranking. Not only the amount of the assessment is interesting, but also the history of each brand that got into the coveted rating.

V modern society clothing serves as a determining criterion for his success. For many consumers, it is important that the label is included in the top number.

Table 1. Top 10 Most Expensive Clothing Brands Income Ratio


Set Items

Annual income, 2016

  • clothes;
  • perfumery;
  • textile;
  • accessories..

$12.7 billion

  • clothes;
  • accessories.

$11.4 billion

  • clothes;
  • perfumery;
  • accessories;
  • books.

$8.7 billion

  • clothes;
  • specialized things (for yachtsmen);
  • perfumery;
  • cosmetics.

$7.3 billion

  • clothes;
  • shoes;
  • accessories;
  • perfume;
  • flower service;
  • sweets.

$1.8 billion

denim clothing

$544 million

  • clothes;
  • accessories.

$364 million

  • clothes;
  • perfumery;
  • accessories.

257 million euros

$79 million

  • luxury clothing;
  • Underwear.

$22 million

What is the idea of ​​"instant fashion" and how different is it from top brands? Read.

Pedestals of luxury clothes in 2017

278 boutiques - so many sales departments belong to this most expensive brand in the world. Founded in 1921 by designer Guccio Gucci, today, in addition to clothing, it also produces textiles, perfumes, interior items and accessories. What is the difference between the world famous brand? Experts note the presentability of each line of clothing. In every thing, conservatism and adherence to traditions are felt, which does not prevent experiments with materials and styles. Critics complain that each new collection becomes too predictable, but fashion designers object: in order for clothes to be popular, they must be wearable.

2nd place is occupied by Prada, created in 1913. This fashion house is presented in 250 stores located around the world. 979.2 million annual profits ensured their place "under the sun" in the fashion industry. Not the last role here is played by the ability of designers to combine clothes and try to combine fabrics and styles.

Today, the Prada collection includes not only luxury dresses for secular receptions, but also trendy accessories. The main credo: "Our clients do not have to prove anything to anyone", expressing the whole essence of wealthy people in this. Exactly wealthy people and can afford to purchase the outrageousness offered by the brand.

The bronze medalist was the Italians, this time the duet of Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, whose work was embodied in the brand of the same name. The company is one of the youngest - the year of foundation was 1985. The bet was made on Hollywood - actresses who put on outfits from designers stood out among their colleagues. The style from the brand is chosen by bright and dynamic people - it is frankly sensual and sexy (“with the suggestion” of designers, lingerie style and torn jeans came into fashion).

In fourth place is Chanel. The brand began its victorious fashion march at the beginning of the last century. simple small black dress turned out to be synonymous with luxury and raised its creator Coco Chanel to the Olympus of success. 100 years later, nothing has changed - "comfortable luxury" (the company's credo) continues to excite the minds and, along the way, devastates the wallets of those who want to buy such clothes.

Today, Coco Chanel products can be bought in 310 boutiques located on all continents. The style of the brand has changed little over almost a century - it suggests minimalism of color and convenience. Most often, this is a clearly defined silhouette, although the clothes have acquired more democratic shades - even shorts have appeared in summer collections.

"Golden mean" goes to the brainchild of another Italian designer- Giorgio Armani. He presents as everyday models and high fashion collections. A distinctive feature of the style is negligence (it's not for nothing that the brand's clothes are popular among young people). The company produces both everyday collections and "high fashion". The fashion designer began with the reworking of classic men's jackets.

Experts distinguish the minimalism of images - Giordio Armani does not like unnecessary details. A simple formula: ingenious simplicity and incomparable elegance helped Giorgio Armani S.p.A. in the opening of 13 factories and 300 stores worldwide. The brand is considered one of the fastest growing and promising.

In sixth place is the Guess company, whose creators tried to convey that you need to live beautifully every day. The brand is relatively young - it was founded by the four Marciano brothers, who became one of the first popularizers of jeanswear in 1981.

How could the jeans casual wear grow into a real dream? The Guess brand tries to make each of its models bright, fresh and sexy. Competent work of marketing and advertising services helps the brand to stay at the top of the fashion Olympus. A lot of world-famous stars are filmed in advertising - Eva Herzigova, Claudia Slate, Naomi Campbell and Letizia Casta. And to consolidate the success in a series of commercials, the outrageous socialite Paris Hilton was filmed.

Seventh place is occupied by American Marc Jacobs, former creative director design house Louis Vuitton, whose collection from 2015 was a real breakthrough. The style is bold geometric shapes, using patent leather and other creative solutions. The brand is very fond of celebrities - at different times it was advertised by Chloe Sevigny, Victoria Beckham and even the Russian group Tatu. Today at this "post" - Miley Cyrus.

Finally, the list of the French - Christian Dior in eighth place in the ranking of the most expensive clothing brands. It all started in the post-war years, when the first collection of women's clothing from this brand was able to revolutionize the world of post-war fashion. It was Dior who came up with the idea that every fashion designer should have his own sign.

After the death of the fashion designer, the Fashion House was headed alternately by Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Boan, Bernard Arnault and Gianfranco Ferre. Each of them tried to maintain the elegance inherent in the style. Trademark designers try to avoid excessive pretentiousness.

Today, this brand employs 56,000 people. The company has more than 160 boutiques around the world. Annual income - 24 billion dollars.

We are nearing completion - the ninth place is occupied by Gianni Versace. This Italian company did not cease to exist even after the death of its founder Gianni Versace - his sister Donatella continued the family business. The very first boutique outside of Italy was opened in 1991 in Glasgow, Scotland. Today the number of stores has reached 80.

The brand is considered luxury - most outfits emphasize well feminine beauty, but without the appropriate accessories look "on the verge of kitsch." A large degree of creations are created for girls with model appearance- slender and tall. The brand does not forget about men either: every Russian is familiar with a crimson jacket from the nineties (also a creation of Versace).

And closes the top ten expensive clothing brands brand Valentino (Valentino). The Italian manufacturer of luxury clothing and underwear was founded by Valentino Garavani back in 1959. Now the brand is part of the Valentino Fashion Group.

Bustiers and red clothes are named as the key signs of the corporate identity of this brand. Matt insisted: Red is coming to all women. There are 30 shades of this color - it's important to find yours."

The second priority is white, the apogee of love for which was the dress of Jacqueline Kennedy for the wedding with Aristotle Onassis. Modern tendencies take a guide to youth fashion. In these outfits, the stars also prefer to walk the red carpet.

Any brand needs to be realized. Such an assistant is, for example, the Wildberries online store.

Potential competitors

Despite confident positions in the top ten, none of the brands presented above can be sure that tomorrow it will not be overthrown from the pedestal. Competitors are very serious:

  1. The international concern Fendi is famous for its high-quality clothing, fur, and accessories. Experts say: bags of this brand will never go out of fashion.
  2. Hermes started working in 1837, but developed its production by 2008. In addition to clothing and leather goods, the brand also produces other items - from jewelry to gloves. The consumer likes it - it affects the annual income of 730 million dollars.
  3. Ralph Lauren has many subsidiaries and more affordable models (Polo Sport line). A striking example is Jennifer Lopez's dress at the Grammy Awards in 2000. Now the brand's designers are dressing the first lady of the United States - Melania Trump. Annual income rose from 776 million dollars.
  4. Burberry specializes in outerwear - the company has been at the peak of popularity for more than a century. Everyone knows the brand's signature trench coats. The brand's revenue is $323 million.
  5. Louis Vuitton is known for connoisseurs of quality accessories and bags. The company has more than 460 stores in 50 countries.
  6. World celebrities are dressed by Oscar de la Renta. Jacqueline Kennedy gave preference to the brand. Today there are no less fans - evening and wedding dresses with this name are so attractive.
  7. A potential competitor is the Italian brand Brioni, which specializes in men's fashion. The brand is named after a fashionable resort - the clothes it produces meet the expectations of elitism and quality.

Even fashion designers once started with a small atelier. It is quite possible to open it at home.

You can learn more about expensive world fashion trends from the video:

Every company wants to stay at the forefront of fashion. To do this, they not only follow the accepted trends, but also contribute their vision, creating Her Majesty Fashion.

Today you can form a whole army - the length of the lists of names is impressive in its scale, and it seems that there are not so many women who would be 100% useful for all these brands. That is why the fashion business has its own rules of evolution - some brands are superior to others not only in terms of popularity, but also in terms of price, quality of clothes and other parameters.

Clothing brand rating according to BrandZ

BrandZ is a massive brand database with data on over 650,000 consumers and 23,000 brands. Since 2006, BrandZ began to make a rating for assessing the value of brands, in which 100 positions are given and absolutely all brands from different categories. Let's find out which clothing brands are included in this global list.

  1. 26th place - the first in the ranking company selling clothes, shoes and accessories - Louis Vuitton. It is in the luxury category and costs $24,312 million. This is not surprising, because the company's bags are an object of desire for women from all over the globe, without taking into account the most remote corners, of course, where the concept of fashion is in its infancy.
  2. 57th place - Nike. People love sports, and Nike helps make it comfortable. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most popular sports companies in the world, and its valuation of 13,917 million dollars is quite justified.
  3. 62nd place - H&M. Not a single reportage about street fashion goes without the clothes of the Swedish company - fashion bloggers, photographers and models love H&M fashion clothes, and, given the rating and price of this company ($13,006 million), it can be said for sure that their love is very old and very strong.
  4. Number four on our list of womenswear brands, and number 71 on BrandZ is Hermes. Unique handbags and purses keep women in line for several years, and it is possible that such a long wait affects the company's valuation - only 11,917 million dollars.
  5. 86th place - Zara. The Spanish tycoon, owner of Zara Amancio Ortega, knows how to build a business selling cheap youth clothing. For the budget category, a valuation of $10,335 million is not a bad result.
  6. 90th place - Paff-Dreams. This brand is valued at $9,600 million and is the last brand in the BrandZ ranking of the apparel category.

The best clothing brands according to Forbes

Forbes has always had its own vision on different aspects of life, and their eyes did not pass by clothing brands. So, famous brands clothes according to Forbes are presented mainly by the most rated:

  1. Gucci.
  2. Louis Vuitton.
  3. Burberry.
  4. Chanel.
  5. Versace.
  6. Prada.
  7. Dior.
  8. Alexander McQueen.
  9. George Armani.
  10. Ralph Lauren.
  11. Hermes.
  12. Dolce & Gabbana.
  13. Salvatore Ferragamo.
  14. Dunhill.
  15. Calvin Klein.

The most famous fashion and casual clothing brands

The list of global clothing brands can also be organized according to a different principle, for example, by style:

  • Zara;
  • Calvin Klein;
  • Dolce & Gabbana;
  • Giorgio Armani;
  • Dior;
  • Prada;
  • Versace;
  • Chanel;
  • Burberry;
  • Gucci;
  • NAF-NAF;
  • Guess;
  • Lacoste;
  • Morgan;
  • reserved;
  • Alexander McQueen;
  • Zara;
  • OGGI;
  • mango;
  • Sela;
  • Colin's;
  • topshop;
  • Chloe;
  • Columbia;
  • Givenchy;
  • Kenzo;
  • Kira Plastinina;
  • mexx;
  • miu miu;
  • Monica Ricci;
  • new looks;
  • O'stin;
  • Savage.

Popular brands of inexpensive women's clothing

Inexpensive and fashionable clothes can be bought from the following brands:

  • Zara;
  • OGGI;
  • Sela;
  • Colin's;
  • mango;
  • topshop;
  • new looks;
  • Savage.

The best brands of women's clothing from the category "lingerie"

The list of branded clothing companies specializing in the creation of underwear is as follows:

  • Lormar;
  • Victoria's Secret
  • Milavitsa;
  • triumph;
  • Agent Provocateur;
  • Chantal Thomass;
  • Intimissimi.

List of well-known women's sportswear brands

The list of popular brands of women's sportswear in the post-Soviet space looks like this:

  1. Adidas.
  2. Nike.
  3. Puma.
  4. Reebok.
  5. Columbia.
  6. Esprit.
  7. converse.

This list represents everything top brands world of sportswear.