Steam face mask at home. Steam baths for the face. How to do a steam bath. Baths with herbal preparations according to skin type

Constant cleansing of the skin is an essential condition for maintaining its health and beauty. Facial cleansing can be done both at home and in the cosmetologist's office. Additional procedure skin cleansing are steam baths, which help to restore the water balance of the skin, saturate it with oxygen, and in some cases, disinfect it.

The need for steam baths for the face.
steam baths for the face are an intermediate stage of skin care, which contribute to the opening of pores and, therefore, the easy removal of impurities and blackheads (comedones) from the surface of the skin. Regular steam baths improve blood circulation, which in turn affects the skin turgor, it improves markedly. In addition, under the influence of hot steam softens upper layer skin and dead particles are easily exfoliated, and the skin becomes smooth and fresh. After a steam bath, the absorption and intensity of the effects of the applied cosmetics.

Features of the steam bath.
To conduct a steam bath at home, you need a dish with a capacity of about three liters (a saucepan, a wide and deep cup), into which hot (60 degrees) water should be poured. Then tilt your head over this dish (by 40 cm), and cover it with a towel on top. The duration of this procedure depends on the type of skin. So, for dry skin type, the procedure time should not exceed three minutes, for oily skin - no more than fifteen minutes, for combined type- no more than five minutes.

Before the procedure it is necessary to without fail cleanse the skin of the face. You can do this with your daily cleanser. In addition, since the skin around is especially sensitive and delicate, before taking a steam bath, for protection, you should apply any fat cream. After the steam bath, if there are no problems with the skin, you should rinse your face with cool water and wipe it with lotion or water with the addition of lemon juice. After 20 minutes, apply a cream to the skin for daily care suitable for skin type.

If there are black dots on the skin after a steam bath, it is necessary to dry the skin with a napkin and remove all the plugs that have come to the surface, for which you need to wrap your finger with a piece of bandage, after moistening it in hydrogen peroxide or any other disinfectant solution, and remove black dots.

Steam baths for the face can be done with the addition of essential oils to the water, as well as on the basis of herbal decoctions, which have not only a cleansing, but also a healing effect.

Steam bath based on herbal decoctions.
A steam bath with herbal decoction, especially if medicinal herbs were used for its preparation, is a real gift for our skin. A steam bath based on a decoction of a mixture of herbs has a beneficial effect on our skin, softens, soothes, and heals. The addition of essential oils (10 drops of oil per 1 liter of water) add flavor to the infusions and have a relaxing effect. To cleanse the pores and disinfect the skin, it is recommended to use celandine, plantain and burdock. To soften the skin and cleanse the pores, the use of chamomile infusion as a steam bath helps well. Calendula flowers are recommended for drying and healing minor wounds. Oregano herb is good not only as a cleansing steam bath, but also as a skin tonic.

Steam baths for oily skin.
For fatty type skin steam baths based on a decoction of medicinal herbs are simply necessary. Perfectly cleanses the skin herbal composition of linden blossom, oak bark, chamomile, mint leaves, taken in equal amounts. Other combinations of herbs are no less effective: bark and birch buds; calendula and chamomile flowers; sage, coltsfoot, horsetail. In addition, for oily skin it is very useful to carry out steam baths with the addition of essential oils of pine, lavender, tea tree, sage. For oily skin types, steam baths are recommended once a week. The most efficient way to do this procedure before bed at night.

Steam bath for dry skin.
Dry skin type is more inclined to compresses than to steam baths. However, once a month you can take steam bath based herbal mixture from chamomile, dandelion, marshmallow, rose, licorice and orange peel. You can use another steam bath recipe. To prepare it, 2 tbsp. chamomile must be brewed with a liter of boiling water, insist for 2-3 minutes under a closed lid.

Steam bath for normal skin.
For normal type skin, it is recommended to use a decoction of the following mixture of herbs taken in equal proportions as a steam bath: marshmallow, licorice, carnation, rose, thyme, chamomile, fennel, lavender with the addition of essential oils of sandalwood, lavender, geranium, bergamot. Steam baths for normal skin are recommended to be done once every two weeks.

Steam bath for combination skin.
For combination skin herbal baths should be selected in accordance with what type of skin prevails. If there are more dry areas, then the composition of the herbs should be the same as for dry skin, if there are more oily areas - as for oily skin. Owners of combination skin can afford to take steam baths every ten days.

Steam bath for aging skin.
IN this case the possibility of taking a steam bath depends on the condition of the skin. For this skin, steam baths with the addition of fennel, cinnamon, mint, anise, licorice are effective, bay leaf, nettle, eucalyptus, ginger, orange peel and essential oils of sage and rosemary. The duration of the steam bath for aging skin is no more than five minutes. You can do it no more than once a month.

The best facial cleanser at home is a steam bath. It not only saturates the skin with oxygen, but also restores its water balance.

Cosmetologists consider steam baths intermediate, but mandatory procedure face care.

This procedure is carried out before using a scrub or applying a mask, but after thoroughly cleansing the skin.

Why are such procedures useful? Cleansing the face with hot steam baths activates the glands and pores, increases blood circulation, and removes all the toxins and dirt that collects in the pores to the surface of the skin. In addition, such procedures soften and moisturize the outer stratum corneum of the skin.

We will need water, a saucepan and medicinal herbs that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Choose only those plants that will be good for your skin.

To prepare a decoction, you will need six calendula flowers, and if you are going to use the plant in dry form, then two tablespoons. Put the calendula in boiling water, then turn off the heat and cover the saucepan with a lid for five minutes, after which you can use the decoction.

Facial cleansing with chamomile steam bath

This plant soothes irritated skin, relieves inflammation and has a rejuvenating effect. The plant is ideal for owners of dry and sensitive type faces. The preparation method is the same as for the calendula procedure.

In steam baths for the face, you can use not one plant, but whole mixtures, just choose the most suitable ones, in which case the result will be even better.

Do you want to clear your skin of blackheads, blackheads and pimples? I suggest you take advantage of a simple and accessible procedure for everyone - a steam bath for the face, which can be done at home. Such a procedure does not require special costs, it is within the power of each of us.

The skin is our protection and our filter, it passes oxygen through itself - the tissues and cells of our body breathe. And through the tiny pores on the skin, everything that is used up and unnecessary comes out - toxins and slags. In general, our skin has enough work 🙂

In order for the skin to remain beautiful and toned, it must be kept clean and periodically deep cleansing of the pores.

After all, it is through the pores that all the garbage comes out and it is the pores that are clogged, clogged with the remnants of cosmetics, dust, sebum…

As a result, insufficient oxygen enters the tissue, and the work process slows down. sweat glands blood circulation slows down. Acne, rashes form on the skin, it loses its natural color. Our skin needs help and steam baths can provide it 🙂

It's hard to imagine without water full life. Water is necessary for all living things - it nourishes, cleanses and protects every cell of our body. During steam bath procedures, hot steam acts as the main cleaner of the skin.

Steam baths help eliminate toxins

Hot steam opens the skin pores, they are moistened and expanded. The sebaceous ducts are opened, the work of the sweat glands improves, blood circulation increases, the process of skin self-purification begins. Toxins, all unnecessary and waste go away through the pores!

steam baths with medicinal plants soothe and relieve inflammation

If you use decoctions during the steam procedure, infusions medicinal herbs, then it will only benefit the skin. High temperatures open pores, vapors medicinal plants and herbs get deep, soothe and relieve inflammation.

Steam baths slow down skin aging

Hot steam heats the skin, increases blood circulation, the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The steam bath procedure slows down the aging process of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

Steam baths normalize the natural color of the skin

steam bath helps the skin to breathe, normalizes its natural color. The skin becomes elastic and ruddy, cleansed of excess sebum, cosmetic residues, black dots.

Steam baths help get rid of acne and blackheads

The problem of blackheads and acne is very familiar to most teenagers, they begin to puberty. Hormones in in large numbers are released into the blood, the body is restructured and malfunctions sebaceous glands lead to acne and pimples.

Pores and hair follicles become clogged with sebum and dirt, resulting in blackheads and internal acne. To correct the situation, it is not enough to use creams, lotions and peeling - a deep cleaning of the dermis is necessary, which a steam bath for the face can give.

How to make a steam bath for the face at home

Any undertaking requires knowledge. Do not worry if you have never done this before, because everything can be learned, and there is nothing complicated in the matter of steam procedures, the mechanism is quite simple.

It is enough to carry out the procedure for cleansing the skin of the face once every one to two weeks. It is advisable to carry it out before going to bed, as the healing aromas of herbs relax and soothe, and after the procedure you will not want to work actively.

You will need:

  • A deep, clean container - this can be a bowl, saucepan or a large bowl of about two to three liters. Remember that the dishes must be clean, preferably new. It should not be used for dishwashing, storage or laundry. Great option there will be the use of ceramic, glass or enamelware.
  • A large, thick towel or blanket that can completely cover your head when you bend over the steam bath.
  • 1-1.5 liters of boiling water, one glass of prepared medicinal decoction or infusion of herbs.

Rules for the procedure of steam baths

  • You need to wash and remove your hair, prepare a glass of infusion medicinal herbs boil a liter of water
  • Since the skin in the eye area is very delicate, a nourishing, oily cream can be applied around the eyes to protect against hot steam.
  • Pour boiling water into the prepared bowl, add a decoction of herbs. Sit opposite so that the bowl is at chest level
  • Lean over the bowl so as not to burn your face with steam
  • Cover with a towel so that the healing steam does not come out from under the towel
  • If you feel too strong impact steam on the skin of the face, raise your head higher from the water. If you feel insufficient steam generation, heat up the water in the bowl
  • The duration of the steam bath procedure is no more than 10 minutes
  • For dry facial skin, the procedure time should be reduced to 5 minutes and carried out once every two weeks.

After the procedure, do not dry your face and do not wash your face. Skin after this deep hydration you need to “come to your senses”, relax - she herself will absorb the amount of moisture she needs. Relax for a few minutes, look at your transformation. Therapeutic steam has a healing effect on the deepest, cellular layers of the skin. The benefits of medicinal herbs, the essential substances contained in them, are only for the benefit of the skin of the face.

After a steam bath, the skin is steamed, the pores are prepared. And that means it's time to apply various nourishing masks and creams, use a cleansing scrub. The effectiveness of cosmetics is only increasing.

Contraindications to the use of steam baths

I told a lot about the benefits of the steam procedure, but are there any contraindications? It turns out there is…

If you have a lot of purulent acne on your face, wait a little with the procedure. Hot steam will heat the pus, make it liquid. In this case, steam procedures will only contribute to the spread of infection further.

The essence of the procedure is that we breathe hot air, therefore, there is a certain effect on the lungs, the pressure rises. If you are not confident in yourself and the strength of your body, consult with a specialist - is it possible for you to carry out the procedures.

You can not use a steam bath for the face with hypertension, because hot steam and hot air provoke blood flow and increase blood pressure.

Red vascular network on the skin of the face (couperosis), various skin diseases, cardiac disorders, bronchial asthma are also contraindications to the procedures.

Herbs for steam baths

Herbs for baths can be used in a variety of ways. Raw materials may be fresh or dry. A little later, I will talk about what herbs can be used to cleanse the skin, get rid of acne and blackheads.

To prepare a decoction of dry grass, it is necessary to first pour two tablespoons of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for fifteen minutes, then cool and strain.

An infusion of fresh medicinal herbs is prepared a little differently. Two tablespoons of grass must be crushed, pour a glass of boiling water, leave to brew for an hour, then strain. Fresh leaves, flowers and herbs should not be boiled, as high temperatures take away their favor.

  • For dry skin, you can use chamomile, lemon balm, parsley and sage.
  • Nettle, chamomile, oak, birch and calendula are suitable for oily skin.
  • Normal facial skin is suitable for the use of celandine, mint and mountain ash
  • To maintain youthful skin, it is useful to use thyme, coltsfoot and sage

Steam bath for facial cleansing

Fragrant herbs are leaders in facial cleansing. Chamomile, nettle, Linden blossom, mint, parsley and string - all of them will help make the skin clean and healthy, return it to natural beauty and color.

Bath with mint

For a bath, you can use an infusion of fresh leaves mint. You can also prepare a decoction and dried raw materials. To prepare a decoction, you need to take a tablespoon of mint leaves, pour two cups of boiling water, put on a slow fire and simmer for two minutes. Then cool the broth, strain.

Steam bath for acne

Calendula is a real doctor of various suppurations and wounds. For steam procedures it is necessary to use calendula flowers.

Take 20 grams of calendula color, pour three cups of boiling water. The infusion should be aged under the lid for half an hour. Then it must be filtered and brought to a boil again.

Steam bath for blackheads

To get rid of black dots, it is useful to use linden, crushed rowan fruits and St. John's wort.

From linden and St. John's wort, the decoction is prepared in the same way. Take about 20 grams of dry raw materials per liter of boiling water, healing mixture cook on fire for about 2 minutes, cool the resulting broth and strain.

From the fruits of mountain ash, a decoction is obtained in a different way. Grind the berries with a blender or in a meat grinder, put the resulting slurry on cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. To prepare the bath, you need to get about 50 ml of rowan berry juice.

Pour the juice into a liter of boiling water and you can start healing steam procedures.

Conclusions and wishes

Regular use of facial steam baths at home will transform you! The power of medicinal herbs and the positive, deep effect of water vapor can easily replace expensive trips to beauty salon. After all special costs and large investments Money this procedure is not required! Be beautiful, loved and happy!

The need for high-quality, deep cleansing of the skin is something that every woman realizes sooner or later. Under the influence of aggressive factors external environment and a permanent layer of cosmetics, nutrition in the skin cells is disrupted, which invariably leads to replenishment in the skin cells and the appearance of acne. correct, deep cleansing skin is possible at home. And help in this - steam baths for the face, effective against acne, and suitable for correct application any type of skin. Secrets of Perfection will tell you how this is possible.

Steam baths for the face: cosmetic properties.

Cosmetologists assure that periodic steam baths are wonderful. natural way cleansing the skin, increasing the amount of oxygen in the skin cells. Moisture during the procedure helps to soften the rough layer of dead cells and easily remove it. After steam baths, all subsequent actions (for example, the use of creams and masks) act with enhanced efficiency.

Steam baths for acne are effective because such treatments help to cleanse the skin well, expand the pores and blood vessels. The steam will help loosen the blockages that clog the ducts. With the help of steam baths, inflammatory seals can dissolve and skin metabolic processes are activated. Thus, if you want to do a thorough cleansing of your face, a steam bath is one of the the best options. It should be noted that this procedure is especially recommended for owners of oily, combination skin types.

Steam baths for the face from acne: rules for preparation and implementation.

As already mentioned, steam baths are especially recommended for oily, rough skin with black dots, blackheads and pimples. For such skin, it is possible to perform baths once a week, for dry skin - 1-2 times a month, and for normal - 1 time in 14-20 days. Steam baths for acne are recommended to be carried out in calm environment maybe before bed.

Before the procedure, you should prepare everything you need. First, boil water. Secondly, prepare the dishes, and also terry towel(which should cover the head and hair). Boiling water is first poured into the prepared dishes and placed on the table, they lean over it and cover it with a towel (so that the effect of steam is targeted on the skin of the face). A steam bath for acne is carried out for 5-10 minutes for oily skin, 3-5 for normal and 2-3 for irritable and dry.

After steam baths, all protruding skin imperfections are carefully removed with a cotton swab, and the face is washed warm water. Finally, it is possible to use home mask. In this case, various are often used. Frozen herbal infusions are used to tone the skin. Wiping the skin with juice of strawberries, strawberries, cucumbers, watermelons, parsley and other herbs is very useful.

For steam baths in home recipes, decoctions are often used instead of ordinary water. Well, the recipes for such fees will be happy to share the Secrets of Perfection.

Steam baths for acne: natural beauty recipes.

Recipe 1. Steam bath with chamomile for acne. Anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties do not need comments. To prepare such a bath, you will need to boil for 20 minutes 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile inflorescences in half a liter of water. After that, you need to keep your face over the container under a towel. After the procedure, you can relax for 20-30 minutes, but it is not recommended to go outside.

Recipe 2. Steam bath with mint for acne. The bath is suitable for all skin types. To prepare it, pour 1 tbsp. l. mint, pour a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil, then insist 10-15 minutes. The procedure is performed from 3 to 10 minutes depending on the type of skin.

Recipe 3. Steam bath with wormwood for acne. The wormwood steam bath improves blood circulation and refreshes the skin. It is often used for wrinkles. For its preparation, 1 tablespoon of wormwood is poured with 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 5-10 minutes.

Recipe 4. Steam bath with rosemary for acne. Medicinal rosemary has a good effect not only on the skin of the face, but also on the respiratory system. To prepare a bath, 1-2 tablespoons of dry rosemary are poured into 1 liter of boiling water. Further, as described in the recipes above, the broth is boiled a little, and allowed to brew for several minutes.

Recipe 5. Steam bath with rose petals for acne. Rose petals help to cleanse and refresh the skin, and most importantly, they are suitable for use with any type of skin. In order to prepare such a bath, a layer of rose petals is placed on the bottom of the sieve in a bowl of boiling water. Keep your face over the steam for 15 minutes.

Similarly, black elderberry flowers are used for any skin type. 1 st. l. flowers pour 1 liter of boiling water. To use lavender flowers in an alternative recipe, put 2-3 tbsp. l. Herbs per 1 liter of boiling water.

Steam baths for the face from acne: contraindications.

Steam baths are contraindicated for skin prone to irritation, too dry, with dilated vessels, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis. It is also not advisable to do steam baths when hypertension and bronchial asthma.

In conclusion, we can conclude that acne steam baths will help not only to cleanse the skin qualitatively, but also to refresh and rejuvenate the skin. Follow the recommendations of the Secrets of Perfection and always be beautiful!

Steam baths for the face complex procedure recommended for all skin types. Thanks to its complex action, it cleanses the ducts, removes decay products, and accelerates renewal processes. Prepared on the basis of herbs, soothe the skin, help to refresh the color. natural recipes conceal the secrets of eternal beauty and youthfulness of the face.

Benefits of a steam bath for the skin

  1. Remove keratinized epidermis;
  2. Clear sebaceous plugs;
  3. Remove toxins and oxidants;
  4. Strengthen facial capillaries;
  5. Soothe and cure inflammation and ulcers;
  6. Moisturize and nourish skin useful elements.

Rules for the use of a steam bath for the face

For achievement maximum effect it is important to properly make steam baths at home, following simple recommendations:

  • you need to thoroughly wash your hands, clean your face of cosmetics, remove your hair with hairpins or hide it under a bandage;
  • close your eyes and tilt your face over the steam, cover your head with a towel from above;
  • keep according to skin type a certain amount of time, for dry and sensitive from three to five minutes, for oily and combination from ten to fifteen;
  • after close the pores cold water or citrus juice, apply moisturizer;
  • no more than three/five times a month.

Interesting video: steam bath- facial cleansing

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts analyzed sulfate-free shampoos, where funds from Mulsan Сosmetic took the first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

What herbs are suitable for steam baths

Herbs are useful for freshness and softening of the integument, saturation with useful elements. For each type, it is worth using collections of dry or freshly picked herbs. natural recipes help to normalize intracellular processes, stop age-related changes.

  1. Dry skin - sage, chamomile, parsley, lemon balm;
  2. Oily skin - oak, birch, nettle, chamomile, calendula;
  3. Combination skin - mint, yarrow, mountain ash, celandine;
  4. For aging skin - thyme, sage, coltsfoot.

Contraindications for use

There are the following contraindications for the steam procedure:

  • individual intolerance;
  • wounds, cuts, burns;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • increased facial hair growth;
  • thin vessels, rosacea.

Homemade steam bath recipes for the face

Facial care with natural ingredients allows you to strengthen facial vessels and improve color. Natural recipes deeply cleanse, help normalize intracellular processes. home cleaning effectively softens the skin, copes with flabbiness and peeling.

For acne with chamomile

With your own hands it is easy to restore the skin, cure purulent formations. The healing procedure normalizes the secretion of glands, stops the spread of infection.


  • 15 gr. chamomile;
  • 800 ml of water;
  • 8 drops of tea tree essential oil

Preparation and method of application: put on water bath flowers with water, keep for ten minutes. After removing the healing liquid from the heat, mix with tea tree oil, pour into a wide bowl. Keep your face up to seven minutes, after which it is easy to get wet cotton pad.

Interesting video: Facial cleansing at home

From wrinkles with sage

Toning procedure saturates the integument useful substances activating the synthesis of elastin. By using folk recipes You can rejuvenate your face, restore freshness and radiance.


  • 150 ml of sage broth;
  • 5 drops of rosemary ether.

Preparation and method of application: prepare a concentrated decoction, strain and mix with aromatic oils. Remove make-up from the face, tilt over the healing steam for eight / ten minutes. After additionally wipe the covers with liquid with a sponge.

From black dots with yarrow

Steam baths effectively get rid of comedones, softening sebaceous plugs, and help to remove decay products. Thanks to the available procedure, you can deeply clean the integument and improve oxygen respiration.


  • 500 ml of water.

Preparation and method of application: pour boiling water over the grass, wait 2-3 minutes, then you can lower your face over the steam. Hold for ten to twelve minutes, with rapid cooling, reheat. After spread in the T-region oat flour, after two minutes, complete the deep cleaning.

From acne with calendula

Healing inflorescences have an excellent effect on problematic, painful formations. Thanks to regular home care you can stop the spread of infection, speed up the healing process.



  • 10 gr. calendula;
  • 5 drops of pine essential oil;
  • 500 ml of water.

Preparation and method of application: brew marigolds with water, add essential pine oil. Wipe the skin with micellar liquid and tilt over the bowl. Hold for three to five minutes, then lightly blot with a cotton pad, wipe acne with boric alcohol.

For cleansing pores

Periodically even normal skin deep cleaning required. Steam baths are useful for activating intracellular processes, improving tone and elasticity. It also solves the problem unhealthy color and moisture deficiency.


  • 5 gr. series;
  • 5 gr. birches;
  • 3 drops essential oil roses;
  • 300 ml of water.

Preparation and method of application: thoroughly crush the herbs in a mortar and pour boiling water, then add flower oil. Carry out the procedure for about eight minutes, then wipe the covers with lemon juice.

For dry skin

Paraffin bath allows you to quickly restore integument, cope with dryness, smooth out wrinkles. Effective Recipes it is recommended to carry out with flabby aging skin, with frequent peeling and irritation. Perfectly removes puffiness, corrects the oval line.


  • 30 gr. paraffin;
  • 5 ml of almond oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil

Preparation and method of application: heating the paraffin in a water bath (it is important that water does not get in, otherwise you can get a burn), cleanse your face of makeup. After mixing the oils, distribute evenly on the skin, then use a spatula to distribute the paraffin on massage lines, forming as many layers as possible. Enjoy the action for about half an hour, then remove the remnants.

For oily skin

A steam bath for the face is an excellent method to cope with bumpy, porous skin prone to acne formations. The cleansing and tonic effect helps to normalize the functioning of the glands, improve metabolic processes. Redness and greasy shine pass.


  • 10 gr. nettles;
  • 5 gr. mint;
  • 2 drops of sandalwood ether;
  • 2 drops of orange ether;
  • 300 ml of water.

Preparation and method of application: after preparing a concentrated decoction, mix it with oils. Keep the face cleansed from the make-up over the steam for eight minutes, then wash with water.

For combination skin

Steam bath with soda is one of the best emergency facial cleansing, if necessary, quickly restore blooming view. A spa session helps to cope with comedones, narrow enlarged pores. The herbal treatment moisturizes and refreshes the color.


  • 5 gr. plantain;
  • 5 gr. lindens;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 7 drops of bergamot ether.

Preparation and method of application: brew herbs and mix with fragrant drops. The duration of the session ranges from six to eight minutes, then you can apply a cold towel to the covers.

For normal skin

Supports freshness and youth, helps to improve color and strengthen capillaries affordable procedure. Thanks to regular use, it is easy to hide signs of fatigue and insomnia, forget about mimic wrinkles.


  • 1 st. a spoonful of elderberry;
  • a teaspoon of parsley root;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 3-4 drops of patchouli essential oil.

Production and method of application: grind the elderberry together with the root and pour it with water, cook in a water bath for ten / twelve minutes. Remove from heat and add essential drops. Keep your face over the steam for no more than seven minutes, then apply a moisturizer.

Interesting video: How to steam the skin of the face?