Oatmeal face mask. Homemade oatmeal (oatmeal) face masks. Classic oatmeal and honey mask

If you suffer from excessively oily or, conversely, constantly drying skin, notice signs of aging and loss of elasticity, as well as the appearance of wrinkles, then the face mask from oatmeal ready to solve your problems faster, cheaper and even more efficiently than a beautician in the salon will do.

The benefits of oatmeal mask

The benefits of oatmeal as a product are not worth explaining. Everyone knows that it improves digestion, normalizes the metabolic process and perfectly cleanses the body. But besides this, oatmeal uses their own beneficial features both on the inside of the body and on the outside.

In other words, oatmeal cleans the face as well as the intestines; normalizes fat secretion processes as well as metabolic processes. Hercules contains the following substances:

  • Silicon - helps smooth wrinkles, heal problem areas, decrease in the activity of inflammatory processes;
  • Beta glucan is an antioxidant;
  • Vitamin E - moisturizes the epidermis, protects it from the harmful effects of solar radiation;
  • Vitamin B - strengthens protective function skin.

Thus, masks made from hercules have a whole range of advantages. The most important thing is, of course, that when the right set ingredients they are suitable for any skin type, namely:

  • tone up flaccid skin;
  • massage the tired;
  • regenerate the aging;
  • moisturize dry;
  • improve dull color;
  • cleanse the problem;
  • heals skin prone to inflammation.

Rules for the use of masks with oatmeal

  1. The product should be applied to steamed skin for the best effect;
  2. Refrain from cosmetic procedures if you have scratches or wounds on your skin;
  3. The mixture is applied with clean hands to a clean face;
  4. Avoid overly sensitive areas around the eyes.

Homemade recipes

Dry skin mask

Place a tablespoon of cereal in a deep dish or glass and cover with hot milk. Close the container to allow the cereal to absorb the milk. After 10 minutes, when a warm gruel forms in the dishes, it can be applied to the face for 20 minutes in a dense layer.

Nourishing mask

This product is prepared based on the previous recipe. Into the warm oatmeal obtained earlier, add a spoonful of any vegetable oil... Stir well and soak the mixture on your face for 20 minutes.

Mask for normal and combination skin

Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with any bioyogurt so that you get a thick mixture. Heat a teaspoon of honey until liquid and add to the mixture. Pour in a teaspoon of vegetable olive oil here and mix everything. You need to apply the composition for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Refreshing scrub mask for all types

Mix equal parts sour cream and oatmeal. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to them (two can be used if the skin is oily). The mask is applied to the face with massaging movements for 15 minutes.

Mask for problem skin with flakes

If you are plagued by acne, then the simplest remedy with oatmeal can help to cleanse the skin of your face, at least partially: pour the flakes hot water before getting porridge. This porridge should be applied to the face in one day. Keep on face until the product dries.

Oat lift

Pour 20 g of flakes into a glass. Pour hot tea over them so that they are completely covered with liquid. Let the mixture sit. When a gruel forms in a glass, add liquid honey (1 tsp) to it, then 5 g each of lemon or grapefruit juice (fresh). Stir the contents of the glass and apply on face for 15 minutes. After washing off, subject your face to a contrast wash. After regular use, the skin of the face should become more toned and firmer.

Mask for oily skin

Pour a tablespoon of rolled oats with protein raw egg... Whisk the mixture, add the juice of half a lemon, beat again. Apply the composition for a quarter of an hour. This mask removes excess fat and dries out the epidermis.

Rejuvenating flake mask

Steam the oatmeal with boiling water to make thick porridge... When it cools, add to it the yolk of a raw egg, the pulp of a viscous fruit (persimmon, avocado, banana, apricot) and 20 g of unfiltered beer. Mix everything thoroughly and keep on the face for 20 minutes. This mask tightens the silhouette of the face and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles.

Purifying soda mask

Prepare a teaspoon of oatmeal in boiling water. Add three pinches of baking soda to the porridge and mix. Apply the composition to your face and wait until it dries. The baking soda combined with oats will absorb oil from the face and lighten blackheads.

Flake anti-wrinkle mask

For this product, you will need oatmeal, ground into powder (1 tbsp. L.). To it you need to add the pulp of a whole orange, freshly squeezed juice from one peach and a tablespoon of milk. Mix everything, you can use a blender. Apply this fruity composition to your face and décolleté for 30 minutes.

Indications and contraindications for oatmeal masks

Oatmeal as a product has no contraindications at all. True, there may be contraindications for certain components of the masks, for example, lemon juice or egg white, so check the ingredients carefully for personal tolerance. A better prepared mask should first be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​the skin, for example, at the bend of the elbow.

Who exactly should start making oatmeal masks?

  • People with problem skin, especially adolescents who have acne and acne;
  • For people with dry skin - to moisturize;
  • People with oily skin- to dry;
  • To those who have unhealthy color faces;
  • Those who complain of sagging skin.

It is no secret that the more natural and fresh the ingredients of creams and, in general, any white cosmetics, the more effective they are. That is why women so often prefer to prepare a vitamin or anti-aging mask at home.

Oatmeal is a very well-known and common ingredient in these homemade grooming products. The fact is that such a simple and inexpensive product like oatmeal can be an effective cosmetic product for the most different problems skin.

The benefits of oatmeal

Oatmeal can serve:

  • like a scrub;
  • as a vitaminizing cream;
  • as a moisturizer for flaky skin;
  • as a rejuvenating mask;
  • as a remedy for acne and blackheads;
  • as a cleanser, nourishing and moisturizing agent.

To begin with, we offer several recipes for oatmeal masks, simple to prepare formulations that gently cleanse the skin and heal it.

Nourishing masks

  1. A face mask made from oatmeal steamed with milk or boiling water is the easiest, but still sufficient effective method improve appearance skin. Apply it in the morning for at least 3-4 minutes. and even after a few days you will already notice changes.
  2. Oatmeal and honey mask. For her, you will also need yogurt without fruit fillers and a little olive oil. Mix the ingredients in equal amounts. Leave the product on for 15-20 minutes, and after washing, apply your daily cream.
  3. Banana and oatmeal make excellent nutritious cream for aging skin. Mix equal amounts of mashed banana and steamed cereal. This composition, with regular use, gives a noticeable tightening effect.


  1. For or normal skin fit peeling scrub from oat flakes mixed with corn. Add a teaspoon of sugar and a little of any vegetable oil to the mixture to make a kashchitsa. Do not keep it on your face for more than 2-3 minutes.
  2. An oatmeal and kefir mask can be a salvation for those with oily skin. Mix flakes and chopped rice in equal proportions, add kefir to get the desired consistency. Wash off the mixture after 5 minutes.
  3. needs an individual and careful approach, she can be harmed by negligence. Try a sour cream oatmeal mask for dry skin. Grind the flakes to flour. Mix 2 teaspoons of this flour with sour cream to form a thick, creamy mass. Add some lemon juice.

Moisturizing masks

  1. Prepare the mixture by taking 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cereal, one yolk, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive or other oil. Apply for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. This mask is suitable even for extremely dry and lifeless skin.
  2. Mix 2 tablespoons of cereal and 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream. More than 20 min. do not hold.
  3. Oatmeal and baking soda mask is a proven remedy to help with. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cereal and a pinch of baking soda. Add a little warm water to make a mushy mixture. Apply the product to your face and massage in a little. After such a procedure, it is useful to do fruit mask, for example, .

For aging skin

The skin begins to age a little after 30 years. Homemade oatmeal mask is cheap, but also very efficient way help her cope with age and avoid costly and sometimes really stressful procedures.

  1. The rejuvenating oatmeal face mask with egg yolk successfully smoothes small wrinkles, tones the skin, activates its own resources to restore elasticity. Mix two tablespoons of cereal with one yolk and a spoonful of beer. Apply the composition to the face and décolleté evenly mixed mass.
  2. A simple recipe for oatmeal tea mask can help fight oat shine with black tea, and will serve as an antioxidant with green tea. Pour hot tea over two tablespoons of oatmeal and let the mixture cool. Then apply to your face. Remember to work around the delicate areas around your eyes. Flakes are too coarse for them.
  3. Whitening and refreshing mask for problem skin, on which they began to appear dark spots and fine wrinkles, consists of oatmeal, kefir and a few drops of lemon juice. It is not recommended to do it every day.
  4. Made from oatmeal and honey. For her, you need to grind a spoonful of flakes into flour, add a little kefir, soda on the tip of a knife and a teaspoon of honey. This composition has a strong lifting effect.

For acne

Adolescence usually brings problems associated with uneven oily skin, acne, acne and even unpleasant blackheads on the face. But do not put a cleanser on your face if there are pustules, wounds or scratches on its surface.

  1. One of best masks from blackheads it contains lemon juice, which has a whitening and drying effect. Prepare 2-3 tablespoons of ground cereal, mix with a teaspoon of juice and add hot water... Allow the mixture to cool before applying. When dry, wash with warm water.
  2. Before adopting this recipe, make sure that you do not suffer from intolerance to any of its components - oil tea tree and eucalyptus. Combine ground flakes (1 tablespoon), beaten egg, 2-3 drops each of oils and a teaspoon of milk. The anti-inflammatory, cleansing, disinfecting and degreasing effect of this product is undeniable.
  3. A purifying oatmeal face mask with cherry juice stimulates and tones the skin. Mix the ingredients in a 2: 1 ratio (two parts juice, 1 part oatmeal). Leave the composition on the skin for 10 minutes.

You will find more recipes for acne masks.

Oatmeal face mask is an inexpensive, simple and 100% effective way to restore, whiten, cleanse and nourish with beneficial substances. skin covering... In combination with various components, such a mask has a beneficial effect on young and fading, lost elasticity, flaky problematic and sensitive skin or too oily and acne-prone. The main thing is to observe the measure in everything and select medicinal composition appropriate for your particular problem.

To maintain beauty and youth for a long time, you need to do it regularly cosmetology procedures... But it is quite expensive, and visiting a beauty salon also takes time, which is usually not available. Home cosmetology helps out, including face masks based on natural ingredients that are easy to prepare but incredibly effective. You can prepare any of the masks proposed in the article yourself at home, and you do not need to buy anything additionally, all the ingredients can be found in the refrigerator. The recipes are very simple and the effect will delight you.

The benefits of oatmeal masks

One of these natural products is oatmeal, or Hercules porridge. These flakes are the basis of a number of homemade masks, as they are rich in various beneficial trace elements that nourish the skin and also act as a scrub.

Effect of oatmeal face masks:

  • Nourishment of the skin, which gives it a healthy color;
  • Smoothing wrinkles;
  • Fight acne and inflammation;
  • Exfoliating effect;
  • Thanks to the addition of other components - drying oily skin or moisturizing dry.

Oatmeal in pure form is a neutral component, masks made from it are suitable for all skin types. But thanks to the addition of other ingredients, you can prepare a composition that will solve the problems of your skin.

Types of oatmeal face masks

Homemade face masks in most cases are prepared according to the same rules. Based on the properties of the main component, in this case - oatmeal, others are added natural products, enhancing positive effects or, if necessary, stopping negative ones.

But since oatmeal is absolutely neutral to the skin, any masks can be prepared on its basis. Firstly, soaked flakes are used as a wipe for the face before going to bed, which nourishes it and saturates it with useful substances. Secondly, a number of very effective masks are made based on oatmeal to combat acne. Thirdly, oat groats is an excellent scrub. Also cook with oatmeal complex masks from three or more components.

Oatmeal face masks: popular homemade recipes

Home cosmetology provides a lot of room for your own creativity and experimentation, but there are a number of proven recipes for oatmeal face masks:

  • Oatmeal and baking soda face mask for problem skin

The classic composition for combating acne on the face skin. Grind oatmeal in a mortar or. Then two tablespoons of oatmeal are mixed with hot water to a state of gruel, it is infused for several minutes, a tablespoon of ordinary soda is added to the mask and mixed again. This mask must be applied in a thick layer for 20-30 minutes, until it dries, after which it must be washed off. plain water... If necessary, you can rub in as a scrub.

  • Oatmeal and Honey Purifying Facial Mask

This variation combines oatmeal with the most popular and beneficial ingredient in homemade masks - natural honey... This version of the oatmeal mask is marketed as effective against acne, but in fact it has much more properties... Honey is very viscous, it cleans the pores well, pulling out all the dirt from them, and the flakes act as a scrub. Also, honey removes all inflammation well and nourishes the skin, like oatmeal. A mask is prepared from heated (to dissolve the crystals) honey and chopped oatmeal in a 1 to 1 ratio. If it comes out too thick, you can dilute it with water. An oatmeal-honey mask is applied for 20-30 minutes, washed off with warm water.

  • Nourishing oatmeal and kefir face mask

This composition nourishes the skin very well, improves color, and has a whitening effect. Also, kefir dries the face, therefore this mask is suitable fatty skin and is contraindicated for dry. This mask is prepared from kefir and oatmeal in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of cereal to 1 spoon of kefir, it is applied for 20 minutes, it is not recommended to keep such a mask for too long.

  • Moisturizing oatmeal and sour cream face mask

Unlike the previous recipe, this mask is intended for dry skin, since sour cream (especially oily) moisturizes it well. It is also prepared from ground oatmeal and sour cream in a 2 to 1 ratio, applied for 20-30 minutes. due to their effectiveness have become very popular in home cosmetology... There are also good ones based on apples, honey, cucumbers, chamomile and grapefruit.

The listed options are the most popular, but not the only ones. Oatmeal-based masks can be prepared by adding ingredients such as lemon juice (for oily skin), oils - olive or essential oils (for dry skin), ground coffee(to enhance the scrub effect), etc.

It is important to select the ingredients for your skin type, avoiding dyes and those that can cause allergies. It is also worth remembering that all oatmeal masks should only be applied to a cleansed and steamed face. The formulations do not need to be overexposed on the skin, and in case of any negative sensations, the mask must be washed off immediately. And the main thing is to do the procedures regularly, 2 or 3 times a week.

Take it to your wall:

Oatmeal is one of the most popular ingredients in homemade facial skin care products. And this is not surprising, because with the help of this product it is possible to improve the condition of any skin type without heroic efforts. In addition, for finance, oatmeal or rolled oats are very economical beauty products.

What are the benefits of oatmeal for facial skin

The unique properties of oatmeal are due to the presence great variety vitamins and minerals in its composition.

  • Zinc helps to cleanse the skin and remove toxins and other harmful compounds from it. It is also quite effective in shrinking pores and has a rejuvenating effect.
  • Iron serves as one of essential elements to nourish and hydrate skin cells.
  • Manganese removes puffiness and inflammation, and also promotes fast healing skin after wounds, bruises, burns and other microtraumas.
  • Magnesium normalizes blood circulation and provides a pronounced renewal of skin cells.
  • Vitamin E protects the skin from harmful external factors and reduces susceptibility to sunlight.
  • B vitamins increase the content of fatty acids and ceramides, which effectively lighten age spots, relieve dryness and regulate skin hydration.
  • Ventramide, beta-glucan and silicon have antioxidant properties that slow down the aging process of the skin and increase its elasticity, thereby making the face look taut and firm.

Oatmeal face masks can handle almost any skin problem

Thus, oatmeal can be used in solving the following problems:

  • Pimples and acne;
  • Age spots and freckles;
  • Excessive dryness of the facial skin;
  • Grayness and pallor;
  • Allergies, itching and flaking;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Expression and age wrinkles;
  • Excessive production sebum and greasy shine;
  • Puffiness.

Oatmeal - truly universal remedy suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive.

Difference between oatmeal and rolled oats

Oatmeal resembles rice in appearance. It is a whole grain that takes about 40 minutes to cook.

Oatmeal is very similar to rice

"Hercules" is instant porridge, i.e. oatmeal, which takes 5-10 minutes to cook. Hercules is also made from oats (mainly of the highest grade), but in this case it goes through a more complex processing system - grinding, flattening, squeezing, firing, etc. Oatmeal tastes significantly different from oat flour usually the taste of well-toasted grains.

Oatmeal is an excellent facial scrub

What to choose for facial care

Despite the fact that oatmeal is made using a complex technology, all useful material for the skin they remain. Therefore, as a basis for oat masks you can use both oat flour and oatmeal. Some recipes allow the use of whole oatmeal, while others require chopping.

The main advantage of using oatmeal for the face is the scrubbing effect. Whole or crushed grains very gently cleanse even the deepest layers of the skin from cosmetics, fine dirt and dust.

How to prepare a mask base

To prepare the base for the mask, it is enough to pour 2-3 tbsp. l. oat product with boiling water so that the water only slightly covers the ingredient. Next, the resulting mixture is insisted for 5-10 minutes so that the oatmeal absorbs the liquid. Such a base can be used independently, or it can be mixed with others. additional components that will only enhance its effect. The mass is kept on the face until it dries. It is recommended to wash off the classic composition with warm water.

Recipes for masks and other products

When applying, avoid the area around the eyes, otherwise the skin here will quickly become dry

Mask for acne and blackheads

To eliminate these problems, it is necessary to combine the oat base with 1 tbsp. l. blue or black clay and 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. You can apply a mask both on the whole face and on individual problem areas... After drying, the mixture is washed off with warm water or infusion of any medicinal herbs... It is advisable to use the product 2 times a week, the general course is 1 month.

Moisturizers for dry skin

  • 1 tbsp. l. dilute the ground oatmeal with hot milk so that a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then add 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 0.5 tsp. sour cream and 0.5 tsp. softened butter... Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply on face and neck for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash with warm water.
  • 1 tbsp. l. grind oatmeal well in a mortar and mix with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tsp. honey and 0.5 tsp. salt. You need to apply a scrub mask in a circular motion within 3-5 minutes. Wash off with cool water after drying.

From the first signs of aging

Get rid of age and mimic wrinkles a mixture of 1 tbsp will help. l. oat flour, 1 chicken yolk, 2 tsp. olive oil and 2-3 drops of rosemary oil. Apply the composition to the face pre-moistened with water and leave for half an hour. Remove with warm water diluted with a few drops of lemon juice.

Beer mask for skin rejuvenation

In this recipe, the oatmeal partners are beer, egg yolk and fruit pulp (persimmon, melon or apricot). Mix all the ingredients in approximately equal proportions and apply the mixture evenly on the steamed face. After 15–20 minutes, wash with cool water and moisturize your skin with an anti-aging cream.

The ancient intoxicating drink has a pronounced rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Firming mask for sagging and aging skin

You can transform aging skin with 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, drenched in 2 tsp. hot black tea and 1 tsp. lemon or orange juice... For better result you can also add 0.5 tsp. liquid honey. Apply a mask massage movements... Wash off after 20 minutes, first with warm and then cool water. The facial skin is noticeably tightened after 2–3 procedures.

Cleansing scrubs with banana or kefir and honey

  • Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with one teaspoon of heavy cream and pre-mashed banana. Apply the mass on the face and décolleté and keep it on for at least 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water and apply thin layer moisturizer. The scrub perfectly cleans the skin and evens out its tone.
  • To combat peeling dry skin, you will need 1 tbsp. l. turn oatmeal slightly in a blender until small cereals and then add 2 tbsp. l. kefir and 1 tsp. honey. All components of the mask are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face with rubbing movements. After 15 minutes, the excess is washed off with a napkin moistened with warm water.

For age spots and freckles

If you dream of lightening age spots, use the following mask recipe: 2 tbsp. l. mix oat flour with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and add 2 tsp. lemon juice. The active exposure time is 20 minutes, then the product is washed off with warm water. The mixture should be applied daily until the pigmentation disappears.

Improving complexion with oatmeal and baking soda

Pour 2 tsp into the oatmeal base for the mask. baking soda and apply the mixture to your face, going around the eye area, and wait for the product to dry. You will notice the effect instantly as soon as you remove the mask from your face. Redness, acne marks and oily sheen will disappear, leaving behind clean and fresh skin with a pleasant tone.

Soda normalizes blood circulation, improving the appearance of facial skin

A nourishing mask with regenerating properties

The ingredients for this mask are obtained from the pharmacy - liquid vitamins A and C are sold in concentrated form or in ampoules, and aspirin tablets can also be found there. The first step is to thoroughly grind 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 4 aspirin tablets in a mortar. After that, 2 drops of vitamin A and 2-3 drops of vitamin C are added to the resulting powder. Ready mix Apply to face with patting movements and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Taking care of oily skin

Grind 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and dilute them with a previously prepared broth of calendula (insist a tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water in a thermos) so that the mask is thick. The resulting gruel is applied to the face in the morning. When the product dries and cracks, remove it in a circular motion. Result - matte leather without excess shine all day long.

Video: How to make an anti-wrinkle mask for oily skin

A beneficial way to shrink pores

For deep cleansing and narrowing of enlarged pores, it is recommended to apply a product on the face 1-2 times a month, which contains crushed oatmeal (1 tbsp. l.), medium-ground coffee beans (1 tbsp. l.) and distilled warm water(2 tbsp. L.). First, the oatmeal is thoroughly mixed with coffee, and then the mixture is diluted with water and infused for about 10 minutes. The mask is kept on the face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water or infusion medicinal chamomile(a tablespoon of chamomile pharmacy, filled with a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour. Strain before use).

Universal mask for washing

It is very useful to wash your face with oatmeal in the morning. Gently mix a handful of ground flakes with warm water in your palm and massage the gruel over the entire surface of your face. After 2-3 minutes of "oatmeal" massage, rinse your face with warm water and dry yourself with a clean towel. Improvement general condition skin can be noticed after the first such procedure, but in order to achieve a stable result, this procedure will have to be carried out regularly.

This is interesting: The recipe for washing with oatmeal has been tested by more than one generation of women, even cosmetologists with many years of experience are convinced of its effectiveness.

Video: How else to use oatmeal for the face


Since the oatmeal is pure, natural product, no contraindications to its use in its pure form have been identified. If the mask contains other ingredients, be careful: individual intolerance may be on one of the components.

Before using ready-made composition masks, do not forget to do the test to prevent an allergic reaction.

Oatmeal has long been considered the most valuable food product, and today it is gaining more and more popularity as a cosmetic product. Indeed, the oatmeal face mask has a truly universal action: it is safe for any skin type and is able to solve many problems. It is easy to prepare, financially very economical for any wallet, and the results can be compared to a trip to a beauty salon. So an oatmeal face mask should long ago take its rightful place of skin care products in the arsenal of any beauty who cares about her appearance.

Miracle oatmeal - only positive effect

What's the secret to the miraculous effects of a regular homemade oatmeal mask so easy to make? It's all about the trace elements that this product is rich in:

  • 10% of water provides the skin with hydration;
  • retinol promotes rapid skin healing after microtraumas;
  • thiamine returns elasticity to the skin, eliminates dryness, accelerates regeneration processes;
  • ascorbic acid restores youth to flabby skin.

The complex effect of these substances on the skin is the secret of its rejuvenating effect. Useful and effective mask oatmeal face works wonders:

  • nourishes skin cells;
  • gently exfoliates already dead skin cells that interfere with normal functioning;
  • massages;
  • tones the skin;
  • improves complexion;
  • regenerates;
  • moisturizes;
  • tones up;
  • reduces sensitivity and inflammation;
  • cleanses pores.

Knowing now exactly how the oatmeal mask works on our skin, determine in which cases it will be most effective, and who is not recommended to use it.

Oatmeal masks: indications for use

Any hercules mask will act on the skin in conjunction with the ingredients that are included in its composition. It depends on them which mask is suitable for a particular type of skin. It is recommended to use oatmeal in the following cases:

  • problem skin: oatmeal mask for acne has long been recommended to all adolescents as a therapeutic, relieving acne;
  • dry skin will receive abundant hydration;
  • oily skin will lose its oily unhealthy shine;
  • normal and combination skin will receive the necessary nutrition;
  • withered skin will return elasticity and firmness.

Now we can safely say that the Hercules face mask is universal: depending on the auxiliary components, it can be useful for any skin type.

Herculean masks: contraindications

How food product oatmeal is contraindicated for people suffering from celiac disease - intolerance to cereals. But this disease concerns only digestion, while the effect of oatmeal on the skin remains completely safe. So cosmetologists and scientists have not yet figured out contraindications to the use of pure oatmeal face masks. If the mask contains other ingredients, be careful: make sure that you are not allergic to one of the ingredients, only in this case the mask will be effective and will not entail undesirable consequences.

Oatmeal masks: the best recipes

We bring to the attention of beauties who prefer natural cosmetical tools cooked with your own hands, some of the most popular and effective masks based on oatmeal. Any oatmeal face mask is applied exclusively to previously cleansed skin, the exposure time is 15–20 minutes, rinsed with warm filtered water so that no impurities settle on the face.

  • 1. Honey

One of the most miraculous masks is a mask made of oatmeal and honey - two products, unique in their properties, will make any skin perfect. Honey needs to be slightly warmed up so that it becomes liquid. Mix a teaspoon of oatmeal and honey thoroughly to form a thick, sticky mass.

  • 2. Dairy

Pour a tablespoon of oatmeal a small amount hot milk. Let it brew. Knead swollen flakes and apply on face. This mask will moisturize and nourish dry skin. If you replace milk with regular boiling water, you get perfect option for problem skin: this mask will help to cope with acne.

  • 3. Corn

Dilute oat and corn flakes (one teaspoon each) with vegetable (preferably olive) oil until a sticky mass is formed. it universal mask suitable for all skin types.

  • 4. Kefir

This is a mask for faces oatmeal-honey with addition low-fat kefir which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. By recipe honey mask, add another tablespoon of kefir to the mixture.

  • 5. Coffee shop

Perfectly toning and deeply cleansing the pores of the face, it is recommended to do it once a month. Mix medium-ground coffee beans with oatmeal (a tablespoon of both), pour warm water, leave for 10 minutes.

  • 6. Tea room

Pour hot tea over two tablespoons of oatmeal and cool. If you take black tea as a base, it will give your skin a beautiful matte finish. Green tea will give the effect of rejuvenation thanks to the antioxidants it contains.

  • 7. Grape

If you mix the flakes (tablespoon), grape juice or oil (2 tablespoons) and yolk, you get an excellent moisturizing mask for dry skin.

  • 8. Lemon

Oatmeal-honey face mask for oily skin with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is important to observe the proportions: for a tablespoon of heated liquid honey - the same amount of oatmeal and a teaspoon of juice.

Mash the pulp of one medium-sized avocado with a fork, mix with honey (2 tablespoons) and oatmeal (3 tablespoons). Dilute for the desired consistency olive oil.

  • 10. Cherry

Cherry juice (2 tablespoons) pour oat flakes (tablespoon). Insist for 10 minutes.

At regular use oatmeal face mask will become that priceless remedy for skin rejuvenation that no woman will agree to exchange for store remedy... Cosmetics is a real wonderland that you need to constantly master and make more and more discoveries for your beauty. Congratulations on today's great discovery of a homemade herculean mask that will give your skin a whole new life.