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Watch - wonderful gift, but there are many prejudices that do not allow giving this accessory to someone as a gift. It doesn't matter if it is a graceful women's watch or a table antique clock, most people will not be happy with such a gift.

Gift watches: signs and superstitions

Who or what has deprived people of such a wonderful gift? The prohibition, which convinces you that you can not give a watch, originates in ancient times.

Some signs:

  • Perhaps the founders of this superstition were the Chinese nation. V distant times when the clock was not widespread, the Chinese used it as a symbol for death. The watch was given to all people who wanted to be invited to the funeral.
  • Why don't they give a watch? Maybe because the Slavs equated the clock with the harbinger of misfortune and grief. As a result, loved ones and dear people no one dares to give such a gift.
  • Another sign says that the clockwork steals human years. Therefore, many believe that such a gift will shorten the duration of a person's stay on earth.
  • Since ancient times, there is a belief that categorically prohibits the use of a watch as a gift for a loved one.
  • Why is giving a watch a bad omen? One of the most terrible signs assures that at the moment of stopping the donated clockwork, their owner will say goodbye to life. Therefore, there are few people who will be delighted with such a gift.
  • In ancient times, watch movements were voluminous, and their large hands were equated with sharp objects. It was often believed that a gift in the form of a watch, along with knives, pins, forks and other sharp objects, could serve as a magnet for evil spirits. Sharp objects often lead to disagreements between people or family quarrels... There is a saying, the meaning of which is that sharp objects cut happiness, love and friendship.

Who is not given a watch

If follow folk beliefs, then giving a watch is a bad omen. It is completely forbidden to hand watches over to birthday people, since it is believed that the donated clockwork is counting down the time allotted for a person. Many people get upset when their next birthday comes.

With age, people begin to think about the time allotted to them. Therefore, the clock will not please anyone, especially when most of your life has passed. And what older man, the more inappropriate the time meter is as a presentation. Even the best quality watches can suddenly stop working. It should come as no surprise if stopping the clock would cause panic among especially superstitious wearers.

The watch should not be presented to loved ones and loved ones. For example, a mother, grandmother or girlfriend is unlikely to appreciate such a gift.

Can I give a watch to a man? This question worries many female representatives who are trying to find perfect gift for a dear person. A popular omen assures that a watch presented to a beloved man can destroy a love union. It is believed that a rupture can occur regardless of whether the hands of the clock stop or not.

How to give a watch?

Most people tend to believe omens. But if you think a little, you can understand that all the signs indicate only the impossibility of giving. And what prevents you from buying such a gift from the donor for a nominal fee? Perhaps this cunning gesture will save the gift from a bad halo.

It is also worth recalling that all famous signs do not have scientific backing, so you shouldn't dwell on them. But it is best to find out about the degree of superstition of the person to whom the gift is intended before giving the gift.

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On the one hand, a watch is a very good gift, suitable for any event, and on the other hand, it is shrouded in many mysteries and signs. Who can and who cannot be given a watch and how to present it as a gift so that nothing bad happens?

At first glance, the clock - wonderful gift... Solid wrist Men's Watch or graceful women's jewelry watch - a memorable and useful accessory, and a table or wall clock is a great decoration for your home. But not everything is so simple - it turns out that time meters are not harmless. Signs of many peoples forbid giving them as a gift. Why around useful invention so much controversy? Who can you give a watch and how to do it correctly?

Where did this superstition come from?

There are two main versions of the origin of this sign. V western tradition the hands of the watch are equated with sharp objects, which means that the watch falls into the same category unwanted gifts as knives, forks, scissors and other piercing-cutting objects.

It is believed that such gifts attract evil spirits, which at the moment of giving are tied to the recipient. Subsequently, this leads either to misfortune, or to the hardest quarrels with the donor, up to the breakdown of relations. They also say about sharp objects that they can "cut happiness" or "cut friendship."

The second widespread version of the prohibition to give watches came to us from China. The Chinese have long believed that a watch is an invitation to a funeral. Yes, it's a strange omen, but for us Europeans it is generally difficult to understand the mysterious Eastern culture.

There are also several interpretations of Chinese superstition. Someone thinks that the presented clock will begin to count down the time until separation, and as soon as it stops, you will part with this person forever. And some even claim that the clock counts down to the death of the recipient and directly threatens his life. In Japan, this may be a hint that you consciously wish the person death.

In general, an eerie omen. The Slavs have their own interpretation of the omen. According to popular belief, when you give a watch, you bring pain, emptiness, unhappiness and disappointment into a person's life. Some people think that giving a watch means giving away a part of your life. It is often said that such a gift is to a quarrel between lovers, and some believe that the death of the recipient is approaching.

What are the prejudices associated with watches in the modern world?

The opinion that giving a watch is a bad omen still exists even among serious people... Various superstitions are in use.

The path to separation

For decades, stories have been passed about a girl and a guy. They loved each other more than Romeo and Juliet. But one day one of them came up with the idea that it is not appropriate for a loved one to recognize the time by the sun. The surprise turned into an instant quarrel and led to a breakup. If you want to keep the relationship, enjoy communication, do not buy time meters for your soul mate.

A veiled funeral invitation

Do not give watches to elderly people. Rumors especially warn close relatives. Grandparents live without worries and would have lived happily on if the grandchildren had not decided on a monumental surprise. The wall clock hinted: haven't you healed in the world? The hotel began counting down the seconds until the end. Wish old relatives years- do not count the life time.

Why do you give watches in business circles?

But among successful people such a present - good omen. Business man burdened by a host of problems, there is always not enough time. Best gift with eternal time trouble - hours. We are not talking about cheap Chinese plastic products copying famous brands. Stylish watch considerable prices will be a worthy accessory busy man and will bring the right minutes and seconds.

Should you give a watch to your loved ones?

Is it possible to give a watch to a husband or beloved man? Let's just say, if you are even a little superstitious, then presenting a watch is not the best idea. You've probably heard that giving a watch to a guy is a breakup and separation. You may or may not believe, but if you both know it, then you once again think about parting. Why do you and your beloved man need such thoughts?

Why can't you give a watch to a man? The simplest and most objective answer to this question is that you may simply not be guessing with style. This woman has a lot of accessories, a complex style, and for each accessory you can choose your own image, or add something to it. The male look is usually a little less varied, so it is very important that all accessories are correctly selected.

If you are sure that your beloved man will definitely like your gift, and you think that giving a watch to your beloved - great idea, then below we will tell you how you can do it.

Should I give a watch to my friends?

Well, lovers shouldn't give such gifts, but what about friends and family? Why can't you give a watch to your girlfriend? It must be said that it is not customary for girls to ask questions and hint at age. And chronometers, one way or another, remind people of the transience of age. And you must admit that it is unpleasant to return the gift with love, but on your birthday it is not too much to think about the transience of life and the fact that youth is passing. good idea... Men, by the way, do not often give each other watches as a gift either.

Should you give a watch to the elderly?

This is where you need to show a little perseverance. It is simply unacceptable to give a watch for a birthday to the elderly. One way or another, all elderly people periodically think about the fact that not so many years have been measured for them on earth. And do not provoke older people into such thoughts.

As we all know old man can immerse himself in his thoughts very much, and be in a negative mood for several days or even weeks, which adversely affects his well-being and health. Please, take care of your loved ones, and do not give them a watch, unless they themselves asked you to.

How do you give it?

What if you still want to give a watch for a birthday or any other holiday? You need to make such gifts correctly.

For example, giving a watch for a wedding should be correct. Before choosing a gift, be sure to clarify whether the newlyweds need a watch in principle. For example, you can meet with one of the newlyweds and chat about their plans for life after marriage. If the guys are planning living together, or repair, then they obviously will not be disturbed by a beautiful designer product. Also give Wall Clock you need it right, with a little eyeliner.

If you say a few words to the newlyweds that now a new time is beginning for them - their family life, and that the watch you presented will count down their happiest minutes, the newlyweds will be happy to accept such a gift.

Is it possible to give a wall clock or wrist chronometers just like that? No! This is where the most important thing begins. If you want to give someone a watch, be sure to take the money as a ransom.

However, it should be borne in mind that:

  • the amount should not be large - otherwise the gift itself loses its meaning;
  • it is better to take coins, not bills;
  • the ransom must be given and received with the left hand.

Of course, you can't give a watch to your husband or friend just like that - you need to take a couple of coins. If the person is not in the know, then explain to him the essence of the signs and ask for a small coin. Usually everyone takes such superstitions very lightly.

How to get around the sign and her karma?

Since ancient times, it has been believed that you can buy off mystical moments. Negative omens will have no effect if you give a coin or a coin at the time of receiving the gift to the donor.

The coins will be a tribute and protection and amulet so that otherworldly forces cannot interfere and harm the owner of the clockwork. Such a simple way will calm the suspicious person and preserve the relationship.

Why can't you give a watch to a guy if he dreams of a particular model? Yes, you need to give! The more gifts we give, make pleasant moments our loved ones, the happier we ourselves and our loved ones will be. Only thoughts that let signs to the heart, coincidences of other people make the brain think, be afraid, attract negativity, create new phobias, signs. And if the fear of persecution of mysticism defeated thoughts, pay off with coins, appease fate. And then, for sure, no mystical phenomena will persecute.

There are no statistics on the relationship between a gift - a clockwork - and a series of pursued disappointments and failures. Ever since childhood, all the boys dismantled watches, looked at the gears and tried to reassemble the mechanism. Some have succeeded, others have not. And from childhood, everyone was convinced that there was nothing supernatural about the watch mechanism. In a break in relations or a quarrel between two lovers, the third cannot be to blame and you should not look for him in mystical phenomena, because each person builds his own destiny. A gift in the form of a watch will allow someone to make their dreams come true and appreciate their congratulatory person even more. In most cases, religious, suspicious, weakened people succumb to such thoughts. Keep a coin in your pocket as a reserve.

How to avoid a fatal gift?

But what if they still try to hand you the thing? In fact, everything is very simple. First of all, you need to pay attention to the one who gives you this gift. If it is presented from pure heart a person who loves you, who is ready to take care of you, to please you and will never be able to harm you, then the hours received from this person will not be able to bring you trouble. It all depends only on your attitude to this sign and this thing.

Much more likely to receive an energy hit and run negative program, having taken from hand to hand an object from an evil, envious, bad person... If such a person presents you with any gift, it does not matter what it will be, it will still bring you trouble. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to who from whose hands you take the object, and with what message it is presented to you. Precisely attention loved one important, but not whether they gave you a watch or something else. If you are still afraid to receive such a thing from a loved one, then you can redeem it!

You don't have to pay full cost things. It is enough just to give a person a little change in exchange for a watch. The same ceremony can be performed if you are presented with a wallet. Many people are also convinced that this is an unfortunate thing. If you are very superstitious and are afraid to receive a present in the form of a clock for any holiday, then warn the person that such a gift is unacceptable for you. Or there is another option that suits everyone. If a loved one really wants to buy you this particular thing, then go to the store with him, choose a thing that you both like.

After that, let the person give you the money, and you yourself will pay with it for the chosen attribute. So you will be able to protect yourself from negative impact a program that can be launched and not offend a loved one. Remember that it is not the gift that is important, but the attention that you receive from a loved one. Therefore, even if you were presented with a watch, this does not mean that you need to tune yourself, that this is a bad sign. Tune in for the best and enjoy the fact that the person paid attention to you and wanted to do something pleasant.

There are many opinions on why you shouldn't give a watch. Respectable and massive male version or an elegant female version - it seems to be difficult to find something more interesting in quality a memento, and the desktop or wall-mounted type will come in handy in any home. However, signs say that everything is not so simple and it is impossible to donate time measuring devices.

Where did such a belief come from?

The passage of time cannot be stopped, but it is easy to speed up with the help of signs and superstitions

Giving watches became a bad omen even in Ancient China... The sages there were very wary of this. The Chinese character for death is very similar in outline to the one associated with the clock. Therefore, there was a belief that, having donated a watch, you seem to call the donee to his own own funeral, giving him the ability to count down the remaining life. In Japan, they are of the opinion that watches can only be given to enemies, thereby hinting that you would not mind waiting for the moment of their early departure from this world.

Now there are several interpretations that directly indicate that you should not give them to your good friends and relatives:

  • a watch donated even with the brightest feelings and purest thoughts can become a conduit for the collection and concentration of evil forces around the one who will wear them. Moreover, it is believed that anger and anger will come exactly at the moment of the very transfer of the long-awaited gift;
  • a quarrel and serious discord between the people who participated in the donation process are inevitable. And if the watch case is made with the presence a large number small parts and sharp edges, they are quite capable of cutting quiet life man on small pieces, harm his calm existence.

Our ancestors believed that the watch is an excuse to get serious disappointment in your life, to become lonely and useless, to lose loved ones, to break your feelings to smithereens.

Why you can't give a watch to your loved one

It is especially dangerous for lovers to make such presents to each other.

There are many stories among people that even in the most strong relationship quarrels and quarrels began, often leading even to parting, after one of the partners gave the other a watch. Some are sure, however, that if you make such a gift to a girl or boyfriend, the relationship will be strong and saturated exactly as long as the clock is running without stopping the countdown.

It is important to understand that many beliefs come true only when we truly believe in them. Thoughts are material, and any setting given to oneself most often comes true precisely because it was originally set. Believe it or not, it's up to you. Therefore, if you set yourself up in advance that the relationship should end at the moment the clock stops, most likely it will happen, because on subconscious level you, unwittingly, will begin to systematically destroy them, putting into practice your faith in omen.

It is often mentioned that if a watch is presented to a couple, then moments will immediately begin that spoil the life of lovers. They say that if, after one of the quarrels at the clock, one of the hands stops or breaks, then a quick parting cannot be avoided. Therefore, think a hundred times, is it worth giving those same wrist G-Shocks on February 23 to your beloved man? Maybe you should pay attention to another present?

Why such a gift is not suitable for spouses or close relatives

If a person is sick of you, do not harm him with your gift.

The most dangerous situation is when the husband decides to make such a gift to his wife. After all, women are more inclined to dramatize the events that are taking place, and in terms of thinking out something, they have no equal at all. Therefore, the negative from the gift can automatically start a program to worsen your quiet and comfortable family life.

Your close people who are familiar with this sign may simply not understand you. Then your relationship may deteriorate not at all because of the evil forces attracted for hours, but because the person will think that you wished him harm as a gift. Especially such thoughts are typical for elderly people who are over 50. At this age, much more often than before, thoughts come that the passage of time is inexorable, so there is no need to remind a person about this once again.

If you decide to make such a gift to your bosom friend or close friend, it is better to reconnoiter the situation in advance, clarifying his superstition in relation to of this moment... Suspicious people often believe that friendship, like love, can stop with the clock. Therefore, if your friend expresses on this point unequivocally negative thoughts, you should not tempt fate and get on the rampage, still buying a watch as a gift.

In general, the situation here is individual and depends on the characteristics of each a specific person so the choice is yours.

What to do if the watch is presented to you

A gift for money is no longer a gift!

Just decide for yourself whether to accept the thing as a gift or buy it from the giver in a peculiar way. If the person who gives you a gift is pure in his thoughts and you know that you cannot expect a dirty trick from him, feel free to accept the present. Thus, you will make it clear to him that relationships are more important to you than superstitions.

You should not immediately accept the clockwork that an envious and angry person gives you. Just give him a few coins, which you almost always have in your pocket. Thus, the gift actually turns into a purchase, and fate simply has no chance to intervene. If you are categorically disposed and do not want to accept a watch as a gift from anyone, honestly tell about it. You will surely be understood.

In case you want such a gift, for example, for a birthday, go together and choose the ones that you like. And during donation, give the person a coin as a return gift.

Video about this sign

More important is not the gift and its content, but the thoughts and emotions with which it is presented. So don't let dark thoughts fill your head. If you are presented with a watch, most likely, the person does not want your parting or quarrel at all, but gives it because he loves you and wants to do something nice. Don't bother yourself - negative emotions destructive. Just think at the moment of the gift that the watch is beautiful and stylish accessory, which will help you plan your time clearly and look more effective. The rest will surely bypass you if you don't think about it. And a coin given for a gift will completely eliminate all negative scenarios.

According to old take, there are a number of things that should not be given to people. This list also includes hours. Why is it impossible to give a watch and what is this sign connected with?

There are many versions origin of signs about the clock. In the west, people believe that the hands of the clock are capable of accumulating negative energy, therefore, such a gift can bring a lot of trouble. And the residents eastern countries the watch is believed to be an invitation to a funeral.

There is another interpretation of the belief. Many people believe that the presented watch will count down the time until separation, that is, when the hands stop, the donor and owner of the watch will part. There is also a version according to which the clock counts down the time until the death of a person. The inhabitants of Japan believe in this omen. Give a watch not accepted in this country.

Many of us now consider all these beliefs about watches to be a relic of the past. However, is it really so?

Is it possible to give watches to loved ones and loved ones

There is folk omen, according to which the clock presented to your partner will count down the time until separation. There are many stories that in married couples a discord arose precisely because of the donated watch. In this regard, many are afraid to give watches to their soulmates. But is it worth believing?

If you want to give your soul mate a watch, you first need to find out if your partner believes in this sign. If your loved one is not superstitious, do not be afraid to give such a gift. He will only bring joy and pleasant memories... In the event that the partner is frightened by every black cat and constantly spits over his left shoulder, you should not present him with such a surprise, since belief in omens provokes their fulfillment.

Why you shouldn't give watches to the elderly

Most older people believe that the presented watch will keep track of the time until they die. Out of courtesy they will accept such a gift and will even use it, but this can lead to sad consequences. Don't give a watch superstitious people old age... Imagine if the clock suddenly stops. This can cause your relative to panic, which can later result in a heart attack or exacerbation of the disease.

Is it worth believing in the omens about the clock

As mentioned above, if you believe in a sign, then it will certainly come true. However, it is not so easy to forget about old superstitions that you have followed so long and hard. If we talk about the sign associated with the clock, then you can find a way out that will allow you to protect yourself from fulfilling this belief.

It is believed that if a person gives a coin in return for a donated watch, then the trouble will bypass.

Do not take the watch as something negative. Trouble, according to this sign, can only bring a donated watch. And if you buy a watch yourself, then it will only bring you good luck. Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers believed that watches could warn of danger. If the arrows stop, something unpleasant could happen.

Today watches, especially wristwatches, are perceived as an essential item. In everyday affairs and worries, people always try to keep track of their time. This subject gives energy and disciplines a person.

Believe in bad omens about the watch or not - the choice is yours. Just remember that it is better to believe in what helps you live. Be happy and don't forget to press and

27.03.2014 10:06

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