The child breathes through his mouth during the day. What to do if a child has a stuffy nose, but no snot: reasons and ways to make breathing easier. The main causes of mouth breathing in children

Everyone knows that mouth breathing is not the norm. The human body is designed to breathe through the nose - this is the only way it can normally perform all its functions. If nasal breathing absent, begin various problems... In this article, you will learn about the dangers of mouth breathing in children and how to cope with this habit.

Why does the child breathe through the mouth?

This problem is mainly seen in preschoolers. Starting to attend kindergarten, the child is more likely to get sick viral diseases accompanied by a runny nose. As a result, mouth breathing can become a habit.

As for newborn babies, their mouth breathing is not developed until a certain age, and only significantly difficulty breathing through the nose (in case of illness) can force them to do this. This gives infants significant inconvenience, for example, when feeding. Therefore, when the newborn begins to breathe through the mouth, the efforts of the parents should be directed to his recovery and the restoration of full breathing through the nose.

Why is it harmful to breathe through the mouth?

Getting used to breathing through the mouth, the child begins to look and behave differently than usual. He becomes noticeably more absent-minded, and his mouth is constantly slightly open. When a child is still young, it looks touching, but not all parents know that this behavior carries certain problems:

  • oxygen supply is provided only by 75%, as a result, the child becomes less attentive;
  • the nasal passages gradually narrow, which causes overgrowth;
  • children suffering from this ailment usually have incorrect posture - stoop;
  • the muscles around the mouth weaken, and this affects speech development child;
  • due to wrong location tongue and deformation of the upper palate, an irregular bite is formed;
  • the child breathes through the mouth and at night, as a result of which his sleep becomes restless.

That's how much side diseases can occur when the child begins to constantly breathe only through the mouth. At the same time, it is important to make sure that this does not become a habit with him. If you tackle this issue in time, many problems can be avoided.

How to wean a child from breathing through his mouth?

To do this, you need to teach the child again to breathe exclusively through the nose. This is quite problematic to do. However, you should be aware that there are effective medical methods fight: this breathing exercises, which must be performed regularly, and special medical devices. The latter include a silicone strip and a trainer, which should be inserted into the mouth for a while (10-30 minutes during the day and at night). With their help, the position of the tongue and palate is quickly corrected, and children get used to it better. the right type breathing.

V childhood the immune defense is not strong enough to withstand most pathogenic pathogens. Contact with a sick peer in kindergarten, school or sports section can lead to nasal congestion. However, the swelling of the nasal mucosa is not always due to infection and is accompanied by mucous rhinorrhea. When a child grunts his nose, but there is no snot, Komarovsky recommends looking for the cause not only within the body, but among environmental factors.

Why is the stuffy nose?

To understand why a child breathes through his mouth, you need to analyze his breathing during sleep, in the process active play, when feeding. You should also pay attention to the child's appetite, mood and measure the temperature. Let's conditionally divide the reasons into several groups.

Congenital anomalies

Usually congenital defects are found in the first years of life.

Difficulty nasal breathing can be observed due to a deformed septum. Violation of the ventilation function of the nose predisposes the swelling of the mucous membrane and the activation of opportunistic microorganisms.

Chronic inflammation leads to puffing, grunting, and even snoring. In this case, treatment may consist of surgical intervention. The operation allows you to change the structure of the septum and provide full nasal breathing.

Among congenital pathology it is also worth highlighting infectious, autoimmune diseases that reduce the level immune defense... Against the background of immunodeficiency, the child becomes more sensitive to negative impact environmental factors. A change in the structure of the nose can be observed as a result of traumatic exposure, which may require the assistance of a maxillofacial surgeon.


There are many forms of rhinitis, but we will focus on vasomotor, infectious and colds. As for the vasomotor type, it can manifest itself as a congestion in one nasal passage, as a result of which it is difficult to breathe through the nose, so the children open their mouths.

Symptoms usually worsen after hypothermia or prolonged exposure to dry air. When the baby lies on its side, congestion is observed in the lower nasal passage. In a dream, the baby can snore, and during the daytime, breathe through his mouth from time to time.

Infectious, as well as colds, rhinitis goes through several stages. We are interested in the first stage, when:

  • swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs;
  • sneezing, itching of the nose;
  • a gundos voice is noted;
  • there is no way to breathe through the nose.

At the first stage, mucus may be secreted in small amount, which further reduces the lumen of the nasal passages. If the immunity in children is strong enough, a runny nose may end at the first stage, but this is extremely rare.

Neoplasms in the nasal passages

Sniffling in children may result from narrowing of the nasal passages. additional education, for example, polyps, cysts or malignant growths.

The occurrence of such neoplasms is facilitated by:

  1. chronic infection in the nasopharyngeal area;
  2. bad ecology (smoke, smog);
  3. structural defects of the nose.

This group of causes also includes foreign bodies that have entered the upper respiratory tract. During the game, the child can inhale or insert a button into the nostril, small element constructor or bead. The child's condition deteriorates sharply, shortness of breath, lacrimation appears, and hysteria develops.

If foreign body located near the nostrils, parents can remove it on their own. When moving an object into the choanal zone, its visualization becomes difficult. Sometimes it can be located in the nasopharynx in such a way that the child does not even feel it.

The object can irritate the mucous membrane, causing it to swell and making it difficult to breathe. Only an otolaryngologist can help in this situation after a thorough examination of the nasopharynx.

Particularly dangerous is the penetration of a foreign element into the larynx, which can provoke laryngospasm.

Due to irritation of the larynx, a reflex closure of the vocal cords and closure of the gap occurs, which is manifested by suffocation and threatens the baby's life. In infants, the laryngeal lumen is less than at an older age, so the risk lethal outcome much higher.

The conclusion follows from this - do not leave a small child unattended.

Diseases of the ENT organs

Often times, the baby breathes through the mouth due to adenoids or chronic sinusitis. When contacting an otolaryngologist, the first thing the doctor assesses the condition of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. Adenoids in children under 8 years of age are diagnosed quite often, but not every case requires surgery.

Babies with:

  1. lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis;
  2. increased tendency to allergic reactions;
  3. living in an area with an unfavorable ecological situation;
  4. poor nutrition;
  5. frequent colds.

Starting from the age of eight, the tissue of the amygdala undergoes atrophy and gradually hardens, after which breathing through the nose is restored. The proliferation of lymphoid tissue is considered physiological process... This occurs in response to an attack by microbes. After the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, the amygdala returns to the same size... If the immunity is reduced or there is a chronic infectious focus in the ENT organs, the lymphoid tissue can be constantly in a hypertrophied form.

Symptomatically, adenoids are manifested:

  • snoring;
  • nasal congestion. Depending on the degree of proliferation of lymphoid tissue, difficulty in nasal breathing can be observed constantly or periodically (only in the supine position);
  • bad sleep, which makes children irritable, moody, inattentive;
  • nasal voice.

As the volume of hyperplastic tissue increases, the lumen of the auditory tube closes, due to which hearing decreases and deafness develops. A terrible complication of the disease is prolonged apnea, when the baby stops breathing for a while.

Children with adenoids are characterized by an "adenoid face". The child looks dejected, sags lower jaw, the upper lengthens, and the bite is broken.

Another reason for the lack of nasal breathing is sinusitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary, frontal sinuses can occur as a complication of the common cold. If infectious rhinitis is not properly treated, pathogenic microbes spread to the paranasal cavities, causing an inflammatory process.

Sinusitis is characterized by:

  1. constant nasal congestion, as a result of which the baby breathes through the mouth;
  2. hyperthermia. During the period of remission, the temperature may be normal, or a slight subfebrile condition may persist. With an exacerbation, the fever reaches 39 degrees;
  3. headache;
  4. thick discharge with an admixture of pus (green snot). The accumulation of mucus in the paranasal cavities leads to an increase in hyperthermia and pain syndrome;
  5. snore;
  6. soreness when pressing on points that are located in the projection of the inflamed sinuses.

Environmental factors

Dry, polluted air irritates the nasal mucosa, causing it to swell and block the path for air. If the child lives in bad living conditions or is a "passive smoker", he will not be able to avoid diseases of the ENT organs and the respiratory tract.

With prolonged inhalation of dusty, dry air, the purification system of the nasopharynx cannot cope with the attack of dirt, which leads to drying of mucus and the appearance of crusts.

Treatment methods

The most difficult thing is to deal with the disease in a baby, because he cannot talk about his feelings and point out the localization of pain. Taking into account the peculiarities of the infant period, we note that the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, even with a slight swelling, can completely block the airway.

This is facilitated by narrow nasal passages and physiological restructuring of the mucous membrane. After birth, the newborn falls into aggressive conditions habitat, which requires a quick adaptation from a small organism. During the adaptation period (in the first three months of life), the baby's nasal mucosa may swell and make breathing difficult. In this regard, the baby grunts his nose and may refuse to breast.

Depending on the reason pathological condition a doctor may recommend:

  1. taking antibacterial drugs (Amoxiclav);
  2. the use of immunomodulators (Derinat);
  3. rinsing the nasal cavities saline solutions(Dolphin);
  4. lubrication of the nasal mucosa oil solutions... Butter tea tree, sea buckthorn, olive can be applied to the mucous membrane with a finger or a cotton swab dipped in oil, which is injected into the nasal passage for 15 minutes. To make the oil thicker, you can mix it with baby cream;
  5. inhalations with saline - to moisturize the tissues of the nose;
  6. instillation of the nose with vasoconstrictor drugs (Nazivin).


In order for the baby to breathe normally with his nose, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions for him. What is required from parents?

  • keep the children's room clean. To do this, you need to regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room (even in frosty weather). Note that the warmth in the room can be kept by opening a window or balcony wide open for a few minutes. If you leave the window ajar for an hour, it will become much colder in the room;
  • normalize temperature regime... In the room, the temperature should not exceed 22 degrees, 19-20 is considered optimal;
  • humidify the air with a special home humidifier. In the absence of this, you can hang wet clothes on a heat source, put an aquarium in the room or increase the number of plants, not forgetting to regularly irrigate the leaves with water;

Control over air humidity is mandatory in the heating season, as well as when using an air conditioner.

  • go for a walk every day with a child for at least 3 hours, dressing him “according to the weather”. Fresh air provides cleaning of nasal cavities and allows you to saturate internal organs oxygen;
  • control nutritional and drinking regimen... Strengthening immunity and full development the body is promoted by fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cereals. To normalize the water balance, you can use non-carbonated mineral water, herbal tea, compotes or fruit drinks. We emphasize that an increase in the daily volume of fluid you drink during a cold can accelerate the elimination of toxins.

In order to avoid chronicity of an infectious, inflammatory process, it is necessary to consult a specialist in time. The task of the parents is to notice the symptoms in the child and consult with the doctor. To make visits to the doctor so frequent, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of children from the first years of life.

Having once paid attention to the fact that a daughter or son is snoring or snoring in a dream, parents begin to look for the reason. Mouth breathing may be one of these reasons.

Why is it harmful to breathe through the mouth?

The human body is thought out to the smallest detail, so, for example, breathing should be carried out through the nose. And all because cold and dry air, passing through the nasal sinuses, warms up and moisturizes. The nose serves as a powerful filter that traps not only dust, but also harmful microorganisms. Breathing through the mouth is devoid of all these qualities. In addition, cool air, getting directly into the throat, can easily cause inflammation.

When does a newborn start breathing through the mouth?

In fact, children should not start breathing through their mouths. This only happens when they simply cannot breathe through their nose.

Why does the child breathe through the mouth?

The child can constantly breathe through the mouth along various reasons... For example, due to nasal congestion, or simply due to habit. By the way, this is very bad habit, which has an extremely negative effect on the health of the baby. The thing is that when breathing through the mouth, the lungs do not fully open, only the upper lobes are used. As such, the body does not receive the required portion of oxygen. Hypoxia, anemia, mental and physical retardation may develop. In addition, even the shape of the face changes. It becomes more elongated, the bridge of the nose expands, and upper lip constantly pulled up.

What to do when the baby starts breathing through the mouth?

If a child breathes through his mouth all the time at night, he may experience sleep disturbances. First, check for a runny nose and baby. If nasal congestion is found, rinse the nose, drip vasoconstrictor drops... Dry air in the apartment can be to blame. Natural mucus the nose dries up and breathing becomes difficult. To get rid of this problem, clear child's nose with oil and cotton balls. And in the future, ventilate the room more often, and even better, get a humidifier. If you do not find the above symptoms, but the child still cannot breathe through the nose, be sure to visit the ENT doctor, perhaps he has an inflammation of the adenoids.

How to wean a child from breathing through his mouth?

To get rid of bad habit, often play "breathing" games with your child. For example, cover one or the other nostril and inhale them one by one. When carrying out gymnastics, observe the correct breathing, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Soon the baby will get used to it and you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Nasal congestion - frequent occurrence with colds. However, this unpleasant symptom may indicate various violations in human body... Children are especially uncomfortable when their nose does not breathe. Often this is accompanied by the release of mucus, but in some cases, snot is not observed with a stuffy nose. Why is the child's nose not breathing, and how can you help him?

A laid sleep without snot delivers no less discomfort than a runny nose, therefore, this symptomatology must be fought

Why does a child have a stuffy nose?

The nose is designed so that air can freely enter the body, be cleaned and moistened. With poor patency in the sinuses, the process of oxygen supply is disrupted, and the person feels discomfort. So why does a child have a stuffy nose? Have this phenomenon a few reasons:

  1. First of all, sinus congestion causes swelling of the mucous membranes, which occurs due to inflammation or allergies. With colds, swelling leads to a rush of blood to the sites of inflammation, and with allergies, the mucous membrane is irritated by allergens.
  2. Violation of the structure and functionality of the nasal passages.
  3. The appearance of growths or overgrowth of lymphoid tissue.
  4. Nose clogged with mucus. This happens with colds, allergic manifestations, during teething in babies (we recommend reading :).
  5. The body's response to the presence of vasodilating substances in the blood.
  6. Dry air in the nursery. The mucous membrane of the nose does not cope with the function of moisturizing, and crusts form in the nasal passages, which interfere with normal breathing. This happens especially often at night.

What does it mean if the nose is stuffy, but there is no snot?

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A runny nose in a child is a common occurrence with flu and acute respiratory infections. It goes away after recovery. However, if nasal congestion is not accompanied by snot at all, many parents are confused. This problem is especially troubling for children at night while sleeping. Why is the nose stuffy, but there is no snot (we recommend reading :)? Let's consider the main reasons for this condition:

  • Chronic vasomotor rhinitis... This pathology can develop due to wrong treatment various diseases, for example, with prolonged uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor agents. The muscular walls of the vessels cease to respond to external stimulants, and the nasal mucosa becomes sensitive to any stimuli.
  • Allergic reaction. Most often, allergies are accompanied by lacrimation, sneezing and abundant discharge mucus. However, sometimes the body only reacts to an allergen with nasal congestion. Such a reaction can be caused by pet hair or bird feathers, dust, mold, insects.
  • Sinusitis. Swelling of the mucous membrane occurs due to inflammation in the paranasal sinuses. The disease develops against the background of a cold and is accompanied by headaches, an increase in body temperature.
  • Congenital anomalies of the nasal septum. Pathology may not manifest itself for several years. Over time, narrowing of one or two nasal passages occurs, which interferes with the normal flow of air.
  • Violation of the structure of the nasal passages due to trauma.
  • Polyps. Neoplasms appear in children who often get infectious or colds... The body tries to protect itself from pathogenic elements by increasing the volume of the mucous membrane. The growths take a long time to form.

  • Adenoids. Inflamed tonsils can completely block the nasal passages.
  • Foreign body. Kids often try to shove small beads, designer parts, berries and leaves into their noses. Parents need to keep a close eye on their child when he plays. Long stay foreign object leads to inflammatory processes... It is dangerous to pull them out on your own, as you can push the object deeper, which will damage the nasal septum or cause an attack of suffocation.
  • With dry air in the nursery, babies have a stuffy nose, but there is no mucus.
  • Tumor process of ENT organs.
  • Long-term intake medicines or hormonal drugs, which have a vasodilating effect.
  • Kidney, cardiovascular or endocrine system can cause impaired circulation in the mucous membrane and provoke edema.
  • Some children react with nasal congestion to abrupt change environment.

How can I help my child?

Difficulty breathing brings a lot of inconvenience to the baby. The problem is especially aggravated at night when the child is lying down. He sleeps poorly, snores in his sleep, he has no appetite, his brain activity deteriorates. In a newborn, forced to breathe through the mouth, the feeding process is disrupted. Treat this problem necessary in conjunction with a pediatrician.

It is necessary to treat nasal congestion under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Pharmacy preparations

For effective elimination pathology in a child, it is necessary to find out its cause. At allergic rhinitis it will be enough to remove the allergen and take an antihistamine. In the event that it interferes with the baby's breathing foreign object, you need to remove it. The table contains drugs that will help alleviate the child's condition and eliminate puffiness with a "dry" rhinitis.

Direction of actionNameRelease formMethod of administration and dosageAge restrictions
Cleansing, moisturizingSalineDrops, sprayIrrigation of the nose 3-4 times a dayFor babies up to one year old, apply the agent in the form of drops, irrigation of the newborn's nose takes place in a lying position on its side
Removal of edemaVibrocilChildren under 6 years old - 1-2 drops 3 times a day, from 6 years old - 3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a dayFor children over a year old
BrizolinDrops2 drops up to 4 times a dayNot recommended until 6 years old
CetrinPillsFrom 12 years old - 1 tablet a day, up to 12 years old - 0.5 tablets
VasoconstrictionNazivin (we recommend to read :)DropsAt the discretion of the doctor, no longer than 5 daysDo not use in children under 7 months
SanorinChildren over 2 years old
Nazol-baby3-5 days, at intervals of more than 6 hoursFrom 2 months to 6 years
Nazol kidsFrom 2 years old
Elimination of allergiesSuprastinPillsAccording to age groupFrom the second month of life
LoratadinSyrupTake one hour before meals, dosage depending on ageFrom 1 year
Removal of inflammation, treatment of polyps, allergies, sinusitisNazonex (we recommend to read :)SprayUp to 12 years old - once a dayChildren over 2 years old
Treatment of acute sinusitis, rhinitisBioparoxSpray canIndividuallyFrom 30 months of age

The use of vasoconstrictor drops for children should be strictly prescribed by a doctor. Do not use drugs for more than 5 days. If the nasal passage of a baby is clogged, it is necessary to moisten the mucous membrane and remove dry crusts. Clearing congestion usually requires integrated approach to treatment.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of dealing with "dry" rhinitis are popular in the treatment of young children. Home remedies do not require a lot of money to prepare and are considered relatively safe:

  • For a child, you can make drops from carrot or beet juice... It is necessary to finely grate the vegetable, and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Mix liquid with water 1: 1. The baby is buried in each nostril 4 times a day.
  • Aloe juice has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare nasal drops, take 10 parts of juice and add 1 part of water to it. However, you should carefully monitor the reaction child's body because this plant can cause allergies in the child. You can relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane with herbal infusions.
  • An infusion for nasal use is prepared using calendula, sage and plantain. A tablespoon herbal collection it is necessary to pour 1 glass of boiling water and cool. The nose is treated 3-4 times during the day. You can replace the pharmacy drops for moisturizing the nose with chamomile infusion or saline solution (7 g of salt per glass of water).

With sinusitis, it is advised to bury the nose with Kalanchoe juice or solution sea ​​salt with iodine (1 drop of iodine, a pinch of salt, a glass of water).

Warming up the nose can be used to relieve congestion only if acute sinusitis is excluded. The procedure is carried out at bedtime for 10-15 minutes using warm eggs or heated bags of salt. The duration of therapy is 7-10 days.

Surgical intervention

Eliminate nasal congestion surgically is carried out if medical methods no treatment desired result... Operations are usually performed on children over 4 years old. The decision to carry out the procedure is made by a specialist. Front surgical intervention held full examination the patient. Below are the types of operations and indications for their conduct:

  • Polyectomy removes nasal polyps.
  • Adenoidectomy is aimed at removing the adenoids. Children are advised to remove adenoids with a laser.
  • Congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum is corrected with septoplasty.
  • Conchotomy is necessary for tumor processes in the turbinate.
  • Vasotomy is used for chronic vasomotor rhinitis.

Other measures

Many experts advise using massage to treat a cold. Rubbing the area between the eyebrows or the parotid region helps improve blood flow and relieve swelling in the nose. Also, massage of the wings of the nose and the area slightly higher is considered effective. The child will feel a little relief if the mother rubs his pads. thumb on hands.

Mild nasal congestion will disappear if you steam your feet for a couple of days in a row and put on woolen socks before bed

A hot foot bath will help eliminate congestion. To enhance the effect, you can add mustard to the water, herbal infusion chamomile or mint. The procedure is best done before bedtime. However, warming up the legs is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. V complex therapy complex shapes rhinitis, the following physiotherapeutic methods are used.