Are there kindred spirits? Kindred souls: myth or reality? Why haven't you met your soul mate yet?

Many people at least once in their lives when communicating with a person feel like they know him for a long time. In such a situation, you feel very comfortable and calm, as if next to you is a kindred spirit. On this issue, people are divided into those who believe in its existence, and skeptics.

What is a kindred spirit?

There is such a theory that every person throughout his life is looking for those whom he has already seen in another world. Perhaps the souls have some unfinished business or Scientists have their own opinion on this matter. They believe that the feeling of love and attraction is an analogy that arises in the memory of a person with whom you once saw. In simple terms, in the memory there are pictures that reflect the past. It is because of this that the person you meet on the way seems like an old acquaintance, and you think that it is your soulmate in front of you.

In general, one can give a definition to this expression, which will more or less describe the essence this concept. A soul mate is a person who may not have a blood connection with you, but at the same time is very close in spirit, and you common interests and habits. Such people can tolerate any shortcomings and unacceptable traits of each other's character. They can communicate almost without words, and between them there is a feeling of absolute mutual understanding. Over time, such partners may notice that they began to do the same thing, for example, start sentences with the same words and literally guess each other's thoughts.

Soul mate - who is she?

Everyone deserves to meet a congenial person, but for some reason fate gives someone such an opportunity, but someone does not. This is mainly due to the large number of misconceptions that affect the psyche:

  1. People who believe that it is very easy to meet a soul mate, and indeed she will come into their lives on her own, are deeply mistaken. We must do everything possible to bring the date of the meeting closer. You should not start searching among friends and even strangers First, you need to study yourself. If you are at odds with yourself and with your inner self, then the chance of finding someone like yourself is reduced to a minimum.
  2. Another serious mistake is the belief that the found soul mate will not go anywhere, and you will always be together. As you know, all relationships are subjected to various tests, and over time they can deteriorate significantly. Therefore, it must be understood that even with kindred spirit you need to constantly strengthen and maintain contact.
  3. Many believe that it is impossible to maintain trust and strong relationships with a lot of people. Therefore, they deliberately reduce it, but this is completely wrong. In fact, it is contact with a large number different people helps to fully open up and find like-minded people.

Most often, people find that a soul mate is a person who was not even in the circle of acquaintances and potential candidates for this place.

Understanding that this is the person in front of you happens literally on an intuitive level. We create a certain spiritual image for ourselves, and upon meeting, almost instantaneous recognition occurs. Women are mostly capable of this, since they have better developed intuition.

Long-awaited meeting

Oddly enough, but such fateful meetings happen at the most unexpected moment. How do you know if it's your soul mate? With such a person, there is a feeling of amazing intimacy that you have never felt with anyone else. It is very important not to confuse a kindred spirit and the desire for romantic or love relationship, it's completely different concepts that have nothing in common with each other. Sometimes such close people do not come into life forever, but only in order to fulfill a certain mission, for example, to calm down, to help believe in a miracle, to change, etc.

How not to make a mistake?

In this case, you must completely trust the heart and inner feelings, since brain impulses can distort reality, and you can lose your person. You will certainly feel that in front of you is exactly the person with whom you need to go in the same direction. A soul mate is not necessarily a person of the opposite sex for whom you feel warm feelings, it can be a friend, sister, etc. To put it in the language of physics, then such people have the same energy, which, entering into resonance, increases the potential of everyone, while increasing the return during common work.

Description of kindred spirits

The famous writer Doreen Virtue compares such people with companions. She says that one should always remember that a person does not originate on earth, but in heaven. It is there that souls acquire strong ties, form certain groups and couples. They differ in number and can be in different dimensions. It all depends on what specifically connects them to each other. The writer says that the partnership that arises between kindred spirits has a certain reason. When people achieve what they want, the ties between them are significantly weakened, and they part to start searching again. The writer says that between such people there is always a feeling of love and gratitude for the happy moments of life.

illustrative examples

Very often you can see that people who consider themselves soul mates speak and gesticulate in the same way, many have a suspicion that they are brothers and sisters. Quite often you can hear the opinion that people who have lived in marriage a large number of time, become similar friend on a friend. Some experiments show that even their heart rate is synchronized. Such people live in full understanding with each other, it is this feeling that can be called real happiness.

From the world classics, one can also give an example - the main characters of M.A. "Master and Margarita". A man after talking with a girl realized that he loved her all his life. This is a clear example of kindred spirits.

The Other Side of the Medal

AT recent times For many people, attracting a soul mate is practically the main meaning of life. They are simply sure that the other half should love and understand them without changes, not argue with anything and love, no matter what. In addition, the second half is simply obliged to do extraordinary things and do everything possible and impossible for the happiness of a partner. This is what is a huge barrier for many people to meet loved one and find harmony in life.

Why is a person looking for a soul mate?

Many people spend a lot of time looking for a soul mate, but the result remains zero. In this case, you need to ask yourself the question of why you are looking for such a person? There may be several reasons:

  1. You feel inadequate. Most often this can be a consequence, etc.
  2. You think that a soul mate will help solve all problems and make you a happy person.
  3. The bad experience of the past constantly reminds you of the wrong choice of partner. Because of this, you want to meet that person.


We hope you now don’t even have any doubts about whether soul mates exist, or is it still a far-fetched myth. It is very important to believe that such a person will certainly meet on the way, and you will be happy with him, no matter what. Remember that your soulmate will appear next to you at the most unexpected moment, because this real gift fate.

Why do we meet our soul mate? Such a phenomenal, out of the ordinary meeting does not happen just like that, and it is far from easy. romantic meeting. A meeting with a Soulmate is always true, real and unconditional Love, and it can be experienced even by those whose consciousness is not yet ready for such a high Love. But they will also experience unconditional love. And somewhere in the depths of the soul, everyone who met his soul mate will hear inner voice, who will say - "THIS IS FOR SOMETHING MORE".

The first meeting with a Soulmate is always for that experience and those experiences that we have never experienced before, for the purification and growth of our consciousness, knowledge of the Self and knowledge of the Highest, the original Source of Love. And you will undoubtedly feel in this meeting incredible and, at the same time, such natural and close to you sensations of inexplicable breadth, lightness and openness. You will feel relatedness.
Yes, this spiritual Affinity can be experienced in very different ways, but it will always be Affinity, something that is difficult to describe in words, but something that is felt very clearly and undoubtedly.
What is "more"? This is you - in the broadest spiritual and personal perspective. Having met your Soul Mate, you meet yourself-greater, you meet a part of yourself - forgotten, ancient and so close and understandable to you. Phenomenal powers and abilities wake up in you, you remember your past incarnations and acquire your primordial talents, find yourself greater. Yes, not all of it yet - it will be at the meeting with the twin half, but already more, much more.
Meeting with a Soul Mate is Love, it is Power, energy, it is your wisdom and Knowledge, it is your Life! Perhaps, having met your Soulmate, for the first time in your life you will feel Alive! How can this be overestimated? What could be more expensive? Nothing can be more important and closer than Life! Therefore, having met your Soulmate, feeling it (him) and feeling yourself, you can forget about everything in the world and begin to Love only Life, you will begin to Love only Love. You will find everything that is most important, the most real and the only worthwhile thing in your life.
This is what your meeting with a Soulmate can mean, if such a meeting is to the maximum, 100 percent.
Of course, meetings are different and Soul mates, are also different and you can be completely ready for such a meeting, or not at all ready, but ... No matter how, in whatever form your meeting takes place, you will never be able to forget it again - you will not be able to forget the sensations Relatedness. It's unforgettable!

A meeting with a kindred spirit can bring a lot into our lives, surprisingly, phenomenally a lot. The words that our soul mate tells us fall into our soul and begin to live there - it’s as if strings suddenly sounded inside us, music began to play, so beautiful and so dear ...
Kindred spirits can be the most for each other the best teachers and psychotherapists, and not because they are extraordinarily smart, but simply because OUR OWN SOUL SPEAKS TO US THROUGH THEM (!!!). Our Relatives speak to us through the Soul Mate Higher power our guardian angels. This is what our meeting with a kindred spirit can mean. And much, much more.

And our soul mate is similar to our soul mate (not outwardly, of course) and we feel and experience just like that, we feel that this is our soul mate, but this is not so ... How to figure it out, how to understand, how not to commit fatal mistake, which can lead to the life drama of both? After all, Kindred souls are not true halves and THEY CAN NEVER COMBINE FULLY, and the desire for just such a connection will remain and it will torment both, making their life incomplete, incomplete.
With a Soul Mate, just like with a Gemini, you can get to higher states consciousness, to the comprehension of the Divine, Primordial. And, it is from the moment when you recognize the original Source of Love in each other, it is from this moment that the differences begin, then you will be able to know without a doubt who you are to each other - Soul mates or Twin halves. If you doubted until then, then after knowing the Source, after merging with the Absolute, there are no doubts, everything becomes more than obvious. You will know and see all this for yourself, with your own eyes.
Until then, doubts may remain. There are not always doubts, sometimes a couple or one of the two clearly knows that they are only soul mates to each other and nothing more. But sometimes both have doubts.
In any case, one way or another, only by reaching the highest manifestation of Love, reaching the Source of Love, you will be able to completely and without doubt resolve all issues for yourself.

The meeting of soul mates, like the meeting of twin halves, is always for something more, for more than we knew before this meeting and certainly for more than just the romance of love and the subsequent program of family life. It is greater and does not exclude romance, love, or family life, but all this acquires a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT QUALITY, - THE HIGHEST QUALITY, THE DIVINE QUALITY.

And, in conclusion, we can say that, indeed, our life is in many ways a School where we learn lessons, as well as our life is given to us for enjoyment and a meeting with a Soulmate is both an indescribable pleasure and a great lesson, and until we learn this lesson to the end, until the mission of meeting with a Soul Mate is completed by us, until we can reunite with our true half. These are the rules of the Game, these are the Laws of the space of Kindred Souls - the space in which a man and a woman live and improve together, because only together, in their true unity, are they able to "learn" all the lessons and enjoy the highest bliss, uniting absolutely and making their great return to the Primal Source of All, returning Home.

Meetings with kindred spirits are special events in our life. But let's first understand the terminology. Soul mates are souls from the same "family" in the Spirit world who have a spiritual identity and have complementary vibrations.

Your closest soul mates are with you in your primary spiritual group. This group usually consists of 5 to 25 people. Together they develop and learn at about the same pace. Often such souls incarnate next to you over and over again, changing only their roles: father, mother, sister, friend, spouse, etc.

There are kindred spirits of the second "circle". These are the souls that develop in the closest spiritual group to yours. There are other related "circles" in upper world. There are those who are not included in any of the related groups, but are connected with us karmically. You can read more about this in the books of Michael Newton.
There is a common misconception that there can be no conflicts and misunderstandings between Soul Mates. It is enough just to meet your Soulmate, and you can relax and live together happily ever after. However, this is not the case.

Kindred souls can be with us both in harmonious and inharmonious karmic connection . It may even seem that a Soul Mate is torturing you on purpose, but she does not have such a task. Torturing yourself, as a rule, only you yourself, not fully understanding the goals and objectives of your meeting.

How to recognize a soul mate from your spiritual family?

This encounter changes your life or your internal state, moreover, in short time. Sometimes a soul mate appears on your life path in its most difficult moments, literally pulling you out of the abyss. She shows you a different way, she teaches you love, patience, she awakens in you the ability to be creative.

It's always important person in life, even if your meeting lasted only a few minutes.

Upon meeting, almost immediately, a deep spiritual intimacy arises. There may be contradictions on the intellectual level, but this does not interfere with the feeling of warmth and deep understanding of another person. There is a feeling of some kindred closeness, as it happens in relation to people with whom you grew up together in childhood and met again. warm flow calm love felt in the chest area. Moreover, it seems that it is so natural, as if it has always been so. Very often there is falling in love, even if the partners are same-sex (not to be confused with homosexuality). I want to be near this person, just to be near.

It is important not to impede the free flow of love in the event of a meeting with a Soul Mate. There may be several such souls during a lifetime. These may be people below or above you. spiritual development. But every time these will be meetings that radically change you and your life for the better.

It would be a big mistake to think that a Soulmate comes into our life to stay in it forever. And many begin to cling to such partners, put conditions on them and suffer as a result. Kindred spirits come to us in right time and leave in the same way, having fulfilled their tasks. This is a sacred relationship. Be patient and careful with such partners, because an unfulfilled desire can lead to disappointment and even personal tragedy. You just need to enjoy communication and be saturated with positive spiritual energy, without clinging or becoming attached.

Any meeting with karmic partners, including Soul Mates, aggravates internal problems, exposes psychological blocks, raises old traumas to the surface. The shortcomings of the soul, coming even from past incarnations, are clearly highlighted. The battle between good and evil begins. This process is sometimes quite painful. And there is only one strategy of behavior here - just stay in the flow of Love, which has a Divine nature.

In modern esotericism, there is also the concept of "Twin Flames". It is believed that these are two halves of one whole, which, having met, find the highest harmony. There can be many kindred souls, and the soul supposedly has only one Gemini. Personally, I can't say anything about this phenomenon. Such information did not come to me, and I simply do not believe the articles on the Internet. I did not have such experience, and I did not meet in my practice vivid and provable examples of such connections. Therefore, today I treat this as a beautiful, but utopian legend, nothing more. At the same time, I admit that perhaps my opinion will someday change. And then I will have something to tell you on this topic.
Each soul is self-sufficient and at the same time is part of a single whole, and everything that the soul needs to achieve the Divine essence is contained in itself.

(c) Irina Fedorova (Elleirina)

Have you ever had the feeling that you have known a person for a thousand years, although you are actually seeing him for the first time in your life? This phenomenon is quite common today. The feeling in which a person becomes comfortable and calm, as if he is you yourself, only in a different person, means that two kindred souls have met. However, skeptics do not believe in their existence. To prove them otherwise is our main task.

soul mate theory

What does the concept of "kindred spirits" mean? There is such an assumption that in this life each of us is looking for those whom we have already seen in another world. Our former incarnations find each other because they could have some unfinished joint business or they were one family. However, not all scientists and experts recognize that kindred spirits exist. The most common statement is that attraction, a sudden flash of love and comfort next to a person, is nothing more than an analogy, which is made by the memory of those who have already met in life. The function of memory and pictures, once laid down in the past, work in the brain. That is why a complete stranger seems like an old acquaintance, and we understand that we have a kindred spirit in front of us.

On the other hand, no one can explain how the meeting of two like-minded people takes place. Some people meet them by chance, as if fate itself pushes them together, while others never manage to meet a loved one until the end of their lives. How do you meet your soul mate? And is it really possible to do this?

Scientists say that attempts to find a congenial person often end in failure. And it's mostly due to some common misconceptions:

Let's summarize how to recognize a soul mate among a crowd of old and new acquaintances. It should be remembered that we are all originally brothers and sisters to each other. We are all one before God. Let not always our openness is useful, and many of those around us can inflict mental trauma on us. But on the other hand, it allows you to learn about those who surround us much more than it seems from the outside. Do not close yourself off from people, be sincere with those around you, and then you will find that kindred spirits surround you everywhere.

When we are born, we are not alone; we live and die, we are not alone. Although sometimes it seems that there is no one around. However, most people do not even realize what deep connections they have with other people. In addition to the personal relationships known to us, there is a communication system more high order. Consider more subtle and deeper connections.

Soul Relationships: Kindred Souls

When it comes to soul mates, they usually mean sexual partners- people who have a deep sexual-love relationship. True soul mates, however, do not always engage in sexual intercourse. In many cases, they are not very interested in the sexual aspect of their relationship. the true relationship of kindred spirits manifests itself very powerfully. In fact, they help each other to rise to new levels of consciousness and life. Often, soul mates stay in contact for a very short period of time for the sole purpose of using the powerful combination of their energies to move forward. certain stage of its development. They almost always have the opposite sex to balance the polarities. However, in different lives possible alternation of male and female roles. Soul mates may meet frequently on the higher planes and continue to communicate on those levels.
When kindred spirits are in physical bodies, they can sometimes develop complicated relationship. If one person climbed more than high level development than the other, it is not enough developed aspects the latter may irritate him. In this case, it may seem to the second partner, whose energies are less developed, that they are making excessive demands on him.

The perfect model of your "I"

In our body, behind the xiphoid process (in the lower part of the sternum), energy is concentrated that is associated with ours. It can be called "the grain of our Self", or perfect
a model of our Self, which we must realize. Therefore, it is in this area that the energies of fate predominate.
In the case of a deep relationship, the perfect model of your Self comes into contact with the same area in the body of another person, and thus a connection of souls is established. At the same time, everyone feels that he is an individual soul, and relationships open up new opportunities for him.
When kindred spirits are nearby, these areas of the body, as a rule, begin to resonate.

MEDITATION: Getting in touch with kindred spirits

Immerse yourself in a meditative state.
a) Focus on the area behind the xiphoid process of the sternum. Get in touch with the energy of your true self.
b) Then ask to feel the energy of your soul mate. Do you know this person in your current life?
c) Are you ahead of him in your development, or is your soul mate ahead of you?
d) Ask for a sense of balance and connection with your soul mate. Ask that this bright peace fill you both.

Souls are twins

twin souls very similar to each other and are usually of the same sex. Sometimes their astrological charts overlap so much that they often do the same things at the same time. It happens that twin souls do not know about the existence of each other for many years. If one develops intensively and successfully moves forward, the growth of the other will automatically accelerate.
Twin souls usually have strong connection, which comes from past lives, where together they overcame many difficult situations and thus laid the foundation trusting relationship. When these people meet, they are immediately imbued mutual trust to each other and between them a complete mutual understanding is established. If they are women, they may find that their kitchens, closets, pantries are arranged in a similar way. In the same way, their lives have a lot in common, even the type of their activities may coincide. If twin souls are men, then their professions and method of work will be extremely identical.

MEDITATION: Connecting with Your Twin Soul

Enter a meditative state.
a) Do you have a twin soul?
b) What does she do?
c) Who is doing better in this life - you or her?
d) Feel the contact with her and ask him to be filled with light peace.

Soul families

Soul families can consist of several thousand people. You incarnate again and again with these souls, sometimes having with them friendly relations based on mutual support, and sometimes very intense and very instructive. You are learning to be a father, mother, sister, brother, child, and other roles, including those of lovers and spouses. Ultimately, you learn to interact with any member of your spirit family in all aspects of relationships. Therefore, we may find that our parents in past life were our children, or that with our brothers or sisters we were once in marital relations. It's like children playing mother-daughter: "Today it's my turn to be a mother," or "My turn to be a child," or "spouse."
This type of role relationship, the mutual alternation of roles, suggests that we learn, control others, or are controlled ourselves, finding ourselves in a master-servant relationship. In short, any possible type relationships are worked out in the soul family over and over again until we develop deep interconnections between the universe level and the soul level. We learn to love - to experience love in all its forms and share it with others.
If one or several members of such a family lag behind in their development, they pull back the entire family of souls. If someone makes a big leap in development, he brings positive energy the whole family, thus affecting each member.
Sometimes members of older and wiser soul clans, having incarnated in one family, move to other families or clans, seeking to help them progress. Perhaps in this life they will not have contact with their own group, but after such a "missionary" incarnation they will come together in next life to work on yourself and on your own development. Although it sometimes seems that the efforts made by them in the “missionary” incarnation do not give anything to their family members, nevertheless they beneficial effect contribute to the overall development within and outside a particular family clan of souls. Having such an incarnation, "missionaries" may feel like "out of place", strangers in the family, but they have a goal and they know that they should be here.

Specialized soul groups

Exist special groups souls whose members have additional program. Their task may be to exercise a leading role, in the development of the spiritual consciousness of a group of people. Their goal is to accelerate the evolution of humanity on the planet. Members of these groups often accumulate a lot of karma that needs to be worked through from time to time before continuing to work together as a group. These groups may hold positions in government in one life, be engaged in business in another, and in another life support and develop the education system. They may also dedicate some of their lives to the military. Their main focus is on the development of other people, and their own development recedes into the background.
Many of them are from other planets, and although they interact with soul families, their main function is to work in their own specialized group.

Connections from past lives
Everyone with whom we have long or bright relationship- positive or negative, - one way or another was connected with us in past lives. Understanding the dynamics of communication can help us solve many problems and enrich relationships.