Gifts for the signs of the zodiac for the new year. Ideal gifts for the new year according to the signs of the zodiac. Gift for Virgos

Choosing New Year's gifts is a pleasant thing, but sometimes very troublesome. How to please a person if there are no ideas at all? The zodiac sign can come to the rescue. Let's find out what to give for the New Year 2018 according to the signs of the zodiac.

Gifts for the New Year 2018 by zodiac signs


Aries, as practical people, will not appreciate useless trinkets. Suitable for them:

  • useful objects in everyday life - Appliances, computer supplies, a set of dishes, candles,
  • gifts that contribute to development - certificates for various master classes books that may be of interest to a person,
  • items that will emphasize his status - stylish glasses or cufflinks.


Taurus love to create home comfort, and they are also very businesslike people, so they will love gifts:

  • beautiful bedding sets, soft fluffy blanket,
  • large stylish diary,
  • a gift that Taurus himself chooses. They don't need surprises at all, so ask delicately what Taurus would like to receive as a gift, so you will definitely please the person.


Gemini are active people and do not like to sit still. Gifts related to active rest and lifestyle, for example:

  • a camera or camera for capturing important moments,
  • sports shoes, gloves, bags and other accessories for sports,
  • trainings on the interests of the gifted person, books, board intellectual games.


Cancers value comfort. The following gifts will be appropriate:

  • subscriptions to a spa or beauty salon,
  • beautiful interior items to create coziness at home,
  • tickets to your favorite show or concert.

a lion

Leos love to shine and be the center of attention. They will suit bright and stylish gifts that accentuate its radiance, for example:

  • Jewelry or decent and stylish jewelry,
  • bright elite perfumes,
  • unusual antique interior items.


Virgos are practical and conservative. The best gifts for them will be:

  • beautiful sets of bed linen, pillows, towels,
  • household appliances and sets of beautiful dishes,
  • useful little things, such as a diary.


Libra is a sophisticated person, they will be delighted with an original, beautifully wrapped gift. The options are:

  • surprise box. Collect several gifts in a beautifully designed box that will please Libra (elite alcohol + sweets + coffee; beautiful leather gloves+ scarf + box of delicious tea),
  • original items self made, handmade gifts,
  • items related to hobbies and interests.


Scorpios will love unusual things and unusual shape presenting a gift. The options are:

  • stylish gloves, expensive underwear (only for loved ones), jewelry,
  • stylish work accessories - diaries, folders, expensive pens,
  • going on a quest or presenting the gift itself in the form of a quest.


Active and restless Sagittarius will love these gifts:

  • subscription to the fitness center, swimming pool,
  • items related to tourism and travel (tent, flashlight, travel set of dishes),
  • crazy gifts - skydiving, flying on hot-air balloon etc.


Capricorns will love it practical gifts, as well as status things:

  • collection alcohol, expensive work accessories, branded clothing items,
  • cozy home things (warm slippers, pajamas, mittens),
  • gifts related to hobbies.


Aquarians will love spectacular and unusual gifts such as:

  • bright unusual decorations and garments, stylish accessories,
  • funny pranks, quests and tickets for entertainment events,
  • fashionable and unusual gadgets for home or car.


Sensual and calm Pisces will love gifts that are practical or related to their element:

  • sets of linen, household items,
  • a trip to the water park or a subscription to the pool,
  • home waterfall, aquarium or tabletop garden.

Energetic temperamental Aries will love the exclusive, so consider the option with a new gadget or a stylish fashionable handbag. Original headphones, accessories for a computer or laptop, a navigator for a car will do. The fire sign will be delighted with gifts related to sports and exercise, whether it's a pool pass or a set of tennis rackets. Aries love to be ahead, set new trends, so help them in this difficult task!

Lady Aries are not housewives tortured by everyday life, but active creators in the kitchen. Give useful little things for everyday life, collections of recipes, dishes. From jewelry, choose bright and catchy rings, pendants, chains, this is the only way to surprise these perfectionists. The main thing is to take into account the interests of emotional Aries, while avoiding banality.

Gifts for Taurus

Taurus, standing firmly on the ground, are distinguished by conservatism and practicality. In this they are similar to the owner of the Year - Pig, and "illiquid" is not suitable for the holiday. For lovely ladies, choose useful accessories for the kitchen, crockery sets, household appliances.

Their soft blankets will please decorative pillows, expensive perfume.

Men will appreciate gifts that promise success material well-being... Present as a gift a luxurious leather wallet, a phone case, an exclusive writing set.

Taurus, especially men, do not suffer from a lack of appetite. These are true gourmets who know a lot about food and know how to cook a lot. delicious dishes... Considering such abilities, choose expensive sweets, coffee, premium alcohol as gifts.

It will not prevent this sign from receiving a charge of new energy, for which you can update an old or out-of-order thing. Prudent Taurus themselves will postpone the purchase for a long time, and you will anticipate desires and will be rewarded for it.

New Year gifts for Gemini

For fidgets Gemini, the coming year promises new acquaintances, travel, for someone - serious relationship... The Yellow Pig is supportive of those who were born under this zodiac symbol, but only to those who are hardworking and persistent in achieving their goals.

Gemini are endowed with a lively sharp mind, while they are adventurers and contradictory natures. Their element is Air, they value lightness, originality, so if possible, present a certificate to a spa salon or tickets to a fashionable party.

Great gift business people- a diary, an unusual notebook, where it is convenient to take notes, plan your affairs.

This sign loves travel, so road maps, a country guide, and a travel bag will not be superfluous. Ladies will be pleased with jewelry (including jewelry), only the products should be light, airy.

In 2019, Gemini will feel the urge to creative development, will discover hitherto unknown talents. Find out their tastes and wishes and pick up a themed gift: a camera, paints and brushes for painting or training programs in a specific direction.

What to give Cancers for the New Year 2019

It is difficult to please romantic and sentimental natures, Cancers are unyielding, wayward. Their mood changes quickly, but at the same time they are distinguished by generosity and cordiality. It is advisable to find an exclusive so that the addressee understands that, for example, no one has such a lamp or vase. A good choice- antiques, rare things that can be found in numerous flea markets or in souvenir shops.

The fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer, is characterized by homeliness, craving for comfort. In this they are similar to the symbol of the year - the loving Pig. Give textiles, unusual items interior, useful kitchen utensils.

Cancer women will be grateful for a certificate to a beauty salon or a fitness membership, men will appreciate an expensive perfume, a folder-case for a tablet, stylish personalized robe... Choose from jewelry silverware, also Rings are suitable for Cancers, pendants with a magic moonstone... Plan in advance the moment of presenting the gift, prepare a solemn speech.

Cancers will celebrate their efforts and, on occasion, will thank them from a pure heart.

New Year gifts for Leo

Choosing gifts for royal "rulers", you will have to revise more than one store catalog, looking for original and expensive things. With limited finances, positions that are cheaper, but expensive and stylishly packaged, will do. Leos are ambitious and passionate people who love luxury. They like compliments, praise, emphasizing their identity and uniqueness.

Consider not only a gift, but also a presentation ceremony. Proud people like to attract the attention of others, New year's night- not an exception!

Lions will definitely appreciate jewelry, watches, and personalized stationery. They will be delighted with items that give their appearance solidity, respectability: a purse of a famous brand, fashionable perfume, accessories for outfits (cufflinks, glasses, gloves).

New Year Gift Ideas for Virgo

The omnipresent Mercury endowed the representatives of this sign with ingenuity, attentiveness, practicality. It is advisable to know about the interests and hobbies of the addressee, as a last resort - even ask the person directly about the gift. Virgo will give you the information you need.

Choose jewelry for women, jewelry boxes, original decorative pillows or capes. Stuffed Toys and figurines are not suitable for rational conservatives, but a flower in a pot will be greeted with delight and will choose the most the best place in the House.

On a note!

Representatives of this sign do not like extravagant things, preferring traditional colors and decor.

The Virgo motto is order in everything, so all kinds of organizers, folders, CD holders, diaries will come in handy. These qualities of the Virgo are liked by the Pig, which will hasten to thank them in all areas.

Give men a set of tools, a vacuum cleaner for a car, jewelry - tie clips or stylish cufflinks.

What to give Libra

Libra gravitates towards harmony, comfort, stable existence. Successful in creative fields, they prefer aesthetically beautiful, graceful things. They are well versed in music, literature, painting, so gifts may be related to their hobbies.

Women are not indifferent to expensive perfume, they love to experiment with fragrances. New items will do famous brands, and from aromas - lily of the valley, musk, ginger. High-quality cosmetics, jewelry (brooches, rings), a certificate for visiting a massage salon will bring pleasure.

Libra men will appreciate various VIP accessories for a car, computer, phone. They will gladly accept a luxurious umbrella, an original wallet or a souvenir weapon as a gift. It is appropriate to present a picture in a frame, engraving, printmaking.

What to give Scorpio

Original things will suit amazing personalities. They do not have to be expensive, exclusive comes to the fore. Scorpios will be delighted to accept handmade gifts, items related to travel, distant countries.

Men are not indifferent to mysticism, therefore, as New Year's surprises amulets, accessories with magic symbolism... Risky and fight-loving Scorpions are presented with lighters stylized as pistols, key chains, knives, and sets of collectible weapons.

Ladies will appreciate the challenging perfume compositions, extravagant jewelry, Gift certificates to cosmetic or jewelry stores.

Outrageous Scorpios will rejoice cash gifts, since in this case they themselves will decide what to buy.

Gifts for Sagittarius

Fiery charismatic Sagittarius will not work traditional gifts... When choosing, be guided by trends. Sagittarius will favorably accept tickets for a musical, theater, concert or music Festival... An excursion ticket (for example, for 2-3 days) or a recreation center for the weekend will be appreciated at its true worth.

Business men will find luxurious stationery sets, devices for charging gadgets, and wallets. For fans of extreme sports, present an action camera, equipment for sports, for archers, fishermen - tackle or a rubber boat.

Sagittarius women are not fanatics household, therefore, they will favorably accept as a gift various household appliances, dishes. Anything that will make life easier and allow less time to spend in the kitchen is perceived by them with a bang. From jewelry, bright unusual things are suitable: extravagant bracelets, wide rings, original beads.

On a note!

You shouldn't present money to Sagittarius. The spenders will quickly spend the entire amount and will not even remember where the finances went.

What to give Capricorns for the New Year

Persistent and purposeful Capricorns are demanding of themselves and those around them. They expect necessary and worthwhile things as gifts. But don't forget about aesthetics, Capricorns love beautiful objects.

Men love technology, so they will be happy to receive a household appliance, gadget or computer accessories for the holiday. The things you need in the household will do: a tool box, a folding chair (for those who like to sit with a fishing rod), a spacious comfortable thermos. It is advisable to pick up gifts with unusual design, A "highlight" that will be highly appreciated by Capricorns.

Household ladies Capricorn will love various organizers for wardrobes, fixtures and accessories for the kitchen. When choosing jewelry, be careful: Capricorns love classics, restrained beauty of things. Representatives of this sign adore unusually decorated bouquets.

Gifts for Aquarius

Aquarians are people of the future, unpredictable, original in everything. It is difficult to predict what Aquarius will like at a certain moment. One cannot be mistaken, both ladies and men of Aquarius love funny and extraordinary things. Just keep the addressee in the dark until the very end, the gift should become pleasant surprise and a lovely surprise!

Turn off logic when shopping, as Aquarius can and should be given impractical gifts. But useful, interestingly designed items will also be appreciated. Women will be delighted to accept exotic jewelry, perfume with unexpected bright aromas, and non-standard souvenirs as a gift. The talismans of the sign are sapphire, aquamarine, so rings or pendants with these stones will be appropriate.

Men are attracted by new technology, smart gadgets with futuristic designs. Technical souvenirs, e-books, tablets, cameras are welcome. For connoisseurs of good tobacco, present a stylish pipe for smoking; gifts such as a computer mouse or a phone case will also be appropriate.

What to give Pisces

Living in their own world, dreamy Pisces are sentimental and romantic. They adore nature, crazy about music and painting, contradictory in the choice of environment.

The most important thing when choosing a gift is design, discreet, but thoughtful decor. Remember that Pisces, as the true masters of the depths of water, will like everything connected with this element.

A good choice is a subscription to the pool, jewelry with amethysts or aquamarines - stones reminiscent of water. Women will be delighted with branded chocolate, quality cosmetics, sets aromatic oils or candles.

For men, find a USB stick, stylish watch with decor hinting at belonging to the sign of Pisces. If you know the musical tastes of the addressee, it's a good idea to present an album of your favorite band or artist, a ticket to a concert. A good gift will be dear Eau de Toilette, warm jumper or a fashionable scarf.

New Year's holidays are the time for magic and magic. Waiting for gifts from Santa Claus, not only children, but also adults believe in fabulous miracles. Astrological clues can help turn the problem of choosing gifts into New Year Yellow Pig in addicting game where everyone wins.

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The zodiac sign can tell a lot about the character and tastes of a person, which means it will help to find the best gift for each of your friends and loved ones.


It's easy to see if you got it right with a gift for Aries - they are so expressive! To please them, look into sports shops: clothes for morning jogging, fashion accessory for alpine skiing or even boxing gloves - some of this will surely be to their taste. In the same way, pay attention to the latest sneaker model, stylish jumpsuit or leather jacket- a tribute to such traits of their character as energy and dynamism. For Aries, the individuality of the gift is important: they are unlikely to be pleased with the "protocol" box of chocolates or banal perfume. By the way, such a person usually knows clearly what he wants - maybe it is worth asking him about it?


This sign of the Zodiac feels great in the material world: Taurus will like everything that can be seen, touched and especially tasted. In a word, than more organs the senses are involved, the more pleasure. At the same time, Taurus are quite picky in their preferences - the gift should not be primitive. A basket with a selection of delicacies, fine wine, or a beautiful coffee machine can be a good idea. If you give fragrances, then it is better to famous brands such as Chanel or Guerlain. Finally, in the cold season, Taurus should take care of their throat: a cashmere scarf or a luxurious scarf from Hermès will not leave them indifferent.


For Gemini lucky gift is always synonymous with communication. They will not be impressed by valuable, but fragile things, especially if they turn out to be voluminous or bulky: the main thing is that this sign of attention should bring joy, create a feeling of celebration! An exciting book or beautiful album; unusual covers and other accessories for a smartphone or tablet; anything that will allow you to listen to your favorite music, take photos and share with friends - that's what you should think about in order to please the Gemini. Their tastes are very varied, so there is a wide choice: tickets to a concert or to a theater will be as good as a sports pass, provided that you do it all together!


Sensitive Cancer values ​​very much the very fact that someone thinks and cares about him with fondness. Do not hesitate: he will unfold with excitement wrapping paper trying to figure out what feelings you have invested in this gift. How to please him? Refer to the most touching associations or memories from childhood: a rare photograph from your shared past in beautiful frame; favorite scent for the home; a soft angora scarf or a cozy blanket in which two can wrap up ... In general, "tenderness" and "softness" are the key words. It's good if your gift can be stored for a long time - unless, of course, it's sweets or your favorite dish.

a lion

Do not even hope to get by with some conventional, formal sign of attention! A girl born under the sign of Leo knows perfectly well that her best friends- these are diamonds, and a man will definitely appreciate a luxury brand wrist watch... Of course, the budget of the gift may not be so grandiose, but he will certainly need the "luxury" prefix. Silk and cashmere, fine perfume and cosmetics, bags and shoes famous brands, a luxurious spa treatment, a yacht trip or a ticket to a unique concert - the exclusivity of a gift for Leo matters. Dear Lions, no one promised that it would be easy with you!


Pleasing a discerning Virgo is very simple and difficult at the same time. First of all, she may be embarrassed by the emphasized attention to her person. By nature, she is modest and does not at all want the donor to go broke because of an overly broad gesture. Therefore, it is better to consider the word “practical” as the main definition for a gift. For example, if it is clothes, then let it be a fashionable raincoat that will reliably protect from the rain; if a gadget is the one that will be useful in Everyday life... Other ideas: subscribing to a developmental training or webinar; an item in a personal collection (Virgos often like to collect something); accessories for the hobby of meticulous handicraft ...


If the theater starts with a wardrobe, then a gift for Libra comes from its perfect packaging. Besides the aesthetics, which are very dear to them, Libra will always appreciate the thoroughness, care and attention that you put into this gift. Remember Breakfast at Tiffany's? He, she, a foggy cityscape and an eternal melody of love ... Yes, Libra are incorrigible romantics! But this does not mean that they are indifferent to the concepts of luxury and elegance: exquisite earrings, pendant or cufflinks, perfume or candles with their favorite scent - anything that will create a magical New Year mood will do.


There must, of course, be some kind of mystery in a gift for one of the most mysterious signs of the zodiac. Scorpios will like something that is different from the "average" level, which will set them apart from others, emphasize their peculiarity. Prepare and put your surprise in a secret corner or present it away from prying eyes, because personal tastes and relationships are very intimate. Here, individuality is important in everything - whether we are talking about clothes, accessories, cosmetics or musical preferences. An original piece of art, an exotic figurine, or an abstract painting can be a good idea. Other options: an individual horoscope or an Ayurvedic massage session.


Sagittarius understands very well what the “art of living” is and love gifts. The more of them and the more diverse they are, the better: it is important for those born under this zodiac sign to receive confirmation that they are popular and versatile personalities. Quality is of great importance: wine of a special harvest, aromas, jewelry or accessories of worthy brands. Pay tribute to the love of adventure and long-distance travel that often distinguishes Sagittarius: an ethnic pareo or a cowboy hat, a city quest or a plane ticket to the ends of the world - the choice depends only on the budget and your imagination.

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Sow sensible, eternal, high-quality - and you will not miss a gift for Capricorn. By the way, have you noticed with what disapproving look he or she sees off all these shiny wrappers and packing tapes who after the holiday will go to garbage bag? A separate problem is to find such a thing for the prudent Capricorn that he lacks: it seems that his property already has everything! So it's worth focusing on something useful, durable, or at least unusual: expensive effective cream or "youth serum"; rare book or beautiful antique; a tool or gadget that will make any work conveniently with your hands or at the computer.


Exclamations "class!", "Chic!" and other "wow!" - here is an unmistakable sign that you have guessed right with a gift for an expressive Aquarius. The area of ​​choice is everything unusual, bright, modern, dynamic. The latest gadget that will allow you to speak all the languages ​​of the world, find out the news and communicate with friends even from space or at the bottom of the ocean, crazy thing from a trendy designer or a 3D-printed gift - the more fantastic and futuristic the idea is, the more you will like it.


The reputation of subtle creatures "out of this world" does not in the least prevent those born under the sign of Pisces from appreciating good gifts... The main selection criterion is aesthetics. Other signs are a feeling of lightness and airiness, a mood of magic that creates a gift. This is what a decoration or an exciting scent, a flying dress should be, fishnet stockings or graceful shoes (feet for Pisces are a rather sensitive area). Great idea- a ticket to a beautiful ballet performance, a luxurious album with the works of your favorite artist, a book of predictions or mystical music for meditation.

If the New Year is approaching, and you still do not know what to give your loved one, colleague or friend, then the horoscope of gifts according to the Zodiac Signs will help you.

To choose a gift for the Zodiac Sign for the New Year, you will need to find out what the representatives of this or that Sign love and hate. If you want a person to really like a gift, it must match his mood and image. Astrologers will tell you how to surprise any person.


Aries are distinguished by their courage and fortitude. it strong people, both women and men. Aries is perfect for gifts related to sports, but keep in mind: you just won't get off cheap. These people appreciate the best. That is how they are, and there is no way to fix them. Just try to surprise them. They love technology nice clothes, and do not even think about packaging - the main thing for them is to receive a gift.


Taurus prefer to receive beautifully packaged gifts. They love secrets, because they will like even bad gift, if he was presented with a soul. Taurus love gifts of a material nature, but they will not give up on vivid sensations. You can ride them on a snowmobile or take them to the theater. The best gift for them will probably be something for the home. They also love rare things.


These people care about their own internal development... They love to read and love new technology. EBook will do just fine. Men have more respect for technology, so they will not give up a phone or something important for their computer, car or existing phone. In principle, you can give them anything - Gemini will not be offended by you. The main thing for them is how you present the gift.


Cancers love everything that their soul is invested in. You can bake a cake for them or invite them to sit in a restaurant. Most important criterion the choice of a gift is the current mood of Cancer. Today these people may like alcohol, and tomorrow they will start thinking about health. Find out what the Cancer's mood is, and only then think about what you can give him or her for this mood.

a lion

It is very difficult to surprise a lion. This can take a tremendous amount of effort. It will be pleasant to him in any case, but these people dream of standing out. If the gift will be ordinary, then try to surprise him or her with a wrapper. This is exactly the case when you should really think about - to give or not to give, because Leo can be disappointed with the wrong gift.


This person, whether he is a man or a woman, is very difficult to disappoint with a gift. The man will be satisfied with socks, and the woman with tights. If you want to please Virgo, then you can not shell out for expensive jewelry, a new phone or something like that. Just give them money or something functional. They do not like trinkets, but the soul will sing from them. The main thing is to hug them after presenting the gift.


Libra also almost doesn't care what you give them. The main thing is how you give it to them. To be more precise, they need correct words and mood. They feel it very subtly. If you give them something very expensive, but just hand it over and leave, then they can throw it in the trash can when you leave. If modest gift accompanied by kindness, hugs and declarations of love, they will melt.


Scorpios, like any other Sign, are full of their own special weaknesses and vices. They will remember your failure, so if you give them something, then put your whole soul into it. They are not against money. Moreover, Scorpios can accept them with much greater joy than banal perfumes or souvenirs. Scorpios are often addicted to esotericism, so you can give them tarot cards, but first check with them if they are lovers of magic.


Sagittarius, as the most important travelers, love everything related to travel and new emotions. You can invite them to go somewhere together - they will not forget it. Give them good mood, then the New Year will be unforgettable for them. If you decide to buy something material, then Sagittarius definitely shouldn't have this thing.


These people are very demanding. Cheap gifts and the lack of a wrapper can cause real hatred, rage and indignation in women and men born under this Sign. Worst of all, you shouldn't come to visit them without a gift. Another condition is that this gift must be either very valuable or very important. If you are to give them something, then you have to fork out in full.


A gift is important for Aquarius as a sign of attention, but they do not even mind that this sign was more expensive, more beautiful. Aquarians are very fond of what you can admire, just keeping it at home. It could be something expensive, hand made. It is important that the gift also reminds them of you. As for the wrapper, it is absolutely unimportant for both genders, although it can add "points" to you in the pursuit of the best gift for the New Year.


Pisces will love almost everything, especially if you can do it yourself. The best gift for fish is an unusual way to celebrate the New Year. They will like everything, just not to celebrate the holiday bored. These personalities are very spiritually developed, so they may like something esoteric or related to religion.

Zodiac signs celebrate the New Year in different ways, but in one thing we are all identical - we love to receive gifts. It's just easy to hit someone, but not. Do not skimp on gifts to the closest people - let it be your love. Good luck and remember to press the buttons and

21.12.2016 07:22

Usually, after a festive idyll, chaos sets in, or, conversely, a period of doing nothing. People dissolve in nirvana, lying ...

Gifts for the New Year by the signs of the zodiac

Gifts for Aries
For such practical creatures as Aries, gifts are suitable that will be useful and irreplaceable in everyday life, which he can use daily. Present an event or experience to Aries for the New Year: professional photo session or an interesting trip, he will appreciate it. When bringing a gift to Aries, try to do it spontaneously so that it will be a surprise for him. And do not forget about the bright gift wrapping, Aries will be delighted like children!

New Year's gift for Taurus
When choosing a gift for Taurus, remember that it should carry spiritual value and should not be cheap. Anything that is practical and durable is suitable as the main gift. Taurus appreciates comfort and coziness, so the everyday objects that decorate and facilitate his life will suit Taurus's taste. Jewelry from precious metals with natural stones always remain in his favor. Don't give Taurus cheap gifts and giveaways.

What to give Gemini for the New Year 2016
For Gemini, the main thing is attention, warmth and care that your gift carries. Feel free to give Gemini gifts that will help broaden their horizons. Any office equipment, modern and fashion gadgets, good book or a week-long tour of European countries. No sophistication is needed in gift wrapping, Gemini is unlikely to focus on it, because for them the inner content is much more important than the outer gloss.

How to choose a gift for Cancer
The lion's share of the representatives of this sign must collect something. The best gift for the new 2016, there will be another exhibit for him, which will complement the existing collection, and maybe create a new one. Try to give Cancer something that will be useful for his home, but will be used by him personally. As a thrifty creature, he will be happy with the fifth in a row warm blanket and will accept it in such a way, as if tomorrow he was going to buy just such. For Cancer, not only the gift is important, but also how you present it.

New Year's gift for Leo
A gift for a noble and generous Leo must match his high status... The solemn atmosphere during its presentation is also important. As a gift for Leo, things for recreation, trophy weapons, antiques, car models are best suited. For women of this sign as new year gift gold jewelry, expensive perfume will do, gems or a car. If you want to finally win the gratitude of Leo, be sure to put a monogram with his initials on the gift.

Choosing a gift for Virgo
Sociable and collected Virgos need to give something that will not gather dust on the shelf. Virgo is pedantic, practical and elegant. Feel free to give the Virgo things that should facilitate and decorate her life: household appliances, dishes or linens... Gifts of a business and official plan are suitable: business card holders, diaries, writing sets, electronic translators and voice recorders.

What to give Libra for the New Year
Both men and women of this sign are aesthetes, they value art and originality. The gift you have chosen must be elegant and sophisticated, and besides, warm your soul. As New Year's presentation for representatives of this sign will do something done by your own hands. Virgos will appreciate portraits written from them, as well as poems and songs composed in their honor. Men can be presented with umbrellas, business card holders, cufflinks. Women will love high-quality cosmetics and feminine clothing accessories.

Gift for Scorpio
Do not forget that Scorpios are very fond of gifts with or without them. Exotic and weighty gifts will be an excellent choice for Scorpio. They will appreciate books and magazines related to esotericism, the paranormal, travel, archeology, history and exotic cuisine. Representatives of this sign are interested in a variety of devices and will be very happy to receive a high-tech device as a gift. Scorpios love secrets, so the gift should be properly wrapped.

What to give Sagittarius
Sagittarius - a lover of travel - as a gift, the most suitable are: camping equipment, travel bags, photo and video cameras or a trip to an exotic island. But he will be more pleased with the fact that you will keep him company. For a man, there is no better present than one that emphasizes a real gentleman in him. Representatives of the fairer sex of this sign will prefer gifts-events: a flight in a hot air balloon, a parachute jump or a ticket to a celebrity concert.

How to choose a gift for Capricorn
The tactful and diplomatic clever Capricorn will gladly accept any gift. Permafrost, they need warmth and comfort. And if you have a Capricorn in your family, give him something soft and fluffy, for example soft woolen plaid, thus emphasizing the desire to surround him with his warmth. It is better to give gifts to a Capricorn who is not so close to you that emphasize your respect for him, but at the same time they should be practical and useful.

Gift for Aquarius
An inquisitive Aquarius, who also has exquisite taste, will appreciate the originality and unpredictability of gifts. Both ultra-modern devices of the IT industry and classic gifts... Pictures with a mesmerizing view of distant galaxies or glassware, mesmerizing with the play of light, bright, trendy clothes or a trip to an exotic country beckoning with its mysteriousness - all this will please Aquarius.

2016 New Year Gift for Pisces
Representatives of this sign are the most sensitive and sensitive, they are often closely associated with creativity and art. Instead of a banal picture, give Rybka a certificate for attending a master class on creating a panel or decoupage. Instead of a movie or music CD, give these hopeless romantics unforgettable photo session... After her, there will be happy moments from their lives, forever imprinted on photographic paper.