Home care for hair and scalp. Effective scalp care. Growth stimulating mask

TEXT: Daria Burkova

WE WILL USE THE MOST DIFFERENT MEANS for hair care, we groom and cherish them in salons, but at the same time we often forget about the scalp. The most that she gets in most cases is the use of shampoo and a massage comb. At the same time, the appearance of the hair largely depends on the condition of the scalp. Yes, proper scalp care will not change the already regrown and damaged scalp, but it will definitely affect the quality of future hair. With the help of Svetlana Kobzeva, the leading technologist of O’right in Russia, the Tevoli dermatocosmetologist Viktoria Sokolova, and the art director of the Matrix creative team Mila Zyukova, we understand the intricacies of caring for this part of the body.

Healthy scalp care

Hair consists of two parts: the visible part - the shaft - and the hair follicle located in the skin. The follicle, or bulb, is the root of the hair that is responsible for nourishing, growing and repairing the hair. On good quality In growing hair, one can hope when enough protein, fats, vitamins and microelements enter the follicle, and the level of blood supply remains constant. If the follicle dies, the hair also dies. In addition, attached to the follicle sebaceous glands, through which the greasy secret is displayed. If there is too much or not enough of it, the process of skin renewal is disrupted, the hair shaft becomes weaker, and the hair can begin to thin and fall out. You can understand that everything is in order with your scalp due to the absence of dandruff, itching, excessive fat content and any unpleasant sensations as well as the satisfying quality of the hair that grows out of it.

In this case, you can not bother much and stick to pretty simple rules in the care of this area. First, you need to decide which shampoo to look for based on the needs of your scalp, not your hair. Moreover, even a healthy scalp has different people may differ - be drier or fatter due to natural causes, such as invincible genetics. Shampoo for every day should be selected, paying attention to the type of scalp and balanced. Despite the simplicity of the rules, choosing a cleanser is still a daunting task for many. If, over the years of torment and thought, you have not found your very same shampoo, then the time has come to go to an appointment with a trichologist: do not neglect the professional advice that will be given to you personally.

For a healthy scalp, it is enough to peel once a month, and at the same time to carry out a head massage

When the issue with shampoo is resolved, you should think about another product for deep cleansing... The scalp should sometimes be pampered in the same way as the facial skin on which we often use acid peels and cleansing masks. These can be scrubs or special peels for the scalp, which are applied before washing your hair or even at night. Trichologists agree that last option the most optimal. Look for acids already familiar to you in such products: glycolic and salicylic. By the way, peeling can be replaced with an additional shampoo with acids, which can be applied in advance to dry scalp five to ten minutes before washing. For a healthy scalp, it is enough to peel once a month, and at the same time perform a head massage. However, this free option should not be neglected on an ongoing basis: massage enhances local blood circulation, which affects the nutrition of the bulbs. In addition, scalp peels are often included in salon procedures for hair care, so if you regularly combine haircuts and coloring with additional care, then home peels can be neglected.

Victoria Sokolova says that the skin on the head is completely self-sufficient and special care does not require. To maintain her good condition the most important thing is to monitor your health in general: eat right, drink enough water, monitor the level of essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is important not to allow negative impacts the environment on the scalp: long exposure to the sun or frost, frequent washing with too acidic or too alkaline water, aggressive dyes. If you are often in the sun or go to the sauna, wear a hat. If you often dye your hair at the roots and the composition gets on the scalp, do it only in a proven salon and be careful with self-dyeing.

When something went wrong

As in the case of the skin of the face and body, there are many diseases of the scalp, their causes too, and, as a rule, they are associated with a malfunction of the body. In rare cases, scalp problems are caused by improper care, abuse of styling products and chemical procedures. What's more, scalp problems usually go hand in hand with whole body skin problems. There can be a lot of reasons, from hormonal imbalance and infections to diseases of the organs and the circulatory-lymphatic system. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor: treatment of excessive oily scalp and acne will not be successful without addressing the root cause.

There are also a number of scalp diseases caused by external factors such as fungi and bacteria. The most popular example is the familiar dandruff. In addition to the fungus, which is normally present in the microflora of the scalp in small quantities, but under the influence various factors its content may increase, dandruff can provoke changes in the work of the sebaceous glands, skin diseases, hormonal imbalance. Alas, the popular anti-dandruff shampoos act only cosmetically and are quite capable of doing harm, so it is better to consult a specialist who will write pharmacy remedy... Other common ailments include eczema, seborrhea and psoriasis - you guessed it, this is also a direct route to a doctor for a coupon.

Alas, the popular anti-dandruff shampoos act only cosmetically and are quite capable of doing harm, so it is better to consult with a specialist who will prescribe a pharmacy

Nevertheless, sometimes we ourselves provoke problems with the scalp. It can be hypersensitivity, itching, dryness, or, conversely, excessive fat content. “When washing your hair, the water should not be hot, and masks and conditioners are applied only to the length - the exceptions are specialized products for the scalp. It is also necessary to dry your hair using the cool mode of a hair dryer, since high temperatures stimulate the work of the sebaceous glands, ”advises Mila Zyukova. Apart from wrong similar funds on care, temperatures of water and air of a hair dryer, on the condition of the scalp is not the best effect frequent staining, abuse of styling products for hair volume and dry shampoos familiar to many. Choose products without ignoring the characteristics of your skin.

If your scalp is sensitive and itchy, use serums, lotions and ampoules with soothing properties. If you feel uncommon dryness, look for products with moisturizing and nutritional properties, have found fat content - look at the mark “sebum-regulating”. When the scalp is peeling and excessively oily, it will also be useful to use peels more often (once every one to two weeks, depending on the situation) - this will help the serums work better. Of course, it is worth excluding the means and procedures that provoke the problem, and if this is not possible, then at least reduce the frequency of their use. Not worth the wait instant result from using additional funds, but if scalp care becomes a habit, after a couple of months the result can be assessed by the quality of freshly grown hair.

What to do with hair loss

“Hair loss can be due to a wide variety of reasons: genetic, external and internal. General recommendations are reduced to increased nutrition of hair follicles with the help of special preparations that are rubbed into the scalp. Appointments for nutrition, reception drugs and holding additional procedures the doctor should do it based on the patient's analyzes, ”says Mila Zyukova. Often changes lead to hair loss in women hormonal background, improperly selected diet, frequent chemical procedures and stress. The latter factors are the most harmless, and the problem is solved by eliminating them. It is worth remembering that hair reacts to everything with a delay of several months. Falling out from stress or overusing fast food is just worth enduring. If the hair has been shedding for several months and do not plan to stop, this is already a good reason to visit a doctor and get tested for hormones.

Hair loss due to hormonal changes can happen on natural reasons v adolescence, during and immediately after pregnancy and, of course, during menopause. “To prevent such problems, it is very important to preventive purposes start scalp care as early as possible. Then this process can be suspended and controlled, ”says Svetlana Kobzeva. Anti-hair loss products work in two ways at once: they keep the follicles in the skin more tightly and stimulate the growth of new hair from inactive follicles. To see the result from hair growth products, they need to be used for a long time (at least three months) and other scalp problems should be excluded, and if they are, then the preparations should be combined. For example, use a sebum-regulating serum one day and a hair growth product the next. It will be useful to pass an analysis for vitamins and minerals. For example, hair can often grow slowly due to a lack of zinc.

The fact that the health and beauty of hair begins with the health of the scalp (scalp) is scientific fact... And what is dry and lifeless hair often accompanied by dryness and irritation skin the head is also a fact (in winter, these symptoms usually only get worse). So, scalp care in the cold season is not a whim, but a real necessity.

scalp care

Changes in temperature (frost outside and heat indoors), very dry air (hello to the heating system), hats, lack of vitamins, deterioration in water quality are all factors that affect the condition of the scalp. The result of the effects of all of the above is most often increased dryness, skin flakes that look like dandruff (but this is not dandruff - these are particles of dry skin), constant irritation and increased hair loss.

What to do about it? In addition to the obvious solutions (wash your hair less often, use masks for dry hair, etc.), there is a whole range of measures that will help you get through the winter without any special consequences for the condition of your hair.

Care before washing

The scalp, like the skin on other parts of the body, requires good cleansing, exfoliation, massage and proper hydration... So scalp care begins with two important treatments before you shower:

  • scalp massage - for this you need massage brush with rounded bristles (or a soft natural bristle brush) that can be gently swept over the main areas of the head; This massage improves blood circulation in the skin, helps exfoliate dead scales and distributes natural lubrication (which is better than any purchased care) through the hair;
  • homemade scalp mask - such a mask not only moisturizes, but also helps to remove residues of care products that accumulate on the surface of the scalp, covering it with a thick film over time; the most popular remedy is natural coconut oil (you can read about its properties).

Try to do home mask: 1 tablespoon coconut oil, 1 tablespoon organic honey. Mix, apply to the scalp, leave for 45 minutes, gently rinse with a mild shampoo. Repeat once a week in a cycle of 8 treatments.

Washing your hair properly

Rather, right choice shampoo. Most commercial shampoos are made with strong surfactants that dissolve not only dirt and grease, but also the lipid film on the scalp. If you already have problems with dry skin, then choose the most mild shampoos.

In addition, it makes sense to try detox shampoos (marked detox) - these are shampoos that dissolve the film from the remains of detergents and styling products on the scalp surface, freeing the skin and improving its "breathing".

The fact that washing your hair every day is not the most good habit you most likely know. The use will help to increase the intervals between shampoos without affecting the appearance.

Correct diet

Dry skin, including dry scalp, is primarily the result of a lack of saturated fatty acids (Omega 3). You can take them as a supplement, or simply increase the number of foods rich in fatty acids (salmon, avocados, nuts, chia seeds) in your menu.

In addition, it makes sense to also add algae to your diet, for example, spirulina, which is rich in minerals and trace elements (you can read about why you should add spirulina to your diet). Well, don't forget to drink enough water a day (6-8 glasses according to the WHO recommendation) is the most effective, free and absolutely safe way fight dry skin.

Beautiful at all times well-groomed hair were considered a sign of health and wealth. Women aren't the only ones who have to worry about how their hair looks. A man's hair, clean, neatly cut and styled, is eye-catching, communicative and sympathetic. In order to properly care for the scalp and hair and choose the right cosmetics, you need to take into account the features male body and what kind of care male hair will give best results you will find out from our article.


The hairline of both sexes is identical up to a certain age... Differences begin to appear during puberty, when the body produces hormones: testosterone for boys, estrogen for girls. From this moment on, the thickness of the male hair increases, the sebaceous glands work more intensively.

Thanks to the latter feature, the hairstyle often becomes oily. Testosterone strongly affects the lifespan of the follicle strong half of humanity on the head. It gradually poisons the cells responsible for hair growth, which leads to baldness in someone earlier, someone later.


For each type of male hair, you need to select your own cosmetic. An improperly selected shampoo can be a real torment for the stronger sex. In addition to it, there are many different conditioners, balms, mousses and other useful things that help your hairstyle look perfect.

In order for your hair to always shine with beauty, you need to try to follow simple rules:

  1. Cleanliness is the key to health! The easiest care a man can provide to his hair is shampooing. But when choosing this tool, you also need to be careful. The beloved 2-in-1 shower gel option can seriously harm follicles. The composition of such a product contains substances responsible for effective washing bodies that are not suitable in composition. For long, thick strands, it is good to use conditioner in addition to shampoo. He will help them not get confused and give their hair beautiful shine... Rinse the strands thoroughly using only warm water.
  2. Drying... For owners of lush or long hair when using a hair dryer after shampooing, it is worth remembering temperature conditions. The perfect solution there will be warm air directed at the hairdo from a sufficient distance at medium speed. Drying with hot air from a short distance will damage the hair follicles.
  3. Comb. Short haircut also needs combing. Simple procedure lifts hairs, nourishes the skin with oxygen, increases blood flow. For daily use, wide-spacing wooden combs or soft massage combs are suitable.

Important! The use of metal combs is strictly not allowed. They violate integrity skin, which contributes to the development of various skin diseases and hair loss.

The best men's care products

When choosing a means for shampooing and subsequent care, you need to remember the type of hair, take into account their length and additional parameters of the skin and age. Some shampoos are suitable for owners oily hair, other balms for those who have early baldness, the third will help to paint over gray hair. Cosmetology does not stand still, men, as well as women, can choose for themselves a whole line of suitable care products.


Shampoos of the strong half of humanity are very different from female remedies for shampooing. The difference lies in the characteristics of the skin, its alkaline balance and work sebaceous glands. When choosing a shampoo, a man should be guided by:

  • the presence in the composition of cleaning components: Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate;
  • lack of silicone additives;
  • the presence of elements that reduce fat, perform an antibacterial effect;
  • pay attention to the need for dandruff treatment;
  • notice the presence of a masculine scent.

On store shelves you can see a large number of different male cosmetics, but the stronger sex has its own leaders among shampoos.

  • One of the most popular shampoos is Nivea Men "Extreme Freshness" with menthol, volume 400 ml. The product is intended for normal to oily hair, ideal for daily shampooing. Pleasant additional effect- persistent ice freshness. Shampoo should be applied in a small amount on the head, gently lather and rinse warm water... Buyers did not find any disadvantages to this product. average price per bottle is 150 rubles.

  • L "Oreal Elseve for men against dandruff with a volume of 250 ml. The shampoo is suitable for all hair types. Helps to cope with itching and flaking for a long time. Daily use possible. Minus experts point out possible appearance allergic reactions and buyers have a relatively high value for the specified volume. For effective application need to apply a small amount of on wet head... Then lather and leave for up to 2 minutes, then rinse hair thoroughly with warm water. The average price in Russia is 150 rubles.

Popular balms

Men rarely use other hair care products other than shampoo. But for the hair to be protected, beautiful and healthy, additional care should also be considered.

The conditioner covers the hair along its entire length with a protective film, which allows the comb to glide more easily along its length without damaging the structure. In relation to temperature changes and other weather conditions, the hairstyle becomes more stable. One more positive feature conditioner can be allocated to the fight against baldness, increasing the life of the follicles. Some of the most popular men's conditioners include:

  • AMERICAN CREW daily conditioner volume of 250 ML. The balm is suitable for daily use, moisturizes, nourishes and smoothes hair. Thanks to the menthol included in the composition, the product has an invigorating effect and leaves a fresh smell for a long time. Men note that after using the product, the hair remains soft for a long time, the oily effect disappears. A small volume is enough for a fairly long period of time. No minuses were found for the product. The average price is 1100 rubles per bottle.

  • Revitalizing DAX volume of 414 ml. The product is great for those who use fixing cosmetics. Detangles hair, removes styling residues, makes it manageable and less brittle. The balm can be used daily. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the high price for a small volume at a high flow rate. The average price per bottle is 1100 rubles.

Other care products

In addition to shampoos and balms, the beauty industry has taken care of other means for caring for men. For the stronger sex, hair loss remedies, various protective and vitamin complexes have been developed.

  • Davines Energizing Thickening Tonic- energetic thickening tonic in a small volume of 100 ml. The product stimulates, strengthens the weakened and Thin hair... The composition contains caffeine, which provides positive effect on blood circulation. In addition, the product contains a large amount of oils and substances responsible for prolonging the life of the follicles. The bottle has a convenient dropper and is applied in the amount of a few drops to the scalp. After complete absorption, it is washed off with water. Of the minuses, buyers note a high price. average cost 3900 rubles.

  • Professional Strength Healthy Hair- means for thinning hair. Nourishes follicles, makes hair healthy, thick and strong. The composition contains sesame extract, which prevents hair loss. The product does not need to be rinsed off after application. Minuses - high price for a small amount. The average price for a volume of 75 ml is 1500 rubles.

Folk recipes

There are many cosmetic products for the care of men's hair. Store shelves are filled with beautiful bubbles. But you can take care of your health not only with their help. From our ancestors have survived various recipes masks and decoctions for home care allowing you to perform the care procedure with natural products... A plus similar mixtures in environmental friendliness and the absence of any chemical additives that can cause an allergic reaction.

Recipe 1. Nettle vinegar lotion. Great for strengthening and preventing hair loss.

For the mixture, you need finely chopped nettle leaves (5 tablespoons), mixed with 0.5 liters of water and 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar... The solution must be brought to a boil, kept on fire for half an hour. Refrigerate.

Apply two to three times a week for a couple of months. It must be applied to the scalp before going to bed or a few hours before washing.

Recipe 2. Simple bow. Onions are another effective fighter against hair loss.

A medium-sized onion should be grated on a fine grater, mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey and applied to the scalp. After 2 hours, the mixture is washed off with warm water. Such a remedy is used no more than twice a week.

Recipe 3. Good helpers for care will be sea buckthorn oils, castor or burdock.

They should be applied to the head half an hour before washing, several times a week. You can wrap your head in foil after application. So the effect of using oils will be better.

Advice. For comfort, before applying on the head, the product should be warmed up to room temperature.

To keep your hair always clean and beautiful, you need to regularly take care of its condition, use only high-quality products and strive to comply hygiene rules:

  • When using shampoos, conditioners, masks and other hair products, you need to pay attention to the instructions for use. Correctly performed actions guarantee a good result.
  • When buying, it is imperative to take into account the type, features of the skin (the presence of dandruff, strong work of the sebaceous glands, baldness).
  • Care products should always be rinsed off thoroughly so that hair is less dirty and can breathe freely.
  • When using a hair dryer, you need to choose a gentle mode.
  • Combs should only be individual, with large soft teeth.

Proper systematic care and Attentive attitude will help your hair look healthy, delay hair loss for a long time and make any man a source of pride.

Useful videos

How to properly care for men's hair, as well as an overview of styling products from Andrey Dryazgov.

An overview of American CREW professional hair care products made specifically for men.

Healthy hair adorns a person's appearance, but, unfortunately, diseases, disruptions in the functioning of various organs and systems do not contribute to the beauty and health of hair. How to care for your scalp and hair to keep it healthy and beautiful.

To keep your hair beautiful and well-groomed, it is important not only to take care of it, it is important to know about it. Many people, especially women, are concerned about hair loss, but this normal process, since up to 100 hairs should fall out per day. The hair of different people is different, some have bright red, some black, brown, wheat, and some have been sitting for a long time. Hair color depends on one pigment that the body produces, it is called melanin. The more pigment in the body, the darker the hair, and the less melanin, the lighter the hair.

How to care for your scalp and hair and what does your hair health depend on? Hair health and beauty depends on different moments, among them nutrition, selection of the right cosmetics, proper care, washing, combing. And of course, hair is very fond of grooming procedures, it is very important to rinse hair in decoctions of various herbs, and apply various masks that nourish hair with health.

Nutrition is very important for the hair as the products provide the beauty of the hair from the inside out. Hair needs proteins, chicken, beef, lean pork can be included in the diet. Protein can also be obtained from legumes such as beans, greek nuts, and almonds. Almonds are considered very beneficial for female beauty because they contain valuable vitamins and minerals. Fish is also essential for healthy looking hair, because it contains phosphorus, omega 3, fatty acids. Olive oil is a source of vitamin E, which must not only be added to food, but also to make hair masks. Avocado, kiwi, banana are considered very good for hair, so eat these foods regularly. To make your hair look shiny, it is important to drink enough water in the smallest amount, one and a half liters per day.

Natural product masks are considered important point care they nourish them from the inside out and provide them with health and radiance:

- 300 ml of warm milk, 2 tbsp. honey. Mix and apply to clean washed hair and hold, rinse off for 1 hour with warm water.

- 200 ml of a decoction of nettle 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice... Mix, apply to hair, after half an hour, rinse with water and shampoo.

- 300 ml of burdock broth, 2 tbsp. honey. The product should be applied to the head with massage movements and held for 1 hour, then rinsed with water and shampoo.

- 200 ml of chamomile broth, 1 protein whipped into foam, 1 tbsp. olive oil. Apply the mask to the head and rinse off with warm water after 20 minutes.

- 1 yolk, 2 tablespoons banana, 1 tsp. salt. Apply the mask to the head and massage with light movements, rinse the hair with shampoo after an hour.

- 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. burdock oil, 1 tsp. aloe juice. Apply to wet, unwashed hair, after an hour rinse with water and shampoo.

- 200 ml of broth of oats, 1 tbsp. honey. Apply to washed hair.

- 200 ml strong tea, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 yolk. Apply the product to hair for an hour and rinse with water.

- 2 tbsp. balm for hair, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 5 drops of vitamin E. Mix the ingredients and apply to hair for 40 minutes.

- 2 tbsp. hair balm, 2 drops almond oil, 2 drops of olive mass, 2 drops of jojoba oil. Apply the product before washing your hair for half an hour, rinse your hair with warm water and shampoo.

It is also very important for the scalp that you wash off all the care products well, regularly massage the scalp, this not only improves blood circulation, but also enhances hair growth.


Hair follicles are located in the scalp, therefore from a healthy and well-groomed skin their full growth depends. Trichologists agree that without proper scalp care it is impossible to have healthy hair... Currently, beauty salons offer a whole range of hair and scalp care services. These procedures are very expensive, and not every woman is able to afford a systematic visit to the salon. But care can be provided at home, and the result will exceed all expectations.

First of all, skin health depends on general condition health, full balanced nutrition... Therefore, if you have any diseases, go full course examinations and get a doctor's recommendation. Organize full mode work and rest, eat rationally, fractionally and often. Take vitamin and mineral complexes. Lack of vitamins negatively affects overall health and skin condition. Take fish oil or linseed oil, it helps to remove excess cholesterol and saturate the body with high-grade fatty acids, which are the most the best way act on the growth of hair, nails and are responsible for the health of the entire skin. Also important role zinc plays a role in skin health. The lack of this trace element causes dryness and flaking.

Drink 2 liters daily pure water, normalize work gastrointestinal tract... All this in combination has a positive effect on overall well-being and on the skin. It has long been scientifically proven that only external care can not provide 100% of the results for the health of the scalp and hair. Only a complex effect can make the scalp truly healthy.

Wash your hair with a neutral mild shampoo and massage your scalp with your fingertips. Don't be afraid to wash your hair daily. The myth that it will damage your hair and make it brittle is just a myth. Modern detergents not only do not spoil the hair, but also have a healing and health-improving effect, and their mild formula is specially created for daily care... A systematic skin massage will help restore blood circulation and accelerate hair growth.

Massage into scalp three times a week Burr oil... It is sold with a variety of supplements designed to eliminate dandruff and nutrition. To use, massage the oil thoroughly into the scalp and use a comb to spread through all hair.

Eliminate factors that negatively affect hair and scalp. Protect your head from the sun, rain and wind, use natural paints for peroxide-free hair, do not use styling products, do not blow dry. If it is impossible to give up a hairdryer and styling products, then use them as little as possible and only in emergency cases.

Masks have a beneficial effect on the scalp. You can use ready-made cosmetics or rub your own formulations into your skin twice a week. For masks, you can use a mixture of yeast and fresh kefir. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, massage into scalp, leave for 30 minutes and wash off with a mild shampoo. You can also prepare a composition from egg yolk, one teaspoon of cocoa and one teaspoon of brandy. Use the composition in the same way as in the first case.

If the scalp is dry and flaky, rub in warm oil tea tree, cocoa, rosemary, geranium, grapes. Any oil can be bought at a pharmacy. For oily skin, add the juice of half a lemon and a few drops of pine oil to the oil.

With systematic scalp and hair care, you will have amazing results that will surprise more than just you.


Care rules

Every girl should know how to take care of the condition of her skin and make her head feel good.
Scalp care involves following a number of very important rules:

  1. Do not overuse styling products. Try to expose your head to a hairdryer, various irons and curling irons as little as possible. Of course, if you can't do without them, then use them, but remember that if you do this often, the skin will become dry.
  2. Drink. Water enters the scalp when all other organs have already been saturated with it, and only the remnants go to the dermis of the scalp.
  3. Wash your hair. Don't blindly believe that frequent washing head badly affects the condition of the dermis. If your hair grows oily every day and you have a need to cleanse it, do it, but use mild shampoos that are specially designed for oily skin... It is important to know the rules of shampooing: apply shampoo completely wet hair and rinse for at least five minutes to be sure there is no residue. If you do not follow these simple rules, then the dermis can dry out.
  4. Eat well. Proper nutrition- the guarantee of the health of the whole organism and the dermis is no exception. Therefore, balance your diet if you want to have healthy skin heads. Vitamin and mineral nutrition is also very important. It is very beneficial to drink zinc and fish oil.
  5. Monitor ph balance. If you feel dry or itchy, which was not there before, then it is worthwhile to restore the hydrolipid balance of the skin.
  6. Wear a hat. Try to protect your head from weather influences as much as possible, so wear warm hat in winter and Panama in summer.

How to renew ph balance

The dermis of your scalp suffers from the fact that under the influence of various external factors, environmental situation, stress and improper care products, the ph balance of the skin is disturbed, which can be accompanied by dryness and itching. Therefore, attention should be paid to scalp care, which should help restore balance by restoring the acidity of the dermis.
You can try to do this at home with masks, but it is best to ask a specialist for help to restore the ph balance.
In the ph salon, they will try to restore your balance using specialized tools, for example, a complex from ORising or Schwarzkopf, and you may also be offered to use the device.
This procedure is divided into several stages:

  1. Purification. Professional products dissolve keratin, disinfect and deeply clean the pores. Generally, dermis cleansers are suitable for all skin types.
  2. Care. Next, a mask is applied to the head and hair in accordance with the skin type. Minerals and trace elements are also used. The head is wrapped in a towel, and the client sits with the mask for a certain time.
  3. Renewal ph. After the required time has elapsed, the mask is washed off and a moisturizing and nourishing procedure is performed. Restoring agents are used: anti-dandruff lotion, essential oils, more lotion and at the end nourishing mask... Their application is accompanied by massage. Then the head is again wrapped in a towel for 15 minutes.
  4. Protection. On this the last stage leave-in balms are applied to the skin and hair, which envelop the head and protect it from the influence of external factors.

If you have a great desire, you can stock up on the necessary funds and do this procedure at home.

Home care

Of course, at home we can easily take care of the scalp and, if necessary, restore the ph balance of the skin.
The most effective thing we can do for our hair at home are masks. There are an incredible variety of them and, in principle, you can do any, choosing it based on of a certain type skin. There are versatile ones that exercise and nourish the dermis and can help restore ph.

Some of the best masks are:

  1. Kefir + yeast. The ingredients are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with the addition of a teaspoon of sugar. This mixture is heated in a water bath for about 30 minutes and applied to the head, while it is important to rub it thoroughly into the roots. They sit with the mask applied for 30 minutes and then wash off.
  2. Vegetable oil. To a tablespoon of cocoa butter melted in a water bath, add the same amount of jojoba and wheat germ oils. After cooling down, we finish preparing the mask by breaking the yolk into it. It is applied to the head, wrapped in a towel and waited for an hour, and then washed off.
  3. Cocoa + yolk + cognac. We take: cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l., yolk - 1 pc., cognac - 1 tbsp. l. Everything is mixed, slightly warmed up in a water bath and applied to the skin. They warm their heads with a towel and walk for about an hour, and then wash them off.

With such simple masks, you can constantly care for the scalp and keep it in healthy condition... Masks should be done at least once a week, but more often.


At home, to maintain hydrolipid balance and constant care behind the scalp, you can massage it. First, the massage will help to normalize the sebaceous glands. Secondly, it will improve blood circulation in the head area. Of course, if you want to relax as much as possible and get as much benefit as possible, then you should contact the specialists for this service. There you may be offered to do it with special massagers, such as a magnetic comb, or with your hands.
But you can also do this at home yourself. To do this, you should not graduate from specialized courses. It is important to learn a few basic rules here:

  • Massage before shampooing. It stimulates the sebaceous glands, and the hair instantly turns oily, so wash your hair after massaging.
  • Wash your hands before massage.
  • Don't push hard. You shouldn't have any pain, or you are doing the massage incorrectly.
  • Massage with your fingertips, no nails. You can damage your skin with your nails, which can later cause disease.
  • It is worth massaging, starting from the top of the head to different directions in a circular motion, or lightly tap the surface of the head.

When massage is encouraged to use various oils, for example: orange, vervain, eucalyptus, rosemary, almond and jojoba. They provide the skin with essential trace elements and improve its elasticity.

Medical procedures

Many people who care about their health and directly about the scalp, in addition to home procedures, also periodically use the services of specialists. medical institutions... Which has a very positive effect on the health of the skin, because it is not always possible to carry out some manipulations at home. Usually, such specialists are consulted in cases where a quick intervention is needed to strengthen or restore the scalp and hair, but there are exceptions to the rule when people purposefully carry out such procedures for preventive purposes. These special procedures include:

  1. Plasmolifting. It is used to restore and strengthen the scalp and hair. Infections with the patient's blood plasma are injected under the skin, thereby activating immune system and restoring the skin and hair.
  2. Mesotherapy. The procedure is very similar to plasmolifting, the main difference is that not the patient's blood plasma is injected under the skin, but a solution with useful vitamins and trace elements.
  3. Cryomassage. First of all, it serves to cleanse the skin of old epidermis and to activate normal metabolism and blood circulation. Done with liquid nitrogen and further head massage.
  4. Vacuum massage. Identical to cryomassage within the meaning of the procedure . The only difference is the method of exposure to the skin. V this case medical banks are used that create a difference in pressure and a vacuum, thereby activating the regenerative functions of the body.
  5. Gas-liquid peeling. Serves to cleanse the skin and enrich it with useful microelements. It is carried out using a stream of air and liquid enriched with vitamins and microelements.
  6. Darsonvalization. This procedure, according to the assurances of experts, eliminates many problems of the scalp and hair, namely: baldness, dry skin, excessive fat content, kills fungi different forms... It is carried out using the Darsonval apparatus.

All girls want the same thing, to make their hair look well-groomed and beautiful. They attracted attention and made them admire. After all, well-groomed hair is one of the components of success with happy woman... Someone likes to use already proven trade marks, and someone does not trust cosmetology firms and uses proven recipes "from the grandmother."

But no one remembers that it is not only the hair that needs to be looked after and treated, proper scalp care is also important. After all, the skin on the head is as vulnerable as on the face. She can lose useful material and become dry. To avoid such problems, you must follow some rules for hair care.

Hair and scalp care rules

1. Use as little as possible thermal styling, use hair dryers and curling irons, irons. Use less styling products, especially when you know your hair problems are affected by stress or active image life.
2. Avoid dehydration. After all, the fluid you consume enters the scalp last. The amount of fluid consumed should be at least two liters per day.
3. If you are on vacation in hot countries or just often stay in the sun, then you need to wash your hair every day, while using a mild shampoo.
4. Wet hair should never be rubbed or rubbed violently. It is necessary to gently blot. After all, wet hair is more prone to brittleness than dried hair.
5. Eat right. Violation of consumption of the right amount nutrients first of all, it will manifest itself on the hair and scalp. The diet should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits. Reduce or better eliminate alcohol and tobacco use altogether.

Perform all of the above the listed rules scalp care is only half the battle, but without it, it will be impossible to achieve complete success.

Massage of the occipital and temporal region of the head

A great way to combat scalp problems is to massage the occipital and temporal regions regularly. Before performing the massage, you should thoroughly wash your hands and start gentle pressure with your fingertips on certain areas of the head. It is worth remembering that you do not need to press hard, because you are massaging, and not trying to give yourself pain... After lightly pushing through, we begin to tap like raindrops.

Correct "headwash"

Washing your hair, even using one shampoo, must be correct. As shown by surveys in cosmetics stores, few people know how to properly wash their hair.
It is necessary to wet the hair well, support it under running water for at least a minute so that it is completely saturated with water along its entire length and on all sides. The water should be warm and comfortable for water treatments... Apply a small amount of shampoo in the palm of your hand and lather it well, after which we apply the foam to the hair along the entire length - from roots to ends. We do this with massaging movements. Before rinsing off the shampoo, run your fingers between the hair to make sure that the entire length of the hair is lather. Rinse off the shampoo twice as long as it took you to apply it. Stylists advise washing off the shampoo from your hair for at least five minutes. After washing, blot your hair a little with a towel, do not rub or pull on it, because it is very fragile.

If all the operations are carried out correctly, you can start styling your hair.

Video on how you can ruin your scalp